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Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

If Clara's kiss was inexperienced, Jane didn't seem to care. She hastily put down her tea and pulled the madwoman towards a closed door. "Of course. It's right through here."

Beyond was a small but neat room centered around a bed. There was an inordinate but not quite cloying amount of pink and lace. A few seconds later the amount of both increased by a small but extremely noticable amount as Jane's dress hit the floor. She was indeed not wearing a bra, which made noticing the damp spot on her pink and lacy panties hard for Clara to notice, at least until those too came off, and narrowly missed the Devot's head as they went sailing past. Then she set herself down on the bed, her unbound breasts bouncing in a mesmerizing way. She bit her lip, still too nervous about the whole thing to do anything so crass as spread her legs as she waited for Clara to reciprocate.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

This is it, Clara thought as Jane guided the madwoman to her bedroom, a look of pure ecstasy on her gaunt face. Clara had eyes only for her soon-to-be lover as they entered the bedroom, and as Jane removed her dress Clara's eyes widened even more than they were currently, with just a trace of madness hiding behind her pale eyes and joyous smile.

It took Clara a few moments to remember why she had come along with Jane as she watched her climb onto the bed, her bountiful chest proving an excellent distraction for coherent thought. The madwoman hastily fingered the clasps of her beaten up chest plate, and a moment later the dull sound of metal striking the floor can be heard as the chest piece fell from Clara's wiry frame. Next came the long sleeves of her dress, the mad devout muttering incoherent curses at her clothing as she awkwardly pulled her arms free before reaching down for the hem of her dress, and much like Jane, pulled it over her head and let that too drop to the floor. Finally came Clara's boots, which she roughly kicked off and sent skidding across the floor. Now standing at the foot of the bed in nothing but her panties Clara looked up at Jane once more, an embarrassed smile on her face, before she gingerly made her way onto the bed, coming to a stop just below Jane and placed her hands on the older woman's legs.

"C-Clara apologises for her less than impressive chest..." The madwoman muttered out quietly as she turned her head away slightly from Jane, though her gaze never left the maid's, embarrassment clear in her voice. And for the moment all thoughts of her Lord, and of His mission left the mad devout's mind as Jane flooded her mind.
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The maid made no response to Clara's statement except to pull the flat-chested woman face-to-face with her, Jane's breasts rubbing against the other woman's chest, her nipples tracing lines of sensation as they moved. The next few seconds went quickly, and the madwoman found herself looking up, barely able to see her partner's face past her dangling tits. She could also feel a warm wetness as the clearly-excited maid's slit rubbed rhythmically back and forth just above Clara's panties.

Clara could feel the other woman's hands on her chest, rubbing and pinching at her nipples for a moment before leaning forward and taking one between her teeth while her hands moved south, tickling her belly before finally starting to rub gently but insistently against the madwoman's panties. After a moment she switched nipples, and her hands found there way down inside the Devout's underwear. She felt a finger slip inside her while the other hand peeled back the by-now-damp garment until it sat around Clara's knees.

It wasn't a situation the devout had been in often, and from the way the maid's face suddenly switched from enthusiastically hungry to nervous, she didn't seem quite certain how Clara would take it.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

A soft cry of surprise escaped Clara as the maid pulled her close, a shiver of anticipation coursing through her body as Jane's nipples teased against the mad devout. Giggling childishly, Clarissa's eyes locked onto Jane as she began grinding herself against the young woman, a maddening smile spread across her features. Another gasp escaped Clara as the maid began to tease her breasts, fingers pinching her nipples before Jane leant forward to take one in her mouth. Again, a shiver of pleasure ran through the madwoman's body, her own fingers tracing lines across the older woman's back as she fidgeted and squirmed underneath Jane, her own hips twitching as fingers danced against her panties, teasing her womanhood for a moment before slipping under the flimsy material.

For a moment Clara's mind went blank, the chaotic storm that was Sheogorath's gift calmed, and in its place was pure ecstasy as Jane's finger pushed past her petals and entered her young flower, her honey already spilling forth. It was a sensation Clara was completely new to, pleasure brought on by purely consensual means, sex was something that the madwoman didn't often partake in but when she did it was often violent and eventually bloody, and for a moment it threatened to overpower her. Which frightened the young woman.

Clara let out a whimper as Jane's finger continued to slide inside her, and despite her soft moaning she had a look of unease on her pale face. She stared at the maid for a moment as she looked to Clara for some reassurance, she too wondering if this was the right thing to do, wondering how she could enter her comfort zone once more. The answer came quickly to the mad devout, and leaning forward she wrapped her arms tightly around Jane's shoulders, pulling the woman into a rough kiss full of inexperience, tongue and saliva.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The other woman responded with just as much enthusiasm and only a little more skill, her finger pushing in and out very slowly but without hesitation, now. The strokes grew deeper and faster as the kiss went on. A second slender finger was added. The devout could feel herself coming quickly towards orgasm, and she felt Jane pull her in even tighter as the orgasm finally arrived.

The kiss ended and the maid pulled gently away. It didn't take long to realize that she wasn't going far. In fact, the main thing she seemed to be doing was turning around. The off-duty maid's legs made a picture above the stunned woman, her lower lips puffy and glistening with arousal. And at the same time, Jane's head was dipping towards the same region on Clara. The sudden shock of her tongue on the madwoman's clit pulled her out of her first orgasm and well on her way to her second. Above her, Jane's legs shifted back and forth in an almost instinctual motion that made it clear she was desperate for some attention of her own.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Even before the second finger had entered Clara she was on the verge of reaching her first orgasm, and as it pushed into her womanhood the madwoman let out a whimper, and a moment later Clara's body was overtaken by a wave of pleasure as she reached her climax. The mad devout cried out, her entire body quivering as Jane's touch brought her to her orgasm.

Clara's mouth opened and closed pitifully as Jane pulled away from the kiss, her breathing laboured as she slowly recovered from her orgasm. She watched Jane through unfocused eyes as the maid repositioned herself, not really paying attention to what was happening and instead basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. Though Clara was quickly brought back to reality as Jane's tongue danced along her clit, which brought about fresh moans from her soft lips. Another whimper escaped Clara as she watched Jane's hips swing rhythmically above her face, entrancing the young woman with her glistening sex.

Tentatively Clara followed Jane's steps, her head raised and her tongue poking out, she buried her face between the maid's legs, seeking her wetness as the mad devout's hands came to rest on her buttocks. Clara moaned softly as she pushed her tongue between Jane's folds, again her eagerness to please matched only by her inexperience.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Almost immediately after Clara's tongue hit the wet folds, she felt the maid tense up on top of her, moaning into Clara's own pussy in a way that sent shivers up the Devout's spine. Jane didn't stop, though, her tongue making her partner gasp even before the maid's orgasm was completely over. Once it was finished Clara felt both the other woman's hands on her inner thighs, and before long she had to work to do anything but gasp in pleasure.

Some time later she lay beside a panting Jane, both women flushed with multiple orgasms. As she had gotten used to the situation Clara had managed to regain some control of the situation, and somewhere in the pink haze she thought she might even have been on top, Jane hardly able to keep her fingers moving much what her tongue. Jane leaned forward for one last kiss, and gave an exhausted grin as a significant amount of Clara's own cum flowed into her mouth. That done she flopped back over, almost immediately starting to drift off to sleep.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara lay there on Jane's bed, exhausted but happy. The sweet taste of Jane's sex still lingered on her lips, which mingled with her own taste as the maid leant in for one last kiss before drifting to sleep. The mad devout was content to lay there for some time, her body recovering from her and Jane's passion and her simply wanting to lie there and listen to the older woman slumber.

After some time had passed, and she had time to fully recover, Clara suddenly sat up, realising that she still had business to attend to with Jane. Turning to look over at the sleeping maid Clara's eyes drifted down to her chest for a moment, desire threatening to overpower the madwoman. But she shook away those thoughts as Clara gently, and cautiously lay Jane on her back. Once done Clara straddled Jane's waist, a coy smile spreading across her lips as she began to conjure up her madness. As she leant down Clara kissed Jane as she linked their minds together, rummaging through the maid's memories to purge any memory of the Corporal from Jane's mind.

8 EP for Mind Worm, purging the Corporal from Jane's mind, replacing him with the image of Sheogorath from whatever memories he may be in.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The maid's mind was all soft pinkness. Whatever resistance she normally would have offered likely would not have hampered the mad devout's intrusion, but in her post-orgasmic bliss not even token resistance was offered. Memories flooded into Clara, quickly making it clear that the Corporal had been a regular in the bar. But no matter, she discarded each as it came, replacing it with memories of her Master.

Jane didn't even awake, though her blissful smile faded to concern and even brief flashes of terror as the new memories took hold. Whatever the maid dreamed of now, most people wouldn't consider it pleasant.

Outside, oddly, things didn't seem to be quieting down. In fact, while Clara had hardly been in a position to notice the subtle sounds outside while she had been 'dealing with' Jane, things seemed to be getting louder. A man in armor had just run by at nearly full tilt, by the sounds of things, and another group of several people was walking in the opposite direction at an only slightly more sedate pace. Something interesting was going on. On the other hand, there was still something interesting laying nude on the bed.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara smiled in the kiss as she peered through the maid's mind, tossing out memories dealing with the Corporal and replacing them with ones featuring her beloved lord. Once she was done Clara broke from the kiss and sat up, watching Jane for a moment as the woman slept, oblivious to the torment she had unleashed on her lover's sleeping mind.

It was only when she noticed the commotion outside the building did Clara pull her attention away from the naked beauty she was currently straddling. Curious, the mad devout climbed off Jane and the bed, and made her way over to the window. With her face pressed against the glass she watched as the fully armoured man ran passed the window, oblivious to the naked woman watching him. Wondering why there were people running around outside Clara turned away from the window and walked back over to her clothes, and hastily putting them back on she looked over to Jane once more. Pulling her panties back off again Clara tossed them over onto the bed, a gift for Jane to remember their night by, before re-equipping her battle-worn chestplate and making her way back out of the building, running in the direction that the armoured man had ran in.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara made her way out of the maid's house without incident, and started in the direction the man had come from. Given the head start he had, all this got her was the first intersection. Fortunately, by that point she could hear a commotion and see too-bright lights in the distance, up against one of the city's impressive walls. It seemed as safe a bet as any for what the armored man had been heading towards.

A few minutes later the mad devout reached the wall. A dozen of the town's guards stood around one man wearing a better class of armor and a badge of rank on his shoulder. One of the common soldiers spoke up. "And they just found him here, like this? I mean, obviously we'll have to find his murderer but one dead soldier is hardly a reason to wake up half the city..."

"You're right. The reason we're willing to wake up half the city is that while he was found here, he wasn't like this. He was still walking. Made it almost to the wall, and dropped stone dead. Only problem is that he was a bit too dead. He'd been dead for hours when he stopped moving." The officer raised his voice. "That's right, we have a necromancer on the loose! The dark arts aren't illegal on their own any more, but murder still is, and a powerful witch or warlock on the loose is still worth waking up over!"

"Now, we've already talked to some of his friends and dispatched a squad to the bar he usually hangs out at when he's off duty. The rest of you will be taking the other side of the equation - finding known 'practitioners'. In particular, I've heard rumors that there was a... messenger of some sort who arrived this morning. Riding an undead abomination. Find out where they went. All the council members have pledged their support for instances like this, and two more anti-mages - from the Patrician himself - should be showing up here shortly. Don't leave without them."

This last remark drew a nervous laugh from the soldiers. Finished, the officer moved away from the other soldiers and began quietly talking with a few men in civilian clothing. Some of the soldiers started looking out into the darkness, while the others studied something on the ground. As they moved a bit, Clara could see the body that the meeting had formed near. The dead Corporal.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Ooh, what's this about, Clara wonders..." The young devout muttered to herself as she finally caught up to the armoured man and found a gathering of lesser soldiers around him. She stood a little way from the group listening intently, and while she wanted to see the body that they had found Clara dared not move closer. She was still a stranger in these lands after all, they may not take it well to find her wandering the streets this late at night.

Though upon the mention of the word 'necromancer' Clara's face lit up. She hadn't expected this place to hold much in the way of magicians or spirit users save for those in the employ of the Patrician, and finding another like herself excited the madwoman. Still she didn't risk moving closer to see this persons handiwork.

Clara didn't have to wait long to see the body after all. As the armoured man finished his speech he wandered off to continue his investigation elsewhere, and as the rest of the men broke rank Clara got a clear view of the corpse. Curiosity appeared on the young woman's face for a moment as she tried to remember where she had seen that body before, though it was quickly replaced with fear as she realised it was the Corporal. Panic washed over the young woman as it became apparent that if she didn't do anything she'd surely be found out, and her mission would be at risk. Though there were surely too many men to take out on her own. Unless...

What did the armoured man say? There were people heading to the bar he was at earlier? Clara knew what she had to do. There were a few maids left to cleanse, and with them any evidence against the mad devout. With that thought in mind Clara turned away from the scene and began to run back to the tavern, hoping to get there before her executioners do.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara hurried back to the bar as quickly as she could, but the other soldiers had a significant head start and hadn't exactly been dawdling. Even from a distance she could see that there were more lights and people in the common room then when she'd left. And as she got closer, she saw a pair of soldiers posted outside the door. But they stayed put and didn't raise an alarm. Perhaps they hadn't seen her, or perhaps they didn't recognize her. Perhaps they didn't even know who they should be looking for, yet.

There was no way anyone could enter without the soldiers noticing, and the maids whose minds she hoped to cleanse were on the other side. Unless they had gone home, like Jane, in the time since she had left. The intervening activities had left Clara a little uncertain exactly how much time had passed. It seemed too much to hope that nobody still at the inn had even heard about Clara and the Corporal, but perhaps none had actually seen her? There was no way to know without going inside, which would be risky.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Breathless from her sprint, Clara leant against a building not too far from the inn that she should now currently be inside of, resting for when the Patriarch summoned her. The young woman watched the inn as she caught her breath, noting the lights flickering and the silhouettes of the inns patrons in the windows. No doubt they were now fully aware of the situation and had been told to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious, and being a stranger in this city Clara would be the most suspicious person around. Still, the mad devout knew she had to get in, or otherwise make it so that she would not be a suspect if Clara wanted to make sure her mission was a complete success.

A thought came to the madwoman. Perhaps if she forced memories onto someone else, make them believe that they had committed the crime, she would be in the clear. But who? The soldiers would be an ideal choice given that there's plenty of them currently around, however there'd probably be a record on each of their movements around the city, and an alibi for them. No, Clara knew she would need a different target, one who she'd be able to get to easily. One that could be seen as a suitable culprit. Someone like Jane.

With the plan in her mind, Clara turned back from the inn and headed back to Jane's home, hoping that it wasn't too late to turn this fiasco around.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Nobody stopped Clara leaving the inn, and the increased presence of soldiers running about the city seemed to be keeping the thieves and kidnappers quiet. She made it back to Jane's house without anyone approaching her, and fairly certain that nobody had clearly seen her face. She slipped back in the same way she had come out, and moved to the maid's bedroom.

Jane still slept there, sprawled face up on the bed. She was entirely naked, the pleasures of earlier in the night dried away, her breasts moving hypnotically as she breathed. She was snoring loudly, though not quite so loudly as to be in danger of waking herself up.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

As Clara entered Jane's room for the second time that night she paused, her eyes drifting to the sleeping woman's chest. For a moment her plan threatened to slip from Clara's mind as she watched the sleeping maid's breasts rise and fall with each breath, and with each exhale the madwoman made a tentative step towards the bed.

Once at the foot of the bed Clara stripped naked once more. Now that the inn is crawling with people looking for her it's no longer a safe place for the mad devout to return to, so Clara had decided to stay for the night. And it's probably what Jane wanted anyway. Once naked the young woman climbed back up onto the bed, and straddled Jane. She looked down and smiled, mentally congratulating herself for coming up with such a smart plan. Leaning forward, Clara brushed her lips against Jane's softly kissing the woman as she invaded her lovers mind for the second time; roughly undoing what she had done earlier, replacing the Corporal in the sleeping woman's memories before moving onto the next part.

Next, Clara crafted false memories; of love for a man that ignored her, of jealousy and resentment for a man that would sleep with any woman except her, of sick of keeping it all to herself and how she wanted to make him hurt just like he had made her hurt whenever she saw him go off with another woman or boast about his conquests with his comrades. Clara then patched together memories of Jane finally losing it when she saw him go off with Clara, and then, when the sweet, innocent stranger had left the inn Jane had snuck into the room she was staying in, drugged the man whilst he slept, and threw him out of the window to let him fall to his death. And then her dragging his corpse, sticking to the darkened areas of the city so that she wouldn't be spotted (this part being harder to do, so Clara picked likely areas from Jane's memories). And then finally, once she had disposed of the man she had once loved, the vengeful maid set out to seduce the petite stranger, inviting Clara back to her house before the two of them climbed into bed together.

Once done with Jane's memories Clara sat back up and smiled, confident in her own abilities that she had done a wonderful job. Of course, she would think that regardless. Though next came the trickier part. The part that could make or break her plan. Sighing, the young woman climbed off Jane and led next to her. Rolling onto her side Clara took one of Jane's hands into her own as she got to work modifying her own memories. Firstly, she sought out her very first memory of the Corporal, of her disregarding him. She modified that, altering it so that she appeared to be enamoured with him, hanging on his every word. And then the two of them went to her room, Clara had dropped to her knees and blew him. And after she was done she promised him so much more, but she wanted to check out the city first and that he should rest for what would be a night of passion. Of course, when she returned he wasn't there, and she thought he had grown bored of waiting and left. This was when Clara and Jane's memories synced, Clara editing her memories to have it show Jane seducing her, leading the young woman back to Jane's bed, and then the two of them having sex. Finally, Clara patched together memories of her never leaving the bed, of her just lying there and watching Jane sleep, enjoying the warmth of Jane's body against her own and of growing feelings for the woman whose bed she now shared. With one final sigh Clara attempted to patch these new memories over her old ones, erasing much of her most recent memories and replacing them with the new ones.

Once done with her memory modification Clara tries to relax and go to sleep, regardless of whether the memories have set or not.

2x 8 EP for Mind Worm on both Jane and herself.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Mind Worm: 25+2 = 27 v 46 = 2+44 -> Clara wins
1d2 = 1 -> "Convincing someone they were literally murderously jealous of you, then sleeping next to them? That's a stabbin'."
Attack: Auto-hit
Damage: (1,2)+5 = 8

Clara awoke as something burning with pain slid through the flesh of one arm. The still-naked maid let out a banshee scream as she raised the bloody butcher's knife for a second wild stab. This one missed entirely, but it seemed like there might have been a minor flaw in the mad devout's brilliant plan, and if she didn't do something soon one of those wild stabs would find something important. Or such would have been the case if she could remember any sort of 'plan' beyond sleeping with this maid who was now inexplicably trying to kill her.
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The last thing Clara could remember was the warmth of Jane's body as she led close to the older woman as she drifted off to sleep, happy that she had found a friend in this less than friendly city. The fact that she was jolted awake by the very same person the mad devout assumed was her friend confused her deeply. It didn't help that Jane was screaming bloody murder, a knife covered in the younger woman's own blood in one of her hands.

"W-what are you doing..?" Clara cried out weakly, clutching onto her bloodied arm as she struggled to scramble off the bed and put distance between her and Jane. The cut in her arm throbbed painfully, only matched by the terrible headache she was experiencing. Clara could only recall one other time she had a headache this bad, and just like that other time she couldn't recall what had brought it on. Though for now that wasn't her main concern.

"Clara... Clara thought you were her friend..." Forgetting about her clothing for a moment, and not wanting to harm someone she believed wanted to join her at Sheogorath's side, Clara continued to back away from Jane, worry in her face. "What... what did Clara do to make you hate her so?" Though despite wanting to talk Jane out of her murderous rage Clara realised that perhaps there was no chance of it now. Wanting to save herself so that she could hopefully still continue her mission, and not wanting to kill Jane, Clara turned away from the maid and ran towards the bedroom window, leaping into it to escape into the city and hopefully find someone that could help her.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"What did you do!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!" The light of madness was deep in the young maid's eyes, and the rest of what she screamed was unintelligible. Another wild stab, more easily dodged now that she was on her feet only added to what the Mad Devout already had to know - she wasn't going to get any sort of rational discussion out of the woman. If the woman's insanity had been less firmly channeled into rage against Clara she might have been happy that another had been brought close to her Lord. As it was, she leaped through the bedroom window.

Fortunately the poorly-constructed window sprang open at the impact rather then forcing her to go through broken glass or splintered wood, and equally fortunately Jane's bedroom was on the ground floor of her house, so the worst Clara suffered was a mouth full of dirt. Of course, this left her completely nude in a street that even at these early hours seemed to be full of people. She was also still bleeding, though not as badly as she might have feared, and as she regained her feet she saw that Jane was struggling to climb through the window after her - equally naked and still holding her bloody knife.

There were dozens of people staring at the spectacle, including several men and one woman who were taking the chance to get more then one eyeful. Nobody seemed inclined to help, at least not yet.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The wind was knocked out of Clara as she hit the floor, the taste of dirt flooding her mouth as she crumpled up into a heap underneath the window. Though thankfully that was the extent of the damage dealt to the mad devout. If that window was a little more sturdy it could've been even worse for her. Though at the moment that was the least of Clara's concern.

Climbing to her feet Clara gripped her bloodied arm, and turned to the gathering crowd, her naked form in full view. "P-please, can someone help Clara?" The madwoman cried out to the people watching, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes as her one time lover began to climb through the window after her.