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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't think you have to... the master is sure to allow for all the necessary things you might need after we have dealt with handing over the case and speaking with him... After all... you are a guest here for the night... The master will most likely demand that... But that is not a thing to worry about... " Rosieta told Adelle before leading her onward and up the stairs behind a corner, leaving Emily behind for now as the girl was still enjoying her wine and looking at the two go with mild amusement.

After a corridor that opened in front of them, a larger than average double door waited for the two. Rosieta opened the other one and let Adelle in first, following after as soon as the busty girl had gone in. Inside was a somewhat office-like room, but it appeared to be not all that seriousy aimed towards doing actual work. It was actually more of a small library than an office, having atmospherical light and faintly playing Mexican-style music coming from speakers that Adelle coud not see in the limited light. was eyeing a book near the back of the room, but as the two entered, he put the book back and switched attention towards them. "You are back, Rosieta. And it appears you have found it." he spoke up, an clear accent audible in his voice. Handing the case over, Rosieta turned towards Adelle as she introduced the boss, who seemed quite intent on getting to examine the contents of the case. "Adelle, this is my master, Miguel Santino Cabalero."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... okay then, if you say so and think it'd be alright Rosie, then I trust you. I'll take a bath afterwards in that case, so... let's go I guess. I'd like to meet your boss, because from the way you talk about him he's a really good person. Bye miss Emily, we can talk more later if you want," Adelle said to Rosieta, then waved bye to Emily for now as the maid led her upstairs, telling the daughter of the boss that she'd like to see her again later and talk some more if she wanted to, since it appeared she'd be staying the night there and all.

Adelle followed Rosieta down a corridor where a large double door was at the end of the thing, where the maid opened the door and held it for Adelle. The busty girl nodded to Rosie and thanked her as she went in where the maid followed her right after. The room she'd entered she noticed was of course an office as she'd expected, but it almost seemed like a library in a way while at the same time being an office. She heard music that she thought was a little catchy and almost instinctively began shaking her butt to it and dancing some, but she stopped herself, thinking to herself that she'd dance later.

The man she saw was in the room sitting further towards the back of the room was tall, and clearly of Mexican descent, and he seemed to have been reading a book and Adelle almost didn't want to interrupt him, but when he noticed them he put the book down and spoke up, to Rosieta in particular, who handed over the case to the man who seemed very intent on getting said briefcase. Adelle finally tore her eyes away from the man and glanced over at Rosieta when she introduced her boss to Adelle, the busty girl shaking he head a little as she'd kind of been admiring him for a moment, thinking he looked pretty handsome, but he of course had to be married so she quickly pushed any thought of that out of her mind as she nodded to the maid.

"Um... Hello there sir, I'm Adelle... Adelle Ashlyng. I uh... I was sent by Samson to help Rosieta here to recover that case," Adelle said to Rosieta's boss Miguel, sounding as respectful as she could to the man, not wanting to anger him as she held out a hand to shake it if he wished, however if he didn't then she would lower it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"So I heard, from a follower. I had a man looking after Rosie here when she was going along with you, to guarantee there woud be no harassment along the way. Take a seat." the man told Adelle as he shook her hand briefly, sitting behind the desk that was clearly meant for him. A computer and it's monitor where there, on but not in any real use as it seemed the window was sitting still. Possibly something that the boss had been doing earlier, but now he was more interested about the case, and set the thing onto the table between them before opening it up. "You too, Rosie, sit down. This is a joyous occasion. And loosen up, I've told you there is no need to be tense around me."

When the words reached her, Rosieta undid her tight braids, which turned into long wavy hair when loose. She pocketed her glasses as well, the removal of those two things making quite a difference in terms of looks as the maid suddenly looked a lot better than before. Having done that, she seated herself on the master's lap, the atmosphere suddenly taking a step towards the sexual as the boss started rummaging through the contents of the case. It did appear to be mostly papers of different kinds, most of them official-looking while the others seemed a bit more casual in nature.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... I didn't know you had someone following us. I... kind of wish he had come and helped us out a little bit, because there was a bit of trouble in that factory, a bit more than I was told there would be, but we managed well enough on our own all things considered. And thank you sir," Adelle replied, taking a seat across from him at the table he sat at and watching him set the case onto the table where he opened it.

She had to admit she was curious about what might be in the case as Miguel told Rosieta to relax and sit as well. Adelle watched in a bit of amazement as the maid let her hair down and taking off her glasses, making her look much different than before, in fact Adelle thought she looked very... sexy now that she saw her all relaxed and such. Adelle was even more amazed when she watched Rosieta sit in her master's lap as he began looking through the briefcase, most of what was in it seeming to be papers, some important looking and some not, though Adelle couldn't tell what they said really as she couldn't read the language they were written in.

"Um... sir, may I ask what it is exactly we went through a bit of hell to get? I'm not trying to pry or anything, I'm just wondering what it was that I had to be quite... humiliated by several things in that place to get for you," Adelle asked the master nervously, blushing a bit and hanging her head some as she spoke so he and Rosie couldn't completely see her face as her hair hung in front of it some, while trying to forget a bit of what had happened in that factory... especially the last thing that had raped her and put her in these clothes and changed her blue hair to the reddish blonde it now was.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh, I know." the boss replied to Adelle as she aired her grievances. But he didn't seem to mind sharing what was actually contained within the case. "These papers are old contracts and official papers of the family's past. There are also things that allow me to complete some missing links in the family tree and history. This case is both historically and monetarily valuable to the family." he told the busty girl before turning his gaze towards Rosieta. The two looked at each other briefly before the maid turned her head away, getting guided back by the master's hand on her cheek before he quite openly kissed her. The whole thing made Rosie blush again, and the idea of what she had meant earlier began to brighten up in Adelle's mind.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see... well as long as it helps you out a lot then I suppose I can get over it, I mean there was no true lasting harm done after all," Adelle replied, a blush creeping up her face when the master kissed Rosieta, who also blushed from it. Adelle now better understood what Rosieta had meant earlier when she explained some of the stuff he did. She was almost at a loss for words as she stood there watching the two of them kiss, her cheeks turning pink in a mix of embarrassment, and a very slight bit of arousal, the latter of which was mainly from what all had happened in the factory earlier, which was still effecting her slightly.

She shook her head clear of any images of her and this man though, and quite a few more of her, Rosieta, and him together. "Um... might I also ask... what are we supposed to do now exactly? I..." Adelle began saying when she noticed a break in their kissing to allow her to speak without interrupting their time together, hanging her head and continuing after a moment, "I really would like to stay here tonight if that's alright, since it's so late and all. I really don't feel comfortable going out after dark right now. Not after what happened to me last night," Adelle added with a shudder as she hung her head a little lower, remembering what all had happened again the night before, which was a little better in her mind than what all had happened in the factory.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no real need to break the kissing since it was a fairly short deal. "What now? That is obvious. You can use the facilities and the guest room to make yourself at home. Emily can guide you around, she is already there behind the door when you leave the room." Miguel told Adelle as he kinda multitasked at the scene, petting Rosieta's cheek with his hand while the rest of him was focused on Adelle. "We will do the arrangements for your reward tomorrow. This day is too late for that, and I'm sure you don't mind relaxing. Go and enjoy your stay." the man told her, basically poking Adelle out from the room. As she went, she could see the boss backing up on his chair, followed by Rosieta vanishing behind the desk...

And as the boss had said, the young Emily was indeed there as Adelle exited. "So, where do you want to go?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Okay sir, thank you very much, you have my gratitude, for everything. I'll uh... leave you two alone now... o-oh a-and t-thank you again for allowing me to stay here for the night," Adelle replied when she'd been told to go and relax for now and they'd worry about everything else later, looking a bit flustered when she noticed him backing his chair up and Rosieta going down onto her knees, which caused Adelle's face to flush even pinker at the scene, possibly making the two in there think the way she was acting to be cute as she retreated through the door and left them to their business, almost tripping over the chair she'd been sitting in in the process.

"Oh uh... hey miss Emily. Would you mind showing me to a place where I can put my stuff and leave it for safekeeping, and then would you mind showing me around this place a little? It's a really beautiful house, and if it's okay I'd like to see more of it. I kind of... want to live in a place like this myself one day when I can save up enough money to do so, and move my family into it with me, so they can live in nice too," Adelle said to Emily when she exited the room that she assumed was about to be full of moans from the two lovebirds in there, and she was still blushing also and still looked flustered as she followed Emily from the doorway to the office.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Isn't that what I'm here for? Let's go." the daughter told Adelle as she guided the visitor back down the stairs and around a bit before ending up in a room that was probably as big as Mariela's living room. There were some furnishings, a ridiculously big bed being the most prominent feature. But that was not all, there was a comfy chair as well, which most likely had the mechanisms on it to allow for total laziness. One wall of the room was totally made from glass that allowed a nice view to the garden, but there were curtains as well. Still, those might not be needed when one considered the fact that the place was pretty much cut off from the city by the matter of it's outer walls. "Here we are, the guest room. You coud quite honestly leave your stuff anywhere in here and not fear it getting stolen, but I think this is the best place."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Emily led her back downstairs and through the house a little to a room that was as large as the living room in Mariela's house, which amazed Adelle a bit, especially when she saw the enormous bed and the rest of the furniture in the guestroom. As far as she could tell this room was all for her to stay in for the night, and she absolutely loved it. Setting her backpack down on the enormous bed, Adelle hopped up and flopped back onto the big soft bed herself, her enormous breasts jiggling dangerously as she did. After a few moments of burying her face in the soft bed and pillows, Adelle glanced over and saw the one whole wall made completely of glass that overlooked the gardens, which she also greatly enjoyed as she got up and went over to the window, pressing her whole body against the glass some as she stared down into the garden, probably looking like a giddy child to Emily with all of her actions in the room so far as she looked down at the beautiful flowers.

"T-Thanks miss Emily... I honestly didn't expect such a large room really. This... this is just... so awesome. Sorry about that, I guess I was acting a little silly there," Adelle said as she looked out the window, blushing after a few moments and glancing back over at Emily as she apologized for acting so childish and silly. "Hey miss Emily, can I ask you where Isolda's place is? Rosie told me that the waitresses earn some very good money there and if I can't find any good bounties I like that I can get to work on I may head there to find a bit of work sometime. Though she did say that she's heard some of the waitresses may be required to perform additional services to some... demanding clients, and I'm fairly certain what that means and all, so I'm not sure I'd like to do that. But just working as a waitress isn't all that hard, I used to do it back home before I moved here," Adelle asked after she turned back to Emily, thinking about maybe working at Isolda's if she could learn a bit more about it before going there.

"Also, I've got to ask you miss Emily... well... I'm not sure if it's appropriate or not for me to ask, but I've gotta ask anyway. Is there... something going on between your dad and Rosieta?" Adelle asked Emily after a few moments of debating, as if she were very hesitant of asking.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The random behaviours of Adelle didn't seem to faze the daughter of the family too much, who never moved too far away from her previous slight amusement state of mind. "Well, I have seen similar reactions before, but they did come from younger people than yourself. But nevermind that, I can still understand." she said, sitting down onto the big chair. "Isolda's is located in the mercantile area next to this district. It's a big and flashy enough place to make almost everyone notice, so I need not go into too much detail for you to find it. And yes, shady dealings and needs being filled do happen a lot there if some richer folk are in the mood, so it might not be in your best interest to work there. Especially since you have something that most of the waitresses there don't have, so the call to such action is more likely to happen in your case. Still, I'll not say more. It is your decision in the end." the idea of what she had most likely being very clear in Adelle's mind, for when one looked at her, it was easy to see. Her current get-up only made it easier to discern, with that wanton openness.

"Nothing all that special really. Father likes the ladies, and Rosie happens to be his favorite."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle continued to blush a bit even after Emily told her she understood why she acted a bit like a child, thinking she looked silly in front of one of her hosts for the evening. Moving back over to the bed, Adelle flopped back onto it again, her breasts once again jiggling dangerously as she did. She listened to Emily tell her about Isolda's place while she laid back, blushing when she got to telling her that she had something the rest of the waitresses didn't... most likely meaning her large breasts.

"Well like I said I'd only work there if I couldn't find any good work elsewhere, so Isolda's place is a backup plan for money needs," Adelle said with a blush, shaking her head a little when Emily continued and told her about Rosieta being her father's favorite girl, and that he likes the ladies. "So... should I maybe expect him or possibly someone else to do something like that to me too then later? I mean... oh gods, I can't believe I asked that, I'm so stupid. E-Emily please... j-just forget I even asked that, my foot is pretty much surgically inserted in my mouth," Adelle asked after a few moments, blushing blood red now as she realized what she'd said, throwing her hands up over her face in embarrassment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sudden derp seemed to amuse Emily further, and the daughter giggled, showing her upbringing as she covered her mouth with her hand while doing it. "Oh please. Father might be a ladies man, but he generally doesn't try to force himself onto them. Unless there's something special he likes. Then he might try it. Still, I think you are safe, in case you were worried about that."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I still can't believe I said that though, it's so unlady like please just forget I said it at all," Adelle replied, her face still red as a beet as she shook her head from side to side for a moment. "And... that's a relief I guess. Though... well again forgive me for saying something embarrassing, but your dad is pretty handsome. I mean, not that I was having any ideas or anything, just so you know. (sigh)... sometimes I tend to speak my mind more than I probably should, especially when I'm nervous," Adelle added as she scratched her head a little, still blushing a bit, but seeing that Emily wasn't angry or anything, she felt a little more comfortable in speaking her mind a bit more.

"Anyway though Emily... how would you like to give me a tour? Or maybe I should take a bath and freshen up some first. You wanna take a bath with me or something maybe? Or you could just sit there and we could talk while I take a bath," Adelle asked, wondering if Emily wished to stay with her so they could talk until dinner, which she assumed she was going to be invited to considering she was a guest and all.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Then you obviously need to calm down a bit and settle your mind. Taking baths is one way to do that, and I could use one. Today's training was pretty intensive, and I forgot myself amidst the action to wash afterwards." Emily replied as she got off from the chair and went for the door. Still, she didn't leave Adelle behind, stopping at the door until she came along.

Again, it required a bit of walking to reach their destination, this time on the other side of the building. It was weirdly empty around the place, not even the butler from before coming across the two as they went through the luxurious corridors. Eventually, the bath area was there, sporting a ridiculously big hot tub. "Aaah, always a pleasure this. Towels are over there." Emily went pretty much straight to the business as they entered, pointing to a cabinet in the corner before going over to a nearby bench where she quickly unzipped the back of her dress and peeled out from it. Her underwear joined in quick succession, and not before long, she was making for the bath.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I suppose I do need to calm down some, the stress of work today is... well stressing duh," Adelle said, sticking her tongue out and rolling her eyes a bit at her own silly wording, yet it was the truth of it in all honesty, the stress of her job earlier and all of the naughty things that had happened to her was weighing on her a little bit, to go along with what happened to her the night before as well.

Adelle got up and went with Emily when she saw the girl waiting for her, following her a ways until they made their way to the other side of the manor, the whole place feeling quite... empty to Adelle as they went, as they didn't see anyone else save each other along the way. As soon as they were in the bathroom, Adelle glanced over at the cabinet Emily pointed to and told her towels were inside of it and went over and grabbed them both a couple of towels to use, one for their hair, and one for their bodies. Then Adelle followed suit with Emily and undressed, taking off her hakama, and then her underclothes should she have any, as she wasn't totally sure if she did under that heavy robe and all, and then she would join Emily in the bath.

"Ahhhhh... that feels so good, that warm water is magnificent on my body," Adelle sighed as she eased herself down into the warm water of their bath, the relaxing feeling of the bath overwhelming her completely as she laid her head back on the side of the bath and closed her eyes, recounting all of what had happened that day in her mind. "This is great Emily, thank you for bringing me here, though I'm not quite sure what I'll do about clothing, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, probably just wear my robes over there until I can get back to Lacri's place and get some more clothes," Adelle added after a few moments, still relaxing as her large breasts floated in the water like buoys.

She didn't like what all had happened to her and Rosie in that factory, but all in all it worked out for them both as they'd gotten out without any lasting harm done to either of them, plus she was going to get paid as well, possibly extra as she figured that Samson was going to be paying her something too, though she wasn't exactly sure on that honestly, but it was good to hope for something good at least. Adelle didn't engage in any talk at first while they relaxed in the bath, waiting to see if Emily wanted to talk to her about anything in particular before she decided on anything.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, do what you gotta do. There's probably no clothes that might fit you in the spares we have, I dunno." Emily told Adelle as they started the bath time. But after that, she had little to say, maintaining a quiet and somewhat sleepy-looking demeanor as she soaked in the hot waters.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well that figures, should have known that, I mean it ain't everyday you see a girl with boobs as big as mine. I'll manage though, so don't worry about it. My robe there should be fairly clean all things considered," Adelle replied to Emily as she raised up from where she'd laid her head back and began washing herself off.

Adelle first took the loofah and soaped it up, then began lathering herself all over with the soapy thing, going for her arms and legs first, then moving on to her shoulders and then to her waist, then a little further down to her naughty bits between her legs to make sure they were clean. After making sure her pussy was nice and clean once more, Adelle moved on to her butt and cleaned it as well, then did as much of her back as she could reach with her hands. Then lastly, Adelle moved on to her breasts, which she saved for last as they were the largest things on her body to wash and all, and took the most time to ensure they're washed properly other than her hair. Soaping up her enormous globes, Adelle sighed as she tried to submerge them under the water only to watch them bob back up before they completely went under.

"Hey Emily... you mind helping me with my back and hair? I'll help you if you too want me to," Adelle asked her bath companion, turning to show her back to Emily as she asked, hoping to get a little help in washing herself. If Emily did help her, then Adelle would return the favor, gently washing Emily's back off with the soapy loofah and rinsing the soap off, before she went on to wash her hair for her, being very gentle and careful with the silky smooth hair of the girl as she did her work.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, sure, why not. Doing this by myself is kind of annoying anyways." Emily agreed to Adelle's suggestions. The two went about their respective duties, the previous silence from the daughter of the boss still holding out as they did so. Eventually, they were done with getting their cleanliness levels up to a desirable level.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After getting her back and hair washed by the boss's daughter, Adelle returned the favor to her with a smile, gently washing Emily's back and hair, and even playfully tickling her a little bit unless Emily told her to stop to try and have a little fun while she relaxed. Once they were completely done in the bath, Adelle would get on out and begin drying herself off, hoping that her robes would last her until the next day after she left. After drying off her body, Adelle would begin drying her hair some before wrapping the second towel she'd gotten for herself around her head to hold her hair up, where she would then get some lotions and powders if Emily didn't mind, and if they had any to spare, which she would apply to smooth her skin out some before slipping her robes back on without any underclothing just yet, as the only other panties and bras she had were the ones she'd taken from the factory which were now in her pack.

"I've gotta get me some panties before we do dinner or anything," Adelle mumbled after drying off, glancing over to see what Emily was going to do before heading off.

After sliding on her robes, Adelle would see if Emily was coming with her before setting off back to her bedroom she'd been given for the night. Once back there, regardless of whether Emily came with her or not, Adelle would rummage around in her pack until she got one of the cute white thongs she'd taken from the factory, which she would then put on under her robes, then she'd grab one of the bras and put it on too before fixing her robes back up good. After that she'd take the towel off her head and brush her hair out while awaiting the call for dinner, helping Emily brush her hair out during this time if she came with her and asked her to.