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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After getting the creature's attention and backing away to keep her distance, Adelle found herself pretty quickly out of the thing's sight as she zipped behind the corner on her own side. There was little to be seen of it for a while, but as the busty girl started down another street, she saw the ball coming through the wall of the building. It had clipped inside and back out, looking quite capable of passing through solid matter. It was also coming faster now, not as fast as she could run though. Rachaela's house was still a little ways off, but within running distance if she pushed herself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Heading on away from the thing, Adelle managed to keep her distance and was soon out of the alley as she hopped around the corner, out of sight of the creature as it floated towards her. Once she was around the corner of the building, Adelle figured since she was out of sight of the thing that she would be just fine, so she slowed down back to a walk. However she jumped a bit as she looked back and saw it coming through the building.

"Oh now that's just not fair dammit," Adelle said as she looked at the thing, which was now coming faster at her. It wasn't coming faster than she could run though Adelle saw, and since Rachaela's house wasn't far off she figured that she could jog along or run if it came faster, where she could get Rachaela or Lacri to help her identify whatever this thing was. Adelle broke into a fast jog to keep ahead of the thing, breaking into a sprint if need be to keep ahead as she glanced over her shoulder every few steps to see how fast the thing was coming now, hoping to beat it to Rachaela's place since it seemed to be able to pass through solid matter.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Continuing her retreat even after seeing the ball of strangeness come through the walls of the building, Adelle made her way through the streets and towards their temporary base of operations. After reaching the door, she saw that the creepy thing had stopped at the gate of Rachaela's house, not coming into the yard and simply floating there as she looked at it. Once she actually got Rachaela to the door, the creature had blinked out of existence. "Huh. Are you sure you were not seeing things?" the mage asked from her, somehow not being too beleiving of her words with nothing there.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving quickly along the streets, Adelle was able to avoid the creature as it came through the walls of some of the buildings after her. Hopping over the gate to Rachaela's house, Adelle ran up to the door and looked back at the gate to see the thing had stopped there, apparently not wanting to follow her into the yard for some reason, which she didn't know why. Knocking on the door, Adelle waited for Rachaela to arrive to let her in as she watched the creature floating there at the gate, where it disappeared and out of sight when the mage girl answered her door.

Telling Rachaela what she'd seen made the mage girl ask if she wasn't just seeing things, where Adelle looked back over at the gate suspiciously as she stood there in the doorway. "I'm sure I saw something there Rachaela, but it disappeared as soon as you answered the door. And I know that whatever it was followed me all the way here from a few blocks over. It reminded me almost of the stuff in that factory I went into the other day on that job," Adelle said as she went on inside, shaking her head a little. Maybe she had just been seeing things, but if that were the case then she must be going totally crazy, and she was sure that she wasn't going crazy.

Once inside Rachaela's house, she turned to the mage girl. "So did anything bad happen while I was gone? I managed to find something worth doing on my days off from the guild jobs and I asked around a bit too, so my day was pretty good all in all. Also what's for dinner?" Adelle asked Rachaela after she got in and took her coat and hat off, still wondering what that thing was that had chased her all the way here to Rachaela's house. "Also I need to ask you Rachaela, do you have any hair dyes? I'd like to get my hair back to its normal color and all tonight if possible, but if you don't have any then I can just get it done tomorrow after we get through with breakfast and stuff," Adelle would then ask Rachaela after the mage girl answered her first question, where she would then take her things upstairs to the bedroom she was staying in.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While it looked like Rachaela had not totally bought the explanation, it was still enough to cause some consideration in her. "Hmm, alright. I'll have to consult some of my books and possibly find out what that was. I have seen some stories about ghosts in a few of them. Still, good that you found some other thing to liven up the days. Food is still the same as before, though I made it into a stew instead of still keeping the meat around like it was. Might be a bit less repetitive that way." she replied as the door was shut after Adelle's return to the place. "Might not be as much as you'd like, but the meat percentage of the food was lowered somewhat as a result of Garagan eating twice from the pile of usable meat that we had before."

"Dyes? Why would I have any of those?" was the reply to the question about such cosmetics, followed up by a bap on the head with the staff once more. Despite the unconventional method of application, the small hit was actually a minor spell that reverted Adelle's hair color. "I am not really sure what I would need those for, I think this is the proper color for me."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding her head to Rachaela as she took her coat and hat off, Adelle gave her a rough description of the thing she saw chasing her earlier on her way back to the house here, seeing as how she was going to look it up and all, Adelle figured it'd be good for her to know what she was looking for at least. "Yeah it was this wrestling thing over a a gym... it's... kind of a lewd type of wrestling, but I mean they did tell me that they punish those that go too far to the point that they hurt their opponent on purpose and stuff, so it seems safe enough to me. And the best part about it is I get paid whether I win or lose, I just get more when I win, and I won earlier so yay me," Adelle said to Rachaela, giving a little cheer for herself as she started up the steps to take her things to her bedroom, stopping on the first step. "That's fine with me, I'm not really picky about food honestly Rachaela, so I'll eat just about anything you put in front of me almost. I don't mind giving you a little money though to help replenish the food I used last night if you want me to," Adelle went on to say on the matter of the food.

When Rachaela said what she did about the hair dyes, Adelle shrugged her shoulders and figured that she would just get herself some tomorrow and fix her hair up then, but then Rachaela bonked her on the top of the head with her staff, making Adelle give a little eek as she hadn't expected it, but before she said anything she noticed her hair color changing back to the blue it was before. "Oh wow... thanks Rachaela, I didn't think you knew spells like that honestly which is why I mentioned the dyes before. Now I don't have to waste the money on some hair dye, thanks again," Adelle said after looking at her hair a bit, smiling and hugging Rachaela and kissing her on either cheek in thanks where she then went on upstairs and put her things away for safekeeping.

Leaving her bedroom after putting her things away, she went to get the rest of her stuff from Garagan so that she could get herself a change of clean clothing, choosing her new blue blouse that she got the other day from Josephine's store and the matching skirt that went with it. Once she had changed her clothing, Adelle took the dirty ones she was wearing and put them into the dirty clothes basket, where she then went to check on dinner, getting a bowl of the stew Rachaela mentioned and getting a big bowl of it to eat, and a glass of wine if Rachaela didn't mind her getting one, the busty Adelle feeling great after winning some money earlier and now having a nice dinner with her friends. While she ate she would tell the others about what all had happened throughout the day, going only into as much detail as the sisters asked for or seemed to want, then she'd ask if they had heard anything so far yet about their other sister that was apparently out to get them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's elementary spellcasting, silly. Of course I would know something as simple as this." Rachaela replied, taking all the gestures of affection and thankfulness in stride, saying nothing about the money that she was being offered.

It was a breeze to get herself back into relaxation, Garagan pretty much expecting to be asked about the stuff when the two of them came face-to-face. After a breather and doing her needed chores, Adelle found herself in the kitchen, eating a bowl of beef stew with Mariela and Lacrimosa. The other two sisters were away and doing their own things, having already dealt with eating for the rest of the day. There was little being said, both of the sisters being quite silent by nature and that had not changed, but they were still taking all that was being said in with carefulness. While Mariela was still pretty passive, most likely due to her underlying impatience towards meeting Margaret, Lacri seemed somewhat concerned about Adelle's career choice. Even so, she spoke nothing of it.

When the talk shifted to Margaret, Mariela turned her gaze towards the window. "No, haven't found anything about her. Not that we went anywhere..." she said, sighing as she stared into the darkening front yard and street.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah well I'm no mage, so I didn't know anything about magic or anything like that honestly. Would be nice and helpful to learn some spells though I guess if you could teach me later on sometime when we get some free time. Maybe later tonight before we go to bed," Adelle said to Rachaela as she left her to go and freshen up with some clean clothes and stuff.


After checking with Garagan about her things and changing her clothing and all, Adelle headed down into the kitchen to get herself some food, where she found herself eating with Mariela and Lacrimosa as Rachaela and Isabella were apparently already through with their food. Adelle of course didn't care really who she ate with so long as she had someone to talk to that didn't mind listening and chatting back with her, so it made no true difference to her really. She noticed that Mariela seemed to just be listening, likely still focused on Margaret and her gunning for the four of them, and probably her as well now if the woman was as good as Mariela and the others had said. Lacri seemed to be concerned when Adelle mentioned what she'd been doing and that she seemed to like it and all, but she said nothing of it to her just yet, making Adelle think that Lacri respected her privacy enough to not try and talk her out of going back.

"Well don't dwell on it so much Mari, I'm sure something will turn up about her soon, and then we can go and kick her ass alright. Also, I'm not sure if Rachaela told you all while I was changing and freshening up, but on my way back I saw this strange little... ghost like creature of some sort," Adelle said to Mariela, trying to take her mind off of Margaret as she changed the subject and gave the two a rough description of the ghostly apparition she'd seen on her way home.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I sure hope so..." Mariela added as she pressed a hand against the glass, like a curious child. Soon, she was back to just sitting normally.

The mention of the ghost was of no concern to Mariela, who simply shrugged off any possibility of knowing about it. Lacrimosa however, seemed to have an idea about the apparition. "Oh, that poor lost soul..." she said, going into prayer after hearing about the encounter. "They have lost their way. Hopefully they come to collect him soon, before someone has to suffer."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding in agreement with Mariela on the matter of Margaret, Adelle glanced back over at Lacrimosa after she told of the ghostly apparition, the nun seeming to know something about it. When Lacri finished talking about it, Adelle's eyes were a little wide. "So... that thing that was chasing me was a lost soul? Um... what would it have done to me had it caught me Lacri? Is it something I should be greatly concerned about? Something that would hurt me? And who are they exactly? And it did follow me all the way to Rachaela's gate to the grounds after all. So could it possibly come in here after me?" Adelle said, a tinge of fear obvious in her voice as she asked several quick questions, thinking to herself that she may need to join in on those prayers with Lacri. "If it can then I'd like to know what I could do to... calm it I guess is the term to use, or at least keep it from hurting me," Adelle went on to say, obviously scared about the thing, but genuinely wanting to try and help the poor soul to move on so that it didn't hurt anyone else.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes." the nun replied as she came out from her brief prayer. "A lost soul can have a variety of different kinds of power... but the most usual thing they have going is their nightmare touch. One touch from their form can induce a whole cadre of horrific nightmare visions... usually a person can't endure the mental assault and they die from shock... though they are not always lethal. It did not follow you further because... You did not invite it to the house... That is a part about these beings that the Tower scholars still have no idea about... Speculation is that it a remnant of their human mannerisms." she told what she knew, taking a breather. "It won't be a threat now, but might be later... They haunt certain areas... In this case, it is most likely the alley you saw him in... I think we need to visit the White Tower tomorrow... And tell them what is going on..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Ick, I'm glad I didn't let it touch me then. I already have nightmares enough as it is, don't need any more. But I watched it go through several buildings on the way here while I ran from it, and I'm fairly certain that at least one of those places it went through was someone's home. But I don't really mind going tomorrow to this white tower to see if they can help the poor thing move on and stuff," Adelle replied, shuddering quite a bit in the process at the mere thought of what the thing might have done to her had it gotten her. Would it have killed her outright? Hell knowing her luck most likely.

Once the talk of that died down and she got finished eating her dinner, Adelle would look for Rachaela to inform her of what Lacrimosa told her about the ghostly apparition and what she'd said they should do the next day about it. After that, Adelle would go to Rachaela's living room with a second glass of wine and sit down to relax for a little bit, making idle chitchat with whoever was there that wished to talk to her. Though if nobody did wish to talk, or if they had nothing in particular to say, then Adelle would just chat about the days events, going into a bit of detail about her wrestling match unless whoever was there told her that they didn't really wish to hear. Once her wine was done, she would take the glass back to the kitchen and wash it out, helping to clean the dishes there if there were any to be cleaned, and then she would head on to bed, stripping down to just her thong she was wearing before climbing under the covers to get some sleep.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"They were not... for the lost soul cannot come into a building uninvited... That is the practically the only thing they cannot get over." Lacrimosa remarked at the further question.

After finding Rachaela in her study, Adelle found out that the mage girl too had come across the creature in one of her many books. It was still not much in the way of further information, the only thing being added to their knowledge was the fact that the ghosts had distinction of gender via color. The one that Adelle had encountered was a former man, while dark red ones were female in their lives.

From there, the busty girl moved to have some time with Isabella and the second wine glass, their talk pretty quickly shifting towards guns after the brief explanation of what had happened during the day. The gun-wielding sister seemed to have no concern towards the activities that Adelle had decided to take up on her own time, but still told her to be careful about the wrestling place, as it appeared to be somewhat shady in her opinion.

Not before long, the evening had passed into night, and the inhabitants began to settle down. For some reason, Lacrimosa decided to come over to the room where Adelle was for the night. "Just for safety..." she said, sliding into the bed next to Adelle's that was closer to the window. Even sleeping seemed to be a conservative time for her, as a light robe was still the nun's chosen attire for the night.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Listening to Lacrimosa tell her that the lost souls couldn't enter a building uninvited made her feel a bit less frightened of the thing, but she still didn't feel truly safe despite being reassured by the nun that it couldn't get at her any. After she was done and went to tell Rachaela what Lacri had told her, she found that Rachaela had found the thing in one of her books, where she then found out also that it had been the lost soul of a man, which sent a shudder down Adelle's back as she remembered all of the men at the wrestling place and pretty much most of the men in the city she'd passed stealing glances at her large breasts, making her believe that might have been what was attracting the lost soul to her now that she knew... well that coupled with the fact that she threw a rock at it to draw its attention away from the passerby on the other end of the alley she'd been in.

"Thanks Rachaela, now at least I have a pretty good idea as to why it kept following me after I ran away from it instead of just going back to the alley to wait for someone else to come along, or to go back after the person I threw the rock at it to draw it away from. Because that was a guy, and since it was a male lost soul it makes sense that it would come after me, a girl, rather than the man it started to go after. At least it makes sense to me anyway, but I don't know how the lost souls work really," Adelle said to Rachaela when the mage sister was done. "Also, if you don't mind, tomorrow evening sometime I'd like as you if you mind teaching me some magic of some sort. If it's possible for me to learn any magic that is at least," Adelle added before she left Rachaela's study, asking the mage sister if she would teach her some magic at the earliest convenience for the both of them.

After that, making a mental note to keep an eye out for that particular lost soul as well as any others she passed by, Adelle went to grab her other glass of wine where she was joined by Isabella, where they talked for a while about guns and what happened during the day. "Yeah I think it's a fairly shady like place too, but they assured me that the girls there are protected at all costs and they have quite a few guards to ensure that they remain safe, as well as the girls themselves for the most part could probably handle themselves unless greatly outnumbered," Adelle said to Isabella when the gunner sister voiced her concerns about Adelle going to the wrestling place. "I won my first match though, which I got paid a bit more than I would have gotten paid had I lost, so I'm happy. And the majority of the girls there are pretty nice, though they did tell me that on occasion there are injuries when someone goes too far, but as far as I know there's never been any deaths," Adelle added, hoping to ease Isabella's fears for her.

After she was through with her wine and had helped with any dishes, Adelle headed on upstairs to her bedroom where she stripped down to her skimpy thong and prepared to climb into bed. Then Lacri came in and climbed into the bed next to her, which made Adelle smile and feel quite a bit safer to say the least. "Alright... thanks Lacri," Adelle said as she climbed on into bed and shut off the lamp to go to sleep, hoping that it would come quickly so that she would be well rested for tomorrow.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The nun said nothing further, the two of them soon finding sleep in the room as moonlight poured in through the window after the lights had been turned off.

Come morning, Adelle would find herself alone again, a neatly made bed the only thing remaining from Lacrimosa's earlier presence. The nun had already left for her morning duties, most likely.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While Adelle slept she had some fairly pleasant dreams, one in particular of which was about Lacri slipping out of her own bed and joining Adelle in her own where she caressed the busty girl's breasts and kissed her right on the lips before moving on for more. Lacri kissed and caressed Adelle until she left the busty girl breathless, where she then slid down under the covers and pulled Adelle's panties off and started kissing and licking her nethers. Adelle simply lay there and let Lacri do whatever she wished, where after Lacri drove Adelle to one swift climax with her tongue she maneuvered around into the scissor position with Adelle and began grinding her hip around. Adelle moved her own hips with Lacri, their soft sweet moans filling the bedroom as they rubbed their pussies against each other.

When Adelle reached her second climax, she jerked awake in her bed, leaving her blissful dream behind as she sprang up into a sitting position. "Oh gods... that was... great, it felt so real," Adelle said to herself after she raised up. That was the second time she'd had a dream like that since she came here, the first being the night she was raped by that thug woman that had a dick between her legs, which was a little strange mind you, but it made Adelle feel a little better at least because it wasn't a guy like the one that had tried manhandling her on that first job she did with Mariela.

As she sat there getting her bearings after waking up, Adelle suddenly felt a bit sticky and wet between her legs, where she promptly looked down and pulled the covers down to look and see if she'd wet herself. She noticed that she hadn't wet herself, but her thong was soaked through with her sexual fluids that her body had been leaking while she dreamed her wonderful dream earlier. "Oh man, I'm going to need to take a bath before I can go out... or even down to breakfast," Adelle said with a bit of a groan, only now noticing that Lacri... the real one, wasn't there. "That's the second dream that Lacri did something like that to me that I've had since coming here. I wonder why I'm even having them," Adelle said quietly to herself, shaking her head a bit as she got out of bed.

Grabbing a fresh pair of panties and the clothes she'd taken off before bed the night before, Adelle pulled her now soaked panties off and slipped out and into the bathroom, hoping nobody saw her along the way while she was stark nude. Once in the bathroom she'd get cleaned up really quickly and do her morning business before dropping her thong in the dirty clothes basket, wherever it was, and then she'd go and get a bite to eat and see where everyone else was at and what they planned on doing that day if anything.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It was easy enough for Adelle to sneak into the bathroom by herself, as the sounds she heard indicated that all the other people that were awake were doing their things downstairs. The quick wash-up was succesful, and shortly, she could head downstairs.

Upon entering the kitchen, the busty girl could find only Lacri there, the nun girl nibbling on a bread loaf by herself. The others were doing other things around the house, it seemed."They have not planned much... But I think we still need to visit the tower and deal with that lost soul you saw...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully nobody saw her moving out to the bathroom in her birthday suit, so she was able to change and everything quietly without anyone seeing her and likely asking her why she was sneaking and naked. Heading on downstairs she saw that Lacri was the only one in the kitchen eating anything at the moment, munching on some bread that was in there, while the others were off doing other things.

"Yeah I was actually about to ask you that Lacri, I agree with you that we should go check it out with the tower place you mentioned. I'd hate for anyone to run into that lost soul like that. So as soon as you're ready to go on we can I guess. Just let me get a bite to eat first okay. We could take the bike, but I'd be too afraid someone would try and steal it if we left it parked somewhere out in the city or something like that," Adelle said to Lacri after the nun spoke, looking around for something for breakfast she could fix quickly so she and Lacri, and whoever else was going could do so.

After finding some cereal or after just making a simple sandwich of some sort to eat for breakfast, Adelle looked over to Lacri and told her she was ready to go whenever she was, to just let her know and she'd got grab her guns and coat and a bit of money and they could be off.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It is a short bit off from the town... we could have used the bike... but I suppose that is what you want." the nun told Adelle as the two of them ate together for a while.

The nun had little to do, and it was only Adelle's doings that dictated when they would leave. Eventually it did happen, the two of them saying bye to the other three sisters after Lacrimosa explained the situation. "That's fine, we might head out a bit to see how things are doing today." Rachaela confirmed what was happening before the two went on their way.

From Rachaela's, the pair started a trip towards the outskirts, going through the safe and relatively clean rich folk sector. It was something of an oddity when one looked at the rest of the city, which was at least somewhat dirty in most other places. Eventually the area ended and carried on into a road, their destination coming into view as soon as the buildings were not in the way anymore. It was a circular white tower, and as the two of them came closer, it began to dawn on Adelle that the place was not small. Rising several hundred feet into the air, the building was like a big needle amidst the wasteland.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I honestly don't even know how to ride a bike that big very well myself, I've rode on smaller ones back home, but never one quite that big. I should probably practice on it a bit before I try and drive it around, especially with someone else on it," Adelle said to Lacri as she ate some breakfast.

Once they were done eating, Adelle went to go and get her guns strapped onto her legs, where she grabbed a sixth of her total money, leaving the rest there for now hidden under her bed mattress with the rest of her things stowed safely in her room, she then grabbed her coat and hat after changing into her bluejeans and white t-shirt, Adelle headed on back downstairs to Lacri and told her she was ready to go.

"Alright Rachaela, you girls be careful then alright, don't want anything to happen to you while we're out and about. And if you need my bike for some reason, I'm hiding the key under my mattress in the guestroom you let me use along with my money, if there's an attack here and you have the time before escaping, grab my money and my things here in my pack and run so when we meet back up I've still got something left," Adelle told Rachaela as her and Lacri parted ways with everyone else, with Adelle waving bye to them all and telling them not to worry about them that they would be careful as well.

Adelle followed Lacri through the richer area of the city, which compared to the rest of the city was quite a change in look, this area of the city looking very clean while the rest seemed quite... dirty to say the least. After a while they came to a road and in the distance they could see a white tower rising up into the horizon. As they got closer, Adelle saw that the tower was absolutely enormous, the thing rising up a few hundred feet at least. It reminded her of a giant needle in a way almost, save without the hole for thread to be run through.

"Wow, that thing is absolutely huge. Is this the center of religion or something in the city Lacri?" Adelle asked curiously as they approached the white tower.