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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, we are not related by blood, you see. But I'll introduce you when we do meet." Mariela remarked to the question about her sister, letting the other girl remain unknown until they did actually meet her in person.

The market for clothes was decently big, enabling Adelle to pick a design that suited her at a reasonably low price from the marketplace stalls.

When the girl had done her shopping, the two left for the bar, through the bustling marketplace. It was not that long a trip, and they were soon at the spot once more. In the same table where Samson had been sitting yesterday, the old man awaited still. Near him sat a girl dressed in a similar dress to the one that Mariela wore. In fact, she sported a remarkably similar style of clothing and make-up, the only real difference between the two being their hairstyles and equipment. Mariela's hair was kept straight and was black as the night, while this girl had her brown hair in a ponytail. Mariela used blades, but this one had three gun holsters strapped on various parts of her body. Two of them were instantly recognizable to Adelle, being the more famous Mauser model C96, the broomhandle. The last holster had a large-caliber revolver within it, most likely the hard hitter of the girl's arsenal. As they approached, she got up, leading to a somewhat curious situation as the two girls curtsied at each other. "Sister Isabella, looks like I can be honored by your presence and skill again. You have recovered?" Mariela was the one to start the conversation, getting a reply almost immidiately. "That I have, Sister Mariela. You have been going around with others and not the Sisters?" Isabella answered, sounding almost like Mariela with her curious manner of speech. "Well, I spent a few days in rest since you were out from the field. But I did take one gig with Adelle here." Mariela remarked, turning Isabella's attention towards the busty girl, who was apparently more than willing to shake hands as a gloved hand was offered. It was a strange thing to see, two girls acting in such a similar and odd manner.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle simply nodded and said okay when Mariela told her that she'd see when she introduced her sister. Once at the market Adelle quickly found a black leather trench coat for cheap, she had to say it fit quite well. She decided to get a pair of fingerless leather gloves to go with it and paid the shop owner and then she and Mariela went on.

Once back at the bar they found Samson in the same seat he was the night before, which for some reason caused Adelle to get a funny mental image of the older man having the chair surgically attached to his ass, at that mental image she started giggling up until they got over to the table. She also saw another person sitting near old Samson, she was in a dress like Mariela's and looked near the same as the dress girl, save she had blonde hair instead of Mariela's raven black hair.

Adelle listened to the exchange of words between Mariela and her 'sister' and glanced down at Isabella's weaponry while they spoke. She noticed what kinds of guns they were and was quite impressed by Isabella's loadout. "Um hello there Isabella, I'm Adelle Ashlyng," Adelle said, taking Isabella's hand and shaking it.

After introductions were over, they would get down to business and find out about the job from Samson.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Isabella is indeed my name, like you said there." the gun-toting dress girl replied at the greetings, sitting down afterwards to take in the briefing with the two others.

Taking out a folder, Samson produced a picture and set it on the table. On the picture, there was a scar-faced man with a clearly visible metallic spot on one side of his skull. "This man is who you'll be looking for today. He has been sentenced once for several murders, but broke away from captivity in a weak moment of awareness by the lawmen on watch at the time. He also sports several cybernetics in his body, possibly a hidden weapon as one of them. Even if it is a gun, engaging him from a distance is most likely the best course of action. There are no specifics about him being dead or alive upon recovery, so feel free to shoot him to bits if you want. Just get the head or something back intact so the authorities can identify him. Last known spottings lead to the Undercity again, unfortunately. I don't like sending you girls down there, but what can we do..." the old man told them, sighing after the last bit.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle shook Isabella's hand and then sat down to listen to Samson's briefing after going and getting a drink, deciding on nothing too hard this early in the day and going for a simple beer.

Once Samson was done briefing them on the job, Adelle couldn't help but gulp a little bit. "So he's nothing like those guys yesterday were supposed to be huh... then It's really good we don't have to take him alive. And about these cybernetic implants he's got, any specific details on them? It'd be good to know what all he's capable of. And don't worry about sending us down into the undercity I don't mind it as long as it puts money in my pocket and food on the table... though I don't know about Mari and Izzy here," Adelle replied to the older guy as she sipped her beer. She then glanced over to Isabella and asked, "I hope you don't mind me calling you Izzy? I won't if you don't want me to,"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The old man looked at Adelle a bit funny after her inquiry. "I'd have told you if I got any specifics. But the bit of metal on his skull there suggests that he has at least some armor on there. The authorities also stated that there were signs of muscle augments as well, meaning that you will not outstrenght him. Cyberweapons are usually blades of some variety, but pistols and smaller shotguns and rifles have also been succesfully cyberized into limbs." he replied, giving the blue-haired girl a brief glimpse at what cybernetics could achieve in this world.

While she did seem a bit frowny at the nickname, Isabella didn't deny Adelle her use of it. Neither of the girls showed any fear or such towards the prospect of the Undercity. "We've been there enough to know what the place is like." Isabella was the one to talk, getting a nod of aproval from Mariela.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I figured you'd tell us if you had specifics, I was just checking is all just in case. Do you by any chance know how far down this guy is that we're supposed to find?" Adelle replied to Samson, looking at the picture the older man produced carefully so she'd know who to look for, listening to Samson tell her about the different cybernetics they could face.

Adelle saw Isabella didn't seem to fond of her nickname and thought maybe she didn't like it or something, but when she didn't tell Adelle she couldn't use the nickname she decided not to worry about it unless she did say something.

Once all of the details were out of the way and it looked as if Mariela and Isabella were both ready, Adelle would look between her two companions, saying, "Well I'm ready to go when you two are, just say when and I'll follow your lead this time around Mari, if that's okay with you."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not likely too far. Only the most hardened people dare the depths of the Undercity, so he shouldn't be too deep in there. You might have to travel a bit in the city though, since it was on the other district that the last visual was confirmed at." Samson told the girls.

The pair agreed to Adelle's suggestion towards leaving, not really keen on wasting too much time it looked. But there was to be a brief stump in their departure, for once the doors opened, yet another pair of gothic lolitas entered the bar. Considering their dresses, these were the remaining sisters that the two had been talking about. The one on the front was shorter in stature than Mariela, sporting her blonde hair in lenghty twintails that were held up by ribbons. Something of a surprise was her choice of armanents, for there was only a straight, skull-topped staff on her. Most likely she was a magic user, since these were a thing in the game, Adelle had been presented the possibility of being one when the selections of the game were made.

While the staff-bearing girl had nothing special about her besides the staff and the obvious dress, the one behind her was somewhat much more unsettling a presence. She was taller than your average man, with a dress-lenght red cross stiched onto the garment. Another cross hung on her neck, a pendant of silver. Unlike the rest of the sisters, this one had a hat on her, namely a nun's habit. Still there was an amount of her hair visible, which appeared to be cut short and had the color of crimson red, much like the girl's eyes. While she was just as white-faced as the rest of them, it looked like there was no make-up there, the ghostly white being her natural skin color. No weapons were visible on her, unless the pendant was a weapon of some sort. Somehow, the abnormal skin color and the general look of the girl was unsettling, the emptiness in her gaze and the somber look on her features showed that not everything was alright in her world.

"Hmm, speak of the devil..." Isabella was the first to comment at the two, while Mariela quickly leaned a bit closer to Adelle. "Whatever happens, try to not speak about religion and such when Sister Lacrimosa is near. She is quick to anger if something goes against her vision, and that is usually not a good thing, given how strong she is. While she might not look like the most angry person, the people around here can tell you a story when there was a conflict of spiritual matters last time between her and another bounty hunter." the girl told Adelle, before there was the usual bout of curtsies being offered all over the place. Eventually, there were more introductions, and Adelle too got to know these two. The sister with the staff introduced herself as Rachaela, the manner of speaking she employed showed that she had been in touch with nobles or such. Still, it seemed like she was a good person, not one to flaunt herself. Lacrimosa maintained a silence after the introductions, mostly keeping to herself and simply following the others as they talked.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle thanked Samson for all the info, then as soon as they were ready to head on out into the city to begin their search, Adelle followed Mariela and Isabella towards the doors.

As they were about to leave, Adelle saw two more girls coming in that were dressed in quite similar clothing to Mariela and Isabella, one was a short blonde wielding a staff, making Adelle think she was likely a magic user, while the other a crimson haired nun that had no weapon that Adelle could see.

After taking in their features for a moment and after Isabella's and Mariela's words, Adelle prepared to introduce herself, being careful to not mention religion in any way like Mariela said. "Hello there gals, I'm Adelle Ashlyng. Are you two going with us on our job?" Adelle said, introducing herself and asking the two if they were indeed going.

Adelle was idly wondering just how religious Lacrimosa was, and what would happen were she to mention religion to her. As she thought about it the urge to talk to her about it got stronger and stronger, but she was able to keep herself in check and decided it best to follow Mariela's advice on the matter. When the four were ready to move on she would follow them to wherever they planned on heading, chatting idly with them if engaged in conversation.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The question caused a brief bit of pondering from the two sisters. "Should we go with them, Lacri? We usually don't work like this but it might be a fun day out to battle as a whole unit occasionally." Rachaela turned her head to look at the tallest of the sisters. It took a few seconds to get a response from Lacrimosa, but the nun-styled sister eventually confirmed that she had no objection. "It's... alright. Safer that way..."

"Remember, the pay doesn't increase with the amount of people you have. Make your decisions wisely, since you'll have to split the reward." Samson called from the side, presenting another thing to consider. None of the sisters seemed to have anything against the idea, so it was up to Adelle's decision how they would do it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well you don't have to if you had something else planned, I was just wondering if you were is all. I think the three of us can probably handle it, but you can come if you like, I don't mind," Adelle told the two newer dress girls, not minding a slightly lower pay for the added protection of having five people instead of three people with them.

She was okay with it if they came with them, and besides it may provide her with two others to venture with and make some money later on and is was good to have rich and powerful friends like these girls seemed to all be. Once they made their decision and everything, Adelle would follow whoever was leading their party to wherever they needed to go to locate a trail of some sort to follow their mark.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, there was no real plan for today. We were just dropping by to see if the oldie had something for us to do, but looks like we have something here now." Rachaela was the one to confirm that they were indeed going to take this task as a group. Having made this agreement, they left the Watering Hole as a unit of five.

It took some asking around, but there was finally a decent trail for them. A kindly older lady pointed them to the entry of the subway system that hadn't been in use since the Great War had left the world in this condition. Once they found the mentioned entrance, the fivesome entered down into the tunnel.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once they had made their decision to go with them, Adelle nodded her head and welcomed them into the party, kind of glad they were coming along as they looked quite strong. Once they left and headed off to across the city to find a trail, Adelle checked her ammo to see how much she had along the way, hoping sure she'd have enough to fight if the situation called for it.

Once they got to the other side of the city they asked around for a little while before finding a sweet older women that told them where to go. They made their way to where she had indicated to go and Adelle saw it was an old subway. After that they started down the tunnel and Adelle kept a wary eye out for anything that looked suspicious to her.

"Well girls, let's go. Who wants the front?" Adelle asked to the other four, glancing at each of the girls in turn. If none of them chose to take point, then she would herself. If any of them did take point then Adelle would follow up behind them in the second position as they began their search for their mark.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Checking for ammo, Adelle saw that hers should be enough for this one trip, but there might be need to get more when they got through it all.

Without any hesitation, Lacrimosa took up the spot. "I'll... be the pointman... Like I usually am..." she said, beginning to take them down into the tunnel. Adelle took the second spot on the order, followed closely by Rachaela. Isabella went behind the mage, the sound of her guns being drawn coming into the busty girl's ears as she realized that the others were getting ready. Mariela brought up the rear, still keeping her blades sheathed in the somewhat limited space of the tunnel. Judging by the trail of just-recently killed rats along the way, someone had indeed passed by quite recently.

Soon, they got onto a large-ish platform above the boarding platform. Stairs went down to the boarding part, where a subway train still waited, long abandoned and in disrepair. The one platform where the girls stood had only a few benches to sit on, along with the ticket wending booth in the middle. On the other side, another pathway went to who knows where.

Before they could start making decisions as the where they should go, there was a sound of screeching metal that alerted them. A whole bunch of steel cables began to gather, grinding themselves together to form a vague humanoid mass near the booth. And to make matters worse, almost half a dozen green and blue slime blobs clambered over the edges of the platform as well, looking as threatening as slime could. It could easily be seen from these creatures that they were desiring something, namely the nearby group of delicious females. Two slimes were on both sides of them, one was behind them, blocking the path where they just came from and the cable golem thing remained on one side of the booth, not likely able to take part in the imminent battle right away. But if it possessed good enough reach, it might not have to.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once Adelle had made sure she had enough ammo for the foreseeable future, she decided that she'd restock once they got back and paid for this particular assignment. She followed Lacrimosa down after the nun woman chose to take point and she herself was followed by Rachaela, then Isabella and last came Mariela. Adelle heard Isabella drawing her guns out and decided to do so herself as she followed the nun further down.

They made their way down into the old subway station and came to the main area leading down to the boarding platform. Once there Adelle looked around at their surroundings to try and help decide on their next path, but before they even spoke to one another about which way to go next they heard the sound of metal screeching across something, what it was Adelle wasn't sure at first until she looked over to see many cables gathering around one another near the ticket booth, while several slimy blobs started making their way over the platform towards them.

Aw hell, these things don't look too friendly girls. Should I shoot'em?” Adelle asked the others as the slimes made their way towards them from several directions, pointing her gun from enemy to enemy. She could tell that these creatures were likely after them and hostile if the mutants from the day before were any indication, so all she was really doing was waiting for any of the girls to tell her to go ahead and fire at will.

Once Adelle was given the go ahead about firing, she glanced from the slimes to the cable creature and decided that the girls could handle the slimes and she'd fire at the cable creature over by the ticket booth, not wanting to know what it was capable of. She took careful aim at the thing and fired at the largest part of it she could see, hoping that would ensure a hit for her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

12 vs 17 Adelle hits, but fails to cause any damage to the Wire Demon | 13 vs 15 Mariela's initial katana sweep misses a slime | 6 vs 19 Isabella fails to connect her shot | Rachaela uses a buff on Lacrimosa | 19 vs 13 / 6 vs 4 Lacri connects her blows easily with the buff aiding her
17 vs 21 Slime A fails at smacking Mariela | 2 vs 3 Slime B fails at smacking Isabella | 1 vs 10 Slime C fails at smacking Mariela | 19 vs 6 Slime D manages to save the day somewhat by clinging onto Isabella after a succesful smack | Slime E waits patiently... | Wire Demon moves forward

"What did you have in mind, hugging them? Yes please, do shoot them. Will help us greatly." Isabella replied, the sound of Mariela's sword coming out following her comment. Simultaneously, a barely audible chanting could be heard as Rachaela began to invoke a spell of some sort. Isabella and Mariella moved to shield the caster sister from the slimes on their sides, who finished the incantation and tapped her staff onto Lacrimosa's shoulder, causing the nun-styled sister to take on a crimson glow.

Even with Adelle's intentions to take on the cable monser, Lacrimosa was not apparently going to let her do it. The tallest sister broke out into a dash that was backbreakingly fast, considering her dress of choice. When the bullet from the busty girl's revolver flew out, she quickly ducked to the side despite not seeing the attack, easily avoiding the hit. The bit of lead did connect to the golem though, but with no discernible effect. Maybe it had been a particularly hard spot on the creature's hide of rubber and metal. This still held no restraint for Lacrimosa, who stepped in after the failed hit and quickly smashed the creature's body with her gloved fist before a barely detectable front kick sent the thing back to the ticket booth where it had approached from. Looks like Mariela had not been talking nonsense when she mentioned the tall sister's strenght.

The slimes and the remaining sister fared pretty terribly, only one of the four goo creatures managing to have any impact on the bout by smacking it's body into Isabella's leg and attempting to grapple with her as the thing gripped her.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP | Isabella 4/5 FP 0/10 AP Held on by Slime D | Rachaela 4/4 FP 5/10 MP 0/10 AP | Lacrimosa 8/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP Buffed
Wire Demon 6/8 HP | Slime A 4/4 HP | Slime B 4/4 HP | Slime C 4/4 | Slime D 4/4 Holding onto Isabella | Slime E 6/6

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle took Isabella's words to heart and aimed at the cable creature, taking a moment to glance over at Rachaela when she cast her magic on Lacrimosa before firing at her target. She wondered exactly the magic was for, but decided she'd not worry about it for now and ask later. Adelle had to fire carefully though, as Lacrimosa kind of got in the way some, but she wasn't sure if she actually did any damage with her shot.

After seeing Lacrimosa's attack, Adelle actually got a little scared of her raw power and thought it better to do like Mariela said and not talk about religion to Lacrimosa, because she didn't want to get pulverized by the nun for saying something she didn't like. Adelle then glanced around to see the battle progressing and though Isabella ended up getting grabbed by one of the slimes it seemed to be going rather well for them as all the rest of their enemies seemed to miss them.

"Hang on Izzy, I'm coming!" Adelle shouted to Isabella as she rushed to her aid to get the slime loose from her, once she was able to get it off of her, she'd take a shot at it in hopes of killing it. If she couldn't get it loose from Isabella then she'd club the thing with her pistol.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

16 vs 13 Rushing Adelle succeeds, ridding Isabella of them slimes | 6 vs 4 Mariela too scores a hit | 11 vs 3 / 6 vs 8 Isabella fires a double shot with both guns, hits one but misses another | 13 vs 2 Rachaela's magic bolt connects as well | 9 vs 9 / 19 vs 19 Lacrimosa continues battering the Wire Demon into oblivion
1 vs 1 Slime A is avoided by Mariela | 18 vs 3 Slime B has better success, critically tackles Isabella down and partially engulfs her | 14 vs 18 Slime C is deflected by Mariela | 10 vs 16 Slime D misses Adelle by a lot | Slime E still waits... | 9 vs 24 Wire Demon fails terribly and gets beaten even more

Moving back to the fray with the sisters, Adelle fired her revolver at the slime that was sticking to Isabella's leg and attempting to trip her. The shot went true, blowing a bit off from the creature's mass and sending it backing off from the gun-toting sister. This was immidiately followed on by the sister, who blasted a Mauser bullet into the slime as it backed off, simultaneously slipping the other gun under her arm and attempting a shot at the second slime that threatened herself and Adelle to a smaller degree. The second shot went wide, unfortunately. Rachaela moved into offensive gear as well, nearly evaporating the already hurt slime with a bolt of crimson energy.

Mariela succeeded in her efforts this time, the pink-hilted katana slicing at one slime that sought to jump her while the other was casually slapped away with the flat of the blade. On the other side of the platform, Lacrimosa's magic-aided onslaught continued, pieces of the wire demon dropping off as parts began to lose their magic under the ferocious assault. Trying to fight back only hurt the creature more as the nun sister blunted it's attack with another kick to push it even farther from the rest of the girls.

The slimes tried to push the attack, the one that just clinged to Isabella switching to target Adelle instead. The thing used the all too common method of trying to jump at her, something which the girl had apparently gotten used to, enabling an easy dodge. The unhurt one took aim at Isabella instead, with a much bigger degree of success. The gun sister fell down under the force of the tackle and ended under the slime, the jelly creature now covering her upper body with it's mass.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP | Isabella 2/5 FP 0/10 AP Engulfed by Slime B | Rachaela 4/4 FP 5/10 MP 0/10 AP | Lacrimosa 8/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP Buffed
Wire Demon 3/8 HP | Slime A 3/4 HP | Slime B 4/4 HP Engulfing Isabella | Slime C 4/4 | Slime D 1/4 | Slime E 6/6

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle made sure to take careful aim at the slime when she shot, not wanting to blow Isabella's leg off in the process or anything. Her bullet ripped through her target and forced it off of Isabella, who gave it a follow up shot, then Rachaela blasted it with some sort of magic afterwards, nearly destroying it completely.

Adelle glanced over to see Lacrimosa's demolishing the cable creature, and Mariela seemed to be having some degree of success with her target. All in all it seemed to be going pretty much their way right now, which was good Adelle thought. She watched as the one she blasted came at her in retaliation and easily dodged it with a duck. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Isabella seemed to be in dire straits with one of the other slimes though, but she was unsure it she could get to it without the other one coming after her and maybe getting her in the process.

"Rachaela, blast this one again and cover me, I'll help Izzy," Adelle called out to the mage girl, then she rushed to Isabella's aid before receiving an answer from Rachaela and gave the one on top of Isabella a blast of her gun to force it off of her, and if successful she'd grab Isabella's hand afterward and pull her up quickly to get her back into the fight.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

20 vs 1 Adelle has staggering success, tugging Isabella of the ground after shooting the slime | 12 vs 15 Mariela fails to hit, doing the on and off | 13 vs 3 / 14 vs 1 Isabella nails both shots, wounding one of Mariela's assaulters and almost kills the one just forced away | 7 vs 6 Rachaela's magic finishes off the wounded slime | 20 vs 2 / 11 vs 4 Lacrimosa finishes off the wire demon with a critical and normal
4 vs 9 Smile A fails at hitting Mariela | 12 vs 15 Slime B fails at hitting Isabella | 3 vs 20 Slime C gets slashed back by Mariela's katana | 6 vs 4 Slime E gets stuck in and on Rachaela

It looked like success was on Adelle's side during this encounter, for her next shot not only pushed the slime off from Isabella, but also practically split it in two. Reaching for the gun sister, she helped her get up. But Isabella was not going to simply get up, breaking off into a defensive roll halfway and firing two shots as she did. One hit the slime that had been grappling her, the other swishing between Mariela's legs and hitting one of the slimes that had been harassing her from the beginning. Rachaela's magic evaporated the other wounded slime, leaving only a small puddle of ichor behind.

Mariela fared a little poor this round, failing to hit her mark but making up for it by capitalizing on a bad attack from the opposition. A tortured shriek of metal could be heard from the other side of the platform, Lacrimosa's relentless attack keeping it completely unable to retaliate in any meaningful manner. As a sign of rather serious finality, the nun sister punched her fist through the creature's body, turning it back into lifeless cable and wire. The glow ceased then, the spell passing away and probably leaving Lacrimosa a bit less of a combat monster.

The slimes tried to put up a counter-attack but were not too lucky, either missing or getting countered. The one slime that had been lurking at the entrance now moved in as well, managing to get some success by smacking into the exposed Rachaela and sticking to her.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 6/6 FP 0/10 AP | Isabella 2/5 FP 0/10 AP Engulfed by Slime B | Rachaela 3/4 FP 5/10 MP 0/10 AP Grabbed by Slime E | Lacrimosa 8/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP
Slime A 2/4 HP | Slime B 1/4 HP | Slime C 3/4 | Slime E 6/6 Grabbing Rachaela

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was glad her shot didn't accidentally hit Isabella and managed to knock the slime off of her. She was about to pull Isabella up when the girl rolled away and took a couple of shots at two of the slimes. When Isabella did that, Adelle simply took that moment to glance around and see how the battle was going now. Lacrimosa had demolished the cable creature, Rachaela she saw has also killed her target with a blast of her magic. Mariela she saw missed her attack on the slime she was aiming at, the thing managing to evade her quick swing somehow.

After taking stock of the situation, Adelle saw that one of the slimes was down as well as the cable creature. However Rachaela was grabbed by the slime that had stayed back some, the thing sticking to her like glue when it hit.

Damn, hang on Rachaela. Lacrimosa, you help Rachaela while I finish this one off!” Adelle called out to the nun. Adelle then took aim at the slime she'd just free Isabella from, and once it was in her sights, she pulled the trigger, hoping to finish it off while Lacrimosa went to Rachaela's aid.