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Slaughter House CYOA

Re: Slaughter House CYOA

Yeah : B :D !

(I have to assume that the 4acces69's nerco was useful)
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

Yeah : B :D !

(I have to assume that the 4acces69's nerco was useful)

No, I've been busy doing stuff, like taking care of my aunt after she had her thyroid removed.
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

No, I've been busy doing stuff, like taking care of my aunt after she had her thyroid removed.

Sorry to hear that, hope she recovers quickly.
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

B "Meh. You've killed me before, so it's not like it's anything new to me. I'll just wait until you get bored of it. Wanna go out for some coffee later?"
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

Gabe cries out and begs the succubus to stop the machine, "Yes! I'll become your slave! Just please, turn off this machine!"

The succubus smirks, and with a snap of her fingers, the machine stops and Gabe's bindings come undone, allowing the succubus to pick him up off the conveyor belt.

"I've got just the collar for this occasion."

The succubus grabbed a special collar engraved with demonic runes and snapped it around Gabe's neck. She then started looking Gabe up and down thoroughly.

"Hrm,... Something's missing... AHA! I've got it!"

The succubus chants an incantaion and Gabe cries out as he experiences a painful stretching pain on his lower spine and on his ears. And within a few seconds, Gabe had grown a cat tail and his ears had transformed to that of a cat's. Gabe starts to panic in confusion as to what happened.

"There, you look more like a pet now don't you, you filthy little slut. Now follow me."

Gabe only took a few steps before being kicked in the gut by the succubus's sharp, high-heeled shoes, forcing him backwards and onto the ground, clenching his belly in pain.

"I'm only going to tell you once! Pets walk on all fours! Understand?!"

Gabe quickly gets on all fours as fast he could and nods his head, flinching at the succubus's authority.

"Good. Now follow me."

The succubus led Gabe down a long, narrow, moldy, tiled hallway, with Gabe following on all fours like a beast. She eventually stops at one of the hatch-like doors and opens it, leading Gabe and herself inside. Inside was a large sturdy table covered in blood stains, next to which stood a panic stricken boy and girl, each standing there shivering and naked with their hands by their sides. They both appeared to be about 18 in age, white skin, and each had short brown hair.

"Now take your pick sweetie~.":

A. The boy.

B. The girl.

C. Other.
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Re: Slaughter House CYOA

B. Who knows what might happen ~
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

Edit: It suddenly occurs to me that Minerve is right... any chance of not being so precise with their ages?
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Re: Slaughter House CYOA

They both appeared to be about 16 in age, white skin, and each had short brown hair.

Just one thing : isn't illegal with kids ? In France, yes so i won't vote (and kids aren't funny actually ^^).
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

It depends on your ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, fantasy characters don't really have an age as they're not exactly real.

If this sort of thing was really a problem, wouldn't watching murder/death/torture on TV/movies also be reprehensible? Why would imaginary age make imaginary suffering any better/worse? A fictional character can only suffer pains a writer inflicts on it, and thinking you can/wanting to "save" a fictional character from their own writer by preventing this sort of thing being written is... well what to call it other than insane?

This might be unpleasant to read for some, contains mention of extreme guro, also keep in mind none of this is directed to anyone in particular.
If you get off on stories of 4 year old girls getting their guts fucked out by some psychopath, by all means, as long as you keep fiction and reality separate.
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

I was talking about legacy, rights, laws and all these bullshits ^_^ ! "Lolicon" and things like that are forbidden in all countries (rights of the children are for everyone and everywhere, fortunately).

However, what you're saying is not stupid at all : why people watch violent movies ? Because there was a time where war and battles were for everyone : the "Colisée" (maybe Coliseum in English, no ?) existed and people loved that, watching some fighters killing, murdering, fighting for their lives. There was blood and fools - people - loved that. Now, there ain't any kind of real arena like that, instead of this real violence, we invented something worst : the TV and the violent movies. It's the same with the porno and by such, the mangas : it's for those who fears to go seeing the hookers or doing stupid things.

If you want to know more 'bout this kind of behaviour, look for the story of the Michale Haneke's movie, Funny games.
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

Edit: It suddenly occurs to me that Minerve is right... any chance of not being so precise with their ages?

Just one thing : isn't illegal with kids ? In France, yes so i won't vote (and kids aren't funny actually ^^).

It depends on your ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, fantasy characters don't really have an age as they're not exactly real.

If this sort of thing was really a problem, wouldn't watching murder/death/torture on TV/movies also be reprehensible? Why would imaginary age make imaginary suffering any better/worse? A fictional character can only suffer pains a writer inflicts on it, and thinking you can/wanting to "save" a fictional character from their own writer by preventing this sort of thing being written is... well what to call it other than insane?

This might be unpleasant to read for some, contains mention of extreme guro, also keep in mind none of this is directed to anyone in particular.
If you get off on stories of 4 year old girls getting their guts fucked out by some psychopath, by all means, as long as you keep fiction and reality separate.

I was talking about legacy, rights, laws and all these bullshits ^_^ ! "Lolicon" and things like that are forbidden in all countries (rights of the children are for everyone and everywhere, fortunately).

However, what you're saying is not stupid at all : why people watch violent movies ? Because there was a time where war and battles were for everyone : the "Colisée" (maybe Coliseum in English, no ?) existed and people loved that, watching some fighters killing, murdering, fighting for their lives. There was blood and fools - people - loved that. Now, there ain't any kind of real arena like that, instead of this real violence, we invented something worst : the TV and the violent movies. It's the same with the porno and by such, the mangas : it's for those who fears to go seeing the hookers or doing stupid things.

If you want to know more 'bout this kind of behaviour, look for the story of the Michale Haneke's movie, Funny games.

Sorry, I meant to type 18. I get my 6's and 8's confused sometimes.
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

Alrighty, back to C Ask her what we should choose. It's doubtful that she'll give us our first choice anyway.
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

Gabe nervously raises his arm to point at the girl. The succubus smiles as the girl's eyes light up in sheer terror as she escorts the boy out, wholet out a sigh of relief as he left. Upon her return she claps her hands and calls out to the doorway, "Oh, Hans~."

In through the dooray, entered a large, muscular man wearing a large gimp mask made of thick hardened steel. His manner of dress repressented that of a typical horror movie butcher. In his glove-covered hands was a massive cleaver. The girl screamed as she begged and pleaded for her life and struggled as the succubus hoisted her up onto the table and strapped her down on her back. Once the girl was secured on he blood-stained table, the succubus stepped back to let Hans do his work. Gabe watches in terror as Hans raises his cleaver high into the air and brings it down with such incredible force to slice the girls waist into.

The sickening crack of the girls spine being severed and the girls ear-splitting screams of her fatality echo and play over in Gabe's head. He watched, completely mortified as Hans reached into the girl's open body and rips out her ovaries and paces them in a dog's food bowl. The succubus grabs the bowl and lays in at the ground at Gabe's feet.

"Dig in sweetheart~."

Gabe stood there, practically pale green and sick with disbelief, he was unsure of what to do.:

A. Eat the ovaries.

B. Refuse to eat.

C. "What... the fuck?!"

D. Other.

This post is dedicated to the user, Tiffanian.
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Re: Slaughter House CYOA

A, with a touch of C. It's not every day someone gets killed for you
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

What the fuck ? (No, it ain't my answer)

Anyway : C (now, it is ^^").
Re: Slaughter House CYOA

Definitely C. preceeded by a lot of D.) VOMIT!