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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The words that Adelle said seemed to have little effect on Garl, who was scooping up some of the water that was everywhere to get the rat bits off from his armored form. "My hammer... it is nowhere near as heavy as the duty I have on my shoulders..." he said in a somewhat worrying voice, eventually slipping the equipment back to their place behind his back. Astrea had moved to heal the wounded townsfolk, the other already being carried away by some others. "We were too late... and it cost us a soul..." the second nun lamented the scene as Garl scooped her up again to carry. The dead animal would be taken away eventually, but it was nothing the girls had to take part in.

Back at the delivery cart, a group of townsfolk had formed a guard group around the thing, but it looked everything was still intact. They had not gone off to prematurely open up the supplies or take things for themselves in a greedy manner, something which was surprising when one considered how they lived. But there was a person who was likely keeping them under control. A big suit that was likely an enviromental suit covered the man's entire form, the size, dirtyness and floppiness of it making the wearer look a bit fat. A tank of some sort was hanging from his back, connected with a small hose to what looked like a homebrew flamethrower made from different parts. Despite it's build, the weapon seemed a solid and well-funtioning piece of equipment. Similar hosing connected to some nozzles underneath his forearms as well, most likely being additional selections to spraying fire. A few other weapons could be seen on him as well. A small grenade rifle, a pump-action shotgun, a 9mm handgun and a hand axe rounded out a rather impressive arsenal of weapons. When the person did turn to face them, Adelle could see that he had an old-styled gas mask on, only the reflective lenses of the mask facing the group as his eyes or face could not be seen. "So... he is here too... Adelle, that is Ignatius." Rachaela spoke out in a relatively low voice.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle merely nodded in understanding to Garl's words as he washed the gore off of himself. Then when Astrea spoke in a sad voice, Adelle turned to look over to where she now was and saw that the one person was indeed dead like she had suspected earlier. “Yes we were too late to save him miss Astrea, but that is no fault of our own, for we had a job to do ourselves... one that we still must finish,” Adelle said to Astrea, hoping to ease her sadness some by getting her to see that it wasn't their fault that the person was killed.

Once they got back to the cart, Adelle saw the people hadn't just ransacked of all of the supplies in it thankfully, and had actually made a sort of perimeter around it to keep it protected, which surprised her quite a bit since she knew how they lived down in this place. But as they got closer to the cart, she saw that there was someone there that hadn't been there before, who was likely keeping them in check until the girls got back. After seeing the kind of gear the new person was wearing, Adelle was a little mad that whoever this was had one of the environmental suits after she was told that she probably wouldn't need one herself. However when she saw the weaponry whoever it was sported, she all but completely forgot about being angry about the environmental suit when she saw the shotgun in particular, admiring it and nearly drooling at the beauty of it. She shook her head when Rachaela told her who it was, coming back to reality.

Oh really? Then I guess... that means he's technically one of my superiors for the hunters then right?” Adelle asked Rachaela in just as low a voice as Rachaela spoke in to her.

Regardless of what Rachaela said in reply, Adelle would go over to Ignatius and hold out her hand to him as they all got ready to unload everything. “Hello there mister Ignatius, I'm Adelle. Are you here to help us with all of this, or what?” Adelle introduced herself and asked the man.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... Not necessarily. We are a pretty much equal organization. But the less succesful ones among us usually give the more famous ones their respects and such. Not a necessity, of course, since there are some rowdy and kind of uncaring ones among us too. Their kinds don't give squat what happens to the other hunters, and treat them with equal disdain." Rachaela finished before they got into speaking distance of the top hunter. While one might get an unfriendly image from his get-up, it did seem that Ignatius was not that bad, taking up the offered handshake with his own rubber gloved one. "Yes, kind of. I usually watch over these deliveries when they do happen, and at least try to help with the dealing of goods." he replied, opening up a box that revealed itself as a food box. Mostly the stuff did seem to be either food supplies or clothing, but there were other things among them too, most prominently a barrel of oil. It was to be a resupply barrel for the villager's lanterns, and got exchanged as the townsfolk brought out a similar one that was empty and replaced the full one with it. There started to be a lot of the people as the dividing began, the whole town most likely arriving to get their portions. Ignatius could be heard talking to some of them among the act, most likely trying to cheer them up, but one could easily deduce the fact that he was one of them from the top hunter's words.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle merely nodded at Rachaela's reply to her questions as they got within earshot of the cart, letting the mage girl know that she heard her clearly.

Adelle remembered her father saying that one could tell a lot about a person by their handshake and that if they didn't accept to shake your hand then they were probably not that good a person. When Ignatius took her hand and accepted the handshake, Adelle could just tell that he seemed to be a pretty good guy just from the feel of it, which made her feel a little better about him and a little bad for what she'd said about him the night before to Lacri.

Just to be certain they get through right, I can understand that I guess. And I really appreciate the help, because this is my first time down here and I've just had this bad feeling that something bad was going to happen to not just me but all of us while we were down here. I just can't shake the feeling,” Adelle replied to Ignatius while she helped unload the boxes of food and everything else.

When she came to the barrel of oil, Adelle pretty much figured that it was for the lanterns and didn't think it was strange for there to be a large barrel of oil in the thing. When the townsfolk brought out the empty barrel, she would help whoever to lift it back into the cart if needed and then get back to helping get all of the food and clothing out to these poor people. Despite having the bad feeling that something bad was going to happen to them all, Adelle now felt pretty good for helping all of these people out like she was. When she heard Ignatius talking to some of the people, seeming to try and cheer them up as much as he could, she decided to do the same, though she would simply follow his lead in what he was saying, taking care not to say anything offensive or hurtful to these people.

She would help unload everything until there was nothing left in the cart for them to give, at which point she would ask if they were supposed to leave as soon as they got done or what.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While they did seem to react at Ignatius' words, Adelle had less success with the townspeople, who mostly remained quiet and emotionless in face of her. None of them even oggled at her chest. Maybe there was a spiritual barrier between them, the towners not really managing to appriciate her words as she was someone from the upper world while Ignatius appeared to be a member of the community.

It took them a good while to get everything handed off, but eventually the girls got there with the help of Ignatius. While he had been there to help, the top hunter was gone with the people of the town when the cart was empty, only having the boxes used for transportation on it. Only Astrea and Garl were left. "Suppose it's back up then..." Isabella pondered aloud, and the others seemed to agree.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was a little sad when she saw that her trying to be as kind as Ignatius was didn't seem to have much effect, but she figured that it likely had something to do with the fact that she wasn't one of the regular people that brought them supplies down. When they finally finished helping to unload all of the supplies there were to be unloaded, Adelle glanced over to see that Ignatius was no longer there beside her where he'd been, leaving them with just Astrea and Garl for company.

When Rachaela spoke up, saying it was time to head on back up, Adelle silently agreed, not knowing what else she or they were supposed to do. "I guess, I mean this is my first time down here, so I wouldn't know how it's all supposed to go down and everything, or what we're supposed to do once it's all offloaded and stuff," Adelle said after a few moments, waiting to see if anyone else had anything to say, as she was ready whenever they were.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright... have a safe trip back now..." Astrea sent two group off along their way as the cart started it's slow ascension towards the surface. Garl remained as stoic as he had been pretty much all the time, not showing any other sign than a quick and barely noticeable nod to the girls. A small screech of metal signalled the start of the trip back up as the wheels of the cart began to grind along.

Just like before, there was a long bout of darkness that was only lit up by the vehicle's headlights and Rachaela's staff, but the dot of light from the surface world was up there at the end of the road to remind them that it did exist. This time, the going was slower than before, even if they had no cargo to speak of. The uphill seemed to be giving the cart troubles, but it got along relentlessly.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I guess we'll see you later then miss Astrea, sir Garl. It was a real pleasure meeting you both and I hope we see each other again soon. I personally think you should come back to the surface with us miss Astrea, so you can rest and recover from whatever it is ailing you, but that's just me. Because my parents always told me that sure I should help anyone I could, but to be able to help them I had to take care of myself as well," Adelle replied to Astrea, shaking her hand again before hopping back into the cart with the others.

As the cart started onwards, Adelle glanced back at Astrea and Garl, waving bye to them. "You take care of her big guy, you hear," Adelle called out to them as the cart continued on.

After that, she stayed relatively quiet as they went through the darkness, the only sounds that Adelle could make out coming from the cart, and the only light to see by being the light on the front of the cart and whatever light Rachaela had coming from her staff. Adelle kept a look out from side to side, wanting to make certain nothing got the drop on them or anything. She kept her gun where it'd be easy to whip it out and start firing if need be also. Adelle knew that they still weren't out of there yet, so anything could happen to them, and she wanted to make sure it stayed that way. She knew the others probably thought her paranoid, but she knew that sometimes it paid to be a little paranoid, because it kept you on guard. She barely even noticed it when the cart seemed to have a bit of trouble on the uphill climb towards the surface.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even with all of Adelle's concern and friendliness, there was no shaking Astrea's resolve. It was a thing many people could learn from.

While she was right in her readiness, it appeared to not be needed along the way. The only things that happened and could remotely be called trouble were the bumps in the road which caused the cart to shake a bit. And a small bit of the rocky ceiling did drop into Adelle's hair at one of the bumps in the track, providing a microscopic assailant to her. Besides those things, there was nothing to stop them or the cart in their advancement, which eventually ended up on the station at the surface. The same semi-bored hunter person was still there waiting for them, but to the busty girl's surprise, the day had advanced much more than she probably expected it to. "Took your time down there. Not that I was concerned, there's been longer shifts. Go and get your regular stuff, probably want to get going as soon as possible." he told them. It was already looking like early evening, and after a quick exchange of what little gear they had set themselves up for the trip, they were out of there.

Back at the Watering Hole, Samson welcomed the group back and ordered them a round right away. "How was the place? Still holding out?" he asked them afterwards, the girls offering pretty much agreeing answers. "If you want to have a bit of a relaxation evening, it's on me. The least I can do." the old man offered them afterwards, the possibility looking a bit more attractive this time around. There were a few familiar faces around the tables as well. The schoolgirl hunter Tsuzura, Kozlov, the two former homeless people, even Sergeant Saito and the blacksmith Raizan could be found around the counter.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's watchfulness was apparently not needed, as the only thing to happen to any of them along the way back up was when they hit a few small bumps in the track that made the cart shake some, though that wasn't anything to write home about really. The only other thing to happen of any note was a small bit of the rock that made the ceiling falling down into Adelle's hair, which annoyed her quite a bit, but didn't hurt or anything. The cart eventually made its way back to the surface, where they found the same guy that saw them off waiting for them, with Adelle heaving a sigh of relief that nothing bad happened to any of them. After a moment Adelle also noticed that the day was mostly gone now and wondered just how long they'd been gone for.

"Well some things happened, but we're back now. And thanks for keeping an eye on our stuff, I'd like to get me a drink as soon as possible," Adelle replied to the guy waiting for them, getting her things together to go so she could leave with the girls.

After they got their things, Adelle and the girls headed on back to the Watering Hole where they found Samson to welcome them back, ordering a round for them all. "Yeah, it seemed to be doing as well as could be expected I guess. Of course that was my first time down there, so I don't know how it's supposed to be and whatnot. And thanks for the drinks Samson, getting to relax a little and having a drink after seeing such a depressing place as that is just what I need to take my mind off it, I mean I hate to call it a depressing place, but that's what it is really," Adelle said to the old hunter, thanking him as she took her drink up and took a big gulp of it, giving a satisfied sigh as she swallowed the burning liquid down.

After taking her first drink, she glanced around and saw a lot of the people she'd met since coming to the city here. She decided to go over to Raizan first to see if he had any more information about the laser sword thing they had talked about the day before, and to thank him for the sword she'd chosen also, as it kind of saved her the day before with that big strange creature they had to fight, though she didn't want to make it seem like she was nagging him about the laser sword, so she decided to kind of lead into it. She'd go talk to some of the others afterwards, she told herself.

"Hey Raizan, how you doing? Good I hope. I wanted to tell you that this baby here came in real handy yesterday when me, Lacri, and Rachaela all went out to that outpost. There was this strange... monster of some sort and well even though it still technically beat me, it would have done so a lot faster if I hadn't had this new sword here with me, thankfully Lacri was able to finish the thing off though because I think... (Adelle blushes a little)... I think it was about to rape me when she dealt with it," Adelle said to the blacksmith guy, taking another sip from her drink after finishing, shuddering at the thought of that monster again, as that had been too close a call for her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Now that he was out from his workshop/home, Raizan seemed a bit less eccentrically crazy and more easily approachable. Since there was an empty seat next to him, Adelle probably took up the spot while she talked her choice bits with the weaponsmaker. "Hoho, good thing it has shown it's worth this fast. It might not be the best thing to think as blades are things of death, but I can't help but feel a little happy for it." the man replied to her, drinking up something that was actually steaming a bit. "But those things... I keep on hearing about these kinds of monsters alarmingly lots these days. Again, some might consider this a bad train of thought, but what has happened to all the straight-to-business monsters that just took your life when things went bad? Some women would probably rather die there rather than be raped and left to live with that shame. I knew some cases that attest to that."

After taking another sip and a brief sigh, Raizan carried on a bit. "But you had your friends along. That was a blessing."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Yeah she sat next to him. I merely forgot to write it to say so is all, sorry about that I was half asleep when I wrote that post.)

"Yeah it was truly a blessing that I had them with me. And you're right about the monsters as far as I know, I've been hearing all that about them too. I mean I don't think I'd go so far as to commit suicide over being raped by one of them, but I by no means want to just be raped by one either. Cause sure it's shameful, but not so much that I'd take my own life over it," Adelle said in reply to the blacksmith's words, downing the last gulp of her drink.

"On another note though, have you perhaps managed to unravel that laser sword tech stuff yet? If you need someone to collect some stuff, just remember that me and Mari promised to do so for you," Adelle asked Raizan, looking curiously over at him.

While she waited for a reply, Adelle ordered herself another drink, having already downed her first one. Once she got her second drink, she'd take a sip of it while chatting with Raizan, getting to know the blacksmith a little better.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I can understand your point, not everybody is that deeply ashamed of things like that. But there are cases like that too." Raizan gave his reply, ordering another drink simultanously with Adelle. The thing that he drank turned out to be sake, heated like the traditional style was. The heating process allowed the blue-haired girl to receive her drink first. "Hmm, not that deeply gotten into it yet, sadly. I've been having a surprising work spike, many repair and polishing jobs. While I do like to find out the workings of those things, the customers and their requests come before my own interests."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I didn't want you to think I was trying to rush you or anything about it. But when you do get any info, just pass it on to Mari, I'm sure she'll be able to tell me what's up afterward. And I understand about your work coming before pleasure, I wouldn't have expected anything less of someone of your skill," Adelle said to the blacksmith, wondering just how long it might take him to figure it all out about the laser swords.

After that, Adelle would bid him farewell unless he had anything else to tell her, deciding to head over and get a bite to eat while she was there at the bar. She went over to the bar and looked to the barman. "Hey there, can a girl get some grub around here? Unless Samson's already paid for it then I'll do so myself. I want some barbequed chicken wings if you've got them. And if you don't got any then get me a T-bone steak please, medium well," Adelle said to the barman, getting the needed money out if she needed to do so.

She'd take herself a seat next to Samson at his table and await her food, making simple small talk with the older hunter about what all had happened since she started working through him.

(Nothing really of any note, unless you have something for Samson to say. Other than that she's just going to eat for now.)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure we have. I'll have them done right away." the smooth barkeeper replied to Adelle before turning to a small trapdoor among the bottles behind him. "One order of the wings, lady hunter size." he quickly forwarded the order, one could assume into the kitchen area of the bar. "The barmaid will deliver as soon as they are ready." the man then told Adelle, letting her go about her business.

It was relatively peaceful at Samson's table, though a pair of hunters were talking there with him. They were not people that Adelle knew, but she was still allowed to sit down and eat at her leisure. Even though he could not fully dedicate his attention to the relatively new huntress, Samson was still socially skilled enough that he could manage to deal with two conversations at once. He didn't have anything really special to say, so it was only about the beginning of Adelle's bounty career.

Around them, the bar was beginning to get more lively as time advanced. Friendly contests of strenght began to happen, singing and dancing were all around. A small sign of a possible bar brawl was even imminent in the atmosphere, some apparently new hunters having a loud argument over something Adelle could not make out from her spot. Some of the more experienced ones that had been enjoying their time in the nearby tables were shaking their heads at the scene, but not really opting to do anything about it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alrighty then, thanks a lot," Adelle told the barman as she left to go over to Samson's table to wait for her food.

Adelle was pretty relaxed while sitting with the older hunter at his normal table, not butting in to talk all that much while he was chatting with the other couple of hunters there, two she didn't really know any at all. She really just waited until her food came over to her, feeling quite hungry when it finally arrived.

While she ate, Adelle looked around the room to see how lively it was getting, enjoying the singing and such around her. When she saw the possible brawl about to begin, she visibly tensed up a little, preparing herself to fight if need be, but other than that, she continued eating peacefully and sipped at her drink a little. She didn't really care what they were about to start fighting over, not that she could hear what it was over anyway, but she didn't want to maybe get dragged into it either, as she'd had enough fighting in the last couple of days with that... strange creature the day before at the outpost, and the giant rat earlier that day. Adelle decided that it'd probably be best to stay out of it and let them either fight if they were going to.

"They better hope if they start fighting that they don't bring it over here and ruin my dinner and drink, or I'll put either a bullet in their asses, or my knee in their balls," Adelle mumbled where Samson could hear her, keeping a close eye on the situation so she could move if need be, but other than that she was going to stay there and enjoy her food and drink until Lacri was ready to leave, as all of her things were still there at her place.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle spoke about about the two arguers, Samson seemed amused. "I'd rather see you keep your guns down, but feel free to kick them if it goes there. Ezekiel's going to be very cross at us if there is a shooting." the old hunter told her. While the arguing seemed to get a bit louder after a while, there were no real distractions to her eating time.

Further hassle happened, and soon the two were up and shoving each other already, some of the more short-tempered people surrounding them starting to get into the thing as well. The small group steadily began to move as the case advanced, soon ending up with one of them almost flying towards the other girls, who were on another table near Adelle and Samson. The shoved man stumbled pretty heavily onto Mariela, who happened to be the unfortunate one to be on the line of fire. This resulted in her falling flat onto her face upon the table, the food and drink of the entire table finding it's way onto her as it was tipped with the sudden weight increase. While the pushed man didn't care too much, quickly clambering off and return to the scene only a few feet away, it seemed the melee fighter of the group was not as uncaring. She was usually calm as the summer meadows, but Adelle had seen that she could lose her temper over the matter of the dress, which was now coated in various alcoholic substances and food bits, at least on the upper parts. It could be seen that she was trying the often suggested method of counting to ten, but it seemed to have little effect, and soon the short girl was up.

Grabbing the solitary remaining plate, she took a swift backhand blow using it at the one who had tripped on her, breaking the plate into pieces and knocking the man down with the force of the blow. "Can't you find other places to argue in?!" she shouted at the group, proceeding to repeatedly stomp the offender's crotch with her boot. While it was probably of some satisfaction to her, the actions seemed to turn all the remaining arguers against her. Soon, it was an all-out fight between all of them, five men and a smaller girl all swinging at each other. Lacrimosa seemed intent on getting in and helping Mariela out, but Isabella held her back, cheering at Mariela and apparently quite enjoying the scene. Rachaela, for her part, was severely facepalming at the situation. Other hunters were beginning to activate as well, getting up from the nearby tables.

It might just turn out to be a brawl, after all.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then I won't shoot anyone if you say not to shoot them, even if they might deserve it. But I will however kick them if it comes right down to it. It'd be a bad waste of a good bullet if I shot anyone in here anyway," Adelle said, deciding against pulling her gun out on anyone, thinking Samson may have been giving her some advice and telling her that she may make some enemies if she put a bullet into someone, the bartender not the least of those.

With that, Adelle decided to try and ignore the argument and continue eating her food. She watched on as the whole thing escalated to the next level and people started shoving other people. When she saw the one guy fly into Mariela and her go face first into the girls table, she couldn't help but burst out laughing as everything they had on the table ended up all over her. She waited for Mariela to count to ten and back down to attempt calming herself down after that, wondering if Mariela would be able to just get up and do the sensible thing and walk away. However once she was done counting, Adelle watched Mariela grab the only plate left on their table where she then smashed it over the head of the one that stumbled into her, then she laughed even harder at Mariela as she started stomping the poor guy's balls.

"Oh dear, they seem to have really pissed her off. I hope she doesn't bring her sword out on any of them or we'll be cleaning up what's left of them. Do you think she needs any help Samson? Should we even try to stop it?" Adelle remarked on Mariela's reaction to the situation, then asked the older hunter, wanting to but wondering if she should go to Mariela's aid.

While she awaited his reply, Adelle noticed that Lacri was starting to get up to go help Mariela, but then watched Isabella stop her for some reason as she cheered Mariela on. Rachaela was doing what could only be described as giving herself a big facepalm. She also saw many other bar patrons getting up as well, preparing to join in the fight while Adelle was really left to wonder just how far this was going to go before it was stopped. Adelle prepared herself to fight just in case the brawl carried its way over to her, and if it looked like Mariela was in need of help then she would jump to her aid long enough to pull her away from the brawl.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh dear. I'd recommend against getting in there, but do it if you must." Samson told Adelle as he too witnessed the imminent brawl getting started. But, there was one who brought himself up to try and calm the quickly flaring temperaments. A tall man with tan brown skin and shoulder-lenght blonde hair, combed neatly on the sides of his head, had taken it upon himself to prevent to battle. And it worked, most of the worked-up regulars actually backing up in the face of this lightly robed gentleman. There was a thin sword at his hip, but the man was not resorting to using it. Even Mariela seemed to lose some of her rage, but still planted her boot firmly on the downed person's crotch. Some of the few ladies present seemed to completely fixate on him, but that was easy to understand as he was a sight to match, even beat, Zacharias and Saito. Lacri's servant had been a looker, as was the sergeant, but this man seemed to put them both back into the boy category.

"Please, quiet down. This has been a nice evening so far, ruining it like this is inconsiderate towards the rest of us." this almost unbelievable man addressed the second of the initial fighters, the one who was still standing. But the guy seemed still on the edge, which most certainly was no way caused by the boot of the girl that still punished his friend. The mysterious calming presence reached out to his shoulder, which triggered a paranoid reaction and a knife being drawn. Again, there was no phasing the guy, even as the knife swung towards him. With a step back, he brought up his arm to block the incoming blade. A motor-like sound and a metallic clang could be heard as the dagger hit into his forearm, but instead of sinking in, the weapon and the man's sleeve were both ground into shreds. The whole remaining weapon then followed, being pulled away from the wielder's grip by the surprise that was hidden under the sleeve.

It was the most obvious cybernetic thing that Adelle had seen up to this point, revealed as the motors tore up the shirt sleeves. Instead of a normal arm, this man had a full cybernetic one, sporting some manner of grinder blades along the arms, the joints and the hand being simple cyber parts. He had synthetic skin on the hands, but that ended after the wrist. Even after being attacked like that, the mystery man was calm as one could be. But it was warranted, he had so simply disarmed the attacker, the remains of the knife falling out as the grinder stopped. There was only scrap left, nothing that could be wielded as a weapon. "Why did you have to do that? It would have saved us both trouble. Now, I'd like you to apologise to this young lady and the rest of us." he addressed the attacker, taking a glance at Mariela and seeing what she was doing. "Oh, and if you'd please stop hurting that young lad, it might be easier to get this out from him." he spoke up to Mariela as well, managing to get her away.

As there was apologies, Samson saw it fit to speak to Adelle in a hushed tone. "In case you didn't know, that is Izak, nicknamed The Immaculate." he told her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, I'll only go in if Mari needs some help. Like if they try and double team her or something," replied to Samson, watching the fight intently to see if she'd be needed to help her friend.

She watched on though as she apparently wasn't needed at all when a big guy stood up and moved in to try and diffuse the situation. Most of the ones in the fight already backed off as he came in, which amazed Adelle a little bit, as she hadn't figured them to back off from just one guy like that no matter how big he was. She watched even Mariela back down, though her boot was still pressing into that one guy's crotch from before. Adelle thought the guy was actually kind of handsome, like she thought sergeant Saito was, but a little more so than that.

When he spoke to try and calm the situation, Adelle totally agreed with his words, it had been a good evening for them all until this happened. When the guy placed a hand on one of the fighter's shoulder, Adelle gasped as the angered guy whipped out a knife and attempted to stab the big calm guy trying to stop this fight. She watched as he brought his arm up and blocked the attack, which destroyed the oncoming knife altogether along with his sleeve. After a moment, it finally registered to Adelle that his arm was fully cybernetic and she was quite amazed at what it was capable of to say the least... the weaponry on it was a thing of beauty to her and she couldn't help admiring it from where she stood. Because anytime she saw a weapon of any kind that caught her eye any, she had to admire it, because weapons were one of the things that she kind of went a little crazy about sometimes.

When she heard the man speak again, she held her breath, wondering what was about to happen as she glanced at Mariela where she was still standing on the one guy's nuts. As Adelle started breathing normally again, she was very thankful that the big guy didn't just knock Mariela off of the one she was standing on his nuts or try and hit her, because then she would have had to go to her aid out of friendships sake, and she was quite sure that she'd get her ass kicked pretty badly against this guy. She also wondered if Mariela would back off and remove her foot from where it was as Samson told her just who the big guy was.

"W-Wow... he's a... I'd hate to see him pissed off is all I can really say Samson. And I'd hate to have to fight him, because I know I'd lose. I need another drink after that," Adelle replied in as hushed a tone as Samson used, looking thankful for Izak being there to stop the fight from escalating further.