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Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

Kaylynn: HP = 11/30, PP = 25, EP = 25, Status = Bound, Grappled, Stunned, Weakened

Grapple: Enemy wins.
Pleasure (Kaylynn) : 6 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 - 10 = 22 PP, Kaylynn orgasms.
Pleasure (Grok) : 3 + 5 + 7 = 15 PP, Grok cums inside of Kaylynn.
Damage: 2 + 2 = 4 * 2 = 8 damage.

Her assailant didn't seem to notice Kaylynn's weakening struggles as he happily humped away at her from behind while yanking on the rope holding her arms behind her back. Every thrust into her depths caused the tip of the goblin's rod to tap against Kaylynn's cervix, throbbing harder and hard with every thrust as his orgasm neared. Kaylynn's own release was rapidly building as well, every wild thrust against her upturned bottom bringing her closer to her peak despite her attempts to fight it.

Another loud slap sounded over the sounds of Grok's groans as his open hand impacted against her tanned bottom, causing her dark skin to become red and another squirt of her love juices to be expelled from her sex. She could feel the cock pounding into her insides rubbing against her most sensitive parts as it grew thicker and harder, and as another smack landed upon her raised ass Kaylynn couldn't take any more, her will breaking and her pussy releasing a torrent of juices as she orgasmed around Grok's member. During her climax, Kaylynn's overwhelmed mind barely registered that the throbbing had intensified, but when the first tremendous spurt of liquid fire shot against her cervix Kaylynn definitely recognized it.

His first climax hadn't seemingly drained the goblin any, as his second load was just as impressive as the first. Stream after stream of thick, hot sperm fired into her spasming sex, painting Kaylynn's insides white. When they each came down from their mutual release, Grok let out a satisfied grunt and slumped back, his cock popping out of Kaylynn's sex and letting some of his seed drip down on the ground, though most of it remained trapped within her deepest depths by gravity and her own clenched muscles. Kaylynn was exhausted, her willpower drained after so much abuse, and her climax had left her barely able to think or move for at least a few moments.
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Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

There is nothing I can do, tied the way I am, the goblin yanking back on the rope binding my wrists. And every time I think about trying something, a well time slap to my backside throws all that awry. I can feel my the heat rising, my ass almost surely turning a slightly reddish color.

Helpless as I am, with the goblin continuing to pound into me from behind, there's nothing I can do other than await the rise of an impending orgasm, which hits me way sooner than I would have liked. What is wrong with my body? Why is it reacting like this?

So lost in my own orgasm, I hardly noticed when the goblin had an orgasm of his own. I could feel it filling me up - certainly no goblin should be able to cum that much! When he finally finished I felt him pull out and I slumped down to the ground, exhausted after being so thoroughly used, my huge release wiping out the majority of what stamina I had left.
Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

Kaylynn: HP = 30, PP = 25, EP = 25, Status = Fine

Grok pulled away from Kaylynn as she collapsed to the ground, and she never saw the club coming before her head started splitting and she blacked out completely.


Kaylynn awoke to more pain, the memory of just before she'd blacked out gradually filtering in. She was alone in a dark room, lying on a mat beneath some blankets. She was still nude, and completely unarmed as well. The room that she was in was fairly featureless save for the bedroll she was lying on, a window to her left that let in a few rays of what looked like morning sunlight through paper blinds, and a door on the opposite side of the room.
Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

I awaken slowly, rubbing my eyes to clear my blurred vision. I feel a sharp pain pulsing on the top of my head - there is a bump that is quite sore to the touch. I groggily get to my feet, surveying the room around me. Shivering as I begin to remember what happened to me, I wrap my arms around me and head towards the door, hoping to see if maybe they forgot to lock it.
Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

Kaylynn: HP = 30, PP = 25, EP = 25, Status = Fine

The door turned out to be securely locked, but before Kaylynn could try her hand at picking her way out there was a series of grunts that might have been words from just outside of it, and after a series of clicks the door suddenly swung open. Momentarily blinded by the light that suddenly streamed into her eyes from the corridor beyond, Kaylynn was roughly grabbed by two sets of arms before she could react, and before she could do much to struggle manacles were closed around her wrists. "C'mon human, the mistress wanted to see you when you woke up," a gruff, masculine voice said, and the two sets of arms began dragging Kaylynn down a hallway regardless of any attempts to struggle on her part.

Her eyes eventually adjusted to the light, allowing her to see properly once more, and she found herself between two men wearing black leather armor who looked completely human save for the curved demonic horns jutting from their heads and their bright crimson eyes. Neither of them said a thing to her as they dragged her down the hall, past numerous other similarly dressed guards and goblins like Grok, as well as a number of scantily clad women possessed of more numerous demonic features. The walls were lined with stones that glowed blue and white, providing the illumination that had blinded her earlier, and the walls themselves were crafted of finely carved wood and were clearly well maintained.

Kaylynn was eventually led up a flight of stairs and down another hall, through an oak door and into a great hall, which was filled with a number of dining tables that were all currently unoccupied. The only person in the room was a woman seated in a carved wooden throne on a stage on the opposite end of the door, bull-like horns jutting from her head and great, bat-like wings curled around her front. Kaylynn was throne at her feet, and with a wave of her hand she dismissed the two guards, who departed immediately. The woman stared off, not even looking at Kaylynn where she lay on the floor, her arms still chained together.
Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

I gasped when they surprised me at the door. Before I could react my hands were chained together and I was yanked out of the room. I tried to fight them and push off, but there wasn't much I could do with my wrists manacled together and those two big brutes dragging me down the hallway. I tried to keep an idea on my surroundings, for when I got a chance to escape, but it was all such a blur and before I knew it, they threw me down in front of some woman.

She appeared to not be paying attention of me, but I was going to have none of it! "What are you doing to me! What is this outrage! Let me go this instant!!"
Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

Kaylynn: HP = 30, PP = 25, EP = 25, Status = Fine

The woman briefly ignored Kaylynn as the half-bound human spoke, but when she raised her voice the woman glared at her sharply, and what she'd intended to say was cut off as her throat was suddenly constricted by an invisible force. Kaylynn found herself gasping for breath that would not come, very nearly blacking out before the invisible grasp around her neck was released. The winged woman smirked down at Kaylynn as she gasped for breath and said in a cold but harmonious voice, "You speak when not spoken to. Each time you do as such, you will be punished accordingly until you have learned proper humility. While I'm sure that you had a name before entering my service, you need not remember it. From here on out, you are Pet."

She paused to smirk at Kaylynn again, daring her to speak in return. If she did, the same constriction around her throat from before would occur before the first syllable had even left her mouth, ceasing only when Kaylynn had nearly blacked out. Continuing on in a crisp tone regardless of Kaylynn's reactions, "Now, it is time to explain the game to you! You see, my subjects grow bored from time to time, and in the hours in which I'm not running this place I try to come up with ways in which they can entertain themselves constructively. With the plan I have for you, they might even learn a thing or two! Now, pay close attention," she gestured with one hand and Kaylynn was lifted bodily into the air by another invisible force, her breath once more constricted but not enough to push her quickly toward passing out. All the while, the woman wore the same patient smile as if she were addressing a friend about the weather.

"Now, as my new entertainment, you'll be sent out alone into the woods, and it will be my subject's task to go forth and retrieve you! You may use whatever we leave you and whatever you find of course, and any of my minions whom you manage to kill while out on the hunt were obviously too weak to be allowed to live anyway, so you'll not be punished for them. Any of my subjects who capture you are rewarded by free use of your body before bringing you back in. Put on a merry chase, and you will be rewarded! Put on a poor performance like last night, however, and you will be punished~!" Kaylynn was released from the invisible grasp and allowed to fall to the floor with a thump.
Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

Pet? Entertainment? Poor performance? Ideas rushing through my head as I slowly pick myself up off the floor, first up onto my knees, glancing back behind me for any guards. I began backing my way slowly towards the door to the Great Hall, keeping my eye the woman who just assaulted me.
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Re: Rough (KaylynnMarie33)

Kaylynn: HP = 30, PP = 25, EP = 25, Status = Fine

There were no guards in the large hallway, meaning that Kaylynn was alone with the demoness sitting across from her. The woman wore an amused smirk as Kaylynn climbed slowly to her feet and backed towards the door, and after she'd gone a short ways, the woman casually asked; "Where do you think you're going to go, hrm?"