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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hum" Fine wait for her to get your answers, not like i cant do that myself. The little girl said in an arrogant yet still calmed tone, turning her face to a side to dont show her actual emotion to the two servants, a little and nearly imperceptible sad whimper leave her, she stay like this just for a moment after recover herself of how Celine had remember her than she dont have too much choices in her spells.

Sakura was close her mistress, with her hears and long pink hair moving like crazy by the strong wind, even when this was making her have a lot of fear, she looks to try to be close the blonde elf in an attempt to protect each other.

Celine turn again to Cutie and politely ask her to try to talk with the soldier. Of course than Cutie was still affected by that low hit from before to her magic and she just turn frowning to Celine for a while.

Fine, fine, fine... lets see what this coward want to say. Cutie said annoyed but at least she dont see this as an order and she even get better by have the chance to show her knowledge to others even when they were slaves and servants.

Hey you, Scum, i will talk to you. Was the only what Celine understand before the little girl use the soldier idiom, the evil soldier tried to defend himself a little but at the end he just talk maybe begging for his life.

Pff... A big power suddenly appear at the forest and he just want to run away. I dont feel anything. Maybe this could be the result of a battle, anyway we should be fine... Cutie said to Celine before return to where she was before be bothered by the elf.

Sakura soon start to help once her mistress order her the new task, however Cutie decide to let her servants do all the work, as she only take some limbs trying to dont damage her dress with the doll slime, fortunately the dolls aid them and between all they manage to take all the damaged dolls and unconscious soldiers, however Sakura and Celine had to carry nearly their limit charge.

Cutie walk in front all the time, not worried for anything more and just mutter some whimpers as she try to dont step the mud as she kick some little rocks and cut some plants. Sakura was nearly at her limit even when she dont lift any creepy soldier and only take doll parts and moaning dolls without legs, all that slime and sex parts looks to be a constant problem for the pink bunny girl who was very aroused once they reach the castle. The backside of the mansion is in completely silence and the thunders were soo intense than Celine ears were painfully affected by the noise, at least they looks to make Sakura to dont get so affected by the growing lust.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Thankfully Cutie didn't seem to really get all that mad about what she'd said and the way she said it, because she didn't want to have to fight her too after just finishing the fight they'd gotten through with. Cutie's words actually seemed to calm Celine down a little and eased her own fears and worries quite a bit now that she was more sure that they weren't about to be attacked by something huge that they wouldn't be able to fight easily.

When Cutie finished speaking, Celine finally noticed just how scared Sakura looked because of the storm building around them, she just gently pet her head, stroking her cute bunny ears a little bit to ease her fears as much as she could before they set out, doing everything in her power to not show any fear of her own in the process.

"It's okay Sakura, try and not be scared and let fear overcome you. It's best to remain calm so we don't overreact and maybe do the wrong thing, okay," Celine said to Sakura while she pet her head gently, flashing a brave face to her servant as she bent down to get her garments that had been torn off of her, hoping they could be salvaged. Because they were a gift from Vanessa, and she treasured them deeply.

She was sure that would help Sakura out a bit to see her not be so scared as she lifted the unconscious mage up onto her shoulder. She watched Sakura and the dolls that could get up and between them all they managed to get all of the soldiers and the dolls that couldn't move under their own power up and began moving back towards Vanessa's castle. Along the way, Celine noticed that the slimy substances from the dolls were getting all over Sakura and it was starting to affect her a bit, and Celine saw that she was quite aroused by the time they reached the castle, but she noticed that the loud thundering seemed to be keeping her from getting too aroused thankfully.

When they got back to Vanessa's castle, Celine noticed it was strangely quiet around the backside of it, and got a bit frightened as the thundering was now so loud it was hurting her sensitive elven ears some. As soon as they got inside, Celine would immediately head to their bedroom to find her lovers, if they weren't there she'd head to the kitchens and dining hall because the girls were awful hungry earlier before all the fighting happened... and now that she thought about it she was as well. If they weren't there though, other than that she could think of only one other place besides the infirmary that they would be, and that was down with baby Hope in the nursery area where she was being tended to. She would search frantically for them to make certain they were alright without any regard to her own well being.

Celine would check all of those places until she found Vanessa, Triny, and Cassie, where she would then drop the demon mage she'd been carrying the whole time at Vanessa's feet, saying to her mistress in a satisfied voice, "Mistress... I found Sakura and Cutie, they were chasing down those demons that attacked you. We dealt with them and I've brought you the mage back to question him... I thought that's what you would have wanted me to do. Cutie took the soldiers with her, but I thought you'd want the mage."
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Worried for her Mistress, Celine soon decide to start looking for her, leaving all at the floor except for her things and the mage who she carry all the way. Sakura pants and fall on the floor, she tried to call her mistress but she notice than the elf is very worried at the moment so she decide to dont call her attention and instead leave all the dolls on the floor before start to follow her. However Cutie just get pissed by how the two servants just run away and leave her with all this mess, at least she have more servants so she let them continue, as she just decide to take a little break at her room before start her art work with all these odd demon soldiers.

Aroused Sakura follow the blonde elf as she walk through the empty corridors, her wobbly legs make her being unable to get close her and the poor bunnygirl was so aroused than her hands were caressing her breasts and pleasuring her lower lips, making all worse for her as she squirm and shiver unable to orgasm thanks to the slime effect. Celine open the bedroom to see nobody in it, the dinner room even stay in the same way than she saw when she found the wounded wolf girl, completely empty and made a mess. Her worries growed and she just move faster leaving the poor Sakura even more behind until she reach the breeder area, at least she found someone else when she opened the door, but nobody who could help her, as there were only the breeders, nearly all were pregnant some were masturbating themselves others resting and only a few of them struggling trying to get free of their shackles. Celine walk toward the nursery and there close Hope was Triny with Faith at her arms, she turn to Celine and dont wasted a moment to get close her and cry at the helf chest, Celine saw her hand rise nearly close to slap her but instead Triny place it on her shoulder. Why do you do it? We were so worried and... She... The sad voice of the blonde explorer stop and she cuddle on Celine, as Faith start to get awake and get close to cry.

Celine could see a lot of noise coming from a hall at the nursery, the blonde girl get away for an instant when she notice the blood on the floor coming from the mage at Celine other shoulder, soon she ask who was this person and after get the answer she get sad again, it was hard for her but at the end she turn to Celine before said a bad new.

That woman named Vanessa get so altered when she read the doll woman message than she fall sick, she is there... triny point to the active hall and just then Sakura reach the place.

the Great M...mistress is... Sakura forget her arousal and just run for a while before fall at the floor some feet away of the corridor and then she just get
up and continue running until the nurses stop her.
Her arousal get away and
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine didn't really even stop at the doors when the others did, and she barely noticed when Sakura dropped the dolls and the doll parts she was carrying as she was focused on getting back to her beloveds. She did hear Sakura call out to her, and merely replied by telling her, "Come on Sakura, we've got to find the mistress."

Cutie she noticed as they walked off looked a little mad at them for just leaving her there with all of the rest, but she didn't stop them and went on back to her room as her servants helped her get the remaining soldiers there. Celine walked on, not caring about her own bit of arousal that was plaguing her. She opened their bedroom door and found nobody there, then went to the dining hall and still nobody. Her worry grew as she walked faster, nearly leaving Sakura behind as she then went to the breeder area, where she found someone after opening the door, but no one that could help her find Vanessa and the others as it was only the breeders she found within, most of which were pregnant and masturbating and or resting, and though she noticed a few that were trying to break free of their shackles, Celine wasn't concerned at the moment with any of that.

Her worry was now so high that she was getting desperate to find them as she rushed to the nursery area, planning on telling Vanessa what all they had managed to do and hoping for praise from her mistress. When she entered the nursery she saw Triny holding Faith as she stood next to Hope's little spot where she was being cared for. When she saw Celine she wasted no time in coming over to her and cried against her chest. Celine noticed her hand raise up and she thought she was going to slap her for a minute there, but just as she was about to brace herself for it Triny's hand gently fell to her shoulder.

"Why? Triny what's happened? She who?" Celine asked wide eyed, fear in her eyes.

Celine noticed a lot of commotion from a hall in the nursery and Triny pulled away when she finally noticed the blood dripping to the floor from the mage on Celine's shoulder and asked who he was.

"This is the bastard that tried to hurt Vanessa earlier Triny, I couldn't get Sakura and the little demon girl to come back with me, so I went with them to make sure they actually made it back alive. It was the only thing I could think of. I'm sorry if I worried you but, I couldn't think of anything else, and that little demon girl probably could have just blasted me with her magic and killed me if she wanted to. But we beat them and I managed to not kill him and I thought that Vanessa would want to question him is why I brought him," Celine said to her beloved Triny, trying to explain herself as best she could.

When Celine finished explaining she saw Triny get sad again and she looked like she wanted to say something, but that it hurt her to have to say it. However in the end she managed to turn back to Celine and tell her the bad news. When Triny finished speaking, Celine dropped the mage from her shoulder to the floor where he landed with a thump as she herself fell to her knees.

"She... because of me? No... I just... I just wanted to make her proud by... by defeating those that tried to do her and our baby harm. I just... I just wanted to make her happy and to keep her safe... I thought by going ahead and taking care of them now, that it would prevent other attacks on her and us," Celine said, her eyes tearing up as she started sniffling and crying a bit.

Celine got up after Sakura came in and went over to the door after kissing Triny and begging her to forgive her for worrying her. She had to see Vanessa, to let her know she was okay so she didn't have to worry any longer about her. After getting into the room, shrugging her way past the other servants, she rushed over to Vanessa's side wherever she was and grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as she caressed her face. (I'm guessing she's on a bed.)

"M-Mistress... are you okay? It's me... it's your Celine. I'm back and I'm just fine mistress. I found Sakura and the demon girl, but they wouldn't come back with me. So I went with them to make certain they made it back alive. We found the demons that attacked you... and we fought and defeated them... I brought you the mage that tried to hurt you... and our baby, he's still alive for now. I'm right here, please be okay... p-please f-forgive me... I swear to you I didn't mean to make you worry like this... just please be okay, and the baby too. You've just got to be okay mistress, I'll accept any punishment you have, just please be okay. I only wanted to make you proud of me, and happy and safe," Celine said as soon as she got to Vanessa's side, crying openly and not caring who saw her as she spoke, her tears dripping onto Vanessa's hand that Celine held and kissed while alternating between caressing her cheek and belly, pretty much begging Vanessa to get better and forgive her.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny was not so glad to see the guilty of the attempt against the mistress caught in front of her, for her he was just another monster in the mansion, even then she nod and just smile once she know than Celine has not been wounded in this useless revenge and heard her whole reason of why she leave, trying to calm herself. Triny looks to decide to just forget all after know than in some way Celine dont have other choice than follow that evil girl, maybe they could leave soon. After all Celine and the others two humans could leave this place in any moment now, even when these demons start a war between them.

After that she said what happened to Vanessa, Celine reaction break her heart and she start to let fall teardrops from her cheeks, caressing the blonde elf in an attempt to comfort her, as Faith begins to feel herself a little upset by all the commotion.

However they dont have too much time to talk as Sakura's sudden rush interrupt them, after give her a kiss and heard than Triny has forgiven her, Celine run behind Sakura . They were stopped by the nurses than they tried to explain to both servants than the mistress is not n condition to be disturbed, it looks like it could be hard to get close Vanessa but at the end Triny manage to come and start to talk with the nurses giving to Celine a chance to get inside. Finally after get rid of all of them, Celine get inside at a a gorgeous room, there in the middle of the room she can see her mistress resting in a luxury bed, still dressed in a underwear dress and surrounded by three women who looks to be healing her and trying to see the baby condition, still inside at her.

The three girls were really busy healing her to try to stop Celine to get closer and thanks to that Celine was able to say her thoughts. Vanessa was sleeping at the start, she take a moment to feel her hands and heard her words, so she was unable to stop her servant until she nearly ended of talk.


Her weak voice tried to call her attention, as she slowly rise her hand and place it over Celine head. I just used too much energy...

I never expected than our child could take a lot of it. Vanessa said trying to smile but each time than Celine caress her belly she cant avoid to frown softly and bite her lips, in an attempt to dont groan, maybe she is close to give birth, but she looks to dont be worried for this.

The mistress sigh and stay caressing her servant head before get recovered enough to continue, then she pinch Celine's cheek with her other hand before add.

Oh Celine... dont be silly, you dont need to do anything like this to make me feel proud of you, i love you and want you to be safe at my side.

At least you, Sakura and that human named Cassie returned unwounded, but once i get recovered both you and that little girl will be seriously punished, so be prepared. Said Vanessa playfully and with a smile.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was glad to see that Triny wasn't made or holding a grudge against her for what she'd done and seemed to understand why she did what she did. After that though there was no more time for talk as Celine quickly pecked Triny on the lips and faith on her little cheek before she went over with Sakura to try and enter the nursery hall that Vanessa was in. She knew that Triny didn't like it in this place, but she also knew that Triny loved her and would stay if she did, so Celine decided to talk with Vanessa after making certain she was okay to maybe let Triny stay with Myrtle once they were able to move her there with them. Because no matter how much she loved Vanessa, she loved Triny and Cassie a lot too, and she wanted them all to be happy and one way of doing that was to get Triny and Cassie more freedom without having to worry so much about things.

The nurses stopped Celine and Sakura both, telling them that the great mistress wasn't to be disturbed at the moment because of her condition. Celine of course tried to tell them that Vanessa was carrying her child and she deserved to be in there, but they would have none of it. It wasn't until Triny came over and talked with them that they consented to allow Celine to come inside. She turned to Triny again and kissed her full on the lips once more, saying, "I love you Triny, one of my beloveds."

After telling Triny she loved her again, Celine rushed inside, pushing her way past the nurses. Inside she saw in the middle of the room a great luxurious bed with Vanessa laying on it with three women around her that all looked like they were healing her and checking her baby's condition. They were too busy to bother worrying about Celine when she got closer which gave her the chance to speak her mind.

What Celine said to Vanessa:
"M-Mistress... are you okay? It's me... it's your Celine. I'm back and I'm just fine mistress. I found Sakura and the demon girl, but they wouldn't come back with me. So I went with them to make certain they made it back alive. We found the demons that attacked you... and we fought and defeated them... I brought you the mage that tried to hurt you... and our baby, he's still alive for now. I'm right here, please be okay... p-please f-forgive me... I swear to you I didn't mean to make you worry like this... just please be okay, and the baby too. You've just got to be okay mistress, I'll accept any punishment you have, just please be okay. I only wanted to make you proud of me, and happy and safe," Celine said as soon as she got to Vanessa's side, crying openly and not caring who saw her as she spoke, her tears dripping onto Vanessa's hand that Celine held and kissed while alternating between caressing her cheek and belly, pretty much begging Vanessa to get better and forgive her.
(I guess I probably should have made that last post differently so that she could have said all of that i this post here, but what can I say, I got in too much of a hurry there because I was really getting into the story again. sorries :eek:)

When Vanessa finally responded and opened her eyes, Celine's expression went from one of sorrow, to joy in an instant. The sight of Vanessa being awake raised her spirits greatly, and when Vanessa uttered Celine's name, she moved in close so Vanessa didn't have to strain herself any by trying to lean or raise up. When she lifted her hand though and gently placed it on Celine's head, the young futanari elf's eyes went half lidded and submissive at Vanessa's gentle touch. When Vanessa told her she'd just used too much energy because of the baby taking so much out of her, Celine heaved a sigh of relief and smiled, saying with a little giggle, "Hmhm, our baby. She's going to be so strong and powerful mistress, I'm so happy that she's okay, and that you are too my beloved mistress."

Celine continued gently caressing Vanessa's belly while saying that, but when she noticed her face turning into a frown with every caress no matter how gentle it was while biting her lip as if enduring something, Celine immediately stopped and merely leaned down to Vanessa's belly and kissed it gently and lovingly and then just held Vanessa's hands until she said it was okay to caress her belly again, as Celine thought she was hurting her mistress and would tell Vanessa that if asked why she stopped.

Celine just continued to sit there with her hands holding one of Vanessa's, while her other hand caressed Celine's head, which was making her elven ears twitch cutely, letting Vanessa know Celine was happy to be at her side once more. However when Vanessa lightly pinched her cheek, Celine thought she was just playing and simply giggle ticklishly, shaking her head a little and smiling.

"I... I know I don't need to do stuff like that to make you proud, I just... I wanted to make sure they paid for trying to hurt you. I love you mistress, and I'd do anything for you, which is why I chose to do all that earlier, to keep you safe. And I'll gladly accept any punishment you wish to give me, that's how devoted to you I am my mistress... no, my love..." Celine said, trying to let Vanessa know just how much she truly did love her as she just kind of stopped speaking for a moment while she caressed Vanessa's cheek with one hand while gently squeezing Vanessa's hand in her other.

"You are my sun, while Triny is my moon, and all our children are my stars. You, Triny, Cassie, Myrtle, Sakura, you're all important people to me, you're more than that, you're my family, and I would want it no other way. Can you pleas wait on that punishment my love, at least until we can find a way to get Myrtle moved closer to here? And I really hope it's something I'll like my love," Celine continued moments later, giving Vanessa the most sincere, most loving, most devoted look imaginable as she spoke just how much she loved her and the others, smiling right back at her with an equally playful smile when Vanessa spoke of her punishment as she leaned in again and this time kissed Vanessa full on the lips as she changed up from calling her mistress to her love, not caring what anyone else thought as long as Vanessa didn't mind it. Of course Celine would also call Triny that as well, and probably the rest of her lovers, as she felt something change within her heart, something that deepened her love for them all. She couldn't explain it though, but all she knew was that she loved them and that was all she needed to know right now.

After that kiss, Celine would lay her head down beside Vanessa's while she waited for her to speak again, just watching the nurses do their work while she held Vanessa's hand to give her any moral support she needed.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine feelings looks to be welcome for her mistress, even when the healers looks to be confused and whisper between them trying to know who is this nude futa servant so close to their mistress.

I wasnt expecting to heard so lovely words, you are so sweet Celine Vanessa said after giggle softly, her voice still is weak but she accept the kiss and return it as if she were in perfect shape. So im your Sun, "giggle" It could take us a while to have so many childs as stars are in the sky, at last you are lucky to have an elite breeder like me to fulfil that task Vanessa stop the jokes and soon her hands caress and press Celine against her, the elf could smell an even more sweet scent coming from her lover and her skin is more pleasant and soft than before, even her breasts were swolen with milk ready to feed their still unborn child, they stay close each other for a while before Vanessa stop to pleasure her lover to say something important for her.

I could give birth this baby in any moment, so i want to put some important points. I really love be called lover for you, darling. But once outside you can only reffer to my in public as mistress

Also, i will teach all what i want to this little one, of course than you can help me, but she will be my personal responsability. Finally she could be a little different than your others childs or my little girl, lets just say than im very special and that make me the only one abble to handle and teach my babies.

Celine could notice a little serious tone on Vanessa, it looks to be thinking in something else. Sakura remain nearly uncounciest on the floor, her head is fully red and have a very happy smile, maybe she manage to heard Celine's words, Triny just stay a moment more before alert to the nurses than a dangerous man is uncounciest at the nursery close her inocent baby in the incubator. Celine cant reach to see Cassie or her gargoyle friend.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine noticed that Vanessa looked happy at her confession of how she felt for her, not caring what the healers thought of her in the process. When Vanessa spoke though and told Celine she wasn't expecting to hear her lovely words, Celine couldn't help but blush a little at her words, and blushed even redder when she giggled and joked with her about what all Celine had said, about her being her sun and Triny her moon.

While she sat there with her head laying beside Vanessa, Celine suddenly smelled a sweet scent wafting off of her mistress as she told her she was lucky to have an elite breeder like herself to fulfill the task of having many babies, Celine looked up at her and smiled, her face still flushed from her earlier blush, yet getting slightly redder in a different way now from the sweet scent she was smelling. Celine couldn't help herself and nuzzled herself in between Vanessa's breasts for a few moments before Vanessa stopped her.

When Vanessa spoke again after a minute or so, Celine listened enraptured by Vanessa's voice. However the more Vanessa spoke, the more Celine felt as if her hopes were being dashed upon a rock, and it also kind of felt to her as if Vanessa was pretty much asking her to choose one of her children over the others with her words, and that Celine wouldn't be able to teach her anything that she'd always wanted to teach her children when she had them. While Vanessa was speaking to her, Celine hadn't been looking so Vanessa could see her face, but when Vanessa got through speaking to her, she finally looked back up at her, tears streaming down her cheeks, and her lips quivering as if she were barely holding back a sob.

"So I... I am just your slave after all and nothing more then. I really... wanted to believe that I could be something more to you, but you don't trust me. I just want to say that... (sniffle)... that I would do anything for you, but I've always wanted to have many children, and I always dreamed of being able to teach my children all that I knew," Celine said in response to Vanessa's words, sniffling quite a bit as her tears stained the sheets Vanessa was laying on, after wiping her eyes a time or two she continued, though her vision now blurred from her tears which would let Vanessa know she'd truly hurt Celine's heart with her words, "I love you... but that isn't fair that I wouldn't be able to teach her anything that I want to, like how to use her powers to protect her sisters and those that can't defend themselves, and to never be mean or hold her power over anyone, and to spank her when she's bad... I want her to be a good person, and I want to be equally as responsible as her other parent, because if I'm not that makes me feel like a bad parent. I've given everything I can possibly offer to you and more... please don't take away me being able to teach my own children... please. It's one of the only freedoms that I would have here."

Celine finally let out a sob that she could hold back no longer, tears now falling freely down her cheeks as she sniffled, completely unable to hold her feelings back after all she'd done for Vanessa, feeling as if she were nothing more than just a stupid slave that didn't know anything.

"I'm sorry... it just sounds like you're asking me to pick our baby over all my other children and I just can't do that, I'm sorry but I wasn't raised to do that, I was always taught to love all of my children equally and not pick favorites. (sniffle)... and I just... and I just want to be able to call you my beloved, and not my mistress, because I love you more than that now. And I want Triny to be happy enough and to feel safe enough that she would want to stay here... and Cassie too... I want us to all be a big happy family that takes care of each other, and to love each other. I could bear not being able to call you my beloved if it meant being able to be a part of our baby's life," Celine said in between her sniffles and sobs before Vanessa could give any reply, starting to feel sick with worry at what Vanessa said, and even more so at what she was saying in response which she was scared that it'd make Vanessa hate her, but she felt quite heartbroken by all that Vanessa said and what she was saying herself in response and couldn't keep silent any longer... not if it meant basically having to choose between all of those she loved and her children and whatnot.

At that Celine would overhear Triny say there was a dangerous man in the nursery and she remembered dropping the demon mage from earlier. "Oh no... I forgot all about him, my babies! Hang on Triny I'm coming," Celine cried out, immediately rushing out of the room and leaving Vanessa to think over what all she'd said as she rushed over to the mage in a panic and began dragging him out of the nursery and away from the ones she loved.

She'd try an find some of the gargoyle girls to help her fins a place to put him until Vanessa could do her questioning of him later. She would then come back to the nursery where she would wait with Triny, telling her that she was afraid that Vanessa would hate her now while she waited for any word on Vanessa's and her child and if Vanessa even wanted her back in there. Regardless, if five minutes passed without any word, then Celine would timidly go back into the room and go back over to where she'd been earlier, where she would lay her head back down beside Vanessa's and start crying.

"I-I'm sorry mistress... please forgive me for what all I said earlier... I was out of line... I just... I just love you so much, and Triny, and all the others... I love you all more than life itself. I know I was asking for too much with what all I said, so please forgive me. I just wanted to... (sniffle)... make sure that all of my babies would be treated as equals, because that's what a parent has to do for their children, I hope you understand. W-Would you please allow me to at least name our child, since I w-won't get to be a p-part of her life? And please don't be mean to my other babies or let them be bullied because of what I said, please. I just want to be with you and Triny, and all of the others... I want us all to be happy together without Triny and Cassie having to to be scared, t-they are because they have no freedom at all in this place. But please forgive me, I just... I know you're trying to protect me and the others, but I would like you to believe in me some too. I mean I might no be as strong as you, but I want to be stronger so that... we could be closer and so I could protect you all myself, and then maybe you wouldn't have to be so careful to keep me safe, and maybe then I could earn my place to be able to call you my love outside of our room, and everything else I want here," Celine would say as she got back next to Vanessa, crying her eyes out as she begged for forgiveness from one of the one's she loved more than life itself, hoping that she wouldn't be mad at her.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine answer really was a sorprise for Vanessa, the elf words and sobs were making her unable to continue talking, even then she continue caressing her hand and body but it just looks than Celine was so affected than she cant feel her.

But is for your own safety... please understand, she could not be able to control her strenght... Celine! ... Celine wait!...

Were the only audible words than Vanessa could manage to shout at her weak state as she try to get up before the healers stop her and remember her than she should remain in bed for her safety and her child healt.

Leaving the room altered until the point where she even is not able to heard her mistress words, Celine find than Triny ask for help has bring some monstergirls and little imps, they looks to dont be able to face alone this mage if it could wake up, so the elf had to stay with them the whole time until they place him in a special jail, just then Celine feel a weak shake at the floor, but nothing more happens after that.

After place the mage in a safe place she return to the nursery where Triny remain taking care of her two babies, is easy to notice her worries as she see all the little tentacles inside her poor baby, but at least she looks to have more energy than before and her lungs looks to be working better than the last time than Celine saw her before went outside the castle. Faith looks to had awaken after all that commotion, her shinning and lively eyes are fully opened as she drink from Triny's breasts, her elfic eritage can be easily notice as she have a cute face and shinning beautifull short hair, her hunger looks to greedy want to take her ration and her sister one, at least Hope will dont need it until get away of the incubator, but Celine just can hope than her child could eat something than cum when the time comes.

Soon Celine invite to Trini to sit and talk her about her actual problem, of course than Triny is at her side and would start talking than she must calm and see than she have her and hre two daughters, but then what looks to be a little change at her actitude appear and she add something than Celine would not expect at that moment.

You dont have to worry my beloved Celine, she loves you a lot, not much like i and maybe Cassie, but after see all these girls at the breeding room and how she get so worried when you leave us behind, she must need you now... Triny looks to be still be jeaulose but leaving a pregnant woman when she is so close to give birth is something than she know than it must not happen after she had given birth to her twins.

After earn the courage to get inside Celine returned with her mistress, even after Triny words she is still scared and worried by what her mistress should be thinking of her at the moment, Vanessa was close to try to get out of the bed but she groan softly and return to just rest and let her servant talk, even when see her in that sad state make her feel so bad.

Once she end Vanessa just pet her and sigh deep until be ready to answer, she would ask the others to leave, but she decide to let the nurses continue their work and protect their child.

Celine... please stop crying, i love you too and only want to avoid than you get hurt by mistake. Also, i never said than you cant help me to raise her, just let me handle all and then you will be able to pass more time with her. For special i mean than i dont know how strong she could be, maybe she would be so powerfull than she could wound others without know it.

Vanessa caress her lover for a while, trying to decide how she could solve the others two problems, she bite her lip and groan when she feel her baby move inside her, it looks than she will be unable to maintain it there for more time and this make her say the only possibility than she could think at the moment to help Celine and her friends. You..."groan" you really want to be stronger?...

I suppose than you could make some missions to earn a name... then if all goes right you could be treated like a warrior and that could work for Cassie and Triny problem, but could we talk of that later? Please... Ahhhh!

The birth looks to be close to start and Vanessa instintively move her body to prepare herself to receive her newborn, just then the sheet move away the enough to make Celine see the heavily pregnant belly of her lover than is bigger than when Myrtle feel her with seeds, easily she could see the baby move inside Vanessa belly, trying to get out from there until Vanessa start to push and that call the baby attention toward the right exit, the mistress sigh in relief and continue pushing again at what looks to be a long birth.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine left the room crying, she barely noticed all of the different things that came to offer assistance to Triny when she called for help as she helped make certain her was placed somewhere that he couldn't get free or hurt anyone from. Then after she got back she stood there with Triny for a few minutes, she saw how worried Triny looked about Hope, what with all of the little tentacles hooked up to her and helping to strengthen her body. Celine was happy to see that Hope looked like her lungs were much stronger than they were before she'd left the castle earlier and she told Triny as much to try and ease her worry some, though she herself still had tears in her eyes from what all had been said between her and Vanessa. She saw that Faith however was awake now and feeding hungrily upon Triny's milk, and she couldn't help but smile at how precious she looked. She leaned over and kissed Faith on her little head while she drank down as much of Triny's milk as she could get. "She's going to grow up to be so beautiful, just like her mother, and hopefully she'll grow up to also be just like her papa too," Celine said quietly to Triny, pecking Faith on the cheek again.

"I know Triny, and I'm really glad I've got you and Faith and Hope here, it really sets my heart at ease to know you're all okay and that you love me," Celine said to Triny when she told her that she needed to be calm and that she had her and the babies, then when she saw Triny's jealous look and sudden change in her attitude as she spoke again, Celine looked up at her still quite teary eyed, saying, "Y-You really think she still loves me after what all I said Triny? Y-You're right... she needs me now... and I shouldn't abandon her, not now. Oh thank you Triny, I love you so much." Celine kissed Triny deeply at her kind words and embraced her where she could hug Faith as well and not crush her between them both, then after a minute or so she pulled loose and kissed her on the cheek again and rushed off back into the room, now with the courage to face Vanessa again after what she'd said.

Celine rushed on back into the room and after she told Vanessa all she wanted and laid her head beside her, Celine felt Vanessa begin petting her head and just cooed softly as she listened to Vanessa's sweet words. She stopped crying like Vanessa asked her to, wiping her tears away with her fingers and looking back up to Vanessa when she was through speaking for a moment when Vanessa bit her lip while the baby was kicking.

"I understand my love, but I'm not scared at all if she'll be powerful and could hurt me. Because what kind parent would I be if I cared about that kind of thing? I'm willing to take the good with the bad as long as I can help raise her, just like what I said with mine and Sophia's baby I couldn't stand not helping raise her at all, it would break my heart. And yes my love I want to be stronger, so that we could be together without worrying about anything and I'd be worthy of it, and all would know that I was yours and you were mine and nobody would dare try and harm the ones I love without fearing my wrath, therefore Triny and Cassie could live here without worrying about anything and could walk around without having to fear for themselves or our children. And I... oh yes my love of course we can talk later, the baby comes first," Celine said to Vanessa just as her beloved cried out and maneuvered herself into birthing position.

Celine helped the nurses move the sheets off of Vanessa and saw for the first time since getting back just how large her belly was... she saw it was even larger than her own was with Myrtle's seedlings. Celine saw her belly moving some, almost as if the baby were trying burst out of there, so Celine gently placed her hand on Vanessa's belly to try and soothe and calm her beloved as Vanessa pushed to bring the baby out the correct way.

"I'll be here for you no matter what my love, I won't leave your side again... ever. Nor will I leave Triny, or any of the others. I'm your brave protector Celine and I will help you in any way I can, no matter what," Celine said to Vanessa as she held her hand to give her all of the support she could give, and offering to help the nurses if they needed her to.

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

J...just dont get close her... Vanessa said between groans and breathings, as she hold her lover hand and only turn to give a little smile to show how much she loved her servant words. A nurse run to look for help as the others prepare all, Celine could see than the monstergirls looks to be scared and worried for their mistress, as also they looks than they expect than something bad could happen to them.

Prep... prepare the seal...NOW!!

The Mistress order at her slaves, Celine can only suppose the pain of her lover looking how the child moves the insides of her lover, it looks like the baby struggle were huting Vanessa organs, each kick and sudden move were a torture for the poor woman than lasted por at least 30 minutes, a long torture for Vanessa but at least Celine make her be able to endure it more easily.

Vanessa start to push more, in some way really glad than the time to give birth this mischievous baby has come, no doubt than any other woman would never endure even a minute for what Vanessa has passed, the mistress start to smile between her labor push, softly moaning each time more as the baby head start to get out, Celine has been helping with what the servants had asking her, like moving the fornitude to place the seal or bring towels and others things, but nearly all the time she has been at her mistress side. Just when she was close to move to see the baby going out, Vanessa take her hand with her whole remain streng and pull her back giving a weak but serious No as she push again, the nurses get back and for an instant, as a scared girl help the baby to get out until half her body was out of Vanessa.

Celine saw how her child have a size of a baby of nearly two years, her long black hair and winged back is only what she can manage to see... Winged wings... one black and one white, her ears were pointed like an elf and then she opened her eyes to see the world around her, the light make her cry and at the instant the whole place start to shake, as she cover herself with her little wings, she tried to return inside her mother warm womb, but her legs were already outside.

Turn off... the lights... said Vanessa in a whisper, the baby altered by the light get under her clothes, just when she turn Celine can see than she have the same color eyes, yet when the lights from the shinning gems and candles were off, she notice than these shine with a beautiful color, a painful scream from a nurse appear as she fall on the floor trying to cover a sudden wound at her arm, thanks to her elfic eyes, Celine rach to see a fine object coming from her daughter back, it have a sharp object at the end and it looks like is out of control, slicing anything at its way, even part of the bed have now a fine wide cut than nearly reach the floor.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine smiled back to Vanessa when she took her hand and smiled to her, letting her know she'd be with her all the way an wouldn't leave her. When Vanessa told them to prepare the seal, Celine looked quite confused about what she meant, but didn't question her yet and merely did all she could to help out. Celine was sad to see how much pain Vanessa was going through with her labor, and could only imagine how much she hurt what with the way the baby was moving inside of her and all. Celine stayed holding Vanessa's hand for as long as she wanted her to until she was needed.

When Vanessa started to push more after half an hour or so to try and get their child out, Celine noticed that she started smiling in between her pushes, letting out some soft moans as the baby's head began coming out. She helped them get all they needed for the seal that Vanessa spoke of, still not understanding why they needed a seal of any kind, and she also brought towels and anything else needed as well. But other than to do that she didn't leave Vanessa's side at all for the whole duration of this. When she saw how close it seemed the baby was to coming out all the way, she got a little closer to see her coming out, but was suddenly pulled back by Vanessa who weakly told her no. Celine was a little let down at that, but when she saw how serious Vanessa looked she didn't say anything and just hung her head a little and continued watching and holding Vanessa's hand as her beloved pushed once again. Celine saw the nurses pull back for a moment, scared to help the baby as she was now already halfway out.

Celine noticed the baby looked nearly two years old already, she had long black hair, elven ears, and wings on her back, one black and one white. Celine felt the room shake some as the baby wrapped her wings around herself, crying because of the light from what Celine could tell. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of her despite the room shaking and whatnot as she tried to pull herself back inside of Vanessa's warm body even though she was already completely out now.

"S-She's beautiful," Celine whispered aloud, to nobody in particular as she beheld her's and Vanessa's child finally with her own eyes.

When Vanessa whispered to them to turn the lights out, Celine watched the baby crawl under some clothing to get away from the light she assumed, and when she turned towards Celine, Celine saw her eyes were the same color as her own beautiful green ones, and the sight of this all but caused Celine's eyes to tear up a little. When the nurses turned the lighting down some Celine could see their child's eyes shining and glowing slightly and was staring at the beautiful gems shining in the darkened room.

Celine was broken out of her reverie when she heard one of the nurses let out a cry of pain as she fell to the floor clutching her arm, and she looked over to see why she yelped and saw a long tail growing out of the bottom of her back like a tail. She saw the tail had a very sharp looking object on the end of it and it looked to be out of control, slicing around and cutting anything in its path, even the bed was sliced a bit she saw. Celine was scared about what would happen if the baby didn't stop, she may hurt Vanessa and the others if that someone didn't calm her down and soothe her.

Celine's instincts kicked in after only a moment of thinking about it and she let go of Vanessa's hand and calmly went over to the baby and would gently lift her up, not caring if the tail cut her any. She would calmly and quietly take a couple of cuts without yelping out so she didn't scare her as she pulled the baby up to her chest to bury her little face between her ample breasts where she would gently shush her, saying in a soft voice motherly, "Shh little one shh... it's okay, you're going to be okay, your papa has you now so you don't have to cry or be scared okay, I'll protect you and keep you warm."

Celine would then place a gentle motherly kiss on her head and begin softly singing an elven lullaby her mother used to sing her to soothe and calm her down when she was young.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)


Vanessa tried to stop Celine at her attempt of get close their daughter, however she is very tired at the moment, just then pass out whispering her lover name as some tears fall from her eyes.

The baby dont stop to crawl under her mother clothes, as her tail moves without control and cut the fornitude as if they were paper. Celine is the only in act, as the nurses even forget to completely activate the seal, with fear they stay away after see what that children can do without use any magic.

The tail damage area is not so far from Vanessa and the newborn, without think twice Celine try to avoid any colateral damage to them and soon lift up Vanessa's soft dress and take the baby who was close her lover breasts, maybe looking to eat. Her daughter soon place her wet eyes at her, looking to her father's eyes and that smile who give a very different feeling than the fear of the others at the room, the girl just try to imitate Celine and smile, giving to the elf a false safety moment. The blonde nude futa start to sing as she place her daughter face on her chest, instintively she start to suck and drink the small milk amount than Celine have thanks to the doll slime effect.

However in middle of the song the tail moves and pierce Celine at her shoulder, luckily the point only get inside her some inches, as her baby is getting close to fall sleep, the poor elf endure her pain as much as she can, trying to dont stop her song until the baby fall sleep. Just then the nurses get calmed the enough to remember the seal and activate it, slowly the baby superhuman strengh is reduced without cause any pain to the newborn.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine barely noticed Vanessa trying to stop her from getting closer to their daughter, but she was simply too tired to stop Celine and fainted as she whispered Celine's name with a few tears falling from her eyes. Celine wanted to stop and say something to her, but she had to stop their child from maybe hurting her beloved, so Vanessa's last image of Celine would be the futa elf glancing over at her and winking, trying to let Vanessa know that she could handle it and not to worry any.

Celine scooped the baby up with as she was wrapped in Vanessa's clothes, her tail swishing back and forth uncontrollably and cutting things as if it were paper. Celine noticed that she was the only one moving towards the baby and not acting terrified of it as she picked her up, the nurses even forgetting to place the seal they were supposed to they were so scared. When Celine lifted her up and pulled her to her chest and looked down at her, her daughter looked back up at her with all but the same eyes as Celine looked down at her with a motherly smile and not an ounce of fear in her. When she watched her daughter trying to imitate her she couldn't help but giggle slightly as she raised her up a little and kissed her on her little cheek then she lowered her back down to her chest, thinking she was likely a little hungry, and she remembered that she still had the effects of the doll slime from earlier that was making her lactate, so she could at the very least give her child some milk.

"Here you go sweetie, you must be hungry. Well your papa may have manly parts, but she's also got womanly parts too and I have a little bit of milk in these. So go right ahead and drink up as much as you like," Celine whispered to her baby, gently stroking her head as her the baby's lips closed around her nipple.

While she began suckling away to get all the milk out of Celine's breasts that she could, Celine began singing her lullaby, but during her singing when the baby was almost asleep, she barely saw it when her daughter's tail swung around and stabbed her right in the shoulder. Celine felt agonizing pain shoot through her, but she never once flinched and kept singing so as not to disturb her daughter any as she tried to sleep. Celine saw the nurses recover from their fright and moved into position where they finished and activated the seal on the baby, which caused her superhuman physical strength to lower to that of a regular human or elf.

As soon as the seal was completely in place, Celine held her baby in one arm and slowly and gently pulled the sharp part on the end of her tail out of her shoulder using her other hand, where she then coiled it around her own arm, still holding back any tears or cries of pain so that if her daughter looked back up at her she wouldn't see her crying and in pain. No matter what though she would show no fear of any kind, and would only show her new daughter unconditional love just like she would to her other children.

"Where is her crib so she can sleep? And can one of you get something for my shoulder please? I don't want the blood to startle the baby or the mistress," Celine asked the nurses, still holding back her tears of pain for when the baby was asleep and away from her so she didn't scare her.

While they got a crib and got it ready, Celine would sit down beside Vanessa on the bed and gently sake her to try and wake her up so she could see their baby. If Vanessa woke up then Celine would lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips and smile at her.

"Look my love, she's beautiful and precious. If it's okay with you I'd like to name her something equally as beautiful and precious... I'd like to name her... Grace," Celine would say to Vanessa in a soft sweet voice, should she wake up that is.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Thanks to endure the pain, Celine manage to avoid any terrible accident than could had happened, soon the baby cant resist more and fall sleep thanks to the sweet elven song, her lively long tail still moves weakly as if it where a leg or arm, but once the blonde elf use her arm to coil the cute baby yet dangerous tail. Celine have now the time to see than her new daughter dont is a futa, however her body looks to be so angelical than she could be the perfect mix of a beautiful and perfect angel and a sexy and luscious succubi. Her cute green shining eyes are now closed, but as she was singing, Celine can bet than were the reflect of a pure soul.

The nurses soon tried to aid her, cleaning her wound and placing the baby in what could be named a gorgeous crib, maybe used only for the mistress daughter as it looks to have a protective seal for the baby or for the nurses. For some reason her childs looks to have special care even before born. After take a time to recover herself, Celine notice how Sakura is resting at the floor outside the mistress room, she looks to be resting or uncouncious, maybe something hit her or she fall at the floor by a sudden increase at her blood pressure. Half cured of her deep wound at the shoulder, Celine take the baby crib close the mistress to make her see her, yet Vanessa is just very tired and just half wake up after receive the lovely kiss.

Oh... its so cute Celine... Grace... she looks like you... Suddenly Vanessa fright and slowly sit at her bed, she looks to be in a constant pain as she do this, but soon she try to touch her daughter wings and then turn to Celine, her special birth destroyed room and then just decide to lay on the bed again, as she looks to be thinking for a moment before add.

Im close to fall sleep, could you just rest at my side for a while to make me feel better as i get better?
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was able to endure all of the pain and kept singing until the baby fell asleep in her arms. After she was asleep, Celine was able to get a somewhat better look at her new daughter, and she saw that she was unlike Hope and Faith in that she wasn't a futanari like herself. However she did see that the baby had what looked like a mix between an angel's body and a succubus' body, and her eyes of course were just like Celine's. Celine could just feel that her new daughter was going to be a kind loving and pure hearted soul, and that was the greatest feeling Celine could have for her new daughter, that she was going to be good.

After that the nurses came to her aid and helped her clean her wound as best they could before bandaging it up after they helped her put the baby in a very luxurious crib. She noticed it had a protective seal placed upon it and Celine could only suspect that it was to keep her tail from whipping around and maybe destroying the crib. After she had recovered a bit, Celine got back up and walked outside to see what all was going on out there, if she saw Triny still out there she would give her a wave and then a thumbs up to let her know everything went alright. Celine also noticed Sakura laying outside beside the door and Celine didn't feel that she could just leave her there like that on the dirty floor.

Sakura... her sweetie, wake up now okay. The baby's here if you'd like to come in and see her,” Celine whispered to Sakura as she shook her gently to wake her.

Regardless as to whether or not Sakura woke up, Celine went on back in and and gently pushed the crib over to the bed where Vanessa was laying and after Celine kissed her she opened her eyes. Celine was happy that Vanessa seemed to like the name she chose for their daughter, and when she saw Vanessa seeming to struggle in raising up she immediately moved to help her raise up. “Oh my love she doesn't look that much like me, I mean sure she has elven ears and my eyes and all, but she looks a lot more like you I think... beautiful,” Celine told Vanessa, gently caressing her beloved's cheek while Vanessa was gently touching Grace's wings.

Of course I'll stay with you for a little while my love, just lay there and rest okay, I'll protect you. And don't worry about my shoulder I'll be just fine,” Celine said to Vanessa, laying down beside her, after only a moment though, Celine thought about something that was bugging her about Grace, and so continued talking to Vanessa, a sparkle now in her eyes as she thought and spoke, "I'm wondering though my love. Why does Grace have an angel's wings? Does that mean that... you're an angel?"
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny was not close the Mistress room, it looks than maybe she cant resist see her lover close another woman or maybe she was just worried for Hope. Even then the young explorer return the wave close Hope's crib. Then Celine place her attention on Sakura who looks to be a little dazzed after she wake up, not even sure how she fall on the floor, she just groan softly and caress her head, with her soft voice giving some little painfull "oww" and "ouch" with each stroke. The new baby of the great mistress has born? said happily and soon hug Celine nearly falling at the floor as she feel herself a little weak. She stay with Celine as she talk with the great mistress, her eyes stay stunned at the beautifull child resting at the luxury crib. Awww, she is sooo cute Sakura said in a lovely whisper, she giggle and hug herself, trying to control herself and dont hug that piece of heaven, if nobody stop her, she looks than she could try soon to touch the baby or kiss it on her cheek or something more dangerous for the inoccent bunnygirl.

Thanks, but you are more beautiful, dear. Please Celine try to dont place yourself in danger again, the next time you could not have soo much luck. Vanessa said once she notice the wound deepness, her tone was a little calmed and she looks to be thinking in something more, even then she looks to be really worried for Celine, as she touch the elf wound, trying to dont cause too much pain. The two tried to rest on the bed but soon Celine come to ask something more to Vanessa.

Great Mistress is an angel!? The bunny girl said amazed by the new, even then she remain close the baby, Grace remain sleeping and making a cute whimper as the bunny girl caress her head, straigh beutifull black hair and wings, the peacefull baby just turn to a side and cover herself with her cute wings trying to endure the disturb than the slave was making by mistake.

Vanessa remain in silence for a moment. I really dont know exactly, but i suppose than is a good surprise than she have wings.

Vanessa tried then to stop the topic there, but she then suppose than Celine will need a better answer. I will talk with you about this later, please wait until i get better.

Without said more she hug her lovely Elf servant and turn a last time to Grace before fall sleep. Celine could stay at her side or look around, she has not eating anything the whole day and her belly start to shyly roar, Cassie and the gargoyle girl status are still a mystery and Triny remain away of her not sure if she should be close the two or with Hope.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I'll be back out as soon as I can okay,” Celine said to Triny when she waved back.

After she'd gotten Sakura up and gone back in the room with the bunny girl in tow, Celine saw how Sakura was going over to Grace's crib and thought to herself that it may be a little dangerous, but surely it wouldn't hurt for her to just barely caress Grace's cheek a little. “Sakura... just be careful okay, Grace's tail there has a really sharp end on it and could cut you if you aren't careful and she maybe just rolls over and it whips around. But I think it would be okay to just caress her little cheek, because she is really beautiful,” Celine said to Sakura, warning her to be careful so she didn't get hurt, but not in a mean way or anything.

Oh mistress, I'm not really all that pretty. Am I?” Celine said, looking all shy and blushing bashfully at Vanessa's words, which would let her know that what she'd said made Celine really happy.

I'll always be in danger though my love, but if it allows me to be with the ones I love the most, then I'm willing to accept that danger wholeheartedly. Besides, I trust Grace would never hurt me on purpose, it was just an accident is all because she doesn't know any better yet, which is why we've got to teach her the difference between right and wrong...” Celine said seriously after a few moments of blushing because of Vanessa calling her beautiful, she then caressed Vanessa's cheek and continued, saying, “But don't worry about this cut right here. Because while it did hurt, it allowed me to hold Grace, so to me it was worth a little pain. But I wouldn't worry too much about our little Grace, she won't do it again like that... I'm sure of it, because I trust that we can teach her... together.

After that she listened to Vanessa speak again without talking back any until she was through, just letting Vanessa hold her while she spoke to have the feeling of closeness with Celine that she seemed to want. “Very well my love, get some sleep now okay, I'll go and check on all the others and come back later to rest with you,” Celine told Vanessa, kissing her on the lips as she returned the hug.

After that she watched Vanessa and Grace sleep for a couple of minutes before her stomach growled from her lack of food today. She now felt the need for sustenance and nourishment and wished to go find some food, but she first wished to find Cassie and check on Lina to see if they were both okay after what all had happened earlier. At that Celine got up from the bed, giving a little kiss on the cheek to Vanessa, and then Grace before motioning to Sakura to follow her and whispering to her to let them both sleep. Once they were back outside of the room she would head over to Triny and pull her into a hug, then she'd kiss her full on the lips and lean down to kiss Faith as well, then she would just gently caress Hope's head a little so she didn't disturb the tentacle things keeping her alive and such.

Sorry that took so long sweetie, but now it's done and I'm here with you for now. They're both asleep now and resting, so we've got probably the rest of the day to ourselves. Do you know what happened to Cassie and Lina by any chance? I'm still pretty worried about them both because I haven't seen them yet since I got back,” Celine said to Triny after kissing and hugging her. Once she had replied, Celine would then ask her if she was hungry, that she was starving at the moment herself. Should Triny reply that yes she was starving as well, then they would hurry on off and ask around for Cassie, so they could find her and then all of them eat together.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sakura nod and heard her elven mistress, even then she cant stop herself to touch Grace's face and body, soon the baby whimper ad and giggle by the soft caress and pokes than the slave girl give to her, the baby tail swing arond trying to feel what was touching her, but fortunately it only cause a minor scratch on Sakura's arm, thanks to the seals the baby looks to be less dangerous, even then Celine can feel some little earth shakes coming from time to time. With her little chaild on control for the moment, Celine can see how Sakura giggle and make the baby smile between dreams for a while until the little half angel get tired and cover herself again with her wings and made a little cute whimper, the nurses had cleaned her before place her at the crib as also it looks like the baby dont need a diaper as nobody place it on her.

As Celine talk about why she get on danger, Vanessa stay caressing the elf around her wound and just nodding. Thanks to you our baby will be the most beautiful woman of all, just try to take care, even if is for protect us, i will be unable to forget myself if we lost you. Vanessa just continue trying to pleasure her lover and feel her body as much as she can, trying to say focused at her thoughts.

Once Vanessa return the passionate kiss and prepare to sleep, Celine stay there looking her and her young new child who looks to be finally able to sleep in peace once Sakura understand the message and just look her move tail around until the baby stay peacefully resting. With the bunnygirl only looking at them in a shy but happy way, the blonde elf decide to leave with Sakura at her side, ready to aid her mistress as best as she could. Once she return at Triny side, both stay kissing each other in a passionate hug, Fate looks to enjoy stay at her mother arms instead to try one of the empty cribs.

Im soo glad than both are fine and yes, i havent eat anything as i was waiting for you and our child is really trying hard to let me dry. Triny said smiling and cuddling at her lover in an attempt to feel her luscious and warm body, her hand slide through Celine's nude cleveage as her hand move to take Celine's one, not before press the elf rear softly and giggle a little, stil amazed how she is starting to get used to be nude.

Cassie should be fine, when that woman heard than you decide to haunt the demons, she order her to look for someone to help you, but Cassie decide to take Lina to her room, as she was really tired after being restored to her old form by Vanessa. Triny still looks to have a harsh felling against the mistress, she just turn to a side and frown each time than she said her name, then she looks down and sigh before continue walking close Celine. The cloth than she lend us is so... small, i hate to be like this all the time, but i just cant... wear that, can you say her to give us something better, please?
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine couldn't help but smile at Sakura as she caressed Grace's little head and body, soothing her to sleep even more so than Celine already had. It made her happy to see that someone else wasn't scared of her at all and seemed to love her unconditionally in the same way she herself did. Celine didn't resist Vanessa's touch any at all and let her hold her until she drifted off, telling her not to worry about anything, that this time it was her turn to take care of her. When she saw Grace smiling in her sleep as she started covering herself back up again with her wings, whimpering slightly, Celine leaned over the crib and placed one final little kiss on her little head before heading on out with Sakura in tow.


After she'd gotten back out with Triny and asked her questions, Celine listened to Triny's answers while her lover pressed her body to Celine's, hugging and cuddling against her some. Celine cooed cutely for her lover, and gave a little moan when Triny grabbed her butt and squeezed, which would let Triny know just how much of an effect she had on Celine and how much the young blonde elf loved her. Celine returned the hugs and cuddles, nuzzling Triny on the side of her neck some and leaving a little hickey on her lover. After she leaned down and kissed her children on their little heads, she looked back up to Triny and smiled again as she pecked her on the lips.

"Well come on then, let's go and find Cassie so we can get us a bite to eat, I'm so hungry I could eat... well pretty much anything you put in front of me as long as I knew it wouldn't make me sick," Celine told Triny, then she looked down at Faith and smiled at her as she leaned down to get to eye level with her eldest child, where she then tickled Faith a little as she giggled, saying, "And have you been taking all of your mommy's milk you little devil you? And you do realize that soon you'll have to share with your little sister as well I hope. Because she'll need it just as much as you will cutie."

When Triny told Celine about the clothing given to them by Vanessa and how skimpy it was and such, Celine looked back at her and merely smiled. "Of course I'll talk to her about it sweetie. Just try and not worry about it so much okay, because I think you've got a beautiful body Triny, and our children will grow up to have even more beautiful bodies than both of us. But please Triny... try and not get so angry at Vanessa, she's... I believe she's really trying to help us and keep us safe as best she can," Celine said to Triny, trying to ease her worry as much as she could as they set out to go and fetch Cassie so they could get some food.