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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The battle between the beastman statue and Celine were turning in a very close one. The elf decide to protect a tired Triny as she do her best slashing and evading the last foe. The fight take a while and Celine get seriously damaged, but thanks to Triny aid they manage to defeat it. The three girls were tired, Cassie will take some time to wake up, but they should decide to move and find a place to hide themselves or stay there trying to dont call the attention.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine stayed close to the statue, keeping its eyes on her and keeping it from going after Triny. It took the two a while, but in the end they managed to destroy the statue, though not before Celine took some serious damage from it.

The two were exhausted after the fight, but Celine and Triny managed to make it over to Cassie's side and saw that she was okay, just knocked out.

"Triny... we've got to get to somewhere that we can hide and rest. Do you remember anywhere around here we can go?" Celine said her companion.

If Triny had a place they could go to, then Celine would lift Cassie in her strong arms and follow her and carry Cassie to a safe place. Once there, she would tend to Cassie's wounds, washing them gently, then she would tend to Triny's wounds. Only after making sure her two companions were okay would Celine tend to her own wounds. After that they could only wait for Cassie to wake back up before moving on. Once she did wake, Celine would move over to her, asking, "Cassie... are you okay? Are you in any pain?"
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny look around for a while and she then answer to Celine looking to Cassie if it were possible to move her. We have a small hideout where we store some tools, please follow me They walk a little before they reach a hidden tent between some trees and a wall of the ruins. There they tried to cure Cassie wounds, but soon they saw than she only have a few hits, her body looks to be tired, more likely drained. Maybe they also were drained a little by the creatures hits.

At least this caused than Celine take less time to cure each of them, there werent serious wounds, not more than some wounds.

We have two ways to get inside the principal and one made from us Said to let them choice
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny led Celine to a hideout she and her group had when they were there the last time while Celine carried Cassie to it. Once Celine had taken care of their hurts, which weren't very bad at all, she listened to Triny's two choices of how they could proceed.

"I think we should use the entrance you and your team used last time you were here. But you know this place better than I do, so when Cassie wakes up you two can choose, it doesn't matter to me which way we go in as long as we find out what happened," Celine said.

They waited for Cassie to wake up and once she had, Celine would let the two of them decide which path to take going inside and follow them in, taking the lead if neither of them wanted to.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

A brief time later Cassie wake up without problems, confused to awake in an unknown place. We beat then? Triny and Celine explain her all and then Triny take the lead, as she know more about this place, even when she has been here only a day. Then lets take the road than i know, please follow me, said once she dress a male pants an belt, as the last battle had destroyed her lower clothes.

Once they leave the hideout, the three girls walk a time until find some plants hidding a small hole than a human could use to get inside easily. The first minutes they dont find any monsters, instead they find a road illuminated with torches on the rock walls, on the ceiling some feet's close a misterious sealed door they can see a hole than lead to maybe a secret room, more ahead they see two paths, the place have soft sounds of chains, steps and maybe beasts. It s hard to know from where they come and Triny looks confused by some changes in what she remember at the ruins.

I dont know what is inside that door and the right side have some stairs after a while walking.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Yeah Cassie we beat them," Celine told her friend when she woke and asked if they had won the fight. They set about explaining to her what had happened since the fight.

After that they left their hiding spot and followed Triny as she knew the place the best. They didn't run into any monsters, but they did see many torches lighting the way along the walls. After a short while they stopped to see what all was around them and Triny looked confused by some changes from what she remembered at the ruins and told them that she didn't know what was inside of the door and that the right side had some stairs after a while of walking.

"Well, let's take a vote then I guess. I say we go through the door since you don't know what's inside, because we may find some clues," Celine said, curious about what was behind the door.
"If it turns out there's nothing behind here we could try that hole over there" Celine then said, pointing at the hole that was near the mysterious sealed door.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Ok, lets check the door. Triny said as Cassie vote for the stairs, but decide to just see first the mysterious door as it was more close. The three girs get close the door to notice than there was a strange lock who looks to need some kind of special key, Triny tried to use a lockpick, but at the instant a strange force send her flying away until reach the front wall.

Ouch...Looks like we must look for something to open this door. Triny said as she get up a little dazzed, she looks to be a little affected by that mysterious spell, as she start to move her upper clothes a little away of her body like if they make her feel unconfortable.

Fine, then we must try that hole in the ceiling. Said Cassie as she look avobe them, the place have a hight than will make them be unable to get there unless someone get over another and them they must stretch themselves a little to climb and get inside the upper floor.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

They went over to the mysterious door and found that it was locked and seemed to need a special kind of key. Triny tried to use a lockpick on it, but when she did so a strange force sent her flying away from the door and into the wall.

"T-Triny... are you okay?" Celine asked, rushing to Triny's side where she landed.

Once making sure Triny was okay Celine agreed with Cassie to try the hole in the ceiling. Celine told Cassie that she would hold her up to reach the edge and to grab hold of it and she would then pass up some of the rope they got from the camp they found Triny in so that she could tie it off to something so that Celine and Triny climb it and so they would have a safer way back down once they got done up there.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Yes, i think than im fine, dont worry Celine... Ufff this place is really warm Said Triny as she start to sweat a little bellow her clothes. But this dont cause her any problem to get close Cassie and Celine once they get ready to try to reach the hole above them. With Cassie delicate soft body, Celine dont have any problem to make her reach the upper room

Once they manage to do it, Cassie take the rope leaving enough to let the others climb once she inform them than all was ready. It take her a while and Celine could heard than someone was moving some things, as also some muffed whines. Both girls were thinking than maybe Cassie was pushing something, but this was taking so much time and suddenly a weak scream from Cassie call their attention. Both check the rope and notice than they can use it.

Once they get above, they notice a gorgeous living room, filled with mirrors and chairs, in one of the walls they notice how a rope get through it and some soft muffed moans come from the inside of the mirror wall, before they could check the place they notice two figures on the mirrors getting closer until they get out of them. They were like Triny and Celine but both were nude and transparent until in an instant their transparent skin get a identical color than the two adventurers. In a close mirror of the copies Celine can see how Cassie is trying to get free of some dark creatures were undressing her.

All the intruders must be punished said a non gender voice from an unknown place.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine lifted Cassie up without any difficulty and she went off with the rope to find something to tie it to, saying she would inform them when they could climb it. After a short while, Celine and Triny heard something that sounded like someone trying to move something and also muffled whines. This made Celine and Triny think that Cassie was pushing something, probably to tie the rope to so they could climb... but... something was off... this was taking too long, Celine thought.

Suddenly Celine and Triny heard a weak scream from Cassie and Celine checked the rope and noticed that it was tied to something strong enough to hold them, so Celine jumped up and began climbing up, with Triny close behind. Once they reached the top they noticed a gorgeous living room filled with mirrors and chairs. On one of the walls they notice how the rope went through it and some soft muffled moans came from inside of the mirrored wall. Before they could check the place though they noticed two figures on the mirrors getting closer until they stepped out of them. They looked exactly like Celine and Triny but both were nude and transparent, then in an instant their skin turns to be identical to the two.

Close by in another of the mirrors, Celine could see Cassie trying to get free from some dark creatures that were undressing her. Before they could react a voice suddenly said that all intruders must be punished.

"What are you doing to Cassie? Let her go. Why must we be punished? What have we done that deserves punishment?" Celine asked out loud.

If the voice did not respond to her questions, then she would nudge Triny and nod her head towards the mirror that Cassie was inside of, hoping that the young explorer would get her idea to cover her while she attempted to get Cassie out of the mirror she was in, slashing her sword at the creatures that were undressing Cassie to drive them away from her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine fail

Triny hit

C copy crit hit Celine

T copy get stunned this round

[prinny first battle rules]

The voice dont appear once again, but the two clones start to giggle as they walk slowly toward them.

Triny nod and give a quick wink as she prepare her weapon to shoot at the two nude figures, her wind impact conect with one as Celine try to pass away of them and get inside the mirror, but her own copy hit her with her right arm on the Elf belly and push her away with a heavy impact. At least inside Cassie still have her weapon and she do her best to repel the creatures.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine noticed Triny nod and wink back at her, readying her weapon to shoot at both of their copies. When Celine made her move, Triny shot at her copy and hit it, but Celine's copy managed to hit the real Celine in the stomach, knocking her back as Celine grunted in pain at the blow. When she was hit, Celine knew that she and Triny wouldn't be able to get to Cassie without taking care of the threat out here first.

"Hold on Cassie, we'll get you out of there as soon as we deal with this... just hold on," Celine called out to Cassie.

Celine then turned to help Triny deal with her copy, charging straight at her to stab her right through her chest since she seemed to be stunned, trying to evade any attack by her own copy. One good thing was that Cassie seemed to still have her weapon with her to fight.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine hit

Triny miss

T C ...

C C hit Celine

Cassie counter hit

Without be able to defend herself, the false Triny receive a direct impact from the swordswoman, but before try to kill her, the elf clone hit her again and push her away of the wounded copy, Triny looks to have some problems with her weapon and wasted the chance to hit her clone.

Meanwhile inside the mirror, Cassie push and struggle in an attempt to get free of the dark little creatures, they tried to rip her clothes but a sudden move from the black haired irl make them get away.

Celine hit Triny clone

C C hit Celine

Triny hit her clone

T C fail

Cassie crit fail

Creatures crt hit

The monsters were now mad from the sudden cut and dead in one of them, Cassie tried to defend herself, but she miss her chance and even her hands were grappled, as she see the creatures pulling her clothes away in a sudden move, even her underwear was ripped out of her, making her only have her boots and weapon as they eat the remains and spread her legs, the creatures were licking her belly and breasts as other bite one of her nipples like punishment, Cassie groan and struggle without cause more than the excitation of her captors, the strange saliva was making her blush, as she is slowly moved away. The dark creatures pinch her legs, arms and clitoris to make her suffer even more and make her cry, only her weak attempt to escape make them fail to take her away.

Meanwhile Celine manage to hit her partner clone and even Triny shot to her copy, something than make her feel bad, but she must save Cassie from what the creatures want to do with her. The Triny clone was filled with wounds and nearly can stay on her feet, soon she could be defeated with another blow. Unfortunately Celine receive another impact and she can feel herself getting tired, all this could end bad if her copy give her another heavy impact.

Celine 1/5
Triny 5/5
Cassie 1/5 4/10AP -2 grappled

C C 4/5
T C 1/5
D creatures 2/4
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine'a charge at Triny's copy seemed to work as her sword plunged into her, but the Celine copy then hit the real Celine and knocked her away. Cassie meanwhile seemed to manage in getting away from the creatures that had her.

Cassie's freedom however was short lived as the creatures now maddened by her killing a couple of them attacked her furiously, with Cassie trying desperately to defend herself and failing as the creatures grab her and begin stripping her of the remainder of her clothing until she was left in only her boots.

Celine saw this and wanted to save her from what was happening to her, but she and Triny had problems of their own right now. She and Triny both managed to hit the Triny copy, but Celine's copy managed to hit her again also, hurting Celine quite badly in the process, though the Triny copy looked as if a little bonk on the head would take her down now at least.

"T-Triny your copy there looks like she's about done we've got to take her down quick. I'll take care of her while you cover me and keep the copy of me away, if I miss your copy though you'll have to shoot it before she takes me down. Then we'll take care of the fake me over there. Got it?" Celine said to Triny.
"We can't help Cassie until we take care of these ones here, but I don't know how much longer I'll last, so make every shot count okay."

With that Celine would cautiously move in and duck under or sidestep any attack from her own copy while slashing the Triny copy with a very swift slash at her throat. She could only hope that Cassie could manage to hold out a little longer until they at least took down the fake Triny and or fake Celine.

"Just hold on Cassie... I promise we'll save you," Celine said to herself... willing herself to keep fighting to save her friend.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine hit T C

Triny hit C C

C C Critical hit Triny

Cassie crit fail

Dark Creatures Over Rape her

Celine 1/5
Triny 2/4
C C 4/5

Cassie 0 Raped and in two turns she will be taken away

Triny join the swordswoman in this dangerous moment of the battle, Celine run and her sword cut the neck of the wounded clone with a skilled quick cut, the copy turn into crystal as this fall on the floor breaking in many transparent pieces. However the other clone run against Celine when Tania hurt the clone at her arm, unfortunately this cause the wrath of the elf clone and with a really fast move she get close the explorer, with a potent punch she make Triny fall some feet's away without breath, but looks like she will be able to continue fighting.

Meanwhile, Cassie in her weak state tried to repel them and kill her captors, but the pleasure make her lost the grip of her spear and shoot it away of her, nearly close the mirror from where she was taken. The creatures laugh of the clumsy move and started to suck and bite her even more as she struggle, her body was so excited than she was already leaking her sex juices, but the monsters looks like dont want to penetrate her and continued her torture, as they take her away. If Celine dont start to run to help her now, Cassie will be taken to a unknown place, but the elf clone could defeat Triny if she is alone, even together this fight could be lost.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine managed to take the copy of Triny down as she cut her throat, with the copy turning into a crystal that fell to the floor. Celine glanced over and saw what was happening to Cassie and was terrified of losing her friend. So she made a split second decision to try and help Cassie by telling Triny to go to her aid.

"Triny go help Cassie and shoot those things off of her, I'll handle this," Celine told Triny.

Celine got into a very defensive stance, forgoing any attack to simply keep her opponent at bay until Triny had saved Cassie. She waited for her opponent to attack, hoping to buy Triny the time she needed to save Cassie. However if Celine saw an opening then she would rush in to help Cassie along with Triny.

Taking the defensive action from the rules for the +5 or whatever it is if you'll allow it. If not then both Celine and Triny will rush in and save Cassie.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I allow it

Celine resist 7 turns

Triny fail two shoots, get deeper at the mirror...

Triny was really against the idea to leave Celine facing her clone, the elf was close to faint, but she dont have time to think and she just run to save the poor Cassie, as some tears drop from her eyes.

Celine do her best to stop her clone, she could heard the noises of the battle getting away, but she is sure than if she turn to see it will be her end, her sword nearly can block the opponent attacks, as Celine notice than the elf clone hands dont receive any wound. Finally her body start to betray her and with a last hit Celine fall uncouncious.


When she wake up, Celine find herself in a royal room, her hands were at her back tied by some special shackles and she have a gold collar with a huge gem stone, she tried to move but her collar have a gold chain who have the other side trapped in a pillar of the room.

She soon notice than she is completely nude and a huge need to cum have her dick fully erect, but a metal ring at her dick avoid her to release her warm seeds. A woman at a throne is looking her with the elf sword at her lap, she looks like is waiting to see what the elf will say.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine saw Triny hesitate to leave her alone and tears fell from her eyes, but she went on anyway, leaving the weakened Celine to fight with her copy alone as Triny moved into the mirror to save Cassie. Celine kept up her defensive stance and fought hard, batting her copy's attacks away one after another. She could hear sounds of fighting coming from inside of the mirror but she couldn't risk looking inside to see what was happening or she'd lose her own fight.

Eventually the worst came and Celine missed one of her parries, leaving her wide open to attack and her copy got one good hit in on her and Celine fell to the floor, her consciousness fading fast. As her vision went dark, Celine could only hope that she'd given Triny enough time to save Cassie and get away....

Celine woke some time later, she didn't know how long. When she opened her eyes, she saw she was in a grand royal like room. Her hands were bound behind her back by a special set of shackles, and she had a golden collar with a huge gemstone set in it. Celine wiggled about and tried to move around, but the collar had a golden chain attached to a pillar across the room. She also noticed that she was completely nude save for her collar, and she also felt the great need to cum and her cock was fully erect... all 12 inches of it. Celine couldn't find any relief however because of a metal cock ring that was fitted very snug around her fully erect member, keeping her from reaching any sort of release. She tried to ignore it for now though to try and figure out where she now was.

Celine slowly lifted her head up to look around the room a little better and saw a woman sitting on a throne with her sword sitting across her lap. She was looking at Celine, waiting for Celine to speak she assumed... so she did.

W-What... happened? Where... am I? W-Who are you? What happened to my friends?” Celine asked in a quite weak and slightly frightened, but very concerned voice as she looked back at the woman from where she lay on the floor, the feeling slowly coming back to her body from the beating she'd taken... it felt to Celine like she'd been trampled by a horse or something. After a second or two, once her body woke up the rest of the way and while she lay there waiting for the woman to answer her questions from before, Celine groaned quite loud and it would be very obvious to the woman that she was in a good deal of pain, though whether she cared or not was up to her. Celine could really only hope that she wasn't cruel enough to come over and kick her or something as she lay there on the floor unable to defend herself as yet, wondering if she would be anything like Myrtle had been when she first met her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The elf can still feel the heavy impacts from her copy, it was a luck than she was not armed or this could had ended even worse. At the other side of the room the woman looks to be disappointed to heard the elf questions, nut after check a little with the elf sword, she accept to speak to her. Is really a sharp edge, both will be a nice addition to my collection, unless something make me change my mind. The woman stretch herself and slowly walk toward Celine, she was dressed just with a black underwear and a open robe than she let fall before get close, her hair was brown and her eyes are red like a ruby

You has been defeated by one of my traps, this could be the last place than your eyes can see unless i free you and let you get away of this temple. About your friends, you should not get worried for them, they can be now at the demons hands, get trapped in a prison or they could had escaped, i dont care. Answer to Celine before look to the elf lower body

The woman then give a strong but soft push to the elf chest to make her get over her back and stomp slowly to the elf member with her foot. Someone cast a spell on you or you born with this? The people of your land are like you? the woman said smiling and pressing harder, playing with the elf erected dick and waiting the blonde answer to it.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The woman Celine saw looked a little disappointed with her questions and Celine wondered why. A moment later the woman walked over to her, answering Celine's questions from before. Celine saw the woman was wearing a pair of black panties and an open robe that she let fall as she got closer, she also had brown hair and red eyes like a ruby.

"I do c-care though, so w-what demon? I have to help them if they're in trouble, I made a promise to them," Celine began saying, pausing for a moment as she swallowed her pride and pleaded with the woman, though she tried to not look too desperate about it.
"Please... what must I do for you to let me go, and... to help me find my friends?"

The woman gave a strong yet soft push on Celine's chest to make her roll over onto her back, then she placed her foot on Celine's fully erect and sensitive cock and began playing with it, making Celine give a soft gasp and moan as she tried to bear the pleasure.

"Y-Yes I... oh please not so hard... I was b-born like this," Celine answered the woman when asked if she was born a futanari.
"A-And I'm n-not sure about the rest of my people."

Celine hoped the woman would let her go and help her if she did what she asked her to do.