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Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Lord Winder didn't seem to notice how close Clara had come to summoning her energy blade. Or trying to, at any rate. And there was no telling which would be worse - if she had killed the man, it would be difficult to prevent the rest of the lords of Lockacre from finding out and permanently blackening her word. But if she had tried and failed, and he knew, then she might be in the same position, but inside a cell on top of everything else. The elderly lord spoke, unaware how close he had come to death. "My dear, even if myself, the Patrician, and the entire city council had all witnessed the defeat of the orc armies firsthand, we would still send scouts ahead. More then a million people rely on us for defense, and it would be betraying that trust to forgo such a simple and cheap method of making sure that we weren't falling for some orc feint."

"I intend no slight on your lord... Sheogorath, I think the commander said? But I wouldn't so blindly trust even my own self with the lives of the army and all citizens of Lockacre. Please, get up." He had certainly waited long enough before telling the girl to stop groveling, but he had gotten around to it eventually.

"As I said, I will convey your information to the Patrician and the other lords at our next general meeting tomorrow evening. And your lord's desire that his defeat of the orcs is witnessed as well. But even the most brash of the lords is going to make appropriate preparations. And of course we would have to coordinate with our allies in the rest of Crolia."

He made a slight gesture, glancing across the room at the guard captain, who began walking slowly towards the alcove, flanked by two new guards. "Now, I am a busy man, so unless you have further information, I think this audience is at a close."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

As she was told to stand once more Clara did so, her pallid face stained with tears. The young woman wiped away the tears with the sleeve of her dress and sniffed loudly. Though as Lord Winder had mentioned speaking to the allies of the city Clara looked shocked once more. This audience had now gone as badly as it could've for the girl. Panicking, Clara attempted to save it as best she could.

"No, no, no! You cannot whisper a word of this to the rest of Crolia! Clara's Lord... He... she thinks, wants your city to claim the destruction of the orcs for yourselves," With quick thinking Clara hastily put together yet another lie for the lord of Lockacre. "The others... If they catch wind of this... They may try stealing the glory for themselves! They may not be as patient as you, even if there's a slight chance of destroying the remainder of the orcs they may jump at it! Please, for the glory of Lockacre, you must not share Clara's information with the rest of Crolia."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The lord's voice went very dry. "The glory... of somebody else defeating the orcs. Yes, I can see how we would be crushed by the loss." He turned to the guard, who had arrived at the edge of the little alcove and was standing to attention. "Captain, if you would... arrange matters. The young woman is to be treated with the appropriate respect."

The Lord got laboriously to his feet and began walking deeper into the manor. The guard motioned Clara towards the manor's entrance and said, "This way please, Miss Ramsey."
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara turned to face the guard that had called out to her, signalling the madwoman to follow him. Bidding Lord Winder goodbye she walked towards the guard, following him wherever he may be taking her. "So... what's going to happen to Clara now?" She asked, a look of concern on the young woman's face. "Clara doesn't have much money so she isn't sure she can afford to rent a room for the night..."
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"The next general council is tomorrow evening. Lord Winder will relay your message to the Patrician and argue for the course that he deems appropriate. Other lords will argue for their own interests, and the Patrician will make a ruling. Afterward, Lord Winder will compose an official response for you to take back."

The guard seemed less hostile now that Clara was being lead out the front entrance of the estate and didn't seem likely to be invited back in, but he was still generally cool. He gestured at a building a short way down the street, with a sign featuring a revolver over the door. "You are still technically a guest of Lord Winder until he gives you his official response. A room will be made available to you at the Six Shooter tonight and tomorrow, just down the street there. You are free to roam the city, but the response will be delivered there, and only to you personally. Enjoy your stay in Lockacre."

And with that, the guard moved off at a brisk pace towards the nearest city gate, leaving Clara alone in the city. Her audience with Lord Winder had not gone especially well. In fact, it was hard to image how it might have gone much worse. He had been convinced that there was something worth looking into up north, but he would advocate sending scouts first, and meeting with allies. The only bright side was that he hadn't completely seen through the plan and decided that Clara was actively working against Lockacre.

The sun was just setting. That left 24 hours before this meeting, 24 hours to salvage her plan.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Thank you, Clara will!" Bidding the guard goodbye Clara watched him walk away for a moment before turning to face Six Shooter.

"Hmm... This didn't turn out quite how Clara had imagined it might..." Clara muttered quietly to herself, her lips barely moving. "Ooooh, Clara does not wish to fail you, Sheogorath. But this is proving to be harder than she thought." Suddenly speaking quite loudly, Clara slumped forward, her shoulders sagging as she thought on what her next step should be. The madwoman knew where this 'Patrician' was staying, or at least where the meetings with him are held, but she didn't know the actual location. She also knew she had, at most, a day to convince this person that making their way down to the camp would be what was best for the city.

"Maybe a rest is what Clara needs. To refresh her mind..." Finally standing up straight Clara gazed over at the Six Shooter, deciding that thinking carefully about what she should do next is the best course of action. With her decision finally made Clara trudged towards the Six Shooter, a disgruntled look on her face at her most recent failings.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The Six Shooter looked like most other inns Clara had seen. Tables scattered across the room, stools at a bar, and a set of stairs in the back that undoubtedly would lead to the rooms to rent. It seemed pretty busy, with most of the tables full and only a small area cleared for a trio of musicians. Half a dozen maids scurried about holding drinks and the occasional plate of food.

The major difference from most other inns was that Clara hadn't seen a single pinched bottom. And the reason why was clear. Half the clients seemed to be in uniform, and more looked like they had only recently changed out. Judging from the few guards she had seen so far none of them were officers, and they had a variety of insignia on their chests. Insofar as there was a pattern, those with the same insignia - of which there seemed to be about a dozen - stuck together, but they all seemed friendly towards one another.

It was clear, in fact, that this was an inn where soldiers or guards tended to hang out. It was hardly surprising, given how busy it was, that nobody greeted Clara, but there were still a few empty tables, and places free at the bar.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

As Clara entered the tavern the dour look on the young woman's face had not gone, though casting a glance over the gathering of people a flicker of hope rose up. Perhaps one of these people will be able to help Clara. Looking around Clara's gaze was cast over each person, taking her time to look them over carefully, the mad devout's eyes lingering slightly longer on the maids as jealousy rose up inside her at their obviously larger chest.

Shaking her head and slapping her cheeks Clara pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, determined to not allow anything to distract her from sorting out this mess she had gotten herself in. Sighing and wondering if she could truly complete the mission Sheogorath had given her Clara made her way to the bar, sat on a free stool and slumped forward, arms on the bar and head resting on them.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Unfortunately, if Clara's hope was that she could be left alone to think about how to salvage the situation, it didn't seem like people were going to leave her alone. The man on the stool to her right was making eyes at her, and though for the moment he seemed more interested in his beer that didn't seem likely to last. And as if that weren't enough, one of the servers made her way behind the bar and after a moment of waiting for Clara to look up prodded her arm. "Excuse me? Do you have a room here, or are you just here to drink? And what do you want to drink? We have a small selection of local wine, and beer. Well? If you have a room you can run a tab, otherwise you have to pay up front."

The server spoke in a slightly annoying voice, and folded her arms beneath c-cup breasts in a way that seemed designed to show them off to the less-well-endowed woman. Or technically anyone else who might be watching, but it was hard to ignore when they were mere feet away and pointed, as it were, at Clara.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Out of the corner of her eye Clara had spotted the man next to her, leering at the young woman. She didn't worry about him though, Clara had ways of dealing with people that interrupted her holy work. Though as the server came up and prodded the madwoman out of her thoughts Clara's eyes grew wide, her gaze locked on the woman's chest as it was thrust out, almost as if the woman was trying to tempt Clara with her bountiful gifts.

"C-Clara has a room here!" The mad devout replied, perhaps a bit louder than Clara had intended which brought a light flush of red to her cheeks, embarrassed by her sudden loudness. Clara's gaze flicked up to the barmaids face for a moment before locking on her chest once more. "Um... The guard that showed Clara to this place, he said Clara is Lord Winder's guest. Clara's name is Clarissa Ramsey. B-but, please call her Clara!" Clara sat up straight and begun fidgeting as the flush quickly rose in her cheeks, slowly becoming more and more uncomfortable by the situation. Those breasts were undoubtedly bigger than her own, and Clara had an almost overwhelming desire to get her hands on them. But that conflicted with her desire to finish Sheogorath's mission, one that already had gone even worse than she had imagined it could have gone.

"Y-yes, Clara would like a drink, please," Finally replying to the young barmaid Clara looked over what was on offer, though quickly realised she had no idea what any of them were or tasted like. "Um... Clara is in a bit of a bother... She... She's never had any of these drinks before. W-what would you recommend to Clara..?" The young woman, further embarrassed by the situation seemed to almost physically shrink on her stool as she asked the pretty server the question, Clara's head turning away from the woman behind the bar and mumbled to herself. "St-stupid Clara... stop being such an idiot... Sheogorath comes before other people... Y-you cannot fool around with anyone at the moment..."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Oh, that's you? I would have thought..." the barmaid shrugged, making her breasts bounce in a way that suggested there wasn't anything under her dress. "Well then, Lord Winder is also paying for your food and drink. I'd recommend our dark ale, then. We brew it ourselves, and it's quite good." There was a slight glimmer in her eye as she said this, though Clara couldn't quite pick out what emotion it betrayed. At least she didn't seem to be reacting to the madwoman's flush, or her study of the maid's breasts.

The man beside Sheogorath's devout downed the last of his drink, and waved silently at the maid to fill it up. He turned unsteadily to look at Clara.
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara's eyes opened wide once more as the barmaids breasts bounced freely as she shrugged, indicating that she wasn't wearing any support under her outfit. As she continued to ogle the server's chest Clara found it almost unbearable, the young woman wanted nothing more than to leap over the counter and fondle the barmaids much larger breasts, but no, Clara knew that would only bring unwanted attention to herself. She may be crazy but Clara isn't stupid, she knew getting thrown out of the city was detrimental to her mission, and so the madwoman kept her hands glued firmly to the counter for now.

"Um.... T-then Clara will have that drink if it is what you recommend for her," Finally replying after what was obviously a small pause to continue her ogling of the barmaid, Clara then let out a small sound as the man seated next to her signalled for the barmaids attention. She watched the woman intently as she poured him a new drink, though as the man's gaze fell upon Clara she briefly looked at him and forced herself to give him a quick smile before turning to face the maid once more. When it was clear he had some sort of interest in the madwoman Clara looked at him once more.

"Uh... Can Clara help you with something..?" Not an offer to actually help him, the mad devout is confused as to why he'd try to seek her attention when Clara was trying to converse with the barmaid, a distraction that had brought a slightly annoyed look in her pale features.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The barmaid had to lean over to get Clara's drink, exposing a backside that was at least as nice as her front, and from the way her dress clung to her hips just as free of undergarments. When she was done she set down a mug of darkish liquid in front of the madwoman with a slightly plastic smile, and hurried off to serve someone else.

The man next to her, who had been making an obvious effort to avoid ogling the maid's rump, turned to Clara and grinned. "You're new... to the city, aren't you? And you aren't working here?" Something about this last thought seemed to please him. "Well I'm a Corporal for Lord Winder. I bet I could give you what you want..." He leered, and sounded even more drunk then he looked.
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

As the barmaid leant over to pour Clara's drink her gaze fell from the serving lady, clearly uninterested in anything but her larger bust. "T-thank you!" Her gaze focusing on the server's chest once more, Clara thanked her, again perhaps a bit louder than she had intended, though as the barmaid turned and ran off to serve someone else Clara let out a disappointed sigh.

"Um... yes, Clara is new to Lockacre," She replied flatly, barely looking at the overly drunk man that had addressed her once more. Though as the barmaid seemed to be not returning any time soon the madwoman let out a sigh, and holding onto her drink Clara turned to face the man. "No, no. Clara isn't here for work. Clara came here with a message for Lord Winder." She explained, a hint of annoyance in the young woman's voice at her recent failure. Though as this 'corporal' explained that he could give her what she wanted Clara's face lit up. Perhaps she was finally given a chance to correct her mistake." You could? Oh, Clara would be ever so grateful!" Her expression suddenly full of joy, Clara clapped her hands excitedly. "But, but... won't you get in trouble if someone finds out you helped Clara?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The man just stared at her for a moment, as if he didn't understand. Then he started grinning. "Na, Sarge doesn't care as long as we don't bother the maids, and what the lords don't know never got me into trouble." He got somewhat unsteadily to his feet. "I bet I know which room is yours. Lord Winder only keeps one here, and I know which one it is. Know a lot of things, I do. All about 'helping' young women, yea!"

The soldier seemed to be getting more excited, but no less drunk, and seemed to be waiting for Clara to do something. His face was still somewhere between incredulous and grinning like he had won the lottery.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"We're going to go... to Clara's room..?" It was Clara's turn to look confused for a moment, wondering why the man didn't want to set out straight away and show the young woman where the Patriarch resided. "Oooooh, Clara gets it now!" A look of realisation forms on the mad devout's face as she came to the conclusion that setting off right now would probably be quite risky. "Well then, shall we continue our 'business'," Clara winked at the man. "In Clara's room?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Unable to believe his luck, the Corporal lead Clara up the stairs at the back on slightly unsteady feet. The busty maid who had served Clara her drink frowned openly, but didn't try to stop them. Eventually the soldier found the door he was looking for, and after poking his head in, very nearly pulled Clara into the empty room. The setting sun gave enough light to see by, but only barely, and the man made no room to light any candles.

"Now, time for the 'help'." He laughed slightly, and before Clara could object he had wrapped his arms around her and brought his lips to hers for a hungry kiss. He spun her around, and Clara found herself lying face up on the end of the room's bed, as the man unbuckled his pants with shaking hands, revealing an impressive erection, for someone as drunk as he seemed.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara followed the Corporal up the stairs, eager to get to her room so that, as far as she was aware, could discuss how to go about smuggling her into wherever the Patriarch resided, oblivious to the lecherous drunk's true intentions.

Clara looked around the room as the two of them entered, excited that she had found someone so eager to help the young woman on her mission so soon. Perhaps he had been one of the soldiers stationed at the gate when she arrived, and truly believed her story? Clara didn't know, nor cared why the Corporal was so quick to jump at the chance of convincing the Patriarch, she was just happy for something to go right since arriving in Lockacre.

At least that's what she thought until the mad devout felt the drunken man's arms tighten around her body as his lips found hers, locking with Clara's as his drunken lust took over. The young woman had no time to fully comprehend what was taking place before the drunken soldier's lips parted from her own and Clara was forced backwards onto the end of the bed.

"Wah! W-what are we going to do on the bed..?" Crying out in surprise, confusion echoed in the madwoman's voice with a hint of nervousness as the man's true intentions slowly dawned on Clara. This was the complete opposite of what Clara had wanted from the man. While she would have happily given up what the corporal had wanted if he had willingly accepted the 'teachings' of Sheogorath Clara had a mission to complete, a mission that came before all other obligations and personal desires.

"N-n-n-no! T-this isn't what Clara wants!" Now panicking, Clara scrambled up the bed. A bed that, given different circumstances would've felt warm and welcoming to the madwoman. "C-Clara needs help with finding the Patriarch!"
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Grapple check (Clara vs Corporal): 12+16 = 28 v 41 = 30+11 -> Corporal wins.

The man, his shirt joining his pants on the floor, climbed onto the bed after Clara. "Of course this is what you want!"

He quickly straddled the panicking woman, and pinned her to the bed, his hands grabbing a handful of her clothes in preparation for tugging them off. His member hovered about a foot from the madwoman's crotch, a bead of precum hovering on its tip. "But how did you know I'd named it 'the Patriarch'?"

41 HP, 38 PP, 83 SP; Grappled
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"N-no! You cannot be the Patriarch!" Clara cried out as she was pinned to the bed, the man's member dangerously close her womanhood. If this was any other time Clara would have happily allowed this corporal to abuse her body as much as he wanted, happy in the knowledge that she'd be able to convert him over to Sheogorath's flock at the end of it.

But this time was different. The madwoman had a mission to fulfil and this imposter was threatening to waste what little time Clara had left. "Clara didn't want to do this! You made Clara do this!" Conjuring up her power Clara attempted to connect her mind with the corporals, forcing the shrieking chorus of madness within his very being in an attempt to get the man to stop.

Mind Worm 4 + (11 EP). Attempting to mentally disable the man, though if that's impossible then do whatever.