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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The meeting went on for a while, leaving Adelle with some ability to follow what was going on. The argument at the middle table was getting more heated by the minute, mostly between Isolda's sister and Miguel, who had actually lost a bit of his cool at the moment. Getting too close was probably a bad idea, so the busty girl steered clear as she went to retrieve another beer from the counter.

Just then, the sound of glass shattering brought a complete stop to everything that was going on. All of a sudden, pretty much everyone besides the waitresses had guns out and were facing the window, which now had a huge hole in it as a steel cable-bound piece of girder had smashed through it like a swinging hammer. The entire room was an uncertain state and waiting for an attack, which did not appear to come. However, when she focused her eyes a bit, Adelle could see a blurry outline of someone rather big standing there in the side of the room, right next to the table where Miguel's goons were. And it appeared to be familiar to her. "Finally, I've found out where you vultures nest... I should have known that it would be a vice den like this..." the familiar and somewhat comforting voice addressed the people in the room. The busty girl managed to catch a glimpse of Priscilla's majestic frame before the unnatural woman blew her ice breath onto the middle of the group, stiffening the Latino thugs into near immobility and swathing the room in a thick cold mist that nearly eliminated visibility from everyone. The room exploded into curses in varied languages and flying bullets, though the leaders seemed to be unshaken by the event. While the entirety of the arsenal present had been shot in the direction of Priscilla, there was no sign of any hits actually landing on her as the corner wall and window was demolished with the amount of lead that hit it. All of a sudden, the meeting had turned into a lethal warzone with near zero visibility.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As the meeting pressed on, Adelle decided it best to stay back a bit from the heated discussions between mainly Miguel and Isolda's sister, heading back over to the bar to grab another beer for one of Miguel's people. However, while she was getting said beer, something happened that took her by surprise to say the least as the window shattered open when a steel girder slammed through it being supported by a steel cable, likely from either the roof, or a crane or something similar to that she figured. She then noticed the very tall figure standing just inside of the room from the shattered window, and she was almost positive that it was Priscilla that had rescued her the other day. When she spoke Adelle was then completely certain it was the tall girl that had rescued her, remembering her calm and gentle voice from back then, though from what she'd said to the people in the room Adelle figured that she wasn't here to be nice like she'd been to her before.

As soon as everyone drew their guns when Priscilla blew her icy breath into the room and shadowed the whole place in the mist that came, Adelle hit the deck and went into a low crouch. "Oh gods... I hope that she doesn't decide to head behind them any to make them turn, and I hope she doesn't think I'm with them either. Damn nothing for it, gotta move now or I won't be able to, and I need to keep my head down until this all blows over," Adelle said in her head to herself, panic starting to set in because she had no weapon with which to defend herself.

Adelle started towards the elevator she'd come up on, staying as low as possible in the process so she wasn't shot by anyone as she went. Once there, Adelle would wait for a moment and look around the room a bit to see if she could spot Priscilla, practically laying on the floor in order to do so and hoping that the mist stayed above it so she could see the tall woman's feet. Whether she caught sight of her or not, Adelle would wait to tap the button to go back down for now, also trying to spot Mikaila in the confusion to pull her inside the elevator. She wanted to see what might happen here, firstly because she was curious, but also because she was afraid something might happen to Priscilla, and she owed the tall woman her life so she felt almost obligated to at least try and help her get out of there whenever she was done with whatever she was there to do... which was from the way she spoke to kill the six leaders of the criminal gangs in power.

The thought that Priscilla might try and use her as a shield crossed her mind for a moment, which scared her, because she doubted that any of the leaders of these gangs would bat an eye about shooting through her to get Priscilla... she then thought to herself that maybe she ought to have tried to persuade Freya to fit her in at the wrestling place earlier. Heh, just her luck that she was here when bad shit was going down.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With her low crouch, Adelle was fairly safe. As safe as one could be in a room full of guns going off, at least. Following the situation was hard, for she could barely see her own hand if she extended her whole arm. Going down to the ground seemed to have little impact on the matter as the mist lingered down there as well. No doubt there was something magical in it. The place deteriorated into chaos pretty much instantly, and it would be hard to find anyone by sight. The busty girl almost got hit with a stray arm as she patted her way towards the employee elevator, some of Priscilla's work undoubtedly. Chai was the first one to arrive at the elevator after her, but it looked uncertain for the others, and the Asian lady was not sure if she wanted to stay for long.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Staying low kept her from being hit by anything dangerous as the guns were discharged throughout the room at Priscilla, the tall girl apparently not bothered by the mist any herself. Finding that she could barely see more than a foot or so in front of herself even after dropping to the floor to see if she'd be able to, Adelle simply moved around behind the corner of the elevator where the buttons were for cover until everything was all said and done. The arm she nearly got hit by made her flinch and jerk back slightly before she continued onwards until she got around the corner of the elevator, where Chai soon joined her. Adelle motioned for her to come over to stay down as they waited a few more seconds to see if Mikaila or any of the other waitress girls would be joining them soon, though if Chai decided to hit the button heading down then Adelle wouldn't stop her, merely keeping an eye out.

If Chai did hit the button though, then as soon as it dinged onto the ground floor Adelle would rush back to get her things from the changing room she'd left it in, quickly changing her clothes and grabbing her gun holsters and clicking them into place on either leg before swinging her sword over her shoulder, then she would stuff her waitress clothes down into her backpack before heading outside on the side the building had been broken in from, mainly to see just how Priscilla had done it, but also to see if she could catch her on her way out and if she would notice her, though that was only if Chai did indeed head on down and Priscilla didn't come after them next of course.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Staying in the room seemed to be the most unpleasant idea ever for Chai, who hit the button a few more times just to make sure it was coming. The nun waitress rolled in as the door opened, making it to safety with the two. She had a colorful and quite nasty mouth despite the assumed mantle of a member of the faithful. A stark contrast to how restrained Lacrimosa was, certainly.

The hassle and all the guns being fired had reached the lower floor, and the woman who managed the clothes was not there anymore, so it was only a matter of doing it discreetly that allowed Adelle to claim her uniform for her own use. Chai and the nun were not sharing her enthusiasm about going out so soon, and looked a bit wary about how the busty girl was taking this. They did not try to stop her though, and she could make her way out through the emergency exit in a relatively hasty manner. There was some need to go around the building as the upstairs window was on another side of it. A brief look was all that she could catch the second time around as well, managing to spot Priscilla scaling the wall with the help of her scythe, which she had swung and hooked onto the roof railing. Just as she had vanished from sight, the mangled boss of the bikers tumbled down from the window, falling down several dozen feet before ending up on the dirt head first and snapping his neck in the process. He was missing an arm and most of the same side of his torso as well as sporting a few holes on his face. But after that fall, he was not alive anymore. Priscilla herself had not managed to escape unscathed, for there was some blood visible on her white coat as she slipped onto the roof. For someone of her size, hoisting down from the roof had not been an impossible task, the window only serving as a slight impediment before having been destroyed by the girder on cable combo.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Just as the elevator door opened and her and Chai got inside, Adelle saw the nun waitress rolling into it with her and Chai, where she helped her up as it went on down. She found that she did have the time to get to her things and change quickly, pulling her shirt down over her head and breasts just as she grabbed her things, stuffing the waitress outfit down into the backpack after she got out of the room with the others with her pistol in hand just in case. "I'm scared as hell just the same as you two are, but I'd rather be outside where I can run like hell if need be than trapped like a rat in this building, and maybe I can help if I can get to a place that isn't shrouded in that mist. I'll be back in a minute though, so just stay down okay," Adelle said to the other two waitresses as she clicked the safety off and went out, not letting on like she knew Priscilla at all and looking concerned about what was going on, as if it was just now hitting her.

Checking her corners on the way out of the room with her fellow waitresses, Adelle headed outside and around the building since she had to do so in order to find the window. When she arrived on the proper side of the building, Adelle looked up to see Priscilla climbing up to the roof, and just as she disappeared from sight, Adelle saw the biker leader's corpse falling to the street she was on, the gruesome sight of his body nearly making her vomit. She ran back inside after that, a sick look on her face as she headed back to the room with Chai and the nun waitress, where she stayed with her gun trained on the door just in case, intending on protecting them as best she could. If they asked what she'd seen, which she figured they most likely would, then she would shudder a bit before answering. "When I got around there... there was a body around the corner cut up really bad. I didn't stay long enough to see who it was, I just ran back in... and I'm regretting going out there now. I just want to lay down for a bit and forget all of this," Adelle would tell them, the sick look still on her face as she spoke, thinking to herself that as soon as things had cooled down a bit that she would try and find a way up to the roof to check on Priscilla and see if she was hurt or anything.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After witnessing the scene, Adelle went back to the door, just to find that it was locked from the inside. They probably did not want just everyone sneaking in from an emergency door that was located in a relatively unwatched side of the building, actually intending to use it in a way that it was meant to be used in. She would have to go around the place to find her way back.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aw hell, stupid emergency exits," Adelle muttered angrily as she walked her way back around to the front, or a side door if there was one, where she looked around the lobby area for a moment before heading to the changing room that she'd left the other two waitresses in to check on them before trying to get back upstairs since Priscilla was apparently gone now, or at least hiding on the roof. If Chai or the nun waitress asked what she'd seen, Adelle would give them a sickened look before speaking. "Aye when I got out there I saw someone falling from upstairs that looked like they were cut in half almost... or near enough at least. Couldn't tell who it was or anything though and I nearly puked, so I just ran back inside," Adelle would tell them, taking a couple of minutes to catch her breath and calm her stomach a bit before heading upstairs to see the outcome of the fighting, still not letting on like she knew Priscilla in any way.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting back in proved to be easy, though Adelle had to enter through the kitchen. The cooks gave her some suspicious looks, but the guy who had initially been there to guide her towards the employee area was discussing an order with one of them and told the three food makers to not worry about her. Still, he too looked to be a bit unsure how the girl was coming in from the back door like that.

Back at the locker room, both Chai and the nun had apparently wandered off to other things, possibly out from the building in order to get themselves to safety. Mikaila and the rest of them had just gotten down and were now in the room, trying to make some sense of the situation among themselves. It was up to Adelle herself if she wanted to converse with them or see what had transpired upstairs, none of the three others really paying attention to her as they talked, which would give her a chance to go to the elevator without being noticed, for how much that was worth.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Ignoring the cooks for the most part as she made her way back into the kitchens, unless they tried anything that is. "There's a body in the street just outside, went to try and get a better look to see if I could get a shot on whoever that was attacking, but I came right back in as soon as that body hit," Adelle said to the guy in the kitchens as she passed him by, shuddering a bit with a sick expression, looking close to vomiting.

Adelle got back to the changing room and found that the other waitresses had made it down there, Mikaila among them, which was good to know. She saw that Chai and the nun waitress were both gone, likely having ran away in the confusion to get themselves to safety, so she saw a straight shot to the elevators if she wanted to head up... which she did indeed want to, but was unsure if she should. She figured it best to talk to the other three first to see if anything happened up there that she may have missed in coming down first with Chai and the other waitress.

"Oh gods, I'm glad you girls made it out. I came down with Chai and that nun waitress... who's name I never really caught. I changed real quick in case I needed to run and went out to see if I could get a shot on... whatever the hell that was attacking. Soon as I got around the building though a body tumbled down... well pieces of a body rather, which made me sick, so I ran back inside before I threw up," Adelle said to Mikaila as she got inside, putting an arm around the girl and hugging her a bit, glad she was safe. "What else happened up there after we came down? Is anyone still alive upstairs?" Adelle went on to ask, her body shaking a bit in fear.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For all that had just happened, Mikaila was unexpectedly calm. Maybe she was used to pressure and had more experience in these kinds of situations than she gave away just by looks. "We... don't know really. All of us got here while the situation was still on, I guided Jenny here by hand while Alisa made got the elevator for us once you were out. Did not fancy the idea of staying or going back there. Did you see who it was that came down? At least it sounds like there is no more shooting going on..." she simultaneously asked and explained things, the quiet of the elevator shaft telling them that there was probably no further bloodshed happening at the penthouse.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I... I believe it was the boss for the bikers, I never caught his name... hell I'd never even met him before tonight honestly. And I don't fancy going back up there myself, but... I guess that someone needs to really, and I'm the only one armed here so... I guess that somebody is me," Adelle told Mikaila, scratching her head a little before looking back out the door with a worried expression.

Nodding to Mikaila, Adelle told her and the others to stay there and she would hopefully be back down soon with word of what all had happened upstairs and with any luck she'd bring back some survivors. With that, Adelle headed to the service elevator and pushed the button once she stepped inside, holding her gun up and at the ready just in case. Her thoughts were to first look around and see if anybody was still alive and help them to the elevator, then once that room was clear and nobody else was in there to see her heading up there, she'd find a way to the roof to see if Priscilla was okay after all of that.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"They surely know by now what happened, so I'd imagine you won't need to go back there. The bikers will not let their boss lie on the dirt like that for long. Be careful, there might be something going on still." Mikaila said what little she had to say before Adelle called the elevator again and headed up.

The scene at the penthouse was grizzly to say the least, nearly half of the people who had been there now laying on the ground in various states of death as the mist had mostly cleared away to reveal a chaotic mess. Most of them were cut into bits, but a few had been riddled with bullets as the blind firing had reaped a toll on them. Amobg the dead was the leader of the strange church group, a few of the lieutenants and the bartender, as well well as a whole bunch of goons. Pitbull had survived, and was now bangin on the other elevator to get in as soon as possible. Most likely he and the two remaining bikers were in a hurry to get to their leader, but the other leaders had escaped and left them waiting for the next ride on the elevator.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, but still though, I might be able to help. Stay safe okay," Adelle told Mikaila as she left her and the others there to head back upstairs.

Staying a little low on the elevator ride up just in case, Adelle patiently until the door dinged open, where she witnessed what'd happened in there. Her stomach churned at the terrible sight of the room and she swallowed and bravely stepped out of the elevator, noticing Pitbull and a couple of the other biker guys still alive. She whistled over to them and motioned them to the service elevator she was standing in front of.

"Pitbull, here come on, this one's open, take it. Someone's in the street... I... I think its the boss. I'll see if anyone else is alive, go," Adelle called out to Pitbull and the others, starting to look around the room for any survivors as they went down and trying to keep from throwing up in the process. If nobody in the room was alive, then Adelle would attempt to find some sort of roof access, figuring that there would be a way up there from somewhere around the room, and if she found a way up she would head up there to see if Priscilla was up there.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing that there indeed was another way to get out, Pitbull and the two other bikers quickly came to the elevator where Adelle was hollering at them. Any others that tried to get in were pushed aside by the brawny men, who had no intention of sharing that particular elevator trip with outsiders. As for others, there still was some ten others there as well, of varied affiliation. It appeared that only Miguel's group had been completely wiped out, though the boss man himself had survived.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle hopped out of the way as soon as the big biker guy and the other two came towards her and the elevator she'd just exited, not wanting to get shoved out of the way by any of the three guys. Once they were on their way, Adelle helped any who were injured to the elevators that needed it, pushing the button for the other elevator to come on back up as well and then helping any injured on board to send down with anyone else.

Once everyone that was alive and up was sent on their way down the other elevator, Adelle would take another look around the room for any other survivors, making sure nobody was knocked out or hurt to the point that they couldn't walk or get up when she'd sent everyone on down, helping them to the elevator if there was anyone else and sending them on back down also, doing her best to ignore the dead bodies and or pieces of people laying about so she didn't get sick.

One way or another, when there was nobody else there alive save her, then Adelle would do a bit of scavenging and would gather all of the guns of the fallen in there to see what all guns could be salvaged from the fighting, thinking on taking a couple the guns from each group to put into her backpack and take with her since they majority of them were all smaller guns that could be easily concealed and whatnot, as well as a couple of magazines for each weapon also, or more if she could fit them, since there wasn't much in her backpack at the moment or anything, save a couple of things like her outfit she'd planned on wearing at the wrestling place earlier. If there were any assault rifles or shotguns that she couldn't fit into her backpack without breaking them down, she would lay them out on the bar area and take stock of what they all were to decide if she wanted to grab any to take with her, and she'd also look around for the gold plated desert eagle she'd noticed on the one older nun, thinking to maybe grab it if its owner no longer needed it, and as many bullets for it as she could grab, stuffing it and the holster down into the front pouch of her big backpack.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was very little need to help the people still there as they were all either standing and alive or lying down and dead. The gangs had taken care of their own, though the leaders had little part in it, having already fled the scene. By the time the service elevator got back up again, the entire bunch of criminals had taken the main one to leave the place.

Left to herself, Adelle found surprisingly few weapons still lying around. A few of them were destroyed, but another few handguns and one Russian submachine gun along with an assault rifle that could probably be used still as they had not been dented by Priscilla's attacks.

By the time Adelle had gathered her assumed loots onto the counter, the main elevator gave the distinct bling as a trio of people came in. The head of the house was there again, having made it out unscathed. Along with her was the lieutenant of hers, a somewhat amazon-like blonde in the same leather garments as the others had been and the waitress Jenny. Only the lieutenant was armed, but it was still a pretty bad situation as the busty girl had been caught pretty much red-handed. "And just what do you think you're doing here, girl?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite the fact that several guns were laying about the place from the fighting, Adelle had only managed to find a few guns still functional after the fighting, with most having been destroyed by Priscilla most likely. Just as she got it all sorted out onto the bar counter, she heard the dinging of one of the elevators as the door opened on it and three people stepped off. As soon as she heard the ding she raised her pistol at the doors and clicked the safety off in one fluid motion, but when she saw who it was she sighed a bit as she lowered her gun back down, especially because of the look of the situation and whatnot.

"Well first I was checking if anyone was still alive, then I decided to check and see if any of these guns were still functional to maybe use if someone attacked again, because I like to be ready and I figure that whoever had these won't need them now, so I might as well put them to good use," Adelle replied to the woman who as far as she knew was Isolda's sister. Then after a moment, Adelle figured that this was as good a time as any to speak to her, seeing as how everyone else in this room was dead now, which would give her the chance to warn this woman of Miguel's involvement with Margaret.

"You're Isolda's sister right?" Adelle then asked the woman, waiting for her answer and figuring that it would be yes. If or rather when she replied yes to that, Adelle would continue, looking around the room cautiously and then glancing over to the window for a moment before looking back to Isolda's sister. "I believe that you were right that Miguel did indeed have something to do with your sister's death, because the woman that killed her was at his manor the other day when I was there, and her name is Margaret, someone that a few hunter friends of mine know that they told me turned assassin some years ago," Adelle would go on and say to her, waiting for her reaction and reply.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It appeared that Adelle had gotten off the hook with her wanton looting, for the woman looked at her for a while before giving a small laugh. Maybe she was impressed by the girl's guts to come out with what she was doing despite being faced with a potentially dangerous outcome after being caught. "Hahaha, alright then. None of those blasters belong to the house anyway, so you do whatever you want with them. Just hope they won't come back to ask for them after you do." she expressed her disinterest towards the lay-around guns, going to the table and sitting on the spot where she had been before, where there still was an unbroken chair to use. "Yes, that is who I am. Liliana is my name. The owner of this establishment and Isolda's sister." she confirmed what was all but confirmed at that point. Something of a surprise was the set of papers that were still on the table, now in a frozen state. While Adelle explained, Liliana picked up the small pile and looked at them some more. Once the explanation was done though, the sheets hit the table as she took them out of the equation. "That snake, I knew he was up to no good. He and sis always had bad blood between them, due to his desire to control the house and the girls here. Well, he will have to find another way now as these won't be around for him to enforce his claim anymore. But to go as far as this..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... I work with the Hunters guild place myself for the most part, I just started doing that wrestling thing over at the bikers place the other day to make a bit of extra money, and because it was kind of fun. But the other day, Samson, the leader there, or I guess he's the leader anyway, he gave me this one job when I came in for one to go with a woman called Rosieta to retrieve something in an abandoned factory," Adelle said as she stood there behind the bar still, remaining cautious, but figuring that if she'd gotten this far she might as well go all the way and explain how Miguel had gotten those papers. She reached over and grabbed a bottle of any sort of liquor that was left and poured herself a glass, taking a sip of the stuff to help cal her nerves before she said anything more. "Well... Rosieta I found out worked for Miguel and after we recovered that very briefcase right there from that old sex toy factory, where I might add we went through hell to get it, we took it to him where he paid me quite well for it... hell he even gave me this pistol here and a poncho of... I guess one of his people, I'm not sure. But I never knew what was in the briefcase before just a little while ago when everything went down, I'd been paid pretty well so I didn't really care very much because I needed the money... still do as a matter of fact, which is why I came with the bikers for this, because I figure that I'd be paid pretty well for the waitress work. I kind of doubt that now though considering the biker boss is dead," Adelle said after taking a shot of liquor from the bar, informing Liliana of how the briefcase came to Miguel.

Unless Liliana or her guard stopped her, Adelle would grab a chair from nearby if there was one and sit down nearer to Liliana just on the other side of the bar table where her loot was. If there wasn't any other chairs still usable, then Adelle would simply hop up onto the bar itself and sit, sipping her drink. "I take it those papers are like the deed to this place. Am I right? And if any of them come back for the guns, just tell them that they were destroyed along with the rest and that you disposed of them because they weren't of any use any longer. And... well hell I hate to say it and I know it may sound cruel, but they probably won't need any money they had in their pockets either," Adelle said after finding herself a seat, eying some of the bodies around from wherever she'd found to sit, yet feeling slightly sick at both the sight of the bodies and the thought of looting them of their money too. But she was right, they didn't need it any more and it would be put to better use with her than staying in their pockets, or with Liliana here maybe. "Please don't get angry at me for asking this, but... you can't blame a girl for wondering... especially when I could be laying around on the floor there too. But anyway, just what does he want with your establishment here? And what happened between him and your sister? If you don't mind talking about it at least, I'll understand if you'd rather not and won't press further, I'm just curious is all," Adelle asked after a few moments of thought, figuring that she might as well get a little bit of information about what had been going on and why it was happening, so she'd be able to better stay out of the way if possible, or be able to prepare if she couldn't stay out of the line of fire.