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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'll try, at least." was the other gunner's reply as she pulled out her trusty C96 pair that had come along with her as they left. When things did get into action, the first shot that Adelle fired was actually nicely on target, though she did not quite hit the nurse's knee. Instead, she managed to pierce her bare thigh, but that would still be a hampering enough wound. "OW FUCK THE SHIT!" she yelped at the sudden hit, but still ducked aside quite nicely to avoid both of Isabella's incoming shots. Placing herself behind a low obstacle with the duck, the lady attacker made it harder to reach her feet with a gun, simultaneously firing the needle gun at Adelle who had managed to hit her and thus draw her attention. Luck was on the busty girl's side though, and she managed to just barely avoid the incoming projectile, the thing just grazing her poncho.

Instead of using her huge scythe, Mariela dropped the thing off from her back and drew the second thing she had taken along, that funky forked katana that she had previously. The weapon was as good as any other in her hands, and cut at the leather jacket and the flesh underneath quite handily as the man drew close in a surprisingly quick manner. Lacrimosa too threw herself against the man, but her incoming blow was sidestepped as the man evaded her and simultanously coiled his chain around the nun's neck and placed her in a stranglehold. Rachaela got a bit too concerned at the sight, and stopped herself from attacking to avoid hitting her fellow sister.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP | Isabella 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Rachaela 4/4 FP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP | Lacrimosa 7/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP Grappled
Rayzer 9/10 HP Grappling | Prixy 7/8 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding to Isabella, Adelle swung her Colt out as Izzy drew her guns, with Adelle squeezing off a shot at the girl's knees, however she only managed to hit her leg with her bullet instead of her knee. She was pleased with this shot though, as she had at least hit her foe in the end, Isabella though missed both of her shots as the woman ducked Izzy's shots and went behind cover and shot her needle gun as she dove behind the obstacle for cover. Adelle's poncho though was thick enough apparently to deflect the incoming needle to the side so it didn't hit her, which she was thankful for, as she didn't want to know what was in the damn thing.

"Fuck, Izzy she's behind cover. We'll have to split up and circle around that cover while the others handle that bastard for now. I'll be the bait and draw her attention while you sneak up behind her, but don't waste any bullets until you get a clear shot, we don't want her to know you're coming up behind her," Adelle whispered to Isabella as she glanced over to see Lacri being choked with the chain by the other guy. She wanted to help Lacri out a little though, so she glanced over to Mariela and Rachaela. "Get her loose you two and get rid of him, come on," Adelle called to the others as she nodded to Isabella and motioned her around to the far opposite side of the obstacle the nurse outfit wearing woman was as she shot her gun once over at her to draw her attention while Isabella did her work.

"Hey honey, where did you go, I thought you wanted to play with us?" Adelle called to the woman, hoping to draw her attention to her and keep her eyes on her as she made her way around to a small bit of cover on the side opposite Isabella so that she could at least not be hit so easily from the needles, and she also kept her poncho up around so that it protected her a bit from the needles that would be flying at her, as it seemed to have kept them from hitting her earlier.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The melee moved into action, both of the separate battles starting to roll on their own pace with the participants somewhat split into two different battles. The woman didn't seem to intend sticking to her cover for long, most likely aware of the potential threat of being flanked. Instead, she quickly darted out of the cover that she had hidden behind, moving to the left from Adelle's perspective while Isabella had been going forward from the right. But with her injured leg, leaving the cover was basically asking to get shot, and a reflex shot shot from Adelle hit her to the side. It did not seem to bother her too much, so there had to be armor or drugs in effect to basically shrug a handgun shot off, most likely the former due to the leg shot being quite visibly effective. Isabella had her eyes trained, but was too late and the scenery was in the way too much for her to get a good shot. So, the sister skipped on attacking. And as another audible puff of pressure was released, a needle flew out from the nurse's gun as she ducked for a new cover, the projectile piercing the exposed skin on Adelle's neck. She had taken a hit despite luckily avoiding the first one. In only a few quick seconds, she was already getting blurry vision from the needle and whatever it had injected into her. "Nyaaa haaaa!" she could hear the nurse taunt her.

With the gun people fighting their fight, the other group dealt in more close encounters with the rocker dude. The punk was skilled with his rather brutal style of streetfighting, and stuck close to Lacrimosa's back so he could fend off the attacks of the two other sisters while using the third as a shield. Both Mariela and Rachaela failed to harm the man, due to him maneuvering skillfully while keeping the strangled nun between them so they would have to avert their attacks and not hurt their sister. Even Lacrimosa herself could not escape, her attempt failing pretty much from the get-go. With a quick release of his other hand, the man fetched a butterfly knife from his pocket, flipping it open with one hand before outright shanking the nun in the back with it. Lacri was one who enjoyed this kind of brutality though, and it did not seem to phase her too much.

Adelle 4/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP | Isabella 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Rachaela 4/4 FP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP | Lacrimosa 5/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP Grappled and shanked
Rayzer 9/10 HP Grappling | Prixy 6/8 HP Injured leg

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle barely noticed as Lacri and Mari moved in to do battle with the chain wielding man, as she and Isabella were both moving in at their foe. Adelle watched the woman in the nurse outfit tried to dart out from cover with her wounded leg, where Adelle was easily able to take a shot with her Colt at the woman, catching her in the side. However it didn't seem to slow her any, so Adelle figured that she must have something on under that outfit in the way of armor, because that should have put most people on their ass and left them screaming in agony.

"Damn... she's got armor on huh, well I guess I'll just aim at all of those unarmored bits she's got then," Adelle said to herself as she watched the woman raise her needle gun and launch one at Adelle.

She yelped out as she saw her foe raise the thing and point it at her, but unfortunately she was unable to duck in time and the needle struck her right in the neck. Within seconds her vision began to blur a bit from whatever was inside that needle's syringe. She heard the woman laughing at her after noticing her needle hit. She noticed out of the corner of her eye what was going on over with Lacri, Mari, and Rachaela, and she knew that Lacri could handle the pain as she was shanked in the back by the guy, but she also knew that she would eventually give in to the pain which was also pleasure to her and then the rest of them could end up getting hurt or killed.

"Damn, I gotta help Lacri, because if she goes down then we all stand the risk of going down," Adelle muttered to herself, rubbing her eyes a little bit.

Adelle shook the blur from her eyes a she scooted back down behind her cover to keep any needles from hitting her again, where she wiped her eyes a bit to help get rid of that blur in them. Once she had cleared her eyes a little bit, she would aim at the guy's back and take a pot shot at his legs to try and support her friends over there and maybe help them out. She aimed specifically at his right knee, but she would take a hit anywhere on his legs though. Once she did that, assuming she hit him, she would peek the top of her head back over to find the woman again while staying behind the cover and pulling the pepper ball gun out and getting it ready to shoot, thinking to pop one of their foes in the face with the stuff to help them win the fight since she had plenty of the pepper balls. She could only hope that the woman's attention stayed on her to give Isabella the time she needed to get set up behind their foe and shoot her in the back.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Shifting attention towards the ongoing struggle on the other side, Adelle's gun threw a bullet onwards, but she missed the whole melee, which was probably good for there was a big chance she could have hit one of the others. Isabella was much more succesful in her endeavor, and the quick-moving nurse was hit twice as she retreated farther to the side, both antique guns showing that they still had a lot of power left in them. But it would not go without some return fire, and the nurse fired back, managing to needle the gun sister as well.

In the three-on-one, there was some progress being made for a change. While Mariela was as unable to bring herself into hitting at their target because of Lacri's form being there to hamper her, Rachaela was more adequate in effort. A spike of sand and concrete burst upwards from underneath the attacker, forcing him to let Lacri go lest he end up decorating the top of the sharp earthen spike. With the chain no longer there, the nun moved up to attack without missing a beat, her 180-degree kick breaking the stone between them and punting the assaulter to the side. A chain swipe still followed, only managing to cause further hurt but not resulting in a replay of the grapple, fortunately for the girls.

With her task of getting the man off from Lacrimosa succesful, Adelle could turn her attention back to the main thing. Even though she had not hit the man, the situation had still eased somewhat. The blur in her eyes was getting more severe, and she had a pang of a headache, making the fight harder than it already was with some added distractions. But even with that, she managed to pull off a shot that landed right on the nurse's face with her pepperballer. There was another round of cursing, and it got only more severe as Isabella's second German wonder nailed her in the gun. Now there would be no more needles flying around, at least. Still, something did fly through the air as the disgruntled healthcare employee reached for her tiny bag, finding something to throw at the two. The pepperball seemed to cause as less a hinderance to her as the drugs did to Adelle, for the busty girl soon found a surgical scalpel embedded in her forearm, a throw that most likely required amazing skill and technique to pull off. The thing was absolutely sharp and caused almost no pain upon entry, but the feelings did come shortly afterwards.

And the other group battled on as well. Finally there was something to cheer Mariela as her strike hit home, while Rachaela's second stone spike was easily predicted by the rocker assassin who stepped away without too much effort. Lacrimosa spent a quick moment to pull the knife off from her back, a thing that proved to be more painful than expected, for the knife had a small hook on the shape of the blade. And the attacker came in again, keeping his attention on Lacrimosa as the nun was most likely the target he saw as the most dangerous and was not willing to try and rush between her and the bladewielder Mariela's reach to try for Rachaela instead. But this time the nun was prepared, catching the chain with one hand and quickly pulling on it to enable herself a nasty headbutt on the opposition. It was a first-time move from her, but it showed that there was no part in her that Lacrimosa wouldn't utilize as a weapon. Before he could recover, the nun was already pushing back and tripped him, landing on top of the guy and starting a primitive but effective choke on him.

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 AP Drugged | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP | Isabella 4/5 FP 0/10 AP Drugged | Rachaela 4/4 FP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP | Lacrimosa 4/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP Grappling
Rayzer 6/10 HP Grappled | Prixy 4/8 HP Injured leg, peppered, un-gunned

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh gods, what the hell did she have in that fucking syringe?" Adelle asked nobody in particular as her bullet whizzed past the guy and the girls fighting him, which was all fine and dandy to her really, as she didn't really trust herself to get an accurate shot off at him from this range without possibly hitting one of the girls and she only just thought of that after pulling the trigger.

She was happy however as when she pulled her pepper gun out Lacri managed to get loose from the guy thanks to Rachaela's quick magical maneuver. Then when she spun back around, her blurred eyes were getting slightly worse as time went on and she knew that she wouldn't be able to see for much longer, at least not easily. She popped the nurse suit wearing girl right in the face with the pepper gun however amazingly enough, which had to have blinded her somewhat. Adelle had heard Isabella's guns fire while she had her back turned to her and the nurse woman, but she hadn't noticed at first that Isabella had managed to hit her, and when she saw her blast that needle gun the woman had she let out a little cheer. Her cheer was soon turned into a howl of pain as she watched the woman throw something at both her and Isabella, which she soon noticed was a scalpel that was buried in her left arm just a couple of inches under her elbow. Adelle grabbed the thing and pulled it out and held onto it with her left hand, while aiming her gun at the woman again.

"That hurt you bitch, you're gonna pay for that one," Adelle shouted at the nurse woman, charging in from behind her cover she had with her poncho up in front to protect her face and body and deflect any oncoming scalpels again, but leaning forward a bit so that it would be very hard for her to catch her in the legs with another scalpel. She would rush in, aiming her gun right at the woman's center mass and she would shoot off a bullet at her in an attempt to hit her once more, but that was only a feint as she still had the scalpel that hit her arm in her left hand, hidden under her poncho. As soon as she got close enough, regardless of if she hit her foe or not, Adelle would spin around once close enough and stab the scalpel into the woman's shoulder as deep as she could to render whichever arm she hit relatively useless, after which she would as quickly as possible draw her sword out as she stepped back to give Isabella a clear shot, intent on finishing this bitch off as quickly as possible before these drugs in her system caused her to faint or whatever they were doing to her. She could really only hope that after she did her maneuver that Isabella still had a clean shot on their foe, unless she managed to take her down herself with her plan.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, Adelle's fire resulted in absolutely nothing as she blazed her gun at the remarkably quick-footed nurse. The increasing amount of blurry had probably something to do with it. Despite that, Isabella was accurate, hitting doubles into one knee and toppling their opponent. The woman's trip sent her tumbling behind an obstacle, and she did not apparently have enough ability to get back up now that both of her legs had been pretty much destroyed.

With the gunners fighting their own battle, the other group went along the battle as well, which had turned pretty one-sided at this point. With Lacrimosa choking the assassin on the floor, Mariela too moved in to try and spike him with her sword. The thug grabbed hold of the nun and spun her around to avoid the hit, but there was no dislodging the tall sister and she kept her choke firmly applied. The spin ended up with both of them now standing, and before he knew it, the rocker was lifted off his feet as Lacrimosa's monster strenght enabled her to keep him unable to move away. While she probably could have entered into the melee with her sword, Mariela held back and followed what happened instead. It took some struggling, but the relentless grip crushing his windpipe eventually ended the man's life, his neck circumference compressing to half of what it had been previously. He hung there for a while as the nun did not consider it safe enough to let him down until a bit later, the lifeless body dropping to the ground like a bag of hammers.

It appeared that the battle was over. The man had expired but the nurse was still alive and badly hurt, most likely.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's next bullet fired at the nurse missed just a she figured it would do, as her vision was quite blurry at the moment so she didn't expect to actually hit. Isabella though didn't miss her shots as both bullets slammed right into the woman's knee Adelle saw, the busty girl wincing slightly at the pain that the nurse outfit wearing woman must have been in at the hits to her knee. She watched as the woman fell over behind one of the obstacles in the place where she didn't get back up, likely from the bullets in her legs.

As Adelle stumbled around a bit while the drugs flowed through her system, she glanced over to see the others in their fight against the guy, quite impressed with Lacri's brute strength as she lifted the bastard up and choked him to death, with Mariela and Rachaela watching the whole thing after Mariela tried and failed to stab him. Now that was over and done with, Adelle stumbled towards Isabella, barely catching herself on one of the obstacles as she did so.

"Oh damn, my head is killing me. You alright Izzy? What the hell did she have in those syringes? And... we need to get her and find out what she knows," Adelle said as she made it over to Isabella, shaking her head a little to try and clear it up from the poison that was obviously flowing through her veins.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Isabella seemed a bit unresponsive at first, but did not seem too phased as the other to got to their location. "Yeah... pretty much headaches and blurry vision, this." she told Adelle, who went to a new phase in the effects. It was all colorful and stuff, the surroundings flashing in her vision for quite a menagerie of color for a few minutes, the visual illusions soon fading and sight returning proper. A slight headache still remained as a reminder.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle got a little worried at first when Isabella didn't answer her, but sighed in relief when she did so, shaking her head again to try and shake the blurry vision away so that they could finish up here. "Same here mostly... though now I'm... kind of seeing... things. Wow, so pretty," Adelle said in reply to Isabella, glancing over at the colorful shapes on Isabella's clothing as she leaned in a bit, reaching out where she traced the outline of the bright red heart she saw on Isabella's chest, her index finger going across Isabella's breasts and the valley in between them unless Isabella pushed her away, where Adelle would apologize profusely.

Finally, after a few minutes more, Adelle's vision began clearing up as she shook her head once more, though she still had a small headache unfortunately. "Alright now girls... let's go talk to our nurse over there if she's still alive. Try and find out where Margaret's at exactly so we can try to put an end to this whole fiasco. I suppose we can patch her up so that she doesn't bleed out the rest of the way, unless you girls don't really give a damn about her at all, in which case I'll let you handle the interrogation of her," Adelle said to all the girls, rubbing her temples a little.

Should the girls all go over to question the nurse woman to find where Margaret was and told Adelle that they'd handle it, then Adelle would move over and check the biker guy's corpse out to see what all he had on him, money and weaponry and such, then she would go over to his bike and check it out and see if there was any way whatsoever that she could manage to get it working to drive it, or at least what she'd need in order to get it working while they questioned the nurse woman. Once they were done with the nurse woman, if they killed her that is, then Adelle would loot her corpse as well of anything valuable or anything that could be helpful, unless the girls told her to come along with them while they questioned her, in which case she would check the guy and motorcycle out afterwards.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Isabell didn't seem to mind the strange behaviour at first, but the sudden grope was not appriciated as she grabbed Adelle's wrist and pulled her hand away. "Whoa there, we are not quite that friendly yet." she said.

The foursome was fine with the idea of looking after the nurse and give Adelle the time she needed to look at the other things present. The deceased rocker guy was now somewhat thinner around the neck area as Lacrimosa's deathgrip had crushed his form down a bit. For someone as high-profile as he was, there was almost nothing on him. A bit of money, his clothes that were partially ruined by the touch of Mariela's blade, the chain and the butterfly knife that was still glistening with the nun's blood. There was no key on him, bit as soon as the busty girl went to look at the bike, she noticed that the card key to start it was right there in the slot. The vehicle would only require a push of the start button above the key then to get the motor running.

On the other side, it appeared that the nurse had passed out from her injuries, but was still alive.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"S-Sorry Izzy... t-those drugs were... making me see things and I... sorry," Adelle apologized to Isabella, blushing beet red at how silly she was being because of the drugs.


While the girls made sure the nurse woman was still alive for them to question, Adelle went on over to check the guy's corpse out. Taking the money, the chain, and the knife as loot from the guy, she then searched for a key to the bike. She didn't find it on him unfortunately, but after going over to check out the bike she did find the key card, which was already in the ignition for the bike. "Yes... score. Hmm... should I take this baby and sell it for the money, or keep it and use it to get around?" Adelle said, mumbling her question to herself as she examined the bike.

She decided in the end to wait until she could ask Lacri or one of the others if they had a place she could store the thing at, though if they didn't then she might try and find a good safe place to park it at for later use instead of selling it, because a bike like this would be very useful in getting back and forth to jobs and such. Taking the key card and putting it in her pocket for now, Adelle headed on over to the others to see if the nurse was still alive and could tell them where Margaret was. She would check the nurse and her things to see if she had money on her as well, figuring that she might as well loot her for any valuables as well. "Alright girls, can any of you heal her wounds some? At least enough for us to wake her and talk without killing her I mean, and without her screaming in pain," Adelle said to the girls once she got over there, noticing the nurse was looking a little pale and had lost a good deal of blood.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After she had done enough looting and looking around, Adelle went back to the girls and the unconscious nurse. It was a surprise to see that the woman had practically nothing on her afterwards. The only thing that could be found was a further pair of surgical scalpels. It was almost silly how badly equipped the two had been in their attack. The needle gun was a wreck, and according to Isabella pretty much beyond repairs after the hit that had destroyed it.

Much like before, Rachaela could be relied upon to apply some healing power, even as she was a basic-level wielder of restorative arts. But it did not appear that she would wake up quite yet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding out that the nurse had practically nothing on her to loot other than a couple of more scalpels, Adelle took them so that she couldn't attack them once she was healed, putting them in her pack with the rest of the stuff. She was a little saddened that the needle gun was totally destroyed, but oh well, she could live without taking and selling it, as she'd gotten the motorcycle instead, so she was happy.

"I'm kind of wondering why these two attacked us like they did, I mean they were rather poorly equipped to take us down when they attacked us. A little reckless if you ask me," Adelle said to the others as Rachaela began healing the nurse woman to prevent her death.

When it was obvious that the nurse woman wasn't going to be waking back up for now, Adelle decided to ask any of the girls if they had a place for the motorcycle, because she was claiming it. "Hey girls... do any of you have a garage or someplace of the sort that I could put that motorcycle at? I'm claiming it, because it could come in handy in getting back and forth on jobs. Plus I might be able to use it and go see my family later on too," Adelle asked, explaining her reasons in claiming the vehicle. "Also what should we do with her? It looks like Margaret isn't here to be honest, and we won't be able to track her down I'd say without questioning this one right here. So it might be best to take her and get out of here for now, wait for her to wake back up, and then if she can tell us where Margaret is at then we could go and try to track her down again," Adelle added after her question of a place to park her new bike at was answered, the busty girl believing this to be the best plan for the moment, as Margaret wasn't there as far as she could see and it would be hard to track her down without any leads at the moment.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Only Mariela seemed to be willing to contest Adelle for the bike, but she remembered her home's capacity and decided to not take it further. "Couldn't fit that anywhere..." she thought aloud, the lack of an outside building or area and the fullness of her small home making it practically impossible to house such a vehicle without risking it to the vultures that roamed the streets at night. The other sisters seemed uninterested towards the vehicle, though Isabella did mention that it might be a fun thing to take apart and use the parts in some other stuff. But it appeared that they would be able to get both the bike and nurse into Rachaela's. The magic sister had a big place, after all, and was not particular about how the space was used.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Mariela seemed about to say something in regards to her claiming the bike, Adelle looked a little sad at first, because if Mariela wanted to fight over it in a duel or something and winner took all, then Adelle knew that she'd all but lose at this point because Mariela was so pissed at the moment about Margaret and all, but when Mariela said that she couldn't fit the thing in at her place anywhere, Adelle perked right back up with a smile, feeling that she'd just gotten herself a really nice find indeed.

"N-No Izzy, this thing's much more useful as a vehicle than as spare parts. A-And besides, I can use this thing to go see my mom and dad and let them know I'm alright, since I haven't actually gotten to send off a letter telling them that I've found work and stuff since I got here. I had intended on it that other night when... w-well when those thugs jumped me and Lacri in the alley on the way home after we went down to take those supplies where Lacri's sister was at," Adelle said when Isabella mentioned taking the bike apart and using it as spare parts, sounding a bit whiny about it, as she didn't want to lose the thing after just getting it and all. "Thanks Rachaela. You'll keep a close eye on it for me won't you? Unless... you don't mind me staying at your place for a little while until I can get my own place and all that is. It would give me a little peace of mind to know that you're okay and all too of course," Adelle then added to Rachaela when it was apparent that the mage girl could house both the bike and the nurse at her place, the former to keep it safe, and the latter until she awakened enough for them to question her.

Once all of that was decided, Adelle went over to the bike and got the brake off and pushed it over to where the others were standing around the nurse girl. "Alright then, I'm ready when you girls are. I suppose I should push this thing for now, at least until we get back out onto the streets and all where I've got more room to actually drive it around good and all, because while I may have claimed it, I'm definitely not the greatest driver and all. But hey, practice will make a person better at anything," Adelle said once she'd gotten the bike over to the others, prepared to leave now that they had the nurse woman stabilized for the moment and out of danger of dying. "So... do you all wanna tie her hands up and throw her across this thing and one of you help me push it? Or were you going to carry her or what?" Adelle added, offering a suggestion as to how to get the nurse woman back, unless the girls had any other ideas they liked better that is. She was okay with any plan they could come up with as well, so long as it didn't involve destroying the bike she now had. Regardless of what they did, Adelle placed her key card for the bike down in her shorts pocket for the moment until they got out onto the streets once more at least, where she would consider starting the thing up and driving it back to Rachaela's house while the others either carried the nurse woman there, or let her drive her there as well, and if the bike was big enough she'd take Rachaela with her since the girl was so small and all.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I don't think I need to look after it too much. I have an underground shack type of space underneath the house, a sturdy steel door on the front acting as the entry. Not much looking out needed with that. And no, I do not mind housing you. I could comfortably house all of us if there was need for that." Rachaela announced, the words reminding Adelle that she had indeed seen a trapdoor in front of the house. Most likely there was a slope that went downwards beneath it. The girls saw little reason to tie their captive, not that there was much to bind her with around the surroundings anyways. Without her equipment, the woman was unlikely to be a threat. They did throw her onto the bike though, opting to push the vehicle along for now. Lacrimosa was unsurprisingly the one to volunteer as physical aid, given her strenght. The group marched back then, leaving the old game grounds and the dead rock dude behind them.

Working their way around the backstreets once more, the girl group encountered no further harassment as they went, eventually ending at Rachaela's once more.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well that's good to hear, at least I know that it won't get stolen very easily if at all. Thanks Rachaela, I owe you one," Adelle told the mage girl, giving her a friendly hug in thanks as she remembered the trapdoor in front of the house.

After making sure she was as healed as Rachaela intended on making her, they got the nurse woman set onto the bike, without binding her hands because there was no real need to really, as she had nothing to use to fight back with besides her hands, and Lacri could probably break those if necessary. Once there, Adelle was aided by Lacrimosa, who being the physically strongest of the four had a lot more power to put behind a push, which made pushing the bike and nurse on it easy enough. After leaving the arena place, Adelle was glad that they didn't run into anything else while out in the alleys on the way back to Rachaela's place, because she wasn't sure if the drugs the nurse woman had put into her would make another round against her body or not, and she wasn't sure if Isabella had recovered fully from the drugs yet herself either. When they finally made it to Rachaela's place, Adelle asked Rachaela to show her how to open up the large door thing for the underground garage she apparently had, where she would the push the bike down into and park it, pushing the kickstand out with her foot and then looking it over for a few moments to make certain everything was where it was supposed to be on it and all that. After that, she would head on inside with the girls, taking the nurse with them where Adelle suggested putting her on the couch and a couple of them sitting watch on her to make sure when she got up that she didn't try and somehow flee, as they still needed to ask her where Margaret was currently.

Adelle also suggested they get themselves a nice stiff drink with which to calm the nerves after a good fight, nothing too much or fancy, just a drink or two each with which to help calm themselves down and such. Once the nurse woman woke back up, if she was going to that day that is, then Adelle would tell the others that they should try and get their questions answered as quickly as possible while Margaret wasn't too far ahead of them all.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rachaela used a key to get the door open, and there was a shallowly descending slope going down to a space underneath the house. Adelle had to go down some ways to come into the flat and even ground, a small room that had almost nothing in it save a shelf with some gardening and repair tools. She might be able to do basic maintenance there, if the tools were good enough. There was also a way inside from within the house, and a motorized opening mechanism that would open the door outside with a button press, much like one's average garage door. Back outside, the other three had already gone inside while Rachaela remained to wait for Adelle's return. She locked up the door once more, and they too could leave for the inside.

While it had been only a few minutes, the others had already taken care of business and gotten the nurse to a couch inside their sister's place. "Suppose we gotta wait then..." Lacrimosa thought about the whole situation, not sure what to make of this strange assassin. The rest of them sat around on the surrounding furniture, Isabella still looking like a weird exception in her current equipment. As it was asked for, Garagan was quick to provide the drinks asked for from a nearby cabinet that seemed to house a lot of varieties of the stuff. He even got a beer for Mariela from the kitchen side. "Help yourselves." the big man told them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After Rachaela opened the door leading down under the house, Adelle got the bike down into the place and parked it, then came on back out to follow Rachaela on into the house, noticing the tools over on the shelf as she went past it, thinking that maybe she could fix the bike up some later on when and if it needed it that is, and she also noticed the door leading into the house from down in the underground garage, which she figured would have been there in any case, as it would be a little silly to have an underground garage without a door leading to it from the house, just in case Rachaela had to make a quick getaway or secretly try and sneak out. Once she had followed Rachaela on into the house, she noticed the others had already gotten the nurse onto the couch and were awaiting her and Rachaela to come on in.

"Yeah, I guess there isn't much we can do other than that really," Adelle said, agreeing with Lacri. "Thanks Garagan, I really need this after that fight," Adelle added when Garagan brought the drinks in after she mentioned getting some for them all, taking her own and sipping at it.

Adelle would sit down on one of the chairs and lounge back if there was a free one, though if she had to sit on another couch or loveseat with one of the others she didn't mind doing so and would sit with them. "So... how long before she wakes up you think? Because I'd say Margaret knows we're after her if she sent her and that other guy after us," Adelle asked the others as she sipped her drink, though her question was mainly directed to Rachaela who had healed her wounds. Other than just chitchatting with the girls for now and or maybe making some lunch to eat, Adelle didn't really know what else to do until the nurse awakened.