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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Since Adelle had a game plan, that was how the girls would go about their retaliation. The beginning looked good enough, the sword that she was wielding cutting into the tentacle creature that was trying to grab her from a nearby desk. Rachaela fared similarly good, a well-timed burst of force repelling the tentacle creature that hurtled across the air towards her. Then it got a bit messier as the one lurking in the ceiling dropped from it's ambush spot, ending up squarely on the top of Adelle's head with the successful drop. The attack left the busty girl slightly staggered, slimed and even partially blinded as the thing grabbed hold of her head, but thankfully she did not fall down as a result, showing that she had not gone without development after all these battles. There was a clear plan that the ceiling dropper employed, now seeking to further increase the stability of it's position as it brought more tentacles forward, attempting to get a hold on Adelle's neck as well as poking a tentacle at her mouth in an effort to get it in. Whatever that implied, it was more likely to be bad than good if than good if any previous experiences were an indication.

Adelle 5/6 HP 0/10 AP (Head grappled) Rachaela 4/4 HP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP
Tentacles A 3/4 HP Tentacles B 3/3 (Grappling Adelle's head) Tentacles C 4/5
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Slashing the monster that was nearest to her on the desks, Adelle saw a bit of blood fly out from it as she swung her blade, and she noticed Rachaela had fared well too thankfully by blasting her opponent back. When the one dropped from the ceiling though, Adelle didn't jump in fright, as she'd planned on getting grabbed by at least one of them at some point in all of this and knew that she wouldn't be able to prevent it. So she took it all in stride as it latched onto her head and began trying to poke a tentacle into her mouth, as she clamped her limps shut and teeth too, then reached up with her hand that wasn't on her sword hilt and attempted to tear the thing off of her before it got a good enough hold around her neck to choke her, while slashing at the other one she was facing off with. Surely she could use this slippery slime to her advantage that the thing was emitting from itself and could sling it off somehow, Adelle thought.

"Not yet you bastard, you aren't getting a good hold on me that easily," Adelle said to herself, determined not to allow this one to get the better of her that quickly as she staggered but stayed upright. She could only steal a glance over at Rachaela to make sure she was alright or needed her help, as she was facing two instead of one, but if she had to she'd draw the attention of all three by some means to give Rachaela the time to either go get help, or prepare a big spell that could blast all three of them off of Adelle. Rachaela's words had given her confidence earlier about leading them, and she was by the gods going to lead them and make sacrifices of her body if she had to in order to protect her physically weaker comrade, because she felt that Rachaela would do the same if their roles were reversed.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Trying to solve the situation, Adelle put up her best struggle. She somehow managed to swat the other tentacle critter back as it tried to come join the pile that was going on, but did not have as much luck with the one that was grappling her. The determined thing held on pretty darn stubbornly, resisting the pull before coiling more tentacles on the pretty head that it had landed on, securing itself around Adelle's neck and obscuring her vision a bit more with the combined efforts of the slime that was now dripping down her face and some strategically placed tentacles. A little more worrying was the fact that it was clearly familiar with how the human anatomy worked, and was trying to find a way around the tightly closed lips by choking her. One tentacle even blocked her nose. It was obviously trying to force Adelle into gasping so she could be orally violated.

On the other side, it looked a bit bleaker for Rachaela as well, the mage sister finding herself grappled after a mistimed spellcasting.

Adelle 4/6 HP 0/10 AP (Head grappled) Rachaela 3/4 HP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP (Grappled)
Tentacles A 2/4 HP Tentacles B 3/3 (Grappling Adelle's head) Tentacles C 4/5 (Grappling Rachaela)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Amazingly her slash landed on the other creature she was facing, which she hadn't expected to say the least considering the distraction she had on her head. Though unfortunately she hadn't been able to remove that annoying critter, which was even now tightening around her neck and trying to block her nose enough to force her to open her mouth to breathe in some air. It was a good strategy that she couldn't fault it for really, but she couldn't give up just yet and attempted to poke the thing with her sword, trying to keep the other at bay with a kick of her leg before she became too blinded to fight any longer.

"Dammit, come off," Adelle grunted to herself as she tried to stab the one on her head and rip it off of her.

Then she noticed Rachaela's plight and immediately stopped trying to rip the on on her head off and just went with stabbing it as she rushed over to Rachaela and grabbed the one on her companion, trying to pull it loose from her, even going so far as to pulling it loose from Rachaela so it fell right into her large chest, which she was sure it would like to say the least, this move being a sacrifice she was willing to make in order to keep Rachaela clear to cast her spells, because she was filled with confidence at the moment that she could handle it and felt this was the right move to make for the sake of the both of them in the long run to find the girl they were looking for, which Adelle was starting to get a pretty good idea as to what happened to her if these creatures were any indication.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Switching for the assistance mode, Adelle haphazardly poked at the monster clinging onto her head as she moved over to Rachaela's position. She managed to hurt the creature and prevent it from carrying on with the choking, but it still clung onto her with a tedious grip. The other monster tried to keep up as the two moved, but only ended up plopping onto the floor behind. Grabbing the creature that was trying to subdue her mage companion was a good maneuver and Adelle tore it's grip off from the slimmer girl and tossed it to the side, succeeding in a good enough manner to not have a need for a more sacrificial move. Rachaela even managed to dart to the side and fire off an icicle into the flying critter as it landed.

Adelle 4/6 HP 0/10 AP (Head grappled) Rachaela 3/4 HP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP
Tentacles A 2/4 HP Tentacles B 2/3 (Grappling Adelle's head) Tentacles C 3/5
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Unable to tear the thing off of her head despite the stab to it, Adelle grunted and went for the one on Rachaela and tore it off of her, managing to do so and toss it away without any trouble. The remaining creature all the while stumbling and bumbling along behind her trying to keep up with her and the one on her head. As soon as Rachaela was freed, Adelle would step on the one that'd been grappling with her, to prevent it from going after Rachaela again, while at the same time trying to pull the one on her head loose once and for all, the third one being ignored save a glance to make sure it didn't sneak up on her for the moment as she could only focus on so much at one time. If she managed to pull the one on her head loose, Adelle would stab the one that'd been trying to take Rachaela down while she held it down with her foot.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With some control on the situation now in effect, Adelle sought to bring it under further control with her actions. Stomping on the one that had just been pulled off, she attempted to hold it down but the thing only stayed under her foot for a few seconds before slipping away from the crush. It was not a total waste though as Rachaela followed up with another icicle to the critter, piercing it for the second time. The one on Adelle's head capitalized on the distraction and re-established the earlier grip that it had, once more aiming to push itself into the busty girl's mouth with the previous strategy coming back for another try. To make matters worse, the one that had flopped behind earlier had gained up and slammed itself against Adelle from the back, quickly tying itself around her body in a loose grip with several tentacles to hold on. The slimy appendages moved about the front side, brushing against the girl's considerably huge chest a good few times and sloshing slime onto her as well. Despite the nature of the situation, the pokes and slime managed to cause a small tinge of heat in the girl.

Adelle 3/6 HP 1/10 AP (Head grappled and grappled) Rachaela 3/4 HP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP
Tentacles A 2/4 HP (Grappling Adelle) Tentacles B 2/3 (Grappling Adelle's head) Tentacles C 2/5
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she tussled with the creature on her head, Adelle just couldn't keep the one under her foot down for too long, but it was enough for Rachaela to find her opening and cast another spell on it thankfully. Then while she tried to prevent herself from being strangled or smothered by the one on her head, the other one that she'd been forced to ignore slammed into her back and wrapped around her as well, its tentacles pressing against the undersides of her breasts enough to spark an unbidden reaction in the form of her nipples hardening up slightly. Dammit that was all she needed, another distraction. She had to get these things off of her quickly before it was too late, or at the very least get them all on her to keep Rachaela in the clear to maybe find the girl if she was in the office ahead and get her to clear and to safety.

Kicking her leg out again at the one Rachaela was dueling with, to draw it to her instead of Rachaela and make her seem the bigger threat to it, Adelle then purposely fell backwards onto her back to smush the one holding onto her there, still keeping her mouth as tightly shut as possible. "Gods I hope this works and buys Rachaela time to check inside that door over there," Adelle thought to herself as she gestured towards the door they were trying to get to to Rachaela, so the mage girl would go and check inside to see if the girl they were searching for was inside, and if she was, then Adelle would launch herself at the remaining creature and pin it down with her own body to give Rachaela time to rescue their objective and get her out safely while she handled this... or more likely got handled by these things.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The remaining tentacle monster seemed pretty intent on going after Rachaela, but Adelle's kick diverted it off-course as it flew away to the side. The mage girl went for the door, not quite reaching it just then but being safe from attack as the one that had been hounding her had been kicked aside. The fall was less successful as squishy body of the tentacle mass absorbed the blow pretty soundly, the damage caused staying at a minimal level even with the weight that there was in Adelle's front side. The action got even more dangerous as the thing continued to mount an offensive, the tentacles that had been previously brushing at the undersides of her boobies now sneaking around them and squeezing tightly for increased heat. Other tentacles snaked around her upper arms, trying to immobilize the girl by taking the control from her arms away and leaving her unable to stand up. This was not helped at all by the fact that she was still being choked by the other one that was doggedly trying to get inside her mouth.

Adelle 2/6 HP 3/10 AP (Head grappled and grappled) Rachaela 3/4 HP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP
Tentacles A 2/4 HP (Grappling Adelle) Tentacles B 2/3 (Grappling Adelle's head) Tentacles C 1/5
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's kick struck home she saw as the remaining creature not holding her was kicked across the room a bit and away from Rachaela, freeing the mage girl up to head for the door even as she struck the creature again with another spell along the way, and it seemed to have prevented it from going after Rachaela easily as well. When she fell back though it didn't do quite what she wanted it to do because of the squishy nature of the creature, which absorbed much of the impact and prevented any real damage.

"Shit... just my luck it wouldn't work like I wanted it to," Adelle inwardly cursed her rotten luck.

When the one behind her snaked a couple of tentacles around and squeezed her breasts fairly tightly, Adelle almost let out a gasp and moan of pleasure, but stopped herself, trying to tear the one on her head off so she could breathe before her arms were wrapped up to the point that she couldn't get them off of her any longer. While she did that, she stabbed with her sword to get the one on her head off as well, rolling around a bit to try and grind the one on her back into the floor to hurt it some, or at least keep it focused on her. If she couldn't get the one on her head off completely, she would settle for just enough to catch her breath while grabbing a nearby piece of debris to chuck at the other one still around if Rachaela couldn't finish it off. All the while she tried her best to ignore the breast groping the one on her back was doing, holding her mouth tightly shut no matter how good it felt and only letting out muffled grunts of pleasure.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

No matter how hard she tried, the combined efforts of the two tentacle monsters were seriously threatening to completely subdue Adelle into the position where she would be unable to mount a resistance against whatever they had in store for her. The coils that were tightening around her arms managed to suppress the swing that the busty girl tried to pull as a desperation attack against the head-mounted monster, preventing any harm and allowing it to continue doing what it was, namely continuing with maintaining the vice grip around the lovely female's neck and steadily pushing her towards submission or unconsciousness, it did not appear to matter too much. The tentacle still pushed itself at her lips, a small amount of slime coating them and a bit even dripping inside as the resistance continued, still somehow holding out against all the abuse. The tentacles that had wound themselves all over Adelle's boobies continued to use her as well, releasing their tension for a while before squeezing again, their tips poking at Adelle's nipples through the faric of her shirt. A few snaked their way across her crotch, not managing to do as much as they too tightened against the shorts that the girl had on. The situation looked bleak, but not impossible to escape regardless. There still was a window of time that would allow a chance for freedom before it was completely over.

The stray tentacle monster chased after Rachaela, both of them entering the room as the mage sister went inside, temporarily ignoring the bind that her companion was in. After a while, another casting of a spell and a series of splurts could be heard.

Adelle 1/6 HP 5/10 AP (Head grappled and grappled)
Tentacles A 2/4 HP (Grappling Adelle) Tentacles B 2/3 (Grappling Adelle's head)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The things were tightening around her arms enough to throw her swings off now, so Adelle couldn't tear the things off of her just yet even as it continued choking her into submission, which she was soon going to give in to before she lost consciousness most likely, because she didn't wanna get knocked out here. The slime it leaked out onto her face and lips managed to lube her lips up a good bit, but thankfully just not enough to allow it entry into her mouth yet. As the one groping her tits continued, winding around them some more and squeezing a bit before loosening a bit and then squeezing again and then teasing her nipples, Adelle couldn't suppress a moan escaping her lips, but she clamped them back shut instantly to keep the tentacles from getting in. As the other tentacles slid across her shorts and tightened up on her crotch area, Adelle whimpered slightly, knowing that she couldn't hold out much longer against this onslaught. Desperate times call for desperate measures, Adelle thought to herself as she prepared to do probably the silliest thing she could probably do in this situation.

Laying her sword down, Adelle grabbed the tentacle trying to slip into her mouth so she'd have enough time to speak with one hand, while using the other to keep out any other intruders for the moment. "Alright you two... if I stop struggling... and let you have your fun... then you've gotta help me okay. I'll even let you come with me... but you can't just start doing naughty things like that whenever you want. And don't ruin my clothes dammit, I don't want to have to go back naked after this for everyone to ogle me along the way," Adelle said, grunting slightly as she struggled to keep her mouth from being taken by the tentacle. Then she called over to Rachaela in the other room. "Rachaela... sorry I don't think I'm gonna... be getting loose anytime soon. Just... get the girl if she's in there and go alright, get her somewhere safe, I'll be alright and I'll meet you outside when I get loose..." Adelle called to Rachaela, struggling to hold the tentacles out of her mouth at least until she finished, but she wouldn't just give up completely if the two on her didn't seem like they wished to comply with her suggestion and she'd attempt to throw the one on her head off and across the room, though she was fairly certain she wouldn't win in a struggle with these two, not with her body already betraying her a good bit with her pussy already starting to get wet and her nipples already very hard thanks to the rubbing and teasing they were getting.

If they did loosen up a bit, Adelle would shrug out of her coat and pull her top off, unbuttoning her shorts to let the creature on her back slide them down on its own so she at least didn't lose her clothing to these things and could wear them afterwards, and who knows maybe she'd gain a couple of more pets out of these two like with the Roper pods the other day, which she still needed to check on she thought to herself.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As much of a long shot that it was to assume that these creatures would understand her, it appeared that it was indeed the case as the effects that Adelle had applied onto her eased up when she began addressing the two, the choke hold loosening up to allow the girl to speak as soon as there was indication that she was trying to do so. There appeared to be some consensus among the two that maybe this was beneficial to their interests and just might be an offer that they should take since it was so readily given to them. Rachaela did not reply just then, but there was no sign of struggle or a fight, so she was probably not in trouble, most likely investigating the room at the moment. Getting the coat off was pretty much impossible as the creature that was clinging to her back would not let Adelle go that easily, most likely seeing the move as a risk to their position of control. Still, it did allow the busty girl to pull her shirt up and get them shorts opened, which were tugged down to her knees afterwards. No further freedoms were given though as the tentacle critters claimed their part of the deal. With the troublesome clothing now out of the way, the slimy tentacles could freely do as they pleased, teasing the girl's huge boobies in any way they might have desired, though the squeeze remained a constant feature that never really ceased, only loosed and re-tightened periodically. Other than that, it was the gamut of things that could be done. Flicks at nipples, poking and sliding across the skin, even occasional pulls as a small, wire-like tentacle emerged from the tip of the bigger one and grabbed hold of the stiff nipples to tug at them. The one downstairs did not seem to consider Adelle's panties an obstacle in any way, smoothly sliding inside them no problem. There, it slid across her crotch, never penetrating but continuing along while remaining in close contact with the girl's skin, going past her asshole and along the crack of her butt to form a crotch rope of sorts with itself before tightening up, now doing it much more effectively as it was rubbing against naked skin. Having done this, the living crotch rope began to slide back and forth, never letting up the tension as it did so.

The second monster, now sure that it was allowed to do whatever, relieved the grip around Adelle's neck and face to a level where she could breathe and look around freely. It still remained where it was though, like a weird turban or helmet of sorts, firmly perched on the girl's head. A pair of smaller tentacles slid out then, tugging lightly at the corners of her mouth to open her up before a bigger one hovered towards the open hole, the one that had been aiming to go there across the entire struggle between them most likely. It was not forceful this time around, going in with a determined but not harsh push, and the smaller brethren were gone as soon as the main tentacle had securely made it's way inside. The smaller ones moved to other things, doing silly stuff like curling Adelle's hair around themselves and pulling at it from time to time as well as poking the girl on the nose or cheeks with their slimy tips. The big one focused on doing what it was after, namely plunging back and forth inside her mouth. There was enough girth in it to prevent any real talking as Adelle had to keep her mouth pretty wide open to allow the thing it's fun, but once more it did not feel too hard on her as the wet and hot appendage kept nailing her orally. While they had been down on the ground previously, the tentacles had let Adelle up to her knees to get the clothes out of the way, and it looked like this was how they wanted to keep her. The one on the back had pulled the busty girl's arms behind her back and coiled a strong tentacle around them several times, so she was not getting away easy. And while it was probably tempting and might have eased up on the strain, the monsters did not let her bend forward to lean her head and upper body against the ground, a painful whip cracking her butt if that was attempted.

While all this was going on, the molested girl could hear footsteps again, coming from the direction where Rachaela had gone into. Not too long after, she could also hear the sound of small wheels rolling towards her. "Hmm..." she could hear the mage girl ponder aloud. The rolling eventually stopped, and Adelle could see an office chair near her, not a moment later until Rachaela took a seat on it, directing it straight at the scene. "Now that was something. And this scene... I think I need to see the outcome." she spoke calmly, that menace from the previous night present in her voice once again. There was no sign of the third tentacle monster or the girl, only the mage sister herself. "There was nothing of interest back there, but I think this makes up for it. Oh yes..." she teased, firmly remaining seated on the spot she had chosen, supervising the scene that was unfolding right before her eyes. Looks like the sadistic Rachaela had struck again, and was now delaying their mission to satisfy herself.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Amazingly enough Adelle's words were heard by the two creatures... at least she thought they were anyway as the one around her neck loosened up enough for her to breathe again as she spoke, which she immediately did after speaking and took in as big a breath as she could just in case the one on her head decided to choke her some more. She couldn't shrug out of her coat however as they didn't seem to want to let go enough for her to attempt to get it off, which she of course couldn't blame them much for, because they thought she might try and use that as an opportunity to escape most likely, which she of course wouldn't do since they had already let up on choking her. Getting her shirt up and off and her shorts down enough for them to do as they wished, Adelle braced for them to do what they wanted. She let out a pleasurable sigh as her breasts were teased directly by the slimy tentacles, though she didn't try to escape and tried to relax her body into their grasp, not entirely liking the fact that she was doing so, but resigning herself to this as she did try to persuade them by telling them that she'd let them do what they wanted if they eased up and helped her afterwards, and they'd already gone through on the first part of the deal and eased up.

The flicks and tugs at her nipples brought forth a few soft moans and gasps from Adelle that she couldn't hold in, which probably made the pair of creatures on her enjoy this much more than they had thus far. As soon as the lower creature slid the tentacle between her legs and looped it around to form the fleshy crotch rope, she was past the point of no return she knew, as it just felt too good to pull them loose now and would likely only anger them to try. Moaning aloud as her pussy got wetter and wetter the more the slimy tentacles slid across it, Adelle looked up at the one on her head as it relieved the tension around her neck while trying to open her mouth up, where she willingly opened her mouth for it without a struggle, knowing what it was about to do and relaxing her throat as best she could for it. She let out a muffled moan as it entered her mouth, the thing thankfully not being harsh in its thrusting, and if it started going down her throat she would gag on it a bit and cough, letting it know not to be too rough on her throat because of her inexperience with this particular thing.

Struggling up to her knees, Adelle slid her panties down with her shorts, making sure they were out of the way so she didn't lose them if these two got rougher with her. Then she did her best to slide her arms out of her coat to let it fall to the floor to kick away if she could manage it, allowing the lower creature to wrap one arm while she removed the other one from her coat and switching arms once her coat was partially removed, if the thing allowed her to that is. If it didn't she would just bear with it for the time being as best she could, twisting her body this way and that from the pleasure hitting her most sensitive spots. When both of her arms were bound behind her so she couldn't struggle free from the two, Adelle attempted to lean forward to relieve a bit of the strain on her body, only to have her ass spanked with a tentacle for trying it. Wriggling her ass enticingly at the first spank, Adelle's mind caved to the lust growing within her as she tried to entice a second spank from her two new friends, her flower sopping wet to the point it was dripping her juices onto the floor past the tentacle crotch rope teasing her. Unable to control herself, Adelle leaned forward again to receive another spank if the things didn't give her one already after the first, staying leaned forward a bit so that they would, though she would wiggle around a bit for them enticingly to let them know she was enjoying the spanking and not to be too harsh in administering it... though it was really up to them she knew and at this point she couldn't stop them if they wanted to spank her hard. Too hard a spank though would make Adelle stay upright for them like a good girl, with the busty blue haired huntress partially closing her eyes from the pleasure.

She barely even noticed when Rachaela reentered the room, the foggy haze of lust too great in her to notice too much around her really. Though when Rachaela sat down and spoke to her, Adelle would open her eyes and raised her head from whatever position she was in to look at her companion, a look of embarrassment in her eyes as her cheeks flushed red. She remembered that tone of Rachaela's and remembered what happened the last time she heard it, the thoughts of that time causing her to get even wetter and hornier than she already was. She tried to speak to Rachaela, but all that came out was muffled moans, though she was trying to tell her not to watch that it was embarrassing, however Adelle's eyes told a different story, that she was enjoying this humiliation while Rachaela watched and did nothing, Adelle's dirty side showing itself to Rachaela and her two new tentacled friends which probably thrilled both parties a good bit.

Deep down she wanted the humiliation to continue, while at the same time she wished for it to end, but her body was betraying her it seemed and wouldn't comply with her wishes to even try to end this.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I think... you are trying to say that I should not be looking at this, maybe even stop it all from happening, but... You don't honestly mean that. Those eyes aren't exactly suggesting the same thing. You are enjoying this, despite that half-hearted attempt at denying it. Am I right?" Rachaela asked from her chair, leaning back as she absorbed the entire event into her mind, no doubt drawing all the enjoyment she could from the humiliation. "I really wish I had my camera, this could have made a lot of wonderful video.." she teased a bit as the two continued to work on the busty girl. It almost looked like Rachaela would have the best experience imaginable with the scene if someone gave her a glass of wine to sip on while the tentacles abused their victim as she looked on. "But don't worry, I'll remember every little juicy detail... perfectly..."

No matter how hard she tried to aid the creatures with doing what they did, Adelle found that she was not allowed to reduce her clothing at that point, getting only harsh denials when she tried. If the one going down on her body decided that it would rip her panties, it certainly would do so and she was not going to have any say in the matter at this point. The head-mounted monster was relatively nice with how it went on to perform the violation, not poking in too deep as it rammed itself against Adelle's throat but not going further in just then, sticking to the easy place for the moment. After a while, it pulled out and hovered near Adelle's face for a while, vibrating a bit before giving her face some cream. Once it was all done with the release, another tentacle from the head monster took it's place, once more filling the girl's mouth up as it sought more action in there. While all this went on, the smaller stray tentacles continued playing around with Adelle's hair, staying in the same silly things that they had done before.

The one on her back seemed to have more a little more in the way of plans. Eventually finishing up with the crotch rope act, it pulled the tentacle back, coiling it and another one together to make a combined braid of a tentacle. That particular combination limb was the thing that Adelle was going to be penetrated with, and the creature made it sure that she knew by slapping her face with it a few times before it retreated back down. The thing went into her panties, leisurely tugging them down some before doing a quick line-up and plunge into the girl's depths. It was not holding back much, going to the harder thrusts straight away as it sought to go deeper as fast as possible. The breast play continued as it had before, maybe a bit less intensely now as the monster had partially shifted attention elsewhere. The mouth raper soon appeared to be ready again, doing another withdraw as it shifted target and threw a load onto Adelle's tits this time. Not giving much recovery time, it replaced the missing tentacle with yet another one as soon as the old one had left. This one started like the other ones had, but soon there was some guidance given as a few smaller tentacles rolled under the girl's jaw and guided her to tilt her head back. Once she was in position, the oral assaulter plunged down past her throat, doing a brief foray towards her stomach but soon coming back. This repeated a few times, causing a bunch of gagging and coughing, but there still was no mercy. After about a dozen deep plunges, the tentacle finished up, a third stream of jizz ending up joining the one before on Adelle's chest. A fourth one came forth, once more plugging the girl's mouth as her violation continued.

Even as it was raping her, the one that clung to Adelle's back seemed to have an idea. Pulling the girl's trapped arms straight down, it guided her towards leaning back into another position, a squat of sorts with her using her arms to keep herself balanced. Once the position was achieved, a few encouraging whips were given onto the busty girl's thighs in order to guide her into spreading herself wide open. While the position and the still-happening rape were bad enough, the aim of the creature was almost frightening as it was clearly guiding Adelle to do her embarrassing pose towards Rachaela. It was a sign that the creatures had gotten the idea of what was happening pretty thoroughly, and were actually helping with the humiliation in their own ways.

( )
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(That's a good yummy pose for the secret slut Adelle.)

Despite wanting to say otherwise, as it turned out all Adelle could really do in retaliation was moan for Rachaela's amusement, as her body was at the mercy of these two creatures. She found herself nodding at Rachaela's question of if she was enjoying it with tear filled eyes, unable to deny it felt too good to say that she didn't enjoy it. Also the fact that this hadn't proven to be the dramatic rescue she'd hoped for with Rachaela escaping with the girl they were searching for only made the humiliating aspect of it affect her more and driving her crazier with lust. Driven as she was by her lust, Adelle began sucking on the tentacle in her mouth to quicken its release, almost as a reward for it being so nice about this whole thing thus far. She was a little disappointed though that the lower creature didn't want her to remove her clothing, which for some reason the fact she had them on still was adding to the arousal factor of the entire thing with her and affecting her more.

When the one in her mouth pulled out, Adelle instinctively left her mouth open, her body knowing what was coming as it spurted its load all over her face, her tongue reacting beyond her control and reaching out to catch some of its spunk to taste. Then when it put another tentacle in her mouth to replace the first one, Adelle willingly and happily took it in, eagerly sucking on it with even more fervor than the first one, her body's control beyond her willpower to command it. Adelle was feeling the intense heat of her loins burning furiously within her as she ached for release, and just as she thought these things were just going to continue in the way they had been until now, the one on her back slapped her across the face a couple of times with a pair of tentacles entwined together. Cheeks flushing with arousal and embarrassment, as well as submission, Adelle knew what was coming and with her body in the heavily aroused state it was in, she eagerly spread her legs for the slimy tentacle for it to probe her depths to its hearts desire.

"Mmm... mmmph..." Adelle sputtered around the tentacle in her mouth, the pleasure overwhelming her lust filled mind as her eyes started to glaze over, signalling that she no longer had any thoughts of escape in mind now, her moans changing in pitch and coming more often when the right spots were struck by the tentacles. She could feel the thing penetrating her all the way to the entrance of her womb after only a few thrusts, the beast rubbing her cervix in just the right way to make her entire body shudder deliciously. When the one in her mouth finally withdrew for the second time to drench her tits with its seed, Adelle had a look of joy on her face as she panted to catch her breath. "Oh gods it... feels so good. Gotta cum... please make me cum... fuck me silly dammit... fuck my horny little pussy into submission," Adelle panted before the third tentacle came for her mouth, eagerly lapping up the slime coating this tentacle and pushing her head forward a bit as she got into this one, her instincts taking over completely now and making her do so.

Gagging and sputtering around the tentacle in her mouth as it forced her to deepthroat it, Adelle didn't try to get free and allowed it to violate her mouth further after the first couple of deep thrusts, her throat relaxing as much as her body could force it to. When the third one was done and drenched her chest further, Adelle whined a little as it did so. "Come on you beast... let me taste it this time... make me taste it... make me your bitch," Adelle panted to the one on her head, her words surprising her and possibly Rachaela too.

When she was forced into the squatting position in front of Rachaela by the two creatures, Adelle closed her eyes and tried to look away from her dominatrix like companion so she didn't have to look her in the eye, though its not like it really mattered Adelle knew, as Rachaela had already heard her dirty talk there up until now. When she was whipped and forced to spread her legs wide for Rachaela to see, something in Adelle's head just kind of clicked and she found herself eagerly doing so as her body tensed, her first climax to these creatures washing over her with amazing power. It struck her so hard she nearly lost her balance and fell, though she secretly wished she had so they would punish her for it more with another embarrassing pose. Rachaela would be thrilled to see Adelle now eagerly moving her hips in tandem with the tentacles plundering her honeypot to strike her as deep as possible, her eyes rolling up as her climax finished up.

Some part of her enjoyed this humiliation a great deal and she didn't know why, and that part eagerly asked for more as her body impaled itself upon the tentacles violating her in her lust driven haze. Rachaela would soon see the tentacles bringing her to the brink of her second climax, with Adelle's cheeks so pink and hot with arousal that even the slightest extra bit would throw her over the edge again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she no doubt enjoyed every second of what she was witnessing, Rachaela showed very few signs about it as she spectated, the few comments that Adelle could make in-between mouth rapes causing some curious looks once they came out, as did the pose. The latter even caused her applaud the tentacles for the show. One could only speculate if the mage girl had been waiting for them or was actually surprised by the dirty talk. And while she had clearly been getting all the satisfaction, it looked like she had not forgotten their original purpose to be there as she suddenly spoke up during the ongoing rape. "I could watch this for far longer than this, but there is something we still need to do. If you could, might you take this to a conclusion sooner than later?" she asked from the tentacle monsters, who did not show any outright signs that they would, but it was no certainty that there would not be an agreement as the understanding between the ladies and the monsters had been established already. "Maybe we can continue this... hee.... another time..."

The violation intensified after the girl had finished up speaking, the twin tentacles coming out for a while as the monster controlling them sought to bring the act to a satisfying conclusion. A third tentacle joined the bundle to make it even thicker than it had been before, and the trio twisted together into a tight set before Adelle was bent down all the way onto her back while still forced to keep her legs were they were. With their access secured, the triplicate set slammed back in with the same force that it had used before, starting the violation over again with the increased size now making things harder for the girl. And as if that was not enough, the triple penetrator began to twirl back and forth inside her as it pumped back and forth with steadily increasing speed. The mouth rapist did not appear to have too much new things to add, continuing doing what it did with suitable gusto, giving the horny Adelle another facial along the way before she was once more plugged up. The violation went on smoothly from there, the periodic increases in speed causing another orgasm for the girl on the way towards the ultimate destination. Eventually they reached it, the vibrations on the triple tentacles signalling that it was going to get messy. A flaming hot spurt from all three limbs rushed inside the victim before they pulled out, leaving a small part of the total multi-release as a nice deposit inside her before haphazardly spraying the remains onto her lower body and belly. The mouth tentacle timed it perfectly, giving all it had for Adelle to digest as it released heated cream into her mouth, not pulling out until it had released everything there was to give into the eager mouth. Once they had finished up, the monsters detached from the busty girl's form and flopped onto the ground next to her, apparently almost as spent as she was at the moment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing Rachaela's words, but not really comprehending them much save the bit about bringing this to a conclusion sooner rather than later, Adelle just nodded along in agreement with all Rachaela said, focusing primarily on that part of it. As soon as the duo of braided tentacles was pulled out of her, Adelle actually whimpered sadly at the loss of the girth filling her greedy hungry pussy, but when she watched what the creature was doing, she could have kissed the thing had she not been gagging on the other creature's tentacle as her eyes lit up with excitement. She eagerly laid back for the pounding that was to come, even going so far as to use her fingers to reach down her butt and spread her lower lips open as wide for the trio of tentacles as she could. She didn't care anymore how humiliating it looked, all she cared about was cumming again, and she was already near the brink of her second orgasm... she just needed a little more and she'd lose herself a second time with these things.

Bouncing her hips up and down as best she could in time with the tentacles, Adelle sought to increase her pleasure as much as possible while the things violated her, letting loose muffled squeals and cries of ecstasy around the tentacle in her mouth as she reached her second climax of the day. Opening her mouth for the thing to spurt its seed in her face again so she could catch some of its spunk, Adelle eagerly lapped up what she could before she was muffled again by another tentacle. "Oh I love it... more... fill me up," she panted as she leaned her head forward to suck on the next tentacle as eagerly as she had the last.

As she was raped hard and fast, Adelle shuddered once more in orgasm before feeling the two creatures readying themselves for the final stretch. As soon as the trio burst within her, Adelle's fourth mind shattering climax struck her like a bolt of lightning arcing through her. Her body tensed as her back arched up into a perfect crescent to show off all of her curves for Rachaela to see, a muffled squeal of pure bliss escaping her lips in the process. The one in her mouth burst too, with her eagerly gulping down every last drop of cum that touched her tongue, the combined seed from both of these creatures dousing the red hot flames in her loins and her very core and finally bringing her lust filled mind out of the gutter that they'd put it in. She felt warm inside still though... very warm, but not so hot and bothered thankfully, her lust finally sated thanks to these two lovely creatures.

As soon as her climax had finished, Adelle's body gave out and she fell to the floor, panting madly from the exertion. She ached from the harsh treatment of the two tentacled creatures, but it was a good ache... one that she found herself liking the feel of as she recovered. As she lay there basking in the warmth of that amazing sex, Adelle glanced over at the two spent tentacled beings that had flopped off of her and to the floor beside her, where she did something that surprised even herself. She reached over and scooped either one of them up in her hands and laid them on her naked breasts and laid an arm over either one of them.

"Oh gods that was good... I think I like you both... very much after that... so I believe I'll keep you two... for a rainy day... heh, or anytime I want to relax," Adelle panted to the two things as she squished them against her large and still sensitive breasts, making her shudder slightly at their slimy touch, but she didn't mind the feel of them there any longer... not after all that.

Adelle suddenly remembered that Rachaela had been in there with them the entire time and gasped as she looked over at where she sat, still hugging the two creatures to her breasts. "Um... I uh... guess you didn't find the girl in there huh," Adelle said to Rachaela, an innocent look on her face as she gulped.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rachaela raised a brow at the question as Adelle returned to mostly normal, the creatures in her arms not doing much besides wiggling a few tentacles here and there. "Well, no. No I did not. If I did, she would be near me right about now. But there was no girl in there, not much in the way of interest actually. Just an old office with old papers and old furniture. Nothing that we have to concern ourselves with." the mage told what she had seen beyond the door, pretty much confirming that the trip there had been somewhat pointless as far as the mission side of things was concerned. Simultaneously, they could hear faint sounds coming from the direction of the stairwell.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see... so coming up here was practically a waste of time... aside from a couple of little sights to see at least. Though I can't deny it felt good and was fun... so please don't tell the others how weak I am," Adelle said, asking Rachaela not to speak to the others of what she'd done, blushing and looking down at the two critters smushed against her breasts. "I'll bet you two really enjoy your places right there huh. Well I'll tell you both what, you can come with me and we can play around some more later, but for now I've gotta put you in my pack and get my clothes back on okay. So in you two go for now," Adelle then said to the two creatures, patting them both on the tops of what she assumed was their heads, where she then placed them into her pack for now, inside one of the bags the guns from the night before had been placed in so they didn't dirty the rest of her things inside.

As she was doing that she heard along with Rachaela, a faint sound coming from the stairs. Adelle looked up at Rachaela quickly for a moment before putting her two new little friends into her pack the rest of the way, where she grabbed her panties and shorts and slid them both back up, then she slid her shirt back down and slipped her coat off and wiped all of the cum she could from it before putting it down into her pack too. Then she grabbed her sword and hoisted her pack up onto her shoulder and motioned for Rachaela to follow as she headed for the steps, their talk having to be cut short for now unfortunately.