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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Very well, as you wish Celine, lets get hurry then. Slimy answer accepting than it was not the time to bring this soldier out of the place. Once Celine talk to the nekos, the pink girl blushed and smiled to her, yet the silver one frown and said with a wide smile. But im getting fine, really. Just a little more and i will be fine, so there is not need for this, so lets just continue.

The other neko turn to her and giggle. Yeah, sure. We nekos get recovered faster than anything. It sound to be said in joke but the other neko nod, maybe they were just trying to cover each other back or they are trying to just calm themselves.

After walk for a while, the group found the girl and Celine tried to take her from there but after fail in get inside, Slimy stop her when she tried to move any rock. I would not do that if i were you, these rocks looks risky.

Yes...ouhh... maybe someone place that woman on porpose to be finded.

True, we would see some creatures close this place.

Maybe if you move a wrong rock all will fall over you and maybe the breeder, in the best case both will remain stuck until we can find a way to free you or the monster guilty of this does it...ufff

I can use my vines to get close, so we dont have to take the risks

Nekos can get inside easily too, i just need to press a little my sexy curves..."gigge""

The girls turned to Celine who is supposed to be the leader of the team, as the silver one looks a little sik yet to dont accept her words, yet before she could say something, some noises were detected by the nekos, soon the silver one mutters a little angry. Damn, someone has been following us. Celine had the time to get ready and decide what to do before the creatures stealthily moved inside the room, fortunately the nekos and Slimy noticed them so Celine saw them in time to order at her group and prepare to fight. Hidding at the darkness four small creatures were getting closer, they werent so close to have a full description of them but Celine with her elf eyes could see than they looks to be likely as some kind of imps mxxed with rocks and long strong limbs like claws and tendrils.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well if you two say so, then alright, but if it comes right down to it then you'll have to let Slimy do that, because I already promised I wouldn't leave you behind and I can't carry you both and fight at the same time," Celine said to the neko's agreeing to not have Slimy do that unless she needed to later on.


"Hmm, yeah I suppose it does pose a risk if I try and go through there since I'm the biggest one here all in all, if any of the three of you can reach her and get her out of there then that'd be helpful," Celine said to both neko's and Slimy about the succubus girl trapped within the small tunnel.

When they heard some sounds behind them, Celine turned to see some small imp like creatures trying to sneak in towards them through she shadows, noticing four of them trying to sneak in. "Girls, get ready to fight, we'll get the girl out afterwards alright, Slimy guard the hole, you two stay near her and I will too, don't let two of them catch you alone. When they get clise enough Slimy try and use your tentacles to knock their legs out from under them and we'll pounce on three of them if we can while you handle the other one, they're smaller than we are so we should be able to manage them, watch out for their tentacles though and cut them off first if you need to," Celine said to the girls, drawing her sword out from its sheath again to fight as she gave them a plan of action to deal with these things.

When the things came close enough, Celine would duck and have the neko's duck with her as Slimy swung her tentacles around at the small creatures legs, and if she knocked enough of them down, then Celine would spur the two neko's into action as she dove at the nearest one to her, aiming to drive her sword down into its throat to kill it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The girls were getting ready to attack when the time come, the nekos placed close Slimy as the vine girl prepare her tendrils to shoot at the creatures, who were getting ready to attack, but after Celine words and looking at the sword, they make some noises between then and run like hell out of there. Two went to where the group as come and other hide inside a hole at the ceiling, finally the last stay looking to the group for a moment before leave too toward the other path than the group havent taken.

Cowards! The silver neko shout, as the pink one giggled before she get pushed by the first to help her to hunt them.

Maybe we should just free this girl from here and them leave this place before something worse come. Slimy sugest, yet there was still time to hunt the creatures, yet not all could be taken out unless the team get divided.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Readying and bracing herself for the coming attack, Celine was prepared to make her attack when the creatures stopped and chittered amongst each other for a moment or two before ran off like a bunch of cowards, going into some of the side holes in the room. Celine looked puzzled by their move, but the silver haired neko's shout shook her out of it and she turned around to look back into the hole again after Slimy spoke.

"No Slimy's right, we should try and get her out of there and move on before something else comes. The sooner we've found the mistress's allies the better, then we can leave her with them to take back so she can recover," Celine said, putting a hand on the silver haired neko's shoulder to try and calm her down, and stop her before she ran off. "Slimy see if you can get a hold of her and pull her out alright, we'll cover you and try to help," Celine added to Slimy, ready to help however she needed.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Shika and Mikoto were close to leave, but the silver one was not so fast at the moment so she was stoped by Celine and after a moment the pink neko also turn back, not loving the idea of hunt alone in an unknown dangerous place.

But they could return or ambush us, but fine if you want to lost the time then lets hep that demon.

After Mikoto went to get close to help as she could at her wounded state, Slimy release some tendrils and started to surround the demoness, Slimy dont tried to take her out at the moment, instead her tendrils slowly get inside her and make her squirm as she feel the many apendages get inside her, coiling aroung the objects inside her and slowly taking them out. Its strange, i just feel than i should take care of these ones and let them grow inside me, from where it comes that need? Slimy ask to herself and in part to Celine as slowly egg shpe like lumps slowly get out of the woman at the hole and slowly go trhough the vines.

The process take a while as the eggs are removed from the demoness rear, womb and even stomach from her mouth. Uncounciest she whine and moan, maybe in part not liking the way than her body was getting cleaned from the inside. Then she slowly get moved out of the hole at the wall, but Celine and the nekos needed to help to remove some rocks to let her get out.

The woman with difficults was placed out, she was all wet and uncouncious for the ordear than just now happened. Now Celine could still heard distant noises as always these last minutes, but they were unable to find the source. Anyway she could return from where she come or take the other path close them, as also check around where she was taken by the stone creature.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was glad she reached out and stopped the neko's when she did, as the pink one was beginning to run off to hunt the things down that had just come in. "I'd rather taken those things out myself too honestly, but no need to fight if we can help it I think. Best to conserve our energy and pick our battles in here, since we seem to be tracking our allies and your leader," Celine said to the pair of neko's, thankful that they didn't run off.

Nodding to them when they replied, Celine turned to Slimy and gestured for her to go ahead and do whatever she needed to in order to get the girl out. Celine watched as Slimy's tentacles got to the poor succubus trapped inside there, feeling a little sad for her, thinking that she must have gone through a lot of hardship up until now. "I'm not sure why Slimy, but if I had to guess then I'd say it's got something to do with the fact that the girl you're now in was addicted to just that herself and stuff, so it's a kind of bleeding effect that you feel too unfortunately. I would suggest not doing that though for now Slimy, as we need to hurry on after we get her," Celine replied to Slimy when her companion asked her question about the eggs while she watched her beginning to remove said eggs.

While Slimy handled the eggs in the succubus, Celine set about checking the pair of neko's with them for injuries, and should she find them she would clean them as best she could with what they had. When Slimy was done pulling the eggs or seeds or whatever out of the succubus, Celine had the neko's help her to move some of the rocks blocking their path so that they could get the succubus out. Pulling the succubus out of the hole finally, Celine saw she was very wet and unconscious at the moment from what all had happened. In the distance through the caves here, Celine could hear strange noises as she tried to decide on which direction to go.

"I think we should keep trying to follow the trail we were following myself girls, since we have some baggage now to take care of and all. So I say we look around back at where the fallen demon soldier was at unless any of you have a better idea. Plus it'll get us out of here where these things are," Celine said to the others, ready to backtrack if the others wanted to as she glanced around, holding her sword up, ready to strike at any foes that might try and attack them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Maybe after this mission i will try to adapt her body even better to control these feelings, after all from now on this will be also my body Slimy answer caressing her flat belly, looking to be in need of have something living inside her. The eggs were placed with care inside the hole, even when these have nearly zero chances to survive without a host. Meanwhile Shika purrs happily when Celine check and heal them as much as she can, yet Mikoto just stay blushing and frowing traying to stay alert and dont purr instead.

Thanks to the help of all they manage to free easily who looks to be a young succubus her silver blue soft skin and dark blue hair show some kind of high remark breeding, maybe a noble among her kind.

Slimy decide to take her as they return. The others girls werent able to find more clues of theirs allied actual position. Aww...If this werent a dangerous place, i could leave some marks so our leader could find us faster Shika whimper tired of walk, what Mikoto answer looking to be also needed to be at her lands or at leastclose their leaders.

Suddenly from nowhere a bunch of small rocks were throw to the group. Celine feel two making two small wounds at her body when they pass close, Slimy and the silver neko defend the others two with theirs bodies. Just then between groans they find out 6 goblin like creatures trying to get more rocks to throw at them

Yes, no doubt than our scent will make him find us in no time, but its really dangeous

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Smiling as Shika purred while she checked her wounds as Slimy finished up with the succubus girl, Celine quickly moved over to Mikoto and checked her wounds as well, petting her head and scratching her behind her cat ears when she finished up and noticing that she didn't seem to be purring like the other neko did. Once Slimy had the soft silvery blue skinned succubus out of the hole, Celine checked her as well to make sure she wasn't hurt, where she noticed that she seemed to be a higher succubus, which scared her somewhat, as she figured it would take something strong to take out a succubus of that power.

"Yeah, it may be too risky though to leave markings as to our whereabouts in here, I mean just anything could follow our trail and trap us possibly. Hopefully though we can find your leader and Cassie and Lina before we... ouch," Celine started saying to Shika, stopping and grunting as a couple of rocks hit her as the others were pelted with some rocks as well. Glancing around she noticed half a dozen of the little goblin things from before throwing rocks at them as she raised her sword to protect her face as she glanced over at the others. "We need to move... now. And I'd say that we should risk it myself, since there's so many enemies in this place and all, because we need to find your leader fast so that we can find Cassie and Lina and get the hell out of here," Celine went on to say as she noticed the goblins looking for more rocks to throw at them, gesturing to them to run, where she helped Slimy get the succubus as they ran out back to where the catlike statue had dragged her to. As they got to the exit of the room, Celine grabbed a couple of rocks and threw them back at the goblins to dissuade them from following, hoping to peck one of them in the head for hitting her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Damn things we should had kill them all! The silver neko shout as she try to cover herself.

All soon follow Celine to where the dead soldier should be and even when Celine manage to hit one, there were more to continue attacking the girls, the hunt continue for the corridors, as these creatures dissapear at the holes and xme out close the girls to hit them again, but after a great run the girls manage to miss many of the goblin like creatures or maybe the group has get out their territory.

Celine had many purple hits at her human looking nude body, she was close to fall and the two nekos werent better than her, Slimy has used many vines to defend herself and the succubus so she manage to block more than the ones than Celine do with her sword, after all the damn creatures always tried to hit her at the back when she lost the sight of them so swiming her weapon was not so useful.

Ouchy.... it hurts, my legs are killing me and im bleeding. The pink one whine as she see the many marks at her cute body,

Well, i will kill them the next time, just running around is not working so well. Mikoto answer in great needs to kill something.

We would had ended worse if we would had fight with them. Slimy add as she start to rub her tentacles at her body, to try to reduce the pain at her permanent host, leaving the succubi at the floor who just yawn and cuddle at the floor turning to a side.

Well, i guess than we have now to decide what to do, we could turn back or check these three others paths, i guess than i should sniff them all again.

Uhm, i want the one filled with old torches, it looks to be the most cute.

That dont make sense, if the torches are turned off them there havent been anyone there for a long time, lets take the big one, there looks to had passed a lot of things, maybe are creatures or soldiers, im not sure by the many smells in them.

Ehm, the narrow one looks safer. Slimy interrupt, not liking the idea of be in a concurred path

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Yeah I agree that we probably should have killed them, but we don't have enough of us around to handle them I think unfortunately," Celine called to Mikoto as she threw a rock and smacked one of the goblins right in the head and knocked it out cold.

After a minute or two the girls managed to get out of the goblins territory enough for them to back off and leave them alone, but they had quite a few purple welts on them. When they finally got the chance to stop, Celine sat down and checked everyone's wounds, looking to see if either of the neko's had any actual clothing, which she would ask them if they minded her using some of it to make some makeshift bandages with, unless she had some on herself that is, in which case she would use them instead. "Slimy's right, there were just too many of them to try and fight Mikoto, we'd have likely ended up raped silly," Celine said to the silver haired neko.

As the silver haired neko sniffed out each of the other paths, Celine had to agree with Slimy that the narrow path looked the safest, but she figured that they should let the neko's decide on the path they would take this time, since every time she'd led them into a new place they had run afoul of monsters and got a little more hurt each time. "I agree with Slimy that the narrow path looks the safest, but the bigger path would have a better chance of having your big leader, and probably my mistress's soldiers as well. So we'll check it first. Also I've only led us into danger so far, so I'd like to give someone else the chance to take point for now and pick the path we take, I'll take the rear guard. Slimy can you carry that poor succubus there along with us?" Celine said to everyone there, letting them know of her want to not lead them into another fight they either couldn't win or couldn't win without getting hurt some.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Mikoto get surprised than Celine had the courage or mistake to had said her name, it dont disturb her too much after all the things than had happened and she would had loved than they would had come with some clothes at least but maybe these would had been already destroyed by the monsters at this moment, maybe being nuded and the needs of work together had made her less agresive with the others girls. I would not be sure of that, but maybe you are right, even then i want to kill them the next time. she just answer when Celine say of what could had happened with them facing the goblins.

When Celine tried to look for any clothes she notice the complete nudity at her team except for the ropes and belts than the nekos had taken when they take the weapons at the start of the cave, as she had decided than they would be nude at this mission, when she talk a last time with her mistress. Fortunatelly once again with the dead soldier she could use the remains of the armor and clothes on him to turn them in bandages, the soldier dont have too much time dead and the lack of light has reduced the putrefaction a little, as there is not water close too.

The nekos look not so great than they must wear the bandages but after complain a little they accepted the first aids from Celine, as the other choice would be than Slimy use her healing fluids on them, not a bad second choice if Slimy would not add than she need some sexual entertaintment for that...

After Celine words, Slimy get up the succubus at her vines as always and nod. Yes, dont worry i can still carry her for a long time. Once all ready Mikoto get in front proud of lead the team. Good, follow me, we will find someone of ours allies soon for certainly. Shika looks to enjoy how Mikoto has get excited with the leader way than she was thinking now and she suddenly started to happily jump and hug the silver neko before purr and giggle at her back. You are so cool Mikoto, hug me!

Hey! not now help me to find something. The silver one say a little upset but Celine could see than they just act like that always and after all the made their job between jokes and complains.

The team continue like this for a while without find anything, with Celine at the back and Slimy trying to be ready to help in any side. Then all notice some words at the walls in the same strange lenguage from the last time, the nekos were unable to read it too and dont put too much atention to it, but Slimy was unable to get lost on the words and nearly fall with the succubus as she remain stunned and confused holding her head. I...I DONT WANT TO BE HERE!!! she shout with tears and was close to run in panic but then she stop herself in completely confusion trying to understand what just had happened.

Are you crazy, you had made the monsters know than we are here. Said Mikoto in anger. As they could feel than they shold move and find a way of leave. Celine could see a corridor to the right, it was narrow and have an hole, at least two of them could hide there, the others options would be hide at the right corridor until something come or move faster to the front or return

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Noticing that none of them had clothing that could be used as makeshift bandages, Celine remembered the dead soldier had clothing on him that they could use for just that purpose, to make some makeshift bandages from his clothing. It was a bit smelly though Celine found, which was obviously not to the liking of the neko's nor herself for that matter, but at the moment she had little choice in the matter and so she made some bandages from the dead soldier's clothing and put them onto the others as best she could, hoping to at least keep them covered if nothing else.

"Good to hear Slimy, if you need any help then just let me know and I'll help you to carry her around a bit," Celine said to Slimy, letting her know if she needed to hand the succubus off to rest he arms then Celine could carry her for a while if need be.

Smiling at the two as she followed along behind Shika was acting towards Mikoto, Celine wondered how much longer it would take them to find Vanessa's guards. It made no sense that they wouldn't have left at least a small force to keep watch at the main entrance to the place in case they needed to be contacted for some reason or another. She needed to find them and find out why they weren't at the entrance, as she needed to give them the paper Vanessa gave her to give to them, though she knew not what was on it, she did however keep it safe, wrapping it around the sheath of her sword and keeping it tied onto it so that it didn't get torn up or anything.

After a while of travel, Celine and company came to a wall that had glyphs written in the strange language she'd seen when she was last in here. When Slimy started to go crazy and shouted out what she did, Celine knew that something was wrong and immediately grabbed Slimy. "Slimy what the hell's wrong? Oh hell tell us later, for now we hide, come on," Celine hissed at her companions, rushing to the front and grabbing Slimy along the way to bring her in her shocked state. "Damn... it's not big enough for everyone to get in there. Look, Slimy take the succubus and hide in there, go now. You two, stay in the shadows alright, I'll try my best as well, but if it comes down to it then I'll let whatever it is come after me instead and try to distract it to give you a chance to strike," Celine went on to say in a whisper to everyone, coming up with a sound plan of action to handle the situation.

Helping Slimy and the succubus into the hidey hole, she helped Mikoto and Shika into a decent enough spot in the sides of the corridor where they would be in the shadows, near the hiding hole that Slimy and the succubus were inside of. Celine would take up a position on the opposite side of the hallway that was as hidden as possible, but if something came down the corridor to attack them, Celine would draw her blade and hope for the best, remembering to do just like she had with the catlike statues earlier to give her an easier time with the fight, should there be one..


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Trying to understand what just happened with her, Slimy just shake her head in confusion when Celine and Mikoto ask her what has happened. But there was not time for this ad soon Celine take her to a hole at the wall where Slimy and the succubus could both remain hidden as the possible danger pass out.

Then the blonde elf decide the plan with the two nekos who looks to be fine with her desicion of be the first on fight and call the attention so they can have a free shoot. Once decided both find a good place to hide and make a quick attack if needed but Shika was cuddling to much at Mikoto and this looks to be uneasy with his as they start to whisper at each other, they weere a little far for Celine to manage to heard but they looks to be struggling, at least Mikoto to get a little more of space.

Before anyone could solve this, they each to heard quick steps moving to where they are and soon they notice two male soldiers helping a nearly nude woman to run away, one of them looks to be heavily wounded with a dark aura at his arm and even when the other looks to be strong and fine enough to carry alone the girl, this soldier looks to preffer just help her to move, as she looks to be floating at his side, just them the wounded soldier fall at his kness and take his weapon out, what looks to be an axe of a little huge size than the usual. The soldier with the woman urn to him and tried to help him to get up but this swing a little his weapon not trying to hurt them but just making them get away.

Just go an find the others. The man say before the woman try to get away by herself but she looks to be really tired and only move slowly, making the healty soldier curse a little before take the woman and just try to leave the wouned sldier to his luck. Celine eyes could notice six creatures of meddium to huge size moving to their place in a slighty fast speed, they will be there close each other in at least a minute or two, giving them the enough time to ddecide what to do or even escape and leave the soldier behind if they want. Slimy remain hiden and only the two nekos remain looking with her what is happening close them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Helping Slimy into the hiding place with the succubus, Celine told the neko's to get into a hiding place as well and helped them to get ready, where she then turned to face whatever foe was coming for them this time, not willing to step aside and let whatever it was take or hurt her friends. Before she really got ready however Celine heard footsteps coming closer, moving quickly towards their position. Looking closely, she saw two of Vanessa's soldiers, or at least they were dressed that way anyway from the looks of it, and since her soldiers were the only ones around here she could only believe they were her's really.

One of the soldiers looked quite wounded from the looks of it while the other was helping a naked woman, likely one they had found and were trying to rescue. The wounded soldier fell to his knees shortly after they came into view, where the woman and the other soldier tried to help him up to his feet to continue running, but he shrugged them away and told them to keep going, which the began doing. Celine glanced back at the neko's and nodded to them. "We can't leave him to die like this girls, come on we have to help, Shika, get Slimy real quick and have her leave the succubus in there and then help that poor girl into their hiding place, we'll get those two to help us and we'll take all of those things out, I'm tired of running and those are my mistress's soldiers, we have to help them, because they can take us to the rest of the soldiers she has in here," Celine whispered quickly to the neko's drawing her holy blade and readying herself for combat.

As soon as Mikoto came back out with her weapons too, Celine rushed up to the soldiers before the one with the girl ran and left the other. "You come on, we'll help, lady stay back and throw rocks or something if you can, we can't leave him. I'm here on the mistress's orders," Celine called to the soldier running to stop him and the girl, trying to rally him as much as she could as she stepped forward, if the wounded soldier tried to shoo them on anyway though then Celine would quickly look around for something she could use or do to drive the creatures off and away from them so she didn't have to leave him behind, she just had to find a way to save him.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Taking a moment to calm out of her tease at the silver neko, the Pink one turn to Celine and smiling nodded, ready to answer aloud, but looks like Mikoto know her really wel so she muffed her for a moment as she ointed than she must remain quiet. The silver neko looks to dont be really interested to save the soldiers from that bunch of creatures, but she still accepted to help.

Once Shika went to inform to Slimy about this, Celine get out of her hideout and her words make the soldier running away stop. Who are you, human? The soldier holding the woman said in a menacing voice, ready to attack Celine and unsure of her words. Dont heard her lies, she must be a slave of them. Just go away. The wounded soldier say also disturbed by see her.

Wait, which Mistress are you talking about and why i havent see you? Introduce yourself now . Just interrupt the woman after Celine draw her sword. She talked in a strong and calmed tone even when the moment looks to be really critic for them.

As Celine at her disguise decide what to do, Slimy get out of the hideout, making all get more dificult to understand to the soldiers, as they notice the succubus at the hole and also another human close a neko. She was with us, these humans must be lying and try to trap us too. The unwounded soldier say redy to fight after see the succubus, but the woman at his arms remain waiting for Celine's answer. Mikoto remain hidden ready to strike them if all goes wrong and Shia just remain clueless not sure of what is happening, as also Slimy who feel like any word than she say could make all worse as also sprout any tendril. The creatures continue getting close at their speed and if Celine dont act fast they will be in danger.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hearing the three's mistrust of her, despite what she'd said, Celine sighed, unsure if she should say Vanessa's name. She quickly decided that she needed to act fast or they would all be caught. "Look I'm Celine, the great mistress Vanessa's personal servant. I have her orders right here, but we need to either prepare to fight, or move... now," Celine said quickly, doing what Vanessa had shown her to do in order to drop her magical veil.

"I'm Celine, the elf. We have to hurry. The mistress sent soldiers into here yesterday after I came to try and find some of the ones that were left behind. I refused to leave them to their fates, but... I couldn't find any of them in the end. She sent me into here to find our friends that were lost though, I've got her orders right here," Celine went on to say quickly, pulling the paper loose from her sheath and handing it to the girl. "Whatever we do though we need to decide what to do now, fight or flight. I have friends that can help us fight, but we have to decide now. I can explain more after we either fight and win or run for safety, so decide now," Celine added before taking the paper back from the girl, hoping that she and the soldiers were Vanessa's people. Though regardless of that, she was sure that it didn't matter really, as they had little choice but to help each other.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's words dont get withut effec and soon the three soldiers place theirs attention on her the paper and how the lusty phrase return her to be herself again make all get stunned, not only for the lewdness of the words but also by how the elf dare to say the Mistress name so easily, yet only the woman looks to know about it, as the others two only agreed to her words by the scence of the magic, yet Celine,s member remain hidden, maybe as this was dont ordered by Celine to get out.

Take him and lets all run before they get here! The woman answer, but before Slimy and the others could run, the monsters were really close to loss them. The blonde elf manage to turn to them to manage to see clearly the 6 creatures than were nearly with them. One were big enough than it fit nearly at the hole, his many eyes and three mouths demanding the meat to sattle his huge corrupted body than have 8 arms and possible a long tail. Two dark slime creatures with female torsos licks theirs poisonous lips as these notice the huge group, both having nue luscious sexy bodies and amber eyes. At both corners, two squi creatures with blank eyes and ligh blue humanoid bodies slide in fast speed to them and finally a dark humanoid creature who looks to be half demon and half aberration walk to them holding a long spear.

J...just run, i will stop them for a moment! the wounded soldier scream, yet now Slimy and both nekos were ready to fight. Ewww... they looks so angry, at least i can shoot at them. The pink catgirl say gla to have a bow, maybe showing to mikoto her fortune as the other cat woman dont have any range weapon.

The time to run was ending and before the creatures could get too much closer, Shika shoot at one of the squidmonsters as the other woman throw some big roocks to the creatures to give time, yet a Slime woamn send a junk of sime flying t her, looking at this the healthy soldier take her out the way and save her for the moment.

(Fight/run. Run will maybe need than someone stay to stop them)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine's disguise dropped for the three to see her as she barely whispered her mistress's name to them, she heaved a sigh of relief that the woman told her to get the wounded guy and come on before the monsters arrived, even as Celine thought about her member and her blood got a little warmed up inside of her, likely making her member pop out. Celine nodded her head and quickly helped the guy up to his feet and let him lean on her shoulder as she drew her sword from its sheath in order to fight in case they couldn't get away from them. Celine glanced over her shoulder and saw what all was chasing the soldiers and the girl, and what she saw terrified her pretty much, as it looked very likely that they wouldn't be able to win, even with the three newcomers.

When the wounded soldier told them to run and that he would hold them for as long as he could, Celine grimaced, as she didn't want to leave someone behind to die like this, it made her heart ache to even think about it. Celine knew the situation was too dire to wait though and try to fight, as these things were much too strong for them to fight now that she saw them, but there was no way that she could in good conscience leave him behind like this. Turning to the wounded soldier, she grabbed him up and threw him over her shoulder, using her great physical strength to lift him over her left shoulder while she wielded her sword in her right, then she glanced over at the woman. "Which way do we need to go? Now hurry, lead us on, Mikoto, Shika, Slimy, stay close to us and keep firing arrows and throwing rocks at them to try and hold them back while I carry him. don't lag behind though or those things will get you, now everyone come on. I'm not leaving someone to die when I can help them... NOW RUN!" Celine shouted at the girl, then to her own companions, telling the latter girls to cover them while she carried the wounded soldier while the unhurt one protected the girl in front while they led them to the others.

Carrying the wounded soldier, Celine would run as fast as she could, her adrenaline coursing through her veins and giving her the strength to carry him and keep going, following the two out in front back to where the other soldiers were at in this place. If anything got too close or jumped out in front of her, then she would slash her sword at it as she ran by, but if she noticed anything while on the run that would maybe give them a way to lose their foes, she would do it, so long as it didn't involve dropping the wounded soldier or losing any of her companions.

(Trying to run without leaving anyone behind for the moment, though if they find a very narrow corridor along the way where their foes can only attack one or two at a time, then Celine will tell the others they should try and make a stand there and thin out their foes numbers a bit before trying to keep moving.)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Fortunately for Celine, she take the wounded soldier off guard, however then he tried to get free before suddenly he just fall uncouncious at her arms without aparent reason. Then Celine tried to hurry the others, but that was not needed and she soon saw all just starting to run away before she even reach the meedle of her speech. The helty soldier already get up and help to take the woman out as this just answer suddenly as she float away. Just follow me.

Slimy carry the succubus and run as fast as she could what was not making her the fast one, her needs to use her tentacles make her look like a huge squid pulling herself with the Wall and floor, frowning with the extra weight over her. Shika and the new woman tried the best to make the creatures get slower and both Celine and Mikoto were in guard to defend anyone if needed. It was a long run, rocks falling as the monsters get closer and even the many walls started to looks as they were close to collapse, the dangerous creatures roar and even tried to hit them in each momento and in a sudden momento both Celine and Slimy get hit by the slime trow at them, the strange fluid started to make them get slower and theirs lust raise in few seconds. the blonde elf even could feel something trying to make her fall at floor, as the slime slowly slide at her rear and thighs, they tried to endure as much as they could but it was not getting of use, suddenly Celine fall at front of her, just then Mikoto come to pull her but it was too much weigh for her so Shika also come to aid, the path slowly was getting to being narrow, so they could turn into an even easy target for the shooter slime girls.

Shika was focusing in only help the others to move so she was unable to shoot more and Slimy was dangerously close te monsters, the other woman tried to make the celling fall at the creatures but it was not workin so fast, the slime girls were getting really close and then all fall at the place thans to a strange new power helping to take down the ceiling.

Celine found herself resting at the floor, confused yet luckily not hurted,, the soldier and the others two nekos were still alive, yet both nekos were slighty hurted by some rocks. Then a painful groan come from behind, as Slimy tried to get free of some huge rocks over her legs and low body, the succubus was resting in front of her some feet away with some hits over her and still uncouncious, the woman and the healty soldier were even still standing and looks to be a Little more calmed.

They started to get close to see how all were when then the roocks blocking the path were starting to move, the help to slime was close to come but then the slime girls were trying to pass the block in their liquid shape and turning to a woman shape once at the other side. Celine still had some moments to decide what to do and both nekos could still move, yet in any momento the others creatures could get free to attack them too.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Running as quickly as she could manage after hefting the soldier up over her shoulder, Celine carried him down the passageway as they ran while Slimy carried the succubus for them while Shika and the woman they'd just met handled the slowing down of their enemies. The walls looked close to collapsing in several places as they went, and Celine was sure that they would do so eventually given enough stress on them. After a short ways in, Celine felt a glob of slime hit her in the back where it was quickly making Celine become aroused.

As they ran towards a narrower hallway, Celine knew that they'd be easier targets for the slime girls, but it would make it easier to turn and face their foes, as they wouldn't be able to attack all at once. Celine got tripped up on something, probably a loose rock on the floor, which made her fall forward and hit the ground where Mikoto and Shika were helping to get her back up. She shook Shika's hand loose and told her to keep covering them that she would get up on her own, that they couldn't afford to lose the cover she was providing them. Just then she heard a rumbling as the ceiling collapsed on them, nearly hitting her and trapping Slimy a bit as the dust cleared.

Quickly getting back up to her feet, ignoring the pain as best she could despite how much it hurt, Celnie grabbed the few rocks on Slimy's legs and lower body and threw them at the slime girls where they were starting to come through the cracks, stabbing those areas with her holy sword in the process since the two slime girls would be unable to defend themselves as they came through slowly. "Shika, Mikoto, come, help get Slimy out of these rocks and grab her and the succubus here, I'll keep these things busy for now, hurry and get her and go on. I'll be right behind you all alright, hurry up. You two help us out here, come on else these things will get through and we'll have to fight more," Celine ordered the neko's, jabbing her sword into the cracks between the rocks where the slime girls were coming through at, knowing that the holy magic in her sword would do something to these corrupted slimes. She doubted that the other creatures would get through the rocks that easily considering it seemed to be quite the cave in from the looks of it. "I'm not going to let these bastards take my friends again, never again. You aren't going to take me, and you aren't going to take my people," Celine added in a growl at the slimes as her holy sword did its work against them, where the soldier and woman that were still conscious hear her words, as well as Slimy and the neko's.

Once they had all gotten Slimy and the succubus out and back up, and had gotten the unconscious soldier up again and were on their way out, Celine would take one last slash at the slimes before retreating and following the others quickly and keeping the rear covered, assuming she hadn't destroyed them in their unprotected state they were in as they tried to come through the rocks and whatnot.