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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Silvy was pleased to heard about how the elf will try to stay away of any possible danger in her way back to the great mistress's castle. Thanks Celine and sorry for dont be able to follow you, i needed baddly to sattle our needs. She said pointing than both beings at her were nearly out control at that moment.

Kyriel looks a little dissapointed to dont heard than they werent the bests but just one of the bests. I dunno if is the same for the succubi at your land but from ours ancestors we have a tradition to determinate our place at our family by some carnal meetings. There we can determinate who is the conqueror and the conquered, of course than we still have these kind of entertained events but are just for fun now and to just show who is the best, as we all serve to the great mistress. If i were you i would be proud of myself for make many succubi happy and sattled.

Kyriel looks most than happy than Celine had chosen the wolf girl and the unknown red head, she place her hand on the elven back and guide her outside once she was ready to leave Sorry, but i will guide you with them, it would be a shame if you get lost in these caves, who knows what could happen to someone so cute as you, well is not a mystery~ Kyriel said with a wink at the end and soon both started walking around the camp to find them.

The first to be found was the wolf girl, she was at the floor inside a tent resting with her weapon to a side of her hand ready to use her in any moment. She have a well used light armor than looks to be light and resistent to fight and run, She was mostly human, her tail and ears were the most noticiable sight of her heritage and her sharp nails looks to be really good to slice even the most raw meat. Her weapon was just a short sword than looks to dont be a knife or a usual two hands weapon, at her side there was a open backpack with bones and all were completely clean of meat, close there was a femur broken in half with a chew mark on it than has went deep inside to extrac the delicious marrow.

Many of us get sick after hunt some monsters, it was a wonderful moment filled with love among us. But some smart ones bring their lunch with them, so i would get close her with caution of dont make her think than you want her lunch bag.

Before try to talk to her, they notice what could be the second target, she was also sleeping peacefully at her tent and even when mostly all the soldiers were having some fun, working preparing all to leave or helpin in what they could, it was a little strange than her tent was a little far of the others soldiers, there was an imaginary circle of fifty feets between her and any other close tent or soldier. Celine also notice than there were a few persons who dont looks to be soldiers, frail girls who mostly were healing of sattling the soldiers's needs happily moaning with theirs slave collars buncing softly at theirs necks, the cum inisde them should be enough to had impregnated the few than already dont have a round belly on them, some of them were even used in some tents, as they sleep and it was rare than they were wearing any piece of cloth. This view was making the succubus needed and turn to Celine a few times before sigh a loud. I guess than i should take a time with all these snacks once i had ended my work, these girls cant have all the fun She then turn to Celine and pats her softly, maybe feeling something at her or remembering some of the talk about slavery. I know than is dangerous to bring a slave to the battlefield, but they were very worried for theirs masters, so they come to do what they could. We could had stop them, but if their master die they could put away theirs lives, there had been cases in others battles where they even die by sadness...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine noticed that Kyriel looked a bit disappointed at Celine saying what she did about succubi, and figured that it was what she'd said about them being some of the best lovers out there and not the best, which it was true in a sense that they were the best... it was what they were after all, demons or devils of lust, so of course they be the best at it all in all. Either way, Celine didn't say anything about it just yet and waited until they got out and were on their way across camp to find her two escorts before talking more.

"Hey... I meant no offense Kyriel, by the succubi were some of the best lovers out there, I meant it figuratively, not literally. As in there are other lovers out there that are great. Succubi are by far the best I've ever had Kyriel, and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better any, it's the honest to gods truth. The only ones that can compare are the great mistress and Triny, the mothers of my children, because I love them completely and utterly," Celine told Kyriel on the way to the wolf girl's tent, where they found her sleeping.

After hearing Kyriel's warning about not trying to wake her without first making sure to let her know quickly she wasn't after her lunch, Celine looked over and saw a tent a ways off from the rest where her second escort appeared to be sleeping as well. She wondered why she was so far off by herself, while also feeling a bit amused about the bones in the wolf girl's tent that she seemed to have been chewing on, but before she could ask Kyriel she looked around some more at the many slaves in this place as well, something she detested having to see, but for some reason this just looked... truly sad to her, more than usual. She listened to Kyriel talk about the girls here, and the more she spoke, the more Celine pitied them and hated slavery and the more it made her sick to her stomach to have to see it or even hear the word. She was going to say something quite hateful about the state of the slaves and just go off about it, but she held her tongue for the moment, for she couldn't take on a hundred soldiers or more alone.

"I... why are they broken enough to want to do this so much? None of these girls can want this willingly surely, not at first at least. I mean they look so frail, like they've barely had anything to eat in days," was all Celine said about it in a fairly low voice too, which was a helluva lot less than she'd wanted to say, but she knew when to keep her mouth shut.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Kyriel was not expecting this topic now or than Celine has noticed a little her disconfort. Oh so sweet! Dont worry, you havent offended me, Cely. Its good to heard your personal point of view and than you love too your lovers, but who know if it stay if you find one of ours powerful sisters in the future. Even i can try to pleasure you until let you unable to remember someone else... without succubi magic, of course The girl ended after giggle a little.

After find their team resting, the elven dont waste time and soon ask many things about the slaves.

Hmm, its rare to see a broken slave accepting to join the battlefield, ussually are races born in slavery, lovers and people who want to show than they could be more than a slave for theirs masters, these last are not so common. Anyway even if here is a broken slave that could be a burden and pain for the owner not only because he must stay ready to protect her of the other soldiers and foes.

About why some looks to had passed time without had eaten, it is a symptom of had given many times their energy to feed some soldiers, that is why they look at this in just one or two days even when we demand them to rest and eat as needed. You could ask to some of them if you still have doubts
Kyriel looks to be honest and still let the two girls sleep as much as they can.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine smiled at Kyriel when she spoke back up about possibly finding a powerful succubus lover to have one day maybe that would or could basically fuck her so silly she forgot Triny and Vanessa, because while she knew this was possible, she knew that unless they wanted Vanessa to have them tortured to death they would know what's good for them. She wished these people were more like the few demons and succubi and whatnot that lived in her homeland and were more caring. That was the big difference between them from the looks of it, the ones back home were more kind and caring and actually listened to the people around them so they didn't do what the ones around here seemed to not care about, which was making these slave girls addicted to the sex and giving them energy and whatnot so they couldn't think of anything else. Sure the girls back home that had sex with demons still sometimes turned out to be horny nymphos after a few years with a demon, but they weren't so addicted to sex with them or just sex in general that they couldn't be broken from it and said addiction gotten rid of.

After speaking her mind a slight bit about the slave girls in this place with the soldiers, Celine then listened to Kyriel's response quietly until she was through talking. Celine sighed softly after Kyriel was done, then looked away from the slave girls, unable to bear looking at them at the moment because of the way they looked.

"Still the same Kyriel, what if someone or something attacks the camp and everyone has to retreat in a hurry? Like really fast and all. I mean just look at them, those girls can't possibly run and keep up with the soldiers because of how frail they are, and if one of them gets grabbed she isn't going to be able to break free, again because of how frail and weak looking they are. And if her master really does love her in some way and tries to save her, then he'll just get picked off too trying to do so, it would happen one by one until there were too few soldiers left to guard everyone and it would just all fall apart in a minute. I mean I understand that this is the way here and all and how you've done it for a long time, but it's not efficient and not overly safe considering if you ask me, to the girls I mean more than anything. The soldiers know what they're getting into when they come out to fight, or they should anyway, because they're soldiers... it's what they do," Celine said in a whisper to Kyriel so none of the soldiers overheard her speaking to the succubus as she turned and went back to the wolf girl's tent to see about waking her up.


After her's and Kyriel's conversation was over about that, Celine would lean into the tent to see if the wolf girl spoke up, checking the pictures for names of the two girls she was going to be asking to escort her and all, or asking Kyriel what they were if the pictures didn't have them. She would call out the wolf girl's name and would softly tap the side of the tent a couple of times to see if that woke her. If it didn't wake her up, Celine would gently slip inside and get on her knees on the side of the wolf girl opposite of her bones and lunch and stuff, where she would gently shake the girl to wake her, calling her name in a respectful tone as she did so and using a Miss before her name.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I guess than you are right in that Cely. But if anything pass so easily ours ambushes, magic traps, spells, guards and army until reach our core before we have a plan to defend us, then i guess than even the faster slave in her best condition would not have any chance to run away or even manage something fighting for her life. The talk continue a little more as Kyriel suppose than Celine should know something more Our first plan was place our camp outside the cave, but we were losing a lot of soldiers against the creatures of this place when ours forces get inside to find the firsts of ours people taken by the dark creatures, then we find out than we were easily detected by them, so move our magic defended camp was the best choice.

When Celine take the papers to check theirs names she have some problems to find out the red head one. Qamra was the name of the green hair one and the other was named Kenneth. Please say to your master than all this food is mine and i will dont gift you any of it. The wolf girl said with a young and half awakened voice, she looks to had noticed Celine the enough to dont need to move her hand to her weapon and still dont turn at her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well hopefully all this will end soon and both our forces here and the dark creatures inside along with the humans in there can work together to fight the more feral monsters away from both our lands," Celine said to Kyriel before heading over to the wolf girl's tent.


After checking the girls names that she'd thought to ask if they wanted to go with her or not, or if they minded rather, she tapped on the wolf girl's tent to wake her. It didn't seem to take much in order to wake her either Celine saw. "Qamra isn't it? Well I'm not here for any of your food, I promise. I'm here to ask if you could help to escort me back to the great mistress's palace, I need to get there quickly in order to inform her of the situation, because we may be able to bring peace here, as I've met with the leader of the people within this place and she wishes to meet under a flag of truce to discuss terms," Celine told the wolf girl, bowing respectfully. "I was told that your people were very loyal to the great mistress and since you aren't demons you won't attract any of these monsters in here... and considering what you are I think you'd be a great help in doing so," Celine added, raising her head back up. She hoped that at least the wolf girl here would consent to escort her, because she would really like to have the help of someone that could sniff out any nearby monsters or enemies that were coming after them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The wolf girl take a moment to clean her eyes before turn to Celine, she remain in silence hearing all what the unknown girl have to say nodding before strech herself softly. Of course than i can make a escort mission, after all the sudden chaos made for the General's last orders i guess than my services here will be unneeded.

The wolf girl then focused on take the half bitted bone and easily break it to get some more meat from it. Be the way, what is your name servant? She ended to say mostly focused on eat

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well that's good to hear, that you'll be coming with me that is. My name is Celine, I'm one of the great mistress's personal servants that she sent into here to investigate these tunnels as much as I could to try and help bring peace between our forces and theirs," Celine replied to Qamra, looking curious about what she meant by the sudden chaos of the general's last orders. "What were the general's last orders that caused the chaos?" Celine went on to ask curiously as she waited for Qamra to get ready to leave, where she'd then head over to the other girl's tent over by herself to see if she'd come with her. If she didn't want to come with her though then Celine would go to find the succubus from the pictures to see if she minded coming along to help.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Its a pleasure to meet you Celine. However i must add than for me, all of us from the general to the slaves are her servants. Dont worry, im not so jealouse to heard than she calls you her personal servant. The wolf girl said softly smiling before make the bone meet her possible stress as her teeth bloke it as if it were just hard chocolate. She then shrugging her shoulder when Celine ask by the general's words.

You know, the ones about prepare to leave, some of us have relatives trapped here or missed on these battles. It was a huge pain dont continue our battles, as we were so close of them and their temple. The few girls found was not enough for some of our people, so they are wondering why the Gerenal suddenly have so much faith than we can reach a peace with these creatures. The wolf girl answer showing than the troops werent pleased with just retreat from a possible victory

Kyriel was completely lost looking the many couples or groups having fun, she want baddly to join them but as a succubi she will only make them get tired without she really sattle her needs, unless a huge load of soldiers get incapacitated for many hours. With Qamra having her lunch, Celine could see how was her second candidate. Kenneth was peacefully sleeping hugging an old pillow, even the floor around her looks to try to avoid place life or water around her, her tent and blankets looks to be of a different quality than of the usual soldiers have at their possesion and the elven could see a darkred dress armor on her

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well technically I'm her personal slave, I just prefer the term servant when I can get it. But that's beside the point really, and I understand that it's hard for some who may have friends or loved ones trapped inside those peoples homeland with the dark creatures, but if this works out then it would secure their release peacefully without the need to fight any further, and the great mistress ordered me into there if I could manage it to try and find a peaceful solution to this mess. I'm glad the general listened to me and stopped, because their goddess is within that temple and likely could have easily wiped out any attack on it I think, if she wanted to," Celine said to Qamra as the wolf girl gnawed on her bones she had, breaking one as easily as a little bar of chocolate or something.

With that, while Qamra began getting ready to come along, Celine went over to Kenneth's tent and pecked on the side of it to get her attention after seeing her a bit better now that she was up close. She wondered yet again why her tent was so far away from the others, and also why the floor around her looks all but devoid of life really.

"Um... miss Kenneth, I'm Celine, one of the great mistress's personal slaves whom she sent into here to investigate the people and the dark creatures within. I've done so and need to report back to her and need an escort, and was told that you might be able to help me back safely. Could you help me out? Because I need to get back quickly before battle breaks out again," Celine would say to Kenneth once she woke, with Celine reaching in to shake her shoulder if tapping the side of the tent didn't work.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The wolf girl was peacefully trying to get more meat from her bone when the elven woords made her nearly drown herself for a moment, she make some soft sounds before pass her food to her throad before turn back to her.

Our Great Mistress should trust to much on you for place such task on a personal slave, do you come here alone with the knowledge of what you could find? The curiosity on the soldier looks to has bloom, but Celine could sense many gazes on her from some tents on use. Whispers of "Lucky bast..," "why her?" "big headed" and similars were half missed between the moans of the many couples and ganbags inside the tents. Kyriel just roll her eyes a little after a little sigh of resignation.

Of course than all end there as she was under Vanessa's protection, so these words coming from the fans of their great mistress werent more than for show a interested idea among not only some succubi of trade their freedom for have her place.

The reaction of her second time calling her status was more quiet, yet she could feel many looks on her like when someone will make a big mistake. Kenneth just mumble and cuddle smiling at the first call so Celine get even closer, the earth at her feet was completely dry and the floor half break with each step, showing than this has been a not so old change. Once she get inside the tent it dont need too much time so she could feel herself tired and with a lot of fatigue, she notice the girl start to awake once she shake her and something holding her to pull her out before she fall sleep or more likely uncouncious.


A salty water make her choke as this tried to pass to her mouth, she was now some feets away of the tent and Kyriel was using a can to give her face a holy heavenly refresh, for some reason she have her lips a little dry. Im sorry Cely all happened so sudden. The succubi said worried a little but more likely smiling, maybe what happened was more a hillarious moment than a risk for her life, some giggles could be heard as she awake but these turn off and some girls from some races remain still at the entrance of the tents as others hide inside them.

The red head yawn and cleaned her eyes as she remain behind the succubi. Uhm... sorry girl, i was not expecting than someone would still try to get inside my space. So, i heard than you want to return to the castle, i will accept if we avoid the sudden hugs, is fine?

Yeah... we all will remember it now, Kenneth. Kyriel said a little disturbed and with her eyes half closed before put the papers on order. Miss "I need my space" is like a natural sorceres with some interesting spells, its not magic... but anyway she is new at our army and with Qamra who is like a huntress you should be fine, if you are fine with both i guess than all will be ready for your return, yet you could take someone else. The succubi half smile and move her tail around Celine, as she wait her answer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"W-Well I did come in with a bit of help, not much, butt we weren't meant to stand and fight on and on, more to sneak into the place as quickly as we could and avoid battle whenever we could," Celine said to Qamra when she looked all curious and whatnot at what Celine had said before.

She could hear the muttering from all around her, and knew that she'd have to start being a bit more careful about calling herself anything but slave, but she honestly didn't see the point in that really. Either way she went on to Kenneth's tent and tried to wake her up a minute or two afterwards. After tapping on Kenneth's tent a bit and moving inside to shake her shoulder a bit to wake her up since she didn't seem about to wake up otherwise, Celine felt a sudden wave of weariness wash over her, which she couldn't explain. Her mind barely made sense of it all as she lost consciousness, but she did notice that Kenneth was waking up thankfully at least.


When she woke back up, Celine began coughing badly as the taste of salty water passed through her lips and hit her tongue, and for some reason her lips were very dry. She looked around as Kyriel spoke to her and saw Kenneth sitting there rubbing her eyes, and she looked around and noticed several people giggling from their tents and she wondered what they were giggling about. It made her wonder what happened exactly, and what she might have done, and when Kenneth spoke up she wondered even more so what she'd done when she lost consciousness.

"Um... w-what happened exactly? I kind of just blacked out there. Did I do something weird by chance?" Celine asked while she lay there recovering. "And honestly if this is what Kenneth can do, I may not want to remain near her," Celine mumbled in her head to herself where the others couldn't hear her, thinking she may be better off with the succubus over Kenneth here if this would cause her many problems with getting back safely.

As Kyriel swished her tail around above Celine while she lay there, the young futanari elf reached up and gently took hold of it, caressing the long slender appendage and rubbing her cheek against it as she lay there. After doing this she raised back up, shaking her head a bit as she did so, hoping that she wasn't too exhausted from whatever had happened that it prevented her from heading on. "Do you cause this to happen to people often by chance Kenneth? Because if you do then I may not be able to bring you along with me, because I need to hurry and get back to the great mistress's palace and it'll be tough if I'm passing out and stuff I think," Celine said after raising up, stretching a bit to make sure her muscles weren't all stiff for when they set out.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine could notice Qamra full attention be placed on her, most rately obvious with her pointed ears turning direct at her than her long green hair cant manage to hide, her long fluffy tail remain quiet and her sharp eyes were making some soft moves to see more of the elf, for what it looks sometimes finding something new about Celine, as they explore her body. Of course, we werent expecting all this resistance too at our time here. Anyway, looks like you could need some time to rest before we leave, let me know when you are ready. The wolf girl said mostly maybe holding more questions than werent her bussiness.


Not really, i just as always placed a defense against sudden attacks when im resting. Answer Kenneth as if the elven question was so obvious to be answered. Kyriel softly whimper as she moistened Celine's forehead and lips using her perfect fingers with some of the water than she was holding. Poor Celly, but dont worry i pull you out and save you before something worse could happen. The succubi said loving to softly make Celine feels refleshed as her face needed some humity too. Soon the elven touch at her tail make Kyriel giggle and was close to pamper her more but when she looks than the elven wanted to get up, she placed the bucket with water at the floor and help Celone to get up, taking the chance to rub her body at her as she does it and coiling her tail at the elven hand. Of course than the succubi always find when Celine needed some space but stay at her side making her feel conforted with her delicious scent and sweet touches.

Kenneth soft shake her head and said I always place that trap around me just in case, so it has been a long time before someone has fallen on it.

Kyriel interrupt with a soft guity tone. Miss, its not needed to do that with our guards giving us a safe place to rest for a moment and if we need to leave quickly this spell will be counterproductive. I know than you are new, but you should trust more on our army. Right Ceelly? ended softly hugging the elven from the back.

The succubi words looks to had not been good received from Kennet but she tried to dont said anything unneded now. Look, i will try to stop of do it, its more an habit and it has been really useful before join the army. Im sorry if i had hurt you a moment ago, but i think than my powers could come to be of great help if we get attacked suddenly for some creatures at our way to the palace.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thank you Qamra, I appreciate your concern, because I may indeed rest for just a few minutes before we leave, but I need to hurry so I may inform the great mistress of the developments here, as the situation has changed and requires her personal attention," Celine said to Qamra before heading on, noticing the wolf girl staring at her an awful lot for some reason. "A-And what's the matter? Is there something on me?" Celine added, glancing down at herself before looking back up at Qamra and before heading on to try and wake Kenneth up.


"Well to be honest if I was going to attack you, then I probably would have just collapsed your tent down on top of you first, then stabbed you through it with one of my swords here. But that's neither here nor there really," Celine replied to Kenneth, accepting the water graciously that Kyriel was giving her. "Thanks Kyriel, glad you pulled me back. What did your spell or trap do to me exactly though Kenneth? I'm not angry or anything, just a little displeased that I'll need to rest a few minutes before we can leave is all," Celine added to the succubus and then Kenneth.

Celine giggled softly at Kyriel's rubbing against her from behind as she sat up, taking the opportunity to tickle Kyriel's tail a little as it coiled around her hand. "Don't worry Kyriel, I did promise some time together later for helping me earlier. I just need to rest first and inform the great mistress of the developments here. My reasoning for wanting to rest first and not just go there and tell her what all happened, and then you and I having a bit of fun is that I haven't slept much since we came in here earlier, and those monsters raped me earlier, then Silvy kind of drained me a good bit not too long ago. So when we have our fun, I'd like to go into it well rested so I'll be able to last more than a couple of times before I faint... so that we're able to make the most of our time and all. I mean regardless of when we actually get to have our fun you're not gonna stop until my poor cock goes completely limp, so I just want that to be well into our fun," Celine said to Kyriel with a smile as she got up and smelled Kyriel's sweet scent wafting into her nose, a scent that she enjoyed.

After she'd gotten up and re-hydrated and whatnot, Celine looked between the succubus and the... whatever Kenneth was supposed to be, and listened to the chatting back and forth while she stretched and moved around to make sure she wasn't all sluggish from whatever had happened to her earlier. "Oh I'm positive your powers will come in handy Kenneth... just please try and not direct them at me or Qamra okay, because I'm sure that even you would have trouble with several enemies at once all alone. You watch our backs and we'll watch yours. But I honestly don't expect much trouble on the way back myself, but that's just me. I'm gonna sit down for a few minutes and catch my breath after that and then we can go, meet me over at Qamra's tent and we'll head out from there, alright," Celine said to Kenneth, assuring her that she still intended on taking her with her and Qamra when they left shortly and to meet up when she was ready.

After that, Celine would head back over to Qamra's tent for the time being with her things, deciding on sitting in there with her while they waited for Kenneth to arrive. As soon a Kenneth was there, Celine would make sure that the two of them would get along well with one another before they left, wanting to ensure that they'd actually watch each others backs if it came to a fight. Once she'd rested a few minutes after that, Celine would tell them she was ready to head on whenever they were, and if they were she'd get up and prepare to leave, letting the two of them lead the way since they were her guides out of here after all.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Qamra just nodded, but looks to be dont concerned by anything so maybe she havent found anything wrong. Yes, i can notice some interesting things about you and scents on your body but it dont need our attention, as i suppose than you are free to talk about them with us if you think is needed, please dont pay attention and focus on prepare yourself for our trip.


Yes i know what you mean, i had lost many tents in that way. Kennet answer with a sigh mostly as she remember past times. Meanwhile Kyriel happily serve the drink to Celine, who in each drink she couldnt stop of drink more of the salty water.

Ehm... bassically it dry, melt or erode unknown objects and is not really an spell, but you could call it a trap than i learned to mastered after many years, but dont worry it would never really hurt someone if i remain in control.

You dont need to thank me Cely, we are friends after all and friends than would try to protect and give happiness to the other in any moment, but dont worry i will dont push you to something than you arent ready and or dont want to do now. The succubi interrupt cheerfully and cuddling before help the elven to get up

Celine soon continue her talk with the red head who rise up her hands at her head level before continue. As i said, i will try to dont hurt both of you by mistake, just try to dont hug me too much. Be the way who is this Qanra who are you talking, is her tent close here? Once she ended to say it, Celine could see a very deep gaze coming from Kyriel toward Kennet mostly trying to show what she could do if the elven get hurt, but this soon end when this jump to hug the elven once again and nuzzled on her. Qamra is the wolfy stalker girl behind us, close that tent. Pointed with her tail before roll it at Celine's hips and put the point inside her small undercloth, making a soft massage than soon make her member even more harder than has been lately.

Im looking all from my tent, is impossible to dont do it and hear all as i eat my lunch. Said between bites a little annoyed by the succubi words who was close to pass the line of insult her honor.

After ended their talk, Celine would go to rest a little on the wolf girl tent, but Kyriel would get inside first and then laid on the floor, as she smirk to the elven. I cant see any blanket here, so are you welcome to use me to make your rest more pleasant, Celly. Meanwhile Qamra was ending her lunch mostly calming herself of make some distance of the sudden pair inside her small tent, at the end they could lay inside, yet Kyriel was doing her best to please and cuddle her new friend, her soft skin was neither too cold or warm so Celine could enjoy it as much as she want. Time later Kennet would come and stay outside the tent, looking all from the outside, she nodded to the wolf girl and both look each other for a moment before she sit at the floor outside the tent.

So... when we will go? Kennet ended the silence, as she place her equipment on the floor. Qamra just shrung her shoulders and stop eating as she prepare a small bag and her equipment. Kyriel was making a soft coo to make Celine rest as much as she could close her as the two wait for her to be ready. Qamra looks to need to softly let her mouth opened and after a soft drink said to Celine. Im thinking than i will stay in front to detect anything and both of you can be ready to attack what we found. Kennet just said a small Sure and then turn to the elven, both looks to dont be so much talkative between each other.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Wait... melt and or erode objects? Oh gods it better not have damaged my swords or I'll have no way to fight any longer," Celine asked fearfully as she sat up and finished drinking the drink Kyriel was giving her. She quickly took out each of her swords after finishing her drink, her heirloom sword first as it was the most important, then her other two swords she'd gotten from within Blanche's peoples home.

After making sure they were okay, Celine listened as Kyriel explained to Kenneth who Qamra was, giggling softly and cooing as Kyriel's tail caressed her underneath her skirt and excited her member again, which she was amazed could even still stand after all of the sex it'd been through that day, what with the various monsters and Silvy. When they finished talking back and forth, Celine went on to Qamra's tent while Kenneth got her things together, where Kyriel followed her. Kyriel's words when they got inside Qamra's tent made Celine giggle a bit, and she decided to take her up on that offer, as she was a bit cold and figured she should rest for a little bit while she could. Celine laid down next to Kyriel and snuggled up to her for a bit. When Kenneth arrived and asked when they would be leaving, Celine looked out at her and nodded her head as Qamra said what she would do.

"Aye, I think it best for Qamra to be up front to sniff out any enemies that might be coming our way. But is there something between you two that I should know about? You don't seem to be too friendly towards one another, so if there's anything serious here I think I ought to know about it. Or would it be better if I chose the succubus Kyriel told me about or one of the others?" Celine said to the two, trying to find out what they had against one another before they left as she lay there, resting as much as she could. "And thank you Kyriel, I'm grateful for the warmth, but we must be going now. Maybe you could boast about me to the other succubi after our fun, that you were the first succubus here to get a taste of me," Celine said to Kyriel as she got up, winking at Kyriel as she did so while grabbing her swords and fixing her sheaths up for her weapons and preparing to go.

"Alright you two, I'm ready if you both are, so let's go," Celine told Qamra and Kenneth after her weapons were fixed onto her properly, where she'd follow Qamra's lead with Kenneth behind in the rear.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Ehm, yes that ussually happen to inanimated objects, but you werent too much time inside, so maybe all is fine. Kenneth said back, as Kyriel looks a little worried by how Celine react. Dont worry Cely, all must be fine with them. Of course than soon the elven take a moment to check her three swords, all looks normal but one of the shelters was a little struck on one of her swords, softly melted on the handgrip.

The talk soon ended and Celine moved to rest at the wolfgirl tent, there Kyriel was more than happy to warm her new friend, as they cuddle together. With her tail and wings helping her, she used her delicious soft body to make Celine feels as a baby, an unnatural feeling of safety and need to stay there invade the elven's mind, Celine dont sense any motive to stop Kyriel of explore her whole body in a slow motion, she was for this moment just a sleeping beauty doll than belongs completely to the succubi.

Fortunately Kyriel was not attempting anything bad for Celine, the peaceful moment without real freedom has just made Celine rest without any worry in a perfect embrance. Her senses returned completely once Kenneth come, yet the succubi small invasion looks like just lovely inocent rubs for the elven.

Its the first time than i see her, so i doubt than we have something really bethween us. Kenneth said a little bored by these sudden questions. Qamra meanwhile just shaked her head as she tried to refresh herself. We usually dont trust on someone new so easily, but i can pass it this time for our mission. Meanwhile Kyriel thigh hug the elven when this talk about take another succubi with her, maybe she was not so pleased with the idea.

But soon she release when Celine talk to her, leaving her go away when she feels ready. The succubi could not avoid to giggle and focus her seductive gaze on Celine before answer Sure Celly, but im sure than you will be the one bragging to all than im your BF (best fuck) in your whole life. Once she said it cheerfully, the three prepare to leave as Kyriel remain waving to them as she rermain at the floor.

With Qamra in front of them, Celine only needed to check behind from time to time, the path toward one of the exits was also secured by some guards but as they know maybe any of the girls, they leave them to continue. The tunnels were affecting the elven senses, they were too much and many were complete similar to others so it was hard to find out if they were leaving or walking on circles, there were some monsters but Qamra inform them at time to avoid being noticed, the were mostly moving to the first floors than the elven has found on her way here and soon she notice the now mostly common intersection than lead to the temple and the elevator at the distance. The path to the exit was a little blocked by two mosters wandering around, maybe the group could find a pass around them or just fight these two to have a direct pass to the exit, the creatures were a mushroom creature and a slime one, so they would maybe not be able to run to catch them if they choice another path.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I certainly hope so," was all Celine said as she checked her weapons, finding one of the other two she'd gotten earlier slightly damaged around the handle, but all in all they seemed in good condition other than that, she'd just have to use the other two swords until she could get the third repaired.

Celine let Kyriel pamper her a bit and just cuddled until it was time to leave, at which point she kissed her on the lips and got up and told her goodbye for now. "Well as long as I can rely on you two to not get into a fight with each other, then I guess it doesn't really matter. Just get me to the great mistress and I'll see that you're both rewarded somehow," Celine said to Qamra and Kenneth with a slightly tired smile, then she looked over at Kyriel when the succubus hugged her after she mentioned maybe taking the other succubus with her. "Oh don't be like that Kyriel, I'm sure that you won't be the only succubus that'll want a piece of me. And who knows maybe I will be saying that. I'll bet though that within a month or so I'll have been the conquest of several succubi, who'll be proud to have done so and will be boasting about it most likely, but I don't if they do or not," Celine then said to Kyriel with a giggle, pinching the succubus on the butt as she and the others got up to leave.


Heading on out with her two new companions/escorts, Celine followed Qamra's lead and nodded her head to the guards as they exited the camp and started out into the tunnels on their way out. These tunnels were still affecting her a bit and she was still quite tired from all of the day's events, so it was tough to really sense danger like she'd been able to before. When told by Qamra to avoid any monsters for now, Celine just nodded and continued following as silently as she could, crouching when need be and taking cover behind a corner or some rocks as well when need be. When they made their way to the main way out, Celine saw their path was blocked by a slime monster and another one of the mushroom like ones.

"What do we do now you two? Take them out or try and go around? I'd really like to not fight them right now if we can help it because I'm kind of in a hurry here, but if you two have any better ideas we might have to since that is the quickest way out," Celine whispered quietly to her companions, pointing at the two enemies ahead of them from a hiding place so the weren't seen.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Neither Qamra or Kenneth looks to be really interested in a reward and the wolf girl was the only one to nod of dont try to start any fight, as the red head just sigh and looks realy in need to start leaving soon. Kyriel still was licking her lips after the sudden elf's kiss and she even looks to want more of these, as she had returned it hungryly a moment ago when Celine show her appreciation for the cuddling.

I dont have any problem than my sisters pass a time with you Cely, as long as i remain as the first and best to do it to you, of course. Kyriel said mishievolous and with a cooing after feel the elven pitching her rear what she answer with a slide of her tail behind Celine's rear and a sudden naughty whip to make her moan and at the instant kiss her suddenly giving her a last lewd kiss before the group leave her and start their walk toward the exit.


We should be able to beat them easily in some minutes. Kennet answer, mostly ready to fight these things. I think than a path close that one could help us to find the exit without the need of fight, but is your choice Celine.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmhm, I've had succubi before as I told you earlier Kyriel, so it's hard to tell if one is better than another honestly. Would you be angry if I said that you were all the best at sex? All of the succubi I mean," Celine said to Kyriel as she got up and ready, giggling as she spoke. Then when Kyriel spanked her with her tail, Celine cooed softly and leaned into Kyriel's kiss, doing exactly as the succubus wished before she and the others went on their way.


"Yeah we probably can beat them fairly easily. Is there a path nearby that leads directly around them perhaps? Like a quick one I mean," Celine replied to her companions about fighting these two things. "If there's not then I'd say the best thing would be to take them out, fast and hard," Celine added, drawing her sword and preparing to fight unless the girls knew of a quick way around.