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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

[colo="darkorchid"] After of what she passed more likely she wil need at last a day of rest to fight, so unless you want to spend a pair of days here, we should move again in some hours. [/color] Aisha said as her hands caress the creature, meanwhile his dark tendrils were touching like a lover the naughty woman at her more sensitive places, Aisha take one of them and lick it nearly as if it were a lolipop, maybe waiting to eat more of the cum, as maybe Celine wanted to sleep more.

The time passed and Celine could start feeling her belly nearly empty, the wolf girl start to slowly move between dreams and the plant creature caress the elf body, maybe as if it were close to try to pleasure to then use her again. But just then Aisha turn to a side and get up a little dissapointed.

Looks like they had returned with some news, i will go out, rest meanwhile as i talk with them Then the vines take her and place her out of the creature, so now Celine was inside with only the black orb and the wolf girl, but if she want, maybe she could leave, yet the blue haired girl looks close to wake up.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Alright Aisha, I think I'll be ready to go as soon as your minions get back with news, but one of them will have to carry her, I'd say let the big guy do the carrying, so that the rest of us are free to fight, if you get my meaning," Celine answered the succubus as she sat there and rested.

The longer they waited the more Celine felt hungry, thinking to herself that she needed to eat something soon or risk getting sick or too weak to fight, but she had made a promise to come out here and try to help any she could, so she wasn't going to just go back now. After a time she noticed Aisha getting up, looking slightly disappointed about something, though what that was she didn't know until Aisha told her that her minions had returned.

"Thanks, I'll be right here when you get back, and I'll be ready to move again as well," Celine said as Aisha walked off to speak with her minions about their explorations.

She glanced around an noticed it was just her, the wolf girl, and the black orb looking monster left in there. She also noticed the wolf girl stirring in her sleep a bit, but wasn't about to force her to wake up just yet, feeling that she needed to sleep as much as possible to ensure she was okay. She did however kneel down beside her, scratching her just behind her wolf ears really gently while she waited for Aisha to return.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Just dont push yourself so hard Miss Celine, we could need to fight again in any moment, answer Aisha before leave. Alone with only the wolfgirl and the tentacle creature inside the plant monster, Celine decide to sit close the girl and caress her back fluffy ear as they twitch suddenly, the sleepy girl made a smile before move her hand to screatch herself before stop to move again, Celine also notice the woman wolf tail move to rest over the girl legs, the poor tail was drenched in the monster slime and cause a whimper.

Celinecontinue scratching he girl ear as it looks like she like it, however in a monent the girl move her hand and take the elf one, she then opened her eyes, taking some moments to see the blonde woman and then both stay like that for an instant before the girl tired eyes notice where she was in part, she tried to move away but her legs dont answer her and just crawl some feet before find herself traped in a closed plant structure with a strange eelf and the black orb than rape her a time ago.

W...where im? I will never give up to all of you, i preffer to die. the girl said trying to protect herself with the small energy than she have from Celine the futa elf and the dark orb, but it were more likely barks than anything else, as the girl was really weak to even get up after the gangbang from before.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Don't worry Aisha, I won't overdo it. I know my limits," Celine replied to Aisha as she left.

While she sat there with the wolf girl in her lap, scratching her ears, Celine noticed the wolf girl's ears twitching as she scratched herself. Then she saw her tail move over a little before resting on her legs, and Celine could see it was drenched in monster slime of some sort and was causing the wolf girl to whine. While she waited for her to wake up, she cleaned her tail off some, being very gentle in doing so, as she wanted the poor wolf girl to rest some more.

After she'd cleaned her tail up, Celine continued scratching the wolf girls ears since she seemed to like it and all. A minute or two later though the wolf girl placed her hand on Celine's and Celine watched as her eyes opened. She was about to say something to the wolf girl but the wolf girl tried to get away from her, but her legs were simply too weak to hold her up and she was only able to crawl away from both Celine and the black orb thing that had raped her not long ago. When the girl spoke and tried to stand so she could defend herself, Celine held her hands up to show she meant no harm.

"Hey it's okay... I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Celine, the great mistress's personal handmaid. I came with one of the succubi that serve the great mistress to find survivors and rescue them. I'm here to help you. My friend tamed that thing over there so don't worry about him doing anything else to you alright," Celine said to the wolf girl, slowly walking over to her side and slipping a comforting arm around her, trying to soothe her worries.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine, the great mistress's personal handmaid...? The wolf girl repeats with a frown, for some reason she dont looks to be glad with the answer, other proof was her attempt to move away when the futa elf get close to her. Are you kidding, right? i havent heard of anyone called Celine and said than a named handmaid will come with just a succubus to save someone here...well is not reliable. Celine hear as the girl try to push her away, trying to dont get close that manlike member than the elf have between her legs.

The woman take a moment to recover her breath and turn to see the black orb from time to time and also a way to be out of there, but they were trapped inside the plant trap until Celine or Aisha ask the monster to release them. Unharmed and tired the girl continue talking and maintain her distance with the others creatures inside the room. You havent answer my question, where we are? also, do you have any extra weapon with you? If all what you said is true then we must get out of here, this place is really dangerous and if you are the mistress servaant then you should be at her side, not here in middle of nowhere
Just then the big creature moves for a while and the orb remain quiet sattled by Aisha. There was not too much noise outside, but Celine could expect than when a fight start this could change.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well nobody else was willing to come back out with me to rescue those that needed help, no matter how much I tried to convince them. And the great mistress is still resting and recovering after having our baby. That's why I came with Aisha, because she was the only one that listened to me when I said that I'd go back out with whoever would come with me to find the lost ones. And what's the matter?" Celine replied, wondering why the wolf girl looked so scared of her.

Celine sat there until the wolf girl told her she hadn't answered her question, and looked back up at her. "Oh yeah, sorry about that. Aisha, the succubus that came with me. We're inside one of her minion monsters to keep us safe from harm while she gets some more info from her other minions that she's gotten. And I know it's dangerous in this place, but we can't leave until we're sure we've rescued everyone we can. Do you by chance know if you were the only one of the great mistress's servants taken into here? Because if you were then we can move onwards to find as many others as we can," Celine said, apologizing to the poor wolf girl, asking if there were others with her when she was taken.

The young futanari elf knew they needed to hurry up and get out of that place, but she also wasn't willing to leave until they'd saved everyone possible. She had the plant creature to open up just enough for her to look out of it and around the room to see what all was out there, and to listen and see if she heard anything of note, and to see if Aisha was back yet.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Just when Aisha name appear, the young girl looks to stop moving away of Celine, yet she really want to be away of any appendage after the rape. The Great Mistress have another child!!?... And... you come here with just Aisha even when you have a baby with the Mistress!? Im really glad to had been saved, but you should had not come here. Its really dangerous, but i suppose than you dont have other choice if the Mistress order you to make a rescue mission The girl said dont stoping to see from time to time the manlike member and softly pushing Celine away, in part worried too for how the Mistress could react, but it could be too than a new baby werent exactly good news.

Im not really sure if there are others, these creatures werent like what we were facing, but maybe the dark humanoid monsters live here too, i havent see anything like them and they take us by surprise as we were looking for someone.

Time later, Celine ask the plant to let her check outside and after a moment Celine could see herself out of the monster. Some feet's away Aisha was close the jellyfish and the vine monster, they were giving her soft touches with their tentacles, making soft sounds, as she remain silent letting them pamper them, unfortunately Aisha was not talking so Celine would need to ask or get closer them to let Aisha know than she is there.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Yes the great mistress and me had a child earlier today actually, but the reason I came out to look for anyone needing help was because I couldn't just leave you all out here. The mistress will understand and you won't be punished for anything that happens so don't worry about that, and I chose to come out here because nobody else was going to, so I figured I would. And don't worry okay,the great mistress wouldn't mind you being near me like this, and she certainly wouldn't be angry if we did something more, not that I plan on it unless you want to, but you know what I mean surely," Celine said when the wolf girl finally stopped moving away from her once she'd mentioned Aisha's name to her.

When the wolf girl told her she wasn't sure if there were others, Celine hung her head a little, despairing a bit of finding any others. "Were the ones that attacked you like the ones that attacked the great mistress earlier then? Most of them lots of heavy plate armor and such? Because I dealt with the main group of them that attacked the great mistress with some help from the little demon girl. Oh and also I almost forgot, no I don't have any extra weapons, all I've got is my sword and that's pretty much it," Celine said to the wolf girl, remembering her asking Celine if she had any extra weapons and letting the wolf girl know she did in fact not have any.

When she peeked out of the plant monster, Celine looked around to see what all she could see and outside she could see Aisha a little ways away from them, seeming like she was talking to her two minions, though she wasn't speaking at all. Celine could also see her minions softly caressing her with their tentacles, and wondered if she should disturb her or not. In the end she decided to see if she was done out there, as they needed to move quickly if they were to help any others.

"Aisha... hey Aisha, she's awake in here if you wanted to know, and I'm ready to go whenever you are also," Celine called out softly to Aisha to get her companion's attention, gesturing back into the plant creature towards the wolf girl.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Im sure than they were thinking to help us but they were focusing on defend the castle first. The wolf girls said trying to defend the others soldiers, maybe trying to dont have bad troughts about her possible partners or brothers of arms. Anyway, i just dont want to have more action for a long time and doubt than i could fight too much at my state, you should had bring a healer too.

The raped girl was not trying to attack Celine in any way, but she looks to dont be happy each time than she heard than Celine say than nobody would come for her.

Just then after Celine last words, the girl just frown and glare at her for a moment. So you are the one who went against the ones who attacked the great Mistress...!? The bluehaired girl sigh and closed her eyes for a moment trying to calm herself a moment before answer shaking her head. They werent demons, or at least not like the ones who attack the castle, i could only see them for a moment before be defeated by them, but many of them were girls or creepy creatures. Then i wake up her, as that creature and others were using me. Add he girl a little disgusted looking to the monster at Celine side.


Once Out the monster, Celine started to nearly whisper to Aisha who move toward her and shut her lips with a kiss before slide and said whispering to the elf ear Monsters can heard better than us, she said before order the plant monster to hide them again inside them. There the three girls could talk without be spoted by the feral monsters.

Aisha and the wolfgirl have a little moment looking direct to each other, not doubt than the wolfgirl really have some problems with Aisha or maybe the succubus girl was not so popular at the castle.

Greetings, do you sleep well, Miss...?

Veronica. Who could sleep inside this cave or your monster, why dont you bring someone more with you?

I could do it and my apologize Miss Veronica, but there was not anyone else who could support us.

Liar, my family would join you to save us and many others, even if the castle could be in danger.

Well, the truth is than not many loyal soldiers remain in feet to fight back after what happened today, but at least the young lady remain there as others leaders, but lets focus on something more important for us. Looks like there are some tunnels underwater and jellyguy said than he could go there but could need help to recover any possible girl. Slimy also heard many monsters and moans, certainly we could find someone there but we could face a lot of creatures.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I don't know so much about that, most of them seemed pretty adamant about not coming back out for a while, and I couldn't just sit by knowing there were others that had been left behind, but I can understand not wanting to fight anymore for a while yet. And yes I was the only one really that came in and rescued the great mistress, the only other one that was there was a wounded succubus. Why, what does it matter if I'm the one who fought them or not? As long as the great mistress is alright it shouldn't matter who fights to defend her. And the great mistress said they were demons to me, the ones that attacked her at least were," Celine replied to the wolf girl, not trying to start an argument or anything with her, but merely stating the facts as she knew and saw them, and Celine kind of agreed with the wolf girl when she looked over and gave the monster hovering next to Celine a disgusted look like she did.


When Celine was about to whisper to Aisha, the succubus came over and shushed her before she could speak by kissing her on the lips, with Celine understanding why she'd done so when she whispered and explained about how the monsters in there could hear better than they could. Once they were safely back inside the plant monster where nothing could hear them, the three of them could talk without any prying ears listening in. Celine wasn't sure, but to her it looked kind of like Aisha and the wolf girl didn't seem to like each other, but maybe she was just reading too much into the way the wolf girl was looking at the succubus. Celine sat there quietly and listened to the exchange of words between the other two, waiting patiently until they were done to speak any herself. She found out the wolf girl's name was Veronica, which she thought was a pretty name.

"Aisha's right Veronica, we should focus on the problems at hand for now, because it we don't then we may all three end up just like you were earlier before we saved you. And besides, I didn't even know which ones your family were, so I couldn't really have asked them for help in coming to find you and any others. Aisha, can you have Jelly as you called him keep looking around for girls down in the water areas while we continue searching around up here for more, and to come find us once he's found any? If so, then while he does that, we can move around up in here and find any others and rescue them, but as quietly as possible of course," Celine said, trying to keep Aisha and Veronica from fighting, giving what she thought was a sound plan for them to use, though she was sure it had flaws in it of course.

After a few moments, she thought about the way they'd spoken about some stuff, about Vanessa having another baby. It made her wonder if the little demon girl really was Vanessa's child, and so she decided to ask a little about it, if either Aisha or Veronica knew anything about it that is. "Hey... I remember you saying something about the great mistress having another child. Who did you mean exactly by her having another child? How many does she have?" Celine asked Veronica, then looked between the two with a curious look on her face.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Veronica whimper after heard Celine answer. But some of our soldiers died in that fight, so please dont said than only a succubus defend the great mistress, i dunno exactly what happened there but many things suddenly happened today and i just hope than all are fine.

Once together inside the creatures, the girls have a long chat, where their points of view looks to be affecting them.

It sound to be a good plan, lets just hope than the others monsters dont try to hurt him as he try to get close. Aisha said a little worried of leave one of her minions alone, yet maybe nothing bad could happen to Jelly.

All was started to get calmed after have a plan but Veronica and Aisha dont exactly looks to be waiting Celine's next answer.

Well...nobody know exactly, as she has lived a long of time and she hide us a lot of things. But i could count at least 4 with the new beauty.

The Great Mistress do it for protect us and we should just accept her demands.

Yes, im with you, but if you want to know really Miss Celine, then you should ask her personaly to her, as she love you enough to have a child with you then she will accept.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I went with the little mistress out to find the ones responsible for attacking the great mistress and brought their leader back for her to interrogate once she's better. But don't worry about her because there's plenty of others there guarding her now," Celine said to the wolf girl, assuring her that Vanessa was indeed well protected.


Celine again listened to both girls before answering, waiting until they stopped talking before speaking herself. "I understand your concern about Jelly, Aisha, but we don't have many options at the moment if we want to find everyone, but I can go with Jelly if you really don't want him to go alone, or he can instead come with us, it''s your decision after all since he's your minion," Celine said to Aisha, telling her that it was up to her on what to do with Jelly. "And thank you both for telling me that about the great mistress, I'll have to speak with her about it after we get back and she wakes up, but I don't know if she'll tell me, because I asked her something about it all a few days ago and she told me to just not worry about it and everything for now and that she'd tell me later. I kind of doubt she trusts me enough to tell me anything that important just yet," Celine then added after a few moments, shrugging her shoulders a little sadly, yet feeling that it was likely the truth of it all.

Once Aisha had made her decision regarding Jelly going with them or not, Celine would tell them that they needed to move before something found them, which wouldn't end well most likely, as they'd end up having to leave anyone else trapped in there. Celine would suggest to them that they should head on through the upper areas around where they were at before going down into the watery areas below, as that way they could clear out anything above and keep the exit cleared for them to escape more easily.
Last edited:


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Good, lets end what you want to do here so we can return at her side. Veronica made a smile, glad than the great mistress was fine but for some reason she still looks to have something against Celine, maybe she had something against the elves or futa girls, yet could be something more.

The answer about Jelly dont looks to affect Celine plans or Aisha's ones as the woman just get close the tentacle orb before answer. Thanks for your sugestion, Miss Celine, for this time we must make two teams, Jelly and this one will looks for others captured girls as we check the tunnels, it sound risky, but we will be able to find more in less time and we will not call the attention. The talk continue and the wolf girl crossed her arms a little pissed after heard the elf words yet she looks to dont be so upset than before as Celine notice a little blush on the girl. The Great Mistress is loyal to her word, if she said than she will tell you all she will do it when the moment come!

She then shake her head and closed her eyes You should consider yourself gifted by the Gods for have the blessing than the Great Mistress have a child with you even when they are a bothe.... dificult to handle correct the girl, no doubt than at least she of her race feel a great admiration for Vanessa and even she could feel something more than that


Once all ready Celine saw the vine creature waiting for her, maybe ready to engulf her again in his body to avoid than any other monster could harm her or feel her, Aisha decided to stay again inside the vine, as also Veronica who looks to hate the idea as the succubus started to syck and prepare all to have some fun with the plant big creature, Veronica nearly was asking for help with her sight, yet what she only was able to do is pull herself to a corner as she do her best to endure the performance.

Once all ready the group move toward the next tunnel, the place looks to had been filled with water a time ago, as the walls have remains of an old live under the water, some fungus were also from time to time in the walls and floors, the tunnel guide them to many directions, the vine creature was moving softly his hand and point to three corridors, one looks to be completely dark, other have some luminous fungus and the last have some stairs instead common rocks.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After all of the talking was ended, Celine simply nodded and agreed with Aisha's plans as she listened intently to Veronica's words as well, smiling a little when the two of them told her that Vanessa would tell her in time about everything she desired her to. She also noticed that the wolf girl seemed to either have something against her, or simply elves or futanari in general. She thought to herself that she'd have to ask the wolf girl about it so that nothing happened to maybe cause them to fight amongst themselves.

In the meantime, while she was debating on the matter, Celine went ahead and got back into the vine creature with Aisha and Veronica, but didn't let it begin sexing her up any if she could help it, as they had a job to do and she couldn't afford any distractions. Once they moved onwards and got down the next tunnel a ways, Celine noticed the place seemed to have been filled with water at some point as there were several indications as such.

"Veronica... I must ask you something. You seem to be looking at me with distrust, or like you don't like me or something. How come? Do you not like me? Or do you not like elves? I'd really like to know so that I can make up for it however I can," Celine said to Veronica after a couple of minutes of debate on whether or not she should speak up on the matter.

After a while they found their way to a place where the corridor diverged into several paths, which Celine looked down before glancing back to Aisha and Veronica. "Well you two, which way do you think we should go? I'm thinking the steps myself, but I'd rather make it a majority vote you know," Celine asked the two, deciding to go whichever direction that got the majority vote.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The group stay in the intersection place, as inside the three girls start to talk again... fortunately the trap plant had do it a great job muffing their voices

Veronica was trying to endure the travel, as Aisha take her lunch drinking some of the vine fluids from a tendril, and resting on many others as they penetrate her sofly moving inside her and leaving. Then the elf swordswoman turn to the wolf girl and tried t sattle her doubts about how this girl has talked to her some moments ago. Of course than Veronica was not expecting than this could happen so she was taken off guard.

Ehh? I dont... is not than i, well i... i just cant understand than you could not trust in the great mistress and leave her alone after give birth... The bluehaired girl answer with a blush not really looking to be saying exactly the truth. Even Aisha started to cough as she giggled between her attempts to drink the monster cum.

What?... Just focus on your filthy minion Aisha, this is not your bussines. Said a little pissed from how Aisha still looks to be laughting between her needs to breath, maybe both girls know rumors of each other, after all who know how much years they had served in that castle.


Lets take the fungus one, it looks to be filled with more light said Veronica. "giggle" Mushroom monsters, i wonder what kind of them live there. Of couse than the wolfgirl shivered and closed her arms as she frown to Aisha.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine could tell that Veronica was either a little grossed out by Aisha's suckling on the tentacle, or she was just not in the mood to see it after what all had happened to her recently. When Celine asked her question to Veronica, she waited patiently and listened, deciding to stay calm and wait for Veronica to talk. When she saw Veronica blushing as she spoke, Celine figured that she hadn't insulted the wolf girl any, but was still unsure of why she seemed to not like her much. However Celine giggled a little when Veronica said what she did to Aisha, thinking the way she was acting sounded a little funny.

"Well it isn't that I don't trust the great mistress Veronica, and i know that I haven't been around a whole lot, but I kind of thought since she had my baby that she'd trust me a little more, especially considering that I fought and almost died for her. But I love her with all my heart, and I wouldn't think any differently no matter what," Celine said to Veronica, trying to let her new friend know that she trusted Vanessa, but merely wished she trusted her more and would rely on her more, as she'd do anything for her.

"I'll follow you girls lead on this, you probably know more about this place than I do in any case, so just choose a path and I'll fight when we need to," Celine said to the two, keeping her sword close and at the ready to fight in case they needed to.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Veronica remain looking to Celine dont finding the words to continue this talk between them, she nod and sigh not really wanting to say this but she just cant remain it away of the conversation. She must...really... love you a lot too... or else she would not have a child with you in first place Some tears start to drop from Veronica face, she looks too confused by that and just clean them before turn to other side, wondering why the elf and her words hurt too much.

The trap plant start to move toward the illuminated tunnel, it was big enough to let it get inside and even have a little more of space so the humanoid slimy vine creature could move around it. Unfortunately Celine was unable to see the fantastic view as she remain inside the plant creature, for her she can only see how Aisha continue feeding of the trap plant and caress it as a lover, she was not worried to let the two girls see her being used by the monsters and she was so confortable than she could do this all the day but then she stop and just yawn and sigh in relief, leaving the plant place her in a bed made of vines.

Looks like we found someone more, she is having some fun some feet's ahead of us with two monsters, should we leave this for my two creatures or help them?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Oh I know she loves me, and I love her just as much, and I also love Grace our child, as well as Triny and our children, Faith and Hope," Celine replied to Veronica's words, not noticing her starting to cry at first, but after a few seconds she did notice it when she turned around to look back at the wolf girl, which concerned her greatly, "Veronica sweetie... what's the matter? Why are you crying? Did I say or do something stupid again? I've been doing that a lot lately, with Triny, the great mistress, and a few others besides, because I'm not all that smart really, and I don't think before I act a lot of the time," Celine then asked Veronica, worried for her new friend as she moved over and sat beside the wolf girl, pulling her into a kind and friendly hug.


Celine wasn't entirely sure which way they were going and merely relied on Aisha to tell them when and where they were heading, the only things she was really able to see being Veronica crying, and Aisha having some fun with the plant creature, which didn't really bother her any at all, but it was arousing her a little bit, making her member start twitching and reacting to the scene in front of her. After Aisha stopped having sex with the plant creature, Celine listened intently when the succubus girl told her they'd found someone else, that seemed to be in the middle of being raped by a couple of monsters.

"I'll go with them okay, if it looks like we're about to lose though then jump in and help us out, because I really don't want to end up having to stay down here until the great mistress can come and get us," Celine whispered to Aisha and then took a peek out at what she'd be fighting. Once she had a clear view of what she would have to be fighting against, she would come up with a quick plan of action to take on how to deal with them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

W...wait... Veronica whimper and frown as Celine sit and hug her, the girl was so confused with her feelings, she really hate Celine but the elf still try to get lose her and even trying to understand her, but the wolf girl dont have a clue of why she cant endure being close this futa girl. But as she was so weak and affected by all what had happened, she was unable to push Celine away and just let her hug her. I dont know... I just feel so sad... You haven not said something bad, but i just dont know.

Grace is a cute name
Said trying to change the topic, so she could focus on dont touch that hard member between Celine's legs or any vine.

The time come and Celine tried to get out, the vines pushed from her rear and help her to get her head out, she soon was in front of what it looks to be a orange hair neko being raped by two slime creatures and a shade monster who looks more like a wolf than an human, the neko looks to be moaning automatically, her imbs werent completely secured and she was filled in slime and cum, the slimes had engulf her body, drinking her juices as the shadow monster fill her completely with his cum, she looks more like a sex toy than anything else, as she is placed in another position before being used again.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine didn't stop trying to pull Veronica close while they went on, not letting the wolf girl pull away no matter how much she tried, which wasn't very much as the wolf girl was very weak still from her ordeal. Celine listened to Veronica talk while sounding and looking like she hated her, which concerned Celine a bit, as she wanted to know why this girl hated her, not that she hated Veronica in return or anything like that, she was merely curious.

"Well just think about it and let me know okay, because I'd like for us to be good friends. And thank you for the compliment about Grace, she is cute," Celine told Veronica, petting her on her head and scratching her behind her wolf ears gently.


Once Celine was outside of the creature, with the vines help of course, she saw an orange haired neko being used rather brutally by a couple of slime creatures and another shadow like monster that was having his way with her along with the slimes. Celine couldn't let this stand, she needed to save this poor girl and intended on doing so, and she intended on finding any other girls and saving them as well afterwards.

With this, Celine motioned to the creatures that were supposed to be helping her to attack the two slimes and draw them off of the neko girl, while she dealt with the shadow creature, which she motioned for the vine creature to give her a lift before they began their attack, where she then had it hold her over the shadow creature and drop her on top of the shadow creature to initiate the attack, her dropping down being the signal to attack. As soon as she was dropped down onto the shadow creature, Celine would stab her blade at its throat, trying to silence it before it could make a sound.