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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That is what I do not know. Survival, experiments, simple cruelty, there are many possibilities. It does not concern me however, I have more important matters to attend here. And yes, I do remember you. It just makes me wonder why you are still here, after coming back from that." the stranger told Adelle, not really sharing any compassion towards the deceased. Approaching her produced a reaction from the floating chandelier construct, which began to produce a bit more intensive flame as the busty girl came forward.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well this is my job, we're hunters and we were told to search for the missing people, my job the other day with the others was to bring that bastard you killed in alive if possible. But you killed him first and we didn't get as much pay as we'd have gotten if bringing him in alive thank you very much, which means I wasn't able to get money to save to take care of my family," Adelle said to the woman, taking another step closer as she eyed the strange floating creature or thing. "What are you doing then if you don't care about these people that were murdered here? Maybe we can help you and we can all find out what happened," Adelle then asked the woman, eying the strange floating thing a bit as it burned brighter the closer she got.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she might have been the one doing the talking, Adelle could tell that Kozlov was keeping his focus firmly on the situation. It was also clear that he too was not liking what he was hearing from this strange girl, the tight tenseness on his features giving it away so clearly. For the part of the floating helper, it did not seem to take the approach of Adelle lightly as a target laser blinked into existence from one of it's eyes, keeping firmly in track with her as the red dot hovered in place over her heart. "As if I should be expected to care about you ground crawlers. My people want to study and analyze the potential of all this alien technology, and they are not considered safe enough for you savages to possess. The man from days back had something extraordinary in him as well. That I needed to take as well." the girl told them before the wires from her visor detached and retreated back into the piece of headgear. And just after that happened, a strange blinking message appeared on all the computers in the room. "If you value your life, you will retreat. This vessel will self-destruct in a matter of minutes."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Glancing over at Kozlov and noticing that he was or at least seemed to be getting a little pissed at what the woman was saying to them, Adelle turned back to the woman as the floating thing seemed to target her with a laser sight, pointed directly at her heart. At seeing the laser sight, Adelle sighed sadly and didn't take another step further and even holstered her other pistol, as she doubted that it would help anyway whether it was a mile away or at pointblank range. "You call us savages that aren't ready for that kind of technology, yet I'm the one to first put my weapons away and am obviously no threat to you, and yet you threaten to kill me for trying to do my job just as you do your own job," Adelle said, pointing at her floating thing that was aiming what she could only believe was a weapon at her. "Who's the real savage here is the question you should be asking yourself I think. Because if I were a savage, I'd have started shooting at you without even attempting to talk first and find out what happened in this place. So why do you and your people want to gain all of this technology hmm? So that you can use it against us ground crawlers and lord it over us, thinking that you're better than us or something just because you're from up there in that floating city or whatever it is. The more you and your people act like that towards us, the more you're only going to force us to work against you in order to survive and make our lives better, and if you're self destructing this vessel, you'd better be damn sure it's not going to damage the city above and hurt anyway or so help me I will find a way to make you feel the same hurt," Adelle went on the say to the woman, to maybe give her something to think about as she glanced over the woman's shoulder to maybe try and find out how long until the ship self destructed and how long they had to escape. With that, Adelle started to walk away and back towards Kozlov, drawing her pistol back out and looking around the room for anything worth salvaging that she could get quickly, whether the girl tried to stop her or not.

If there was nothing worth getting in that room in terms of technology, she would look to Kozlov to see what he intended to do before heading out, though she was intent on searching the ship a little before running away if possible. If she was able to find out how much time there was then she'd use it as best she could to check quickly for anything of value in as much of the ship as possible, though if it turned out there wasn't much time to escape, then she would take a peek in any adjacent rooms before running with Kozlov out of there to escape the blast.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"...The will of the council is absolute. There is nothing else." the girl told Adelle before she sprouted a set of mechanical wings from her back, the things sliding away the cloak from her back. Before there could be any further acts, blue flames burst from the wings, revealing their true nature of being boosters or a jetpack of some sort. The girl proceeded to boost out from the room, flipping past the two hunters with a spectacular aerial maneuver before vanishing out from the door with only a few inches of air between her feet and the ground. The assistant machine was not to be outdone, and it too went away by using the same method with it's own boosters.

With a quick look about, Adelle could find very little as the control room seemed to be dedicated to computers. Getting one of those out from the wall mounts would likely be too long a project, so it was probably not advisable to try taking one out and still have it in working condition and still make it out alive. The screens were not making any sense as they were not in a human language, so neither of the two could really determine what time there was left still. Nonetheless, there was one thing that she could find. Between a certain pair of computers, there was something that looked like a security box. Inside that box was an odd device that appeared to be a gun, though it was a fleshy and organic gun. It appeared to be made from some sort of living material, maybe it even was a living thing. It had basically a revolver grip, but that was were the similarity ended as there was a translucent hanging bag that contained about ten black lumps of something inside it. The barrel of the gun was pretty big in size, about the same size as the lumps. It appeared that those things were ammo.

For his part, Kozlov was suggesting that they not risk their lives and leave as soon as possible to avoid an explosive death. Still, getting the gun was definately a possibility as the box it was in had sprung open when the self-destruct activated.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing the narrow minded way of thinking the girl had was a bit of a let down to Adelle, but she didn't think she could expect much else to be honest. "Yeah and your council can be wrong just as you and I can be, remember that," Adelle called to the girl before she flew out of there, with Adelle shielding her eyes a bit with her hand as she did so.

Looking around, Adelle saw that basically everything would take too long to grab, until she noticed what appeared to be a box of some sort between a couple of computers, likely for security measures or something of the sort, Adelle thought to herself. She noticed that the box was open, so she rushed over and grabbed both the gun and what appeared to be its ammunition hanging in a small bag where she stuffed it into her pack before nodding to Kozlov when he said they should go to avoid the explosion and their ultimate demise. "Wait... should we take one of those things heads or something as proof? I can hack one off real quick with my sword if you think it might be a good idea," Adelle asked Kozlov as she stuffed the weapon she pulled off the wall and stuffed it into her pack, sliding her sword out as quickly as she could and slashing it at the head of one of the dead aliens in there to take with them to show the other hunters what had done this to the people that had been taken.

On their way out, Adelle looked around for anything worthwhile to grab, a pad with bits of the alien's language on it or just anything littering the room or the halls, even a lump of the ship's hull to analyze and see what it was made of which Adelle would grab and stuff into her pack as she and Kozlov ran out of the place as quickly as they could, running across the walkway and heading back to the ladder leading up into the factory. "Damn... that bitch again, she is really starting to piss me off. That snooty attitude she's got that she thinks she's better than us kind of reminds me of Shiulin in a way," Adelle said as they climbed the ladder back out, feeling a bit defeated in a sense just as she did the last time she ran into that damn woman.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Maybe some egghead can make something out of it, so I suppose." the Russian called Adelle's idea as he kinda picked up one devastated body by the head and gave the girl her shot at the neck. She still had to cut twice to sever the neck, as there was a sturdy spine to snap under the chitin. He held onto it afterwards, slipping the gun over his shoulder once again so he could move a little better. Grabbing what she could, the busty girl got herself something that appeared to be a clipboard, though it was holographic. The two of them had a reasonable load of things with them then, so they could scamper away as fast as possible.

Outside, there was no trace of the girl to be found, the jetpack pretty much securing that she was out of any harm's way already. The pair ran as fast as they could, a small rumble starting as they reached the upper side of the walkways, and it just started to get more intense each second. Once they reached the offices in the dark lower floor, a massive explosion could be heard before a pressure wave tackled them both down onto the wall. It was a hard hit, but nothing that one needed to be seriously concerned about.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, might be good to know just what these things are you know, plus it's better than leaving empty handed and all, so at least something good can come of this you know," Adelle said to Kozlov as he held one of the creatures up for her to hack its head off, which took a couple of swings of her short sword, but it came off easily enough considering.

Snatching up a clipboard looking thing that was holographic, Adelle swung it over her shoulder and stuff it into her pack as they ran out of the place as Kozlov swung his big gun over his shoulder. They ran as quickly as they could to outrun the coming blast, and once they made it out of the ship itself they saw no signs of the jetpack using girl, who had apparently scampered off, leaving them behind and not apparently caring if they got hurt because of her, which only served to piss Adelle off a little more really. As they climbed their way out of the tunnels and back into the abandoned factory, Adelle and Kozlov were knocked down against the wall as the alien ship exploded beneath them, with Adelle landing on her built in cushions that were her breasts.

"Oof, jeez that was rough, but we're alive so I guess that counts for something, even if we didn't find anyone alive to rescue," Adelle said with a grunt as she rolled over to sit and dust herself off a bit, feeling quite down about not being able to help any of those poor people, something that Kozlov would easily be able to tell by looking at her. "So what do we do now? Head back and report on what happened?" Adelle asked as she got up to her feet, dusting her butt and legs off in the process.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

In the aftermath of the explosion, the tunnel that had went down into the excavation area had collapsed, so it was not going to be easy getting back to the underground chamber. But it was off little importance at the moment, as the two of them would not be wasting time here any further, at least if Kozlov had his way.

On the upper part, the two found out that the westernmost pair of halls had collapsed down into a hole in the earth, a steep downhill of earth and concrete going at least one and half hundred feet down as the excavation site had lost it's roof and all the stuff above it had come down to fill the hole. It did not stop the pair from moving through the area, and Adelle still had a chance to scavenge if she wanted to, though the vanishing of the two sections limited it somewhat as areas of materials had gone down into the earth.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Figuring that the whole underground area had collapsed completely and would be impossible to check further, Adelle would follow Kozlov on up and out of the place without any hesitance at all really, since there was nothing more to be done there now anyway. As they moved through the upper areas and found the excavation site area roof collapsed through, Adelle looked around on their way through, not being as thorough as she possibly could, but taking as good a look as possible, to maybe find anything else of use on their way out, even if it was just a piece of scrap material from the hull of the alien ship really, as anything could be useful in terms of debris, if there was any left that made it through the explosion that is. Though Adelle would also look around for other sorts of things that could be worth anything that she salvage for use or to take and sell for some money.

"Wow, that self destruct was quite a bit uh... more powerful than I thought it would be for being underground like it was. Think there's anything left worth taking with us?" Adelle said as they began making their way out and back up to the factory and back to the bar to inform Shiulin about what happened.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Unfortunately, there was nothing for Adelle to salvage as the remains of the exploded ship were buried under tons upon tons of earth and concrete, the explosion not really managing to break into the surface. Kozlov's words indicated that he too was pretty much thinking that way. "It does not appear that there is anything that made it's way up. Just a whole bunch of... building materials and kinky stuff, of all things. Why those things made their base here will never dawn to me." was what he had to say. When it came to salvaging, the busty girl still had the majority of the factory there to pick from, thought the clothes and bigger devices sections were now reduced to a hole. The rest would still have their respective items laying around, though there would be a layer of concrete dust on some of the things that were closer to the two destroyed sections. It was only a matter of whether she wanted anything or was willing to pick those things up in Kozlov's presence.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding nothing from the ship to salvage, Adelle noticed some of the kinky toys from the factory scattered about. Noticing that the majority of the clothing section and the larger toy area were mostly collapsed and whatnot, Adelle looked around for any sorts of clothing that may have survived, trying to do it stealthily but telling Kozlov if he noticed her that it was hard to find clothes that fit her properly and some of the lingerie and stuff in there was her size, though she wouldn't go out of her way to look for now, figuring that she could always come back later on to search some more. The toys she would wait to look around for more of until she was either alone or had one of the girls with her or something of the sort, focusing only on the clothing if she spotted anything worth getting of lingerie or any tops that might fit her on their way out.

"Well I suppose that was a bust all things considered, but at least those aliens won't be taking anyone else anytime soon. We heading back now then?" Adelle said to Kozlov as they made their way out of the factory, wondering what the time was as they made their way back to the bar, since it didn't seem as if they'd been gone for very long. "We couldn't have been gone for more than an hour at most, maybe an hour and a half," Adelle added.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

What little clothing remained in the destroyed floor was the common sizes, ruling out the option of using the complete sets, though the bottoms could most likely still be used as Adelle was not as abnormally huge on the low as she was on the top. If she decided to take those, she could gain a couple of additional fancy panties.

"Hmm, yes. This was not all that long a trip. But I wonder about the aliens... We did let one go past us, right? Let's hope that one didn't make it out, or this might start again, maybe in smaller scale." Kozlov reminded Adelle about there still being one alien out there. They had not seen any additional dead creatures along the way, so it was a very real chance that the escapee was still on the loose somewhere in the nearby city. Unless they actually went to look for it, the matter would be left for a later time. Kozlov at least was not one to look for the creature. "Looks like we hardly got any action, two hours at the max." he pondered aloud as he gazed at the sun for a quick moment.

The bar crowd got more than a little surprised at the entry of the two and their alien head. Once again, Adelle found that she was being the center of the entire hunter cadre's attention. Shiulin too was not hiding her surprise in any way, the expression on her features being the most confused and uncertain one that the busty girl had seen up to that point. "Do tell, WHAT is this thing?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Managing to spot nothing more that would fit her save some a couple of nice pairs of silk or lace panties, was hard to tell which really without grabbing them, Adelle scooped them up on their way out and stuffed them into her pack as they walked merely leaning down to do so without even really stopping walking. "Aye I didn't forget about him... hmm... if it did make it out of the underground then it'll most likely turn up soon enough if I had to guess, or it fled to the wastes maybe. We may ought to go looking for it after we report back," Adelle said, nodding to Kozlov and letting him know she hadn't forgotten the other alien that went past them.

When they made their way back to the bar, with Adelle deciding that she might stay and have lunch before heading out to the wrestling place to see if she could make some more money for the day, she was in fact a little surprised to find herself virtually the center of attention in there again, though she could understand one reason as to why. When Shiulin voiced her surprise at the alien's head as her and Kozlov took it over to her table, Adelle looked up at Kozlov before looking back to Shiulin. "This and a few others like it are what happened to the missing people we were looking for. These aliens had taken people for... experiments as far as we can tell. There were no survivors to be found and rescued unfortunately, but their experiments were ended. A woman from that floating place up in the sky was there too and caused the alien vessel which was hidden underneath the old sex toy factory across town a ways to self destruct. One of the aliens got away we think, but we aren't positive. Did I miss anything Koz?" Adelle said to Shiulin, finishing by asking Kozlov if she'd forgotten anything about their mission.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Kozlov did not seem to have anything really to add, mostly he just confirmed what Adelle had explained. "Whoa, that sounds like a whole lot of things to handle at one time. But if the place went kaboom then we can't really claim that it was a total failure as the threat should be over in all due likeness. I'll tell the others to keep an eye out and see if they find a creature like that so they can make sure it is taken off the streets to end any further threats they might possess." Shiulin expressed what she thought as she handed over the pay to the pair. It was a good day's payment for sure. "But you say that a person from that sky city was down there? Interesting... I have heard that people actually live there, but that they actually come here is another matter entirely. I have always speculated that they are a passive society that only accepts individuals who are skilled in special ways to join them and let the chosen into that place via the elevator in the middle of the city. But it looks like they are more antagonistic than I imagined... But anyway, there are some scientist friends of the guild that I can pass these to. You can leave them here." she told them after a brief speculative bout of words, suggesting that they leave the scavenged alien head and clipboard thing behind after expressing her interest towards the elusive sky city. "Or you can deliver them yourselves too, if you want."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Listening to Shiulin's debrief of the mission as she began to get their pay out and whatnot, Adelle thought it over and felt she had to agree that she was right, they had at least stopped the ship and the aliens from taking anyone else, even if they hadn't managed to save anyone. "Alright, thank you Shiulin, and yeah make sure to get the word out about the one that we think got out of there,don't want it to start back up what it and its brethren did to those people if we can stop it. And yeah that girl, didn't tell me her name, I've run into her before actually. The other day on like my second job when I went out with Lacrimosa and the other sisters, she was there too taking our mark, whom we were trying to take alive if possible," Adelle said, taking her pay from Shiulin and noticing that it was quite the hefty pay despite the job being relatively easy all things considered. "And yeah I'll go ahead and leave these with you all to send on to the scientist people you were talking about, unless you'd rather take them Koz or the two of us," Adelle went on to say, looking over at Koz to see if he wanted to take the things over to said scientists with or without her.

If he did want to the Adelle would nod and agree to go on with him, following him to wherever they'd need to take the stuff to, where she'd then head back to the bar to get something for lunch, deciding to keep the alien gun for herself for the moment just in case, opting to let Isabelle take a look at it instead of someone she didn't know, just in case. If Kozlov told her not to worry about it though, either with him taking the stuff of leaving it for someone else to take instead, then Adelle would ask him one last time if he minded going alone if he decided to take it before heading over to grab something to eat, though nothing too much, just something that would last her until dinnertime. After eating, one way or the other, Adelle would look around to see if any of the girls had returned from their jobs before deciding what to do next, heading out and to the wrestling place after paying her food bill and telling the barkeep if he minded telling any of the girls where she'd gone just in case they didn't hear from her after a while, while stopping to chat with the girls a little about her job with Koz and what had happened if they did come in, letting them know she was heading on out to the wrestling place herself instead of leaving a message for them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I think you can do what you want, I don't think I need any help with a few items. The research center is pretty close by, so there should be no problems." Kozlov decided to take the items around to the guild friends himself, maybe wanting it to happen fast, or possibly having some doubts towards Shiulin still. Whatever it was, he was not suggesting that Adelle needed to come along, giving her the option of going if she wanted to.

After a while, the Russian left the bar, leaving Adelle to her own devices. Once it came to the matter of lunching, the barkeep sticked a small menu in front of her. "Your choice. We don't have a regular lunch time, so what you order is what the kitchen person will make." he told the busty girl. The menu had the usual bar food available, nothing really unusual standing out among the usual wings and steaks and similar dishes.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Koz, thanks for going with me and all, and if you need anything just give me a holler alright, especially if you need some help with something," Adelle told Kozlov before heading over to get a bite to eat, where she took the menu offered by the bartender. "Hmm... let's see then. Can you get me a six inch steak and cheese sandwich on toasted bread please, and some fries on the side? With... I dunno, you got any sodas to drink? If not then just some water will do. If y'all don't have or can't do the sandwich then just a twelve ounce steak with the same side and drink," Adelle then said after looking at the menu for a minute or two, handing it back to the bartender and ordering her food, getting out some money to pay for it as he called her order out to the kitchens.

Once her food was there she'd eat and after she was done she'd let it settle before leaving the message for the girls with the bartender where she'd then head on to the wrestling club place. As she'd decided before, if the girls came there before she left then she'd give them the money she'd just made earlier to put in her room at Rachaela's place so she could save up some more.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well it should be manageable. Gimme a sec." the barkeep wrote down what Adelle had ordered and slipped it through a small, slideable latch in the wall where it went into the kitchen. Foodmaking could be heard shortly, but the barkeep took the girl's attention away from that when he reached below the counter and flipped out a bottle of Coke that came down right in front of her. With a quick snappy movement, he opened up the bottle and even stuck in a straw, even though one was not really asked for. "Don't sell a lot of these usually, but I can see why you might want it." After a couple of minutes of waiting, all the things were brought to Adelle by one of the two waitresses. It was no high-class fare, but there was definately love in the food, the homely kind of love.

Once she was finished, Adelle took it upon herself to try out the wrestling ring of the bikers. She would have to leave a message, as the sisters had not come back during her time there. The barkeep had no problem with being a middleman, it was something that he was pretty accustomed to.

At the gym, Adelle could find that business was going like usual, with varied girls performing fitness and practice regimens.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, thank you kindly sir," Adelle said as the barkeep pushed her order through the slot to the kitchens, then when he set the bottle of coke down in front of her, Adelle sighed softly after she took a drink of the stuff. "Oh wow, been a long time since I've had one of those. And they never get old to me, and they go good with just about anything you're going to eat. I'll probably order some more of these when I'm here from now on earlier in the day if you'll have some," Adelle added to the barkeep as she waited for the food to come.

Once her food was there, Adelle thanked the waitress who brought it out to her as she handed the necessary money to the barkeep to pay for it, where she took a bite of her sandwich, and then got some ketchup for her fries. The food was delicious, tasted just like a good old fashioned home cooked meal to her, it really reminded her of home and her family, which had the added effect of making her feel a little sad and lonely without them. But... she was here to work and make money to help them out and move them to the city or at least into a bigger and better house back home... maybe not a mansion per se, but if she could afford one then that would be great. After finishing her lunch and letting it settle for a couple of minutes, Adelle gave the barkeep the message to give to the girls for her since they weren't there yet, and then she headed on out to the wrestling place.

After arriving at the place, nodding to anyone out front on her way in and smiling at them, Adelle saw some girls here and there doing practice and training and such, and she looked around for Kanai from a couple of days before to say hi to if she saw her. Whether she found her or not, Adelle then headed over to the sign up table to see if she could get a spot for a match later on, trying to get an earlier match if possible but not the first match or two of the night, after which she'd head over to the locker room and change on into her new outfit from Isolda's, which she'd put into her backpack before leaving Rachaela's that morning, minus the little wings it had with it, as they'd just end up getting in the way she figured. Once she was through changing, Adelle would then head over to the training equipment and look around for the big redhead amazon like girl from a couple of days before to chat and see if she'd help her train and do some stretches to warm up since she seemed nice enough.