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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Most likely true that. They just might be waiting for us to come for them, the lazy critters." Isabella commented about the frogs. "I don't have any doubts about our abilities being enough to defeat those things, but it might be another drawn-out battle. And there might be some lucky shot that goes against us..." Rachaela shared her opinion. After she had finished saying it, another possible way out presented itself. On one side, a small maintenance tunnel could be seen, most likely coming out from the other doorway some distance away in the area beyond the froggies. "Could try that. But we have to walk carefully across the track to get there, might trip and fall into the water if you hassle too much. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing, the animals might get upset. Or they might not care." Mariela pointed it out to the rest of them, getting a somewhat mixed emotional reply. There indeed was a need to skip over the tracks, for the earth had fallen away from the front of the doorway and was now replaced by a part of the frog pools.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After listening to her companions, Adelle nodded in agreement. "Also look at their colors girls, they're too bright. Every frog with those bright colors like that that I've ever heard of is poisonous, and they have bright colors because they don't have to worry about anything going after them because of that. So yeah I say lets go through the other tunnel there," Adelle whispered to the others.

After that they would move through the side tunnel, creeping slowly so as to not anger the frogs or anything that might be lurking in the water. Adelle would hop across the small patches of water into the doorway as best she could, hoping to not fall in.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Balance... Success roll yar.

While there was a bit of balancing to do and she was pretty top-heavy, Adelle easily skipped across the track beams and into the doorway. The sisters followed after her, each of them clearing the gaps with ease. Only Rachaela had a bit of trouble, but that was to be expected with her taller high-heels, which were probably not the best choice of footwear for such a task.

But once more, it was not going to be that easy for them. Having previously thought of the small maintenance tunnel being empty, the girls ended up finding one frog there too. While it was only a single one, the side tunnel was much more cramped, making it impossible for all of them to attack if they so decided.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle had to balance herself out as she crossed the track, which was a little tough for her because of the size of her chest, she managed to do it though without falling into the water thankfully. Once across the others followed in short order, with Rachaela being the only one that had much difficulty other than Adelle but that was because of her wearing such large high heels.

As they went down the smaller maintenance tunnel, which as they went they saw it was in fact not empty, they saw another frog in this tunnel like the others in the main tunnel, though it was alone. However they would find the tunnel was too close quartered for them all to attack it together it seemed.

"Well girls, what do you all think? Should we try and just ignore it and go onward? With it being alone I really don't think it'll attack the five of us, but you never know. If we do attack though. Who wants to do it? I'd suggest it not be me or Isabella because we may alert our mark to our pursuing him," Adelle said to her companions, weighing their options.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, not sure if I want to harm that thing... Let's see if it reacts to this..." Rachaela decided to act, shaking her staff a bit and using the earlier-employed lightning bolt. She didn't hit the out-of-place frog with it, but rather a spot that was extremely near it. This was enough to scare the animal, which croaked as it jumped away and proceeded to leave from the other side. "Looks like that takes care of that." the mage said, moving after Lacrimosa as they carried on. Before they could get going, Mariela was once again whispering at Adelle's side. "Sister Rachaela likes frogs. She is something of an animal person, but above all it's frogs and bats. A bat is hard to keep, so she has a frog at her house." the blade sister told her a small, not too useful bit of information.

As the went towards the other doorway, sounds of splashing and moving could be heard. When the girl group was at the other side, they were met with what could likely be the entire frog herd waiting for them. The animals were practically waiting for them on the other side of the rails, a few lurking in the water beneath the steel girders as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened to Rachaela when she said she didn't want to harm the frog and didn't say anything about it, watching as she scared the creature off with a small lightning bolt from her staff.

"So are any of you actual blood sisters Mari?" Adelle asked when Mariela told her of Rachaela's love of frogs and bats.

As they continued onwards, they could hear splashing sounds ahead of them. When they entered the doorway on the other side of the tunnel, they were met by what one could call an actual horde of frogs, with some in the water beneath the steel girders.

"I think maybe we should have stuck to the main tunnel. What do you think girls?" Adelle said to the others as they saw what was waiting for them, drawing her gun from its holster and getting ready to fight if need be.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No. We are not related in any other way besides Sisterhood." Mariela told Adelle, adding another bit of info about these four unique ladies to the busty girl's info storage.

At the frog spot, it looked like they were in a bit of a standstill with the large amphibians. "Well, this is awkward. Maybe I shouldn't have done that earlier lightning bolt scare." Rachaela admitted her doubts if the course of action had really been the best possible to take. "Alright, suppose we have a few different options here. Either we just go and ignore them, or fight them if it goes to that. How they feel about that scare is still unknown, since you can't really tell from looking at them. We could also go back and see if they forget about this little hassle and go through the path we originally aimed to go through. Us four, we can handle this any way one can cut it, but which way are you willing to go?" Isabella carried on where Rachaela had left, basically asking Adelle her preference for the situation.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle waited and listened to her companions, taking in what all Isabella was saying and getting ready for a possible fight with the many frogs in the large room. "Well it doesn't matter to me really what we do girls, I'm for whatever way is quickest, but safest," Adelle replied in a whisper to Isabella's words, then after thinking about it for a moment, Adelle spoke again in a whisper, "I don't really want to fight them if we can help it at all, I don't like slimy things really. But I'm willing to if it comes to it though, but I'm pretty sure from their colors that they're poisonous so if we choose to fight it would be best to take as many of them out as we can from a range."

After they decided which way to go, Adelle would follow, keeping her gun at the ready just in case they ran into any trouble along whichever route they took.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Another balance... fail

"Hmph, so indesicive... let's go then, maybe they just want us gone." Isabella broke the silence that followed Adelle's words. With the decision made, Lacrimosa was the one to go first, as had happened before. Adelle herself went second, as was her desire from the get-go. There was a small outlet that they could land on, the frogs had given them that much. Going onto one track, Lacri skipped onto the other, giving the busty girl her room to advance.

Once the nun girl hopped towards the small bit of ground, the frogs made their move. One of them shot out it's tongue, hitting the tallest sister in her forearm when she blocked the incoming attack. But there didn't seem to be any aim in hurting her with the long appendage, for it tugged hastily towards the rest of the amphibians, who moved away to let the girl land. Before she could see what further happenings, one of the frogs down in the water did the same to Adelle, pulling on her leg and tripping her into the water. From there, the thing turned into a hassle as the few ones there bumped into each other and the girl. But it did seem they were not peaceful anymore, for there were a few harsh slaps on Adelle's upper body.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It isn't that I'm being indecisive about it really Isabella, just cautious. As I said, I don't like slimy things, and we aren't in friendly territory, so we must be careful,” Adelle replied to Isabella as they got ready to move on.

She watched Lacri hop on across the gap and moved to make her hop across the gap as well, but just as she got ready to do so, Adelle watched one of the frogs tongues shoot out at Lacri. She watched Lacri block it and the frog then pulled her down towards the rest of the frogs. Just as Adelle was about to take aim and shoot to aid her however she herself was bumped by one of the frogs in the water and ended up losing her balance and falling down into the water with the frogs, giving a yelp as she fell in. “Hang on Lacri I'll he... EEK!” Adelle said, as she was knocked into the water.

Adelle felt some of the frogs bumped into her and each other as they hopped and swam around her, bumping into her upper body and causing her breasts to bounce around in the water. Adelle felt a few harsh slaps against her body from the frogs and that plus being knocked into the water was more than enough for her to start blasting the damn things, but she had another problem before she could even think about that... she couldn't swim and when her head went under she flailed around frantically to try and get it back above water to breathe. She hoped that if she couldn't get back up herself, that the others would notice that she couldn't swim as she struggled, flailed, and splashed about trying to get to shore, her heart was racing as she feared that she wouldn't get back to the surface and would drown.

Should she manage to get back to the surface and to the shore before fainting from lack of air, in which case she hoped that one of the others knew cpr to resuscitate her, then she would try and cough up any water she sucked down and then she'd start shooting the frogs, Rachaela's love for the ugly fucking thing be damned.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As it happened to be, Adelle wasn't able to swim. She had to struggle a bit in the frog-infested water, but it wasn't a long fight. After a few quick trashes with the frogs, Mariela was the one to drag her up by the back of the collar, doing the whole deed with surprising efficiency when one considered her small size. "Heads up now, they are not happy." the girl told Adelle, turning back to the fray where frogs and girls were tearing at each other. The ones from the water had apparently not given up on beating the busty girl up, for they were getting out and coming after her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle thrashed around in the water with the frogs, her air quickly running out on her, she was frantically clawing her way back to the surface only to be stopped by the frogs for a moment. Just when she thought that she was going to drown, someone grabbed her collar and dragged her up and out of the water with little effort. Adelle saw it was Mariela that saved her and Adelle thought for only a moment that it was quite a feat for Mariela to be the one to pull her up with the difference in size between the two, but she didn't care and simply threw her arms around her and hugged her for a moment and thanked her before hearing her give her the heads up on the situation. Adelle looked around at what all was going on before turning to see the frogs coming out behind her.

Alright Mari, let's take care of business here... I'm sorry if Rachaela hates me for it, but I can't stand frogs, they're too slimy. So I intend on taking out as many of these things as I can,” Adelle said to Mariela, aiming at the nearest of the frogs coming at her out of the water and firing at its head, not wanting to give them the chance to touch her again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

I'll just focus on Adelle and Mari for now... 19 vs 14 Even if she is soaked, Adelle manages to hit a frog and prevent it from participating just yet | 18 vs 20 Mariela is not as lucky
11 vs 3 | 17 vs 13 Frogs hit girls One frog spends the turn climbing back up.

"You don't need to worry, the good sister does like them but she is not so far out that she'd let them attack us in what could be a potentially harmful or lethal assault." Mariela called out to Adelle, already having her blade out as the blue-haired girl got herself poised for the encounter. The trio of other sisters was already going at it with the frogs on dry land, leaving Adelle and the blade sister to fend off the ones coming from the waters.

Adelle started the encounter strong, hitting a shot right away and keeping one frog off from their behinds for some time at least as it sploshed back into the small pool. Mariela was not having that much success, failing her stab against the second frog which retaliated immidiately after sidehopping the blade. The amphibian shot out that long tongue, wrapping it around the blade sister's wrist before leaping forward and tackling her with a bodyslam. The same happened to Adelle's gun-arm, which was also followed by a bodyslam as the charging frog bounced off from her chest. Afterwards, both frogs pulled back on their tongues to keep the situation difficult for the girls, disrupting potential strikes or shots with random jerks. Also, the one that the busty girl had shot was scampering back onto land, now bleeding from a hole in it's body.

Adelle 4/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 5/6 FP 0/10 AP Both ladies are grappled, leading to a -2 attack modifier
Frog A 4/5 HP | Frog B 4/4 Grappling Adelle | Frog C 4/4 Grappling Mariela
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded at Mariela's words about Rachaela not caring if they killed the frogs to keep themselves from harm. Adelle saw that she and Mariela were pretty much alone in this fight as the others were busy with the rest of the frogs, and it was three against two here so they were outnumbered. Her first shot at the nearest frog struck true, but Mariela wasn't so lucky with her sword strike.

Adelle watched as Mariela's wrist was grabbed by one of the other two frogs tongues, then slammed to the ground under it, where it then bounced off of her. Adelle's glance over at Mariela to make sure she was okay proved to be the wrong move for her as the same thing happened to her that happened to Mariela as her arm too was trapped by the frogs tongue attacking her.

L-Let go you ugly fucker, GET OFF OF ME!” Adelle screamed, squirming and kicking in an attempt to get the slimy frog tongue off of her, and if she proved to get it off of her, she'd tackle the frog to the ground under her and put her gun to its head and keep pulling the trigger until it was dead.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

3 vs 3 | 5 vs 5 Success for both girls, just barely with the advantage of players winning ties
20 vs 9 | 14 vs 15 | 17 vs 6 But success is for froggies too

All the yelling and the shooting had the desired effect, breaking the hold on Adelle's forearm and giving her a bit more breathing space. Mariela managed to reverse the situation somewhat and actually tugged the frog closer to herself before cutting it across the back with her pink-handled blade. This too proved to be a decisive enough action to grant the blade sister her freedom from the grappling tongue.

But before they could put up any real strategies, the large amphibians struck back. The one that Adelle had pushed away earlier was now back in the game, targeting her and succeeding to trap the busty girl's gun-arm again before slinging itself against her in another forceful bodyslam. Two of the creatures went after Mariela, one of them missing while the other managed to grab her too for a slamming. Looks like they were back at the start once more...

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 4/6 FP 0/10 AP Both ladies are grappled, leading to a -2 attack modifier
Frog A 4/5 HP Grappling Adelle | Frog B 3/4 | Frog C 3/4 Grappling Mariela
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's writhing around managed to work and she was able to break free, where she then took a shot at the frog that was holding her arm down. Mariela managed to do pretty much the same thing, save she slashed the frog holding her arm by yanking its tongue and bringing it towards her. Their actions however proved to be all for naught though as the frogs struck back, one on Adelle and another on Mariela, putting them back into the same position with different frogs on either girl.

"Come on Mari, we can't let these fucking things beat us... I can't let these things do what I know they'll do to me," Adelle said, tears starting to well up in her eyes. Because if what the mutants would have done to them was any indication as to what the creatures here did to those they beat, then she knew what would happen here if she lost, and she couldn't stand the thought of an ugly slimy fucking frog being her first sexual experience, she just couldn't.

Adelle would try and pull her arm free enough to fire at the frog and force it away, however if that didn't work she planned on dropping her gun from the arm being held, then rolling over to grab it with her other hand, where she would then shoot the frog's tongue holding her wrist, which would force it to let her go, and likely kill it... she hoped.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

4 vs 8 | 16 vs 13 Only Mariela has success.
12 vs 10 | 16 vs 3 | 16 vs 6 Mariela is double-grabbed, but Adelle evades the incoming hit. Not looking good...
14 vs 6 | 1 vs 15 Success is only on Adelle's side during the second round.
8 vs 14 | 16 vs 10 | 10 vs 1 Adelle continues succeeding, but poor Mariela is downed in a flurry of slimy bodies...

"I know how you feel, but nothing is written in stone just yet..." Mariela called back to Adelle, not being as dramatic about the possibility of losing as the blue-haired girl was.

Adelle's luck was a bit of a mixed bag. She had problems at hitting with the first shot against the rudely pulling frog, missing it as the thing jerked her arm just in time to make the shot go all bad. But the animal had no better success, the incoming slingshot bodyslam only managing to brush the topmost hairs on Adelle's head. When it came to the handswitching maneuver, there was a lot more success. Another hole appeared in the frog, causing the tongue to leave and once more allow freedom of movement to the busty girl. The further attempt at Adelle's limbs went wide, the pain of two bulletwounds probably affecting it to some degree.

While Adelle was moderately succesful, the blade-wielding sister fared a lot worse. While she initially managed to rid herself of the grabby frog, producing a cross of blood onto it's back, there was little that could hold the creature back. The thing ignored it's wounds, grabbing onto the dress girl once again and tackling her hard. While that was bad enough, it only got worse when the remaining amphibian entered into the hassle between the two and snatched up Mariela free arm. With both arms held, the frogs proceeded to tug hard into opposing directions, pulling the girl's arms apart to make her completely defenseless. With Mariela practically held in a biological restraint device, the two tackled her in turns for another three shots until she passed out from the repeated smashes.

Now, the situation was looking much more treacherous to Adelle. Unless she did something, the fate of Mariela was likely going to befall on her as well.

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 | Mariela 0/6 FP 0/10 AP Unconscious
Frog A 3/5 HP | Frog B 3/4 | Frog C 2/4
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's first shot on the frog holding her went wide when it yanked her arm with its tongue, though when she switched her gun to the other hand she managed to get a good shot on it, forcing it to let her go. She had managed to duck under its first attack before she forced it to let her go, as well as its attempt to grab her wrist again with its tongue.

She watched as Mariela was pretty much knocked the fuck out by the two frogs attacking her, leaving her to fight the three frogs alone. Adelle rushed to her side to check on her, and after getting there, she reached down to her pocket, and pulled out one of those grenades she had gotten earlier. She pulled the pin and threw it behind the frogs, then dove and covered Mariela's limp and unconscious form.

GIRLS! HIT THE DECK! BOMBS ROLLING IN!” Adelle shouted to the others as she tossed the grenade to warn them about the coming explosion. She could only hope that this either killed the frogs, or at least scared them off and wounded them, but if it didn't then she would prepare the other grenade she had in case it didn't do either of those and hope that one would do the job she wanted. Which was to kill the frogs, or at least scare them away from her so she didn't get beaten here, cause she couldn't stand the thought of being raped by a frog, and definitely wouldn't be able to live with herself if she lost her virginity to one.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving in to take some more drastic measures, Adelle chucked her grenade and dove down into cover. A few seconds later, the explosion sounded loudly across the tunnel, made even more noisy as it echoed in the throughout the deserted railways.

There was a brief moment of pause as everything recovered from the pressure and the explosion of the grenade. The three girls on the other side of the battle still had some frogs to battle, but there had been a pause on both sides as a result of the bombing. A few of the frogs the others had been fighting were spooked out by the loud bang, fleeing to the water while a few still remained. As for the ones on Adelle's side, she had succeeded to destroy the pair that had just beaten Mariela down, leaving behind a rather smelly pair of burned corpses. But the one that she herself had faced was too far away from the boom, and was getting itself back onto a fighting position, flipping back on it's legs just as Adelle looked in the animal's direction. Looked like it was not over yet.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle pulled the pin and chucked the grenade, then dove for cover as the explosion hit, she'd managed to cover Mariela's unconscious form with her own body in order to protect her. After the explosion hit, Adelle raised her head back up to see she'd gotten rid of the two frogs in particular that took Mariela down, but the third one was just a bit too far away for the blast to take out, but she was sure that it had to have taken a bit of damage at least, what with the concussive force of the blast that hit it and all.

She did notice however during the brief lull in combat after the grenade went off, that quite a few of the frogs retreated into the water after that explosion. She saw the third frog on the side she and Mariela were on getting back up and ready to fight again, and she too got to her feet, not willing to give up just yet. Besides, she couldn't leave Mariela unconscious like she was, she'd never leave a friend like that. So Adelle got to her feet and readied herself to continue the fight.

Ladies, not trying to rush you or anything, but I may need some help over here!” Adelle called out to the others as she hovered over Mariela's unconscious form, deciding she had to do anything to protect her in the state she was in.

Don't worry Mari, I'm not going to leave you here like this. You've helped me so much already, and I'm not going to going to give up... I'm going to repay the favor for all you've done for me so far and protect you this time,” Adelle whispered to her friend even though she knew that Mariela probably couldn't hear her. Adelle aimed her gun at the frog and tried to shoot it before it could close the distance, aiming for the largest part of its body so she didn't miss.