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Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc)

Loot (revised)
1x Greybrain
1x Chameleon's Skin

2x Chameleon's Skin

Though they didn't say a word there was a tangible sense of relief in the air once the snipers decided to make camp, and after looking around they found...a whole lot of sand. From horizon to horizon all that could be seen was open desert, and with no better options to be had the small group set out to prepare their shelters for the night. Since the two had presumably done this multiple times they were set up and ready for rest in no time at all, and this gave them a front row seat to watch the somewhat pampered sisters struggle with their shared tent.

Surprisingly enough they managed to get the thing standing without too much fuss. Of course it looked like it may fall at any moment, but they seemed to proud of their accomplishment. So proud that they all climbed in the next moment and started rummaging around for who knew what reason.

"So... Who wants to be in the middle?"
"Well too bad!"
"Kalesi!" "Kalesi!"
"I don't want to hear it! I've been carrying most of the stuff, and for payment I get to stay nice and warm tonight!"
"No buts!"

Following that there was some whispering that could be heard, but it was impossible to understand what was said. After a little more, some of which sounded vaguely like an argument, the tent finally fell quiet. A little later Kalesi poked her head out. "I know our tent doesn't look like much..." That was an understatement. It looked like it was ready to collapse any second, and it was a wonder three people managed to fit themselves inside it at the same time. "We thought we'd offer to let you stay with us. If we all pack ourselves in closely we should be able to keep ourselves warm overnight, right?"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Pitching her own modest sleeping place, little more than a cloth tied to some sticks, took Raith about a minute of effort, and after that she set about preparing a meal for herself from her rations. She was used to traveling light and eating cold food, and so she'd finished her meager meal by the time the sisters had finished erecting their own sleeping place for the night, a task that Raith had watched with a good bit of concealed amusement. It was almost kind of cute really, and she made no effort to help the prideful trio, and even offered them a congratulatory smile when they got it all hooked up. She could almost remember when she'd been that green....

Snapped out of her reverie by the offer that came forth from.... Kalesi, was it? Regardless, Raith glanced at Kali with a bemused smile for a moment, silently conveying her amusement for a moment before turning back to the pampered girl and saying; "Someone has to keep watch in case anything decides to sneak up on us in the middle of the night. Don't want any hunters or bandits carrying us all off in the middle of the night, or making off with all of our water! You lot can rest easy... Tonight. You're not experienced enough to know what to look for yet anyway, but I'm sure Kali wouldn't mind keeping you company! I'd be happy to take first watch so that she could.... Keep warm~" There was just a hint of teasing in Raith's voice as she finished, but the other sniper likely knew that her offer to take first watch was a somewhat two-edged one.

On the one hand, the first watch meant slightly less sleep for her, and she'd be exposed to the cold first and for longer. On the other hand, she'd be getting into bed before the coldest part of the night came around. Whether or not Kali was fine with that, or even if she was wanted to argue against keeping a watch at all, was entirely up to her.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Kali'Zhira's shelter was a small, typical nomadic style tent. Shallow and very low to the ground, sported by a few short centre struts that held the ropes the sheet hung upon. Buried in the sand on either side to stop the wind getting underneath. Despite the presence of the others shelters anyway, she habitually tosses a dusting of sand over the top of the already similarly coloured sheet. Swinging her pack off and underneath the tent she lets her legs fold underneath her and flops to sit and rest for a bit.

Likewise she lets the sisters go about their business, just taking a drink of water whilst she watches. Once again the unfamiliar situation of having company threw her off a little. Breaking routine felt intimidating to her, but she couldn't deny that this was a nice change of pace, in it's way. When Kalesi spoke up with the offer of sharing a single shelter for the night, Kali pauses in thought for a moment, having not considered the idea. She'd always managed on her own well enough before, but it was true that on some colder nights she did very much begrudge not being able to carry extra blankets or having a better tent. Though what about...

Raith says it for her, regarding the subject of keeping watch overnight, to which Kali nods and murmurs. Continuing to casually nod in affirmation to each thing Raith says, including the latter part, at which she makes a tiny double take. “Oh, uh, well yes I suppose that would work.” She replies. In all honesty she was sure she'd be fine sleeping as she always did, but she felt she couldn't really decline the sisters since they'd offered, and couldn't see any real issues with it. Provided that tent held. And she was sure her rifle wouldn't complain too much about relinquishing it's sleeping partner for just one night. As before, simply breaking convention intimidated her just a little, but she goes with the flow. The turn order regarding the watch itself didn't bother her at all. She rather welcomed the chance to dispel her perception enhancing spell anyway. Whilst it was entirely easy to maintain over the course of a day, she found that using it for long periods tended to bring on minor headaches, and she'd already kept it active longer than normal today considering the circumstances.

“Sure, I'm fine with that then.” scratching the back of her head again, and running her hand down the side of her hair and cheek. A natural enough habit, though partly developed subconsciously as a means to check that her human ears are properly concealed by her hair.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Considering what they hoped to become it was quite obvious that Kalesi caught the small tease that Raith stuck in at the end, and a coy little smile played over her lips. "Maybe we can keep you warm in the morning~" A couple of faint giggles floated out, and as the woman's head disappeared behind the flap acting as the tent's door a measure of excitement could be felt thrumming through the air.

Once Kali finally opted to take the plunge simply rustling the flap would get a reaction. Zuni/Pushra immediately pulled it open for the sniper, and Pushra/Zuni captured Kali's wrist and started ushering her inside. "Come come!" Though quarters were tight there seemed to be enough room for the trio to stretch out a bit, especially when Kalesi herself was simply lying on the ground. Beneath her a sheet was spread to act as an additional bit of bedding to prevent them all from simply sleeping on the tent's floor, and with Kalesi being the only one on it she simply patted the spot right next to her. "We can both share the middle." The smile she showed was a rather welcoming gesture, but there was also a hint of something else that looked a little more mischievous. It may even remind Kali of her childhood, the way some of the more courageous Su-Ku-Ta would grin before pulling some kind of prank on some unsuspecting adult.

But despite how gentle they all were there really wasn't much choice in where she could lay, and once she had joined the woman the other two immediately fell into place. With two warm bodies pressing against her on both sides the fake catgirl would find herself getting very cozy incredibly quickly, especially when her hosts' arms came out to rest around her waist. Following that they all started nuzzling closer, and whether she was expecting it or not all four bodies were packed in tightly while they all still wore their desert gear. "Hm... Perhaps sandy clothes aren't the best for resting... Should we get more comfortable?" Despite having no real say in how they all slept together the three sisters all turned to Kali in an instant. They seemed rather interested in what she would have to say.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Maybe~" Raith said noncommittally, and then turn to the boring but nonetheless important task of keeping watch. Settling down into a seated position next to her tent, the sniper prepared for a boring night, as she expected little in the way of interruptions. That didn't mean that she was lax in her duty, however, as she kept on a low level of alert so as to not tire herself and activated the magic of her tattoos, making herself all but invisible.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Before heading into the tent, Kali-Zhira would stop to place her pack down outside, covering it over with her hooded desert cloak, and tucking the foot of the cloak securely under the pack to ensure no night time winds could blow it away. Whist she was fiddling with the pack, she would stealthily fix one particular knot on a guideline that had stuck out at a glance as being a likely time bomb for a collapse. She would then step over to Raith as she prepared for her watch duty, “Hey... Raith. Would you look after my rifle for me during your shift? I don't think there's quite room for it in the tent. It's better with you than on the desert floor.” She says, proffering the rifle over to the other hunter. “And goodnight then. Wake me when it's my turn.” Giving a very short simple simple and then turning back to the waiting group tent.

Removing her outer equipment belt as well now, with her satchel and knife attached, she'd tuck those beside and under the backpack also, before reaching her hand into the tent curtain to peer and step inside. Suddenly finding her wrist taken she allows herself to be guided in with a small laugh at the enthusiasm shown. Trying not to step on anyone, she comes down onto her knees and crawls inside further, answering Kalesi's first invitation with an, “Alright then.” smiling and looking a little sheepish again simply at how the sisters were treating her like an esteemed guest in their palace. She lies down and stretches out to test the space.

Before her arms could return from the stretch however, she soon found herself surrounded, not having quite expected the others to swoop in beside her so soon. It struck another chord of unease regarding breaking routine again, and she did wonder whether it would actually be possible for her to get much sleep like this. But again, she didn't like to think herself the type to flee from anything and everything slightly out of the ordinary. A little bit of human company and interaction, was hardly so “out of the ordinary” anyway. Kali can only chuckle awkwardly as she is sandwiched in by the affectionate three. “Heh. Well I had actually intended to take my travel robes and boots off at least, y'know...” She laughs, trying to motion her head towards her still boot clad feet and wiggling them a little as if to highlight the point. Although nodding far in any direction was tricky with the two ladies either side nuzzling around her cheeks. “... But you kind of pulled me in and all...” She chuckles, feeling rather pinned in on all sides.

Underneath her main traveler's robes and loose fitted trousers, she wore an off white light silk under-robe. A knee length simple silk garment with very short sleeves and short v necked collar, not too much unlike an overly long t-shirt or an non-shaped women’s nightie. Whilst showing a fair bit of use, and even a few fray marks around the base and one odd small cut in the fabric, it had clearly been a fairly fine quality piece of apparel at one point, and still did retain it's silken softness very well. A small cut hole at the back allowed her faux Su-Ku-Ta tail to pass through, whilst obscuring the thin leather belt or strap that held it in place bellow.

The thought did also suddenly come to Kali's mind now, however obvious it probably should have seemed, that the secret of her headband and tail were quite potentially on the line here. As always, it wasn't actually a serious issue to her or something she actively sought to deceive others on. Normally at least. But it could well be a little awkward and, perhaps embarrassing, to have to come clean was her strange habit discovered now. If nothing else, she would want to aim to avoid her somewhat delicate tail getting crushed or roughed up too much.
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Not at all!" Raith replied brightly as she took Kali's rifle, handling the weapon carefully and placing it over her shoulder. "Will do, sleep well."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

All three sisters smiled at Kali's response, though Kalesi's was quite obviously the brightest. It was ringed with mischief and excitement, but despite looking like she wished to banter a bit she simply nodded and started pulling away her cloak. The other two followed suit, and soon enough the faux-catgirl would find herself surrounding by nude women. It seemed the merchant neglected to give them much more than the traveling robes they wore.

"Oh!" And once Kali revealed herself she immediately had a woman nearly glomping her. A hand rose and instantly started pawing at her. "I never thought I'd see such quality silk after today! Oh, it feels so good..." The woman's hands were undoubtedly enjoying the texture of the fabric her fingers seemed to simply glide up and down Kali's side, but somehow it felt like the woman was teasing what lie underneath... "Really?" Kalesi joined in shortly after, and after a few moments of light petting the final voice suddenly called out. "Hey, no fair! You're not leaving me any room!" A clipped tut-tut came from the eldest sister, but she leaned back and gave her neglected sibling the chance to join in on the stroking fun.

But that fun came to an abrupt end mere seconds later. A loud clap caught everyone's attention, and once Kalesi was sure all eyes were on her she simply beamed. "Ladies, we can't simply indulge ourselves like this! We are here to help Miss Kali relax and enjoy herself for the evening. Now how should we start?" A pair of hands immediately sprang into the air, and both Zuni and Pushra, whichever was on which side, both answered at once. "Massage!" "Massage!" Kalesi simply smiled knowingly at her sisters before addressing her guest. "Well there you go! Would you kindly lay down for us?"

If and once Kali did as asked she would feel all the girls shifting closer. The still unidentified women immediately started rubbing against her back, their touch light yet surprisingly firm as they each attacked the small knots and aches that had built up over the events of the day. Kalesi could have joined them, but she took a different route and started working on the sniper's feet. While they were all quite skilled her touch seemed like that of an expert, and soon enough the tension built up from walking constantly in the desert simply melted into blissful relaxation. That feeling spread as the girls started working the way over her body.

For a time it all seemed fairly innocent, but as Kalesi worked her way up Kali's legs her hands started taking more languid passes. Little by little her quest for relaxation started shifting to one of sensation, and as she started rising from the fake neko's knees it almost felt like the woman's hands were exploring her subject. One rubbed against Kali's outer thigh while the other mirrored its sister on the inside of her leg, and though the took their time they eventually started shifting Kali's slip higher and higher to expose more of her body. The pair of humans working on the sniper's back had not been idle, and they too had started working the way further down Kali's body, their hands nearly matching their sister's skill as they started rubbing against not only the muscles along her spine but along her ribs and sides.

As one the trio seemed to be approaching Kali's pelvis, and though not one of them had yet discovered the false Su-Ku-Ta's dirty little secret that threat loomed over her as their hands kept affectionately rubbing their way teasingly around her more intimate areas. As one they all kept flirting closer and closer, the only pause coming when the two girls finally stumbled upon the thin band that kept Kali's tail held in place. They seemed curious and traced the faint outline along the woman's waist, but once they realized what it was they found they each let out a slight hum of thought before returning to their previous teasing in force. They completely bypassed the tail's harness and started affectionately massaging the swells of the sniper's ass, and despite the sheer lack of boundary the girls were showing it still felt quite incredible. At the same time Kalesi's fingers had started working their ways between Kalesi's thighs, and they were dangerously close to brushing against the extremely sensitive flesh of her cleft. But just before she did she paused, and in a very low whisper she said, "If you wish us to stop all you need is to ask..."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Loosening her boots so to kick them off, and pulling her own travel robes over her head, Kali would blink and avert her eyes a little upon realising she was now the only one with any clothes in the tent. Not that there was much space in the cosy tent to avert them to. “Oh... I had forgotten that you didn't have any other clothes under those...” She begins, being caught by a nude glomp before any more might be said. Letting out a tiny startled “eep!” at the sudden intimate attention again. “Ah! Eheheh... uh... Yes, it's nice isn't it...” Kali murmurs somewhat overwhelmed and with the now trademark nervous smile, curling up defensively slightly but otherwise just sitting there submissively as the women pawed over her. “It was never made for travelling though. I wish I could wash it more oft... Hiiia!” Yelping out suddenly with a small ticklish flinch or two and a timid laugh. “H-Hey... that tickles...”

Though Kali makes no attempt to escape or obstruct the sisters attentions still. Simply kneeling with her arms tucked up to her chest and bearing the brunt of their tactile assault. And then the clap came, to which Kali immediately turned her head to attention just as the other sisters did. For a fleeting moment she thought that perhaps Kalesi might have clapped to save her and suggest some sensible sleeping now. Or, perhaps not. “Massage?” Kali repeats with the same timid questioning smile. Normally to Kali-Zhira, “relaxing” simply meant sitting down for a bit, or sleeping. But a massage, surely couldn't hurt right? She recalled having seen a special parlour in the city once, where people would seem to pay quite well for a massage, though she'd never paid much attention to it. Surrounded by these three excitable sisters she was quite frankly beginning to feel more vulnerable and out of her comfort bubble than if she was surrounded by three reptilian Hunters. But at least they offered massages and not maulings. She was sure she could survive their friendly attentions for one night.

“Ah... alright then. Like this?” said laying herself down and getting onto her front, not honestly knowing what to expect that much. The sisters would find the young sniper absurdly tense and knotted up when they began. Kali grimacing and muffling a tiny grunt at first not having expected quite such a firm treatment. For a brief moment she found herself wondering how this was supposed to be relaxing. But those thoughts were soon forgotten away as the massage worked it's magic. She soon learns to cease tensing up and allows them to do their thing freely. Even letting out an involuntary sigh in the process, that quite frankly, wasn't far from being more of a moan. “Aaah... this is, actually pretty nice. You're, really good at this.”

This was in fact more relaxing than sleeping after all. And to think she had initially thought of this merely as letting the trio have their fun in showing their appreciation, and enduring it. Kali's unease and awkwardness over the general situation, the demolition of personal space, and the whole nudity thing, all melt away as she settles fully into enjoying the service. She wished she could purr like the Su-Ku-Ta sometimes did. This certainly felt like a good time to purr. Though she does do the closest equivalent, in the form of a long comfortable hum. Compared to her normal rigour of forced marches and long stakeouts, she was in heaven right now. In her bliss it takes her a good while to actually register that the kneading hands were gradually reaching ever closer to her more intimate areas. A flicker of nervous concern comes back to her face, along with a growing rosy blush, though she keeps it facing forwards. Kali could only ponder whether this was quite normal in a massage or not, but had no way of knowing. She felt conflicted, but didn't dare interrupt. She was enjoying this too much. The touch against her hidden belt set off another little panic alarm, and she buries her face in her arms. Just in time to lift it again and let out a subdued yelp as her ass was grabbed and caressed. For a while she only stares forward, mouth slightly open in shock, unsure of how to react. With Kalesi's tender finger strokes combined, she found a very certain warmth washing over her, and there was no denying she didn't know where this was going now. She could tell them to stop. Just ask. But...

Kalesi affirms it specifically. Kali-Zhira glances back half way over her shoulder, mouth hovering over unspoken words. Her face flushed full red and dripping with nervous embarrassment. She looks Kalesi right in the eye for a second, before turning her head away again. She appears as if she were still about to spin round and say something any moment now. But nothing is said.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

The anxiety Kali had shown was quite easily noticed by the women laying their hands all over her body, and as it started to grow they slowed their motions as if they were allowing her the chance to adjust. But when the the sniper's head turned and caught Kalesi's gaze the woman's froze for a moment. She simply sat there, waiting for the words that appeared ready to spill from Kali's lips, but though it wouldn't be seen once Kali turned her eyes back forward that small act brought a rather thoughtful look over the eldest sister's eyes. The pause itself didn't last long, but when Kalesi returned to her massage it seemingly lost the teasing quality as the woman worked on getting the faux catgirl's thighs to relax. A moment later the other sisters picked up on the slight change, and though the still kept their hands glued to Kali's glutes they also started to focus more towards getting the tense muscles there to relax.

"Kali..." After a couple more minutes the sniper would sense the woman directly behind her shifting, and soon enough she would feel Kalesi leaning forward until she was nearly laying atop the false neko. "We've already said this, but we really appreciate you rescuing all of us. And we want to thank you by doing what we do best. But..." At this point the small distance separating the two simply vanished, and Kali could feel the other woman laying flush against her side and back. "I can feel your inexperience." Needless to say the other two were forced to stop, and they simply sat on their knees and watched what was to unfold. "We want to make you feel good... We want to make you feel great! But we don't want to go too far..." A hand slowly glided forward until it lightly gripped Kali's chin, and a moment later the sniper would feel a very gentle pull bringing her face closer to the woman laying against her. And if Kali had been turned away she would find Kalesi hovering incredibly close, her lips slightly parted and no more than a mere breath from her own. But the woman's eyes were focused directly on Kali's, her gaze searching for something within the sniper without uttering a single word. And unless Kali pulled away the lips that hovered so close to her own leaned closer just enough to finally bridge that gap. The kiss that followed was incredibly gentle, Kalesi's lips simply brushing against Kali and holding themselves there for a few seconds before parting. And once they had Kalesi still lingered, but her eyes kept a careful watch on the woman before her. It looked like she was asking a question without making even the slightest of sounds, and all three sisters simply laid still and waited to see how Kali would answer.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Still silent and staring forward in an anxious trance, Kali's head and gaze twitches ever so slightly to the side when Kalesi begins to lower herself down over Kali. Looking to the woman atop her from the corner of her eye, her mouth hovers wordlessly again with bated breath as she listens, eyes blinking repeatedly as they skit about a few times betraying the fluster of thoughts going on within. Alongside the fearfully shy and embarrassed expression, Kalesi would also be able to see some evidence that the trio's skilful teasing had been doing it's work on their charge, with Kali unable to hide the subtle but certain signs of arousal on her face.

When Kalesi lies down fully against Kali, the faux cat turns her head forward once again, blushing brightly at the intimate contact. Did she have to give a solid yes or no answer now? What if she didn't know if she could? She felt ridiculous. The gentle hand on her chin leading her back round and bringing her eye to eye with the Anudorian beauty. She gazes back at Kalesi, practically paralysed. Was she expected to say something? Somehow Kalesi's words and the gentle action did make her feel just that bit more secure. She did after all, trust these sisters. Trust enough to allow them to take her somewhere strange and new? Whilst she continued to make herself dizzy, she barely notices Kalesi leaning in for the kiss. Eyes opening back and wide at the last moment, and letting the merest girlish squeak of surprise out from her lips before they are met in the kiss. As they share in the barest kiss, Kali's golden eyes shimmer and then soften as she slowly lets out a deep breath she'd been holding in, and moves just one lip softly against Kalesi's, letting them rub past each other slightly as they part.

She immediately flusters again at her own act, flushing red and dropping her gaze awkwardly for a fleeting moment. Proceeding to gaze meekly upwards at Kalesi. Her eyes reflecting as much confirmation as she was brave enough to allow herself to muster.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Kali's kiss was more than enough answer. The very slight tension that had settled within Kalesi lifted the moment she felt the sniper relaxing against her, and though the inexperienced girl was for too timid to do more Kalesi obviously didn't mind. Instead she simply leaned forward, her lips capturing her partner's once more, but unlike before she didn't pull back. In fact she did quite the opposite. Her body somehow pressed against the false catgirl even harder than before, and as she leaned into their second kiss her eyes closed while her mouth opened. The brush of lips became even stronger as the woman took control, and as those lips quite literally tried to pull Kali further along the gunner would feel her partner's tongue starting to dance across her lower lip as if begging for the chance to join its sister.

A moment later Kali would feel Kalesi moaning into their kiss, and a moment after that she would understand why. Another pair of lips had descended onto the nape of the neko's neck, and as they started caressing the sensitive flesh there she felt one of the other sister's hands starting to glide over her body once more. A quick peek would be more than enough to show Kalesi feeling the exact same thing, and it would take little more than that to see Kali respond. Her back simply arched against the gentle touch, and as the other two sisters started joining in Kalesi herself appeared to welcome and enjoy the bit of attention. Zuni (or Pushra) slid her hand along her sister's side, and Pushra (or Zuni) gave Kali the exact same performance.

A sudden cry from the eldest sister would break the kiss she was determined to share with her savior, and if Kali wondered why she would soon learn once the fingers dancing across her belly started trailing South. For a couple seconds they simply skirted along the sniper's mound, but after a couple of gentle but firm rubs up and down her thighs the sniper would soon feel that wandering hand working its way between her legs. Even then Pushra? only pressed lightly against Kali's flesh. Her fingers simply accepted whatever room they were spared, and in that space they simply rubbed back and forth along the woman's inner thigh and asking for more. That hand simply encouraged those thighs to part, to give the woman behind her just a little more access that was readily taken bit by bit. And once that final inch had been given that hand would rise and cup the sex it had worked so patiently to find. Kali would then be treated to the expert touch of a trained lover, each finger rubbing up and down her netherlips while a pair merely teased at her entrance and promised even greater delights to come.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Kali once again neither retreats or advances as Kalesi leans in for the second kiss, narrowing, and closing her eyes also. Once they are met however, Kali does respond and reciprocates. Her response is cautious, but gradually more explorative, and she allows Kalesi to guide her in whatever way she pleases. Slowly opening into the fuller kiss, somehow Kali's lips seemed to know what they were doing, even if she herself very much didn't. Allowing the other woman's tongue to join and mingle with hers, she's washed over by a deep dizzy glow.

She lets out an aroused whimper into Kalesi's moan and pauses for a beat, leaning into Kalesi's face and keeping her slightly parted lips touched against hers as she takes a moment to voice a slow involuntarily sensual sigh. Rolling her shoulders and twisting ever so slightly at the touch of the other sisters lips upon her neck, and the hand caressing down her side. Immediately flushing with embarrassment at her own unexpected noise. This only increased as the wandering hands drew further south. Resting her forehead against Kalesi's she casts a slightly blurry eyed glance back at Zuni and Pushra either side of them, then back to Kalesi's reaction to the attentions she was receiving ever so slightly in advance.

Blinking rapidly and flicking her gaze down and back to Kalesi a few times, Kali makes a few tiny short gasps each time the servicing fingers brush closer to her womanhood. Whilst not exactly open, the seeking hand would find no opposition from Kali-Zhira's thighs in attempting to remain shut, and the gradual rubbing inward would soon make space for itself. Kali gulping and wanting to bury her head in the sand, or at least Kalesi's shoulder. Instead though she simply gazes flushed and nervously straight at the bed partner in front of her, as if expecting some kind of guidance. Kalesi's pleasured cry and expression, perhaps summing up all she really needed to know. Looking back at the faux desert cat, Kalesi would be able to see in her eyes the precise moment her sisters fingers first properly trace along Kali's nether lips. The girl mewling in a subdued closed mouthed moan. The sister working upon the trio's guest of honour would find that, down bellow at least, she was quite certainly ready.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Despite Kali's apparent readiness the sisters were in no great rush to push forward. Kalesi herself kept her attention focused on her her guest, those eyes always ready to lock with the sniper as the woman let loose her own subdued sighs and moans. And should Kali dare to dip her head closer by accident or by choice she would find her partner leaning closer to greet her, the courtesan's lips meeting Kali's own in a surprisingly passionate kiss that felt hungry and needy and ended all too quickly before Kalesi pulled back only to dive back in and pull the sniper into another embrace.

But this spoke nothing of the gentle yet insistent attention Kali received from the woman behind her. The fingers at her sex seemed to dance and flirt their way over her mound, a perfect match for the feathery kisses Kali found peppering her neck. A gentle pressure ran up and down her petals, those fingers giving them the most gentle of massages whenever the passed, and those brushes were interrupted by the occasional dip between them, a light touch that just barely teased at Kali's virginity before moving elsewhere. And while that itself did nothing to break her chastity it was more than enough to encourage the woman's nectar to flow, Kali's excitement and arousal starting to spill and spread with each brush until her entire sex was wet and glistening.

And that made her more than ready for what came next. With the sister's fingers flying across her quim the quickly became nearly as slick as Kali herself, so when they rose to press against her hood they simply slid that cover back reveal the jewel it held. Those fingers began to flirt once more, a couple passes simply brushing past and against the excited little bud of pleasure, but after possibly the briefest of pauses Kali could ever imagine that touch turned direct. A single digit passed right over her clit, and once that first pass was done it drew a tight circle around and around that pearl. It was a direct assault on Kali's senses, the most direct of the night, and she was finally being shown the depths of the pleasures one human could show another.

There was no denying that this would affect the woman, and no matter how Kali reacted Kalesi would instantly recognize it for what it was. It would cause the elder sister to steal yet another kiss from the gunner, but where the others were brief and somewhat gentle this one was nothing but need. She captured the false catgirl's lips, and before Kali could even react she soon had the woman's tongue invading her mouth. It soon found its twin and started to wrestle with it, Kalesi dominating her psartner with her skill yet encouraging the faux-neko to do the same until they were both invading each other's mouth and practically smothering the other with their attention.

And it was during this that Kalesi upped the ante. Her own hand landed against Kali's side, the touch itself strong and firm and far more intimate and familiar than the sniper had ever known, and a moment later it was soon rubbing a wide path higher and higher until inch by inch it started brushing against the sniper's breast. And it didn't stop. Though the women were close enough that their writhing bodies were teasing each other Kalesi still pressed on and startle to fondle and grope Kali's chest. The woman's palm was soon filled with Kali's yielding flesh, and soon enough she started rhythmically squeezing and kneading the woman with a purpose. Kali may even wonder if her partner wasn't trying to force her to lactate, the constant pulsing growing tighter until it barely reached her nipple to start once again, but those fingers never reached. Instead Kalesi let her own nipple fill that role. The hardened bud of flesh pressed against its sister, and with each motion of their rocking bodies the pair started to duel one another. Tip slid by tip, the pair digging into and against each other in a duel of pleasure that was made that much more intense as Kalesi continued to fondle Kali and force each nerve in the human's tit to focus their attention on the glorious sensations flowing from their turgid nip.

For a few minutes they women simply continued like this, Kali the center of attention as one sister teased and pleasured her previously untouched sex while Kalesi focused her attention on mouth and tongue and breast. It was a steady rain of pleasure, the flood filling her forming into a tight know at the base of her stomach that only grew tighter until it nearly felt like it would burst, but just before she reached that point something changed. Kalesi disengaged, her mouth giving Kali freedom to cry out into the night, and a moment later she plucked the sniper's hand from wherever it had fallen. That hand was brought to the courtesan's mouth and given a light kiss, and following that it was carefully guided down between their bodies until it was released between their stomachs. In that moment the sister behind the Su-Ku-Ta pretender took over, the attention giving to the woman's sex paused as Kali soon found her own hand taken by the nectar-slick fingers. Her own was gently led and cradled, the other even matching her digit for digit until the sister behind her was forcing her to experience her own touch. It was no less intense, not while a trained hand was leading hers, but after only a few seconds that hand started guiding her elsewhere. Despite the short time spent urging Kali to touch herself her own fingers were now nearly as slick as their tutor, and once they were the very gently slid their way down until they were resting right against Kali's unexplored entrance.

And there the woman would feel it, a slight pressure that pressed against her maidenhood and threatened to pierce through. Each push lasted only a moment, enough to have Kali tease herself, but soon enough it became clear that they wouldn't push any further. The sister's efforts were even starting to calm, her own finger taking position right beside its twin on Kali's hand, and though they were poised to take that final leap they wouldn't. Not unless Kali was ready to take that leap herself.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

The lightly massaging fingers dancing over Kali'Zhira's virgin nethers had an obvious and powerful effect on the girl immediately. Though she subdued her murmurs and and any vocal response, her face was full of expression and her entire body slowly writhed lightly between her partners in response to the teasing pleasure. Her eyes alternating between becoming vacant and relaxed, and then wide and blinking, in-between savouring the sensations and breathless gasps at each advance and new area touched. She could very much tell that they were still merely warming up however. Or, warming her up, even. Somehow knowing that, and the anticipation, was making her feel crazy inside. She was rapidly soaking down between her legs, unlike anything before, and the lewd sound of one stray loud 'shlip' noise that issued forth from one particular flirting rub, just drowned her in sudden dizzy embarrassment.

Leaning her head in towards Kalesi again as if for some kind of support, she rests her forehead against hers, and squeezes Kalesi's shoulder with her left arm that had been against the floor. She barely gets a chance to cast a proper fragile gaze into the other woman’s eyes before she finds herself swooped upon and locked into another sudden and passionate kiss. One which despite a stunned second's delay in responding to, she soon reciprocates, but almost too late as Kalesi shortly withdraws. Leaving Kali hanging and, again much to her embarrassment, with a hint of disappointment and a wanting expression. Her lips quivering for just a second before Kalesi took them again, with Kali swallowing her tiny moment of fluster to join the kiss equally. The general act of rubbing up to and passionately kissing another woman, still tugged on the back of her mind as an absurd thing to be happening, but with a little nudging and guidance, it came almost as naturally as breathing. And for as long as it she was doing it, it was impossible to care.

Kept busy by Kalesi, there was little she could do in reaction to the continued servicing she was receiving further down. Her occasional tiny nervous flinches were on the decline however, as she gradually becomes more and more accustomed to the touching. Finally beginning to really accept and soak in the attentions and sensations she was receiving. And then she found herself suddenly moaning unexpectedly into Kalesi's mouth, breaking off partially to gasp immediately after. Shivering at the ripples of pleasure stemming from the sisters touch upon her clit, she struggles to subdue and hold in more moans and sensual whimpers. Airlessly gasping and grinding her face into Kalesi's cheek once more as she squeezes upon her shoulder again, Kali's other hand squeezing at Kalesi's arm. When she found herself being guided by the cheek into place to kiss again, this time Kali knowingly leans in herself in time with the other woman, and accepts the kiss eagerly.

Kept busy by Kalesi, there was little she could do in reaction to the continued servicing she was receiving further down. Her occasional tiny nervous flinches were on the decline however, as she gradually becomes more and more accustomed to the touching. Finally beginning to really accept and soak in the attentions and sensations she was receiving. And then she found herself suddenly moaning unexpectedly into Kalesi's mouth, breaking off partially to gasp immediately after. Shivering at the ripples of pleasure stemming from the sisters touch upon her clit, she struggles to subdue and hold in more moans and sensual whimpers. Airlessly gasping and grinding her face into Kalesi's cheek once more as she squeezes upon her shoulder again, Kali's other hand squeezing at Kalesi's arm. When she found herself being guided by the cheek into place to kiss again, this time Kali knowingly leans in herself in time with the other woman, and accepts the kiss eagerly.

Although the intensity and powerful 'need' of the kiss initially caught Kali just a little off guard, even after the example of previous ones, Kali promptly reciprocates as fully as she is able, with genuine fervour of her own. Kalesi would find her partners tongue perhaps a surprisingly responsive and eager student, revelling in the lessons offered as it wrestled and danced with hers. Meanwhile Kali'Zhira wasn't even aware of how she had been slowly but surely subconsciously raising and parting her thighs as she writhed. It just felt like the right shape to be in. Likewise, Kalesi's touch at her side, as it ventured on towards what would normally be a private area, felt as natural as could be right now. Right now, there were no private areas. She dared not deny these sisters, that had somehow snared her, access to anything right now, because every part of her that they touched turned to bliss. The fondling and kneading at her breast now, whilst surprisingly firm and forceful, just like the initial massage, proving no exception. Hugging her arm around her front partners back Kali embraces into her, squirming and mewling slightly with each sensuous rub and slip of their nipples, not to mention the continued attentions to her nethers and clit. Going plenty beyond merely “keeping warm” whilst sandwiched between the soft bed of Anudorian women.

As they continued, and the rising feeling inside grew and welled up more and more, Kali didn't actually know how much further this sensation would go. Would it just fill her til she was numb? With all the build up and foreplay she'd received, she was quite quickly approaching her edge. And she was distracted just enough by it that Kalesi might happen to notice her kissing to have become just a little more haphazard in those last moments before they broke. Kali murmuring a proper pleasured moan as they did so, though still a deliberately quiet and subdued one as before, and looking somewhat exhausted by the long kiss. Panting with her mouth open and tongue ever so slightly out for a moment, before blinking a few times and closing her mouth to swallow. Gazing back at Kalesi with a pleasure stricken face as her hand is taken and kiss, she lets the sisters guide it to the intended destination. If it were still possible for her to blush visibly, being introduced to the degree of just how wet she had become under the sisters attentions, would most certainly have had her glowing. Gazing down to where her hand had been led to, and then following the other arm up to the sister behind her for a moment, and back again. Somehow despite having always owned this part of her, and even explored it if only so very lightly before, this felt entirely new right now. She allows the guiding hand to lead her own across her flower, mewling ever so slightly at the currently heightened feeling of her own touch. Before being led to her entrance proper.

The teasing pressure that the guiding hand offered has Kali flushing with anticipation once more, waiting for the final push that her guide would give, any moment now. Except, they didn't, instead coming to rest their finger beside hers. With a brief glance to each sister, Kali was confused for just a second, but soon understood. Gathering a little bit of nerve, and a good heap of churning arousal, she presses into herself without any further guidance needed. A tiny gasp and face flickering in the act.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

With Kali herself leading the way the pair of fingers simply sank into her soaked depths, and once they had eased themselves as deep as they could they came to a rest. The woman behind her merely kissed the sniper's shoulder, and Kalesi was there to act as a comforting pillow for Kali to nuzzle against. Whether their guest felt sharp pain or mild discomfort didn't matter, they two women simply let their presence envelope their savior as she adjusted to having her chastity broken.

But they would only stay idle for so long. Once Kali appeared ready the sister behind her starting to shift her finger. It was nothing more than a slight movement, the finger itself not even moving more than an inch within Kali's depths, but Kali would feel it all the same. Its length pressed against her untouched walls, the gentle motion rubbing against her in slow, tight circles that grew slightly wider with each turn, but that all changed in an instant. A particularly wide pass forced Kali to touch herself in a place that suddenly had her flesh quivering in delight, and once the women surrounding her saw her reaction the attack began. The digit that had been guiding her this entire time passed over that spot once more, the shiver of pleasure running across the sniper's spine seeming to grow even stronger, and once the woman found it her finger started to rub solely against that small patch of absolute bliss.

Not to be outdone Kalesi let her own hand trail between Kali and herself for a moment, her own light touch crawling and almost tickling the sniper's stomach as it progressed further down her body, and as it approached her mound it pressed itself flat so it wouldn't interfere. Its fingers crawled forward bit by bit, and after a few short moments Kali would feel the familiar burst of a gentle touch against her crown. And now that Kalesi had found her target she refused to leave, her touch simply sliding back and forth, left and right, up and down, whichever way she felt that would leave Kali to reeling as two women worked to overwhelm her.

And they refused to stop. One sister massaged her G-spot with tender loving care, and the other worked on her clit. It left Kali having to suffer the flood of sensation from having both erogenous zones pleasured, and as each wave swept through her body they started merging until one could quite honestly say she was being drowned by the courtesan's attentions. And it simply kept coming, forcing her to endure as she was pushed closer and closer to her plateau once more. Only this time they would not stop. They would push until she was teetering on the razor's edge, and once she was there they would simply push some more until she finally broke.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

A quieted gasp and tiny yelp would mark the moment that Kali's hymen was found, and shortly broken. Kali blinking a little and staring off into space for a moment, as she briefly dwells on and understands what she'd just done, and takes in the strange feeling of being penetrated so. But that only lasts so long, as the sisters finger soon begins to move once more, sending out further ripples of pleasure. Kali closing her eyes lightly and slowly rocking her neck in response, right up until, the moment they discover her g-spot. Back arching slightly and accompanied by another desperately subdued moan, louder than previous ones. She ends up looking to Kalesi with quivering giddy eyes, as Kalesi makes to trail her own hand down and join her sisters.

Each breath gradually becoming blurred into a series of rapid gasping moans, the duel assault on her most sensitive places was too much for Kali to handle. Withdrawing her own finger she immediately places her hand to hold and rest on top of her partners hand, yet holding it firmly against her to dissuade from any notion that she wanted them to stop. Unable to do much more but writhe in bliss, she hugs against herself with her other arm, clutching against her breast. Swimming dizzily in the flood of pleasure they were pouring into her, she could feel it coming. A peak rapidly approaching. And a twinge of panic hit her, knowing she wouldn't be able to hold this one in.

The pressure building maddeningly until the floodgates finally burst open, with Kali'Zhira declaring it with a full passionate orgasmic moan filling the tent. And along with those “floodgates”, just so happened to come a surprisingly impressive squirt of juices from the faux cat-girl. Arcing her neck back, and then to one side, as the aftershocks gradually wash over her and subside, along with her moans slowly blurring into a whimper and heavy breathing. Eventually rolling her head back to look straight up at the roof of the tent, she just lies there catching her breath for a moment, and gazing between the sisters with long slow blinks and a face drunk on sex.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

The moment the sniper exploded the women she was with let out their own surprised gasp, but that did nothing to slow their attentions. The one finger kept plumbing away at her, the relentless assault on her pleasure zone forcing the false neko's very first orgasm to maintain its strength, and the other finger at her crown seemed to drag out momentary bursts that left Kali riding through her climax on slowly descending waves of pleasure that lasted far longer than she ever would have guessed.

But all good things must come to an end, and as prolonged as it was Kali's first climax finally bottomed out and left the women surrounding her merely brushing against her body. Those fingers were no longer brushing at her erogenous zones, but the hands that slid along her thighs and her sides felt wonderful in her afterglow. And those touches were soon joined by a very gentle kiss from whichever sister Kali had turned her eyes toward. "That was wonderful, Mistress Kali." Kali spoke first after she gave the woman her kiss, and following that the sister behind the sniper gave her own. "Thank you for sharing that with us." And once she'd had her say the final sister came into view. "Maybe next time I'll get to show you my appreciation!"

With that the women all settled around their favorite faux-Su-Ku-Ta, and their touch turned even gentler as they lay together. Each brush brought with it a comfort that was eased the sniper to sleep, and once she did the others weren't far behind. That left Raith as the only conscious member of the group, and through Kali herself had made quite the moan nothing further would appear to bother throughout the night. All she would need to worry about was the shift change, and once she entered the tent to retrieve Kali Raith would be welcomed with the sight of a mess of limbs twining themselves around the cat girl in the middle.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

'They could have done more to be quieter,' Raith thought to herself, both a tiny bit bitter and fairly amused. Nothing jumped out to attack them for the foursome's indiscretions, however, and Raith was left with a long and boring watch through which she forcefully kept herself awake by moving when she needed to and keeping her mind from drifting too far afield. When it came her time to take watch, the sniper couldn't help but smirk at the sight of the pile of limbs before her, and she gently nudged at Kali until the faux cat-girl was awake before offering the other sniper her rifle and whispering; "Your turn on watch! I need some shut-eye before we set out tomorrow, and you're hogging the cuddle puddle!"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Left stunned, breathless and giddy by the ordeal, Kali was equally lost for words to reply with. Sharing the small kisses she looks like she's searching for something to say in response for a moment, but resigns to simply cuddling up tenderly to the sisters as they hugged around her. Her abashment about the unaccustomed act oddly comforted by embracing up to the source of it.

'I... I made a loud noise...' Thinking to herself with a minute whimper, burying her embarrassed face into Kalesi somewhere to hide it. There were a whole fluster of thoughts to fret over, but luckily, she was as exhausted as she was flushed with endorphins, and any attempt to worry too much about any one thing just blurred into dreamlike nothings, and the desire to cuddle and close her eyes. The soothing gentle strokes and brushes as her conciousness drifted away, lulling her with an odd sense of being safely among friends, that she hadn't felt for some good two years.

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
"Time I get to show you my appreciation!~"

Ambushed from behind, Kali finds affectionate hands roaming over her flesh once more. Marching through the desert sun as Pushra (or was it Zuni?), hugged round from behind Kali's naked form, groping and dancing fingers over all her intimate parts. A blink, and Kalesi was smiling in front, diving in for a deep kiss. That rising feeling filling Kali absurdly fast this time.

Ahead over Kalesi's shoulder, Raith waited, holding a pair of rifles and raising an eyebrow. One of the sisters gently though strangely noticeably nudging at her side now, she struggles to contain herself in front of Raith. Raith shifts her stance and offers forward Kali's rifle. Yet further behind Raith far on the horizon, Kali could momentarily swear she saw something horrible, grey and...

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

Kali murmurs stirring out of her sleep, the dream being washed away in an instant. A snap of realisation however, and she opens her eyes to look to the tent entrance sharpish. Spotting the outline of Raith against the sky, she dispels any emergency reaction she might have been about to make, and wills herself awake. She wasn't sure if she had twitched too much at being woken or not, but it hadn't seemed to have disturbed the sisters at least.

"Mmmhm." Voicing a basic acknowledgement to Raith that she was awake, or waking, and sitting up. Sitting up proved harder than expected when she realised she was still draped in hugging warm bodies and limbs. In particular she had just lifted her sleepy face out from resting between Kalesi's bosom. "Ah... uh..." Despite the dark of night obscuring colour, Raith would be able to hazard a confident guess that Kali was turning at least one of either pale or rose tinted right now.

Awkwardly untangling herself as swiftly as possible without disturbing the others, Kali rises out from the bed of women, pulling the lower of her silk undergarment down again, and trying to tug the top half back up into place upon her shoulders to cover her chest. When had they even unlaced the collar on this anyway? Carefully stepping over to the entrance, she quickly puts on her boots and half slings her desert robes over herself, "Y-yes, my turn on watch... thanks..." She answers Raiths whispers with her own, seeming to be avoiding eye contact, and taking the rifle. Feeling the cold having now stepped out from the tent, she remembers just how chilled the air actually was, when you weren't encased within a harem. "Brrr... uh, enjoy the cuddle puddle. Ahem... goodnight Raith." Picking up the pack she had left at the tent entrance and walking off to find a good spot to set up watch, muttering faintly under her breath. "Oh jeez..."

Fixing her clothing a bit better now, she watches the silent horizon whilst she checks her rifle, able to do so almost purely tactilely. Continuing to check her headband ears and tail. Given all the intimate contact and rolling about on the floor, she was relived to find no apparent breaks in her tail, and even the ears had somehow only ended up a little wonky over the night. They surely noticed though right? Kali grumbles lightly as she stretches. Only thing worse than someone discovering an embarrassing little secret was the possibility that they might have and not knowing. Though having just shared herself with them in a way that she couldn't begin to imagine beforehand, it seemed a little silly to fuss about something like that now. Hugging her rifle close to her, thoughts of touching and kissing wash over her again, being taken places she'd never been before. Cupping one hand lightly over her crotch, she takes a breath and huffs it back out as she snaps her gaze to the horizon again. This was no time for getting distracted like that, reminding herself that she was on watch, and was going to focus on her duty seriously. Removing her hand from her crotch however, she did notice one thing. Something just slightly off.

'Shit. I left my panties in the tent...'
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