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GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina remained silent and listened to Lord Burke's words attentively, pushing her hunger to the back of her mind. She had heard all of this before, and the hawk-nosed lord's explanation offered her no more information than she had already had or had guessed on her own. When he had finished, Augustina replied; "I will do whatever is in my power, my lord, but I should warn that I am no scout. I doubt that I would be any more successful in hunting down your bandits than your men. This monster, however, I can deal with, and in doing so I might be able to secure the loyalty of the village that it plagues, and perhaps find one who is more practiced in woodcraft than I to aid against your other problem.

"As for the greys, you need merely point me in their direction when they come. I am sworn to defend against creatures such as they, wherever they appear to threaten the innocent. If you have another task for me, you need only make it known, but until then, I believe that I may best serve your interests and my oaths by returning to the village of those that have just brought supplies for your men."
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Threohgod

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 14/50

Status = Runnin' low on EP.

"Nor have you the look of one, madam," Lord Burke said, when Augustina professed her lack of skill in the art of bushwacking. "I would send you with one of my teams of trackers and their bloodhounds. Brave and skilled they may be, the deserters would more than likely have the advantage in terrain and most likely surprise. With you at their side, they would stand a much greater chance of completing their task. However..."

"What you say does have merit. If the villagefolk have been so-plagued by such a creature, perhaps they have turned to the woods for their meat. And if they have, a man brave and skilled enough to evade not only their monster, but also the dangers of the woods and hunt down prey there would be a great boon in finding Captain Rarde and his merry marauders." The nobleman scratched his chin for a moment, before looking up at his sinisterly-cloaked advisor. "Ulysses - ah, I've not introduced these others, have I? Where are my manners. This is Ulysses, my Advisor and Head Magus. These two-" he indicated the young man and woman "-are Amon and Delilah - my son and daughter. Ulysses, if solving this problem would aid with solving our others, it would be prudent to invest more resources would it not? Which of your magicians would be best suited to aid her with this task?"

The old man thought for a moment - his face obscured by his beard and robe, it was hard to tell what he thought of entrusting one of their precious mages to this stranger - but eventually replied - in a hoarse and very harsh, raspy voice - "Thalia. Not only would her magic would be useful if they must chase down a beast of the forest, but she has been of limited use to construction, as well," he rasped. Turning to Augustina, he continued. "She specializes in magic pertaining to the forests and animals. Useful with strengthening our palisade or augmenting the crops, but she has already done what she could on both."

Lord Burke nodded, slowly. "Would you object to a companion? Let us summon her, and you can speak with her yourself."


A few minutes later, a guard reported that the mage in question had arrived. The Lord's Mage and Augustina stepped out, and the half-demon was met by a pale girl with loose russet hair in a green dress, who looked practically surprised by Augustina's appearance. "Don't just stand there, introduce yourself, girl," the man wheezed, which seemed to snap the green mage out of her stupor and into a curtsey.

"I am Thalia Wythie, your ladyship. I was but a humble farmgirl, before one of Badaria's mages beheld me on his way to the Necropolis and told me I was well-suited to magic. He took me from my home and taught me letters, propriety, herbology, the brewing of magical tinctures, the theorems of manipulating the mystical energies around us, and all the skills I know possess. I may not be a man, but magical talent manifests itself to it's choosing, not ours, and I am every bit as capable as one in my field of spellcraft. I have been informed that I may be of assistance to you in the task of slaying a monster, and would be honored to accompany you." She sounded polite - but rather cold. In the brief period of surprise, her eyes had seemed to dart over Augustina, but not as hers might have flickered over a winsome man or woman... instead, they lingered on her armament - her shield, her mace, her armor.

"What say you?"


After that, unless there was any business she wished to attend with Burke or his other advisers, Augustina left - only to find John, Mary, and Bertrand waiting for her outside. "So, eh..." "How'd it go, girly?"

John looked a little miffed at being cut-off, though it quickly passed in favor of curiosity.

Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina nodded to each of the lord's retinue in turn, her face respectful to each, and she even offered a smile to the brother and sister before returning her gaze to Ulysses. It was hardly unheard of for a nobleman to include his children in war councils - the son had to learn somehow after all - but it was rare for daughters to be included. Burke's progressive mindset suited Augustina just fine so far, as she found the fact that she didn't need to arbitrarily prove herself at every turn quite refreshing. Whether his soldiers shared his mindset or not, Augustina was beginning to quite like this particular lord.

"I would be a fool to shirk off potential assistance," the knight replied, "If she is up to the task at hand, then I would happily accept her aid. Bring her forth." After awaiting the arrival of the mage that was apparently to accompany her, Augustina gave her a welcoming smile and a slight bow. Listening to Thalia's introduction, Augustina nodded to her and said; "I would be happy for your companionship, Lady Thalia. You will be brought back here safely once our task is done, you have my word. I have but two questions for you; Will you be ready to depart in the morning? And do you have any experience in using your magics in combat?" The manner in which the girl's gaze swept over her armaments was not missed, but Augustina let it pass without comment.

If there were no other questions that the lord or his advisers had for her, Augustina would then inquire to Thalia where she could find her in the morning, and then bow to Lord Burke and say; "If you have nothing else for me, my lord, I would ask my leave. The day has been trying, and I have much to do on the morrow." Augustina left only when given permission to do so, but she smiled brightly when she spotted John, Mary, and Bertrand. "It went quite well," she replied, "Tomorrow I'll be returning to your village in the accompaniment of a trained magus. We'll be dealing with your monster, one way or the other. For now... How would you lot care for a drink, on me?" Augustina tilted her head, smiling, "If you know where the rest of the men in your squad were, they're welcome as well Bertrand. I'll be going to the tavern that you pointed me to regardless."
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 14/50

Status = Runnin' low on EP.

Both the magistrate's children gave Augustina a small nod - Delilah giving her a tiny smile as well.


Thalia stiffened when Augustina called her 'Lady'. "Please, milady, do not call me by such titles - I am but a servant of Lord Burke and Our King, nothing more." That she herself had just called Augustina 'lady' in the very same sentence did not seem to strike the mage as odd... after all - even as something of a hero, who'd interceded to protect their caravan, she was still only a wanderer, and Thalia held the privileged rank of Mage in Burke's employ.

"But yes. I can be ready to travel tomorrow morning - I will await you at the gates to the outside. I have fought in Lord Burke's battles before. My vines tore the enemy's formations apart, and crushed those who did not flee from them quickly enough." to which Burke's advisor and arch wizard quickly interjected. "Battlefield magic is a whole world apart from casting amongst a mere one or two allies, girl," he rasped. "You'll not have the luxury of standing behind an infantry line, with others shielding you from arrows. You may have excelled in your studies, but do not mistake that for readiness! This task is vital - do not fail it for overconfidence!"

With barely a change in her facial expression - perhaps the slightest hint of a scowl - Augustina saw Thalia glance back at the old man, and with a slow blink, turned her gaze back to Augustina. "I will feel very much at home among the forests where we are heading, but I have very little individual combat experience, no. Please forgive my inadequacy."

"Of course," Burke replied, once Augustina asked to be allowed to leave. "I will be most pleased if you can succeed in this task, Madam Augustina. Go with His grace."


"What, ya mean it?!" John practically shouted once she'd broke her news to them. "How in the hells did ya manage ter convince them ta send along a mage ta help us out, too?!" His sister looked overwhelmed - hand over her mouth to conceal her almost certainly gaping maw. "Well, shucks, lady! Y'already saved our lives, ain't much more we can owe ya!"

Thalia, if asked to join the rest of the group as she, too, left, would refuse - mentioning that such a place was 'not fit for her'.

Bertrand led the little group over to a series of tents, outside of which was seated Ulman, who looked not much worse for wear - a few bandages, but nothing especially major - seemed like Augustina's healing had made this visit far less worse on these men than it otherwise would have been. Van came out not too long afterwards - looking practically like a mummy, and though walking a bit stiff, he seemed alright.

Coming out just behind him was Hugo. A bandage was tied on his head, apparently for his jaw - the knot on the crown of his dome, the ends sticking out a bit like a hair ribbon of some sort. Stranger, though, was that he was stumbling. Pretty hard, like he'd had one too many to drink, and then snuck a tankard or three more. Ignoring the bench and his other compatriots, he wobbled vaguely in Augustina's direction. "Aaay! Augushtina, my dahrling, my pearl, my maidn erv wahr. How you doon."

The rest of the gang followed, while Ulman tittered, leaning in to whisper to the half-demoness. "He doesn't take painkiller potions very well. Or rather, he takes them too well. The healers always give him one, even if it isn't strictly necessary - can't say I blame 'em, it's pretty funny." Hugo, in the meanwhile, had started to recite a poem for Augustina. Or, at least, it seemed like what a poem would have been - it didn't have a rhyme scheme, or a structure... and was actually mostly incoherent.


Four soldiers, two farmers and a succubus walk into a bar.

The tavern ended up being quite full, packed with raucous soldiers frittering away their coin, while rather harried looking serving girls scuttled between tables with massive armloads of tankards filled with whatever they had on tap. A few men were taking meals - a favorite seemed to be mutton - but they were mostly in the minority amongst the crowds.

Surprisingly, neither John, nor Mary stayed to get their wounds looked at. "I feel fine. Right s'rain!" John would remark if asked about it, while - perhaps surprisingly - Mary would whisper that she reeeeally just wanted a drink.

Still, the group managed to find themselves a table, and one of the serving girls - rather breathless and flushed, it looked - came by to see what they wanted. "What'll ya h-"

Before she could finish though, Hugo interrupted. "Hey, hey. Hey. Gemme - n, get dish lady 'ere da bes' ting yas got. She's great and aweshom n' really really deshurves it and alsho she's real pretty."

If Augustina tried to protest, Hugo would insist - and insist fairly hard, in fact. Nevertheless, Augustina got some tea despite that; Bertrand seized the opportunity to make good on his offer to buy her a drink - in this case, ordering tea and 'generously' swapping it with for her tankard when Hugo wasn't looking... and Hugo didn't seem to care about her actually drinking it, instead seeming to simply wish just to buy it for her.

While the group drank and talked, Augustina noticed that it seemed like Mary kept glancing Augustina's way, even as she sipped at her mead.

Y'all spend 5 denarii on a round of drinks.
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina frowned as she observed the exchange between Thalia and Ulysses, but when the young girl turned to her and issued her correction of her experience, the knight attempted to offer her a reassuring smile. "Don't be too concern Lady Thalia," Augustina said, "You need only cover me, distract the creature, and stay behind me. Your experience in organized battle actually suits me just fine for the creature itself. If we are ambushed, then you will be left to your own ingenuity, but I will do my very best to see you return here unharmed."

Later, when it came time to organize her excursion to the tavern, Augustina offered Thalia an invitation, but didn't argue when it was turned down. She merely big the magus a good evening with a bow before returning to her own companions. The overjoyed reactions of the farmers caused Augustina to crack a smile, and she didn't bother to correct them that it had been Lord Burke's initiative to send a mage along to assist her. Such would probably only serve to dampen their good mood, and there was no call for that. "You owe me nothing beyond what you owe yourselves," she replied cryptically, and left it at that.

Going off to collect the other men from Bertrand's squad, Augustina greeted each man politely... Until Hugo came stumbling out of the healer's tent, a bandage around his head and a foggy look in his eyes. His greeting caused her to raise an eyebrow, but she quickly recovered from her bemusement and replied; "I'm doing quite well Hugo, thank you!" Bertrand's hastily whispered explanation answered that question quickly enough, however, and the knightly woman opted to regarded his attempts at putting his feelings for her into verse as amusing and cute, rather than foppish and inane as she might have done otherwise.

When they arrived at the tavern, Augustina briefly excused herself in order to get herself a room. Once she had the key, she went upstairs and, after shutting the door, stripped down to her skin. Her long, sinuous, spade-tipped tail stretched once it was free of the confines of her armor, and Augustina gave a soft sigh as she stretched a number of other muscles that had started to cramp. She was long used to traveling and fighting for long periods in full gear, but that didn't stop it from being a wonderful sort of relief when she came free of the constricting layers of leather, cloth, and steel. After relaxing some of tension out of her muscles, Augustina dug around in her bags for some extra underwear and the robe that she generally wore when she wasn't in her armor. It was a fairly eastern affair, soft cottons patterned after the same style that the priestesses of the Amazon clothed themselves in, and though she didn't necessarily need the support given how small her breasts were, Augustina opted to wear a bra (and panties) underneath as well.

Hugo's obvious interest in her had not gone unnoticed, and Augustina's hunger pangs were growing worse. She normally wasn't particularly picky with her partners, and while he wasn't the best catch she'd ever had he was also a far cry from the worst, and given how desperate to feed she was after using so much of her energy earlier that day, Augustina resigned herself to sleeping with the drugged man. Wrapping her tail around her midsection and slipping the tip into a small pocket sewn into the side of her robe, making it appear as little more than a chord of black cloth, Augustina pulled her hair out of the ponytail in which she customarily kept it and allowed it to fall down, framing her face in silky black, before departing from her room and returning to the first floor of the inn, closing and locking the door as she left. The outfit emphasized her curves without being revealing, and settled particularly well around her hips, and the blue and white in a pattern of flowers and stars was something that she'd always found quite pretty, even if others hadn't always shared her opinion.

Coming back downstairs, the paladin seated herself and was promptly (despite her initial hesitance) bought a tankard of ale by the painkiller-inebriated Hugo. Trying to refuse at first by explaining her abstinence from alcohol, Augustina eventually relented with a sigh, only to shoot Bertrand a thankful smirk as he switched her ale for a cup of tea. After that she merely opted to make small talk with the others, speaking as little as possible of herself lest her mind stray to dark places while offering Hugo the occasional return on whatever attempts at flirtation he offered, not being obvious or forward but not being cold in his direction either. She didn't fail to notice that Mary seemed to be staring at her quite a bit, however, and the shy farm girl's odd behavior had caused Augustina to worry about her previously, so she was fairly attuned to the girl's actions. The stares and glances shot her way by the only other woman at the table had her curious, and after a while Augustina would take a quiet moment in which she wouldn't be interrupting anyone to speak to the girl; "Are you feeling better now that you've had a few drinks Mary?" She paused and gazed meaningfully at her for a moment, "I know that my magic can seem to work wonders at times, and that you refused to be looked at by Lord Burke's healers, but I still think you ought to have it looked at again. At the very least, come up to my room and allow me to check it for you... It wouldn't take long."
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 14/50

Status = Runnin' low on EP

There really wasn't much that was quite like the feeling of a good stretch after shedding the heavy burden of her armor... nor quite like the sight, others might say, had they the privilege of beholding her. It would not have been a stretch to say that some would have killed just to watch as her toned body worked out the tension of the day. Trading her gleaming steel for cotton, she stepped back out to rejoin the rest - turning no small amount of heads as she did so. She caught the other men in her little group glance away as she turned to look at them, her beauty and exotic dress working their charms on them as well. It only seemed like Bertrand and Hugo didn't flinch away - she only caught the old timer looking once, whereupon he met her eyes and smiled, before looking away. Either he was a master thief when it came to stealing looks, or he wasn't as affected as the others... As for Hugo, he simply didn't look away, his soporific state making him... perhaps less concerned with 'gentlemanly' conduct than he had been before.

"Y-yes... a little..." came Mary's response, rather hard to hear over the hubbub of the inn's crowd. She was flushed just a little from her alcohol. She started to stammer out a refusal, but her brother quickly concurred with their savior. "She's right, sis! Gettin' hurt like that ain't no small thing - ya should make sure there ain't nothin' left ta bite ya later. Winter's gonna be hard, with the shortage a' animals - ya can't afford ta catch ill this year, ya know?" Turning to Augustina, he continued; "Ya been a real boon, Lady Augustina - pleased, we'd be honored ta 'ave you look 'er over."

The girl nodded, and rose from her seat, slowly. "...He's right. Please, allow me to take you up on your offer, Lady Augustina."
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Hugo's stare drew a soft smile from Augustina, though she was hardly surprised by it. She was used to glances, and truth be told she welcomed them... They made finding partners that much easier. Bertrand's single sweep of her form was a welcome difference anyway, however, and she returned his quick smile with a smirk of acknowledgement before looking away at the same time that he did.

John's intervention in her conversation with Mary caused Augustina a tiny bit of irritation - she didn't particularly like it when men commanded members of the opposite sex without cause - but she didn't complain about it. "We probably won't be long," Augustina said gently as she rose, "Right this way Mary." Leading the girl back up to her room, Augustina unlocked the door and opened it before turning to Mary, offering the girl a soft smile and gesturing for her to go inside. Once inside, Augustina closed the door behind them and gently said; "You may have to remove your clothes for this. I need to see where you were hurt to make sure that it's healed properly. And... If you'd permit it, I'd like to check you for other hurts as well. If you know of any, if you've been having any problems... I might be able to help."
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 14/50

Status = Runnin' low on EP.

As Augustina eased her door shut once again, she heard a slurred and rather surprised "Hey! Whurred Augushteena go?!" from downstairs. The painkillers were evidently not beneficial to Hugo's attention span.

The room was tiny and rather plain... but it was a private, and clean. The same couldn't really be said for the common room of the inn - essentially nothing more than a large room where travellers unwilling to part with much of their coin could catch a rest. Accommodations would be minimal at best, and would be shared with a number of strangers fresh from the road, the field, or the stein.

Bertrand, as thanks for saving his life, had rented the room for Augustina for the night. A shuttered window sat on the far wall, which would have looked out over the stables on the rest of the village, had it not been shut. A chair sat in the corner of the room, pushed in at a table with a lantern sitting at it. Her bed was small, but the sheets looked freshly made and laundered, and a heavy trunk sat at it's foot. Her things lay where she'd left them.

"I... I want to thank you for everything you've done for my brother and I today, Lady Augustina. I only wish I had something to offer you in recompense..." the farmgirl said as soon as she'd shut the door. "... So... how will this work? Will you just touch me and make me feel better, like you did last time?"

At being asked to disrobe, however, her face flushed red and she looked away, bashful. "T-take my clothes off? A... alright..."

First undoing the bonnet on her head, she placed it on the table, though she left her chestnut-brown hair in the loose bun it was kept in. The peasant girl was dressed quite simply - she merely had to slip her apron off, and then pulled off a simple, homespun shift. Plain underwear followed that, and the farmgirl stood naked in front of her... blushing furiously, and trying to cover herself with her hands. The life of a farmer had left her rather slim, with a slender figure... though, it seemed she nevertheless saw her fair share of hard work, judging from the (admittedly delicate) muscles visible in her arms, and the tan that could only come from toil in the field under the sun showed through on her.

From just a cursory look, Augustina didn't seem to see any outward marking of her injuries in the first place - as hasty as it had been, it looked like her healing earlier had been sufficient. When the half-demoness inquired about other pains, however, she looked puzzled. "O-other hurts? Problems? I-I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Lady Augustina..."
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina watched Mary disrobe with the best poker face that she could manage given the supernatural hunger that was raging through her, the hunger that demanded she stride forth and take the delicious morsel that had so willingly offered itself to her, even going so far as to disrobe for her... Augustina shivered, having realized that her tongue had darted out and flicked over her lips without her consent, and try as she might, it took the knight several long moments of staring at Mary's bare crotch before she was able to look back up at the fully human girl's face. She had meant to tell her that she didn't need to remove her underclothes, but her momentary paralysis had left Augustina unable to do so, and now that she had the girl's nether lips before her she could barely suppress herself. Her pheromones had flared dangerously, but Augustina knew that she couldn't allow herself to feed on Mary. That would invite.... Uncomfortable questions, and they would be expected back downstairs shortly.

"You... You needn't repay me... Miss Mary..." Augustina replied, unable to keep the tremors from her voice at first. Heaving a soft sigh, the paladin started forward, unable to keep her walk from becoming a slow, seductive stroll as she approached the farm girl. Steadying her voice, Augustina went on to elaborate on her question; "Other hurts... You work with your family on your farm, right? That's an active lifestyle, as prone to injury as my own. Are you telling me that you've never suffered any accidents? Any cuts or broken bones that didn't heal quite properly? If not, then I'll heal you a bit more to ensure that the wounds you received today, and you can get dressed again so that we can go downstairs."

She stopped when she stood next to Mary, putting the girl in range of her increasingly potent pheromones, and the sudden spike of hunger and arousal that reared itself up as she came within arms reach of the girl left Augustina momentarily paralyzed. Lust flashed through her, leaving the knight momentarily weak in the knees as she went over all of things that she wanted to do to Mary in that moment... To break the distance and press her lips against those of the nervous farm girl, to drop her own garments to the floor, to drag the human to the bed and lay her down, and spread her legs, and press her mouth to...

Augustina shivered as she drove the visions from her mind, the second or two in which she'd been paralyzed by them leaving her even more embarrassed. 'Get a hold of yourself... You're supposed to be helping her...' Augustina thought angrily, and then she stepped forward and gently placed her hand against the girl's chest, where she'd been shot earlier. "It won't hurt this time..." she said, her voice softer and lower than she'd intended it to be. Working softly, the knight pushed more of her healing magic into Mary's body, leaving Augustina herself on the verge of outright attacking someone but removing any lasting harm that her wound might have caused that her initial healing missed.

Withdrawing and taking a step back, Augustina's breathing had become heavy as a result of her healing, but she had held back enough energy to keep herself under control. Her natural pheromones, a result of the darker half of her heritage, were not so cooperative, and had gone into overdrive in an attempt to earn her a partner. "Mary... I think that's... Everything that I can do for you right now. We should... Go back downstairs," Augustina said, panting as if she were out of breath.

(Lay on Hands for 10 EP, which doesn't deal any more cuz no drop in Spirit Ceiling while out of armor.)
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 4/50

Status = Huuungry liike the woooolf.
Perception: Success

After she first approached the delicate farmgirl, Augustina noticed her breathing deepen and her eyes dilate as she got closer, pheromones obviously working on the woman. When the half-demoness was within arm's reach, Mary swallowed nervously - though, it was difficult to tell if her nerves were born of attraction, or simply being unused to being nude before strangers.

"Accidents? ...I suppose I must be blessed, milady. Not only because I am so privileged to meet such a person as yourself, but I can answer your question with an honest 'no'..."

She looked down docilely when Augustina approached her, pressing her arms tighter over her private parts as she waited for the demoness to continue. After she managed to recompose herself and began tending to the girl, Augustina was unable to feel anything especially wrong that she needed to repair in the girl's body - there were no little fragments of bullets or splinters sealed beneath her skin after it had been repaired by her earlier healing, and the bruising from her tumble off the wagon - already righted by Augustina's earlier tending - had not resurfaced to plague her. Even as she washed her magic through her, relatively few old hurts or injuries really seemed to draw upon her offer of healing.

Fighting down her immense and voracious urges after she finished her healing spell on the farmer's daughter, Augustina quickly suggested that they rejoin the group downstairs. The farmer's daughter quietly nodded, turned, and bent to pick up her clothing - her hips and rear practically presented to the half-demoness. For the briefest moment and out of the corner of her eye, Augustina saw what looked like Mary's lips crease downwards into a small frown, before she turned away to gather her clothing... but before she could meditate more than a few moments on it, a quiet voice made itself known to Augustina's ear.

Mary spoke aloud the half-demonesses' name, still turned away - clothing clutched to her chest. "Milady Augustina..."

There was a pregnant pause of silence, finally broken when Mary put her clothing back down and turned, hands still covering her precious places, where few else were likely to have ever seen. "...Milady Augustina, surely you did not mean that? That my simple life - tending animals and fields, mending fences and torn clothes - is at all as perilous as your own? I cannot imagine such a thing to be true, if yours is one where mace and armor are to you as plow and basin are to me. And yet, you expend yourself, on my behalf..." Mary stepped forward, and took Augustina's hand in her grasp, bringing it up as she clasped the paladin's fingers with both of her hands. "You are a brave, valiant hero, Milady Augustina - in this cruel world, where who once protected us, prey on us, and where terrible monsters come from the sky to eradicate everything, you are a bulwark against everything that isn't right."

Mary gently wrung Augustina's hand. "...If I may be so bold... I saw milady... staring, earlier... Please, let me ask again. Is there anything, I could offer you... in recompense?"
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina's face fell at Mary's words, her face paling even though her cheeks flushed as arousal flooded her system. The girl's hands were warm and comforting, but her words, her offer... They cut her right to the core. Wanton desire, beyond her own hunger surged not just from her loins but from her heart, as the human girl offered herself in full, earnestly, without even being exposed in full to her pheromones. Mary's voice was not one of a lust starved woman, and her soft touch most certainly wasn't a demand for personal pleasure. "Mary..." she said, her voice a soft whisper as tears threatened to spill from the normally stalwart woman's eyes.

Badarian culture was notoriously intolerant of deviancy, particularly among their women. Those who lived out in the rural areas were generally even more intolerant, but here was Mary, a girl raised on a farm, offering herself to another woman that she had only just met. Saved her life or no, that took courage, and Augustina felt a swell of immense respect for the woman, something that only made her desire the girl more. The images of taking Mary and gobbling her up changed, becoming more affectionate, tender... And Augustina felt the rush of desire growing by the second. She wanted Mary now, hard... Perhaps harder than she'd ever wanted another person before, and while she wasn't so romantic that she would have said that she loved the girl already, she definitely felt more intensely for her than she had for any of her previous lovers.

A moment of panic threatened to steal over her as she realized that, unlike her other prospective partner for the night Hugo, the girl would be around her for an extended period, and would be lucid enough during to recognize her unnatural features... Perhaps even notice the drain upon her essence, but that panic never truly struck. Instead, a sense of peace came over her, and Augustina knew that she couldn't deny what she was going to do. But first, she had to show Mary the same honesty that the farm girl had shown to her... Even if it would result in her refusal of Augustina, or her report of the knight's unusual heritage to the authorities, Augustina owed it to her to be fully up front with her.

Slowly, Augustina nodded her head as a nervous smile came over her face. "Mary... I have to be honest with you. Yes... There is... Something. But, before I can let you agree to... That... There is something that you have to know about me." Slowly, Augustina's tail unwound from around her, and her robe slowly fell open, exposing most of her own nudity to the other woman. She released Mary's hand, allowing her robe to slide fully off of her form and down to the floor while her tail slowly flitted around behind her. "I am only half human," Augustina stated gravely, "And my other half... My demon half, has left me unable to survive without feeding on the souls of others. You wouldn't be harmed, this much I swear on my life to you! But... You would be left tired, exhausted even, and might pass out completely when we... Finish." With that Augustina fell silent, waiting for the peasant girl's response even as every fiber of her longed to stride forward and embrace the brave young woman.
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 4/50

Status = Huuungry liike the woooolf.

Perception: Success

The farmgirl's eyes went wide as Augustina's belt pulled out from her waist and unwound of it's own volition... spade-tip and mobility revealing it to not be what she thought it was at all. The girl stepped took a step back, and for a brief moment, Augustina thought she might flee - but she didn't. With her gown now hanging loose and open, it seemed... it seemed Mary, after the initial shock of seeing Augustina's infernal tail, had nevertheless started to run her eyes up and down the half-demon's nude body. The girl swallowed hard, and it was difficult to tell, but-

"F-f... for as long as history remembers, demons have invaded our world to do terrible, horrible things..." Mary started, interrupting Augustina's thoughts. "Tainting the land and creatures... seeking humanity's fall and destruction... enslaving the people unlucky enough to face them... a-and not fortunate enough to... to die... truly horrible things..."

Suddenly, she stepped forward, and took Augustina's hand.

"But..." she whispered, looking up into Augustina's eyes.

"...I don't think Milady Augustina would ever do any such things..." she said to the paladin, before slowly twirling to wrap herself in Augustina's arms, facing outward. "If Milady tells me I won't be harmed, then I... I have every confidence... more than if all of Lord Burke and his men stood to protect me... that I'll not be harmed."

The farmgirl turned in Augustina's arms, and reached back to undo her bun, letting her hair fall free to her shoulderblades, and pressed against Augustina, modest chest squishing against the half-demon. "I... I hope I'm not being too forward, Milady, but just being near you, I-I find myself..." The girl looked away, flushed red with embarassment and biting her lip, reluctant to continue. "I-I find myself... a-aching... for you..."

"I hope you don't think me some... some despicable whore, Milady... but, thinking some one as brave, and valiant, and beautiful as you, taking interest in someone as common as I... ...P-please, when was the last time you a-ate? Let me feed you... make of me a feast, and indulge yourself..."

Mary's expression, before she had started to speak, had looked to be but a tiny grin of the briefest sort, one Augustina might not have noticed. But she had. The expression on Mary's face had not been of disgust, or fear, or hate - but of excitement.

"I... I've never lain with anyone before... least of all, another woman..."
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina remained completely passive under Mary's investigation of her revealed body, her face set impassively as she awaited the woman's verdict on the revelation of her inhuman heritage. Her initial statement caused the knight's heart to drop into the pit of her stomach, expecting but immediately accepting outright refusal from her after those opening words... Only for a soft but heartfelt smile to creep across her lips as Mary stepped forward and gripped her hand, her heart soaring as the girl went on. Her arms wrapped around the nude young woman reflexively as she twirled into her embrace, the mere presence of the woman to whom she knew she was about to make lover nearly driving Augustina mad, but still she held herself back. Much as her hunger might urge her to allow her hands to roam and her lips to start planting kisses against her neck, to edge the girl towards real arousal immediately and start to sate her inner beast, all that she did as the girl continued to make her feelings known was cradle Mary in her arms affectionately and allow her to say her peace.

The sudden urge to silence Mary with a kiss, displaying the rising affection that she felt for her by way of touch, was fought down by Augustina's stubborn will as the girl turned in her arms, though the knight did allow her fingers to brush against the younger woman's unblemished skin as she spun. The tips of Augustina's breasts were hard against her skin, her own modest chest pancaking against Mary's while her arms settled around the girl's waist, holding her close. Every part of Augustina wanted to simply give in, to taste the girl in flesh and spirit right then and there, but still she resisted, waiting and biding her time. As Mary looked away, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment rather than arousal, Augustina leaned in and lightly touched her nose to Mary's, gently bringing her head back straight so that their eyes would remain focused on each other.

"I would never think you a whore, Mary... Not after this. Your lust is as much inspired by my heritage as it is by you... I emit a scent, one that's undetectable but causes those around me to become attracted to me..." she explained simply, using the distraction provided by her need to concentrate to fortify her own will against her lust. It was growing harder and harder for her to keep a clear head the longer she held herself back, but she wanted to make Mary feel comfortable with her throughout, and doing some of the things that she was imagining just then would likely only frighten her despite the courage she'd shown so far.

Moments later, Augustina had been about to answer the time question when Mary made her offer, and the beast in her breast jumped at the chance before she could stop it. A low whimper escaped her throat as her lips lunged forward and pressed hungrily against Mary's, silencing her before she could admit to being virgin and showing the girl exactly where her excitement was about to take her. The knight's tongue flicked out as Augustina naturally established dominance in the kiss, leading Mary's in a dance that lasted for several long moments. As their lips and tongues joined, Augustina's hands roamed over the other woman's supple body, exploring her in a manner that was more lewd than the romantic manner in which the girl had offered herself to the energy-starved succubus.

With an effort of supreme will, Augustina tore herself away after only a few moments. Her breathing was heavy, labored, her chest heaving as it pressed against Mary's, and her eyes were wide and heavily dilated. Wordlessly, she led Mary to the room's single bed and laid the girl down onto it on her back, slipped fully out of her robe, and climbed slowly on top of her. Augustina couldn't hold herself back any longer, and as she crawled on top of Mary her mouth went exploring, tasting her way up the girl's body starting at her thigh. Nibbles and kisses and tiny suckles traveled upwards, coming dangerously close to the young woman's flower but passing it by untouched, instead trailing up her hip and nibbling along the soft flesh before trailing up her belly. A half-circle made its way around the girl's belly-button as Augustina began to crawl forward, her tail dancing back and forth in the air above and behind her, and slowly her mouth traveled up Mary's body until she reached the curve of one of her modest breasts. On hands and knees over the girl, Augustina paused and slowed her ascent as she climbed the soft mound of flesh, her eyes looking up at Mary's face as she reached the no-doubt erect tip, where her tongue got its first opportunity to really come into play.

As her lips sealed over one of Mary's nipples, her tongue flicked out against the sensitive nub of flesh and then coiled around it, and for a few moments she simply nursed there, holding herself up via her legs which had moved to either side of the girl's body while her hands smoothed up and down Mary's sides. Too much stimulation on one spot could quickly turn pleasure into pain, however, and so she released the tip of Mary's breast and moved to the other one, giving it a similar treatment in due course. She'd begun to feed, that much she could feel all too clearly. Her soul sung even as it began to feast upon Mary's, portions of her essence being stolen away a piece at a time while every physical sensation was magnified by her draining, but Augustina worked to temper it as much as she could under the circumstances. She wanted Mary to enjoy herself, to feel intimate and safe and pleasured throughout their coupling, and so she had to keep from draining the poor thing dry all at once.

Parting from her breasts, Augustina kissed her way up Mary's chest, over her call, and then up her neck, where she paused to give the sensitive skin there a few light nips, before going up over her chin to claim the farmer's mouth once again. As her tongue flicked out into Mary's mouth once again, her hands came up and continued what her mouth had started on the girl's chest, lightly rubbing and groping while her tail slowly descended towards the girl's sex.... But then, just before the spaded-tip could reach those virgin petals, Augustina stopped and gently pulled her mouth away from Mary's. "Have you pleasured yourself before, Mary?" she cooed softly, looking into the other woman's eyes with unmitigated desire as her tail hovered just out of reach of the girl's flower.
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 10/50

Status = Not too shabby.

"I- mmhn!"

The farmgirl was cut off as Augustina's half-starved lust finally got the better of her, and she dove down upon the girl's mouth like a hawk. Taken by surprise, Mary tried to pull away at first - but quickly caught herself, and pushed back into the half-demon's kiss. She proved to be very inexperienced... but a quick learner, and very eager. She followed Augustina's lead, tasting the woman she had just invited to eat her up... and when Augustina began to explore her newest lover's body, she found her lover was quick to reciprocate - though, only one hand roamed over Augustina's stunning form, the other slipping around her back, to slide up to hold Augustina's neck from behind, that she could return Augustina's lustful kiss as best she could.

The paladin saw Mary's lips follow her's as she pulled away. She obviously yearned for more of them, and was just as breathless as the paladin was... though she still looked up at Augustina demurely, waiting for the more experienced woman guide her through their coupling. In short order, she was on the bed, gazing up at her savior, a look of need reflected in her eyes. Despite her willingness, she still placed a hand over one of her pink nipples, the other covering her downy slit as she crossed her legs ever so slightly. "Wh-what are you going to do with me?" she asked, running her tongue over her lips, face bright red with arousal and excitement.
Wah! What are we going to do on the bed?
The ravenous succubus descended upon her once again, and slowly trailed kisses and licks up Mary's leg... pried apart with little resistance. Augustina tasted salt... sweat from the day, brought forth from the sun and from the panic caused by the battle earlier. After a tiny initial gasp, Mary started to coo, Augustina's teasing causing her to squirm as she made her way up. Mary removed her hand when Augustina started to near her cleft... and when she passed by her nethers without touching them, the farmer let out a needy moan, wishing for the half-demon's experienced tongue on her flower, already beaded with the physical manifestation of her arousal.

When the paladin neared the girl's breasts, however, rather than chance Augustina passing by once again, she reached to cradle her head. "Please..." she begged. Augustina happily obliged her, taking her nipple in her mouth... causing Mary to moan out in contentment, as the sensitive tip of her breast was attended to. Combined with erotic sensation of her soul being slowly siphoned away, Mary started to squirm and arch her back under Augustina's care, and her breathing started to grow ragged and labored once again. The farmgirl gasped for air in-between sensations of pleasure, her free hand clenching at the bedsheets, and both the feelings causing her so much delight only grew more and more intense as Augustina went on. Eventually, the hand behind Augustina's head disappeared, as the farmer brought it up to cover her mouth, to conceal the growing lewd sounds Augustina's techniques had started to dredge up from her.

Once Augustina moved on, Mary seemed to calm down a little bit... though she was obviously still very willing, able, and even more eager than she had been before. As the joined lips once more, before she could bring her tail to bear, Mary began stroking it's base, just above her rear...

When Augustina asked her question, the girl's bashful expression returned just a bit, and she blushed as she nodded her head, looking down and breaking eye contact a moment... before looking back up. "O-only once... in a haystack in the barn, one night... but, someone came to look for me before I could... f-finish," she explained.

Suddenly, Mary wrapped herself around Augustina - arms moving to embrace her, while her legs wrapped around Augustina's hips. "I-I've never lain with anyone, either... please... Milady, please by my first..." Pomf =3
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Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Mary's reactions to the knight's efforts to pleasure her, and her response to her question about pleasuring herself, both only served to broaden Augustina's smile. "You can touch me," she cooed softly, "Do it like you did to yourself... Don't be afraid, I'll tell you if you do something wrong~" When the girl suddenly wrapped her limbs around her, Augustina gave a soft coo and leaned in to press her nose against Mary's, "I would love to be your first, Mary~"

Kissing Mary fully on the lips once more, Augustina's hand slowly trailed down her front, moving steadily towards her virgin flower. Exploring Mary's mouth with her tongue, Augustina slipped two fingers over the farm girl's sex when she reached it, running them over her clit and her petals slowly and sensually. Any pleasure that Mary felt from her touch was amplified heavily as she began feeding on the girl's spirit, her soul singing with pleasure as it started to fill with energy once again, and the more she absorbed the more energetic Augustina's soft rubbing got. The paladin made an effort to slow her feeding despite her massive hunger, however, as she wanted Mary to enjoy herself as much as she could for her first time.

Soon enough, however, Augustina's teasing ended, and she slowly parted Mary's petals with her fingers as her tail slithered down between them. Momentarily breaking the kiss, Augustina looked into Mary's eyes as she breathlessly whispered; "The first time can be painful, but I'll be gentle." Kissing Mary deeply and passionately again, the spade tip of Augustina's tail teased against her entrance for several long moments while her fingers rubbed over Mary's clitoris, wetting her tail on the girl's juices and providing as much stimulation as she could so as to prepare her for what was to come. Once Augustina felt that she was sufficiently ready, the knight's tail slowly folded inwards and started pressing into Mary with almost agonizing slowness.

Her appendage wasn't particularly thick even around the head, at least not when the spade was folded inwards, but Augustina was true to her word and remained slow and gentle throughout, also continuing her steady strumming of the girl's clitoris. She pushed herself deep into Mary, writhing all the way and seeking out the places where she was most sensitive, finding and mentally marking them by the flow of the girl's energy. Through her hymen and all the way she went, until the tip of Augustina's tail brushed against Mary's cervix. It brought her no real physical pleasure of her own, having her tail embedded inside of Mary's clenching love tunnel, but Augustina enjoyed it all the same, both from the energy she received and from the sheer joy of bringing pleasure to another, but despite her softness she pulled back from the kiss again once she'd fully impaled Mary, looking at the young woman to test her reaction. If she wasn't in any obvious pain, Augustina wouldn't need any more than that, and would start to pump her tail into Mary with the same slowness and gentleness after reclaiming her lips, hitting all of the girl's sensitive spots and searching continuously for more. Don't you pomf me! D:<
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 22/50

Status = Not too shabby.

The girl flushed deeper when she was given permission to touch the half-demoness straddling her, whom she evidently so respected, in her most sacred of places. She swallowed, responding merely with a "Y-yes," shaky with anticipation. Augustina felt one leg unwrap as one hand slid from her back to run down her body to the cleft between her legs. The farmgirl started to run two fingers up and down Augustina's entrance - but moved her arm, more than her digits themselves, grinding her palm against the rest of the paladin's sex, thumb joint rubbing against her sensitive clit.

Her movements got a little shaky as Augustina continued her ministrations, the experienced woman's touch hard for her to deal with. Nevertheless, the farmgirl kept at her, and when her fingers were slickened with the half-demon's juices, Augustina felt her hand stop - except for her fingers, which started to gently press against Augustina's slit, rubbing up and down.

Shortly thereafter Augustina brought her tail into play, and the farmgirl's eyes widened. The only response Augustina got from her was a nod... and more pressure on her own nethers, as Mary finally pushed into her. The girl put them in slowly, still unsure how this was supposed to work, as Augustina wet her tail, and Augustina felt her gasp several times as they kissed. When Augustina had the girl's fingers inside her a few inches, Mary started to move - opening like scissors, and then closing; one lifting, the other pressing down, or one retracting, while the other stretched out as best it could.

She panted, harder and harder as Augustina's tail disappeared inside her, but when the paladin's tail hit the girl's G-spot, she jumped a bit, like a jolt had gone up her spine. Quickly after that, her fingers inside Augustina curled, and started searching for what the paladin had hit that made her feel so good. She found it shortly, and started to rub her sensitive spot relentlessly - even using her hand and wrist to brush against her sensitive outer button as well, when she could.

Mary was burning with arousal as Augustina's writhing tail stimulated her sensitive places, and Augustina was rewarded not only with the soul energy to continue sustaining herself, but carnal pleasure of her own, as well. Soon, she ran into the girl's virginity, however. The fingers on her inner button stopped, but did not withdraw, as she held Augustina close with her other hand to brace herself for the paladin's penetration into her deepest parts... which didn't seem to be all that traumatic for the girl, judging by the small "Nnn..." that she moaned that was her sol utterance when Augustina pushed through. Were she to look back, Augustina would see some red start to mix on their sheets, but Mary quickly returned to diddling her inner walls as the tail continued on in it's journey.

When the demonic appendage hilted itself, Augustina heard another small "Nn-!" this time sharper than the last. She would look down to see the farmgirl's skin flushed and red, and her eyes unfocused, panting as she laid beneath Augustina. Her eyebrows were arched, almost as if she were in distress... but if Augustina tried to pull out, she would hear Mary's voice whisper out "No,", and feel the hand around her back circle around to grab it before it pulled out completely.

"It f-feels... so good, to be filled up b-by you, m-milady... so deep... pl-please, indulge me a little more..."
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Mary's attentions, despite her professed inexperience, had Augustina moaning softly and squirming against her partner's fingers. Even if she hadn't already been aroused by her supernatural hunger, the paladin would have greatly enjoyed the young woman's attentions all on their own, and when Mary started grinding her palm against her sensitive clit, Augustina gasped and shuddered over her with pleasure. The harder Mary pressed her fingers against her slit, the more Augustina would push against them, actively encouraging her to slip into her depths, and when her partner finally fulfilled that desire Augustina gave a long, low moan and gripped her hips more tightly around Mary's sides.

Augustina began to roll her hips lightly onto the farm girl's fingers immediately, making tiny motions that ground her sex onto the other woman's fingers, steadily driving them deeper and deeper. That only lasted until Mary suddenly started pulling her fingers apart while buried inside of the knight's pussy, causing her to moan and momentarily freeze, though that lasted for only a few heartbeats before Augustina began to grind herself onto Mary's hand with greater ferocity. When the farm girl found her sweet spot and started attacking it as mercilessly as she was doing in return with her tail, Augustina let out another moan that was bit higher and a bit shorter, but the sudden clenching of her sex and the way in which she pushed herself onto Mary's fingers was the clearest confirmation that Augustina could give under the circumstances. The surprisingly impressive display of carnal skill on Mary's part, the the energy that she was drawing from the girl's spirit, and her partner's delightful reactions to her own touch all served to drive the knight into a state of deep, passionate, primal lust.

Even so, the knight remembered that she was dealing with a virgin, particularly when she saw the red mixing into the sheets behind them, and she didn't allow her motions to become any rougher than they were. The look of distress upon the girl's face, or at least what she perceived as such, caused her to whimper sympathetically and slowly start to withdraw her tail, but the farm girl's reaction caused her to pause again. "I would indulge you for as long as you want, Mary~" She whispered softly, and then biting her lip and smiling, Augustina spread her arms and lightly lowered herself down onto Mary, pressing her modest breasts against those of the girl underneath her and dipping her head down to give her a long, passionate kiss that the paladin only broke in brief intervals to allow each of them a moment to breath.

Augustina's tail plunged into the girl's depths with ever increasing speed and power, but she only touched the deepest recesses of her partner every once in a while, instead concentrating on writhing against the most sensitive places against Mary's inner walls. The flow of energy and the reactions of Mary's body were her guide, and Augustina did her utmost to provide as much pleasure as possible now that they were in the thick of it. She could feel her own climax coming on far more quickly than she'd imagined it would, but that didn't disrupt her concentration in the slightest. If anything, it made her more enthusiastic in her efforts to provide the same sensations to her lover. It also made it more difficult for Augustina to restrain her feeding, however, and try as she might, Augustina felt herself starting to drain Mary more hungrily as their session reached towards it apex.

The longer their lovemaking went on, the more passionate Augustina's kisses became, and the faster her tail moved as it worked itself into Mary's womanhood. After a while the tip of her tail slowly unfolded, expanding into the girl's sex and allowing her to stimulate her even more, and then Augustina's pace evened out and remained steady for a time, one in which she would simply enjoy herself while allowing Mary to do the same.

And then, what could have been hours or seconds later, Augustina felt the knot of pressure that had been winding up inside of her from Mary's touch suddenly burst. Breaking the kiss suddenly, Augustina looked down at Mary with wide eyes that emitted a soft crimson light and said, in a desperate whisper; "Mm... Mary, don't stop!" Her body tensed and began to shudder lightly, but those were only the warning signs of what was to come. Only a few seconds later the paladin tensed again, and her shudders turned into quakes as every muscle in her body started to spasm uncontrollably. That included the muscles in her tail, which began to piston into Mary furiously and continued to do so throughout Augustina's long, thoroughly satisfying orgasm. Pleasure surged through her entire body, and she squirmed against Mary's fingers and coated her hand in her excess love honey.
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 34/50

Status = Not too shabby.

Augustina noticed a tiny smile on the farmgirl's lips as she surprised Augustina with her surprisingly skillful touch. Each time Augustina rewarded her with her lust-filled moans and her spasms around her fingers as she tried to pleasure her in new ways, the reserved little farmgirl's grin broadened. "Im so happy I can bring you such pleasure, milady..."

However, as their tryst went on, the paladin noticed a familiar look of need creep into her lover's visage. That look disappeared for a moment as she felt herself touch the furthest extent of her inner tunnel. Augustina saw her build up desire, and then saw it disappear each time she hit against Mary's inner ring - and felt Mary's souls bleed out to feed her in a rush each time as well. The girl displayed barely any discomfort each time she thrust so deep, and clung to Augustina's tail as it pulled away from each contact...

Unfolding her tail proved somewhat difficult, as Mary clenched up as Augustina's tailhead expanded to fill even more of her, eyes going wide and breath catching in her throat as Augustina started. "M-milady..." she gasped, moaning. "Yesss... fill me..." The farmgirl clenched ever more around Augustina's devilish tail, now that it had expanded inside of her, and her fingers sped up, pressing more urgently against Augustina's sensitive spot, as if to keep pace, while her free hand pulled her heroine tighter into her embrace.

When Augustina's orgasm finally came, Mary looked momentarily befuddled when the knight pulled her lips away. The confusion quickly turned to realization, as the half-demon told her with a whisper from her lips above, and a squeeze from her lips below. "Yes... let me please you... let me make you feel good...!"

She didn't have much time to speak further - when Augustina's orgasm hit her and her tail began to plumb Mary's body with ecstatic abandon, the farmgirl was quickly driven to her own peak as well.

"Hah... ah... aah... aaahha... haaa- nnnnn!"

She clung to Augustina for dear life, legs flexing and hips rising off the mattress as Augustina penetrated her again and again. Ever discreet, Mary orgasm was a quiet one, moaning without opening her mouth, though by the unfocused look in her eyes, Augustina could tell she had come hard, and had been blessed with an amazing first time that she would most assuredly remember.

As their waves crested and slowly withdrew, it left Augustina collapsed against Mary in her rented room, whose arm was still around her, though her fingers had withdrawn, soaked with Augustina's girlcum. Beaded with the sweat of exertion and panting hard, the well-traveled paladin recovered first. They had almost assuredly been longer than the quick check Augustina had mentioned, and, while she looked undeniably happy, Mary seemed... faint, eyes still unfocused as they had been when Augustina brought her to the peak of her pleasure, though she wasn't writhing in ecstasy as an orgasm would likely entail...
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Purring contentedly, Augustina opened her eyes a few moments after coming down from her peak and smiled down at Mari, noting the distant look on the girl's face and recognizing it as one akin to one that had been heavily drained. The girl hadn't had the energy to fully restore the paladin, but Augustina still treasured the girl's precious gift all the same. Shifting to the farm girl's side to allow her more comfort, Augustina slowly pulled her tail from the girl's flower and lightly smoothed aside the girl's hair so that she could kiss her lightly on the forehead. "Thank you... For what you have shared with me, Mary," the knight whispered softly to her lover before planting another soft kiss onto her forehead. "You may stay with me for the night, if you like. I will tell the others that you were feeling faint after my examination, and that I allowed you the use of my bed for the evening. Are you feeling alright? Would you like some water?"
Re: GargantuaBlarg Test Thread

Augustina Carpenter!
Hit Points (HP): 63/65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 34/50

Status = Updated poorly

"I shared nothing that I would not yet possess were you not there to save me, milady," Mary replied, panting hazily. "Some water would be... most appreciated..."

As Augustina left the room to fetch her a mug (a pitcher was unavailable in her room, unfortunately - just as well, really, given that she might not know how long a pitcher in here would have stood alone and left unchanged), though, the girl's voice called out once more:


"I would... I would be honored, if you allowed me to accept your offer... and stay the night with you in your bed..."


Downstairs, the men that made up the rest of her acquaintances here in Kegrove turned to look at her as Augustina re-entered the inn's pub, noticing her in spite of the noise and rowdiness. With a genuine look of concern on his face, John called out as she neared the table; "'Ey! I thought ya said it was only gonna be a short looksee? Where's my sister, is she alright?"