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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Looks like a heavily cyberized person... if not outright robot... I will see that this is safe..." Lacri pondered the sight aloud, not really needing instruction to take the forward position. The two of them approached, slowly and carefully, but still under the sight of the being that was looking straight at them. It was odd, by all means. Even as they got closer, there was no move made against the two.

Once it came to getting past the person however, things took a dramatic turn. With Lacri moving around them, the dragon humanoid swung into action, a red light flashing in it's eyes as they turned and took a shot at the nun with their metallic fist. It was not a surprise shot in any way thought, and Lacri raised her left arm to deflect the incoming fist to the side. That too seemed to have been anticipated though, and the dragon went along, leading the deflect into a midcombat roll that could not quite surprise the nun as she had turned already to face them before any side attack could take place. The dragon was now between the two, exposing his back to Adelle. While it was otherwise a decent enough dragon person armor, there was no tail on them, a thing that could be seen clearly from the back. Before the busty girl could do anything though, the apparent adversary moved back to take her friend on. It seemed to have little interest towards her. She could have taken a shot at it, but the two of the combatants were quite erratic, and hitting Lacri was a real possibility.

After a few similar strong and occasionally acrobatic exchanges, the two combatants ended in a stalemate. Lacri could have used her piston gauntlet to hammer the dragon's head in, the spike's rapid extension most likely capable of leaving a hole in the opponent. The dragon had his other hand and by extension the claws on right at the nun's eyes, and could most likely stab her into the brain via the eyes. "So, it is you, after all." came a sudden verbal communication from the dragon, who actually seemed to be a cyberhuman. The two of them looked at each other for a while, then backed off before coming into a non-hostile standoff right there.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see... well let's be careful regardless," Adelle said as Lacri took the lead and moved in. As they moved in towards the dragon like thing.

it didn't seem like it noticed them at first when they moved in, but when they tried to move past it, Adelle jumped back with a start as she drew her guns out of their holsters and pointed them at the beast as it attacked Lacri. She watched as Lacri and the thing fought back and forth, taking swings at each other, trying to get a good clear shot on the thing without hitting Lacri in the process, but it was looking like she wasn't going to get the chance. She moved around a little bit in order to get a good position to hit it without hitting Lacri, but just as she found a decent spot to attempt a shot, the fighting had stopped and the pair had backed off from one another.

"Um... what's going on here? Who is this Lacri?" Adelle asked in a slightly tense voice as she slowly started moving around to take up a position next to Lacri, though if either of the two stopped her in some way, then Adelle would jump again and back off with her hands raised a little to show she wasn't trying to be hostile here, unless the dragon person cyborg thing attacked her, in which case she'd take aim at the thing as she backed off and take a shot at it if it came to try and attack her, though she doubted that it would for the moment.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she had stopped fighting, it looked like Lacri had as little of an idea as Adelle did about the dragon person. "Yes... who are you actually? I don't think that I have seen anyone like you before..." she too asked, not quite sure what to make of this. But, the cyborg seemed to have his answer ready, and it did not need to be worded as he produced a similar pendant as the one just moments ago on the cross from a storage space in his forearm armor. "Oh... you trained with the old man as well... but... I don't think you quite looked like this back then... you were a strong but still very much human young lad at the time..." she wondered the surprising transformation of someone who had once been very different from his current appearance. "Well, that is a story to tell..."

The dragon person, named Sho apparently, went on to tell the story about how he had been a member of a vigilante group after the time of the training with the old man and gotten to a dangerous encounter where he had almost been killed with a home-made explosive and afterwards fitted into a cyberbody to avoid dying. Sometime later, he had joined the bounty hunters and earned enough money to commission his current battle body from a high-class cyborg technician. "There is not much of the original me left... but I still remember everything from the times before. Was not sure about you being the same Lacrimosa, so I had to try it out with the only way I knew it would be properly confirmed. Sorry about that." he said, taking a look at the tight alleyway afterwards. "So he has moved on... I just might have to pay my respects..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Stepping around beside Lacri since she didn't seem to be stopped, Adelle could see that Lacri had about as much knowledge about who the guy was as she did... at first anyway. Once Lacri saw the dragon cyborg guy pull out a pendant that was much like the one she saw on the cross inside the place they'd just left, she seemed to know who this... man was, apparently he also trained under Lacrimosa's old teacher, which made him a friend, and Lacri's friends were her friends, Adelle thought.

After that, Adelle stood there with Lacri and listened to the guy's story that he told, learning his name in the meantime, which was Sho. Once he was through with his story, Adelle glanced over at Lacri. "Well now, what do you want to do now Lacri? Would you two like to stay here a while without me? I don't mind giving you two some room if you'd like to be alone with your old master, I was going to go and talk with Samson about some work anyway, so you can find me there, if not there then you can check out that place I told you about that I wrestled at yesterday, I'll be back to Rachaela's in time to show those two to the place that ghost thing started following me at," Adelle said to Lacri, asking if her and Sho would like for her to leave them there alone with their master's grave for now. "If you do want me to head on, then I guess I'll see you two later. Mister Sho, it's nice to meet you, I'm Adelle, and I've been working with Lacri for the last week or so, give or take," Adelle added, turning to Sho and introducing herself with a slight bow of her head, shaking his hand, or what passed for his hand anyway before heading on, whether Lacri wished to follow or not, with Adelle letting her friend know where she might be able to find her before that night when they were due to take the two from the tower to find the ghost.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Sho did have hands, and his claws were apparently retractable, so the two of them could actually shake hands. The size difference was there again, but it was not as massive as it had been between Adelle and Garagan a few days before. "We will go see the master one more time... as his last disciples... so go ahead... I'm sure they can arrange a mission that is easy enough... or a partner... See you in the evening then... the nun told Adelle, leaving her alone for now as the two entered the tight alleyway.

At the hunter's bar, there was still no Samson to be found, but someone had taken up his position on that particular table. Instead of the old cowboy, was occupying the spot that usually brought all the hunters their tasks. While there appeared to be more than little mischievousness and maybe even a hint of cruelty in the pipe-smoking girl's expression, Adelle would most likely have to deal with her in order to get something to do and earn some bounty.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Shaking Sho's hand, which was quite large, though not quite as large as Garagan's was, Adelle nodded to Lacri as the two of them went back into the alley towards their master's old place. "M'kay you two, remember to be careful too Lacri, never know when Margaret might strike, though she'd probably go after Mariela first I'd think... from what I know at the moment at least. See you later alright," Adelle told Lacrimosa as she turned to leave, waving back at the two as she did left.

Making her way to the hunter's bar wasn't too tough, as she navigated her way through the city streets and ducked into a few less crowded ones when need be to save time from traffic. When she arrived, Adelle passed by the bartender and gave him a friendly wave, saying hello as she went around the bar, where she glanced over at Samson's usual place and saw a woman sitting there instead. She looked like she was dressed in some quite fancy garb and she had a slightly... mean expression on her face, though it was hard to really tell if it was cruel or simply a little mischievous that was there, but either way she'd probably have to talk with her if she wanted work.

"Hey pal, how's things around here today? Anything interesting happening? Also I'd like a shot of whiskey please," Adelle asked the bartender, ordering herself a shot of whiskey as she laid a couple of coins on the counter to pay for it. As she pulled her glass over after the bartender had gotten it for her, Adelle listened to him answer her questions before she downed her shot and shook her head. "Whew damn, that's some good stuff you got. Also... who's she?" Adelle went on to say, complimenting the bartender on his drink, then asking about the pipe smoking woman sitting in Samson's place as she nodded towards her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As the order was given, the glass of booze was produced at practised efficiency by the bartender, who poured and sent the purchase over to Adelle with a smooth slide across the counter. "Her? That's Shiulin, she is some sort of associate of Samson. I do not know the details about what their relationship is exactly, but I think it is a purely business-oriented one. She is here to cover for the man, as he is still on his vacation." the man gave a quick answer that matched Adelle's speed at drinking. "If you are here for more than drinks, I think you should ask her. Supposedly there has been a decline in things for the past few days, but there always are some slow periods."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... alright then, thank you kindly. I believe I should go and introduce myself to her if I'm to be getting a job then," Adelle said to the bartender, thanking him for the drink as she headed on over to the table that the woman was at.

As she approached the table, Adelle put a friendly look on her face so she would seem easy to speak to, while at the same time trying to seem capable to the woman. "Hello there miss Shiulin, I'm Adelle. I was coming to speak with Samson about any work that may have popped up today, but as he's not here I was told to speak with you about it instead. So... is there anything that needs doing perhaps?" Adelle said as she got to the table, shaking the woman's hand if she took Adelle's when the busty girl offered it a she introduced herself, where she then asked about any work to be had.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You do that." the bartender gave a parting remark as he took the empty glass to see that it would be cleaned for later use.

The approach towards Shiulin seemed a bit less easy. The girl appeared to not be sure of Adelle and her status, having to ask about her from the bartender with a quick question. A few other hunters confirmed it along with the bartender, though, voicing their knowledge from the nearby tables. "She is capable, I hear. I have seen her be capable in something else too, but that has nothing to do with this..." one of them said, a face that Adelle imagined she had seen during her wrestling bout the other day. It seemed that her other career choice had not gone unnoticed from the more seedy regulars among the bounty hunters. "Alright then. I was not sure about how to feel about you." the girl told Adelle as she took up the handshake offer, not being one to get up from her seat though. "There is a minor task within our own properties, a warehouse has been reported to contain something unwanted in the form of some stray creatures that have found their way inside somehow. That place is not too high on the chart of valuable properties, but we do still like to keep the places clean of any potentially harmful and unwanted denizens. Would that be something to your liking?" the orientally-styled girl asked as Adelle took a seat, flicking her pipe afterwards to stir the contents of the tool. She seemed pretty passive, despite what the expression on her might have suggested.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle came over and spoke to Shiulin, the busty girl found that the woman seemed a bit unsure of her capabilities, though it didn't offend her any at all really and so she waited for her to ask around about her before she shook the woman's hand. She blushed a bit when the one person at a nearby table mentioned to Shiulin about her wrestling match the day before, looking a little embarrassed, but she shook her head quickly to get brush it off as the woman accepted her handshake.

"Eh it's alright, someone new like myself that you don't know, I kind of figured that you'd ask around to see if I was capable to a degree," Adelle said as they shook hands and she sat down across the table from Shiulin. She sat there and listened to the woman tell her of a job that needed doing, which didn't sound overly dangerous or like it would take up too much time or anything, but going it alone may be tough, though she did have the new gun that she'd gotten for the job at the factory the other day too, which was stronger than he other one, so she was armed well enough for some stray creatures surely. "Yeah sure that sounds alright, unless you've got something else that you think might be better for me that is. Now I'm not the best, and I'm pretty new at this, plus I haven't done any jobs alone yet. I've only got a couple of questions or so about the job though if that's alright. Is this something that someone by themselves should be able to handle before sundown? And am I supposed to recover anything, or protect anyone at this place by chance?" Adelle went on to say when Shiulin finished speaking, the busty girl watching the other woman flicking her pipe.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she seemed passive, Shiulin was nothing if professional and appeared to know what was going on as best as one that had not been privy to the actual place of operation could know. "No, there is no other objective here besides a simple search and sweep of any possible hostiles. Of course, keeping the property damage to a minimum is probably a thing that is desired from one of the guild's establishments. The place is not far and is not big, so unless you dally around doing something completely non-related, I think it is easily doable. Or if the number of the creatures is more than expected. But I'm sure that there is someone here who can take up the mission with you, Usually these things are done with at least two people. I think it is doable by yourself, but I can not be sure. There could be unknown factors." she told Adelle. While the girl was speaking with obvious authority and knowledge that easily matched Samson's, there was a detectable feeling that the other hunters were looking at the exchange between the two. For what reason, Adelle could not say. But for some reason, she got the idea that she was not the one being scrutinized.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh but of course, I wouldn't think of damaging any property or anything, wouldn't do to damage the property I'm trying to protect really. And alrighty then, I'll do my best and be back as soon as I can, and if there is someone there that can help I'll get them if need be. Should be pretty fun to do something all by myself, since I'll get paid more so than I would with a partner," Adelle said, shaking Shiulin's hand again as she eased the chair back and stood up.

As she got up, Adelle glanced around the room and noted the looks from the surrounding hunters that seemed more directed at Shiulin rather than her. She wondered why they seemed to be scrutinizing the woman, at least that's what it appeared to her they were doing from the looks on their faces anyway... hmm, maybe she'd ask around when she got back, for now though it was time to hunt and make some money. Regardless, she accepted the mission and said she'd be back as soon as she could once it was dealt with. "Duh, forgot to ask, where is the place at?" Adelle said just as she was about to start towards the door, remembering that she didn't know where it was just yet. Once she found out exactly where she was going, Adelle would nod her head and move out towards the place in question.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Suit yourself. I see no real harm in that." the dress-wearing girl said as she heard Adelle's mind about how the job would go. There was no real indication that she cared what would happen afterwards, the idea of simply sitting there and puffing her pipe seemed to appear a more interesting prospect. Still, there was nothing held back. Once Adelle came back with the question, Shiulin looked like she was not liking it, having to answer further questions. But it was not an excuse to avoid dealing with the busty girl, and she did give the directions readily. "It is a few blocks over, let me show you..." she said, pulling a map from the usual paper pile that Samson too had usually on the table when he was taking care of contracts. Once it was fully accessible, she drew a line from the pub to the target warehouse, showing it twice just in case.

Once Adelle was bout to move out, the one hunter that had noticed her wrestling career earlier stopped her with a tug on her long coat. "You gonna let her treat you like that? With no respect?" he asked, not bothering to try and hide his voice at all, obviously wanting Shiulin to hear it. "I think she should come with you herself. That fancy little girl has not done anything yet besides order us around like she owns the place. Samson's friend or not, that is no way to treat the guild members. She should really show that she is worth that chair." his tablemate chimed in, in a similarly blatant and loud voice. The reason of the earlier looks was getting apparent, and Adelle too had noticed that Shiulin did not appear to like dealing with her too much. Apparently, it had been the case with most others as well. For her part, the girl was not looking too happy either, having heard what appeared to be the majority opinion of her around the room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Very well then, I should be able to handle it alright. And if not I'll get help," Adelle said as she started on out.

Adelle noticed that this new woman didn't appear to like it she asked where the place was at, as it involved more work for her, but she did tell her where it was thankfully, as she'd have to have some rather cross words with her if she hadn't. Nodding as she made sure she could find the place from the bar alright, Adelle went on out.

When she was heading out, the guy that mentioned her wrestling bit earlier stopped her as she went by, pulling on her coat to get her attention. She listened to his words, which he made no attempt at lowering his voice. She wondered what the woman thought about what the guy had said as she glanced over her shoulder at Shiulin, then when the other guy chimed in and spoke up, Adelle did think to herself that this woman probably should take more of an effort into the work than she seemed to have done when dealing with her. "Well boys... while I might rather have Samson about, and while I do think that miss Shiulin could have been a little more enthusiastic and stuff about it, the way I see it is that Samson apparently trusts her or she wouldn't be here is my thinking on the matter. If anyone's got complaints then you should tell Samson and see why he chose for her to take his place until his return. As long as she doesn't try and withhold money from my job then I can overlook some things, but... I suppose you are right that it isn't a good way to treat members of the guild. Regardless though I have things to do now and money to make, so... I guess I'll be going now," Adelle said, loud enough for most to hear, giving them the suggestion of speaking to Samson about it when they got the chance to do so, to keep them all from just literally jumping the woman. Then as she started to head on out again, she stopped a moment. "Though if it turns out to be more than something simple like I was told then I will expect additional compensation for any injuries or damage to my gear and whatnot that I sustain," Adelle added as an afterthought of sorts before heading on out the rest of the way towards her new destination, which was this warehouse of some sort that she was supposed to deal with an infestation or something at, unless someone at the bar stopped her from leaving that is, in which case she didn't really have much choice but to stay and listen to what was said.

As she made her way towards the place, assuming she wasn't stopped again, Adelle found herself hoping that the crowd at the bar didn't try and attack Shiulin or anything. Yeah she was rather rude it seemed, but she did give her the directions, but then again she acted as if she didn't really care about what might happen to Adelle by going alone, which disturbed her a bit to say the least, as it pretty much meant that she wasn't going to have any backup if something went wrong at this place. If something did happen to her, she hoped that someone would find and help her out of the jam she might have gotten herself into at the time, but only time would tell really.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was nothing further being said, the decisions that Adelle was making seemed to cause some disappointment in the hunters that were present. They still did not try to push her further, and the girl got to slip away before any potential infighting could start and delay her mission in any significant way.

The short trip to the warehouse building was uneventful as one would expect, only the usual city folk coming across Adelle's path as she went through the commercial area near the bar. The target area was little less traveled, so the shooting and sounds of battle should not cause too much problems, if it had to go into that anyway. It appeared to be a relatively small warehouse, one that would not take half an hour just to reach the other side. While there was a chain strapped in front of the door and a sign telling about trespassing not being allowed, the blue-headed girl could find out that the door was actually unlocked. Maybe someone had broken in before her, or a mistake had happened while the previous person had left.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Look guys I'm not saying that we should just let her speak to us like that or walk all over us, because that's up to all of you. I'm just saying that Samson obviously thinks that she's good enough for the job, and I trust him, because he hasn't done me wrong since I came here or anything, so... you know. I can overlook stuff about a person so long as the pay is right, sometimes at least," Adelle said to the hunters when they seemed all disappointed at her previous words, making sure that everyone heard her emphasis on the sometimes part at the end, especially Shiulin, so that they'd know if she was pushed that she would pushed back. She also figured that Shiulin had obviously spoken in the same way or possibly even worse ways to some of them than she had to her if the other hunters attitudes about her were any indication. So she was trying to be the voice of reason here for both sides of the argument and hoped that at the very least Samson came back soon to prevent anything more from happening, figuring that she'd talk to him about it if nobody else did. After making sure the hunters all seemed a little less disappointed at her, but wouldn't do anything such as attack Shiulin

Nothing really happened on the way to the place and it was relatively easy to find thankfully, and she saw that the place was in a less populated area that was near the bar, or at least there were fewer people around it anyway. The warehouse she saw was fairly small all things considered she saw, which was a little curious she thought, as she figured that the hunters having a warehouse to store stuff in would have been much larger considering how many hunters there were in the city. Hell it almost seemed like the hunters guild around the city was more like the primary mercenary force that could be utilized to protect the city, almost more so than the police and whatnot. Making her way to the main doors she saw they had a chain across them with a no trespassing sign next to them on the wall, which she of course didn't heed because she was here for a reason. The door was curiously unlocked, which slightly worried her a little, as there were only a few reasons for a door at a warehouse to be unlocked like this, and very few of them sounded appealing to her to say the least.

Gently opening the door and pushing it open, Adelle looked around the main area to make sure that there was plenty of light around for her to see by, and if there wasn't then she'd have to look for something she could use to light her way. After making sure about that, Adelle gently closed the door behind her, propping it open with a piece of wood or something to make sure that if she screamed that at least maybe someone would have a better chance of hearing her do so and would come to investigate. Now she was supposed to get rid of an infestation of some sort or something like that, so she began looking around for clues of what it may be inside the place that she was supposed to be getting rid of.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no real light to be found in the entry room, though Adelle could see into the main warehouse area and see that there was an amount of light similar to how it was outside, thanks to a set of windows that went along the ceiling. It was not maybe as good as outside, but not far off. Other than that, it was a bit hard to see inside as there was a huge shelf right out of the wide-open door that went there. The light switches were not giving any response, most likely due to a power cut, intentional or not. The entry room had a few loose pieces of 2x4 laying around, so the door could quite handily be set to stay open slightly and possibly allow a friendly bypasser to hear in case there was trouble.

Once she stepped inside, there appeared to be instant notice of her by something. Having just barely made it out of the door and into the main storage, Adelle was already grabbed by something that was above her and to the left. On the wall next to her in a slightly elevated position, there was a clump of matter in a vague egg shape, looking pretty much like vegetable or flesh matter based on how one looked at it. From the center of the green mass reached out a slimy red tentacle, pulling at her left arm as it had caught her off guard and rolled around her upper arm with haste. It was not a dangerous situation by any means as the thing just pulled at her, but appeared to lack any real strenght to hoist her upwards or something. Mostly it just prevented her from moving right then.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Sighing as she couldn't find any real light switch in the room that worked, or a flashlight or lantern or anything to use, she figured that the light pouring in through the windows in the ceiling would just have to do. Once she fixed one of the 2x4's against the doorway to prop the door open some, Adelle stepped on into the warehouse proper.

"Well, now to see what I'm supposed to take care of I suppose so I can... Eek!" Adelle began saying to herself as she was grabbed by something just beside the door on the inside of the warehouse.

She looked up and saw the green slightly egg shaped thing that had a red tentacle coming out of it which was what was holding her now. The tentacle had her left arm held tightly as it coiled all the way up and around her arm, though it didn't really do any more than that afterwards, seeming to not be strong enough for any more than that really... at least so it seemed anyway. Regardless though she didn't want to be stuck here so she had to get free. Adelle attempted to pull free at first, testing the tentacle as it were, and if it seemed to tough to break free from without any aid, then she would draw her sword with her right hand and stab the egg shaped bud that the tentacle was coming from.

"Come on damn you let me go," Adelle grunted as she pulled at the thing, and then stabbed it if need be.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Trying to tell to stop what it was doing seemed to have little effect, so Adelle went ahead and tried to pull against it as the second option. The thing did not want to let her go, keeping the attempt as exactly that and pretty much still keeping the girl in her current spot. Stabbing it was an entirely different matter, as the sharp metal poking into the mass caused the slimy appendage to retreat, a small spray of something unidentifiable coming from the area of the stab. Leaving some slime on Adelle's arm, the red tentacle retreated back to it's mass, still leaking a bit from the remaining hole.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she pulled and tugged against the tentacle holding her, she saw that it wasn't going to let her go easily as it pulled and tugged in return to prevent her escape, and her words didn't help any at all really other than to just make noise, but it made her feel better to say what she had at least. When she pulled her sword out of its sheath and stabbed at the thing, it pierced the mass and caused the tentacle to let her go as something sprayed out onto her arm, getting her coat a little wet in the process.

She didn't know what the substance was, but it could mess her coat up if it stayed on it, so she immediately moved away from the plant a few feet and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe her coat off with, after sniffing the substance to see if it was blood or not that is, as she was curious. "Stupid stuff, better not ruin my coat," Adelle muttered under her breath as she cleaned her coat sleeve.

Once it was cleaned up, Adelle would take her coat off and slip it into her backpack to prevent it from getting dirty again, figuring it best to do so in order to protect her coat from damage. Once that was done, Adelle would inspect the mass that the tentacle came from, wondering just what it was exactly and if it was one of the creatures mentioned that she was supposed to get rid of. Afterwards, she'd head into the warehouse proper, looking around as she stayed in the light as much as possible to see if she could spot anything else that looked to not belong there as she tried to spot any other creatures such as the thing at the door or anything else.