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Nov 10, 2008
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Name: Siphon/Talvesh

Powers: Has the strength of 6 men hence an incredible melee fighter, can cast a small protective energy shield around himself that will protect from hi kinetic energy magic attacks or projectile attacks, but not from melee attacks, and he can create a small shockwave from his hands that will knockdown any enemies within it's range, but he cannot fire it off in rapid succession, it requires a 20 second cool down period. Also great knowledge of various inter-dimensional technologies of his people. Siphon has also gained the rare trait amongst his people of being able to use his hands to heal most any wound inflicted upon a person.

Healing Gene: Siphon is capable of using his healing gene to heal even the most severe of injuries, although this can be quite taxing upon him, and requires his full concentration. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to ten minutes to restore and heal the injury, or injuries. He is not able to bring a person back to life if they have already perished from their injuries however. So for example, a minor injury such as a cut would be healed rather fast, but something like a punctured lung or a broken bone would take quite a long time for him to heal in this manner, and he would still need to set the bone first.

Age: Appears to be in his early 30's, but is actually over 150,000 years old.

Physical Description: 5'7" Weight 180 lbs Brown hair with traces of silver, Blue eyes normally, Caucasian appearance.

Description of traits and BG: Siphon is one of the last survivors of an ancient race of beings known as the Alverans. Siphon came to this dimension some time ago from his own home, ahead of an army of undead that followed his people here. Choosing to stay behind and fight along side the humans of this world, they defeated the undead, and Siphon has grown quite fond of the people he chose to protect. He chose to remain on this world, and live amongst them, and see's a great potential in them to become a super powerful race some day.

When using his shielding or his shockwave attack, his eyes will begin to glow a fiery red, and he will utter several words in his native tongue. His normal voice sounds as any normal humans would.

Talvesh is a symbiote that is attached to his spine, and allows him to utilize several other technologies because of it's unique properties. Talvesh can assume control of the body, and this is shown when his eyes gleam fiery red for longer than a second and when speaking, his voice is noticably deeper with a flang to it.Side Note: By High Kinetic Energy I mean something such as a magic propelled attack or a bullet. The shield will not stop an arrow from getting through however.

Ship Information: Siphon's ship, The Kara, is named after his dead 1st wife, who was killed in battle during the original undead siege on his home world. The ship is very much akin to the Daedalus class cruisers in Stargate, and at 586 Meters in Length, are quite decently sized. In fact, all Alveran ships are exactly the same, although Siphon's has a few new modifications he himself has made that are not seen on any other Alveran ship.

Weaponry: All Alveran ships come standard with blue plasma beam weaponry, capable of overloading most known forms of shielding, or piercing them, varying on the level of shield. Unlike most laser type weapons, they don't overpower by using a lot of energy, but rather use little energy, focusing more on firing rapidly to overload shield emitters, thus frying them out and collapsing them.

Another weapon found on all Alveran ships are the special drone weapons. These yellow squid like projectiles are extremely powerful, and usually will rip through lesser advanced shields in a matter of seconds, focusing primarilly on simply passing through the shield, and ripping apart the hull of the target ship. While more powerful than the plasma beams, these can only target one ship at a time, unlike the multiple targeting beams.

The final weapon aboard Siphon's ship is unique to his alone. During his time spent in the future, he worked on several upgrades, one of these being the gravity wave weapon. Against an unshielded planet or ship, it is a devastating weapon. This weapon fires a high end gravity well at a target, usually flattening an unshielded ship, or tearing part of a planet off it's orbital axis. He has used this weapon a few time, and it seems to draw a significant amount of power, making it impossible to fire off in rapid succession. It also still has the annoying habit of blowing out every single power relay channeling into it when it's used, something he hasn't been able to fix.

Shielding: Little is known about Alveran shielding to outsiders, other than the fact it is highly advanced, and very powerful. Capable of absorbing a huge amount of damage, the main reason for the shield strength is it's power supply.

Power Generation: Siphon's ship is different from most Alveran ships in the power supply department. While most of their fleet are powered by single Zero Point Modules, Siphon's ship is powered by three of them, likely because of the gravity weapon requiring all that power. As a result, it is believed his is the most advanced ship the Alveran's have to offer, short of their city of course.

FTL Drive: All Alveran ships use an advanced hyper-drive system capable of launching the ships to impressive speeds. Siphon's ship is capable of traveling to the Pegasus Galaxy, 3 Million light years away, in a mere 3 hours. The speed is directly tied into the power generation, and it is likely with an inferior supply, his ship would be far slower than this.

Unlike most ships of other races, Alveran ships are capable of being commanded by a single man crew, largely in thanks to the chair interface in place aboard each ship. They have taken great pains to prevent their advanced technology from falling into the wrong hands, going so far as to specifically key their most destructive and advanced technology to only
respond to those with their genetic makeup. This, they feel, is the only way to truly prevent an enemy from stealing their ships if they are unable to self destruct them in time before being boarded. While they can be crewed by one man crews, currently only the Kara and the Daina Eil'Mori fit this, all other Alveran ships usually carry a crew compliment of six hundred, although they can carry as many as twelve hundred.

Special note: If for whatever reason, there is a specific issue where someone is going to be injured and does NOT want to be successfully healed, let me know in advance, and I can work with that. I have several ideas on how to "fail" Siphon's healing ability, and if I know in advance I can work with that.


It has been revealed that Siphon very likely has been ascended at least one other time, and is far older than previously thought. Siphon it turns out is one of the Ancients himself, and his memories are slowly returning to him.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Talok/Nevish

Powers: Strength of 4 men making him a very good melee fighter.
He also is capable of limited regenatarive capabilities, though this is heavily
limited based on how recently he has eaten something, or someone.

Normal wounds such as burns or a bullet wound will heal rather quickly, but if he were to have his arm of head cut off they wouldn't grow back. Talok is also capable of communicating with others of his species telepathically.

Age: Approximately 30,000.

Physical Description: 6'2" weighs around 220 pounds. Black hair with Yellow eyes normally. Appears to be some kind of hybrid between a human and something else. Has a strange shaped scar on his hand that allows him to feed off the life force of a living being, though he prefers not to use this as he feels it is wrong to kill innocents. He will however feed off of criminals if he has to, though he prefers to find human types of food to keep himself alive.

Description of Background: Talok is another of the survivors from Siphon's dimension, although he is not Alveran himself, he did serve in their army after earning the trust and respect of their people. It took him some time to recover from excessive injuries during the undead wars, and making his way to this dimension, barely managed to get through before the portals closed forever. Nevish is a symbiote that wrapped around his spine, giving him the abilities of enhanced strength and to sense the existence of others carrying a symbiote. When Nevish is in control the Yellow eyes of the host do not glow, rather they change to black orbs.

Side note: If need be he will feed upon a human to survive, though he doesn't like to. When doing so he will ensure that the victim can't escape by paralyzing them in severe pain. The pain is caused from the feeding process. He reserves the feeding on humans for only those that will die anyway, or need to be assassinated. He is also a sparring partner of Siphon/Talvesh,
giving the opportunity for both of them to hone their melee skills.

Ship Information: Talok controls another Alveran ship, this one a standard one, named the Daina Eil'Mori. See Siphon's ship for information, minus his own personal upgrades.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Narlina

Powers: Narlina is a Wraith Queen, and as such has all the powers of a normal Wraith, and then some. While she has no magical powers, her own natural abilities, like other Queens, are formidable. She is capable of telepathic communication with pretty much any species, able to get into their minds and speak to them. On occasion, if one is unsuspecting, she can prevent them from attacking, although she can only target one person at a
time. Mostly this is reserved as a last resort or for interrogation of war criminals, such as the rebel Wraith or certain aggressors against her kind. She has the same regeneration and feeding capabilities as Talok.

Age: Unknown. Narlina has never bothered keeping track, as she won't die from aging.

Physical Description: Narlina is roughly 6' tall, and weighs around 155 pounds. She has long flowing Red Hair, with Green eyes that could almost pass for human if it weren't for the defining Wraith features.

Description of Background: Narlina is Talok's wife, if you can apply that term to Wraith. She is one of the leaders of the Wraith civilization, and is a heavy advocate for peace with their neighbors, but also knows when it is time to fight. Narlina commands a gargantuan hive ship, manned by countless Wraith.

Ship Information: Wraith Hives do not have names for each ship, they are just listed as Hive Ship. Each Hive is capable of growing as needed, as their ships are mostly organic. While there are variations, most Hives are roughly 11 km in length, 5.5 km in width, and 2 km in depth, making them very large targets. Despite this, they do have some shielding, but their true strength lies in the fact their hulls can regenerate, much like the Wraith themselves.

Hive ships are usually, but not always accompanied by 3 Cruisers, each of which are identical to their hive counterparts, only smaller. Each Cruiser is usually about twice the size of an Alveran ship in length.

Each Hive carries thousands upon thousands of mini fighters called darts, armed with smaller versions of the hive's weapons, but these are unshielded. What they lack in shielding, they make up in sheer speed, with each dart capable of accelerating to 10,000 km per hour. This makes them highly maneuverable as well.

Weaponry: Wraith Ships are armed with blue pulse like weapon ports, capable of rapidly firing at a target, and against multiple targets at once. Little is known about their power against other ships, although they have been witnessed to simply overwhelm an enemy ship with the sheer number of shots fired. It probably doesn't help that the shots themselves are usually larger than the ship being attacked too.

FTL Drive: Wraith hyper-drive technology is a glaring weakness in their arsenal. While they can travel fast, intergalactic travel from one galaxy to another, such as Pegasus to our own, requires eighteen days. Because of this, ever since the start of the Sentinel war, Narlina has kept several dozen Hives in our own galaxy to assist if need be.

Nothing is known about Wraith Power generation.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Sivok

Powers: Sivok has enhanced strength, comparable to a Wraith, but without the regeneration. Like all Draque, he is capable of "shrouding" or cloaking, but can not attack while actively cloaked.

Age: Several Million years old, or so he believes.

Physical Description: Sivok is 6'8", and weighs around 215 pounds. Muscular without seeming it, he is a typical Draque in every way, except he is on Siphon's side. Like all of his kind, he is bald, and appears to be similar to a bipedal crocodile or lizard, right down to the scaly, green skin.

Description of Background: Sivok is actually a clone of his original, as are all Draque. Bred to serve their masters, the Sentinels, Sivok broke away with a group of his kind after an incident left them capable of free thought for the first time in countless generations. Realizing what his former masters really were, and what they really had planned, he defected to join Siphon in the fight against his own kind, the Enoly and his former masters. His expertise in Draque and Enoly technology came in handy and likely helped turn the tide of the war in our favor.

Ship Description: Little is known about Draque ships, other than they are at least on par with an Asgard Vessel now. Usually they would be no match against an Alveran ship, though there had been a few occassions during the war where they got lucky.

Sivok named his ship in defiance of his old masters, and named it well. The ship is called the Scalerious, which in their language, means The Rebel. At 1500 meters in length, his ship is decently sized, nearly 3 times the size of an Alveran ship.

Weaponry: Their weapons appear to be bright green globs of energy fired, though their yield has never really been tested against anything but Alveran shielding, therefore making it impossible to gauge their true strength. They do however seem to have the ability to create an EMP field that will knock out systems of an unshielded ship. If their target manages to get shields up before the EMP hits though, this attack is useless. It is believed this is how they were able to destroy the few Alveran ships they did during the Sentinel War.

FTL Drive: This is the one thing that is known of the Draque. Their hyper-drives are fast, but nowhere near what Siphon has. It would take them a day to reach Pegasus from our own galaxy, making them faster than the Wraith.

Shielding: Draque ships do have shields, and seem to be invunerable to missiles and bullet based weapons. Against energy weapons, they do fairly well, but eventually will collapse.

Nothing much is known about their power generation, although it is suspected they use something similar to an ion generator for power.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Aya Morioka

Aya is a powerful Ancient woman herself, and in fact she is Siphon's wife. Little is known about her currently, but one thing that is known is that she is capable of causing any living creature to combust into flames. She's very attractive, and she has short blonde hair. She was briefly a host to the Gou'ald Nirrti before the symbiote was finally removed and killed.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Vanessa Millstar

Powers: At the beginning none. However this will change. She is however readily able to blend in as a traveller, and is extremely good with both spy and negotiating works.

Age: 29

Physical Description: Vanessa is a beautiful red head, standing 5'10" tall with perfect white skin and a lovely body. She tends to wear green pants with long legs, and a white shirt that seems to have been intentionally cut to show off some skin. It has no sleeves to it, but acts almost like a tank top. The skin around her stomach is exposed to the air, likely because the cut off shirt and waist high pants allow for greater movement this way, rather than a single piece or two pieces neatly arranged.

Description of Background: Vanessa is a Velokian, a humanoid race within the Milky Way Galaxy. She first appeared during the war with the Sentinels 13 years ago, and was quite literally a 16 year old newbie thrust into the middle of a war that wasn't hers. Her planet fell under attack by the Sentinel's army, and were it not for a risky maneuver by the Alveran named Siphon, Vanessa likely would not have survived that first encounter with the Sentinel's army. Since then, Vanessa has worked side by side with Siphon and his allies, feeling she owes him at least that much for saving her life, and her people from certain annihilation.

Vanessa also played a major role in the Ori War six years ago, on both sides of things. An incident caused her to become trapped in the Ori Galaxy, where she used her skills to blend in, hoping one day she would be able to return home. Eventually, she was able to return to our galaxy, but not before the Ori had used their Ascended Powers to forcefully impregnate her with a child that they believed would ensure their victory. Later on in the war, Vanessa played key roles in bringing back information she gained while a prisoner of the Ori, making up for her percieved weakness at being unable to stop the Ori from using her body to create a living weapon.

Vanessa lost her only small fighter ship during the Sentinel war, however she has had no need for it as she's usually travelling either with her new allies, or using the Stargates for travel.

Now though, as of six months ago, Vanessa has gone missing, captured by the Rogue Gou'ald Nirrti. It is a safe bet to say Nirrti is using her for more genetic experimentation.

Update: Vanessa has been recovered, and briefly was host to the Gou'ald Nirrti before the symbiote jumped ship into another host, and nearly killed Vanessa in the process. The Tokra were able to save her however.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Camulus

Camulus is a gou'ald system lord, allied with us. Most Gou'ald are, and the few that aren't are pretty heavily policed by the others of their kind, ensuring a peaceful coexistence. Nirrti being the only exception to this as no one can even find her.
Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Thor

Powers: Thor's race is capable of limited telepathic communication, but only with races that communicate in this manner. Their minds are extremely powerful, and they are next to impossible to mind control.

Physical Description: Thor is like every other Asgard, appearing as a small, frail looking little grey alein standing only a few feet tall. They have large black eyes, and are capable of speech. Also, sometimes disturbing to other races, is that they do not wear clothing of any kind, as they appear to be genderless. This is partially true, as all Asgard are clone bodies, with their minds simply transferred to a new body as needed. In this, the Asgard have attained a measure of immortality.

Description of Background: Thor is the Supreme Commander of all the Asgard, and because of this he pilots the most advanced Asgard ship in their entire fleet. Like all Asgard, he comes from the far off Ida Galaxy, a small one about eight million light years from us. Thor has been a powerful ally for more than 15 years now, as have his people.

Ship Description: Only a few things are known about Asgard ships. Some are purely science vessels, some are purely 'warships', and some are hybrids. Thor's ship, The Beliskner, is a hybrid, but it is the most advanced ship in the fleet. It is in considered an O'Niell class ship, making it quite large and graceful appearing.

Weaponry: Little is known about Asgard weaponry other than they seem to fire powerful blue pulses of energy for weapons. Until the war with the Ori, these weapons were more than a match for any foe.

FTL Drive: Asgard Hyper-Drives are very advanced, though not quite as powerful as an Alveran drive. Still, they are capable of great speeds, and they can cross from here to the Pegasus Galaxy in a little under 5 hours.

Shielding: Next to nothing is known about how Asgard shielding works, only that it does, and it's damn effective. Like their weaponry, the shielding technology was always an advantage until the Ori war.

Very little is known about their method of powering ships, though it has been strongly suggested it is some less advanced form of a Zero Point Module.

UPDATES: As of recent events, it would appear that the Asgard, along with Thor have been completely wiped out.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Coraxus ‘Corax’ Kiavahr

Age: Around 250 (in Earth years)

Species: Tiberion (Gifted)

Powers/Abilities: Coraxus has two Gifted powers due to being a twin – he is able to create, destroy and manipulate all types of metal, as well as transform into a raven (in addition to several man/bird hybrids)

Appearance: Coraxus stands at about six and a half feet tall. He is extremely pale, his skin almost pure white. His hair, in contrast, is jet black and straight, down to just past his shoulders. His eyes are red. He normally wears a long black coat over a white shirt and red tie.

Bio: Coraxus is Vulkan’s twin brother and Lilith’s husband. He was born into a Tiberion noble family and was inspired to follow his father into the military, where he used his Gifted powers to great effect and quickly rose through the ranks. He formerly commanded the 108th fleet of the Tiberion Armada, but was transferred to a division specifically for Gifted shortly after the Tiberion Government authorised its creation. The members of this division are given authority above the law and have no command structure, answering only to the Tiberion High Council. When not under direct orders they are usually permitted autonomy. Despite no longer officially commanding them, Coraxus’ former fleet still recognises his authority and will answer to him when called.

Speaks in Black.

Name: Vulkan Kiavahr

Age: Around 250 (in Earth years)

Species: Tiberion (Gifted)

Powers/Abilities: As a twin, Vulkan originally possessed two powers: transformation into a hawk, and manipulation of space. After suffering minor brain damage in a head injury, he lost the ability to use these powers and had them artificially reset – his new power is the ability to produce chains from his body. He can either turn parts of his body into chains or sprout them like tendrils, and can control them like limbs in both cases. His chains can extend, and can be tipped with spikes, hooks or weights.

Appearance: Vulkan stands several inches taller than Coraxus and is extremely well built. Like Coraxus, he is very pale. He has red hair about the same length as Coraxus’, though somewhat shaggier. He has black eyes and is heavily scarred. He usually wears his body armour and always carries a firearm.

Bio: Vulkan is Coraxus’ twin brother and like him, followed their father into the military. Like Coraxus, he used his abilities to great effect and rose through the ranks, though he chose to remain a soldier rather than follow his brother into a position of command, until being transferred to the Gifted division along with him. Unlike Coraxus, who mostly relies on his powers in battle, Vulkan uses his power infrequently and prefers the use of firearms. He keeps a large arsenal of weapons and is skilled with all of them, often taking several into battle.

Speaks in Red.

Name: Lilith Kiavahr

Age: Around 250 (in Earth years)

Species: Tiberion (Gifted)

Powers/Abilities: Lilith’s power as a Gifted is Technopathy – the power to control electrical systems and technology.

Appearance: Lilith is tall and slender, only a couple of inches shorter than Coraxus. She has violet eyes and waist length black hair that is usually tied into a single braid. She usually wears a sleeveless black top and slim-fitting black trousers.

Bio: Lilith is Coraxus’ wife and formerly a scientist in the 108th fleet before being transferred along with the other Gifted. She is an extremely talented electrical engineer and computer scientist, often developing numerous gadgets, weapons and other such things to use in battle. Her technopathy only increases her already considerable abilities in this field. She is also a skilled athlete, gymnast and martial artist.

Speaks in Purple.

Name: Avohkii

Age: Around 100 (in Earth years)

Species: Tarenar

Powers/Abilities: As a Tarenar, Avohkii possesses telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

Appearance: Avohkii is only about a metre tall. He has hairless, brown-grey, slightly wrinkled skin with sunken black eyes.

Bio: The Tarenar are a small, fragile elf-like race and part of the Tiberion Empire. They possess telekinetic powers that are strong enough to compensate for their small stature and physical weakness, but too weak to be used offensively. They also possess a basic telepathy that allows them to communicate by thought and read emotions and surface thoughts from the minds of others. Their telepathy also allows them to function as navigators of sorts for travel between universes, and ships that make this journey will always have one aboard for this purpose.

Avohkii is the Switchblade’s inter-universal navigator. He usually stays aboard the ship to keep an eye on things, and can pilot it himself when necessary, though his piloting skills are only good enough to move it from point A to point B – a combat situation is beyond what he can handle.

Speaks in Grey.

Ship: Switchblade
The Switchblade is Coraxus’ ship, around 750m long. It was designed by Lilith and custom built for Coraxus’ personal use. It is equipped with the standard Tiberion energy shields and FTL drive, as well as a stealth drive that can render the ship invisible to both sensors and the naked eye. It is equipped with an energy lance, capable of piercing/overloading shields and cutting though ships, as well as several plasma cannons that can boil through shields and melt through hulls. It also features two large Magnetic Accelerator Cannons capable of punching clean through ships and a vast array of bombs and missiles. The ship has no crew besides Coraxus, Vulkan, Lilith and Avohkii, as Lilith is able to interface directly with the ship using her technopathy and operate most systems herself.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Shoni "Sho" Meheven

Age: If we're going by the current timeline, Sho's nearing 30.

Species: Homo Superior (aka, Sho's a mutant.)

Hails from: Earth/Terra/Gaia, United States of America

Powers/Abilities (if any): Sho's primary power is wind manipulation. She can create anything from a gentle breeze to hurricane force gales with a thought, though having atmosphere to work with usually helps her create bigger and badder wind storms. She can use this manipulation for anything from creating a warm breeze to dry her hair to flight to creating a 'wind wall' that keeps out most non-energy based attacks (particularly projectiles). As she's gotten older, Sho's powers have evolved some. She's getting more and more attuned to the atmosphere, so she can sometimes tell when there are shifts in it (like, say, a ship coming in from space). It's not a perfect science for her and, without a great deal of concentration, she wouldn't be able to tell if someone were, say, cloaked and moving around a room, but on a large scale, she's hard to sneak up on *laughs* She's also getting better with weather manipulation. She can't exactly create weather (ala Storm) but along with her atmospheric awareness, she can change weather patterns, bringing in or clearing out storms, for example, by moving the clouds. Naturally, this power doesn't work indoors unless someone's got a little black raincloud following them around. And though she can't exactly create weather, she can manipulate the air around her enough to dry things out or use "wind chill" so that she can, for example, create snow. Generally this only works with existing moisture, but if she does work at it, she can do so 'from scratch,' so to speak. One final trick up Sho's sleeve is her ability to 'steal breath' from someone. She literally pulls the air out of a person's lungs. Short-term, this will cause them to pass out from lack of oxygen. If she continues to do it, she'll suffocate someone to death. This power is, of course, dependent upon the target needing air to breathe and/or having lungs (or the equivalent thereof.)

Appearance: Sho stands 5'7" with black hair that is cut short, feathering at her shoulders and the nape of her neck and she has blue eyes. She's a lot lighter than she looks, in part due to her mutation, which makes her bones less dense, some even hollow, which makes it easier for her to fly. This makes her a little more fragile and, as such, she does her best to avoid getting slammed into things or taking solid hits. She tends to dress in "Earth casual" though with the different places that they've been visiting, she's picked up a rather eclectic wardrobe. One thing she almost always has, though, is a black trenchcoat.

Ship: Sho mostly hitches a ride with whomever is going where they need to go. She doesn't have a ship of her own.

Additional info: Sho is severely claustrophobic. While she's fine on ships and shuttles (though those are pushing it) being underground, in any sort of cramped, enclosed area, or just being trapped in general will cause her to panic. She also has a habit of causing a "flutter" with the wind when she's startled by something. For the most part, though, she has a fairly friendly and laid-back attitude. Whenever she finds herself in the middle of things (which tends to be often), though, she can have more of a take-charge attitude that helps to motivate those around her.
Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Ian Montrose

Age: Current timeline has Ian nearing 30.

Species: Homo Superior

Hails from: Australia, Earth.

Powers/Abilities (if any): Ian has the power of mind over matter, able to move and manipulate objects with just a thought - Telekinesis. There isn't exactly an upward limit to what he can move, but obviously, the bigger the object, the more concentration it's going to require, and some things just wouldn't be possible (like, say, moving an entire building, at once.) Roughly man-sized or smaller, though, doesn't take much effort. Intricate work, though, like threading a needle, takes concentration, too. Ian (generally) also has to be able to see what he's manipulating, or at least be aware of it's existence. He could turn on a desk lamp through the closed door of his own quarters but he wouldn't be able to throw a switch across a darkened room that he'd never been in before.

Appearance: Ian stands 6'3" and weighing in at 250 lbs (I suck at weight gauging. If this makes him a stick, make him heavier.) He has brown eyes and dusty blonde hair that's a bit on the longish side, tending to get in his eyes and face a lot, though he doesn't seem to mind. If he's in 'Earth clothes" he's usually in cargo pants and a t-shirt of some sort, but he will adopt the uniform of whichever ship he's serving on at the time as well.

Ship: Ian's a hitchhiker, which suits him fine. Usually means he can choose the more interesting voyages to go on.

Additional info: Ian is Australian, something that most people don't realize until he opens his mouth, which isn't very often. He's rather quiet and laid-back, almost to the point of being lackadaisical. One would think that with his power, he actually might be lazy, but that isn't the case. Though he has his power, Ian doesn't use it as much as one might think. Instead, he prefers a more hands-on approach and spends some of his free time working out, not wanting to let his power make him complacent and flabby. In fact, if he can complete a task without using his powers, he often takes that route. He doesn't go out of his way to be social, but he is sociable, willing to talk to anyone that puts effort into getting to know him. He's also willing to lend folks a hand with, well, anything really. All they have to do is ask.
Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Syilvia (pronounced Sylvia) Lambert

Age: 19

Species: Half-Velbaysian, half-Elicoorian

Powers/Abilities (if any): Being half-Velbaysian, Syilvia has the ability to increase her physical abilities in very brief bursts of time. However, after performing this incredible physical feat she'd have to rest. Unlike a lot of her fellow Velbaysians, Syilvia isn't very acrobatic or agile. However, she makes up for this by being very tough and resilient. She's also a very handy with a gun and is an excellent leader.

As half-Elicoorian, she's somewhat gifted in symbology, or runology as Elicoorians call it (magic), and is able to see symbologic currents. Though Elicoorians typically use symbology in either offensive or healing capabilities, Syilvia does not. She uses symbology to enhance her combat skills, such as creating a shield for herself, or even enhancing the destructive force behind her shot. However, Syilvia can heal the small cut and scrape.

Ship: Syilvia commands a 375m battle-class ship named the Saerif. It has four floors divided into purpose. The top floor is where the bridge is located, and the functioning of the ship is done here, and it's called the Bridge Floor. The floor below is the recreational floor - training simulators, entertainment, the mess hall, etc. Then there's the floor where all the rooms for the crew members are at, and then the engineering bay, where the ship's parameters and other things are kept in check and tuen. The Saerif is equipped with standard quantum torpedoes, phase cannons, plasma batteries, and the like. Other than that, it has one piece of unique weaponry fitted onto it. This weapon is a pulse blade, named the Cleaver by the Saerif's crew, which shoots out a thin wave of energy strong enough to cut a ship into two. However, the charge and recovery for using the weapon is tremendous. It has a crew size of 300 men and women loyal to Syilvia.

Additional notes: Syilvia is goes out of her way to try to know her crew members; she often is seen mingling with as many people as she can so she can better serve her crew as a leader and a friend. She's generally very friendly, bright, and easygoing. However, during combat Syilvia becomes very decisive, efficient, and battle-ready. She's said more than once that, if given the chance to spare an enemy and leave unscathed, she would do it.
Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Jortis Gerantal


Age: 62 (Young adult by Tau standards)

Abilities: Jortis is an exceptional mechanic and pilot, his race being very technologically oriented, it was only natural for him to advance as he did. If it was broken, he could fix it. If it flew, he could pilot it, and he's gotten by on these two skills alone for a long time. Any new piece of technology he finds is fascinating and likely to keep him occupied as he takes it apart and looks it over with a critical eye.

Ship: Jortis currently flies an Interceptor class scout ship with a single set of railgun batteries mounted on the front to either side of the small cockpit. Although lacking in offensive capabilities, the ship is extremely fast and capable of Jumping on its own for limited periods of time. The only thing that really sets the small 1 man ship apart from its cousins is a custom fitted cloaking device that shields the vulnerable ship from detection.

Appearance: Jortis has leathery grey-blue skin and is humanoid in appearance, meaning he has two arms, two legs, one head, etc. His face is wide and flat, with no nose to speak of as his olfactory senses are actually located in his mouth. He blood is a dark purple color, containing traces of Cobalt rather then Iron. He's generally not seen outside of his dark armor, the thick metal plates light to him after so many years of wear, and although friendly, he's slow to trust.
Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Ariana Arkanian

Age: Hundreds or thousands of years old, though almost entirely spent in coldsleep. Physically, late twenties

Species/description: Human, genetically engineered (Though she doesn't know it). Tall with pale skin, she tends to wear functional clothing, covered by a brown leather duster.

Powers/Abilities: Ariana is a powerful psychic, though she's never had any training. As a result, her powers are simple and uncomplicated, though quite potent. Her main use and weapon from this are shimmering blue blades of energy, focused from her mind as an extension of her willpower. She can create almost any blade she can think of, but usually settles on a double-bladed sword about as tall as she is. As a strange side-effect of having something created of pure mental energy, her weapons have no mass, and as such, no thickness. This makes them effectively infinitely sharp, and she has not found a substance that can resist being shredded, though some types of shielding seems to have an effect, and creatures that regenerate can usually fix themselves as fast as she can cut them, as the wounds do not open when her blade creates them. Any weapons she creates last as long as she can focus on them, generally however long combat lasts. She uses the same technique to create barriers, armour, and the like if she feels she has to, though the applications tend to be simpler.
She has a limited array of mental powers as well, telepathy, a small amount of telekinesis and a moderate amount of precognition, which is what allows her to dodge and deflect most attacks, she knows where they are going to be before they have even started.

Ship: A modified Falcon, A ship built for grace and power. About the size of a heavy fighter, the ship maneuvers like one much lighter, and the small cargo bay has been converted into a more proper living area for longer trips, as well as having a coldsleep chamber installed. The ship houses a simple AI to handle navigation, sensors, and pretty well any function the ship needs while the pilot is otherwise indisposed, and the weapons and shields are comparable to others of it's size and time period, consisting of a pulse turret to cover the back half, and a small spread of pulse and laser hardpoints to provide direct fire. The ship is also mounted with a torpedo launcher for slower and heavier targets, tactical mines, and countermeasures. Most of the weapons are heavily dated and will likely require upgrades in order to be useful, but the shield has stood the test of time well, and the rest of the ship has fared better, maneuverability being the timeless asset it is.
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Re: Approved Character Database

Ellisia Alvante

Ellisia Alvante
Age: 32
Species: Human / Etherian Citizen
Rank and Duties: Knight Commander - Second Sphere (Second in Command, Ships Representative off deck.)
Appearance: Light blond, neck length hair. Blue eyes. Tall and athletic. Often has a serious or stern look on her face, but can be pleasant when relaxed. Wears the white and blue military uniform of the Etherian Guard, and the silver pin of her order, depicting a sleek skyward tower and a pair of wings wrapped around.

Bio: Ellisia is an agent or “knight” of the enigmatic civilisation Etheria. Born elsewhere, but adopted into their society at a young age, she is ardent and loyal in her service to the Etherian people and their millennia hidden idyllic city. Through hard training and determination she attained a respected position in the Etherian order of “Spirit Knights” at an early age. (Can be compared to a Jedi or Mass Effect ‘Spectre’ in terms of role and duties)

In recent years atypical events and developments have pushed Etheria into taking a more active role in external affairs, with Ellisia being present during much of it. She is familiar with Siphon, having met and worked together during her stay on Earth about 13 years ago. She also distinguished herself in action during the Maia-Ve Crisis 11 years ago, an event isolated to Etheria, but prompting a shift in complacent attitudes. Including her service during the more recent Ori war, Ellisia has overall attained commendable respect amongst her comrades, only barred from 1st Sphere status by a lack of having fully developed the potential of her abilities. She currently holds the rank of Knight Commander, which entrusts her with authority to lead a squad, or “lance”, of other Knights at her level or lower.

Powers/Abilities/Skills: As one of Etheria’s elite, Ellisia shares a set of skills common to all Etherian Knights. The knowledge of how these seemingly supernatural powers work or are attained is something known only to the Etherians.

AT Field: All Etherian Knights train in developing a formidable defence ability known as an AT Field, or “Absolute Territory Field” (with nothing to do with the Japanese fetish of the same name... >_> ). The field extends a tight body wrapping barrier around the user which will repel any object or emission perceived as threatening, ranging from physical strikes, to bullets and energy based attacks. It cannot protect from ambient heat, vacuum, toxic atmospheres, or the effects of gravity on the user itself. Its use will also expel or kill any living organism larger than a microbe, whether friendly or not. If broken by a force that overwhelms the field, it will take a small time to recover and can potentially stun the user.

Ellisia’s own AT Field skills are quite well developed, being capable of deflecting at least a few shots from most personal weapons fire, and recovers its integrity quickly. She is able to extend it minutely to aid in adding extra impact to unarmed attacks, and by channelling it down the blades of her personal weapons in melee, allowing for incredible sharpness and durability, and making her block near unbreakable in conventional combat.
Enhanced Speed, Strength, Reflexes and Awareness: General feats of athleticism that stand out from the normal. Ellisia is competent in all, but is markedly adept at making quick short bursts of inhuman strength. Whilst out of direct action these abilities are diminished in order to preserve energy.
Extended Endurance and Fast Healing: Whilst inflicted wounds remain as hampering as for anyone else, Ellisia is able to “postpone” a degree of the effects of damage and strain on her body. Light wounds and pain can be ignored, and mortal wounds can be endured long enough to finish the fight. Coupled with the ability to heal herself, makes her very adept at surviving violent situations. Extending this technique to general endurance allows her to operate and fight at her peak for extended periods, seemingly never short for breath or showing fatigue until after the issue has been resolved. The use of this power does still add additional strain on her energy reserves however, and care must be taken not to overuse it lest Ellisia needlessly cripple herself to win one fight.
Sub-Storage: A personal sub-dimensional space used by knights as a storage space. Objects placed within can be re-summoned at will. The space can hold a technically infinite amount of space and weight, but is limited by only being capable of holding certain objects (generally of Etherian origin), and that the more items stored such, the longer it takes for the user the focus their mind on locating an item to retrieve. Ellisia typically uses it to store her weapons, armour, emergency supplies, and a locator device.

Ship: "The (as yet unnamed)" - Solace Class starship.

"The (as yet unnamed)" - Solace Class starship.

Solace Class

● AT Field
● Regenerative Hull
● Hybrid Inertialess Drive
● Aeser Beam Arrays
● Central Aeser Lance
● Abnormal Energy Signature
● Small Hanger Bay
● Retrofitted Conventional Comms Systems

The Solace Class is the first ever vessel of purely Etherian design that can be objectively considered as a warship. First envisioned and constructed in response to the threats posed by both the Ori and Maia-Ve incidents, a small number of Solace Class vessels now complement the Etherian defense force. Measuring at roughly 300 meters long, and featuring a 160 meter wide curved crescent shaped wing at the front of the craft. The rest of the craft tapers back in a long narrow tail. The entire surface of the ship is smooth and almost aquatically shaped with no sharp bumps or extrusions, and formed out of a sleek white material. It’s hull would register on scanners as possessing a stone like mineral composition, but featuring far higher densities and very different characteristics.

Protected by a reinforced AT field and a one piece construction solid morphic hull, the Solace has considerable durability and given time can recover from almost any level of damage inflicted upon it. The AT field is capable of taking a degree of punishment far higher than average for a ship of its size, and recovers quickly when breached. The AT field is always operating at full strength, and is either active or broken, with its limit being determined by the ships overall energy level. The drawback is that whilst able to take hits from foes that would be considered out of it’s league, this will drain the energy at a dangerous rate. The abnormal and non localised nature of most of its vital systems makes it incredibly difficult to entirely disable or cripple with precision (or lucky) fire. The only flaw in this durability, is that in especially fierce combat the crew may not survive the same amount of punishment as the ship itself.

The Solace’ simple but powerful armament is comprised of several aeser arrays of varying output, including one primary array mounted on the front of the craft for when maximum penetration is required.

Aeser weaponry fires beam like projections of bright energy that are capable of independently changing course and homing in on targets. The aeser arrays can be used to fire either few high powered beams, or to split their energy into a wide spread of numerous weaker beams. Provided a good crew to operate them, they can be used effectively for everything from capital ship fighting, to anti-missile defence, to planetary bombardment. One notable limitation of the weapon is a limited tracking range, beyond which the weapon cannot be redirected.

For propulsion the ship uses a semi inertialess drive system, with both physical propulsion for conventional travel, and an inertialess drive to serve a range of roles including planetary entry/exit, maneuvering, and stealth propulsion. Each can be used independently or in unison depending on the requirements. Whilst not as fast in non FTL travel than most craft by comparison, by using the inertialess drive for purpose of maneuvers during combat, the craft is capable of making rapid changes in direction and sudden evasive stunts that would normally be lethal to the crew and thus impossible for other craft in its size category. Its use also allows stable and sustainable hovering within atmospheres and even high gravity environments.

The linchpin to all these systems, and perhaps the vessels greatest weakness, is its energy supply and power management. All of the protective systems, propulsion, and weaponry, draw their power from the same reservoir. Whilst substantial, it is not generated at a rate capable of powering all these systems at optimal efficiency at the same time. Each system must be prioritised over the others in any given situation. Operating at full power consumption, the ship will inevitably begin to drain its reserves. Sustaining several punishing hits to the AT field, or unleashing heavy aeser fire in particular will drain the energy reserves rapidly. If energy is allowed to run too low, the ship risks not having enough to make an escape. In certain cases it may actually be more energy efficient to allow enemy fire past the AT field and let the armour take the pain, to be healed later.

The other notable aspect of Etherian craft is that all are powered by an abnormal energy source, rather than conventional electrical power, and can cannot draw power from conventional sources or (non Etherian) friendly ships. This has the side effect of making them difficult to detect on standard sensor sweeps designed to search for such. Regarding visual detection, radar, ladar or gravitic sensor systems they are just as apparent as any other. When firing their weapons or using physical drives, the energy signature changes to one more easily detectable. The ships own general sensor and detection package can be considered as substandard regarding versatility or detection method, and particularly weak at far ranges, but does boast highly accurate detection at shorter ranges that ignores any conventional stealth systems.

The Solace Class also possesses a small hanger or cargo bay, with room enough to house a small complement of a few dozen Sylph Fighters and/or Golems, or a single Ascalon Class.


Name: Ellisia Alvante
Age: 32
Species: Human / Etherian Citizen
Rank and Duties: Knight Commander - Second Sphere (Second in Command, Ships Representative off deck.)
(As above)

Name: Marik Osavra
Age: 36
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Knight / Combatant - Second Sphere
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Agility Specialist, Sniper, Perception Boost

Name: Thanus Hauthuum
Age: 61
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Knight / Combatant - Second Sphere
Powers/Abilities/Skills: AT Specialist, AT Extend,, AT Burst

Name: Ayla Iasha-voh
Age: 43
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Pilot / Tactical Support / Dive Therapist - First Sphere (Ranking Officer)
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Remote possession and guidance,

Name: Sinnve Iasha-voh
Age: 21
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Golem Pilot - Second Sphere

Name: Vern Aiita
Age: 44
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: AS Tech - Chief Engineer
Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Sarnael (Name he decided on for common use. Actual name kind of hard to pronounce.)

Age: So old he's forgotten.

Species: Karsin, Nix'ari sub-species.

Powers/Abilities: Most Karsin have strength and resilience on par with a Bentari, even though they have a fully human appearance. The Nix'ari are to the Karsin what Augments are to normal humans. In addition to his somewhat extreme physical strength (Rumors persist of Sarnael hurling a Death Glider with one hand...) and impressive survivability, Sarnael also has *extreme* longevity as well as heightened hearing, sense of smell, and eyesight. Also seems to have the ability to create some sort of inter-dimensional rifts, although this may be due to some manner of technical gizmo on his ever-present, always worn armor. (Design of Sarnael's armor is on the left, sans the Klingon Empire Insignia on the belt buckle, of course: )


Reportedly, this ship is named "Threadweaver", although no explanation was give to any particular meaning. Armaments include six array-style beam emitters (four top, two bottom), four sets of pulse-style dual cannons (one pair on each front point, vertically paired), and three warhead launch tubes (two fore, one aft, each may fire up to five warheads in a single salvo). Defenses seem to be based around some manner of space-time phasic flux. Karsin energy weapons have an unusual appearance, that of a black "core" with a deep crimson 'unstable' energy sheath. Scans of their beam shots register high levels of anti-proton particals. Their warheads have a prismatic energy sheath around them, and seem to be out-of-phase with normal space-time, much akin to Ancient Drones.

Other notes: The race has access to a network of "tunnels" similar to the Stargate network, albeit with the ability to 'store' things 'in-transit'. Sarnael was at least involved in its development and construction, if not the primary architect of it. The rifts mentioned in the Abilities section is simply him accessing it remotely. All Karsin ships, including those mentioned below, have similar systems in place, and as such, use the network in place of an FTL system.

As Sarnael can be a bit of a recluse (My excuse for any lack of activity for a while...) he has only met in person with one person, since his 'return': Thor, the Asgard Supreme Commander. Karsin/Ancient First Contact was shortly before the Ancient/Ori split.
Re: Approved Character Database

Name: Zaleia Meheaven (Zale for short)

Age: late 20's (probably 28)

Species: Homo Superior (stealing que from copper since she is a mutant)

Hails from: Earth, U.S.A.

Powers/Abilities:Zale's primary ability is controling electricity. She able to draw electricity from sources around her even the skies above given potential storms. Discharging the gathered energy is her main form of offense ranging from bursts of blinding light to bolts of damaging lightning. She can travel in a form of energy by breaking herself down into electrical energy and making short to mid range jumps from point to point or by entering power grids and traveling the lines to far away locations as energy. Zale's internal battery of sorts has the capacity to store large amounts of energy for use whenever she needs it. Currently her upper limit is unknown though when she starts holding high amounts within herself her skin shines a light blue with small zigzags of lightning arcing across it. As of late she has been getting introduced to new unearthly forms of power and energy and her mutant powers have started evolving in what she believes to be the capacity to absorb and control a few of these newer energy sources.

Appearence: Zaleia stands 5'5" with a lean figure and short cut red hair. She dress in a more utility minded fashion lately with cargo pants and usually a hoody with front pockets on most of the time. She also keeps a small piece of copper wire twined into her hair that if asked she says its a good luck charm. As of late she tends to carry a messenger bag with some electrical tools she carries for certain moments she deems them neccesary.
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