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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The creatures appeared to have little in the way of rebellion, the tentacles doing what they were told without any resistance, while the roper pods only opened themselves up a bit and flicked their tentacles out when the chest was opened. Getting them back into proper storage required little effort, and soon enough, Adelle could go take her bath. Rachaela was nowhere to be seen, most likely still doing something else and opting to wash up later.

Once at the table, Adelle found a small table grill of sorts waiting, one that actually had an open charcoal fire under a metallic grate. A large plate with different meats cut into bite-sized pieces were located next to it, along with some vegetables that could be grilled on another plate. An empty plate as well as a pair of bowls were set up for each person there, one bowl having rice in it while the other had a salad inside. In addition to those, there was a small dipping dish filled with some sort of sauce set up too. Garagan, who was the only one there, explained that the purpose was to fry up your own select food on the grill and dip it in the sauce after it was done. "Something that a Japanese friend told me to try out sometime." he explained the reason for this set-up.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Giggling a bit at how little resistance was coming from her little pets as she'd called them, Adelle gently caressed them and promised both pairs a chance to have some fun with her later as she shut their chests. "I'm sure you little guys... or whatever you are don't mind waiting a bit since I'm giving it to you freely and all," Adelle said in a low voice as she placed them all down into their proper chests.


Coming on down once her bath was done, Adelle saw what Garagan had set up in the kitchen and rather liked the looks and sounds of it. "I like it... I like it a lot actually big guy. I think tonight is gonna turn out pretty good in terms of food. I'll help Clara out a bit though I think with her food, so she doesn't burn herself," Adelle told Garagan as she sat down to prepare for dinner, quite hungry from the day's events.

With that, Adelle would go ahead and start cooking some of the food up, a bit of everything for herself and some for Clara and Rachaela too since they weren't in there yet. As soon as the first piece of the meat was done, Adelle would dip it in some of the sauce and take a bite to taste it as she pulled her bowl of rice and then her salad over to start on them next. When Rachaela and Clara came in they'd see Adelle already starting dinner with her bowl of rice held up close to her face as she dug in. "Hey... sorry I started before you two got in... but I was hungry, because I didn't really get any lunch," Adelle would tell Rachaela and Clara when they entered and she noticed them. "Here cutie, I started cooking some of the vegetables and meat up for you too, and you as well Rachaela," Adelle added, gesturing for Clara to take the seat directly to her right, and offering the seat to her left to Rachaela.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That could be a smart move, yes." Garagan agreed with Adelle helping Clara out as the girl could always risk burning herself a bit. Still, there were a set of small tongs for each of them, so even then it would be a minor risk at best.

The sauce was a strange thing, having slight indications about sugar and salt both, along with a bunch of other things, including a barely detectable hint of alcohol that was present as well. Still, there was no getting drunk from it as it was cooking alcohol. The other ladies soon joined the feast, Rachaela having dealt with feeding her froggies and Clara apparently being there to ask silly questions and follow the event. The two settled down on their respective places to get some eating done, Clara not showing much restraint with going at it while the magician sister did what she always did, approaching the eating time with her usual restraint and manners.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle didn't mind helping Clara out with cooking, unless Clara would rather do it herself, in which case Adelle would just tell her to be careful while she did so and to just ask if she needed some help with anything. The slightly alcoholic sauce tingled in Adelle's mouth however when she tasted it, the busty girl liking the taste quite a bit in fact, as she dipped several different things in it to eat other than just the meat, dipping some of the vegetables in and pouring a small bit out onto some of her rice as well.

"M'kay Clara, we weren't able to find out much today, but we've got a friend that's gonna help us out tomorrow to deal with this bastard that's hypnotized your friends. We're supposed to meet up with her around noon or just after. Do you know Priscilla by chance? Big tall lady that always wears a big furry coat. Well she's going to be helping us to deal with this problem tomorrow after we meet up with her," Adelle said to Clara, giving an update about the situation to the young girl about her friends, looking confident that this would be over with the next day and Clara's friends would be safe again.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Can't say that I know anyone like that..." Clara replied among all the scarfing of food that was happening. "But if she going to help my friends, she is a nice person." she admitted her acceptance towards Priscilla as Garagan set up another round of meats on the grill, shaking his head at the sight of this little girl eating like a vacuum cleaner.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, I thought you might have heard of her, as she helps the homeless in the city quite often from what I've gathered. But no matter, and she is a nice person, though she can get go a bit far when it comes to some things," Adelle replied to Clara, taking a break from eating to drink some water that she'd gotten to go with her meal.

Adelle ate quite a bit herself, more than Clara of course because she was older and all, but still quite a bit more than she usually ate, her stomach just not feeling full before she ate an extra helping of the meat and veggies. After dinner, Adelle would see if Rachaela was going to have a glass of wine as a nightcap before bed, where she'd join her and have a glass herself. She'd also see if Clara would like to sleep in the other room with Rachaela instead of her, or if she'd like to stay with her again that night, not really caring if she wanted to or not and smiling kindly at the young girl if she wished to remain with her that night to snuggle up to while they slept.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rachaela had been drinking the wine during the meal, so there was no need for her to take more of it, but the mage sister did stay around as company for Adelle during her own wine drinking time. Afterwards, she went to take her own bath, Garagan surprisingly following her in after a brief moment when called for by the bathing sister.

For her part, Clara seemed to have completely different ideas than Adelle about sleeping arrangements. "I'll sleep with the big man!" she announced a rather strange decision. It looked like she had taken a liking to Rachaela's manservant and was now doing her best to make use of him, no matter how much it would wear on his nerves.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Sipping her wine after dinner while Rachaela kept her company, Adelle just kicked back and relaxed after the day's events, mentally preparing herself for tomorrow when they'd go to help Priscilla with dealing with the bastard that was using those poor children. After a few minutes, while Adelle was on her second glass of wine, she watched Rachaela go on to take herself a bath, with Garagan following her amazingly enough. Adelle was a bit surprised at this, but didn't say anything about it, figuring that it wasn't her business so she stayed out of it for now. Clara's decision on where she'd be sleeping that night though caught Adelle by surprise as well, as she'd figured Clara would want to sleep with her again to have some nice big pillows to lay on like her little sisters always loved to do back home.

"Well Clara, I guess that's okay as long as Garagan is okay with it. If he doesn't feel like it though then I don't mind you sleeping with me," Adelle told Clara when the young girl mentioned where she wanted to sleep.

After she finished her second glass of wine, Adelle would stop by the bathroom and just knock on the door while Rachaela and Garagan were in there, with Adelle calling inside to let them know she was heading on to bed for the evening and if they needed her for anything to let her know and she also asked Garagan if he was against Clara sleeping with him that night or not, saying she'd take her to bed with her if he didn't want to deal with it. Then with that, Adelle would head on to her bedroom she'd taken for her stay here, where along the way she'd ask Clara if she was still intent on sleeping with Garagan, letting the young girl know whether or not he minded her sleeping with him that night as per his answer when she asked him about it, taking her on to bed with her if he didn't want her with him.

After getting to her bedroom, Adelle would sit down and clean her pistols and her sword before climbing in bed to rest. If Clara wasn't with her, then Adelle would take off her shirt before climbing under the covers, where she'd think about what all happened that day, remembering what the tentacled critters had done to her and how good it felt, the soft ache of their fun still lingering down low. She also wondered if Rachaela was going to pay her a visit that night as well, which was one reason she wasn't going on to sleep just yet, so that she'd at least be ready for the little dominatrix and would at least see her coming.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The knocking resulted in an acknowledgement from Rachaela, the goings inside the bathroom apparently not being anything of a naughty nature. And again, the revelation that he would be dealing with Clara even while sleeping made Garagan sigh, but he did not try to deny going against her and told Adelle that he was fine with it, a faint sense of reluctance detectable in there of course. While he did not deny it, it did look like he had some concern towards the prospect. Clara had not changed her mind about it either, still pretty adamant about using the big man as a resting spot for the night.

With the little maintenance she needed to perform on her equipment done, Adelle flopped into bed. While she was expecting Rachaela to appear with her state of loneliness in the room, the wait was long and there was no sign of the small-statured sister and her naughty tricks to be seen or heard.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Chuckling softly at Garagan's reluctantly agreeing to let Clara sleep with him that night, and Clara seemed just as intent on doing so as she had earlier from what Adelle could see. Afterwards she worked on cleaning her guns up and her blade, making sure her weaponry was all cleaned up, after which she laid on down to rest and wait to see if Rachaela would pay her a visit that night. After a while, she could tell that Rachaela wouldn't be coming that night at the very least and so she laid back and closed her eyes to head on to sleep, her body weary still from the day's events and wanting to rest.

Unless there were any interruptions, Adelle would quickly fall asleep on her bed underneath the soft covers, with the busty girl stretching out and slipping into a deep peaceful sleep.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Not before long, realizing that she had nothing to wait for, Adelle stopped thinking about any possible visits from others and simply let herself go and drift away into the soothing peace of sleep.

Once the morning came though, she found out that Rachaela had managed to sneak one on her again, playing another naughty trick at the busty girl's expense. Small, portable milking pumps had been set up on both of her titties somewhere along the night when she had no sense of what was happening. The things were still going at their job, the can that they were connected to on the floor next to the bed having some filling inside already. And to make the situation worse, the dastardly little sister had thrown Adelle's blanket to the bed next to her, preventing any chance to keep herself covered. Additionally, a ball gag had somehow been slipped onto her and her limbs bound into the corners of the bed with those leather cuffs that the mage seemed to fancy. It was not a set-up that would keep her there forever though, as there was some detectable faults in the cuffs, slight adjustment errors that could allow escape with some wiggling and pulling about. But for all that, Rachaela had stayed out from Adelle's pants this time around. Maybe she wanted to be sure about remaining undetected and not wake her chosen victim up in the middle of the operation.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she lay there slowly falling asleep, Adelle felt safe enough here in the house to slip her shirt off before she did finally conk out completely, not wanting the shirt to get too tight around her chest if she tossed and turned, which was something she thought she'd start doing from now on since her dreams have been a bit troubled of late. She had the faint thought that Rachaela might try something once she was asleep, but she was too tired to really care at this point and conked on out.


The next morning, Adelle woke on her back, having moved about little during the night apparently. She felt quite cool however, and there was a gentle suckling pleasure coming from her breasts. As soon as she opened her eyes Adelle saw what was going on and let out a muffled gasp because of the ballgag in her mouth and she immediately tried to grab the milking cups off of her tits. Adelle found though that her hands had been bound and looked over at them where she also saw her blankets that had been moved off of her in the night too. She then noticed the milk tank on the floor next to the bed and that it was quite full of her milk.

"Oh that little devil... I'm gonna make sure to get her back for this," Adelle mumbled as she began wriggling to get free, only halfheartedly at first, because she did like the feel of her breasts being milked dry like this, and also to see if Rachaela would show up and comment on any of this.

Whether or not Rachaela did show up, after about 5 minutes or so Adelle would struggle free a bit harder so that she could get up. Once she was free she would check how full the milk tank was and if it was near full, then she would allow it to finish, figuring that she might as well let it do so and not waste the opportunity to let it since Rachaela seemed to have wanted some of her milk so badly. After that she'd take off the milking cups and turn the machine off, either after the milk tank was full or before if it would take a while longer still to fill it up. Then she'd head to do her morning bathroom routine of using the toilet, brushing her hair and then her teeth in that order before fixing her hair into a long beautiful blue braid with a ribbon tied at the end of it to hold it together.

When she was done with that, Adelle would splash some water on her face and head back to grab some clothing, choosing a pair of her new jeans and one of her new blue T-shirts she'd gotten to wear for the day, then she would head over to Rachaela's room to see if she was in there, pecking on the door softly to see if she was, taking the milk tank with her. If Rachaela wasn't in there, Adelle would set the milk tank back in her bedroom for now on the other side of her bed and out of sight of Clara if she peeked inside, then she'd head downstairs. If Rachaela was in her room though, then Adelle would simply blush red as a beet as she opened the door, where she would hand the milk tank over to the little dominatrix, saying, "Here... if you'd needed some milk though you could have just asked and I wouldn't have minded giving it to you," Adelle would tell Rachaela with an embarrassed look on her face.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite the slow path towards freedom that Adelle took, she did not get to see Rachaela come in and make a comment or something at her. It was all her at the moment, from the start to the moment of freedom. But eventually she was free, and the can had filled by the she was, so there was no need to wait any further. After turning the machine off, the busty girl went off to do her usual morning duties, which she did with the usual routine efficiency.

Once she had gotten into her clothes again, Adelle went over to the room next door, stumbling across Clara on the way there. The little girl looked at the two-liter in her hands, the look on her face saying that she had a question or three about it, but fortunately did not ask any and simply went on her way. Rachaela did indeed appear to be in her room, and told the busty girl to come in. The room she slept in was similar to the one that Adelle herself was in, but one of the beds was replaced with a much bigger, queen-sized bed, the mage girl's personal resting spot. The sister was up, though she had not gotten out of bed yet, sipping on a tea that had been brought out to her while still in her nightgown. Once the bottle was presented to her, the girl instructed Adelle to put it on the nightstand. "I know that much, you silly sub. I think there are a few things that you would refuse me at this point. But, asking for that would not be any fun, now would it? When I can just do it like this and get some enjoyment out of it."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After seeing that Rachaela wasn't coming for her to make any comments or laugh at her for what she'd done. Thankfully it didn't take too long to for her to get free, where she went on to do her morning business. Afterwards she got the milk jug and headed over to Rachaela's bedroom, passing Clara along the way who looked extremely curious about the milk jug and its contents, though thankfully she didn't ask Adelle about it just yet, because that'd be very embarrassing. Entering Rachaela's room when the girl told her to come on inside, Adelle did so and saw that Rachaela was still laying in the bed sipping some tea.

"I-I'm not silly, but that was a little mean doing that to me while I was asleep, n-not so much the milk pumps, but cuffing me to the bed and taking the blanket, I was kind of cold when I woke up. You could have at least left it over me some," Adelle said with a blush creeping up her cheeks as she set the milk jug down, speaking up against Rachaela about being silly, though not denying anything about being a sub. "S-So are you gonna go with me and Priscilla later? And to go and check Kozlov's place out before that?" Adelle asked Rachaela, trying to change the subject somewhat away from what Rachaela had done during the night.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rachaela simply giggled off the accusations towards her behavior, keeping up the role that she was so fond of and finishing her tea in a leisurely fashion. "Hmm, should I? Do you think you need me?" she asked before hopping out of her bed, the nightgown swishing about as she grabbed a camera that Adelle had failed to notice on the nightstand and took a quick picture of the busty girl. The camera produced the image immediately, and she stored the snapshot right away, not giving any explanation about the act. Afterwards, she went to the nearby closet to ponder her selection of a dress for the day, a variety of slightly different but mostly similar garments lined up in the closet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Um... well I mean only if you want to that is. I'm not gonna try and force you to go with me or anything. But I don't know if Priscilla will be back up to a hundred percent today, so you know, I figure the more we got the better our chances we can save those kids and put an end to that bastard," Adelle said as Rachaela hopped up and off the bed.

When Rachaela snapped her photo of Adelle, the busty girl was a bit surprised and wondered what the picture was for, but didn't go ahead and ask, figuring that she wouldn't get a straight answer anyway most likely. Adelle stood there for a few moments while Rachaela pondered what to wear for the day, where she then headed on out. "I'll go see if Garagan has breakfast ready yet and what it is," Adelle said before heading on out and downstairs to find out what was for breakfast.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, I imagine I could come along for the retrieval job. With that huge lady around, it looks like a cinch to do." Rachaela agreed to go on the first issue they had and see if she would be of help along the way. "Not all that sure about the house inspection, I imagine you can do that without me being there." she continued as she picked up one of the several fancy dresses and began to put it on. Garagan appeared to the room just then, ready to help his chosen Lady with the complicated garment. "Go take a seat at the table, I'll be there shortly to make some omelettes for all of us. Do you have something that you'd like me to put in yours?" the big man both asked and instructed Adelle as they passed each other by the door. Regardless, he had already prepared toast and the usual works in advance, and those were already available for the busty girl to enjoy as she waited for the others. After a few minutes, Clara hopped in as well, going to town on a piece of toast.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well that's true I guess, I'll head on out first then and meet you back here to go meet Priscilla around eleven thirty or so, shouldn't take us longer than thirty minutes to get to her and all to head on out. I hope he's got a nice house and it's in a good part of town," Adelle said to Rachaela, looking a bit giddy about the possibility of her own place and it would show to Rachaela as she picked out her dress.

As she turned to head on out, Adelle saw Garagan coming in and nodded at him when he spoke up and slid around him as he went to help Rachaela. "I'll go ahead and get the stuff out to cook some with while you help her then. Unless you've already got it out that is, and no just a regular omelet for me, nothing special," Adelle said as she went on downstairs and found some toast already done. Then she got out any necessary ingredients needed for the omelets before she went over and grabbed a couple of slices of toast and buttered them to eat with some water as Clara came in soon after and got some of the toast too, where she looked at all that was already fixed up curiously, grabbing some of that all too to eat after the omelets were all done.

When Garagan came on in with Rachaela, Adelle would offer to help him with the omelets, not minding doing anything with him in the way of cooking and liking to help out as much as she could. Though if he insisted then she would sit down and wait for breakfast to finish getting ready, sipping at some more water in the meantime and nibbling on some more toast.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Garagan did not appear to have anything against Adelle helping him in the matter of omelette preparation, having her cut up some of the fillings to the omelettes while he did the main task of frying the eggs. The one that the busty girl had ordered herself came out the fastest as it was a simple plain one with no added frills. The others had a more interested approach towards it, theirs having something added inside to increase the nutritional value. Garagan's own one was a pretty hefty one, since he basically made two different omelettes for himself and slapped the one on top of the other after putting some ham and peppers onto the bottom one. Not before long, they were at the table and eating away all the stuff that had been prepared.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Helping Garagan get their omelets fixed up, they all soon sat down to eat, with Adelle's omelet being just a plain one with her taking up some of the extra bits around the table and some more toast, while the others got their respective bits in their omelets that they wanted. Once the food was all done, Adelle sat down passed Clara her plate and sat her own down and began eating. Once she ate all of her breakfast, Adelle wiped her mouth off and got up, telling Rachaela that she'd go ahead and go to meet Kozlov before they went to meet up with Priscilla here shortly.

"I'll be back or should be back around eleven to eleven thirty or so for us to go meet Priscilla and to then go help Clara's friends," Adelle said as she went on to grab her coat and hat,also fixing her pistol holsters onto her legs and putting the guns into them.

She decided to grab her assault rifle and submachine gun as well to get them fitted with the attachments promised at the gun store by the old Santa looking guy, slinging them both over her shoulders after grabbing her backpack and about a quarter of her remaining funds which she put into her backpack. Then she patted the two chests with her pets in them, muttering that she'd be back shortly for some fun hopefully unless she was just too tired, then she went on out, telling Rachaela and the others bye for now.

Heading out, Adelle hurried along to the gun store to get her two new weapons kitted out with attachments, whistling a tune along the way.