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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For all her expressed pondering, Adelle got a pretty quick answer as the pair looked at each other, shrugging off most of her gushing. "Looks like she gets the idea."

With some further things to ask, the pair went back into further answers when they got bombarded with the words. "What you got on you now is fine, though you could always make it a bit flashier if that is your style. We have no real code, and no real store for spare clothes either, especially the size that your top might need. There might be some bottoms, but no tops most certainly. The fights are up to the organizers. They do their best to keep the fights balanced, but that is not always the case." the red-eye told Adelle before the nurse took over. "There are some matches that are fought without audience, but mostly it is with the fans looking around the ring. They have no rights to get involved, only look and whatever. Though... there have been a few special cases where... things have happened." she told Adelle about the followers of the matches before the other one pointed the busty girl towards the practise ring when they had excited. "Should go ask Zero for training if you want that. She might not look like it, but is pretty eager to show the ropes to anyone who wants to." she told her. The maid wrestler from earlier had now departed, and only the other one remained. appeared to be serious and grumpy from her expression as she looked over the rest of the gym from the edge of the ring. But if what the tag girls told her, the trainer might be easier to approach than she appeared to.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing that she seemed to have the general idea and that her attire didn't matter made Adelle heave a slight sigh of relief, though next time she came she decided to bring something a little flashier and sexier than she had on currently. "Yeah with my boobs this large it is kind of tough to find clothes sometimes, but I have a place that I can go to in order to find some. And even if the organizers put me up against someone that's a veteran wrestler and really good at it, then I'll still fight. I mean I might as well right, as the more money is made from people watching us, the more money I end up getting regardless. Right? And about some of the special cases where the audience gets involved. I'm assuming that they aren't allowed unless both wrestlers or both teams agree on it before hand or something like that. Though I suppose it's how you all make your money that there is an audience, wouldn't be much point in doing the matches I suppose if there wasn't anyone watching really," Adelle said as the one girl pointed her towards the ring and told her about the girl that was currently in it named Zero, who she stated was fairly eager to help newbies like Adelle and show them the ropes.

Adelle thanked the two of them and headed over to the ring, since she didn't really have much else to do at the moment. Once there she looked up at the Zero and tapped the ring at her feet to get her attention. "Um hello there, miss Zero. I was told that you might be willing to help show me the ropes of how these wrestling matches work exactly, kind of give me a practice match to get the feel for it," Adelle said to the grumpy looking girl, hoping that she responded a little less harshly than she looked like she would. Assuming the girl didn't tell her to piss off or hit her for some reason, Adelle would climb up into the ring and hold out her hand to shake as she introduced herself.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It usually does take agreement, yes. Those things don't happen just like that." the red-eye told Adelle before the two of them went back into looking around and overseeing the other wrestlers currently there.

Zero was quick to react as she was addressed. The trainer tensed the ropes she was leaning against a bit before taking off in a run. She soon ran against the other side of the ring, bouncing again before coming to a stop on the other side and letting Adelle climb in. "I don't see any reason to decline..." she told the busty girl as the latter was coming in, not skirting away from the handshakes either. "Katya is my name, ringname Zero."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding her head as the two answered her last question to them, she watched them go off as she asked Zero about a training match, watching the girl bouncing off of the ropes and coming to a halt after doing so near Adelle. "Oh... sorry, they just told me you were Zero. Anyway, I'm Adelle, pleasure to meet you Katya," Adelle said as she shook the girl's hand, a smile on her face as she spoke, trying to be friendly, because it was good to have many friends. "They said you could train with me and give me a little warmup match to show me what kind of things I'd have to do back to my opponents in the ring and such. I'd like to ask that you hold back a little bit though, because you look really experienced in this, so I know you'd beat the tar out of me if we threw down and went all out on each other. But don't coddle me either, if possible just try and show me what the average opponent I might face can do," Adelle added after the friendly handshake, seeing that this girl seemed to be quite nice despite the grumpy look she'd had before.

Adelle did however note in her mind about the ropes being flexible like that, thinking to herself that she could probably use those in a match to fling herself at her foes faster and harder in the process. She wondered though and worried a bit whether or not she'd have to face an elite wrestler in this whole thing, but either way she was going to get paid... so maybe it didn't really matter. But she did want to win of course, as she'd get more money that way. She also idly wondered if she could watch matches too and make a bet or something to try and make even more money. Maybe she'd ask about that later on, but for now she smacked both cheeks with her hands and decided to focus on the task at hand. Adelle stood there, ready to listen to whatever she was told to do by Katya... or Zero since they were in the ring at the moment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Either name is fine, really. I don't even know myself at times which I should be called." Zero shrugged off the unneeded concerns about the name being wrong or right. It appeared that she was very serious about her commitment towards this thing and quite immersed in it as a result. The girl was indeed a decent teacher, and sooner than expected, Adelle was somewhat more knowledgeable about the basic maneuvers and tactics of showboat wrestling. The ropes were a fundamental part one could utilize in strategy, the flyers really using them for better tricks than your average wrestlers. The posts in the corners, turnbuckles, were also a thing to use when appropriate. Other than that, it was instructions how to perform the basic throws and striking moves. The submissions part was left undiscussed, Zero thinking that it was a thing that everyone had to work out for themselves. From all of the stuff she knew and how second nature it appeared to be, Adelle could make out the fact that Zero was most likely a top ranker in the charts.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, While we're in practice and it's just us, you're Katya to me, but in the ring it's Zero," Adelle replied as she listened to the girl's explanations about the wrestling stuff.

Adelle was a fairly quick learner and soon had most of the basic moves and such down in her mind, though she paid attention to all of it, Adelle didn't think she'd be all that great at the showy flying stuff, but she might still try some of that, as she did have a special weapon when it came right down to it... her breasts, which she could probably utilize their sheer size and smother her opponents with if she could bounce on top of them. She also listened to all Katya had to teach her about the corners of the ring as well, along with some of the rudimentary throws and such that she'd likely need to know also. Adelle did notice that Katya left out the submissions, but Adelle didn't ask why, figuring that she was supposed to use her imagination when it came to that sort of thing.

"Wow... you're really good at this. You must be one of the veterans at this wrestling bit," Adelle said, complementing Katya for how well she was teaching her and about how knowledgeable she seemed to be about this whole thing. "I guess though that all of the rest is best to learn with experience in the ring itself. Hmm... about winning and losing though. What does it take to win exactly, just a pin and count to three? Or is there anything special about each match?" Adelle added as she and Katya finished with their training session, Adelle wiping the sweat from her brow.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Number ten in the chart." was Zero's brief and honest reply to the pondering about her standing in the circuit. "It has a zero in it, so I don't want to go higher." she also shared that particular bit before going into the questions. "A pin or submission is the deal when no specifics are given. Sometimes it is one or the other, or some other special condition that breaks away from the standard rules. Pretty rare, those ones."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay, seems pretty simple really to win when you think about it, I guess I'll figure it out along the way and that they'll always tell us how we'd have to go about winning. And you're number ten? Wow... I'd hate to have to face you first thing," Adelle said with a chuckle, seriously not wanting to face one of the top people first thing. "Well I guess the best thing to do now is go sign up for a match I suppose, as the best teacher is experience and all that. But one more thing if you don't mind. How many people are on the charts exactly?" Adelle then added, figuring the rest would be best learned through first hand experience.

Once her last question was answered, Adelle would thank Katya very much for her help in showing her the ropes, and then she'd bid farewell and head on to talk with one of the first two girls she'd spoken to about signing her up for a match, deciding to just jump right in and get the feel for it herself rather than watching any, unless she would have time before her match to watch one or two. She would ask the two about that actually when she found them, if after signing her up for a bout if she'd have a chance to watch one before her's came up.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The exact number of us seems to steadily hover around the fourty to fifty mark. It changes almost weekly as some girls join and other are not heard from again as they quit by intention or accident. They don't follow us around in our private lifes, so it is only natural that some don't just feel like coming anymore and stop doing this." Zero said before shrugging. "But yes, go fill out the papers. The action is there, after the tiny amount of paper stuff."

The red-eye was there as a more immidiate answer to Adelle's needs, pointing her out to the other pair of swing doors on the right side of the back wall. "Go talk to the man behind the desk at the entrance hallway. He is the one who handle this stuff." she told the newcomer. When Adelle did go, she found another shifty-looking dude behind the desk, fast asleep in broad daylight.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... I suppose that's true, not everyone would likely stick around after making enough money to hold them over until something else came along that they thought was better or something of the sort. Anyway... thanks Katya, you've been a great help to me. I hope if we end up facing each other in the ring that we'll have a lot of fun," Adelle said to her fellow wrestler, shaking Katya's hand again if the girl took her hand, though if she didn't then Adelle would merely wave to her and hop out of the ring.

Nodding to the red eyed girl and thanking her as she pointed her through the swinging doors, Adelle moved in that general direction, figuring that she might as well sign up sooner rather than later to get her name into the roster to fight sometime soon. When she came up to the guy at the desk that was mentioned to her, Adelle saw that he was asleep. She didn't want to wake him, but she knew that she had little choice in the matter if she wanted to continue onwards in this wrestling bit, and so she reached out and gently prodded his shoulder. "Um... hello sir, I'm here to sign up for the wrestling," Adelle whispered in his ear.

If he woke up and was angry at her for waking him, she would apologize profusely to him, bowing to the point that it made her cleavage show quite a bit for him, which was her intention in any case to make him calm down. She would then proceed to ask him what she had to do to sign up, writing what she had to on the paper, unless it looked off any, in which case she would ask about it. Should he not wake at first, she would shake him a bit harder the second time, doing the same thing.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The poking had the desired effect, thought the man's wakeup was a snorting and somewhat startled one. "Oh... what... oh, yes. Didn't think there would be anything to do until the evening..." he muttered, sliding backwards on his chair and opening a drawer to get a paper that was quickly given to the busty girl along with a pen. It was a surprisingly unintrusive thing, for there were barely ten things to fill in. Name, age, figure, willingness to take part in different kinds of matches, any possible substance abuse, cybernetics. "Once you are done, give it back and I'll forward it." the man said, yawning. "Unless you have questions, that is."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sorry if I interrupted a good dream sir, I hope you'll forgive me if I did. And I'll try and be quick so you can nap some more," Adelle said to the guy apologetically as she took the paper from him and read over it, seeing what all it needed her to fill out.

After reading it over, Adelle began writing and filling everything in, such as her name, stating that she had no cybernetics of any kind that she knew of, that she was 18 years old, she took no drugs unless a doctor gave them to her for a wound or if she was sick or anything like that. For the part about her figure, she had to actually look at herself a bit as she did her best to describe herself, stating that she had F-cup breasts that were always almost spilling out of her top unless she had a proper bra or top on and that she was about 5'7" tall, that she had tanned skin, green eyes, and that she weighed about 130 - 140 lbs and wasn't built very muscularly but was no weakling either, really that she was... pretty much average in terms of body build aside from her over sized breasts. As for the willingness to take part in different sorts of matches though, Adelle wrote that she was willing to explore certain kinds of different matches, but asked that she please wished to be informed of them and what they entailed beforehand so that she had a chance to decide on whether or not to go ahead with it or not, as she didn't mind getting knocked around just a little bit for the sake of the show they would be putting on as long as nobody tried to black her eye and or leave bruises all over her, or outright hurt her or anything like that, and that she also wanted no part in something disgusting that would make her sick like scat or enemas or anything like that. If it came to sex type things, Adelle wrote that she was willing to try most anything though other than the sickening things or things that would hurt and or maim her, though as long as whoever it was did it carefully and didn't do so to leave visible marks to where everyone could see, she wouldn't say no to a whip and or riding crop or other spanking types of things. [Basically think what you'd find in a sex torture chamber like candlewax dripping, whips and riding crops, the nipple clamps and fuzzy handcuffs and such like that.]

Once she had the paper filled out completely, Adelle would hand it back to the guy after reading it over again to make sure that she got it all spelled and written correctly and how she wanted it, making sure it stated very clearly that she was willing to take part in special kinds of fights as long as she was informed and asked first if she wished to take part in them after being told what they entailed. Then after she was through checking the paper out, she handed it back to the guy. "Let's see... I've got only a three of questions really. First will I be able to watch a match or two before my first match? Second, when is my first match? And third, how is my first opponent decided? I hope that the match choosers don't just throw me straight in with someone that's way better than I am," Adelle said to the guy, listening for his answer

For what she's gonna write down that she'd go for, it's pretty much whatever I'd like, and I think you know all of those, I'm not sure. If not, just no scat or anything to do with shit, no guro, no heavy ryona, so nothing more than like submission holds and no just outright beating the fuck out of each other, and in the ring I suppose it'd be nothing more than sex slavery and it'd only be temporary if she lost or some such, so I'm okay with that.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing that Adelle dutifully filled out the paper, the man accepted it back before rolling the thing up and putting into a clear plastic tube of sorts that was in turn placed into a small chute behind his chair. After a button press, the sound of compressed air could be heard as the paper advanced into the next destination, somewhere else in the building. But it appeared that he would not leave Adelle unanswered either. "You should be able to have a watch, unless you are on the first bout of the evening, which is highly likely. We do usually put the new blood up first. Your first match can be today evening if you want, and the selection is done by the matchmakers. They do have a fair selection process, so you will likely face someone among the roster who has fought less than five matches or another new girl. We don't want the top 10 to decimate the new girls right away as that is bad for morale. I have a few educated guesses as to who it might be if you do decide to get in there tonight. But, I am not the one who decides."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched the guy putting her paper into the plastic thing in the chute behind his desk, which launched off through the thing and out of sight. When he answered her, Adelle was listening quite intently, which he would probably notice as she sat there paying very good attention to him. "Alrighty then, thank you kindly. And yeah I'll give it a try this evening, though I'd like to go second if possible so that I'll get the chance to see a match in action and basically what's allowed and what's not, but I suppose that's up to the selectors though, so if I end up having to go first, then oh well, I'll have to make do I guess," Adelle replied as she reached across the table and shook the guy's hand. "Thanks again sir. Also... who might it be that I face tonight if you don't mind my asking? Unless you aren't allowed to say that is, but I'd like to know so that I can prepare a little bit, like how tall she is and things like that. And also should I wait here for them to send something back to you telling when my match will be? So that I'm not late or anything," Adelle added after shaking the guy's hand, trying to get a little bit more information out of him, both about when her match would be and if she could find out more about her opponent.

Once she learned that she need not stay there any further at the guy's desk, Adelle would thank him once more and head on out to inform the twins that she was all signed up, also letting them know when her first bout was if the guy told her, and who it was suppose to be against if he also told her that much. When all that was taken care of, Adelle would head back to Katya and if she wasn't busy, she'd tell her also that she was signed up for a match later and that she needed to kill time until it was time for her match to begin, asking Katya if she would give her a full sparring match and show her some more of the different types of submission holds that were allowed in an actual bout and the ones that she couldn't do for whatever reasons, telling the other girl also that she didn't have to do anything sexual if she didn't want to, but that she was quite sure that those kinds of submission holds were allowed for the most part and whatnot. If Katya agreed to it, Adelle would tell her that they could try and find a more private place to have their sparring match if she liked so that they could go as they normally would in the ring.

If Katya was indeed busy, Adelle would just watch her for a few moments an then go see if one of the twins could or wanted to have a private sparring match with her, though again if they were busy she would watch some of the other girls in there sparring with one another to kill time, especially if she needed to wait for more information on her match.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You should just hang around the gym, once the preparations for the fight events start you'll see that it will be fight time soon." the man told her. "Well there is no real thing against me offering my guess, but I think you'd be better off not knowing. Being prepared for a variety of situations is a thing that's good outside the ring too. It might not be the best comparison, but I think you catch my idea." he continued before Adelle left, slumping back over his desk. By the time she was in the gym, the dude was probably asleep again.

Back at the gym side of the place there had been some developments. The number of girls there had increased by another ten or so, but the two similar ladies who were overlooking things before had gone somewhere else. Zero was also getting some action in as she had the maid fighter with her again. The two of them were going at each other pretty hard, but it still appeared to be nothing more than training to the pair.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After the guy told her what to do she nodded to him and headed back to the gym area, and after looking around to see that the three of the other girls she'd already spoken with were busy doing other things, she decided to do just what the guy said and wait around, figuring that it would probably be best for her to just wait patiently until it was time for the fighting to begin. However Adelle wasn't normally a patient person though was the problem and she needed something to do to kill time, so she decided to just sit there and watch Zero's sparring match for now.

After watching the two of them for a couple of minutes, Adelle would start looking around to see what the competition looked like in terms of strength and stuff, wondering if any of these girls was the one she would be facing in her bout later. If she managed to find anyone willing to chat, then she would do that and get to know some of the other girls in there, asking any of them if they knew if there were ever special 2 on 1 matches or any other special matches of the like.

When it was time for the matches to start, Adelle would just follow everyone else to wherever they needed to go.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The trainer continued going with her sparring partner, who seemed to be pretty much on the same level as she was. While Zero's style was the tradional balanced wrestler with the classic and basic moves forming the strong backbone of her form, the maid appeared to be a girl who used her quickness over strenght, even with her outrageously decorated costume. Somewhere along the way, Adelle caught someone talking about the two and mentioning that the maid was seeking to take Zero's coveted tenth spot on the roster, currently being the 11th rank herself.

With her lookings, Adelle could make up that the majority of the other wrestlers were average in figure and most likely power, though there were a couple of dangerously young-looking and small-framed ones as well. The smaller ones all looked like they were speedsters from just the costumes that they wore. There were a few taller amazons as well, one being a seriously big and muscled redhead with a pretty ferocious look even when she was just loafing around. But it appeared that being cautious around her was not needed, for she was actually pretty talkative and friendly when Adelle approached her for some insider info. "Well... the most multifighter matches are two-on-two tag, but there are handicap bouts occasionally too. Those tend to be two or even three lower-rankers against a high-ranker usually. They also might be done as punishment for going too far."

Before they could get too far in discussion, the apparent twins returned, coming back with a clipboard. "Alright girls! Announcing today's matches!" the lead called for attention, which was soon given to them as most wanted to know who they were fighting. And it appeared that despite her newcomer status, Adelle was going to get a chance at seeing a match before her own, for her bout was the second on the list. Her opponent was announced, a girl by the ringname Cutey Kanai. It was not sure who this particular one was, for there were no reactions anywhere when it was called. Two other girls went along as the first pair, and Adelle was gestured to follow as well. "You'll get to see what this about now." the nurse told her.

They went along to the locker room, then through another door and corridor before a relatively small arena space opened up before them. It was only the three of them, the fighters still waiting for when they would make their exits. There was a retractable catwalk that went to the ring, the path that the wrestlers would use to access the ring and actually go through the audience, even if they were over them. The place had enough capacity to draw some 120 to 150 people in the audience if Adelle's estimation was correct. "Take a seat. You might just give them a small teaser by being there in the first match, so the lead allowed you to be there. The audience will soon start coming in, so prepare for it. Remember, they won't have the permission to touch you unless you allow them to." she was told before the twins retreated back to the locker room too.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Watching the two going at it she learned a little more about their fighting styles as they went, noting that in her mind for later use in case she fought them today, or later on a different day. She noticed as she looked around that most of the other girls were around your average person in terms of size, though there were a few larger and smaller ones that caught her eye as she sized them up, figuring it'd be hard to fight the smaller ones from their speed and the larger ones from their strength advantage. The large muscled redhead that Adelle noticed was a bit scary looking, but when she approached her she found that the woman was quite nice and friendly as she introduced herself to the big gal. Adelle sat there with her and listened to her talk and answer her questions she'd asked. "Huh... I figured that they would kind of just suspend them from fighting for a while and like... maybe knock the hell out of them for it, but perhaps this way it's more subtle. How often does one go too far and hurt their opponent?" Adelle replied when the girl was through talking, though she likely didn't have time for an answer as she came as the twins came back in with a clipboard.

When the leader of the two called for them to gather around, Adelle got up with the big redhead and followed her over to listen to the match announcements that were being given. When she found out that she would be in the second fight of the day and not the first, Adelle was a bit relieved, as she'd get to see a match in action firsthand before actually participating in one herself. She looked around when it was said who her opponent was going to be, looking for this Cutey Kanai, but she saw nobody seeming to step forward at the name when they called it out. She wondered who it was and was just dying to know, so that she could meet her and introduce herself, maybe even make friends with her before the fight, but apparently that wouldn't be as the nurse girl from before told her to follow the first pair for their fight.

"Alright then, I was looking around to see if I spotted my opponent, but oh well, I'll see her in the ring I guess," Adelle said as she followed along behind, glancing around one more time to find nobody still responding to the name of her opponent.

She followed the twins when they led her out into the audience section and went to where they told her, taking a seat if they told her it was alright. She listened to their instructions, nodding her head when they got through. "A-Alright then, so nobody can touch me unless I say they can, got it. Two quick questions before you go though. First, if I say that they can touch me, do I get to dictate how much they can touch me? Like restricting it to specific kinds of touching and such I mean. And second, should I maybe, when the audience gets in and before the match that is, but should I maybe try and build them up some? Like waving out at them and going around to tell some of them that I'll be in the next match and such, and that it's my first time here and things like that. I just want to help out a bit if I can," Adelle quickly asked the two before they left her there alone to wait, wanting to try and help build up the crowd some for them since she'd be out there and all with virtually nothing to do save watch, which she would be doing after the going around and stuff in any case.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If you are receiving unwanted attention, tell the particular folks about it. They will back off unless they want to get dealt with, Pitbull and Grigori will see to that if they see anything happening. Also, you don't need to go the extra mile, these people know what they are here to see. They are pretty dedicated customers. Besides, you will have to give them a small introduction speech before the match, like everyone else before you. If you start to come here often, knowing you will make them like you more." the red-eye told Adelle as she went. And soon enough, the main door of the small hall creaked open. It appeared that the even would start.

The first person to enter was an immense man, a 7-feet mountain of fat and muscle. He wore jeans and boots, but only a leather vest to cover his huge fatty bulk. And then Adelle noticed exactly who were behind the operation as she saw the various patches on the man's vest, the most prominent one on the back identifying him as a member of the Khans, a motorcycle club. It appeared that the place was a biker estabilishment. The man had his hair pulled up into a long black braid, the rest of it shaved away from his head to allow for tattoos. And tattoos did indeed appear on the man, who had practically all of his upper body, arms and most of his head tattooed. The most prominent thing was a huge trio of severed and staked heads on his belly, but there were other grizzly ones along with club tattoos on him as well. A scar ran down the left side of his face, going from near the ear to the corner of his mouth. A grim expression was firmly set on the man's face, one that was somewhat bulldog-like and showed mixed Asian heritage. This was most likely Pitbull, one of the security people that had been mentioned. He went to a corner some distance away from Adelle, leaning back against the wall and settling there. If there was something unruly, he would be there in seconds to see that it was settled down fast.

After him came another, more normal-looking biker. While he too was pretty big, this one was small compared to Pitbull. Most average people would still be intimidated, for he too was a physically strong-looking man, and easily 6 feet tall. His reddish-brown hair was trimmed short, a neat but bushy goatee lining his face as he looked around the place and gesturing to Pitbull. Most likely this was the other security person, Grigori. His vest, tattoos and shirt indicated that he was a member of a different club, the Savages. What little Adelle could make out, his tattoos showed images of the mythical vikings, most likely something that the club imaged themselves after. When the other biker had indeed confirmed that he was ok, Grigori began to let people in. The customers began to pour in, the individuals differing quite a lot. There were more bikers, rich-looking folk that were most likely merchants and estabilishment owners, some average joes and sketchy folks, even a few other women. They were apparently not specified to certain seats as it was almost a race to some seats of the hall. Before she knew it, Adelle was surrounded by a foursome of hairy bikers, the men taking up spots around her. They were not the usual bikers at that point though, seemingly quite friendly even at that point. That might have been caused by the presence of Pitbull, who was still hovering in the corner. These men were not from the huge guard's club, so he might not be willing to take any misconduct from them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened again to her questions being answered by the woman, nodding her head as she was told she needn't bother with making a show of herself until she was in the ring. "Alright then, thanks again. I suppose I should think up a good ring name while I'm watching, so I'll do that," Adelle called to the woman as she left, glancing over at the door to see it opening as people began coming in. Adelle watched the first guy come in and saw he was massive, he was easily seven feet tall by her reckoning, and he looked strong as hell, and he looked to be a part of a biker gang of some sort. The tattoos that he had looked quite painful to Adelle, nothing like she'd thought about getting on herself at sometime... maybe something like a rose on her butt cheek or something. As she watched him coming in, Adelle couldn't help but think that this was one of the two that the red eyed woman told her about.

After watching the one she assumed was Pitbull move over to the corner of the room, Adelle saw a second biker guy coming into the establishment, this one a foot shorter than Pitbull was, but no less menacing looking. She saw that he too was a part of a biker group of some sort, and assumed that he was Grigori, him and Pitbull both likely the hired muscle for this place or something like that. She looked over as Grigori began letting the people inside, and she watched them pouring through the doorway, the majority of them seeming to be men, but there were a few women as well. Adelle had taken a seat nearer to the ring as she watched the people filing inside, noting that the people didn't seem to have set seating and were pretty much mad dashing to whichever seats they could get. As she sat there, Adelle soon noticed that she was getting a little surrounded by some biker guys at her seat, but she didn't really mind or worry about it, as she knew that Pitbull and Grigori would be over to help her in a pinch if what she'd been told was true and that they would come to her aid if it came to that. She could tell that these biker guys though weren't from either guard's biker gangs... at least she thought that they weren't anyway.

"Hello boys, hope you enjoy the shows tonight. And I hope I can do good on my first match here shortly and entertain everyone a lot, as I'm a little apprehensive about how good I'll do, but win or lose it's all about the entertainment really. Because no matter who wins in the ring and who loses, it's the crowd that always wins in the end from what I know about these kinds of things," Adelle cheerfully said to the guys sitting with her, nodding to them all as she glanced around at each of them, trying to engage in friendly smalltalk while they waited for the first girls to come out, offering her hand to shake. If any of them were gentlemen though and tried to kiss her hand she wouldn't stop them and would simply act all bashfully as she blushed and turned her head a little away slightly, telling whichever one of them or however many of them that did it thanks.
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