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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With Mariela armed, the group left the house for the second time that day. But they could not get to Miguel's right away. On some backstreet along the way, a group of ruffians accosted them. These guys appeared to be better at their thing than average thugs, so it might be a hard fight. One of them had what appeared to be a picture of something, and a few of them looked at it before it was acknowledged that they were on the right track. Having apparently confirmed their target, the group drew weapons, or at least some of them did. The weapons that did come out were once more things like clubs and a whip, but there was one guy who had an odd handgun with a slide painted bright red.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After they left Mariela's house, they began making their way to Miguel's place, however as they were doing so they went down some of the backstreets to try and make better time, they ran into a group of people much like Adelle and Lacri had the other night when she had been raped. "Oh for the love of god, not this again. We've gotta take out that gunner quick, Izzy and me can handle that one, everyone else keep us covered," Adelle said, drawing both of her guns, the new Colt loaded with antipersonnel rounds, which she didn't want to already have to use, but she was willing to in order to prevent another thing happening like the last time.

She aimed both guns at the enemy gunner's center mass, then cocked them both to prepare to fire, nodding to the girls to get their weapons ready. Adelle wondered why this lot was showing themselves now and what exactly they intended on trying to do, but she cared little for it. "What the hell do you lot want, we're in a hurry here and don't have time for this stupid shit. So unless you wanna die, just move your asses along," Adelle called to their foes, not wanting to fool around so that they could get this over with faster and move on so Mariela could do what she needed to do.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I think she said to move along." one of the thugs said to their gunner, the tone of their voice quite unserious as they said it. "Yeah, well no." was the gun-wielding ruffian's thoughts before he raised his gun in a flash and fired straight away at Adelle, who had drawn his attention. The sound of the gun was not a usual loud bang, but more like a spring or release of gas. Before she could react, a semi-solid projectile hit the busty girl right on the forehead. But instead of dying right then, all she got was a sting from the impact. Or so it felt like at first. But then, the hellish burning began as something liquid was splattered onto her face from the shot. It was like someone had ground up a few thousand dried chilies and thrown them to her face. But even as she was getting serious pains from the apparent tear gas or mace bullet, Adelle's blind return fire managed to hit the gunman on the other side, at least with the other gun. Then, she could hear Isabella's distinctive C96 firing sounds, both apparently hitting home as the same groaning could be heard again along with the sound of both man and gun toppling down to the ground. It appeared that the shooter was not going to pepper the other girls. A brief chanting followed, along with the sound of footsteps coming towards the party. Then, there was the sound of breaking concrete, followed by the loud thud of a huge block falling to the ground and the sound of snapping bones. Rachaela had apparently broken off a part from the nearby building with her magic. The remaining ruffians seemed to not be willing to take this further, and the previously charging steps were retreating in an instant. The backstreet brawl had dissolved faster that it had began.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened to one of their foes speak to the rest where the gun wielder said no to what Adelle said about leaving them be. She didn't even have time to blink as he whipped his gun out and shot at her, which didn't bang with a bullet, but rather hissed like gas or something, and suddenly her vision went blurry as hell and her eyes stung very badly and she knew the reason she hadn't died from the hit was because it was meant to incapacitate rather than kill, and the substance she'd just been hit with was likely mace if she had to guess, though she of course didn't know for sure exactly. Adelle did however manage to get a couple of shots off despite being blinded, and thankfully her guns were still pointed at the guy because she heard a groan from him indicating that she'd managed to somehow hit him anyway, and she also heard him drop the gun, which made her think that she'd hit him in the arm, though she couldn't really tell because she was temporarily blinded.

"Ow, goddammit, fucking bastard," Adelle growled as she tried to rub her eyes with her wrist to try and clear her vision enough to see and fight.

She heard Isabella fire her gun as well, and heard another grunt, which let her know that her fellow gunner had shot the guy as well as she heard him hit the ground. Then she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards them, but that was drowned out by the sound of breaking concrete and she could only think that Rachaela had done something with her magic to cause something to fall on their attackers or at least in front of them. She barely heard the footsteps retreating away from them as she knelt there trying to get her eyes cleared, holstering her guns and grunting in pain as they burned awfully.

"Fuck, my eyes are burning like hell. It feels like they've been set on fire, Ow gods I can't see a thing," Adelle whined in pain, trying to rub the stuff out of her eyes and likely only making it worse.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

That's probably not fun times... Adelle could hear Mariela pondering aloud at her current predicament. Thankfully, Rachaela proved to be as helpful with healing as she usually was, patting her hand over the busty girl's eyes. Soon, she could actually open up her eyes again, though there was still some burning that remained even after the warm and comfy touch of the magic sister. When she could indeed look at things again, Adelle saw that the falling concrete bit had indeed been a sizeable chunk from three stories up, and had ended up mangling two of the assaulters into mush. The gunman was still there as well, quite dead from the three bullet holes in him. With the most distinct hole from her own gun, it was clear that Adelle had scored a hit into the ruffian's cheek.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"N-No Mari it isn't fucking fun times... it hurts like hell is what it is," Adelle said, probably a little angrier than she should have to her friend, but with the pain she was in she couldn't stop herself. "I'm sorry Mari, it just... Ow gods it hurts so damn bad. A-And thanks Rachaela," Adelle added after Rachaela began using her magic to heal her eyes from the burning in them.

Once she could see again, well see for the most part anyway, Adelle got up and rubbed her eyes a little more before she looked around at what all had happened exactly. She noticed that Rachaela's magic had brought some concrete down on a couple of their assailants from 3 stories up, and that she and Isabella had together put 3 bullets into the enemy gunner, who was deader than a doornail. Adelle pulled her guns back up real quick and reloaded them both, switching out her antipersonnel rounds from her new Colt to conserve them for when she needed them, and putting in some regular bullets for it, and she slipped another bullet into her old gun to replace the one used a minute ago. When that was done, she went over to the dead gunner and searched his corpse for anything to indicate why they had attacked her and the others, grabbing his gas gun or whatever it was as she went and slipping it into her pack before searching him.

"Time to see what these bastards wanted," Adelle said, rummaging through the guy's stuff he still had on him.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Isabella seemed a bit interested about the gun that Adelle picked up. "Neat, you got yourself a pepperball gun. It probably works too, I don't think the hit against the ground did anything to that, even if it looks a bit like a toy with that coloration. Like you just experienced, it is a suppressive weapon at best, but it will still put out a weak fighter without hurting them too much. More accustomed battlers will not go down, but will still have trouble if the stuff gets into their eyes. The ammunition that thing uses is basically a paintball loaded with potent pepper extracts." she gushed a bit, but still did not seem to want the thing or anything like that. It was more than likely that she already had a somewhat similar thing, something that one might expect from her stack of equipments at home. Little else could be gotten out from the man, who had a small stack of the irritant balls and some money with him. The concrete-crushed people were a bit too buried for them to reach, and there was the picture that the thugs had been using earlier on the ground. It had a picture of the sisters on it, all six in the past.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well maybe we can use it later on to incapacitate an enemy that we need to capture, so I won't just take it and sell it for extra money, could be useful," Adelle replied to Isabella, placing the extra pepper balls and money looted from the enemy gunner into her pack along with the gun, thinking to herself that she would likely need to get herself a holster of some sort for it so that she could whip it out in a hurry later on, but for now she'd keep it put up until she needed it.

When Adelle saw the picture of all of the sisters, she gasped slightly and turned to the others, then showed the picture to them all, the only thing she could think of about it being that their would be attackers were there to take out the sisters, and she herself had only been caught in the process by being around them. "Looks like they were after the lot of you, though I'm not sure why exactly of course," Adelle said to the girls as she handed the picture to them. "What should we do now? Do you still wanna go kick Margaret's ass Mari? If so then I'll still bring her out to meet with you, or I'll at least try to anyway," Adelle added after handing them the picture and giving them a few moments to look at it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Gunning for us... sure looks like it, but..." Mariela was the first to speak up after the foursome had glanced at the photo. "These guys came under her orders. Make no mistake, there are only six copies of this photo, one for each of us. And now she is using hers to make targets of us, rrrrrrrgh." the blade sister fumed, crumpling up the photo in her hand. "THE NERVE. Such a precious memory, and she used it to order a hit on us. Most likely she wanted them to deal with you as well, as you were the one there to meet her and tell her about us." the girl finished up as she stomped down the crumpled picture, making sure it was not going to be used as identification anymore. The follow-up of the combat had actually managed to make Mariela angrier, which was something when one considered her earlier mood.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Are you positive that she's the one that did it though? It could have been someone else that just stole her picture after all, though from what all you four have told me about her she looks to be the one to have done it. Regardless though Mari, you need to calm down a little before you do something that'll either get you killed, or the rest of us for that matter. We need to go into this calmly so that there aren't any mistakes made," Adelle replied to Mariela as the sword girl crumpled up the picture and stomped it, trying to calm her down just a little bit, so that she didn't do anything rash.

The thought though that Margaret was wanting her dead as well worried Adelle greatly, as she didn't see any real point to taking her out just because she knew the sisters, and she couldn't help but think that this was mostly her fault for saying anything to the other sister in the first place. "Goddammit, if only I hadn't been so damn drunk enough to have just started talking like that to her like that, then none of this would have happened like this," Adelle said as they went on, looking ahead as she led the group towards Miguel's manor, feeling horrible and sure that if she hadn't opened her big mouth then Margaret would probably never have attempted such a thing... if it was her of course.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes, I have no doubt. She is the kind who uses everything available for every little advantage she can." Mariela replied, not really saying anything about calming down but did still appear to try doing just that. Once the picture was smudged and devastated enough, the group could leave. Along the way, the sisters made no real comment about the things that Adelle was saying, their expressions signifying that she did not need to apologise.

At the manor, it took some talking to get Rosieta out from the place, but the other gorilla at the doors had been there yesterday as well so Adelle was not a total stranger. But eventually the maid was there to see them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed that the girls didn't seem to have blamed her with what was happening with Margaret sending assassins after them, or rather sending halfassed thugs to do the job of a professional instead. She was very thankful that they didn't blame her, so much that she nearly began crying because she had such good friends. When they reached Miguel's manor, Adelle noticed that one of the big guards from the day before made which made her job of getting Rosieta to the doors that much easier thankfully, and it didn't take her all that long to do so.

"Hey Rosie, I need to know this really bad. Where is that Margaret girl from last night? We have to find her as soon as possible, because she just sent a bunch of thugs to kill us," Adelle said to Rosieta, hoping that her new friend, or at least she hoped that Rosieta was a friend anyway would help them out. "And... my friends here are pretty damn sure that that Margaret was the one that took out Isolda earlier, because they know her," Adelle added in a low voice to Rosieta, hoping that would convince her, as from the way Rosieta had talked the day before when she'd told Adelle about Isolda's place, it seemed to her that Isolda worked for Miguel or something like that, or had some connection with him at least and she figured that he would probably like to know who it was that bumped her off maybe. Though she of course couldn't be certain until Rosieta replied or anything, but all the same Adelle kept her hands where she could easily reach for her guns in case there was an ambush of some sort about to strike them... just in case.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The maid was in pretty much business mode once more, and competed with Lacri on the emotion lacking department as a result. But she didn't still seem to be a hinderance or anything. "Well, I did happen upon that person talking with Master earlier in the morning. While she is not here, there was some discussion about the VideoDome and her going there to do something. That is pretty much everything I got about her, that one was not talkative." Rosieta told her. Before Adelle could as, Rachaela broke into the discussion. "The VideoDome is a dome-shaped building in the entertainment district that was once used to host gameshows and similar."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After finishing up talking to Rosieta and telling her what had happened, she listened to the maid's response, silently thanking Rosieta in her head for helping them out a bit with this. When Rosieta was through speaking, Adelle was about to ask just what this VideoDome was exactly when Rachaela explained it herself. Adelle wondered why Margaret would go to such a place, but she didn't really care, thinking if that was where she was, then that's where they would go.

"Thank you Rosie. Did she have anyone with her by chance, or is there anything else you could tell us about why she was even here last night in the first place?" Adelle said to Rosieta, wondering if there was anything else she could say about the other sister, and hoping maybe she could find out about why Margaret was there the night before.

Once Rosieta either told them more, or told them that she knew nothing more about it all, Adelle would motion for the others to lead the way towards this VideoDome so that they could find Margaret and finish this, for the her sake just as much as the sisters, as she had been dragged into it as well along with them because of her own big mouth.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The later question seemed to cause some concern in Rosieta. "I wish I could say anything about that, but there has been nothing about it from Master, and I dare not poke him for it. He has been all over that case since yesterday. But regardless, I never did see anyone else with that person. She appeared to be one that didn't want anyone near them, to be honest." she told her remaining knowledge and opinion. When their business was dealt with, Rosieta retreated back to her duties. With a vague direction now in their mind, the group could find their way to a possible trail.

With Rachaela's knowledge of the surroundings, the team got their way around the entertainment district, which was a place they might better keep clear of for the moment. Considering that was the place where Isolda's was, it was a course of action that saved them troubles. With their good navigation, the place was soon in sight. It was basically a small-sized hockey stadium with a domed roof when one looked at it from the outside. There was signs of recent activity around, but one would have difficulties determining what exactly had been going on and how long ago.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After getting all of the knowledge from Rosie that they could get from her, Adelle bid her farewell, promising that she would come see her and Emily again later on sometime to have some drinks again. Then they headed on out towards the VideoDome, with Rachaela leading them around the entertainment district of the city since that was where Isolda's bar was and it likely wouldn't be smart to go in there when any of the sisters could be suspects in the murder of Isolda. After moving around that particular area, they had their destination in sight, and Adelle was a little taken aback at the sheer size of the building.

"Holy hell that place is huge, and I don't really like the looks of it to be honest. What is this place exactly girls? And what can we expect inside?" Adelle said to the others as they cautiously approached the stadium, wanting to know all that they could expect so that they could plan for as much as possible.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not sure what there is to expect, but it better not stand in my way." Mariela was the first to speak up, not really answering as she seemed to be getting impatient. Rachaela was still knowledgeable and calm though. "Like I said before, this place was used to host game shows with action elements in front of a live audience. Should be quiet, but there might still be homeless inhabitants as the activities that this place was originally intended for have stopped years ago." she gave a brief history lesson and estimation of the place. "It was kind of fun to see them at those gladiator games. All the jumping and shooting each other with tennis balls. Maybe the props for those games will still be there." Isabella added, remembering something from times past.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Heh, I would hate to be pretty much anyone or anything that stands in your way Mari, especially with that big old thing," Adelle said to Mari, unable to suppress a grin.

She listened intently to what Rachaela, and the Isabella said as they went towards the doors leading into the place, hoping that none of the homeless inhabitants that Rachaela mentioned gave them any trouble for entering. "That would have been pretty cool to have seen Izzy, I wish I could have seen it," Adelle said afterwards to Isabella.

Adelle would draw her guns from their holsters and check her ammo, making sure that she had a full mag in both guns before entering the place, then she would slip her new Colt back into its holster for the moment, seeing no point in having both guns out when she may need to whip her sword out from over her shoulder where she had it fixed up to block an incoming blow from a blade. Once that was done, she would nod to the others to lead on, as they knew the terrain better than she did. "I'll follow your lead girls, you know the place and the target much better than I do. Just tell me where to go and what to do and I'll do it," Adelle said to the girls, ready to move on in whenever they were.

Humans: Y (4)
Male/Female: Y (1) but only out of combat and when she wants to have sex with a man, not from rape for losing a battle :p
Female/Female: Y (5)
Pregnancy: Y (5)
Birthing: Y (5)
Non Consent Sex: Y (5)
BDSM: Y (3) though it can be stretched higher depending on the enemies at the time and such
Slavery: Y (2-3 that you could stretch higher at times for story purposes, but nothing game ending or horrible please, or at least nothing she couldn't get away from with or without help)
Monsters: (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y (5)
Bestiality: (AnimalMonster, Halfhuman, etc): Y (5)
Egg laying: Y (5)
Body Alterations: Y (5)
Lewd Compulsions: Y (5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): 3, stretching to 4 on occasion depending on the situations, no beatings or anything, but she can be left with a very red ass after a spanking and or lash marks from a whip and such like that.

Extra settings: still futa dammit. :p
Last edited:
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I don't think anyone of us has been here before... but do as you wish..." Lacrimosa replied before the group zipped inside through a side door that was broken open and would never close properly unless it was fixed. Still, it would be a good thing if they needed to escape in a hurry.

On the side corridors, there was little of importance or happening. The group did come across a few homeless people in makeshift shelters, which they really didn't need in the inside area but still had for some reason, but the poor were not too interested in them. They did look at the girls as they went, but seemed to be content at sticking to their own lives and not involving themselves in any way. There was only a little ways they could traverse until there was a way to the main dome area. Seeing no reason to avoid the place, they went ahead, Mariela leading the way.

Isabella's earlier wishes seemed to come true, as there was some of the gameshow props still around in the main hall area. It did appear to be the arena for the running and avoiding tennis balls, for there was a pressure gun still mounted on an elevated platform, as well as the covers that would help competitors approach. The group made their way down the stands, expecting to get some resolve into their situation. But what came to them was not that.

A sudden roar of a motor startled the group. Before they could realize it, a motorcycle-mounted guy zipped past them, taking a swipe at Lacrimosa who was located conveniently along his path. But the nun was faster, and ducked under the swung chain. After some distance, the bike drifted behind a more tall obstacle in the course, a trail of neon green light following after as it had lights on the wheels and some other places as well. Not short after, a mostly average looking man dressed in what looked like a 60's rocker outfit came out, a chain in hand. It was a pretty complete set-up, a leather jacket, tight jeans and a pompadour. "She ain't stupid enough to fall for yer kind, that little broad. I have an unpaid favor for the madam, and thus you ladies gotta suffer." the man was pretty quick to announce his intentions. Another sound could be heard as well, the sound of heels clacking on the floor. There was another person in there as well, a woman dressed like a nurse. But it was more of the sex store nurse variety of costume, made from white latex and quite showy. She had two-colored hair as well, some of it red while others areas were blonde. Over one eye was something that looked like a mechanical eyepatch, but was most likely an aid to allow for more precise sight. "These people, Rayz? They look fun, can I play with them?" the nurse asked from the guy, pulling out what was apparently some sort of needle gun. "Do what you wish, I won't mind." was the man's reply, who had not really taken any action or shown other weapons. But there should be no underestimating them, as these two were most likely assassins from Margaret's mysterious guild.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle followed the girls through the side door, keeping her pistol at the ready just in case. They traveled down the side corridors of the place, passing by a few homeless people along the way, and though Adelle felt for them and wanted to help, she couldn't do anything at all for them really, other than make this place a bit safer for them by taking out Margaret along with Mariela and the others. She was glad that they didn't seem to feel like bothering them any at all as well, as she didn't want to have to hurt them just because they were trying to mug them and get money to live on, though she of course didn't have the majority of her money on her at the moment as she'd left it all back at Lacri's place for the time being.

Following Mariela through the place, they came to an area that had the tennis ball guns and arena that Isabella had spoke of earlier before coming in. Adelle idly wondered what going through the gauntlet down there would have been like when it was still operational and stuff as they made their way down the stands of the arena. Then as they got down into the rather large arena ring itself, Adelle was brought out of her thoughts as a motorcycle whizzed past with the guy driving it swinging a chain at Lacri, who easily dodged the attack by ducking. Adelle had pulled her gun up and aimed at him, but by the time she was about to pull the trigger he'd gone behind a larger arena obstacle.

The guy came out from behind the obstacle, apparently having abandoned the motorcycle for now, which Adelle wondered why he would do such a thing when it would give him an obvious advantage against them. He really looked like nothing more than a punk really, and his getup really made Adelle giggle a little as it looked ridiculous, though she didn't do so out loud where anyone could hear her. The girls listened to the guy tell them that he was doing this as a favor to the madam, which made Adelle thought could only mean Margaret. When the red and blonde haired woman came out dressed like the sexy nurse, pulling a sort of needle like gun up that Adelle took a step back from instinctively, for more than one reason. One of which was who knew what kinds of poisons she probably had in the syringe, and secondly... she didn't like needles and getting shots when she was a kid, even when she knew they were to help her get well and such, and that fear followed her to adulthood. Now she wasn't so scared of needles that she'd just faint or run away or anything drastic like that, but she did always cry when she was a child and had to get a shot and they hurt like hell, so she would start shaking a little bit when one got within a few inches of her and she always had to be held still.

Adelle shook those old memories from her mind for the moment, as she had a job to do and she couldn't start trembling in front of her friends, or her enemies. "Alright girls, we don't know what she's got in that syringe of her's, and I really don't wanna find out first hand myself. Izzy, you think you can hit the syringe on that thing? Maybe if one of us distracts her or something I mean. And someone will have to handle that guy there, because I don't even wanna know what he's got to use against us other than that chain," Adelle whispered to the girls, hoping that Isabella was a good enough shot to hit the target, though she too would aim for the syringe of course, to try and take out the fake nurse's only means of attack that she could see.

Adelle was also mildly curious about the motorcycle that the guy had, thinking to herself that maybe she could somehow get her hands on it and then she'd have herself a means of travel to possibly go and see her parents and let them know that she was alright and it could also give her the ability to take jobs that were farther afield as well and get through with them quicker. It was something to consider greatly to say the least, though she doubted that the guy would just hand over the keys to it and let her take it for a spin, which meant that she would have to kill him after dealing with the would be nurse first. With that, as soon as Isabella was ready to shoot and the others ready to fight, Adelle would make sure to make her poncho swish around so that the two would be looking at it instead of her hand work underneath as she switched guns to the Colt behind the cover of the thing, where she would quickly whip the Colt out and take aim at the girl's knees and shoot a couple of bullets to try and incapacitate her and knock her out of the fight so they could deal with the guy.