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Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

The two alraune gasped in unison when Elise suggested they sell their seedlings. "No, no! We couldn't do that!" "How do we make sure they get good soil to grow in if we sell them?" Joke or no, they seemed a little distraught at the mere suggestion... even if they expected some of them to be eaten, it looked like selling their spawn wasn't anything they were comfortable with. That they were creatures of the jungle likely influenced the reaction, as well - They would have had little use for it out in the jungle, after all.

The innkeeper grunted noncommittally as they left, Roxanne toting her sack as they did. The streets were already busy, even this early in the morning - it didn't take long to find out that the best place to find a mage to speak with - unsurprisingly - would be the Lyceum, the center for magical training and study in the city. There would be practitioners there aplenty, of all sorts, from neophytes to journeymen, even masters - though, an audience with the more advanced mages was unlikely, given that she held no important status, and that they were bound to be busy.

A few people, though, after hearing why she needed to talk to a mage, suggested going to the army, at Glassmoor's barracks - she might be able to find someone who'd had firsthand experience with the invaders, though combat experience might not translate into methods to find where her parents might have been taken, and those without business there would generally discouraged from loitering. A few also suggested she try the healer's or alchemist's guilds, though given that they weren't likely to have much experience like the battlemages, and that they spent their time plying their trades instead of practicing their spells or studying whatever it is those arcane-types studied made them an odd choice.

While pondering her choices, the half-demon considered her other choices, as well. Mercenaries would be expensive... and to convince them to go into battle against the aliens, who had no mercy, like other humans might, and were both powerful and ruthless, it was likely to get quite expensive. Her 45 denarii probably wasn't going to cut it... and she had little else to offer, having only her armaments, her clothes, and her parent's charm. Elise was a talented girl, but even then - what could she offer a troop of fighters to secure their services in battling such a terrifying foe?

It was troubling... unless she solved this problem, she would have to face the monsters that destroyed her village and took her parents from her with only herself and her newfound alraune companions. She wasn't even sure if they could fight! Even if she found more companions as they were, would they really be able to help her? The invaders, after all, had destroyed every other major city in the Amazon. Even if she did manage to somehow acquire a fortune in gold and treasure, she couldn't buy a backbone for the Amazon, or pay off the terrible rout they had undergone!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

I wasn't serious about selling the seedlings you two, I'm sorry for even joking about it. Please forgive me,” Elise said to Jivi and Roxanne about what she'd said, hugging the two if they weren't too mad at her for even jokingly saying what she had.

Elise didn't think anything about it as the innkeeper grunted when she told him they were leaving and may be back later. After a short while of walking and asking around, Elise found out where she needed to go and followed the directions to the Lyceum, which was the center for magical training and whatnot here in Glassmoor. She then heard from some of the people who she told why she needed to see a mage or two that she'd probably have better luck going to the army instead, so she told Jivi and Roxanne to come with her and started towards the army barracks.

She knew that she wouldn't get very far with only 45 denarii, which wasn't likely enough to buy a mercenary group to fight for her, and even if she had enough to buy their services, she didn't know if she could trust them to not just take her money and run at the first signs of battle with the aliens. The only things she had left to offer anyone for help were her weapons, clothing, what little she had in the way of gear, and her charm pendant her parents gave her which she would never give up, and other than those things she could only think of one other thing she had to offer in exchange... her body.

"Do you two know anyone that might be able to help us and go with us maybe?" Elise asked the two, forgetting she'd already asked them as she was beginning to despair of finding anyone to help her find and save her parents.

She knew could probably do some work around the city to make some money with which to buy the services of some mercs and whatnot, but she decided that for now she'd go to the army barracks and see if they might be able to help her or point her in the right direction of someone who could, and would check on finding some work to do after that.

When she reached the barracks she'd likely be stopped at the gates by some guards. If she was stopped at the gates, then she would plead her case to the guards there by telling what all had happened (leaving out the parts about her, Jivi, and Roxanne having sex of course.) and hope they'd be let in to speak with someone higher up about getting aid.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
HP = 75
PP = 45
EP = 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"Mmm..." they hummed, sharing a glance.

"No! You have to make it up to us, first!" Roxanne said at last. "Say, later on tonight~?"

The pair gave a naughty giggle in unison, and - after bickering over who got to hug her from the front - realized Elise wouldn't be able to get her arms around them both that way anyway, and they all embraced in a group hug - the pair of alraune taking the opportunity to cop a feel.


"No, we don't~" the pair responded to Elise's desperate question, still toting their (slightly squirming) bag and carefee as ever, foil to Elise's distress. They arrived at the gates without incident - the wall enclosing it looking quite sturdy and imposing, rising up some twenty feet, though as an inner-city wall it wasn't quite the structure the outer walls were.

A few guards were outside the gate, which seemed to stand open, so as not to hinder business. A few carts and other people were passing through, looking like suppliers, city officials, or otherwise people having something to do with the army's operations - merely showing the soldiers on duty a paper before being waved on through.

Without the paper, though, Elise was stopped. After hearing her story, the soldier she told it to rubbed his chin... and then called over his superior, to whom she explained it again. She gave the story some thought, and then asked the girl a question.

"So, the invaders - did you see any of 'em? And what did you say your village was named, again? And how far from 'ere?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"O-Okay then, just know I'm really sorry about saying that like I did, I'll do whatever I have to to make it up to you both," Elise replied to their condition, only cooing cutely when they both groped her and didn't attempt to stop them when they did so.


When they arrived at the gates to the barracks they saw them standing wide open. Though she saw many different people heading in, they were stopped as they didn't have the papers necessary to allow them through as well. The guard that stopped them was at least kind enough to hear her story though thankfully, and after a minute he called his superior over to them who Elise told her story to as well.

"Well yes I did see some of them, I even fought a couple along the way out, but my papa did most of the fighting. She's a..." Elise started explaining, but hesitated slightly about revealing her father was in fact a succubus and full blooded demon, but in the end she decided to tell the truth and continued, "My father, or papa as I called her was a full blooded demon, a succubus. My mother and I both loved her very much and she helped our village all the time to make sure it was safe enough for me. You see she wasn't like many of the full blooded demons are, she was kind and a really good person." Elise stopped herself before she went too much further in talking about her parents, because she didn't want to start crying again.

"But back to what you asked, I'm sorry, talking about my parents right now is... hard. My village was just across the border into Badaria, the name of it is... or rather was Tristan. I'm not sure how many leagues it is from Glassmoor here, but it took me two days or so by foot to get here from where my papa made me leave her and go, and that was about a couple of miles from our village," Elise explained after pausing to recompose herself before she started crying again.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
HP = 75
PP = 45
EP = 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"Huh... so you're a half-demon, eh." the guard captain said when she revealed her father's origins, suddenly, he turned his head and called out. "ALETH!"

Oh gods, was he about to sic the guards on her? She knew demons didn't exactly have a good reputation, but-

"WHADDAYuhyessir!" responded one of the girls on the other side of the road going through the gate, who seemed to have been talking with one of the other guards there, back turned. The voice was a woman's - Amazonian woman standing equal with men, she was likely to have already seen some women in guard's uniforms already - but when she turned around and saluted, the woman's pale lavender skin marked her as anything but a typical Amazonian.

"Aleth there's a halfie too. Her ma's a nice gal," he said. "Bakes a real nice pork pie when the regiment has their monthly potluck. But eh... oh, there, there, miss," The captain said, suddenly noting Elise's delicate state, patting her on the shoulder. "Losin' yer everythin' hurts, but ya ain't dead yet, and yer in Glassmoor now - one of the only cities the bastards ain't attacked. You can rebuild, 'ere."[/color] Then, suddenly, he barked out, over his shoulder. "ALETH! C'mere!"

He disappeared into the gatehouse, while Aleth ran over to join Elise. "Hiyaeer-hermImean, good morning, citizens," she said in greeting, trying to sound official after correcting herself. The captain re-emerged shortly, holding a paper. "This 'ere's a writ that'll let you talk to Strategist Cyne - Aleth here'll take ya to 'im. You know the way, right, Aleth?"


"Cyne wants to hear anythin' new about the invaders, so talk to 'im. He should direct ya ta a mage who can tell ya more, but if not, Allie can help y'out there."

Their half-demon guide took them down this road and that, the group eventually found themselves outside a rather unassuming building. "Mmm, it could use a little sprucing up..." hummed Roxanne, when Aleth proclaimed that 'this was it'. "Maybe some flowers! And some climbing ivy?" her sister suggested.

One of the aides inside led them to an office, where a large man with a pointy beard looked to be studying a large map, spread out over a table. "Who is it? I'm very busy, you know!" he responded snappishly, though he brightened considerably upon hearing that Elise had news of the invaders for him. Yet another repeat of her story and series of questions later, he nodded his head and frowned. "Yes, yes... well, it's not good to lose another settlement - even if you are a Badarian - but I'm glad I know, anyway. Hmm... I suppose that reinforces that they're... here... but, still from a close bet..."

"Ah, forgive me. Now, is there anything I do for you, miss?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Y-Yes sir I'm a half demon and I... uh... oh no,” Elise began saying when the guard suddenly called out to someone. Elise's heart nearly stopped when he did this, and it was as if time had stopped for her for a split second. Were her hopes about to be dashed against the ground?

All she could do was hold her breath for a moment and wait to see if she was about to be thrown in prison, or killed. One of the thoughts running through her mind right now was at the very least she'd be able to join her parents if she herself was about to be executed, and that thought surprisingly comforted her quite a bit and she steeled herself for the possible coming blow.

When the guards never came running and the killing blow on her never came, she glanced up as she heard what sounded like a female respond from across the road. She wasn't the first woman guard Elise had seen before, and certainly wasn't the first here in Glassmoor she'd seen as this was one of the lat refuges in the amazon where it was safe, so she figured that both men and women would be allowed to join the military and all. Elise saw that Aleth as the guard had called her had pale lavender skin.

Really, you mean I'm not the only one like myself here? That's good to know, I thought you were about to have me imprisoned for being a half demon, my papa used to tell me that a lot of people look down on half demons almost as much as they do full blooded demons and to never reveal that I was a half demon. And yes it does hurt sir... a lot, cause I've never really been alone until a few days ago and I keep expecting to wake up and this all be a dream. But you're right I'm still alive, and I've got a mission to find my parents. They... they at least deserve a proper burial, they didn't deserve to be taken like that,” Elise said to the guard when he attempted to comfort her, thanking him for his kind words in her time of need.

Um... hello there Aleth, it's nice to meet another like myself, and to know I'm not the only one around here that's half. What's your other half if you don't mind my asking? My father was a demon, she was a full blooded succubus that left hell before even the invasion of Artmirst. Also don't worry about sounding so formal or official to me, it really doesn't bother me,” Elise said to Aleth when she got over, holding her hand out to shake Aleth's.

After the guard captain called Aleth over, he went inside the gatehouse for a minute or two, giving Aleth time to reply to what Elise said to her if she wished. A couple of minutes later the guard captain returned from the gatehouse with a paper in hand, which he gave to Elise and told Aleth to escort her to the strategist Cyne, who he said the paper would allow her to see.

Okay, thank you very much sir, any help I can get is much appreciated... because I don't even know where to start with looking for my parents, and I have to find them, I owe it to them,” Elise replied to him, bowing her head in thanks.

Once Aleth was ready to go, Elise would follow her down the road a ways until they found themselves outside of a rather modest building and Aleth told them this was the place. Roxanne and Jivi both said the building could use some flowers and things to make it look nicer as they walked towards the door. Once inside an aid showed them to an office where they saw who Elise could only assume was Cyne, he looked to be studying a map of somewhere, though Elise couldn't tell where. He didn't seem too pleased about being disturbed at first, but once Aleth or the aid told him that Elise had some news of the aliens, he brightened up a bit. So she told her sad story yet again to Cyne and waited for his response to it, then after answering whatever questions she had to, she heard him say that while she was Badarian and all it was still bad her village was lost.

Well first off sir I just want you to know that I never truly considered myself Badarian, I just lived in Badaria is all because that's where my papa and mother decided to live. Of course my mother was Badarian herself, she never really kept to their ways. But yes there is something you can do for me, if you don't mind that is. Please, I have to find my parents sir Cyne, they're all I may have left, and even if they're already dead they deserve to have a proper burial, it's the least I can do for them after the sacrifices they made for me. Is there any way you can help me find them? This is all I have left of them here,” Elise said to Cyne, hoping he could help her in any some way as she showed him her charm pendant given to her by her father when she was little.

It's amazing how much I can write considering how much you gave me to work with. Hope this gives you an equal amount to work with.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
HP = 75
PP = 45
EP = 68

Status = Not too shabby.

The captain chuckled. "Nah. So long as you don't cause trouble, you'll be fine. A'course, I can't speak for the whole city - you're bound to run into a demon-hater or two eventually. Ya look normal enough, though, so I can't imagine it'll trouble ya too much. Luck to ya, Miss."

Waving goodbye over his shoulder, the captain retreated back into the gatehouse, to do...err... whatever it was guard captains did. Elise wasn't exactly sure what that was - guard captains being rather scarce in her little village, after all - but it didn't really matter.


"Uh... oh! I'm half Night Elf!" Elise's talkative guide proclaimed in response to the village girl's question. She'd refrained from talking much within earshot of the gate, but once that they were a distance away, she started talking, and quickly made up for her silence. Already she had babbled on about a few topics, such as where the best place was to get lunch was, or how pretty the fountain in the market was at sunset, before remembering her question, and Elise having a hard time keeping up. "Da's a baker. Ma says she smelled the fresh baked bread come out of his oven, and she was hooked. Sometimes I wish he was something else, though... I mean, it's a nice smell to wake up to, and fresh bread whenever I want it is great... but..."

Aleth's demeanor suddenly flip-flopped - the energetic girl suddenly quieting, looking apprehensive. "But..."

"But the puns! They're the worst!" she cried, suddenly back to normal. "'Wheat made some extra dough today, Aleth, so I got some flours for the table!' 'You've had enough time to leaven, muffin! Time to rise!' 'The sun looks hot today, take a hat so you don't bake!' 'Honey, have you seen the ink? I need to ryet a letter!'"

She shook her head, distressed. "And at night they're so loud, too! Ughh, it's so gross! And ma just doesn't stop! 'You've got the best honeybuns, love!' 'Butter up that baguette and put it in my breadbox!' 'Oh baby, your batter's in my ov-'

Suddenly realizing what she was saying, Elise's guide stopped dead in her tracks, her hands over her mouth and looking absolutely horrified, blushing hard enough to turn her skin red. Mollified, she was quiet the rest of the way to their destination.


"Ah... What? I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right, girl," Cyne said, sounding incredulous. "You want me to tell you where the invaders are, so you can go over to them, and then rescue your parents?"

"I... ah- I don't think that's possible, young lady," he continued. "These creatures have destroyed cities. You going over to fight them would be certain death! Or, even worse! Don't you know what they do to the people they catch?" he asked her, a sinking feeling in the pit of Elise's stomach as said the last. "None of us know how they do it, but... they seem to brainwash whoever they capture, turning them against us. If I told you where to go, that would only happen to you!"

He sighed. "Even then... I couldn't tell you where they were, even if I wanted to," the strategist continued. "With this map and book, I've been trying to figure out if they have a base of operations, or predict where they would attack next - but there aren't any patterns to it! One of the reports say they have giant floating city-sized monsters, that they seem to come from - so they probably move around, too!"
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

T-Thank you sir, and I suppose I do look normal enough, besides my tail that is,” Elise agreed with the guard captain.

Hehehe, sounds like your parents are quite the couple huh, I suppose I'd get tired of the puns too after a while. So your mom's a succubus then? It sounds like she is from the way you're talking at least,” Elise giggled and asked Aleth as they walked when her guide told her about the bad puns.

When Aleth spoke about her parents getting so loud at night and just went silent and red faced, Elise just started laughing at her. “My mom is... was just a regular human. But her and papa would get really loud a lot too. It's okay Aleth, it doesn't bother me for you to talk about your parents, hell if anything it really helps hearing other people talk about their parents. It helps me remember the good times with my own,” Elise said after laughing at Aleth for a minute or so, getting a bit dark and gloomy when she started speaking about her own parents, but she managed to keep herself composed and comfort Aleth a little, though Aleth and any others that looked at her would easily see that she was merely putting on a brave face.

W-Well yes I want yo to help me find them. What's so wrong about wanting to know where to look for my parents at?” Elise replied to Cyne, just as incredulously as he sounded.

As Cyne continued speaking, Elise felt a sinking feeling in her stomach and started finding it a little hard to breath as she listened. The more he spoke, the more she felt as if her heart was being ripped out of her chest then thrown on the ground and stomped, all while she was being beaten and kicked on the ground at the same time. It was the worst feeling she'd ever felt in her whole life and it almost felt like she was being scolded like a little kid for saying what she had. When strategist Cyne finally finished speaking he, Aleth, Jivi, and Roxanne would all see Elise had tears streaming down her cheeks.

I know what those aliens are capable of, I know first hand what they're capable of. And you don't know what my papa is capable of, she's the strongest demon I know of. She wouldn't just let herself and momma be taken that easily and turned into those things slaves like that. She's got wings and everything, so I know as soon as she dealt with the things that were chasing us after I left and then she got momma and flew to hide somewhere until it was safe enough to come find me, or they're waiting for me to come find them. And even if they were taken I know they haven't been turned yet, they're a lot stronger than that,” Elise ranted, tears still streaming down her face as she refused to believe her parents falling be the aliens slaves. She knew it would sound silly to the others, but she knew that her parents were both still alive and well, she could just feel it in her heart that they were alright, and she had to find them no matter how fragile a hope it seemed that she would, because a fragile hope was better than losing all hope completely.

Even though she wouldn't believe it, if the others told her there was no hope for her parents, then she would falter to her knees and break down sobbing, denying their words as she cried her eyes out.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"You think one person can stand up to these monsters?" Cyne asked, rapping the brush he'd been writing with on the table. "Since they've appeared I've been trying to figure out how to stop them! Crying wo-"

The strategist suddenly stopped, and Elise felt warmth behind her, someone flanking her on each side, each of them putting a hand on Elise's arms, to comfort her. Her sudden distressed obviously had them worried - if she turned, she would see it plain on their faces, the pair of alraune pouting as they cooed softly. Aleth would look troubled, as well - though she would be off to the side, not as close to her fellow half-demon as the two plantgirls were.

"Ah..." Cyne hummed, and then cleared his throat.

"Miss, regardless of your parent's fate or your chances are, the fact is that I simply wouldn't know where to send you to find them. So far, all we've really managed to glean of them that they appear very suddenly."

"N-now," he continued, as if worried Elise would start crying again, "I-if you're looking for someone else to speak to, I would recommend you speak to Battlemage Tophye. He's was with the Celesian army when they were..."

Cyne trailed off, not speaking for a moment, before, in a very small voice, he muttered to himself - barely audible to Elise.

"Wait, no, he's dead."

"Emm... Captain Sybetre. She was in charge of the Fifth Arcane Squadron at... ah... no..."

He was silent for a time, thinking... until at last, he came up with a name. "Perhaps you could speak with Sari? She's no tactician, and I doubt she'd be able to tell you more about where you could find your parents than I could - but she's survived quite a few battles with them."

"She's probably on the practice field," Aleth offered.

"Yes, she probably is..." Cyne affirmed, sounding somewhat hesitant. "Be warned, though - she can be rather... volatile. She's... mm. How do you say..."

"She really likes to blow things up," Aleth finished.

"Crude. But... yes. I don't know if the army would spare her, but if you're really going to try to confront the invaders, someone like her would not be without her uses."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"(sniffle)... I know crying won't help sir Cyne, but I can't help it. And I know I can't stand up to them alone, which is why I'm trying to get help. They're all I have, and I'm not saying all I had because I know they're still alive and can be saved," Elise said to the strategist, looking back up with tears in her eyes after dropping to her knees when they gave out on her.

Elise started wiping her tears out of her eyes after that, glancing over her shoulders to see her two alraune friends flanking her and trying to comfort her. She smiled at them, and hugged them both tightly. "Thanks you two, I'm so glad I met such good friends as both of you," Elise told Jivi and Roxanne while hugging them both.

Elise sat there while Cyne named off a few people that she could talk to, though they all seemed to be dead now which wouldn't help her now obviously. She was beginning to think he wouldn't be able to name anyone that might be able to help her when he spoke of a girl named Sari.

"So this Sari might be able to help me? And uh... thank you, I'll go talk to her and see if the army can spare her, cause I think that a smaller group of really strong people will be able to find and save them easier than any large army could. Do you maybe know anyone that could help me somehow locate them perhaps? Do any mages here in Glassmoor maybe know any locating spells or anything to track them down with? Do you mind showing me where Sari is at Aleth?" Elise replied after Cyne and Aleth both said what they did about this Sari person, deciding to wait until they were outside to ask Aleth more about Sari's volatile nature. Once back outside Elise would see what she could find out from Aleth before getting to the training yard or wherever Sari was.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"She -may- be able to help you, yes," Cyne replied. "As for scrying, it's not very helpful for tracking - certainly it gives us a picture, but usually it's only tree or cloudtops, or the Badarian lands that none of us know much about. Nothing we could use to figure out where they were, and even then, they move quickly enough to be long gone by the time we could intercept them. It's also quite expensive - for the rare few times I can ascertain their whereabouts, there are dozens of times that we learn nothing and just waste the denarii, and the information I get doesn't help me in predicting where they'll hit next - as I said, it's just completely random. If... you want to waste your denarii, though, Miss, I won't stop you. There are many diviners in the Lyceum that would gladly take your money."

Excusing themselves, Elise asked Aleth about Sari.

"Weellll... she's a regular ol' Amazonian human... she's a pie- pee-roh, uh, pie-roo... uhm, she magics things on fire... annndddd she really likes to set things on fire! Or people. She spends all her time practicing that! I thiiink she's usually kinda grumpy, but lately she's been getting even grumpier. I think it's because she wants to go fight the invaders, but the army won't do that."

Glassmoor didn't want to mobilize it's army, huh...? There were enemies everywhere for the army to fight... but at the same time, those enemies had devastated the rest of the world. Glassmoor was practically the only civilization left in the whole Amazonian region, in fact...

Well, at any rate, it sounded like this mage would be eager enough to help her kill some badguys - but was someone on so short a fuse an ally the half-demon wanted?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise listened to all sir Cyne had to offer her with information before deciding on her next course of action. It saddened her that they could not accurately scry for her parents, but nonetheless she'd have to deal with it, maybe she would have better luck with this Sari girl she thought. Elise merely nodded to Cyne as they all excused themselves from his office after giving a thank you.

"Pyromancer is the word I think you're looking for there Aleth. And I hope she'd help me find my parents and not try to maybe burn us all alive in the process as well. I wonder why the army won't mobilize and try to retake some of its lost territory and maybe push the invaders back some, or even try and make an alliance with someone who'll help them do so," Elise said to Aleth along the way to the training yard to see Sari.

At the very least it seemed that maybe she'd have someone who hated the aliens as much as she herself did. Maybe they would even become close friends, but first she wanted to know if she was mentally sane before asking her to come with her, because apparently she had a short temper and she didn't want to maybe accidentally piss her off without knowing why.

Once they arrived at the training yard, Elise would ask Aleth to point Sari out to her and introduce her if she didn't mind. After introductions were over with Elise would tell Sari her story and see if she had any information that could help, and if she seemed sane enough to Elise then the half demon would ask her if she wished to go on a rescue mission with her to save her parents and anyone else they could manage to find out there. Regardless if Sari decided to go or stay, Elise would also ask if she knew anyone else that might be able to help her as well.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"Hey, yeah, that's the word! You're really smart, lady!" remarked Elise's guide. Vocabulary didn't seem to be her strong suit. She didn't seem to have much to say on whether or not she would come away from this introduction with her eyebrows intact, though Aleth was able to offer some insight to Glassmoor's reluctance to go forth.

"Oh, ummm... I asked my boss about that one time, aannddd he said that we're not really trying to fight back because we would all just die, and then Glassmoor will have even less soldiers in it," she started. "Like... no one knows why we didn't get destroyed like everywhere else? But Glassmoor's like... the only city in the Amazon left," she said, sounding more somber. "So if we go run off to fight some stuff and then most of us get hurt or die, then there'll be no one to protect the city. Then if they come again, the Amazonian Empire would just... you know... and and... Glassmoor's not even that big, compared to places in Badaria and stuff? So..."

That was a grim thought. She'd lost her parents - the two most important people in her life - even her whole village. Whether she liked them or not - or if they liked her or not - it was an incredibly dark thought to know that everyone you'd grown up with had just... disappeared. For these Amazonians, it was even worse - whole cities, like this, just wiped off the map, eradicated - the only thing that hinted that they'd ever existed the ruins of their cities - and the bodies the aliens had stolen, waiting catch you, to make them like them...

It was fairly easy to figure out who Sari was once Elise and her entourage got to the training field (which looked to be hard-packed earth - a few blackened areas littering where Elise's prospective ally had likely blasted the ground). She seemed to be a native Amazonian woman, with golden skin, long, silky black hair that was pulled into a ponytail that reached mid-way down her back, and similarly-dark eyes, exotically narrowed and almond-shaped - even more so, since she was concentrating. Her prospective ally wore red robes, a rod of some sort in one hand. A few soldiers loitered around the edges of the field, while a few archers at one end pointed upwards with their bows. When they loosed, Sari waited until they started to tumble - and then loosed her destructive magics at them, fireballs bursting in the air all above. It was a stunning display - if, perhaps, somewhat dangerous, if the thought crossed Elise's mind - but the caster only missed rarely, her spells blowing up high in the air, above where the rest did. She kept up the display for a few minutes, but eventually held her hand up to signal a stop, breathing hard.

Aleth looked spellbound by the spectacle, though the two alraune sisters were noticeably less-than enthused by the thermic display. At Elise's request, her fellow half-demon led her onto the field - the two alraune hanging way back as the pair approached the pyromancer. Walking right up to the spent mage, Aleth waved a little, and then introduced the pair. Sari looked a little dumbstruck as Elise started to go into her story... but before she could finish (or, indeed, go on to the rest of the things she wanted to discuss) the pyromancer cut her off.

"Who let this... haahBadarian onto the field?" she shouted out loud, speaking over the girl's tale of tragedy. "Why is shehah telling me her life story? Am I supposed to care?"

"Girl, I don't have time for this! If you have a point, kindly haah get to it!"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Oh I'm not all that smart really Aleth, but thank you very much for saying so,” Elise said, smiling and bashfully blushing as she thanked Aleth, that she was quickly starting to like, mainly because she was part demon like herself, but also because of her straightforward attitude she seemed to have.

I suppose I understand their reluctance to march out to meet the aliens on the field because of how powerful they are. But surely they must know that defending constantly like this will eventually lead in them getting lax, which will eventually cause the aliens to figure out a way to break through Glassmoor's defenses... and then you'd all be in a real heap of trouble. Surely though there's a way to fight them openly, I mean they don't really seem all that smart to me honestly. Kind of like they just go on base instincts... but then again I only saw them and fought them a little bit, so maybe I just haven't seen what all they can do yet, I don't know, all I know is that they took everything from me that I ever had, and that I hate them and want to take the fight back to them and find my parents and as many people from my village as I can. Because what did any of them ever do to deserve such wretched things to happen to them? It's not right, the gods should get off of their lazy asses and help instead of being all high and mighty,” Elise said in response to Aleth's answer of her earlier question of why Glassmoor hadn't tried to retake some of their lost territory, sounding a little angry, though not towards Aleth in general, but just angry. As they walked Elise figured that since Aleth didn't say anything about Glassmoor's allies was that they either had none to speak of, or they had no way of calling on them for help or something, either way Elise thought to herself that she'd ask later about it.


Once they arrived at the training field Elise easily spotted Sari on it, as she was the only person standing around the blackened areas of the field itself from what Elise could see. Elise took in the features of her possible new ally since they might be traveling together, seeing that she wore red robes that Elise figured was because of the fire affinity with magic. As they watched her training, Elise was rather impressed at the display she was giving and felt that she would be a powerful ally... provided of course she didn't incinerate them in the process as well.

Aleth took them over to introduce them to Sari after she stopped with her training. After being introduced to her prospective mage ally, Elise started telling her about what had happened to her village, trying not to go into very great detail as she was getting a little tired of retelling what had happened to her because it was painful to think about it. Before she was able to finish however, and before she even got to ask Sari what all she knew about the aliens and if she'd go with them to fight, the pyromancer very rudely butted in, cutting Elise off before she could finish.

Sari's words cut deep in Elise's mind and heart, and she had to blink back tears as she squeezed her hands into fists so hard she almost brought blood. The nerve of this woman, here Elise was trying to tell what had happened and in no way trying to tell her whole life story, and was about to ask this woman for help because there weren't very many places she could turn to for the help she needed, and this very impolite bitch has the nerve to say such things to a person that is obviously in a tremendous amount of pain from what had befallen her. When the mage girl was done speaking, something just clicked in Elise's head and she couldn't stop herself.

Well this 'Badarian' as you called me was going to ask you for help to find my parents, because I was told you love to fight the aliens, which took my parents and all the rest of my village. I was even prepared to pay you somehow for helping me find them, but I don't think I want the help of such a rude coldhearted bitch as you to help me find them anymore, no matter how good they said you were at what you do. And If you weren't such an impolite bitch then I might have been able to get to my point. No you know what, I think we'd be better off without you, because you seem to hate Badarians for some reason, which I really don't give a fuck why, because it doesn't matter who's from where when those bastards take everything from people regardless of where they're from. They did the same to me and I intend on making them pay while finding and rescuing my parents, and as many from my village as I can. So good day to you, I hope that one day you have to ask someone for help like this and they tell you to fuck off... bitch,” Elise said coldly to Sari in response to the rude mage's words a few moments before, not caring what the impolite woman said or did. Once she was through speaking, she would turn around and start out with a heavy heart, wondering if all of the amazonian people of Glassmoor were so coldhearted as Sari seemed to be.

Elise wouldn't stop even if any of them tried to talk to her. She was so angry she could barely even see straight and just stormed out of the place, leaving Jivi, Roxanne, and Aleth all behind before she couldn't control her anger any longer and punched Sari right in the mouth like her parents needed to have done a long time ago apparently to knock some manners into her. Elise was quickly losing any faith she would be able to find anyone other than Jivi and Roxanne that were willing to go with her to find her parents. When Jivi and Roxanne came out of the training field after her (and Aleth if she followed, and if by some chance Sari followed them too then her as well), they would catch sight of her long black succubus tail as she was going into the nearest bar to get a drink to cool herself off, and they would actually catch up to her after she'd sat down on one of the bar stools and was shakily downing the strongest drink she could order with tears slowly sliding down her cheeks.

I must say very well wrote Garg, it gave me a chance to blow off some of my own steam with writing this post. I hope some good happens to Elise out of this though, because the poor thing is so pitiful.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

Elise was seeing red. Damn that woman! How could she belittle her like that?! Not even waiting to hear her respond, she stormed off the field, going any which way - anywhere that was away from that heartless cunt.

Seeking out a bar was harder than she'd expected - this was the army quarter, after all. Eventually, though, she found her way to what looked to be the tavern around here - the Weary Soldier. Aleth had shown it to her earlier, though she was too infuriated to really remember or care.

She went in and ordered the strongest thing she could get, which seemed to be some kind of clear liquor that burned on the way down. It didn't take her long to drain the glass, at which point she was already starting to feel the drink's effects.

"Shitty mornin' huh," the barman intoned rather dryly, and she looked over at the unassuming man to see him raising one eyebrow at her.

The half-demon's entourage had come in while she had been concentrating on her drink - the two alraune flanking her on the barseats to either side, while Aleth stood behind her, looking somewhat flustered.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

After storming off of the training field, Elise finally managed to find a bar, though it took her a couple of minutes or so to reach the 'Weary Soldier' tavern that Aleth had shown her earlier, though she didn't really care which bar or tavern it was as long as she got a drink. Upon entering she found a good stool and sat down and after ordering the strongest thing she could the bartender handed her a clear liquid that when she gulped it down, burned every inch of the way down to her stomach. She started feeling the effects of her drink right after she finished the last drop, then when the barman spoke to her she looked up at him, sniffling a little as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Y-You have no idea... (sniffle)... Is everyone in this city so heartless? I've been looking... (sniffle)... for help to find and rescue my parents all morning, and from what I can tell nobody gives a damn. I mean... (sniffle)... is it so wrong to want to rescue them from those fucking alien bastards that took them and my whole village? Should it... (sniffle)... matter where I'm from? I know that other people have their own problems and all too, but... (sniffle)... I mean surely there's someone in this city brave enough, and smart enough, and not so damn coldhearted that they'd help me without being cruel. I just... (sniffle)... I just want my parents back, that's all I want right now," Elise replied to the barman in between her sniffles, tears streaming down her cheeks much more so now. She wasn't paying attention at all and didn't even notice her companions were there until after she'd finished speaking and wiped the tears from her eyes some.

She was still seething mad about that coldhearted bitch, but she was more sad now than anything. She was beginning to get desperate and didn't know where else to turn to other than summoning Hazel and Alluria back and asking them if they could help her in some way. She knew they were playful succubi and all that, but when the need arose her papa had always told her they could be serious, and were powerful succubi that had a bit of pull in hell, and she'd also told Elise that she trusted the two of them more than anyone else aside from Elise and her mother, and her papa Leah was their best friend after all so surely they would help her get them both back.

It occurs to me that Elise's parents need names. Her papa as I keep writing it is a quite powerful full blooded succubus in case you couldn't tell, and haven't read Elise's backstory, while her mother was a regular Badarian human woman. I shall name her father Leah, and her human mother is Brianna Langray. Her papa Leah took Brianna's last name when she left hell and married her in Badaria.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

The barman continued to polish a glass as he listened, putting it down behind the counter and picking up another one as he responded. "Mmm... well... I wouldn't say people here're 'coldhearted'... it's more... let's say, 'broken'. In the span of just two years, the Amazonian people went from a nation of cities - the oldest ones in the world, and independent of a sole sovereign like Crolia or Badaria, even - to just Glassmoor, the Iron Rose monastery, and a bunch of villages that are slowly bein' swallowed up by the jungle. The refugees - everythin' taken away from 'em, no home, no nothin' - that manage to make it to here, or the monastery? Those're the lucky ones, managed to not get taken by the invaders or the creatures of the jungle. I don't doubt every single one of us wants to get back at those things - but, well... this here city's really the only thing we've managed to keep a hold on."

"...Not to be a downer, or anything."

Through Elise's sorrow and bitterness (and slight haze of alcohol), a vague thought entered her mind. Whatever refugees were here, they had managed to get through the numerous dangers of the jungle - though, through luck or skill, it would be nigh-impossible to say, and though they might all have similar reasons to hate the invaders, it was no guarantee they had the will to take the fight to them, nor the martial skill to help her. Still...

"...And, I think you know, but... well, one morning isn't all that long a time, young lady," the barman continued. "If yer lookin' for someone crazy enough to go out and fight the aliens, I wager you're gonna have to spend a little longer'n that. ...'Nother drink?"

Elise's two alraune friends didn't seem to be thirsty, simply leaning against the girl as she nursed her alcohol. Aleth, meanwhile, continued to stand nervously behind her. A few groups of people were seated at the common tables behind her in the tavern, probably having breakfast. Most of them looking like merchants or porters, of the sort she'd seen going through the checkpoint earlier, though there was a group of men and women all armed to the teeth, that took up several tables. They weren't wearing guard or soldier clothing, and while they were a little more animated than the rest of the patrons there, they didn't seem to be causing trouble, either.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"I... I can understand that sir, really I can. And I'm not trying to say my case is any worse than anyone else has been through. But it doesn't help that the first two people I've been sent to that might actually be able to help me pretty much just either told me to forget about them, that they're already gone, or they just insulted me for being from Badaria. I mean what does that matter huh? I was born there, but my parents only lived there because it was where my mother was born and lived, and my papa didn't really have anywhere else to go other than there after leaving hell. My papa, she told me that her kind weren't liked everywhere, but that at least in Badaria she wasn't just searched out and destroyed. (sigh)... I'm sorry sir, I know you aren't trying to be a downer for me or anything, and i know that it's only been one morning, but it took me two or three days to get here, so I don't have that long to find them. And no thank you, I don't want another drink, or I won't be able to keep searching for people to help me," Elise replied to the barman, still sniffling a good deal as her tears still streamed down her cheeks, though she wasn't actually sobbing any more and only crying a little now.

She knew that she wasn't the only one that had gone through such hard times as this, but she still couldn't help but feel that she was just on a wild goose chase for help.

She felt Jivi and Roxanne both lean against either side of her, and she welcomed their support. Honestly she felt her heart yearning for their embrace again, to hold her and to have sex with her and tell her everything would be alright as long as she was with them. But alas, they didn't have time for that now and she knew that. She glanced over her shoulder and noticed Aleth standing behind her looking a bit nervous, likely about Elise's words and whatnot since meeting Sari earlier.

"Aleth... I'm not mad at you, you're really nice to me. And though I didn't exactly like the way he spoke, Cyne was okay enough. But that bitch Sari... I couldn't care less if she just fucking died in the worst possible way imaginable... sorry bitch," Elise said to Aleth after looking back to see her new found friend looking nervous, hoping to ease her nervousness some.

When she turned around and after she spoke, Elise noticed the group of rather well armed people sitting at a few tables, she didn't peg them as military or guards of any kind, so they were probably mercs of some sort. Maybe she could see what they would charge her to go with her and sve her parents and hopefully the rest of her village as well. It was worth checking into at the very least, Elise thought.

"Hey Aleth, do you know anything about those people over there by any chance?" Elise asked her new friend, wondering about the possible mercs she noticed.

Regardless of whether or not Aleth knew anything about them, Elise would dry her tears and everything so she looked decent, then she would walk over to see if she could speak to whoever their leader might be, being as polite as possible, saying, "Excuse me, might you all be mercenaries by chance?" Elise would ask them.

Should they reply yes they were and should she be able to speak to whomever their leader was, she would continue in her polite tone, explaining her situation a little, and wanting to know how much they'd charge her for their services, "What would it take to hire or contract your services to... to follow me and help me find my parents and the rest of my village if they're still alive? They were taken by the invaders some three days ago or so and I would have been too if my papa hadn't forced me to leave when she did. Also from what I know the invaders headed west after leaving there, possibly north I'm not totally sure. It was the village of Tristan on the border just inside of Badaria, and I'm looking for anyone brave enough to help me find and rescue them and any others there might be left from my village. I don't really have a whole lot of money or anything at the moment, but I'd let you all have three quarters of any loot we found. I'll understand if my offer sucks too much for you all to accept it. But if that's the case, do any of you maybe know someone that would be willing to help me please?"


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"Mmm... well, alright, miss. Take your time with it, now - when you're ready to leave, the tab's one denar."

"Ohh, that's not it," Aleth said after Elise tried to calm her down. "Ummm... it's just, I'm kinda still on duty, so if someone sees me hanging around in here, I might get in trouble... I would be able to say I was just taking you around, though, so, um, that's not really that important, so don't worry about it."

A huge blowout with that crazy pyromancer, and that's what she's worried about?

"Oh, and um... Sari and those other guys might complain, and then the Cap might get in trouble, too, and then maybe yell at me... b-but, that's not something you should worry about either... so... yeah~"

When questioned about the mercenary troop, Aleth looked them over, and then simply shrugged, unable to tell Elise anything about them. "I don't recognize them," she said, with a little lilt. "I don't know the mercs too well, though... they might've come in from one of the other gates, too. I don't think I saw them come through mine's."

Jivi and Roxanne got up with Elise when she went over to speak with the mercenaries - one of them even coiling one of their tentacles around her thigh. As such, when when she approached them to give them her proposal, the tables quieted up as they were approached by a trio of beautiful ladies. Off at one of the other tables, she heard a quiet "Oh, I'd like a side o' her!" - apparently whoever that was had been trying to be quiet, though she heard him well enough.

At any rate, once she'd given the offer, a dark-skinned man sitting across the table she'd approached spoke up. "Sorry, lady, but we've got a contract, already! Those traders back there's got us to take 'im back ta Ironrose." He thumbed over his shoulder, indicating a portly, blue-haired night elf man and an attractive brunette human woman, enjoying a hearty breakfast together with a little boy that was clearly their son.

"Did she say a search mission? Man, I don't wanna blunder through the jungle's underbrush like that. You guys heard those stories about those vines lying all over the place there, right?" Whispered a native Amazon woman, resembling Sari, though with much shorter hair.

"Fuck the jungle, did she say the invaders?" whispered back who looked to be a young Badarian kid, who looked like he was barely an adult. "Those fuckers emptied my village last year - they just appeared outta nowhere I'm only alive right now cuz' I was takin' a nap way out in the pasture, you couldn't pay me enough to go against them!"

"Yes, Ken, you've told us this before," whispered a big man sitting next to the young man. "Many, many times, in fact."

"Oh, no! Elly, they put bacon in my order! It's gonna go straight to my butt, d'you want it?"

"Aah... well, they said the mercs they hired for the trip here were really good - you know those big trolls, yeah? He told me one came at 'em, and they just jumped through the air and cut 'im right up," He said. "But they were really expensive, and he didn't want to pay for a return trip. Apparently they went off to the temple here in the city."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise nodded to the barman when he told her what her tab was for the drink, letting him know that she understood and would pay him before she left. When Aleth told her why she was nervous and whatnot Elise couldn't help but feel even more angry at that bitch Sari.

What could she possibly complain about to get you and your captain in trouble? That I told her the truth about what a bitch she is. Hell if that's enough for you to get in trouble then I'd leave if I were you. And I've gotta worry about it some Aleth, because I'm half demon, and you are too, because we've got to watch out for each other you know. And don't worry Aleth, I'll vouch for you if someone sees you in here and says anything, I'll just tell them that you were showing me around and I needed a drink or something,” Elise told her friend before she went over to the mercs, giving her a friendly smile and patting her on the shoulder. Sure she was in a lot of emotional pain herself and all, but that wouldn't prevent her from being nice to a friend, or someone she considered a friend at least. She nodded when Aleth told her she didn't know the mercs and thanked her anyway as she prepared to go speak with the mercs.

When she'd gotten up to go over to talk with the mercs after making herself decent, she was so thankful that Jivi and Roxanne got up with her, and when she felt whichever one of them it was that wrapped one of their tentacles around her thigh, it gave her a bit of courage with which to make her offer to the mercenaries. After the three of them made their way across the room over to where they were heading, Elise heard a man whisper off to the side and hearing that actually gave her a bit of hope, thinking maybe she could pay with her body if she had to. However after she'd made her offer to the merc captain she watched him throw his thumb over his shoulder at the traders his group was protecting Elise felt her heart sink a bit and everyone would see her shoulders slump a little, almost in a defeated way.

She then overheard all of the others talking around the one that seemed to be the captain and that made her think that even had they not been under contract already they likely wouldn't have accepted any offer she'd give them anyway. However not all of her hopes were dashed as the captain told her about some other mercs that were at the temple, though from the way he talked they were probably to pricey for Elise, however she didn't have many other options at the moment, so she might as well follow this through and check to see just how much she'd have to pay for these... super mercs for lack of a better term.

Oh... well thanks anyway then sir, and sorry to trouble you all. And thank you for giving me a lead to someone that might be able to help me, it's more than I was expecting at least,” Elise replied to the merc captain, bowing her head some in thanks as she walked away, looking quite depressed.

She would head back over to the barman and pay her tab before looking over to Aleth again. “Well Aleth, can you show me to the temple they spoke of please? At the very least I'll be able to look into it some. I mean who knows, maybe if I pray something good will happen for me,” Elise said to her new friend, looking quite dispirited about yet another bust in her search for someone for help.

Jivi, Roxanne, and Aleth would all likely have noticed that every one of their encounters today in which Elise's hopes for aid to save her parents had been dashed were taking their toll on her spirit, leaving her at the point that she looked as if she had no hope left within her at all as they headed on towards the temple, her eyes downcast and barely looking where she was going as she followed Aleth to the temple with Jivi and Roxanne following her.

Taken out 1 denarii for the tab.