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Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 30/38, Status = Radiance (Perc)
Wasn't sure what I was gonna do with this since it felt like the two of you sat and talked for more than a round, but I figured might as well keep it simple.

Raith (Perception): Rolled 12
Raith (Stealth): Rolled 2

Kali (Perception): Rolled 16
Kali (Stealth): Rolled 4

Raith - Sniper Rifle reload count: 1

The three sisters needed no further prodding to get moving, and though they did nothing to explain who is who they eagerly started hurrying in the same general direction where Kali waved. A few seconds later Kalesi steered them in a different direction, and should either of the snipers check they would notice a patch of land hinting at stone instead of endless sand.

As Raith explained what they would face and both women started talking strategy a muffled thump that sounded far more like a whump drew their attention toward the trail that they all made. A small puff of sand blew through the air, nothing all that unique out in the dessert, but the second and third was all that was needed to tell them that the lizards were starting to approach. And for the moment they seemed to be gathering. One led the way into the valley created by two significant dunes, and thankfully they appeared to be focused on the trail that cut through the very center. In a small bit of luck that probably saved the fleeing trio from being immediately seen, but that luck wouldn't last long. All any of the hunters needed to do was leap up to the crest and look out to find their prey rushing off into the distance. Then all they would need to do was give chase and run the girls into the ground.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

".....Go with them, and try to hide our trail!" Raith hissed at Kali as the three sisters turned off and headed for what looked like rocks. "Try to hide them too! I don't know... Put up a barrier to block sight of them! A rock or... Something." The three would be seen shortly, and her rifle still wasn't loaded... Raith scrambled down from the hill, dragging the other sniper with her if she wasn't already moving in order to follow the three girls they'd rescued from the aliens. "Do it now!"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"I, yes, I can do that!" Kali replies in a quick hush to the query about making illusionary sand dunes or similar. Though even as she said so, she couldn't help but be apprehensive of the size of the illusion required to hide tracks, regardless of how simple. She knew that she was capable of it, but it was significantly larger than the tiny self obscuring mound she would normally make. There was only one way to know. She had perhaps hesitated a second too long, realising she hadn't actually moved to do so yet when her Su-Ku-Ta company hissed at her, which kicked her straight into gear. She dashes down side of the dune after the sisters and along with Raith, slowing near the bottom to turn and assess the tracks and terrain for the illusion. Hiding the tracks now would be of no help if she couldn't hide the sisters at the same time. She could try... but that would require a scale of illusion she had never done against the clock like this. She wasn't going to push her luck with that gamble. She would make sure that they at least had some basic concealment first, or else this could turn very bad very quick.

"Ok. ok..." She murmurs, letting her rifle hang on it's strap for a moment and clearing her throat quietly. Beginning to visualise her spell. In the space the trio were soon running into, she pictured a large mound of sand, tall and wide enough that... no, the hunters might try to walk over that... A large wide rock then, not so tall as to stick out unnaturally amongst the rest of the terrain, but enough so that they would comfortably be able to crouch within it. Hopefully the lizards would have no reason to walk into or climb desert boulders. The tracks would still lead them to the rocky area in general, but at least would be lost as soon as they hit the harder ground. The incantations of the spell come out as whispers, barely audible, but uttered with as much concentration and precision as she could muster. She would then try to point out the newly formed illusion and direct the trio to it as best as she was able.

(Move as far down the dune and towards the rocky area as possible. along with a Lvl 3 Illusion.)
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 28/38, Status = Radiance (Perc)
Raith has reloaded!

Kali casts Illusions: 18 + 11 = 39 vs 20 Success!
--- Resistance (Kali vs Hunters): 20 + 13 = 33 vs 32 = 10 + 22 Kali wins!

Allied Forces move unnoticed

And in case you're wondering I decided to put the cap on Illusion as a space that can fit a 10x10x10 cube. That's why such a low but spread spell can nearly act as Greater Illusion.

As untried as it was Kali was able to hold her concentration to summon the large rock into existence. The three women caught in its construction each let out a yelp of surprise when they suddenly found themselves surrounded, but thankfully it remained muffled and relatively unnoticed as they started ducking down to use the illusion as cover. The snipers soon followed, and just as they reached their own cover the hunter party finally broke over a dune's crest and started right on their heels. The appearance of the faux-terrain appeared to confuse them, but after a couple seconds of hesitation they started slowly creeping forward.

For the moment the lizards have been fooled. This gave Raith the extra bit of time she needed to finish reloading her weapon, and with all their weapons at the ready it shouldn't take much for the sniper team to dispatch their pursuers. The only question now was whether they would do so here or elsewhere. Doing so now would ensure that the illusion isn't discovered by either the hunters' search or some bit of clumsiness, but that would also run the risk of attracting the Elder Lord's attention. He may not be noticeable now, but considering how he reacted to the ray's death even more gunshots would probably spur him into further action. Waiting would probably give them some time to set up an ambush once they caught up with the fleeing sisters, but then they would be stuck where they were. The stone would offer the greatest footing for a fight as well as masking their trail, but if they were discovered and overrun there wouldn't be anywhere left to escape but the desert. At that point it would simply be virtual suicide.

Sisters - within the illusion
Raith and Kali - within the illusion, roughly 10 ft behind the sisters
Hunters - approaching, getting ready to follow
Elder Lord - unknown...
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

The spell a success, Kali makes a beeline for the illusion. It was hard to tell how long they had before the Hunters crested the dune, so Kali made sure to take a last glance back before ducking into the illusionary concealment. The spell would have been in vain had they came over last thing and spotted her dive head first into a false rock, and she'd learnt that the very moment a hunter crested a dune was the easiest moment to spot them in the desert, where their camo couldn't perfectly accommodate the clean colours of both the sand and sky without leaving obvious jagged lines on the horizon.

Safely inside, she raises a finger to her lips as a reminding 'shush' to the sisters, and turns to spot the hunters emerge shortly. "Damnit they're coming right at us. I don't think they're aware, but at this rate..." Kali whispers, scanning restlessly round the ever featureless desert as she considers their options. "I'll try to draw them off. Maybe you can take a shot too, or uh, whatever's best."

There was distinct look of uncertainty and frustration on her features, as if she would very much rather have longer to think this through, but knew that wasn't and option. Having announced her intention however, unless Raith said something or gave her a look that suggested that this was the worst idea possible, Kali would roll out the back of the illusion and poke her gun round the side from behind it, as if it were any other rock that she had been hiding behind all along. She'd take aim and make a shot against the closest of the three hunters, and then bolt out across the sands as fast as she could. Her direction chosen at enough of a diagonal to ensure the hunter's pursuit path wouldn't lead them to climbing over or kicking sand into the illusion. Should Raith choose to take a shot also, it would probably be possible to hit the rear most of the two, or even catch both in the back as they ran past.

[Sneak attack snipe, naturally.
Can't use Deadly Aim or Called Shot in this case.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith remained silent beneath the cover of the magical camouflage that Kali had provided as she watched the approaching hunters, the Su-Ku-Ta's sweat coming increasingly less courtesy of the desert heat and increasingly more from her rising tension. She gave the faux cat girl a short nod following her grim assessment, not wishing to risk words when a gesture was all she needed, but when Kali made her intentions aloud she turned to glance sideways at her in surprise. After a moment Raith gave Kali's back a soft nod and raised her rifle, pointing it in the general direction of the approaching creatures. Once she looked to be in the proper position, Raith took more careful aim and waited a few heartbeats, waiting until she heard the click of Kali's rifle about to discharge before giving the trigger of her own gun a quick squeeze, aiming her shot at the hunter farthest to the left and closest to them, which represented the greatest risk of actually walking into the illusion.

After her carefully placed shot was fired, Raith watched and listened for the reactions of their respective enemies carefully, her ears spinning about as she listened for signs of their more dangerous opponent moving while Kali darted out into the desert, likely with the only remaining hunter trailing after her. The larger alien had made a great deal of noise, and had reacted to her shooting of the skyray almost immediately.

Sneak attack, full Deadly Aim, Called Shot. I don't think I actually need to post numbers under these circumstances,
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 28/38, Status = Radiance (Perc)
Kali attacks with Sniper Rifle (Hunter1): Auto-hit
--- Damage: 2(3 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 3 + 13) - (8 - 8) = 58 DEAD
------ Sniper Rifle reload count: 2
Kali moves to lead the lizards away: 28 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 56

Hunter2 gives chase: 21 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line, movement only (SPD x4) 84, runs parallel, passes Kali, stops at 60
Hunter3 gives chase: 21 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line, movement only (SPD x4) 84, runs behind, stops at 52 to box Kali in

Raith attacks with Sniper Rifle (Hunter3): Auto-hit
--- Damage: lolz DEAD
------ Sniper Rifle reload count: 3

Sisters make a run for it: 10 Speed (slowest member)
--- Movement: Straight line, movement only (SPD x4) 40

The moment Kali fired her weapon the three hunters all stiffened, one more than the others. That one arched its back for one moment before falling dead to the ground, but its demise went unheeded by the others. They saw the sniper break from her cover and rush into the desert, and they gave immediate chase with an almost joyous look in their eyes. But Kali isn't the usual prey they run down, and they're forced to focus solely on the chase. One of them manages to pass her flank no more than a foot away, and it abruptly turns and comes to a stop to halt her escape. The other brought up the rear, and with the pair surrounding her she didn't have a whole lot of room to breathe.

But another shot rung through the air, and it left the hunter behind the woman falling flat on its face, a sudden trail of dark blood leaking from the large hole in its head saying that it was already dead. It caused the remaining hunter to snarl and growl in contempt, especially when it noticed the second sniper and the trio of women suddenly leaping from the false rock and rushing over to the cover in the distance. But it's focus immediately turned to the woman right beside it, and it smiled with a malicious glee that promised a wonderful array of deep cuts and rent flesh courtesy of the claws on each of its fingers.

With only one hunter remaining it looked like the snipers would be able to deal with the initial threat without too much of a worry, but as Raith sat still she suddenly felt something shift under her legs. The sand itself seemed to rise just a fraction of an inch, a very quiet but low rumble sounding like it was coming from deep within the ground, and once it passed her she could barely catch it moving past her position and toward the woman that were running for their lives. There was no telling what lay hidden within the sands, but given what had already been seen this could not be good...

Sisters - 40 ft beyond the illusion
Raith - on the edge of the illusion
Kali - 56 ft outside the illusion
Hunter - 60 ft outside the illusion, 4 ft past Kali
Elder Lord - unknown?
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith was slow to fire, missing Kali's shot and cursing under her breath as she did so. Her own shot revealed her position within the illusionary rock, but there was nothing for it, and so it was that she left Kali to go toe to toe with the last remaining hunter. Her stillness bore fruit, and Raith nearly dived aside as she felt the sands beneath her feet stirring, but it quickly became apparent that it wasn't she that the elder lord was after. That left Raith with a unique opportunity, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to capitalize on it from here, and after shooting a worried glance at the other sniper, she set off for the girls cautiously, her skin shifting to help hide her from sight courtesy of her magical tattoos.

Sneak after them sisters at no more than a double move. Start reloading if possible.
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

She could hear them. Sprinting up behind. And suddenly one flashed to her side and was practically in front of her. They didn't have her caught yet, as there was still room to duck out at a right angle and break away, but this was no time for a prolonged game of cat and mouse with that Elder Lord lurking in the vicinity. Thankfully, Raith's shot arrived, taking out the Hunter coming up behind, and giving her both space and a precious second of time to decide how to deal with the remainder.

She considers trying to take it out quickly with a sudden surprise strike across the jugular, but ultimately, the risks of failure just seemed too great. She knew how tough these things hides were, even when merely skinning in safety. And the loss of it's comrades hadn't seemed to dissuade the beast's own confidence whatsoever. So she'd play it safe. Was just a question of how much time they had. Easing back away slowly from the Hunter, she puts on a brief show of a defensive stance, no more than an effort to conceal her quick spell, delivered in whispers and one final sudden somatic motion, she casts her hand out (hopefully) with a skin crisping flash of searing light. Wasting no time in leaping away from the beast before any enraged swipes might come her way, she darts back the way she'd came.

Searing Light, followed by x2 move straight back where she came from, and then stealth check using any of either blindness (if so), the illusionary rock (if the hunter hasn't actually rolled resistance to specifically see through it yet?), or simply throwing her sand camouflage cloak round and hoping that's confusing enough given the recent flash and damned illusions.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 24/38, Status = Radiance (Perc)
Kali casts Searling Light (Hunter2): 18 + 11 = 29 Success
--- To-Hit: Miss
Kali moves back: 28 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 56

Hunter2 gives chase cautiously: 21 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 42

Sisters run for their lives: Speed 10
--- Movement: Straight line, movement only (SPD x4) 40

Elder Lord chases the sisters: Speed 24
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 48, and only x2 because moving underground counts as a blocked path

Raith follows after the sisters by chasing the buried Elder Lord: 28 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 56, reduced to 48 to keep with Elder Lord
Raith reloads on the way (Shoutbox command)
--- Sniper Rifle reload count: 2

With the beast right in front of her face Kali let loose with a searing blast of light that blinded even her for a moment before she quickly spun and returned to her illusion. A moment later she heard a small snarl of contempt, and from within the small wave of destruction she unleashed the image of the hunter looking no worse for wear lept out and started giving immediate chase. But this time it didn't run in the full-tilt sprint it used to surpass her earlier. It kept a wary eye on her back as she fled, its speed reduced and forcing him to fall behind a bit, and by the time Kali reached the now useless bit of safety the creature slowed with its body on guard. Though she may not have hurt it she definitely inspired at least a small bit of respect.

Elsewhere Kalesi and her sisters were pumping their legs for all they were worth, Kalesi herself nearly dragging them toward the rocky outcropping they'd noticed earlier. And as if beckoned by a meal that was simply too good to resist the subterranean Elder Lord gave chase at his own pace that still left him slowly approaching the women that were trying to escape. It would take some time for him to finally reach them, but with the distance they all needed to travel there was no doubt that he would reach them with time to spare. But he wasn't the only one giving chase, and though her invisibility did nothing in helping her hide from something buried underground she still moved swiftly and silently, an apparition that was far more pleasing to the eye than those damned lizards. Or at least if anyone could have actually seen her. But as near as she was the Elder Lord didn't react to her presence in the slightest. His attention was focused solely on the three bodies dashing for cover, or at least that's how it seemed. Without any way for Raith to look underground there was no telling what he was planning or what he may have noticed. At least it gave her a chance to start reloading her weapon.

Sisters - 80 ft beyond the illusion
Raith - ~48 ft from illusion chasing Elder Lord
Kali - next to illusion
Hunter - 18 ft from Kali
Elder Lord - 48 ft beyond illusion, 32 from sisters

Rocky Outcropping - 400 ft beyond illusion, 320 from the sisters
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

'How!?' Is all Kali could think to herself as she turned her head to see the beast running up behind her seemingly unfazed by the spell. 'What did I do wrong!?'

Diving into the rock and turning quickly, she pulls her knife. Even if the hunter knew it to be nothing but an illusion, it would still serve enough as simple concealment to hide her actions within, until it stepped past the threshold. Provided it hadn't already seen through it...

She wasn't going to wait to find out. Time for plan B. Another spell, this time one of her favourites, she whispered the incantations as quickly and precisely as she could. She would then immediately dart from the false rock once again, away from the hunter and try to pad away softly across the sands without disturbing them. That is, provided she was invisible as intended. In the face of any miscasting, she would have little option other than to break away at full speed instead.

Cast Invisibility, and single move out in Raiths direction with a stealth check.
If spell fails, double move out at a loose 45 degrees of Raith and the Sisters heading, either side.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Going through the arduous process of reloading her rifle, Raith darted across the sands as lightly as she could, sensing the elder lord's movement through the brief touches of her feet against the ground. A more moral person might have spent the tense seconds in which Raith chased the subterranean elder lord, in she had nothing to do with her head but think, regretting that they were using the innocent trio as bait, particularly against a creature that could and would tear their souls from their bodies. Raith, as it turned out, was not a moral person. She spent the seconds of limited mental activity largely trying to figure out just how big of a trap she was walking into, her concentration largely on her footing and on the creature moving ahead of her. She was in the thick of it now, one way or another, and the only way she was getting out would be by way of violence.

Keep following and reloading. Stealth = 37 and Perception = 32. If it matters, Dodge = 35, not enough to avoid anything from an elder lord perhaps but maybe enough to not get grabbed and raped by something else :p
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility
Kali casts Invisibility: 18 + 10 = 28 Success
--- Invisibility: +20 Stealth (53)
Kali moves after the sisters/Raith: Speed 28
--- Movement: Single move (SPD x1) 28

Hunter2 searches (Perception): Failure
Hunter2 tries to hide (Stealth): Failure
Hunter2 moves cautiously toward the sisters: 21 Speed
--- Movement: Single move (SPD x1) 21

Sisters keep running for their lives: Speed 10
--- Movement: Straight line, movement only (SPD x4) 40

Elder Lord chases the sisters: Speed 24
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 48

Raith follows after the sisters by chasing the buried Elder Lord: 28 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 56, reduced to 48 to keep in line with the Elder Lord
Raith reloads on the way
--- Sniper Rifle reload count: 1

Even if the hunter knew the illusion was false that didn't mean that he could see through it. But since the illusion was created by Kali she wasn't hindered by that, and after diving through a rock she gathered her will and called forth a veil that left her nearly invisible save for the tracks her feet made in the sand. That itself was overcome by walking in someone else's steps, by the looks of it Raith as she left to chase after the sisters, and as her cautious movement took her out of her own spell she witnessed the lizard rushing in only to suddenly come to a stop. Its head swiveled back and forth, and after a couple passes it let out a rather nasty little snarl before its skin shifted and left it nearly as invisible as the sniper. But it wasn't perfect, not while it tried to stumble through a rock and took on its color as it did, and by the time it broke free Kali had seen enough to accurately track it no matter how hidden it thought it was.

Meanwhile Raith continued her pursuit of the Elder Lord who continued his pursuit of the women who continued their pursuit of safety. As far as she could tell she was still hidden even while nearly running on top of the thing as it dug through the sand, but it seemed Kalesi and her sisters were completely unaware of the danger approaching under their feet. They still had some lead on the threat, but that lead shrunk with every passing second. In a few more they would be caught, but then again there was no telling what this abomination's plans were. Even if it lay rather well hidden there was only so much something could do while buried in the sand.

Sisters - 120 ft beyond the illusion
Raith - ~96 ft from illusion chasing Elder Lord
Kali - 28 ft from illusion
Hunter - 3 ft from illusion
Elder Lord - 96 ft beyond illusion, 24 from sisters

Rocky Outcropping - 400 ft beyond illusion, 280 from the sisters

And I know the distance Kali and the Hunter travelled aren't exactly correct, but I'm doing it that way for simplicity's sake.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Looking on, Raith knew that the girls ahead of her didn't have much time before the subterranean elder lord was upon them. Images of tentacles simply reaching up from the earth and snatching the three, only to drag them back beneath the sands flipped briefly before her eyes. The sniper forcefully banished those thoughts from her head as she finished reloading her rifle. If that was the alien lord's plan, she wouldn't be able to do anything about it anyway, and so she simply had to assume that there would be something that she'd be able to do when the alien reared its ugly head.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

'Come on Kali, you can do this. Just slit it's throat and let it fall.' She thinks to herself. Psyching herself up for what would hopefully be her first true knife kill on an uninjured Hunter. She would turn and wait in the tracks, her dagger at the ready and rifle slung back. She just needed the creature to come within striking range, and she would lash out and try to deal a mortal wound. That was, provided the beast followed the path of tracks toward the fleeing girls. If it chose to swing wide, well, it would be all Kali could do to wait for it to get as close as possible before springing forth to attack. Either way, the formula was to wait for the crucial moment, strike, and then try to circle round just out of range of any wild claw swipes. Try to stick near enough and move in a way that it would be hard to keep track of the footfalls.

A bit like a scorpian she mused. Except she could really do with the poison too actually. No no, focus now. Here it comes...
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility
Kali attacks from stealth (Hunter2): Auto-hit
--- Damage: 2(20 + 1 + 1) - 8 = 36
Kali dances in front of the hunter just outside of its range
--- Movement: no change (lateral movement)

Hunter2 gets frustrated but only manages to menace Kali without touching her
--- Movement: no change (lateral movement)

Sisters keep running for their lives: Speed 10
--- Movement: Straight line, movement only (SPD x4) 40

Elder Lord chases the sisters: Speed 24
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 48

Raith follows after the sisters by chasing the buried Elder Lord: 28 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 56, reduced to 48 to keep in line with the Elder Lord
Raith reloads on the way
--- Sniper Rifle reloaded

Note: For Kali to get a ohko with her sword she needed to roll max damage

Kali's patience was rewarded. The hunter made his way forward along the small trail of foot prints, and once he was within range Kali struck and was instantly on the move. She opened quite the gash on his torso, and the dark blood that poured out of the lizard looked like it should have killed it, but the lizard didn't care. It roared in defiance and started chasing Kali, its arms furiously clawing at the air where she was only moments earlier. But try as it might it couldn't bridge that small gap that separated them, and Kali continued to dance just outside his reach and inadvertently flaunting herself before the beast.

Meanwhile Raith was treated to much the same as she'd seen before, and as her round finally chambered and left her rifle ready for use it looked like there would be more of the same ahead. The sisters kept running, one of them starting to look a little tired but still managing to keep with the pace they set, and the submerged Elder Lord kept digging his way closer and closer. The only difference to note was the small cut in the distance that separated the two groups she followed. It would only take a couple more minutes until he overtook the girls, and with her rifle locked and loaded Raith would be as ready for him as she could be.

Sisters - 160 ft beyond the illusion
Raith - ~144 ft from illusion chasing Elder Lord
Kali - 28 ft from illusion
Hunter - 3 ft from illusion
Elder Lord - 144 ft beyond illusion, 16 from sisters

Rocky Outcropping - 400 ft beyond illusion, 240 from the sisters
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Clicking the action of her heavier rifle closed, Raith continued to follow, just behind the subterranean alien lord as he followed after the fleeing sisters. The chase was taking longer than she'd expected, but in truth she didn't mind that very much. It had given her time to reload, and maybe it would give Kali an opportunity to catch up... Assuming that she'd dealt with the hunter she'd gone up against. Raith didn't have time or attention to spare a glance back, but she fervently hoped that the other sniper would be coming to their aid. They wouldn't last long otherwise.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

A good strike! Or at least good enough to be happy with, considering she hadn't lost her face to it's claws yet. She'd failed in slashing open the throat as she had hoped for, but was able to turn the attack into a painful looking long gash across the beast's torso. Amazingly the thing barely seemed to register the wound at all, letting out a predatory roar and charging instead. Kali continued to scramble to prevent being caught by the enraged creature. What were these things made of?

She was able to get a glimpse of the three sisters running off into the distance during her invisibility assisted evasion, but couldn't quite tell whether she saw Raith or not, and had no idea where that Elder Lord thing might be. It was highly unnerving, but she didn't have the time to let her eyes properly scan for the chameleon like cat right now. She would have heard something if it had attacked Raith right?

She needed to finish this Hunter right now. Maintaining her invisibility she would continue the desert knife dance a moment longer, before going in for a second strike. Doing her best to be unpredictable, swift and deadly, she aimed to confirm the beast was dead, or at least significantly incapacitated, and then break off to chase the sisters as fast as she could.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 20/38, Status = Radiance (Perc), Invisibility
Kali attacks (Hunter2): Hit (couldn't miss)
--- Damage: 20 + 5 + 5 - 8 = 22 DEAD
Kali starts chasing everyone else: 28 SPD
--- Movement: Straight Line (SPD x2) = 56

And since I forgot...
Kali Sniper Rifle reload count: 2

Sisters are still running: Speed 10
--- Movement: Straight line, movement only (SPD x4) 40

Elder Lord chases the sisters: Speed 24
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 48

Raith follows after the sisters by chasing the buried Elder Lord: 28 Speed
--- Movement: Straight line (SPD x2) 56, reduced to 48 to keep in line with the Elder Lord

Even with Kali's invisibility keeping her cloaked the Hunter kept pursuing her madly. The tracks and sand that were kicked up from her dance was enough to reveal her form while she moved, and he zeroed in on it with sheer murder in his eyes. But it was not to be. Even if she couldn't quite hide from him her movements still lay hidden, so when her blade flicked across the lizard's neck he let out a gurgled cry of shock. A clawed hand rose to its throat, but no matter how he pawed at himself there was no stopping him from drowning in his own blood. It may take a bit for him to fully die, but as he collapsed and his life started spilling onto the desert Kali would be certain he would not give chase. She was now free to start pursuing the others.

Elsewhere the Elder Lord was approaching his target. Raith could see it, the small mound that marked his position riding closer to the feet of the sisters. And they looked tired. One nearly tripped over herself and fell into a heap, but the eldest of them buckled down and dragged the girl back to her feet without losing a single step. But even when Kalesi took a moment to look behind her she still didn't notice the bulge in the earth chasing after her or the sniper following in its wake. She was simply determined to get the last of her family to safety.

Sisters - 200 ft beyond the illusion
Raith - ~192 ft from illusion chasing Elder Lord
Kali - 84 ft from illusion, rushing to rejoin the group
Elder Lord - 192 ft beyond illusion, 8 from sisters

Rocky Outcropping - 400 ft beyond illusion, 200 from the sisters
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

They weren't going to make it. Judging by their relative speeds and the way in which the girls were stumbling, even though the run hadn't yet left Raith breathing heavy, the alien lord would catch up to them well before they could reach the protection of the rocky outcropping. The sniper knew it... But not what she might be able to do about it. The alien was well beyond her reach, even it was within her ability to kill if she could see it.... And it sat still long enough for her to riddle it with holes, and the image of a series of tendrils simply coming up from the ground and dragging the three below the sands simply wouldn't leave the Su-Ku-Ta woman's thoughts.

Another moment of indecision, as the creature was almost literally right beneath her, and Raith skidded to a halt. "It's right behind you! Split up!" the sniper shouted commandingly, her camouflage holding even if it was likely useless now that she'd given away her position. Pausing, she stopped to see what the elder lord would do...