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ADV [Nearfatal] Impreg Defence (WIP)

Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Well, for those still interested in getting the game...don't be.

There's much better stuff waiting for you in the Roninsong thread; much more than what you're looking for here anyways...
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Those levels should have been extended a lot more... By the time they got "fun" they'd end. But considering there's so little space I guess there wasn't much of a choice.

Complete save with uncensored, just paste it on your saves.txt:

I really expected it to be one girl per level at least, and longer levels. But the guy is taking a lot of effort in parts that aren't that important. I mean, have any of you zoomed in at her vagina? That's an insane amount of tiny detail.

And a tower defense with one tower is sort of boring :/ After the core of the engine was done he had no reason not to extend in both Tower and Level Length departments.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Surprised people had trouble with the game since I hate tower defense an usually suck at them. But still beat level 2 on first try. It's pretty obvious the electric balls move faster when shot so the key is fewer hard hitting towers spread further apart.

It should get more interesting later on with multiple tower types. But the gameplay is fairly basic as it should be for the first two levels. I agree that game shows potential but is hard to judge at such an early state.

It was more like you didn't really get a chance to change anything once those blue orbs started, you don't get any magic if you don't kill anything. First time I did it I didn't kill a single blue one b/c my towers were on corners very close to each other, and lost before I could build anything else.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

It was more like you didn't really get a chance to change anything once those blue orbs started, you don't get any magic if you don't kill anything. First time I did it I didn't kill a single blue one b/c my towers were on corners very close to each other, and lost before I could build anything else.

It took me a while to notice I could click on enemies to get info :/ The balls seemed like they were impossible before I did (considering they had a special animation and everything I even thought you couldn't even kill them, lol).
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

It took me a while to notice I could click on enemies to get info :/ The balls seemed like they were impossible before I did (considering they had a special animation and everything I even thought you couldn't even kill them, lol).

It's basically an anti-camp enemy, something I don't see often but totally reasonable (the most common 'surprise!' enemy type is 'flying' that basic, splash attack towers don't hit and you have to use the usually longer range but less damage/no splash archer tower of sort)

The answer to stopping it? Spread out your tower (actually considering how there's no 'splash' on tower here, it's better to spread out to avoid multiple towers firing on the same target and waste shots on overkilling it)
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

the censor level will not stay on none, supposedly you need to do something to unlock that option. Anyone knows?

As far as the gameplay, its just bad. The game is ridiculously hard AND slow AND boring.
You start out being able to place just 1 tower and then wait a long long time (or accelerate speed to the point of overshooting and losing) to get enough magic for more.

As of level 2 (only managed to beat level 1) there is only 1 tower type. As far as I can tell it cannot be upgraded.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

the censor level will not stay on none, supposedly you need to do something to unlock that option. Anyone knows?

As far as the gameplay, its just bad. The game is ridiculously hard AND slow AND boring.
You start out being able to place just 1 tower and then wait a long long time (or accelerate speed to the point of overshooting and losing) to get enough magic for more.

As of level 2 (only managed to beat level 1) there is only 1 tower type. As far as I can tell it cannot be upgraded.

Hard? Not really, I cleared both level on first try using the same tactic (TIP: multiple towers next to each other will most likely fire on the same target at once, possibly wasting shots due to overkill)

Slow <- there's speed option, if you don't go stupid and overshoot at like *8 then you shouldn't have problem. Also you can click on the cum sack to shoot the next wave (something mentioned in HOW TO PLAY section) You can also PAUSE the game by going 'slower' when at 1 speed already.

You can upgrade tower, again, I'm pretty sure if you check HOW TO PLAY you'd know HOW TO PLAY.
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Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Hard? Not really, I cleared both level on first try using the same tactic.

Slow <- there's speed option, if you don't go stupid and overshoot at like *8 then you shouldn't have problem. Also you can click on the cum sack to shoot the next wave (something mentioned in HOW TO PLAY section) You can also PAUSE the game by going 'slower' when at 1 speed already.

You can upgrade tower, again, I'm pretty sure if you check HOW TO PLAY you'd know HOW TO PLAY.

I did check how to play, it said you can upgrade but I didn't notice the button at first and assumed it was just incomplete and missing feature. I see it now.

The game is slow as in the pacing is slow. Clicking the cum sack only triggers the next wave but the issue is that the pacing is slow WHILE the current wave is ongoing. You start off with 1 tower only and enemies trickling 1 at a time... it takes a very long time before you actually got action going on. And most of the game you don't do jack anyways (that's normal for tower defense but this is especially bad). Also upping the speed is an issue due to UI deficiencies. The upgrade button disappears after a few seconds requiring you reselect that turret and you cannot select a new turret until you have enough to actually purchase it. Which means you need to keep speed low.

Difficulty is way way lower with upgrades. Upgrades are far superior to buying additional turrets; except for those electric slimes with their invulnerability. Also avoid the early bend, it lets you hit twice but can fuck you on turn speed on a non upgrated turret. Everything must be just right or you get raped (eg: electric slimes, large wads)

I think a big reason its so hard is that everything has elemental resistances/vulnerabilities but only fire towers are implemented. So you can't target anything's weakness. I did manage to beat it.
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Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this game. I think it's a novel idea and the erotic aspects were decent. However, I fear that later levels will only devolve into the abusive torture porn typical of NearFatal :(
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

does any one have a link to this game or can PM me with details? sorry for bumping this old thread.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Random lurker here... I just want to say that, for me at least, this game was worth $5, or half a movie ticket. I probably enjoyed its novelty more so than most movies nowadays. I like supporting independent devs and between this and Pretty Warrior May Cry, I've done my duty. TBH, I'm hoping enough people buy it where later rounds are developed. Tower games are fun. Hentai is awesome. The two together was executed pretty well.

I liked Level 2, where it felt like the developer really worked on making the level hard but passable, with semen chunks skirting by my defenses but not usually overwhelming them.

Also, nice animations for a $5 product.

Lastly, since the dev made an opening movie and options, etc, I definitely expect later packs to be either cheaper or to include more levels. Otherwise they'd be more expensive overall.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Would some kind person be willing to PM me with the game?:p
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

If a mediafire link doesnt get posted (maybe we are trying to keep the link from being reported? I didnt check), please do PM me the link :D

EDIT: Okay it was easy enough to look through 3 pages, the author is taking down the links himself, so yes its PM only.

EDIT2: Okay, I tried to word my first sentence properly so this wouldn't be confused, but I DO NOT have the link!
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Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

I like the idea of a tower defence hentai game.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

I like the animations but there is just too little content for this to be a purchase. :(
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Welp, guess I gotta ask for another PM link for a download. Pretty soon with how many people check ULMF everything will be PM only with Threads as discussions...
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

I know I'm late to the party but I'd like to ask for a link too please. It's a cute little game but not worth a purchase especially since I'd rather play a game with the impregnation as the objective but whatever.