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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Without wasting any second, Celine run to aid the por monstergirl struck bellow some huge rocks at her legs. Soon the elf tried to lift the rocks but these were really huge to send them where the slime girls were starting to come, but just a momento later Shika and Mikoto manage to come where Slimy try to get free, they had a hard time getting her free as fast as they could and even more when Celine leave them to focus on try to get rid of the slimes, her attempts to call the power from her sword taken a while to make it bright and when the light surround the sword, the slimes were nearly completely inside the ruin's tunnel where her group is.

After some hits at the wáter comming out from the rocks, Celine could still Heard the hits from the other side where the creatures were trying to get them, the rocks were fallind down slowly making a pass from the monsters and each of them could Heard theirs noises as the burden between them was getting down. In a shoot of luck some rocks fall where the slime girls were restoring their form, making them get separed again and giving time to Celine to turn back and notice tan Slimy and the succubus were already had been carried away.

With the slime creatures taking a time to get recovered and the monsters still needing some time to get free, Celine and the others run away of there as fast as they could, the hurry make Celine dont be able to identify where they were moving until finally after some time they stop in a dead end road. The place is just a small room , with only a small light comming out from a pair of little holes of the size of a coin at the ceiling, even her elven eyes could not see too much here, just the silluetes of the others resting around her, trying all to remain quiet for a while until they suppose than they were safe to a little chat between each other.

Shika, Mikoto were carring Slimy to a side close Celine and the soldier has carried the woman to the other, as this with her powers had made the succubus levitate to them before Celine had notice it. Slimy remain in pain silent and trying to get used to all the wounds at her host body, she dont looks worried and Celine could only suppose tan the monster woman was just trying to decide what to do now. The two nekos were trying to recover her breath, Shika lick her wound at her hand and softly rubs at Mikoto who remain alert looking to the only entrance of the room and also the demons at the other side, at what it looks she still dont trust at them and the two guards werent also very used to all this, maybe having many questions at theirs minds.

All at the room looks to be in an uncomfortable deep silent momento. The woman who looks to be maybe in charge of the soldiers just remain looking to Celine. Thanks a whisper come from her in her autority tone, nothing more come from her, as she remain resting looking at Celine with maybe many questions for the elf but not sure how to start, her focus divided also in look the still sleeping beauty succubus.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Holding off their enemies to buy time for the nekos to get Slimy out from under the rocks to get her out of there so she could follow, Celnie called forth the power of her holy blade, though it took a little time while she slashed and stabbed the slimes while they came through the rocks. It took the others a little while to get Slimy free, but once they had she was ready to run as well as she heard the other monsters beginning to break through the barrier caused by the cave in. When she glanced back over her shoulder to see if the others were moving out, she noticed that they were already almost gone so she took one last swing at one of the slimes as she turned and followed her companions while the slimes reformed themselves from coming through the rocks and from her attacks on them.

Following the others, she made her way around through the tunnels with them until they came to a dead-end room, which made her heart sink, because she could see no way out of it, though it did look fairly defensible if they needed to fight, but hopefully they could sit quietly and the monsters would pass them by without noticing them. She sat down and sheathed her holy blade, sitting next to Slimy to check on her with Shika and Mikoto. She glanced over at the ones they'd rescued to see the woman using magic to levitate the succubus over next to them while the guards checked their wounds and looked quite confused about the situation at hand, she knew they had questions and she meant to answer them as soon as she could. But first they needed to make sure they could talk without being heard and whatnot so they weren't attacked again. When the woman whispered her thanks to Celine, Celine nodded her head and smiled, letting the woman know that she was happy to have helped, despite the hurts they all sustained. She motioned for them all to be as quiet as possible by holding her index finger up to her mouth where she then pointed towards the doorway, hoping they would get the idea to be quiet while they waited for the monsters to pass, then they could talk, as it seemed like they may be in the clear soon thankfully.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The whole group remain in silence, something hard for Shika who needed Mikoto aid to have her mouth closed, the time looks to go slower and each minute looks like hours in this critical moment. Even after a while nothing passed close them, slowly giving the idea than the creatures had choiced another path.

Slimy's legs looks to be really hurted after been pressed by the huge rocks, even the chance than a bone could be broken dont looks to be out of chances, each touch on the legs make slimy feel a lot of pain, but even then it looks like something inside her body is trying to repair her legs, even Celine could see strange moves bellow the skin of her friend legs.

The woman get closer and with silence asked to get the paper than The mistress has given to the elf, once open she start to read it and fortunetely nothing attacked.

The nekos looks to be calmed, for what Celine could notice. They arent close or getting to this place Mikoto whisper yet still holding Shika to dont let her make any noise. With the chance to talk between whispers now, Celine could ask anything to the guards who looks to be focused on the wounded guard and the young succubus, however the woman dont had returned the paper to Celine and looks to had accepted their help without any doubt.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

They sat there in silence for a few minutes, which felt like hours passing by as they waited for a sound of all clear, or rather no sounds to give them the all clear. After a while it seemed that the creatures had chosen to go down another path and passed them by, leaving them a chance to breathe easy for a few minutes. Checking Slimy's legs while they waited, Celine saw that they seemed to be in bad shape, possibly broken. The monster girl's regenerative properties were taking effect though and she was healing herself from what Celine could see, what with the strange movements underneath her skin and all.

Handing the paper that Vanessa gave her to the woman to read, Celine turned to look over at Mikoto when she whispered to her that the monsters didn't seem to have found them yet, which was good. "Now might I ask who you three are? And what you were doing out in these tunnels?" Celine asked in a whisper to the woman and the two soldier men. "I am Celine, the great mistress's personal bed slave, though I haven't got my collar on at the moment for certain reasons which may have been said on the paper," Celine added in a whisper as she introduced herself again, in case the three hadn't caught her name before in the heat of the moment earlier. She moved to help tend to the wounded soldier also while she whispered to them, helping to bandage his wounds after cleaning them as best as she could.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The woman let Celine get closer to whisper, nodding and taking a moment to answer as the elf get closer to thread the wounds from the damaged soldier, but before she could start the woman answer with a calmed serious tone. We are just some soldiers than get lost at the ruins.

For strange as this sound, the whole place looks to be against us. The healty warrior interrupt with an angry tone, in his tone Celine could feel shame and impotence, but the gaze of the woman make him get quiet, maybe upset by the possibility than they could get caught if the noises get increased. In resume, we take the first floor easily and then we fought a strange energy at the upper floors, that strange energy make us get separed of the army and now even stronger creatures are coming from the underground levels.

Mikoto make a long sigh, maybe she dont feel than that could be possible. This is just a breeding place for these dark monsters. We should just save our people and seal all or blow the place if is so dangerous. The neko answer, really annoyed of the whole place danger.

We decided to do it, but... begs for help and moans were coming from many places, we even expected to had found someone, but instead we found these monsters The woman answer, not showing any emotion as she lend the paper to Celine. Celine then feel a strange force pushing her away of the wounded demon soldier. Your help is apreciated, Celine. However from now on you must avoid any contact with us and any other of our kind, that goes for that human too. Fortunately the whole floor is filled with our essence and we can still hide, but they could detect us once we get above or at the lowest levels of the ruins. The woman continue saying in whispers, pointing to Slimy who turn once she heard about the other human.

These are your orders, turn into an human again and with that girl get inside the human territory, we need to know more about them and this place. Unfortunately you had contact with us and her, so you need to take away completely our scent. She added turning to the sleeping succubus.

Wait there, what about us? Answer Shika before the other neko muff her again. Yes, we cant just let her go there, the place is infested with monsters and we need to help our... someone than is at this place, well there are two but that is all what i will say. Mikoto answer hidding for who they had come.

Maybe our Mistress had bring both of you here, but these monsters can smell a female even better than you, but for what intelligence has said us, the dark creatures looks to protect any human in this place and if Celine is noticed by then there could be a chance than they defend her agains the others creatures.

Mylady, it could be really dangerous to leave all in hands of a bed slave and this infested human. There is not doubt than they are loyal to our Mistress, but send them like this with just a theory... I mean, we really dont know if they will not try to do the same to her and just use her to increase theirs number. The soldier add, giving his point of view, maybe trusting a little in Celine utility but not at the info than they had collected.

Slimy who has been in pain all this time as her broken legs and nerves had been getting restored and moved in a unnused way, make a brief groan before turn and move closer, her palid image and expression show the great pain than she had passed, her breath is still afected and some teardrops looks to had been getting escaped from her eyes. It can work... i...i dunno why but im sure than this can work, even when i really dont want to go there...

All my body want to escape, but it make me feel than i should know something about this place, but i feel strange and i really want just to remain without know...

This pain, feelings... and memories is the remain of this girl, it make me think about just take rid of all that and adapt more her body... but...
Slimy stop, unsure about what to do once leaving this place, if they got a miracle and escape from succeed at their mission, Celine should now decide what to do now, take or leave the nekos with her, also she must decide if she dont have something against the plan and finally if she should press more Slimy to remember, maybe the next time Slimy would get so damage to try to dont erase the last remains of the girl.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine remained silent for the most part as the woman began answering her questions and speaking, though when the not so injured soldier interrupted the first time, Celine looked over at him as the woman gazed at him and he went quiet. "There's no need to feel ashamed sir, you were outnumbered by those things, retreat was the only viable option," Celine whispered to the soldier in an attempt to make him feel less ashamed of retreating like he did.

When the woman continued speaking, Celine again went silent for the most part, letting her talk as she exchanged words with Shika, Mikoto, and the mostly unwounded soldier again. "If only my people were here, this place would have already been cleaned out within a day's time. And I may only be just a bed slave, but I can fight quite well all things considered. But he is right though, they may very well attempt to just use me and Slimy to breed, as that is what it seems to be they're doing to the rest of the humans. I... honestly don't know why they only take humans and not all humanoid girls but... I suppose that's good in a way, since they're really picky they can't increase their numbers as fast as we can, or as fast as the neko people can," Celine said in a whisper, agreeing with the soldier some as she then turned to the woman that gave her some orders for her and Slimy to follow while a strange force was pushing her away from them that she couldn't explain really. "I believe though that those are pretty much the same orders that the great mistress gave me anyway really. How shall we remove your scent from us then? And also, these two nekos are here with me on behalf of the great mistress on their own task, which is... important to them as well as me..." Celine then whispered to the woman, looking over at Shika and Mikoto for a few moments as she didn't elaborate at first on why the two of them were there too. "Shika, Mikoto, they can help us and you to find him. And you're here because the great mistress allowed it, so they won't hurt you and they will help as much as possible, though they must still follow their own orders as well too. We're both here to find Cassie, so there's no reason to not tell them considering she is under the great mistress's protection just as you are at the moment. These two are in here with me to find their leader and to find the human girl Cassie who we think was captured along with one of the gargoyle guards named Lina, the human Cassie is carrying a brood of neko's that she consented to bear for them in exchange for safe passage the other day, and she may be near to giving birth we think, so she must be found soon. But their leader must not come to harm as we must speak with him about some things," Celine went on to say in a whisper, looking over at the nekos and then back to the woman as she told and assured Shika and Mikoto that they and theirs wouldn't be harmed by Vanessa's people, and that they would be helped as much as possible because they were helping her.

Celine then turned to Slimy as she began whispering, with Celine moving over to Slimy to try and help ease her pain just as she helped everyone else with their wounds. She listened to Slimy speak of the girl's memories and that she wanted to just adapt her body more to what she needed it to be in order to function, because of the pain. But Celine knew that those memories were to valuable to destroy just like that. "Slimy... I know it hurts, the memories I mean. But we can't afford to lose them just yet. Is there a way that you can give me the memories before you adapt her body, or to salvage them yourself before that? So that we can then use them as we need I mean after that. It would be extremely helpful if you can, but if this girl knows something about this place then we need to know what it is, I'm sorry but it'll really help us," Celine whispered to Slimy, hugging her close as she tried to console her friend to keep her calm and from crying or anything, hoping that either Slimy could somehow salvage the girl's memories before she got adapted her body more to her own liking or need or whatnot, or if she could give Celine her memories to hold onto or some such thing as that, so they wouldn't lose them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

From the looks of Mikoto's face, she really was not at favor to let more people know about what they were here, maybe thinking the worst about the possibility of something going worse as more people know why they were here, yet Celine words looks to had calm her the enough to dont start a discussion. Fine, just do what you think is right Celesta, even when we dont need their help to find them.

Aw, now this is not a secret mission... i guess than we should just try to do this quickly. Shika answer really looking all as a fun game, not really exactly caring about the others know about this, but trying to stay at Mikoto side. The woman just smile and turn to the soldiers, getting up and getting all ready to leave. Indeed, we are allies now, so it will be a pleasure to help both of you to find that human and your leader. Abotu how hide our scent, i sugest maybe some monsters fluids, as also some water and mud. I remember that girl named Lina, a nice warrior but still very young, i could suppose than we still have chance to save her after all this time.

The group was getting ready to leave, with the nekos getting slowly out from the room, inspecting the area with each of theirs senses. Slimy accept Celine's hug, nodding to the elf words before interrupt. I want to pass you her memories, but these could be damaged if i try to do it now, her mind is a big mess and i could also hurt you by mistake as i focus on dont lost them, but dont worry, i will endure it even more and maybe after look around this place a little, her memories could completely awake and then i could give you all of them. Once said this Slimy needed the elven help to get up, the pain at her legs still looks to be huge, so she cant walk so fast, but Celine could carry her if needed.

Soon all with caution leave the room, the nekos in front, ready to get in combat if needed, the demons had tried their best to heal the two damaged and Celine was with Slimy. For the moment they dont find any creature at their path, thanks to have both nekos focused at the front and all the others looking around, the tunnel guide them to what looks to be a pair of boxes, both filled with dust and some rocks above them, just some feets in front they could see a passage than will guide them above and two corridors more a hole at the floor than could take them to the lower levels.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Alright then Slimy, hold onto them for now then, we can't afford to lose them. Mainly because she deserves to be remembered somehow, but also because they are valuable memories that could help us out. Come on, I'll help you to walk until your body mends itself," Celine whispered to Slimy as she helped her to her feet, letting Slimy lean on her as much as she needed as she wrapped an arm around her, and carrying her if it seemed like she wasn't going to be able to keep up with them easily. "Aye, we'll all need to lose this scent I think if we're to evade the monsters around. The first monster we see that's dead, I'll cut it open and we can smear some of its blood on us to mask our scents to them, but it'll probably make Mikoto's and Shika's ability to sniff us out if we're separated really difficult. Also, what should I call you miss? A name to say would make talking a bit easier on us both I think, so I'm Celine in case you didn't know already," Celine whispered to the woman, asking what she should call her as well after her suggestion.

With that, the group slowly and cautiously moved out of the room they were in, with Celine helping Slimy along as much as need be. They saw nothing out there, which was good, as they couldn't handle another fight right now, they were too hurt still to fight, so it was out of the question. They would have to hide and evade anything that came their way for the moment. Following the lead of the nekos, Celine had Slimy in the center with the wounded soldier, her sword drawn and ready to swing if need be, and soon after leaving the room they hid in, they came to a fork in the road, as well as some boxes of some sort with dust. The boxes felt like an obvious trap to Celine as she looked around and took in the directions they could go, leading up and down both.

"So which way should we go? Do any of you know where the rest of the soldiers are? I'd say the best thing to do would be to get everyone to them before me and Slimy try and make our way inside of the dark creatures sanctuary to find Cassie and Lina if they're in there, but... I'm not totally sure. And what's that in those boxes?" Celine whispered to their new companions as she turned to look over at them, seeing if any of them knew which way they'd need to go now in order to find the other soldiers.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy nod to answer to Celine, as she tried to focus most likely at the pain when she start to rise up using some of her tendrils, as her legs were just so broken to even put her weight on them. with this problem Celine needed to lift her all the while, as the poor Slimy do her best to use some tendrils to help the elf.

The woman heard to Celine before leave and then answer still calmed. Monster blood could help, but most likely some mud and water should be the best. Also, i think than trying to find that corpse could be a problem now, i dunno how much has you walked around these tunnels, but you could get lost easily on this place if you try to return from where you had come, the best could be just slain another creature. About how can you call me, the usual for you should be My lady or just Lady Vanquish would be enough. The talk continue with all doing their best to be ready to spot any danger, until they found the strange boxes and the intersection.

I dunno. We could just use this hole to try to return from where we come, i can sense some water there too. Mikoto say trying to help to answer to Celine answer.

We just just go to a brighty place, the water is not a need for a neko as we can clean each other, right Mikoto. Shika said cheerfully licking her hand and ready to cuddle on the silver neko.

Geez, we could just use the water to drink a little and clean ourselves without it will take us a lot of time. Then we can just let all at the entrance and then continue our search. Answer Mikoto really wishing to take this path to get rid of all these soldiers.

Like i said you before we get lost in this place, maybe they are still upstair if this temple dont make them get lost as us, dont expect to find them without get at danger over there. The woman answer as she turn to the boxes and with just her gaze powers make the boxes get opened and reveal what was inside, as also put the stones at a side. Celine could notice at them some strange cillindric cartridges with a strange smell and a little long wick than come from each of them. There also were some old papers than were really in bad condition with dust and a long chance than they could get turn in dust just by touching them, the writing on them was old and a little different from the common lenguage used by the common people of any land, the box also have some strange pictures and strange ruin objects.

Finally some rusty coins at a bag were there, as also a little rag doll filled with dust but very conserved for the possible time of what it has been made.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Alright Slimy, don't worry, I'll carry you for now until your body mends itself okay. Just hang on to me alright, you aren't that heavy really. And very well lady Vanquish, we shall find some water and wash off before finding the rest of the soldiers, would probably be for the best I think. At least we'd be cleaned off for a while and if we find water we'll find mud to rub ourselves in to mask our scent somewhat, so I agree with Mikoto on this for now, about finding some water. So once we figure out what's in these boxes, we'll head on to find that water you smelled Mikoto," Celine said, first to Slimy as she picked her up onto her back, ready to set her down at a moments notice to draw her blade forth again to fight with, where she then turned to the woman and replied to her.

When lady Vanquish opened the boxes and Celine saw what was inside of them, she looked closer curiously. "What are these things supposed to be I wonder?" Celine asked quietly as she looked at the cylindrical things with strange wicks sticking out of them, picking one up and looking closely at it, sniffing the thing to see what it smelled like exactly, thinking it could come in handy maybe. She tried to read what the old papers said without picking them up, fearing that they may crumble to dust before she could read them. "Soon as we can we should probably head on, but I wanna know what these say before we go, and I'd like to know what these are first too," Celine added as she looked at the strange cylinders.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

All looks to dont have problems on search the water. Slimy would certainly go where Celine want, Mikoto idea of go there would be welcome by the soldiers and after all Shika,

Celine tried to smell the strange objects who looks to have some kind of earth inside, she couldnt identify the particular odd smell, yet the wicks looks to be easy to burn.

That dirt is close to make me snezze, just return them inside the box and lets just leave this place Mikoto said making a frown and placing her hand over her nose.

Vanquish and the demons looks to never had seen this at theirs possible long lives.

Just then with care Celine tried to read. There were some numbers but they could be a different kind of date of the one than they use now, but at least they could use them to know how much time is between each page. The letters are hard to read thanks to the pass of the time, but Celine notice than some parts talk about exploration and needs to find some teasure to continue the research. If Celine could find a way to bring them out to her Mistress castle maybe she could find someone to find out more about these papers who looks to be from maybe humans of a really old age.

They suddenly heard explosions sounds making echoes at the caves making nearly impossible find out from where they come, soon roars bellow and at corridors around them appear showing than they arent alone, the time to run or continue exploring is now.

[cilindric objects are in fine conditions and are 15]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As she smelled the contents of the cylinders, Celine found it was an earthy smell of some sort, though she couldn't place it very well, then she went on to read the papers and found they were quite old indeed and from what she could make out, whoever had written them seemed to have been searching for treasure of some sort in these tunnels. Mikoto it seemed didn't like it very much herself, and lady Vanquish and her soldiers none of the three seemed to know what it was either. Just as she was about to see if lady Vanquish could use her magic and float the box that was holding the cylinders, they all heard what sounded like an explosion echo through the entire cave system, making it impossible to tell which direction it came from exactly.

"Lady Vanquish, can you use your magic to float these like you are that succubus there? If so then here, do it. I think these things will come in handy for the great mistress," Celine whispered to lady Vanquish, placing all of the cylinders and the papers into a single one of the boxes if they would all fit, both boxes if need be for the magic user woman to levitate them to bring with them.

As soon as that was done, Celine would look over at Mikoto and Shika. "Mikoto, Shika, sniff us out the safest passage out of here and towards the water, hurry," Celine then whispered to the two, a hint of urgency in her voice to tell them to hurry it up as she drew her sword again with her right hand while holding Slimy up on her back with her left, telling her to hold on tight if they got into a fight so that she could use both arms. As soon as the nekos had sniffed them out the safest passage to the water, Celine would follow them, motioning for everyone else to as well.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Indeed, lets take them with us. The woman wishper after make a little smile and stay looking to Celine. Her serious tone looks to be more notable than before and soon both boxes started to levitate once they get closed. The soldiers looks to had noticed somethin too and now remaind quiet and turning to Vanquish.

Your sword is really beautiful and you are lifting that girl without problem. Please stay in the middle of the formation, Celine.

Someone so beloved for our Great Mistress should dont get needlessly placed on risk.
Said in a soft tone as they follow the nekos, something more than the usual serious tone is now placed between her words and the soldiers looks to be looking more at Celine than before.

If something bad happens, please dont place yourself at risk Celine, im sure to be able to defend myself. The still wounded Slimy said, as both nekos continue the guide to where should be a safe place with water. However before this could happen a huge creture appear from behind, breaking a wall and having a good reach for all of the demons, maybe even Celine could be attacked soon by it if this creature run toward them. The creature have 9 feets and have a demonic aberration humanoid body, the red muscular scaled body could make them suppose than it will be hard deal with it and each of its sharp claws looks to be easily better than a sword

How is possible? we werent leaving any evident trail and we were unable to detect it. Mikoto said really cleless about what has just happened.

Mikoto was doing all right, they must had cheated !!

Shh, we dont want more uninvited creatures.

I doubt than he is alone, i somehow cant understand them too much but now i noticed than his roars are a way to comunicate with some creatures close him. Slimy had frowning and ready to fight if needed.

Let me here, i will stop all of them. The soldier who remain slighty wounded said.

The monster roar even more and looks to be looking at them with a not so agresive way than the others had do.

Claire? That creature want than we give back Claire to them. Slimy said, trying hard to understand it. But all looks to dont have any idea of who could be this Claire and why this monster looks to be very sure than they have her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Heh, thank you lady Vanquish, but I know we don't have the luxury of one of us not fighting to their fullest if we want to get out of here. I'm willing to put myself in harms way to keep as many alive and safe as I can. I was trained thoroughly with the sword before I left my home, and I am quite strong physically for an elf to say the least. Lifting Slimy like this is nothing really. And Slimy it's okay, I don't mind carrying you until your legs are able to carry you again," Celine said first to lady Vanquish, then to Slimy, letting lady Vanquish know that she was willing to fight if need be in order to protect them, and letting Slimy know that she wouldn't make her try and walk on hurt legs where she couldn't keep up good. Celine wondered why the soldiers and lady Vanquish were giving her strange looks also, though she didn't ask just yet, deciding that they should get to a relatively safe place before she did so.

Before they could get down to the water however, a large demonic looking beast burst through the wall behind them, his long arms easily putting everyone in the rear within range of him, and possibly Celine and Slimy too. Celine wasn't sure if even all of them together could take this thing on, but just as she readied herself to fight as she turned around to face the creature, Celine saw the wounded soldier put himself in front of them and tell them to go while he held it off. When Slimy spoke though and told her that she could understand it somewhat and then told her what the creature had said, Celine placed a hand on the soldier's shoulder for a moment to stay him before he attacked.

"Slimy, can you ask him who Claire is and why he wants her? Or if possible can you make me able to understand and talk to him? He isn't attacking us and that's more than I can say about any of the others thus far. If we can get out of this without a fight then I'd like to at least give it a try, because I'm not sacrificing anyone unless we absolutely have to. I can't sacrifice someone when I know there is even a sliver of hope that we don't have to. Who knows... he may even be able to help us... maybe... or hopefully rather," Celine asked Slimy, saying where the others could hear that she would like to try diplomacy if possible as she fearlessly pulled the wounded soldier behind her, placing her and Slimy in front of everyone facing this creature, though ready to fight still if need be.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

It will be my first time trying it using this body, but i will try to do it. Slimy answer and then cought sftly a pair of times and remain in silent for a second, she frown and whimper, it really was a hard task for her find how she could talk with the creature, finally some tendrils started to get out from her back and arms, making her blush as she make the tentacles vibrate and touch between each other to create noises out of the range than Celine could understand, yet the wet rubs sounds can reach her ears.

The monster stay looking at them roaring until Slimy passed a moment doing her attemp, finally the strange colosal creature turned to her and roar in a most low manner yet this still could make the whole place tremble. Slimy cought softly again and gasp for air, her body looks to be all sweaty and her niples erected pressing on Celine's back.

Uff... it said something like Claire is inside one of the boxes... i dunno if i heard him correctly... Slimy manage to said between gasps, instintively her body get more pressed against Celine and without thinking she is now cuddling at her.

That creature could be confused and used all this time by someone to guard these boxes, maybe that Claire never existed or if she is real she could dont exist anymore. Vanquish said crossing her arms and calming turning around in case of more creatures, his soldiers looks to accept her theory.

Nya!...Well... there are many things at the box, maybe one is a Claire. Shika said playfully. Dont be brute. Claire is an usual human name, it must be someone dead like that woman had said or she could had been in another or one of these boxes before run away or been taken by another of these disgusting things. Mikoto answer ready to fight with her eapons ready to strike the creature.

Hmm, Shika never expected than a so cute name like Claire could be placed on a human, it would had been a cute name for one of our daughters, dont you think?. She said between her happily usual tone and cuddling at Mikoto.

...No. Now get away Shika!!

After rest a little moment Slimy and the creature looks to each other, he looks to starting to be a little upset as he roar again in potent tone. Maybe i dont understand it correctly the last time, should i talk more ? i dunno if i can do it better than before, its really hard to talk without make this girl get distracted by my own body

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"It's also possible that Claire was cremated and these are her ashes... but I doubt it. There's too many of these things, unless there are several cremated people's ashes in these. See if you can get more information out of him and we'll try and figure out which of these things has this... Claire inside of it and we'll leave it and take the rest. Unless we can't figure it out, then I suppose we can leave them all and come back later," Celine said to Slimy, holding her there as she began looking through the boxes and the cylindrical things, opening each of the cylinders in turn as she tried to find out what was in them, wondering if this Claire was inside one of them.

She was hoping they could keep these things... whatever they were, so that she could show them to Vanessa later and hopefully figure out what they are exactly. But if she ended up having to leave them then she would, in order to keep everyone as safe as possible so that they could move on and find the rest of the soldiers so that they could hurry up in this dark dank cavern, because she was getting a little tired of the darkness surrounding them... she wanted to see the sun and bask in its radiance some, because down here she just felt dirty and unsafe. If luck was on her side, they could find whatever this beast was wanting and leave it with him so that they could go on in their search

"Come on help me look through these things so we can hurry up and move on... hopefully without a fight if we can help it. Though... if we have to we'll leave these boxes and take the papers. Maybe the great mistress can make sense of them and we could just come back for them later or something," Celine said to the others as she searched the boxes, having Slimy ask the beast which of the things was the Claire he was searching for.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

All except Slimy werent so sure about what Celine decide to do, but not a single of them cares about the strange cylinders until the elf opened one.

W...wa... ah...ah ch...wait!! im sure than that is not... Ahh~ Chew~

Mikoto tried to said between cute muffed sneezes. Soon Shika remain expectant giggling and pushing Mikoto closer to the box. Nya ~

Please stop this Celine. now all these objects belong to our Great Mistress. Vanquish interrupt pushng Celine away of the boxes with her mind powers. Meanwhile after calm Slimy started to talk with the creature, both looks to have an attempt to understand each other yet the Lady soldier looks ot had enough and float close the boxes.

Ehm...its on the box, but i cant really understand what is Claire.

That is enough for me, please all get away of the boxes. Vanquish manage to say before make all except the papers leave the two wodden boxes. each item getting around the monster. Say him to take that Claire, so we can continue.

Slimy turn to her, the poor plant girl looks really tired and seaty, all her body was close to be completely soaked in a delicate transparent slimy cape.

The creature turn to one of the things levitating close him and without doubt take it, it was a doll and soon just leave them, as he tried to dont press the object so this can get broken.

So strange, but i guess than all is fine now.

Aw... i wanted to give that doll to ours childs at our town.

Ah ch...Ahh~ Chew~ oh great. Ahh~ Chew~ Ahh~ Chew~ Ahh~ Chew~ Im dying Ahh~ Chew~

Mikoto looks to be really bad, her cute little nose is completely unable to smell anything and she remain covering her mouth and nose as she have a continuous sneeze attack.

Hahaha, Mikoto sound so fun. Shika said between potent giggles and attempts to take away the hands from Mikoto face. Slimy managed to endure the problems what cause talk to the monsters in her actual body, but she looks so hot now. I...need to mate... baddly, i could sattle this body needs but i will endure it, i know than this is not a good time.

With only Shika able to guide them and Slimy really aroused, the group soon continue for a little time. Each sneeze from the neko made her move her tail and ears so she was also unable to detect anything, as she blame the damn dust at the cylinders. The remaining things had be placed inside the boxes by the female soldier and then after a walk they reach a hole with water.

Its... like the last time. That hole must guide us to a underwater tunnel or maybe an exit.

Nya... a little cave is at the lefty we should take it, right Mikoto.

Mikoto... why are you crying?

Ahh~ Chew~ i...im not...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As they began looking in the cylinders and boxes to see if they could find something that the creature would take as Claire, Celine saw Mikoto begin sneezing which caused Shika to giggle, but Celine stopped her from pushing Mikoto closer to the box, just patting her arm and shaking her head no. "Aye lady Vanquish, I agree with you, but... I don't want to fight this thing unless we have to. Just about all of us are hurt somewhat and I doubt we could handle it," Celine said to lady Vanquish before the woman used her magic to levitate the items within the boxes, where the creature took a single doll that Celine looked curiously at him for. "Yeah... I... guess we should go on now then," Celine whispered to the others as they prepared to move on.

Celine just smiled at Shika when she mentioned wanting to give the doll to some of the children in her town, where Celine tapped her on the arm to get her attention. "Hey, I can make dolls if you'd like to wait for me to make one for you when we get done in here, for you to take home with you when you go. I learned to sew when I was younger and making a doll isn't all that hard really," Celine said to Shika as they continued on, where she was beginning to get worried about Mikoto's sneezing fit she was having. "No no Shika, let her stay as quiet as possible here, because something may hear her if she doesn't cover her face. Take the lead for us okay sweetie, you're nose is the only one working right now it looks like and we need to get to that water soon," Celine added to Shika, stopping her from uncovering Mikoto's mouth and nose while the neko sneezed and smiling softly at her as she had her take the lead for the time being.

When Slimy mentioned what was wrong with her, Celine grew increasingly more worried about their situation. She could just set Slimy down and have sex with her right here in the middle of the tunnel, as just anything could come along and attack them. "As soon as we're to a safe enough place Slimy then I can help you out okay. Just try and hold on alright," Celine whispered to Slimy as she carried her along.

Thankfully, after a few short minutes they managed to make their way to some water, where Celine set Slimy down near it and went over to check it out, helping Mikoto to wash her face off of the dust from the cylinders as she checked it out to make sure it was okay. "Alright everyone, let's get cleaned off as best we can before we continue on. And get some to drink too, my throat is getting a little dry," Celine said to everyone after setting Slimy down while helping Mikoto out as best she could.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The sexy pink girl just whimper a little as she was separed from Mikoto and stoped for make a little joke to her, caresing softly her hand than has been patted by Celine, maybe not so sure why this could be bad for them or most loikely for Mikoto. Lady Vanquish looks to be glad to heard than Celine know than only the Great Mistress would find out how to make these items help them to know more of what had happened in this place, but there was not more time to continue talking as they needed to take care of the strange huge creature first.

Once the creature leave, they noticed how the doll was holded with care to dont hurt it, even Slimy looks to dont see this as usual. The walk started and the elven sew skills looks to be a little amazing for Shika who just take a moment in her many usual attemps to be close Mikoto. Prrf... really? Yaaay! oh mew that is grreat. Can you make twenny? Make them to be nekos, Nya~ Shika say as she hug Celine and prrs before return to Mikoto after a minute, as Mikoto looks to be really pissed by how loud Shika is talking, it was a miracle than nothing has notice them.

For what it looks Shika is really so childrish and open mind with a loot of energy to share. Heard than she could not play with Mikoto really make her look sad and even when she understand to Celine words she still looks to dont understand her fault.

Nya! Do you heard Mikoto? im the leader now. Said the neko in her normal high voice between giggles. The silver neko looks really pissed, she just frown and turn to Shika as if she wanted to hit that airhead a pair of times to make her understand to close her mouth. About the others, each of them also looks to have a few problems with the loud neko, but the needs to be ready to fight in any moment make them get not so worried about what could cause Shika tone.

Playfully Shika take the front, but many times she get close Mikoto, like trying to make her look at her, as the pink neko wide smile.

Slimy looks to be glad with Celine words. Thanks, Celine. Even when i could do it myself, have your help will make all better

Once all rached the hole with water, Mikoto just accept the help as she was ready to clean her face. The place looks to be safe for now and Slimy looks to be better now because she could put her weight at her feet, but it looks like she is trying to dont push herself too much to avoid more pain.

Mikoto's face soon get cleaned yet she looks to be a little affected after all the sneezes. Oh... finally, now i can do this. The silver neck then turn to Shika and let her get close , she never expected than Mikoto could push her suddenly to the hole, Eeep...Nooo in surprise she manage to cry and have a hard time getting out. Aww... Mikoto lick me, please. I fall and now im all so wet... it will take me time to clean all this....Nya

After clean each other they needed to decide what to do now. Very, well now we should continue taking the left path, as is the only one than we can take.

Wait please, i could dive and check if we could take this other path.

Nooo, please i dont want to get at the water again, i feel so cold. Shika said shivering and quickly hugging the silver girl who soon started to push her away. Hey, im trying to dry myself.

Mikoto, please. Lets warm each other.

If is safe i can aid all to pass, just dont expose yourself. Vanquish say, leaving to Slimy decide if it could be safe try it.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Shika began getting louder with her talking, Celine tapped her on the arm and motioned for her to be quiet again before they were heard by something. "Shika, we can't afford to be loud remember. We'll get grabbed and raped if we don't be quiet, so keep your voice down alright," Celine said to Shika as she got louder, shushing her down again before they were heard. "And yes I can make some neko dolls if you like once I get some free time to do so and the materials to do it as well, but those shouldn't be hard to come by really," Celine added to Shika once she calmed and quietened her down some.

"It's okay Shika, you can be with Mikoto again here soon enough, but we need to hurry and find that water so she cans top sneezing like that, it's not your fault sweetie," Celine said to Shika, petting her on the head gently and scratching her behind her ears.

"Don't worry about it Slimy, I can handle carrying you and fighting at the same time, I trained rigorously before I left home and built my muscles up to be strong, I mean you can probably feel my muscles in my abs here," Celine said to Slimy, taking one of her hands and placing it on her abs. Celine wasn't really buff, but it was easy to tell her muscles were a bit stronger than your average elf.

Once they finally made their way to some water she helped Mikoto wash her face off after setting Slimy down so she could stop sneezing so much, where she pet her on the head and scratched her behind the ears too before heading back over to Slimy and helping her to get washed off some before washing herself off as best she could. Celine giggled at Mikoto's pushing Shika into the water, saying she could finally do it, then she glanced over at lady Vanquish and then back to Slimy when they both spoke again. She honestly had to agree with Slimy, since she could breathe underwater as far as Celine knew... well at least she was able to before when she wasn't in that girl's body anyway.

"Hey you two, come over here with me alright and we can get warm together," Celine said to the nekos, gesturing for them to both come over with her to huddle for warmth where she looked back to Slimy. "Aye Slimy, I agree with lady Vanquish here, go ahead and look if you're feeling up to it, but be careful and stay out of sigh okay," Celine added to Slimy, letting her decide if she was up to it or not. If Shika and Mikoto either one came over to huddle with her for warmth while they awaited Slimy's return, then Celine would wrap an arm around them and pull them close on either side of her, letting them lay their heads on her breasts to rest for now if they needed to.