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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Ehm...thanks, that calm me... a little i suppose. Blanche answer back, not really wishing than her bad feeling were true. Slimy dont add more about Aisha, as maybe the odd succubus dont inform her about her secrets, even then if Celine could think as a succubi, she would understand how hard would be just focus on use the monster's energy, as this was just a snack at the side of a succulent humanoid or what must be the best of all a human male dick.

As they read after a while the messages at the wall, both girls turn to the elven. Eh? you cant read it? Its easy, here say than our main forces must take distance from the invaders until they get weakened...

These others are names inside heart symbols, it must be some kind of love charm spell. Slimy add confused yet in her serious tone.

Blanche giggle and shaked her head. Oh dear, is just graffiti and some young girls come with theirs guardians to do this in secret, its like a tradition to show theirs skills and love... also is a way to rebel a little at their teen age.

I had seen this in the whole temple over others symbols.

sigh... yes, this tradition damage our history... is like a little colateral damage. But they are just kids and nearly all has do it, even i do it with Lizzy before have some fun hidden of the temple guards... it made ours heart race as never and i lost track of the time as she take me there and then at a small passage just some feet's close the dinner room...sigh i could talk the whole day of what happened but we dont have the time. Blanche said daydreaming as they walk more.


Unfortunately the lovely moment at their memory ended as they reach what could be named a bloody battlefield, the huge chamber connect to some passages than could leave to anothers corpses or hidden creatures.

Yes, leave it to me, we can do this Gold team. Blanche add trying to cheer up her group after the terrible moment. I will do anything what i can to help you Celine, we will find a way to stop this conflict. Silvy looks to be ready for anythin than could happen as they take the small tunnel to where should be Vanessa's army.

With Blanche waving to them before take the path than will make her see her people, Celine and Silvy needed to walk a while. There were some blood at the walls and floor, the whole place looks to show a sudden retreat with only the small time to gether the wounded ones and dead bodies. After a while there was an opening, with some strange marks then the place looks to continue in a deep darkness and Celine could not see anything, the place made Silvy get on guard and there looks to dont be any clue of what could wait them there until suddenly Celine's necklance start to shine and suddenly all the seals and marks were banished making Celine and Silvy be able to see both of them at a hall getting surrounded by four soldiers who looks to be amazed by how their trap has been destroyed in just an instant. The archer ones put down theirs bows, another his sword and finally a mantled mage girl tried to take distance.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hearing what the spells were written on the walls made Celine look at them all curiously until she noticed the heart shapes drawn there with names inside of each of them. She then giggled a bit at Silvy's words about the heart shapes and her saying they must be love spells of some sort, because as soon as Blanche explained what they were Celine nodded and added that her people did similar things to show their love for each other at times. She was a bit worried at what Blanche went on to say though about that tradition damaging their history somewhat, but she was glad that Blanche seemed to have enjoyed stealing away with Lizzy to do this.

"I know we'll stop the fighting Blanche... all we have to do is believe that we can and get others to believe and this will end," Celine replied to Blanche before they went their separate ways for the time being, giving the human girl the thumbs up before going around the corner and out of sight.

As she and Silvy went through the caves, noticing the signs of battle and quick retreating, they came to an area where it became extremely dark to the point that Celine couldn't see despite her enhanced elven vision over that of a human, so she placed a hand on Silvy's shoulder to keep from bumping into the rocks or anything else. Just as she was starting to get a little scared about the darkness deeper in these caves, Celine's necklace began to shine out bright light that lit their way and the chamber they were in, where Celine noticed they were surrounded by a few soldiers of Vanessa's, all of whom were looking quite amazed at what had just happened, though Celine was just as amazed herself to say the least really.

Celine looked over at Slimy then to the soldiers around them. "Do you serve the great mistress Vanessa?" Celine asked in a strong and commanding tone, waiting for their answer before continuing. If they replied yes they were, then Celine would lower her sword and let out a soft sigh. "Good... I am Celine, her personal servant. She sent me into here some time ago to investigate the people that dwell within these tunnels and I have need to speak with her on this matter, but we must end this pointless fighting... now. How many soldiers are in these tunnels altogether? I have come back after seeing their home and their leader wishes peace if the great mistress desires it as well, which she already told me as much that she did. Recall all of our soldiers for now and stop all attacks on them, a delegation is being put together to meet with us," Celine went on to say, ordering the soldiers to cease their attacks on Blanche's people and preparing to await Blanche to come and seek her out, or to head on straight back to Vanessa to speak with her on these matters and ordering the soldiers to not attack Blanche or any of her people if and when she or they came out to begin the peace talks.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The two girls were still surrounded by the four soldiers and just one of the arches manage to nod in his surprise. They manage to heard all what Celine manage to say to them

Just hold there, we cant give any information about our army. The sword demon said.

Anyone as heard of her before? One of the arches ask. I think than i remember our Great mistress take her to walk at her fours with her others personal slaves some days ago. The archer who had nod before said looking to have problems remembering the elf as also smirk as he remember the naughty moment. The mage girl giggle softly trying to hide it and the others two look both girls with indecent eyes

Well, if she is her personal slave then we cant do anything to her, but how about that human? she must be a slave of these creatures. The other archer said getting more closer.

Wait, lets just chain them and take both to see the general, he would know if she is saying the truth.

Indeed, but we will had lost our chance to use the human. The swordswoman said, making the mage girl sigh. Im more interested in hear how she broke my lovely spells

Slimmy shrug and get slowly closer placing her hands on her back and making her breasts go up and bounce softly and seductively. Hi im Silvy, one of Celine's friends, a servant of our Great Mistress and i dont have any problem to let all play with me for a while, just please let her go as fast as possible to talk with the general and i will do my best to pleasure all the four of you, please~ Slimy said seductively and inocently trying to let the soldiers to supose than she was just a loyal sluty slave even better than Celine to please all of them and nearly given herself completely for that little favor.

Very well, lets take the personal slave to meet the general, said the swordsman to the archer to has remember all that little about Celine, maybe to avoid any punishment for let anyone go inside. The bowman have some shackles for Celine and she could agree to go there with her legs and arms secured by these, as also let Slimy with the guards unless she want to try to get a better treatment than could make her lost the time and maybe dont succeed.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Listening to the soldiers talk amongst each other kind of made Celine frustrated to say the least, and it annoyed her about the slavery here because that meant that none of these soldiers would listen to her easily just like last time, so she merely waited until they were through talking on up until Silvy offered herself to them so that Celine could go on to speak with this so called general. She was okay really with Silvy doing this, but she just didn't see the point because it was merely a waste of time for all of them and she hadn't the time to waste on this. "If you're okay with that then Silvy then alright, though having you there with me to help explain anything I miss would be helpful to say the least. It's up to you, because we need to hurry if we're to stop the fighting," Celine said to Silvy, turning her head to her for a moment before looking back tot he soldiers.

When the one came forward with the shackles, Celine raised an eyebrow at him, giving a questioning look at him. "And what are those for? If they're intended for me then you can forget it. The great mistress doesn't make me wear shackles, so unless it's by her orders I won't. Besides if we need to fight for some reason along the way I'll need to be able to move so that I can do so, and in shackles I won't be much help. Now take me to the general so we can end this pointless fighting once and for all, because I haven't the time to waste here when people are fighting and dying in here for no reason," Celine said to the soldier with the shackles, that she assumed had been intended for her, nodding for him to lead on. "It would be a great help also if I had my companion Silvy here with me, and she is one of the lady Aisha's companions you might say that was sent into here with me to help gain the information that our great mistress desires, not a slave of the creatures in this place," Celine added, trying to get Silvy through with her, because having her there to help would be useful.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Very well Celine, i was trying to make all this go faster and also have a little relief myself, but i can go with you if you think is better. Slimy said nodding yet looking to feel bad for past this chance to calm her body needs.

The demons werent pleased by her answer, all look at her as if Celine has said an opinion out of place. Take you there without this is against the rules. the bowman answer maybe trying to help her to understand.

The swordsman shake his head and smirk before add. Oh so you know how to fight, that is great because after your little trick we will have problems defending this place.

It will take me a while prepare all the traps again...sight... what a bother.

Well girl, let me put this clear, if we fail on defend this place many of our wounded people will be in danger and we have orders to dont allow anyone to go inside freely.

If is needed any of us can go alone and inform about her to the General, but he is really busy...

Yes, go and inform the general about her. The swordman interrupt to the bowman with the shackles at hand, making him frown and the others two demons smile. The demon looks to fear for his life but soon the demon mage girl start to tease him and seduce him to accept.

Slimy frown and caress her forehead. So... we have now two choices... how much time will take to the general come here?

The demoness giggle. Oh please, he will never come here, but he will give us orders to what to do and maybe bring reinforces. If both have luck he will just need than both leave yours weapons and go escorted to meet him in a while, maybe some hours if goes all right.

crit fail
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine sighed angrily and shook her head at their reactions, closed her eyes and counted to ten then let out her breath as she grit her teeth a bit. She was really going to have to have a talk with Vanessa about this sort of thing, because this was just fucking stupid, she gives her a paper that is supposed to tell Vanessa's soldiers who she is and what she's there to do, but she's somehow lost it when she'd tied it very securely into her sheath. "Look fine I'll go in the goddamn shackles, but I'm not giving up my weapons, that's my only compromise. These are my weapons that the great mistress herself gave to me and I won't relinquish them for anyone save her as per her orders. Now I have spoken with the leader of these people that you're fighting and they have agreed to stop the fighting and talk with the great mistress if we stop attacking their people. And I expect to be let out of these shackles when we reach the general or so help me god I will let the great mistress know that her own people interfered with the orders she gave me to carry out that could bring us peace and that they mistreated me and there will be fucking hell to pay," Celine said, a bit harsher than she'd intended to, though at this point she didn't really care. "And I don't know how I broke your spells miss, this necklace the great mistress gave to me did it, not me," Celine said to the mage girl.

She held out her hands for the shackles, but didn't give up her swords, and if any of the soldiers attempted to grab them and take them from her she would punch them right in the face or knee them in the crotch, whichever was the easier to do, because she wasn't giving up her swords, especially not her holy blade, not when she just got it back. Other than that, she would comply with their demands for the shackles, for now, if only to get to the general faster and end this pointless fighting as per her promise.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Oh please! the mage woman said touching her forehead once Celine start to complain. Sorry, but rules are rules and the General dont let without a punishment to anyone who try to break them. The demon with the shackles add as he lock them and secured Celine's arms to her back suddenly.

Dont go close the others traps or that collar will let us open to all the creatures than live here. The swordsman say, as the other demon take the chance to fondle a little the wet nude body than Slimy have in heat or just in need, she softly whimper and give a deep kiss for a moment before push it softly to a side. You have my word than i will pass a long time with all of you, but first we must do our work. Slimy said without too much emotion yet something said to Celine than it was not a common kiss as the bowman looks to be a little more sumise.

With Silvy at her side, Celine notice than she was the only one with shackles, for what it looks heard Aisha's name made the swordsman and the chain demon dont put any attention to her, not only the lewd ones. The path to the camp they soon notice some places where are others soldiers preparing all and others resting as others healing the wounded ones or buring the death ones as also turning them into ashes. Celine was sure than most all of them turn to see her for a while at least. In a safe lace a well placed tent have some well armed soldiers checking the zone each moment as they stay firm at their place, some feet's aways there were some women using a small lake to wash themselves, as some few were still wearing their mage mantles or skimpy dresses, mostly talking and having some fun together, even a few of them having fun hidden between the rocks and Celine could see some males between them.

At the large tent she notice a succubus resting at a sofa, smiling when she turn to Celine and then decide to just continue resting, three well dark armored persons were deciding their next action close the young pale man with the red armor and huge weapon resting at a side. They stop talking at the moment than the two girls and demon get closer, the demon with the shackles bow deeply and inform with as much manners than he could about why he has bring these two women at front of him.

Why has you come here? speak now. The man said with the same powerful tone than he always has used not really looking to have too much time to heard the great mistress's bed slave.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine gritted her teeth yet again as her arms were secured behind her, because she didn't like being helpless like this, but it seemed that the decision was taken out of her hands now. She could only hope that this would work out... because they couldn't afford for it not to... not now. She couldn't let the hopes she'd given to Blanche... the children inside that place... and the hopes she'd given herself to bring freedom and peace. No she had to do this, as quickly as she could before more people were hurt and or killed.

She followed the demon that was taking them on to the general that was apparently in charge of these soldiers here, glancing around as she went and noticing the wounded soldiers around, which gave her another reason that she had to do this and get them to listen to her... so they wouldn't have to get themselves hurt anymore. She noticed many of them turning to look at her as they went past, wondering what they were thinking, but then she figured that it didn't matter really as they closed in on the generals tent.

"The great mistress sent me into these tunnels some time ago with a mission to investigate them and to try and find out what I could about the people within... to see if I could find a way for peace between us all. I carry an important message to the great mistress herself about this, as I met with their leader and spoke with her. Their leader is willing to make peace with us, but we must hold off our attacks on them until the great mistress can meet with them and speak on these matters in greater detail. For the sake of your people general, I suggest you pull back for now until the great mistress can meet and speak with them, or at the very least you should stop attacking, because there is the great possibility of an alliance with those people in there, which would only make us stronger in the long run, and attacking would only hurt the possibility of peace, as well as the soldiers even more," Celine said to the general when he demanded she speak, giving him the quick version of everything, figuring it best to try and get back to Vanessa as soon as possible to tell her what all had happened in here to her... among a couple of other things, like giving her some sort of rank so that everybody would stop questioning her and stopping her from doing things, specifically the job that she'd given her to do.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

So, that is the reason for you to be here after all the lives sacrificed to find you and free you of that nest. The man said with the same tone, mostly maybe trying to understand why Celine decide to come to this cave.

We were close to surround this place but suddenly we get another sudden ambush from some vile creatures, so we decide to recover before continue. The pale man arrange some papers and give them to a full armored soldier, pointing to the exit to them so soon they and even the woman decide to go away without any other word.

Beg to yours Gods than this is not some kind of trick than they are using to earn time and get rid of us. I will give the order to retreat, most certainly the moral of ours troops will be down for a time even if we really get peace between our people. The General said not enough pissed of how he should be, even at the little time than Celine turn around the cam she notice the wounds and corpses than this little battle has give as result, maybe not a single of the soldiers would be glad with the idea of just leave these lands with the many lives lost, there was not a way than this man could accept so easily unless his loyalty and faith to the great mistress were so huge to sacrife anything for her with a single order.

For your own safety i order you to stay here and dont talk to anyone until i allow you, the General said opening a part of the tent to reveal a rest room, hidden to her until now. For what it looks it was just to dont let anyone try to place their anger on her. See? i know than you could do it without me, Celine. We have now a private moment to meet better each other. Slimy add before take Celine's hand to guide her inside, they could rest or she could do something before the General leave them, as also after he is not there anymore, but leaving could be dangerous
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine listened quietly to the general, knowing that it was obviously a hard choice for him to make to retreat after all this fighting, and she didn't expect that they were still looking for her in this place considering that Vanessa had sent her off on this mission, she'd figured that Vanessa would have sent word to at least the general here. When he was done talking though and told her to wait in his tent for now, Celine nodded her head to him.

"Very well general, and I assure you I'm not trying to trick you, and I don't believe the people in here would try to unless pressed hard enough to do so, nor do I think that they'd attack again if we begin to pull back. If they do then it would be against their leader's orders as far as I know, because she assured me when I spoke with her that they would cease their attacks if we did ours. If they do happen to attack, you can personally take me to them and I may be able to talk them down, as some of them know me from my time with them and should listen," Celine said, sighing softly as she looked back up at the general. "I'd assumed that the great mistress had sent word to you to tell you that I was trying to infiltrate their lands within on her orders. She gave me a paper with orders on it, but it were lost in an attack further in when we had to swim for it, at which point I ended up in those people's sanctuary and ended up speaking with their leader thereafter, who is also apparently their goddess. And she wished to speak to the great mistress about a possible treaty and or alliance between them," Celine added, giving the general the short version of her venture into the tunnels and what she'd learned therein, once they were the only ones left in there.

Celine did as told after that, figuring that with more information he could make a better informed decision on what to do and how to go about doing it. Once he was gone Celine headed on into the private area of the tent, where she would wait for either Vanessa to show up, or for everyone to prepare to pull back a ways until Vanessa could get there with them.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The man was close to leave but Celine wanted to say more. The hostility in the air grow before he answer back. Im not the one than you must inform all this. My orders were bring back as many survivors as i can and yours gather information about ours foes. If our Great Mistress really trust you to find a peaceful solution and you has found it then we dont have anything more to discuss. After all if this result false then you will not just answer to me but to my whole army and our Great Mistress. The General words were cold and point than in the worse case scenario not a single word will save the elf for what could wait for her. The warrior was now close the door and prepare to open it before turn a last time to the elf. Dont asumme anything, gather information also in part is never believe completely in what you get so you can find the truth. Once said this little tip he leave without turn back again to Celine and close the tent.

Celine and Silvy were placed to hide both at the private area. The elf could notice than Silvy was waiting something of her. There were some sounds and voices outside, but it looks than the news havent been said yet.

Im glad than all went fine this time. Celine... do you know than Silvy was a lot more than a nympho breeder some days before we find her? Also, as much more we get fused... more of her i take and this body is burning right now. Slimy said trying to be calmed and then add. So... i asumme than we will need to stay here some time, i guess than i would need to do it right here, will you join me? Silvy looks really trying to invite Celine, but the elf could deny it now, after all maybe Silvy could pleasure herself.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine looked away a little bit when the general said, feeling a slight bit scared at his words that she would pay if it turned out she was wrong, not so much scared for herself, but for her children and Triny. What would happen to them should they deem her wrong or something of the sort? Would they simply throw Triny to the breeders and wait for Hope and Faith to grow up before doing the same thing to them? Surely Vanessa wouldn't do that to the children... would she? Well at least she hoped that she wouldn't anyway. Either way she needed to hurry up and speak with Vanessa and get all of this straightened out, else she may end up in an even worse position than she already was.

When the general left she met his eyes once more without a hint of fear, where she nodded her head to him as he left. "Very well general," was all Celine said to him as he left.

Once he was gone she sat there and began to wait, where Silvy began talking to her. Celine listened to all she had to say and shook her head when Silvy asked if she knew that Silvy before the joining had been more then a breeder. At Silvy's asking if Celine would join her for some fun, Celine just looked at her for a moment or two, debating it in her mind. "Well... would it be proper to do that kind of thing in here? I don't want to piss them off at me any more than they already seem to be. Hell none of them care a thing about me in the least bit, probably wish I'd been killed in here, or want to do so themselves. With people like him in charge of anything nothing will ever change for the better, because they can't let go of the hate inside of them to bring about peace. I need to become stronger so that I can force them to respect and listen to me, because strength like that seems to be the only thing most of them listen to," Celine said to Silvy in a low voice, agreeing to help Silvy out if she thought it would be alright, though if Silvy thought it may bring any more enmity on her then Celine would respectfully decline. "I don't mind helping you out though Silvy, I just don't want them to get any more pissed than they already are at me, it really makes me feel bad to know that so many people dislike me so much," Celine said, hanging her head sadly a bit before looking back up at Silvy and smiling, stretching out a bit on whatever they were sitting on.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course than will be proper, there were a lot of soldiers doing it outside and that woman than was resting at the sofa smell at sex. If you feel it so wrong i could just impregnate myself or join the orgy outside, but i asked you because i want your seed Celine, before i change this body and mind for something more suitable and safe. Silvy add placing her point of view of why would be good doing something here as they wait before take another topic.

I dont see any of them thinking to kill you, maybe rape you and hurt you a little to make you pay for unknown reasons, that is normal and you should get used, beside many love you and protect you.

About that male, he was fine until you point than you werent completely sure and then there was some hostility, but not hate against the persons of these caves, or even us. He looks to dont be like my old kind, maybe they fear him but there is something more between he and his soldiers.
Silvy said blushing and slowly starting to let free some tentacles to pleasure herself, rubbing her pussy, rear and breasts, trying to endure as she expect than Celine accept to impregnate her now.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Oh... well yeah I guess they would be doing that out there wouldn't they. So yes we can have some fun... hell I welcome it actually, because I've had a lot of stress since coming in here and haven't had any sex that I wanted up until now since we came inside these tunnels, it's all been against my will. But... why would you change bodies Silvy? Is her body too far gone or something, or are you thinking of changing out of respect to her and that goddess?" Celine said to Silvy about having sex with her, pulling her little dress she'd gotten earlier off of her body to reveal her elven body once more to the world around her.

As she undressed, she listened to Silvy speak some more, her words sounding sincere, but she just doubted that it was as she said for some reason, it just felt to her that some of these soldiers would like nothing more than to kill her for the loss of some of their comrades. "I dunno Silvy, I really think some of them want to kill me, for revenge for their fallen comrades. I mean I know most of them would like nothing more than to rape me and most likely beat me, probably rape or beat me to death if they could do it and get away with it. But in no way is either of those things normal Silvy, it's practically the opposite of normal in fact. And I think what is between him and his soldiers is more than fear of him... it's total respect of him and what he can do, meaning he is obviously very strong. I'm not sure when I told him I wasn't completely sure about something though honestly Silvy," Celine said to Silvy after a few moments when her friend was through talking and began to caress herself with her tentacles after letting some out.

Celine reached out to touch Silvy's body, caressing her gently as she ran a hand down her arm and then on to her side and down to her butt, which she groped, smiling up at Silvy as she did. She then reached out and pulled Silvy into her lap, where her member was already at half mast, and once Silvy was in her lap Celine leaned forward and pressed her lips against Silvy's, sliding her tongue out into her companion's mouth. Celine didn't do anything more just yet however, intending on letting Silvy do as she pleased for the this and just relaxing back against her seat.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Oh no, i mean to adapt this body and dont recover more of Silvy than could hurt me in the future, for what i could suppose it would turn me into a mindless monster mother... I cant leave this body because even if i one of these days decide to leave her that would it mean the death of both of us, of course than if i have another body i could maybe have a very small chance to live. Silvy manage to say with her eyes focused as a hunter at its prey, licking softly her lips as she expectantly observe te elven beautiful body.

After Celine's words and her firsts rubs to Silvy, the vine woman smily with lust and give just some few words. Kill you? that would be the worst sin and worst mistake than something could do. Even if i were the most mindless bloody beast, i would never end the live of someone like you, instead i would just fuck you like no tomorrow as my mate, to fill your insides, needs and happiness for the rest of your live, at our nest. Slimy end to say what must be like the best poem than a creature could say and then giggling when she get lift and then accept the kiss from the elf, making her long tendril like tongue wrap around Celine's tongue, sliding like a snake as they slowly turn this into a long lover kiss, her aphrodisiac saliva soon turn both more aroused.

Meanwhile her tendrils from her body were touching each erogenous fiber from the elf, showing the experience than she has gotten at her previous moments with the elven and how Silvy ract at the continuous sex at her. Hollow tendrils get attached at Celine's niples licking her point and rubing at it to then inject more of the aphrodisiac on her than has been adapted to only take away the worries and remain intact her mind as just leave a touch of pleasure as also slowly swollen her breasts to produce milk again in huge amounts. Silvy endure the urges to penetrate herself and instead a very narrow tentacle started to get inside Celine's manlike member without cause any pain, pleasuring her urethra in soft moves. Two specialized tendrils softly press at the elven holes, another narrow one soon get inside her rear and it only cause a little of nuisance until soon coated the zone with a powerful lubricant than also dont take too much time to make all pleasant.

Silvy's hands were softly rubbing the elven's back and sides, groping her lover rear and breasts as these last were as milking toward her body, suddenly her tongue started to coat Celine's mouth with cum, making her slowly start to suck her nutritive fluids before all was just close to start, another narrow hollow tendril get inside the elven's inner walls until found the clit than soon getsucked by the fine tendril, a small tongue also cause a torrent of pleasure once it get pinched with a strange fluid than increased her libido and lust.

Celine's dick was already a huge rock by half of this, the needs of have Slimy ride her nearly made her start to thrust at her but she dont need it, as Slimy notice her needs and soon press her body to eat all the member deep slowly to her womb. The elven honey hole was leaking like mad, more than begging or dememding to get stuffed with a huge tentacle, but instead Slimy made her narrow tentacle at Celine's rear get thick slowly as also take soft motions to thrust at her making her soon cum in a minute by just start pleasuring her anal hole, with this peak her pennis also fill for first time the monstergirl womb, than soon started to suck as a vaccum as much of the fluid than she could.

2...3....4.... until eight long peaks were reached by Celine, as her breasts and meat rod were wildly sucked and then Silvy slow herself and release the elven rear from he r tentacle as also her mouth to let her talk, not before Celine to droll a little of the cum from her mouth to her breasts before recover herself a little. I guess than that will be enough to have your child. Slimy made a brief pause to her words to lick the elven's neck and chest to clean it of her own cum. It has been amazing? if you want to know im not sattled, but if you want i could end it alone or making you enjoy it more~ Slimy wait her answer as she continue rub her body.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Oh okay, well that explains that I guess, so thanks for that. I was a little worried that you intended to switch bodies again one day, because I think you look really good in this body to be honest," Celine said to Silvy, smiling up at her while she sat in her lap.

At Silvy's words about what killing her was one of the worst sins that they could commit, Celine stopped caressing Silvy for a moment, looking thoughtful about her words. Surely that wasn't the case, because these soldiers were obviously fighting Blanche's people inside these tunnels and probably killing some of them too, it only made sense that that was what was going on in here at least to her anyway.

Once Silvy began kissing her though, Celine forgot all about her worries with killing and fighting for the moment, because there was little she could truly do in any case about it as she was confined to this room for the time being from the looks of it. When she felt Silvy's tendrils attach themselves to her nipples and begin licking and sucking on them, where she could feel the aphrodisiac being pumped into her veins through the tendrils. The aphrodisiac must have been quite powerful and it obviously had something more than just that in it, because it was making her breasts swell with milk again, her mammaries growing at least two sizes to E-cups or more with milk, which was being suckled out of her through those tendrils latched onto her breasts. Soon after that, Celine suddenly felt a very small thin tendril wrap around her member a time or two before it then gently thrust into her urethra, the suddenness and the fact of where it was at making her teeter on the edge of orgasm for about half a minute or so before she could clench her muscles enough to hold back until Silvy was ready, because she didn't want to waste her seed by spilling it all over their seat and the floor.

Celine wrapped her arms around the small of Silvy's back while her urethra was penetrated with soft and gentle thrusts, each one pushing her nearer to the edge. She barely even noticed the other pair of tentacles as they penetrated her pussy and asshole, already moaning lewdly at her urethra being penetrated, but when the next ones penetrated her other holes Celine couldn't stifle a louder moan that may or may not be heard from outside, but at this point she couldn't really do anything about it now, so she just tried to enjoy the sensations Silvy was giving her. When her clit started to get pleasured, Celine's body seized up for a few seconds, her body going completely stiff as Silvy continued to pleasure her as the tendril injected more aphrodisiac into her through her clit, which caused her body to grow increasingly hot and bothered almost to the point that she just grabbed Silvy and threw her down and took her right then and there whether Silvy wanted to go ahead or not.

When Silvy finally lowered herself down and sheathed her cock inside of her pussy, Celine let out a sigh of relief. It didn't take long after that to bring Celine to a mind numbing climax, her cock spurting a huge load out from around the small thin tendril having its way with he urethra and directly into Silvy's womb and filling it full of her life giving spunk. "Oh gods... Silvy... don't take it out, that tendril in my cock, and please don't take my cock out of you. It feels so good," Celine panted as she regained the ability of speech and had the tentacle pulled out of her mouth for a moment before stuffing it back in once her first climax had finished and she could do so.

Celine couldn't keep a count of how many times she came after that before Silvy stopped to let her rest a bit to catch her breath and spoke once more. All she really knew was that her cock was still quite hard despite the amount of times she must have orgasmed, but it was a slight bit sore now. She could still continue by all means, Silvy had nothing to worry about on that regard, but at the same time she knew that she probably should take a rest from sex for at least a little bit until she could speak with Vanessa, so that she wouldn't be affected so badly by having a virtually perpetually hard penis, because if Silvy continued to pump her full of that aphrodisiac she feared that's what would happen. Not that it was too bad a thing really, but it would interfere in her ability to fight she was sure, because anyone could just grab hold of it and stroke it a few times and she'd be putty in their hands.

"W-Well Silvy, if you aren't sated enough yet... t-then I don't mind helping you out some more, only so long as you don't put anymore of that aphrodisiac into me please, because it's really hard to think of anything but sex and cumming with it, a-and I'd say it would be good for me to be able to think in case I need to talk to someone again. Heh, and if that isn't enough for you to be pregnant then I don't know what would do it Silvy." Celine said to Silvy, reaching up to caress her cheek while her body was caressed some more by her companion, the tendril still in her penis while it was inside of Silvy. Having her mind back to her now also brought something to mind at one of the things Silvy mentioned. "Oh yeah... what sort of child would you have by me Silvy? Just wondering," Celine asked curiously, trying to keep from just giving in completely to the pleasure, more to prove to herself that she could do so rather than proving to Silvy or anyone else.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

We will find it out soon, maybe a normal baby, something like me or a mix, wherever it is it will be all ours. Silvy answer with a soft smile before more tendrils started to join hers old ones to pleasure the elven's lower holes. As you wish Celine, no more aphrodisiac for you, but that dont mean than it will be less pleasant for both of us, just let it go and enjoy it, let all at my hands.

Once said this, Silvy restart to bounce again, her thin vines were rubing at rythm to pleasure the elf, as some even started to caress both bodies, making Silvy's breasts grow and reach two sizes bigger than the actual ones of the elf. Silvy dont let her see bellow as some tendrils slowly slide out the plant girl breasts and without pain press inside Celine owns, conecting both breasts in suction making theirs milk pass from once other, the aprhodisiac from the last time has turned her body so erogenous and aroused than her breasts were feeling as two dicks thrusting inside the plant girl ones, as milk warm spunk let free in loads, the tendrils inside her ample breasts were giving nutrients and returning some of the milk so the elven's breasts never get out of the motherly fluid.

Meanwhile the thin rear like tendril get conected deep inside the elven flesh coiling inside so the point get out without stop raping the elf, it was as a false tendril for Celine, even when the start was at Silvy body, the conection has reached the right nerves to make Celine feel as if were of her. The tentacle get out the rear and pass deep inside Silvy rear making her moan in happiness as she continue experiment herself on this private moment. Celine could not stop herself to thrust more inside her partner and as she does she also order the other at her rear to go more deep inside, just as she have a double dick, a second one than could get longer and thicked and as she cum again, her second apendage also does it in bigger quantity.

Silvy was right with her erogenous zones over asaulted even more than before and her twin dick she was more lost at her lust than the last time. The lost of the track at the time soon come and they remain moaning lewdly and kissing mindbroken each other for who know the time until suddenly warm cum get out Silvy's throat and then Celine plant like dick get inside the elven mouth direct from Silvy's mouth. Very narrow tendrils get inside the elven nose to fill her of the air than Silvy let af leftover making her able to survive as her second pennis get even deep inside making her orgasm and fill her own mouth, then in another time her throat and finally her own insides and stomash. Just when both were in extasis, some strange bulge started to let out Silvy's start of the tendril than then goes through Celine's rear making her moan in blish by each one and then these colide eachother as these get out by the next part of the tendril than worked as a pennis for Celine, making her feel as if she have a orb like sex rope toy, making the orbs get inside Silvy was one of the best experiences than both girls manage to share, the elf could feel the amazing pleasure than an ovopositor feels as it feels its prey, she cum a last time inside her not before see the buldge get out Silvy's mouth and get inside her throat to rest at her insides, the event was as a long potent orgasm than mixxed with the one of her normal manlike member.

The apendage get then out Celine's mouth and as it was retreating it let the remain eggs rest at Silvy insides who has been cummnig as nearly as the same times as Celine, between all this happened Celine was almost lost herself by this combined with the pleasure at her member, breasts and womb. Slowly the tendrils retreat to Silvy's body who has pass out with a lewd mindless face, her belly was so full with the elven's cum and eggs than Celine wonder why she feels so refresed and in bliss without be tired, her blossom was completely intact and still leaking milk, her now only one member was not sore and feels ready to be used again without cum again of course as maybe Silvy has drain her completely. The only side back of all this is than the floor was a little mess and she was hungry, her mind and eyes were focused on the big orb chests than Silvy had now than combine with her new large pregnant belly than could make Celine see some of the egg's shapes through it.

Celine could let Silvy rst, also clean the place, feed a little with the fluids everywhere or just wait.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I-If it is a normal baby Silvy... you promise that you'll take care of her? I'm already so scared for Hope and Faith, as well as Grace. It would kill me if they were hurt or if something happened to them. And of course it doesn't mean it'll be any less pleasant for us Silvy, I don't think there's anything that could make it less so really at this point," Celine said to Silvy as the monster girl began bouncing again upon her rock hard cock, the pleasure overwhelming her senses almost and making her cum right then and there.

As she sat there with Silvy on top of her, pretty much just using her as her personal fucktoy, Celine felt the tendril snake its way over to her breasts once again after Silvy made her own breasts larger, even more so than Celine's now were. Once their breasts were connected and their milk was being shared with one another thanks to the tendrils, Celine's body gave out and she came again, unable to hold back her seed that simply wanted to fill Silvy's womb and pussy even more than it already had. As her orgasm subsided, Celine felt the tendril in her ass maneuver around enough so it pressed against her nerves deep within so that it felt as if she now had a tentacle of her own, which then snaked its way back out of her ass and penetrated Silvy's ass in one fluid motion. As time went on the two fucked each other pretty much senseless... or silly... or both really, with Celine mentally ordering her new appendage deeper and deeper into Silvy's ass. Soon the pair of them came yet again, and when Celine did she saw Silvy open her mouth to kiss her and she kissed back, tasting cum spurting out of Silvy's throat into her mouth.

As soon as she tasted this, Celine broke their kiss as her new tentacle dick had gone all the way through Silvy's body and up and out of her mouth, the monster girl amazingly managing to take this without choking or anything. Celine eagerly leaned forward and began sucking on the tentacle dick, tasting the cum on it and savoring that taste even as said tentacle dick began sliding down her throat, making her gag a bit and start to fear she'd choke until she felt the small pair of tendrils enter her nose and begin pumping air into her lungs so she could breathe once again. She came again as her tentacle cock bumped against her throat, the taste of the spunk filling her mouth again as the thing pressed its way down her throat and into her belly it went so far. She came again before it made its way to her stomach, more spunk filling her belly now as time went on. She wanted to speak, to say something, anything to Silvy, just to tell her she loved her or that she felt so good from this despite how strange it felt, but with her mouth now stuffed with tentacle cock it was impossible to do so.

Suddenly as she was at the height of ecstasy with Silvy, Celine felt several bulges beginning to make their way up through the tentacle cock she now had, the feeling being quite strange, yet... amazing to say the least. She felt a connection with Silvy now that was deep, in a way that she felt for Triny and Vanessa somewhat, but perhaps that was only because of what was going on right now, she wasn't entirely sure to be honest, but she did know that she had felt good when with Slimy/Silvy here, that much was obvious to her. With each one of the bulges that passed into Silvy's ass, Celine felt even higher amounts of pleasure and kept reaching orgasm after orgasm, her seed spurting out of her own cock and filling Silvy even more so, likely bulging her belly from the amount that she was packing in there, but she couldn't tell at the moment unfortunately at the moment. When the bulges made their way through Silvy's body and started down her throat, Celine tensed slightly before relaxing her throat enough for each on to pass through and down her throat so she didn't hurt herself any.

After that Celine was in a bit of a stupor to say the least, so she couldn't really tell just how many of the bulges were left to rest in her belly after that as Silvy pulled the tentacle out of Celine where it began going back through her body. As the tentacle pumped out its eggs into Silvy's belly and bowels on its way back out through her, Celine saw that she'd fainted from the sheer amount of pleasure and reached out to hold her when the tentacle was finally out of her ass again and had disconnected itself from her nerves it had attached itself to while inside of her. They were both completely drenched in sweat and cum, but Celine wasn't tired much after what had happened there and she wasn't sore much down there amazingly, which made her think that Silvy had done something about that during their fun there, but it did feel as if she'd been drained of every last drop of her seed she had and her poor cock exhausted now she could tell as she shifted Silvy around and pulled it out, her length only half hard now, but still feeling ready for action with a bit of persuasion.

She lay Silvy down on their seat for the moment and got up to stretch, feeling a bit full from the egg or eggs she had inside of herself. She felt quite hungry to say the least after this experience, and the floor was an absolute mess, but she was none the worse for wear it seemed. Celine laid Silvy aside so she could rest and then she got something to clean the floor up as much as she could where she'd then sit down and rest for a while until the general returned. "Get you some rest Silvy, you need it after that I think... and I need some too, but I'll clean up a bit first," Celine whispered to the unconscious Silvy. "And that was wonderful, but a bit strange I think," Celine added in a whisper.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Before their second round, Silvy just softly place her index on Celine's lips. Dont worry about our child now or your daughters and lovers, just enjoy this moment. You know than all of us will do their best to protect them and as any of your lovers i promise you than i will sacrifice all for our child and you. Said this all soon started, Silvy just wanted than Celine forget all of her problems and all what has been at her mind than were stressing her or what she fear for the future, in others words she want her to just sit and enjoy each second between them, who know if Slimy was in love or she just wanted Celine as her mate, after all she was not human and her kind looks to be really wide opened to have many mates, but at least the elf know than she was special her favorite one and a lot more than her friend.


Slimy dont react at all she was in complete bliss, her soft uncouncious smile and her hands at her belly show how much she has enjoy this and her love to be completely filled with babies not matter their race, any normal human would never endure without pain the huge amount of seeds at her and fluids, Celine could not do more than bet than Silv has been modified to easily carry all this quantity or even six times these loads.

There was many things than she could use to clean the place, she was not sure what she could use without piss the general or his soldiers but even now she could just use her clothes to clean all if she want it. Once all ready to rst she had just some minutes before someone come inside. It was the same woman at the sofa at the entrance.

Oww, someone had some fun in the wrong place~

So why both decide to dont join us outside? The General will come here in some minutes, the enough to meet each other better if any of you is not so tired.
The girl said mostly smiling and turning where the two girls were resting, Celine could just ignore or talk with her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"E-Everyone better protect them, not just you, Triny, and Vanessa I mean, but everyone. Vanessa's generals and soldiers too, all of them. If they don't then I'll take the children back to my homeland where I know they'll be safe," Celine panted as Silvy began bouncing again, pretty much just holding on for dear life as their second round of fun began.


Smiling softly at Silvy's expression on her face as she lifted her off of her, Celine giggled a bit as she lay her down, figuring that she would be okay and that her not being totally human or anything would prevent her from hurting too much with all of the eggs or seeds inside of her. Once Celine set about cleaning the place up a bit, she merely looked for an old towel or two that looked like it was being used to clean things up with to clean her's and Silvy's mess up with, though if she could find nothing of the sort she would just sit and rest for a couple of minutes until she could rouse Silvy from her stupor.

When the succubus from before came in and saw the two of them and their mess not too long after she sat down to rest a bit, Celine perked up and opened her eyes to look over at her. "Um... he told me not to leave this room is why I didn't come out there, Silvy stayed in here with me because she said she needed some relief... and honestly I kind of did too after everything that happened in those tunnels earlier. Could you help me out a bit please? I need something to clean the floor up with and I don't know what all I can use to do so, and I'd like to not use these clothes of mine to do it because they were a gift and I'd like to not ruin them, and I don't want to piss the general off any more than I seem to have already done," Celine said back to the succubus as she hung her head slightly. After speaking, Celine got to her feet and stretched to get the blood flowing again, looking over at the succubus afterwards while hanging her head slightly still, unsure if she should look her in the eye because she didn't know if it'd piss her off or not or anything.