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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

9 vs 4 Adelle's revolver ends the slime | 9 vs 8 Mariela's blade cuts deeply | 18 vs 13 / 17 vs 10 Isabella's twin shot destroys one of Mariela's assailants and blows away the clingy one | 16 vs 19 Rachaela's parting shot goes wide | Lacrimosa moves closer to the combat
14 vs 20 Slime C is the most unlicky thing in the world, still failing against Mariela | 17 vs 14 Slime E is bigger and better, manages to get back at Rachaela immidiately

Success still went along with Adelle, her next shot finishing off the slime and reducing it to a few small pools of dissolving goo. Her instruction towards Lacrimosa would have to wait, for the nun sister was a good distance away from them. Still, she would be with them soon, for they could already see her closing towards the remaining battle between the girls and slimes.

Mariela's remaining opponents had little luck against the blade girl, the katana keeping them away and hurting one a little bit more. Before there could be further action, Isabella's shot desroyed one of them, leaving another by itself. The second gunshot also removed the sticky critter from Rachaela, who sought to take a parting shot, not managing to get the quick-moving bugger with her bolt. To add a little more annoyance, the creature bounced right back and sticked on the magic girl again, turning the situation to what it had just been in one swift jump.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP | Isabella 2/5 FP 0/10 AP | Rachaela 2/4 FP 5/10 MP 0/10 AP Clinged on | Lacrimosa 8/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP
Slime C 3/4 | Slime E 5/6 Clinging
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's bullet ripped through the slime she aimed at, destroying it the rest of the way. While she did that, Rachaela she saw was able to free herself thanks to Isabella's gun shot, but the slime managed to jump back onto her right after. She had thought that Lacrimosa was closer than she was is why she called out to her to help Rachaela, she had misjudged the distance between the two. The nun was moving to their aid however so it was okay.

"Hang on Rachaela, we're coming. Get off of her you bastard," Adelle called out to the mage girl, running towards her as she took aim at the slime again. She didn't plan on shooting until she was close enough to ensure no friendly fire was done though.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

13 vs 4 Success is Adelle's friend | 8 vs 6 Mariela too has success | 21 vs 8 / 10 vs 14 Isabella misses and hits | 9 vs 9 Rachaela's magic is succesful this time around | 8 vs 2 Lacrimosa succeeds and finishes off the second slime that Mariela had been fighting
Last slime attempts to flee

There was little the grabby thing could do against Adelle's shot, and it was pushed away with the impact. Isabella aimed at both it and the one Mariela was facing, hitting the blade sister's opponent but missing the larger one. Rachaela's crimson bolt only gave further discouragement, sizzling the goop as it hit home.

Mariela sought to end her remaining opponent, hitting it quite handily and giving enough time for Lacrimosa to enter the fray. With a tremendous soccer kick, the nun sister splattered the slime across the platform like a little kid would destroy a sandcastle, somehow managing to prevent the bits of jelly from hitting Mariela and dirtying her dress. Mabe all of them shared the concern towards their dresses.

It looked like the remaining slime was not willing to battle with them anymore, the thing fleeing away from them. If the movement was to be judged in any strategic manner, it looked like the thing was going to try and scamper over the edge of the platform and plop onto the area below.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP | Isabella 2/5 FP 0/10 AP | Rachaela 2/4 FP 5/10 MP 0/10 AP | Lacrimosa 8/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP
Slime E 3/6
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's shot hit exactly where she wanted it to, knocking the slime off of Rachaela and nearly finishing it off. Most of the others attacks hit home as well, pretty much finishing off most of their opponents and leaving only one last slime, the one that had stayed back she thought.

The last slime she saw was trying to retreat after seeing the girls devastating attacks, but Adelle wasn't about to just let it leave after starting the fight, which she was now intent on finishing.

"Come on girls, let's get it. Don't let it get away," Adelle said, taking aim at the last slime before it could slip away.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle hits, Mariela misses, Isabella hits, Rachaela hits. there we go.

The rest of the group didn't flinch or hesitate at the sight of the fleeing slime, each getting their own attcks in there. Adelle's opening shot flew true, stunning the slime with the impact. Mariela's swipe went over the thing by scant few inches, but Rachaela was more successful, a different kind of spell bouncing the thing up into the air as a lightning bolt sent in hurtling through the air in an electrified spin. Isabella was the one to get the finishing shot, breaking out into a brief flashy display as she quickly holstered her Mausers and drew out the big revolver, taking quick aim at the airborne slime. With a loud, echoing bang, the slime was splattered down into the platform area below, bits staining the train and surroundings. "Hah, gotcha..."

The gun in Isabella's slim hand was the biggest revolver Adelle had ever seen, a massive six-shot magnum of mirrored steel. It was a piece of art almost, with a barrel-lenght engraving of a charging sword-angel and the word "Deliverance" under it. Whoever had built the thing had clearly invested many an hour into the complete gun. Still, it seemed almost out of character in Isabella's hands, the small-statured girl using such a big blaster.

With the battle over, the sisters settled down, Isabella going into reload mode as the others wiped slime bits away where appropriate. Mariela had some to wipe away from her blade as well, while Lacrimosa shrugged some bits of metal off from her hands.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's shot ripped through the back of the slime and stunned it, while Mariela's swing just barely missed, Rachaela's magic blast slammed into it, then Isabella drew that large revolver she had and obliterated the thing with a single bullet from the thing. Adelle had to admit, Isabella's gun was quite... awesome looking to be honest, she wished she had one just like it.

"Nice shot Izzy," Adelle said as she admired the gun in Isabella's hands.

Once they made sure there was nothing else to fight, they all holstered and sheathed their weapons, with Isabella and Adelle both reloading their guns before doing so. Adelle went to help Isabella clean some of the slime off of her before they moved on.

"Which way do you girls think we should go from here. You all know more about this place than I do, so I'll follow your lead," Adelle said to the other four, not really sure which way to go from here.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thanks. Ain't the most difficult shot I've pulled off, but you don't do that every day." Isabella commented about her slime execution. It had been a pretty flashy display, but she didn't seem to want and brag.

"That is true, we have been around these parts before. Not exactly here but in the tunnels, sure." Rachaela confirmed Adelle's words. "But we only went around the areas where the homeless live. Not the more dangerous, almost unexplored areas. Are we willing to try those out, or stick to the safer parts?" Mariela carried on, presenting what they were faced with.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Mariela and Rachaela had answered her about about going further in, Adelle thought about it for a moment.

"Well... didn't Samson say this guy was pretty hardcore? He'd likely be further down the less safe parts in that case I think," Adelle said to her companions, wondering if they were thinking the same thing. A moment later she continued, "Well as long as we catch the guy and get paid to put food on the table, then whichever way you girls choose is fine with me, I said I'd follow your lead and so I will. Besides I'd rather not make a bad choice and lead us into a trap of some sort."

Once they had made their decision, Adelle would support it and then they would move on with them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, that is most likely true. Considering the looks of the man, I wouldn't be surprised if he went out of his way to the more dangerous areas for escape. Seemed like a tough nut, this one." Isabella went along with Adelle's estimation. The decision was agreed upon by the majority of them, Lacrimosa simply maintained her stoic silence and went along with the decisions the others made. With their mind set, the group ascended to the lower level platform and made for the way where the train had come from.

The tunnels were pretty much what one would expect, soon turning into something that had been untouched and unexplored for years. Light was scarce, but they managed to get around with the few sources of light here and there. In addition, Rachaela's staff maintained a glow when they went into the darkness, providing the light when there was none.

But it was not all going to go their way, as fate would show the girls. With Lacrimosa in the front as earlier decided, they turned a corner. It looked like the nun sister was going to trip, and then there was a moderately loud puff. Suddenly, Lacrimosa was pushed back against the wall, a lenght of hollow metal pipe sticking out from her stomach. A trickle of blood started to flow out from the end as she attempted to pull the thing out. Behind the corner, there was weird set-up connected to a canister of pressurized air that had propelled the pipe once the sister had tripped a wire and triggered the release of the air.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle agreed with Isabella about their mark likely going further down the dangerous part, and so they went on with Lacrimosa in front and Adelle right behind her. They really only had Rachaela's magic staff for light as they went down to the lower level platform to head down the tunnel the train came from. Eventually they came to a corner and Lacrimosa stumbled over something and was suddenly knocked back into the wall.

"Oh my god Lacrimosa, are you okay? So don't try to pull it out that fast. Girls come on and help me," Adelle cried to their companions, rushing over to Lacrimosa's side when she sees the pipe.

"Rachaela, do you know any healing magics? If you do then Mari, Izzy, help me pull this pipe out so she can heal her," Adelle asked the mage girl, trying to tend to the wound in the nun's belly. If Rachaela did know some healing magics for Lacrimosa, then once Mariela and Isabella were ready to, they would remove the pipe from the nun's belly so the mage girl could heal her.

If Rachaela did not know any healing magics, then Adelle would get very concerned for the nun and they would have to take her back to the over city as quickly as possible, with Adelle offering to carry her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure I do." Rachaela replied, maintaining her cool in the situation. When the others moved in to help, Lacrimosa stopped and let them handle the pulling. Once the hollow flechette was pulled out though, she stopped the rest from helping. "Please sisters, no. I was a careless, careless woman and now the Lord punished me for my failure. I have been given my penance, so I must endure this..." she told them, falling down to her knees and then completely to the ground, clutching her stomach as the stab wound still bled. Nonetheless, the others didn't do anything afterwards, letting her do as she wanted.

Once more, Mariela had something to share as she leaned closer. "I knew this might happen, but I'll still explain. Sister Lacrimosa has a rapidly regenerating body, her cybernetics make her almost impervious to minor bodily harm. Even her blood replenishes at an insane pace. It still doesn't make her immune to pain though." the blade sister explained, keeping her voice to a whisper, most likely not wanting Lacrimosa herself to know that they were talking about her. Looking over to the nun sister, Adelle could see her still laying down. Tears flowed from her eyes, the experience apparently prowing to be painful as hell. But there was a method she employed to bear the sensations a bit better, for one of Lacrimosa's hands came around to her face, covered in her own fresh blood. Looking at the crimson fluid with what seemed like total fascination, she began to lick at the liquid, tenderly tasting it with her tongue and wiping some on her face like a grotesque warpaint. "And then there's this. Lacri is also a haemophiliac, a blood fetishist. It's never been too severe with us around, but I'm not sure if I want to know what she does when we are not there to look after her." Mariela carried on as the speared girl reached out for the flechette that had impaled her. Getting the lenght of metal near her face, she licked at the spear too, almost like a determined lover would have done for their man. It was a disturbing scene to say the least, not made any more pleasant by the heavy breathing that Lacri started as she got a strange mixture of feelings going. The blood, combined with her own suffering seemed to have an intoxicating, arousing effect on the religious sister.

The other sisters didn't interfere with Lacrimosa, who was soon laying on her back, the hole in her dress showing that there was no wound anymore. Only some blood remained. With the healing completed, she reverted into the former somber and quiet person once more.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle helped them pull the pipe out of the nun, and was about to help bandage the wound when she was stopped by Lacrimosa, who said not to and gave her reasons as to why. Adelle had tears in her eyes as she watched the nun writhing around on the ground in obvious agony.

Adelle stopped herself when Mariela began whispering to her about the nun. She watched in a mix of amazement, confusion, and disgust. Amazement that Lacrimosa was still alive and according to Mariela healing very rapidly, confusion as to why the others weren't helping her even though she told them not to do so, and disgust in that the nun was getting some bit of a thrill out of this and also at herself because she hadn't already moved to help despite Lacrimosa's telling them not to do so.

"B-But you should punish yourself by not accepting any help at all Lacrimosa. You don't have to endure it alone, because you have friends here that care about you and don't want to see you suffer. And I can't stand to see somebody suffer like that and not help them any at all, no matter if they want my help or not," Adelle blurted out where they could all hear her, unable to hold in what she thought needed to be said after Mariela finished telling her a little about Lacrimosa. She then moved over to gently set Lacrimosa's head in her lap to comfort her while she recovered.

Adelle didn't care if any of them got mad at her for going over to help Lacrimosa, and would tell them it was simply not something she could do, as she had been raised to always help those in need, and right now to her Lacrimosa was in need of help.

"Lacrimosa... are you okay now? Don't try to get up too fast okay, just take a minute to catch your breath and then we can keep moving," Adelle said to the nun after she had completely healed, ready to accept anything any of them said to her for helping Lacrimosa.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure, no problem..." Lacrimosa replied to Adelle's inquiries, remaining there on her lap for a while. All the previous arousal was gone, leaving behind the normal, quiet nun sister. Though she still had her bloodied face and a hole in her dress, the whole thing didn't seem to bother Lacri too much. Eventually she got up to her knees and shortly after that, back to her feet proper. While she stretched, Rachaela saw it fit adress the situation. "While I do not know what you might think of us in light of all this, but there is a promise we made when the group started. One of the things we swore was to respect each other's wishes, no matter how absurd they might be. If this all seemed very cold and uncaring, remember that we hold onto this aspect of the promise like every other." she told Adelle, the other two sisters confirming her words with their nods.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle gently brush Lacrimosa's hair back while she lay there for a moment, letting her take all the time she needed to recover before they moved on. Eventually Lacri started getting up, with Adelle offering her hand to help her to her feet if she'd take it. When Rachaela told Adelle what she did, Adelle knew that she may have stepped over the line a bit with her words and actions, but she couldn't change who she was.

"I understand what you're saying Rachaela, and I don't think badly of any of you for it, though I still think you ought to have helped Lacrimosa at least a little, but it's your business and not mine so I won't say any more. But I can't change the way I think girls, and leaving someone like that in obvious agony without helping or at least trying to help is just something I can't do. I hope you can understand my actions and words a minute ago," Adelle said, bowing her head to the girls to let them know she was sorry for saying and doing what she had, after a moment she looked back up and continued, "I hope I didn't offend any of you. But if I did then please tell me, and if you don't want me to come with you then just tell me and I'll leave and never trouble you all again. I just... I simply couldn't leave her there and not lift a finger to help in some way, because I was raised to always help a friend in need okay, and I consider you all my friends even if you don't consider me one,"

When Adelle had finished speaking, she hung her head some and they would likely notice that she looked a little scared they would actually be angry with her and tell her to leave. She didn't want to leave, for one because this was the only way right now she had of making any money and these girls were very strong, but also because she didn't want to be alone.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's reply was something of a surprise to the other three. "Why would we do that? You are not a Sister." Mariela was the one start, Isabella soon continuing on the point. "That kinda does lead to the thing of you not being bound to any of our group-specific rules. Even if you happen to be on mission with us." the gunner of the foursome added her part, before Rachaela added her thoughts into the mix. What the two say is true, we don't really expect others to act like we do. Only when you are accepted into the group. And besides, this mindset of yours is a thing all too rare in these days of destruction restoration, with the majority of the people living in complete squalor. None of us can be angry towards such a person, that would totally unhumane.

For her part, Lacrimosa was quick to inspect the trap device that had just speared her caused the whole scene to happen. "Looks like... our quarry is taking the prospect of being chased very... seriously..." she commented while looking at the construction of the thing. "Wouldn't be surprised if the guy had a military background or was a former member of some guerrilla unit. This is pretty much strategies from them, terror tactics to kill off and dissuade pursuers." Isabella shared some further thoughts.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle felt a wave of relief wash over her as they spoke, "T-Thank you for not being mad at me girls. It... really makes me glad to hear you say all that. I hope that we can all be good friends even if I'm not in your group, because I think you all are really... well kinda cool actually. You girls kind of remind me of all those hero's my parents used to tell me about from long long ago, what with the beautiful dresses and stuff. I always wanted to be one of those great hero's when I was growing up, and to be pretty like you all are..." Adelle told the girls after they got done speaking, looking at them with a good bit of admiration in her eyes. After a moment her look of admiration turned to a dreamy look as if she were daydreaming, which she was a little.

After a moment Adelle suddenly hung her head with a quite gloomy look on her face and continued speaking, though now with an obviously sombre tone instead of her usual cheerful attitude to everything, "But those were just the foolish dreams of a foolish little girl. I could never be as pretty or as strong as you all are, cause I'm just some poor little common girl from way out in the country. My only real talent seems to have been growing these enormously large breasts I've got here."

Adelle then lifted her breasts and let them fall as she finished speaking, except they didn't just fall, they bounced around very lewdly for a moment before falling back into place. She merely shrugged her shoulders after they finished bouncing around, saying, "See what I mean. These are the only things I've really got going for me. Because there's nothing else about me that's all that special."

Her attention would be brought back from the distant look in them if any of the girls spoke back to her about what she'd just said, and when Lacrimosa and Rachaela spoke of the one they were tailing, she listened and thought they were probably right about the guy.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Now now, you'll get better with time. And we are not all that heroic, we just do this towards a unified goal that the four of us share, each for our own reasons." Mariela was the only one to really say anything about the whole outburst. The other two had moved on to looking at the trap, and now were considering moving on. "Alright, let's carry on. With a more careful approach this time, there might be more potent traps than this one ahead. Don't want this to happen again, even if Lacri can take most of the potential damages." Rachaela poked them back to moving on, which the girls did.

And she was not wrong. Only a few turns and corners later, another wire was stretched across the corridor, this time connected to the safety pins of grenades that had been duct-taped low on the walls. Had they tripped it, the pins would have been pulled and that was a sure way to get all of them killed.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

You really think I'll get that much better Mari? Thanks. But you're all still really pretty though, and probably more than I'll ever be,” Adelle replied to Mariela's friendly comment as she blushed shyly and turned away some in embarrassment, after a few moments she looked back up to her friend, still blushing slightly, and asked, “If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is that goal you spoke of? I'd like to help since you're all so nice to me.

Adelle would wait for a moment for Mariela to speak about what she just asked if she wanted before they moved on. Once Rachaela had said what she did though about carrying on and watching for more traps they would continue, with Adelle's spirits much higher now. They did what Rachaela had said and kept an eye out for more traps, and a short time later they found yet another tripwire connected to a grenades. Once they'd spotted it and moved carefully around it, Adelle decided to try something.

Hang on girls, we could use these I think. Help me get them loose while I cut the wire so they don't detonate. Having a few grenades would be really helpful later on. Don't you girls think so too?” Adelle said as she moved over to inspect the trap and figure out the best way of getting the wire loose from the grenades so she could use them.

Once she had done that, they would continue onward, keeping an even closer watch out for more traps.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Maybe we will tell you about that when we get out from here. Now is not the time." Mariela shrugged off the remark about their shared goal, at least for now. It still seemed that Adelle would get to hear about it eventually.

At the trap, there were no protests against the busty girl and her taking the explosives for herself. The only one who had a remote interest towards them was Isabella, who most likely had a thing for everything loud and boomy. But even she didn't attempt to get them, being perfectly fine with giving them away.

Once the girls departed, there was only a cut wire left from the trap. The maintenance tunnels they walked through eventually went back to the main line, the tunnel widening to a more generic subway. More of an interesting addition was the spots of land that had eroded away and now housed deep pools of water. While there were a lot of these spots, they never seemed to prevent moving forward, and the subway tracks were still intact so they could be used as bridges if need be. Some distance in, plants started to appear in the water as well. Maybe there had been a lake on the surface and it had drained into the lower parts of the world during all the destruction of the war. It was a curious thing to see in such a place. Some further distance in, they started to hear splashing at irregular interwalls, coming upon a whole group of . The smallest ones were slightly bigger than cats, but a few had reached the size of a St.Bernhard hound, only much fatter. The creatures didn't seem to aggressive, for only a few croaks and swimming motions confirmed that they were alive. There was a good distance betwen the girls and frogs still, so it was unsure if they had noticed the humans or were simply uncaring towards them.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'd like that Mari, I really would. If I can, I'd like to help, because you've been too nice and everything, and you even gave me a place to sleep. So I feel I've got to repay you somehow," Adelle said to Mariela about telling her their shared goal.


Isabella she saw was the only one that had any interest in the grenades, but allowed the busty Adelle take them all, and once Adelle had counted them all to see how many she'd managed to get they continued on.

They traveled through the tunnels and eventually found their way back to the main tunnel. As they continued on they saw the many pools of water dotting the ground around them, thankfully they didn't hinder their progress any as anytime the covered enough that they thought they would have to wade through it, they found they could use the old subway tracks to cross.

After a bit, they began seeing plants in the water, making them think there may have once been a lake or something overhead that drained off into the tunnels during or after the great war. Adelle thought to herself that if it was caused by an old lake that was once above them, she wished that she could have seen it in all its glory, it must have been quite a sight to see.

A ways in, they began hearing water splashing around a bit. When they got a bit closer, they saw a group of many different sized frogs, of several different colors. They saw that they had a ways between them and the frogs and weren't sure if they had been seen or if the frogs were hostile to humans.

"I'm pretty sure that if we get too close they'll attack us, if they're anything like the other creatures down here at least," Adelle said to her companions.