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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

The foxmans ears had perked up a little as Oormi responded to his offer, and nodded slightly at the suggestion that he'd bring Lumi with him instead. Her last sentence, and Lumi's thoughts on the matter, was enough to dissuade him. He gave both the shorter kitsunes a nod in the end, and smiled uncertainly at Oormi. "Very well, I'll try to find something for you."

Kherem had looked a little confusedly at the form he was given, but didn't dally in writing down his information on it. His handwriting was steady and to the point, one would likely have to look around for plainer text than his, but it was readable and that mattered as far as the swordsman was concerned. Three rows to be filled out on the card was clear enough to him that he didn't bother with more questions. As he was told that there was help to find and a filing system to pursue he would put his card away and offer the receptionist a polite smile. "Thank you."

With that business taken care of, he would turn to head inside the library. Once in there, and after a brief moment of gawking incase the library was particularly extravagant and/or large, he would turn his attention to Lumi briefly. "Want to split up, or look together?" His gaze next turned to his surroundings, to find the mentioned filing system or other directions. He knew he wanted books on Blacksmithing and Enchanting, if mostly the second. He would look up where to find either or both after Lumi had answered him.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"It'll be faster if we split up," Lumi replies with a shrug while looking around with interest. "But we're probably supposed to stay together since I'm in as your guest." The white kitsune would also look for the mentioned filing system to find out where the books about alchemy were kept.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Oormi would see the other two off with a smile and a wave, and then take a position in an out of the way corner of the room, or a seat if that was available. She remained there happy enough simply for the time to give things some thought on her own. After all, she had much to think about.

It was less than a year ago that she had begun training with the sword, and she had finally put all that training to use. All those hours of sparring and even the bruises, injuries, and broken fingers seemed worth every second after it had culminated in not only defeating a demon knight and standing in extended melee against someone as magnificent with blades as Fiona was. Even her mother's training seemed worthwhile after the fights in the arena, despite that it still inspired an instinctive shudder in the blind girl. She remembered those training sessions especially well. To that day, the mere term 'warmups' was enough to make the kitsune nauseous. Often times she required a healer when her mother's lessons ended.

And yet when others were instructing Oormi her mother seemed to appear from the aether at regular intervals to check on her safety, doubly so when she was with the gruffs and satyrs. She wasn't the only one who went through it, although her full sister and her sidhe and nymph siblings knew how to slip under the radar when they really wanted to. She wondered just how her siblings were doing then. It hadn't been very long at all since she had set out and she already missed them. Maybe she ought to write a letter in return to Lady Jasmine and ask about them, at the very least she might be able to make it into a good exercise on figuring out how to write legibly without magical ink.

There was a lot that she should've been planning for the future, she supposed. She hadn't really given much thought as to what she had even wanted to accomplish on her trip before she set out, simply that she wanted to take an adventure on her own. It was by dumb luck that she'd ended up in Acheron's gladiator tournament, and it was by similar circumstance that she'd attend another a week later. She had also found two goals that might occupy her for a good while in accompanying her new-found allies and in overcoming Fiona. The blind girl would even have her hands full in trying to find work and meeting with the man who'd sent her that letter in the hopes of earning the coin necessary for lodging and meals in Acheron.

That wasn't enough for her, though. She had simply stumbled into all of those or been introduced into them by necessity. She was certainly happy both with the friends she had made and at least her first two performances in the arena, but she wanted more. Oormi wanted something grander then, a personal goal to make her adventure not only one that was fulfilling for herself, but one that might leave the world better for her having made her mark on it. Her desire was something rivaling the accomplishments of her parents. Ideas for such a goal didn't come as easily as she might have hoped, though. She'd have to give that some thought, and where better to start on that than while sitting in a lobby while waiting for the other two to return?

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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 75/90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 34/59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 46/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)


The inn keeper of the Wet Witch, a demoness in a slightly over-the-top outfit representing the classical interpretation of a witch that seemed to be the dress code for employees there, would announce that it was three denarii for a small room and then let Melissa be on her way. The inn lacked notably in any sort of notice boards where one might find ways to easily make money, but she would remember such being universally the case, as a decree had come down that such mercenary work had to be regulated and centralized as much as possible. Businesses that took in contracts and then doled them out to people like her were relatively commonplace, the market being highly competitive, and three such offices could be found within three blocks of the inn where she was staying, all of which she could easily gather or recall some simple information about.

The Swords of Pafeld was the closest, and also the largest, one of the few in Acheron that hired out to full professional companies rather than just random adventurers. It had a good reputation for treating its hires well but also tended to take a fairly heft cut from the rewards of any jobs on offer. The Ranthis Circle was a much smaller organization, but one with a sterling reputation that only took on jobs that payed reasonably well and weren't suicidal or illegal. The Soldiers of Dondo was a much shadier group situated off of the main road, often accused of taking on contracts involving illegal work even though the guards had yet to prove anything. They would probably be the easiest for some quick coin, but there would be a degree of danger involved in even going to ask after work there.

~~~~Fluffy Tails Reunited~~~~​

Leaving Oormi to her own devices in the lobby, Lumi and Kherem would enter the Royal Library to find it quite expansive, managing to cram a huge number of books into a small space while still having room for desks, tables, and some open areas through which people could walk. It was slightly chaotic in organization, however, and it would take Kherem a few minutes to locate the section containing practical manuals while Lumi picked up a binder constituting a copy of the library's filing system. What both of them wanted turned out to be in the same general location, and Kherem would be able to peruse texts on the basics of enchanting, which seemed to be fairly common and quite varied, while Lumi looked for volumes on alchemy. Whether they wanted something in particular or textbooks that went over the basics, they could find both, and refining their searches would help them locate what specifically they wanted, which Lumi would find easy with the filing system clutched in her hands.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"Might be for the best." Kherem shortly replied to Lumi, and as Lumi decided to pursue the library's filing system he figured he might as well do the same; if only to expediate their visit. With the handy binder in hand it hardly proved difficult for him to find what he sought; manuals of the crafts he had a desire to pursue. That the kind of books his fairer companion sought was in the same general area as his own interests was fortunate, albeit logical. "Enchanting, Weapons..." the swordsman murmured to himself quietly as his gaze went between his binder and the collection of books before and around him. He only had three picks so he would prefer making it count, though he had a good idea of what he wanted; A basic manual of general enchanting, preferably a manual specificly about weapon enchantments, and finally... He stopped in his tracks at this point in his thinking. He was meant to find Oormi a book too, wasn't he? But with the available selection... A book about metals and their properties or about various melee weapons, preferably about swords, would've been nice too. Kherem groaned quietly at his predicament. Although it was a fairly minor one in the end; he would opt for borrowing a book for Oormi as his third pick... He could always return to the library some other day to look again... He would likely be kept fairly occupied with what he had found already anyhow.

After he had picked the two books he wanted for himself, one for general enchanting and one for weapon enchantments, he'd refer to the binder again; books in braile, but of what sort... 'adventure' or anything along those lines, if only because that was what Oormi had said reading a book at random would be like to her. After having figured out where to head next he'd turn his gaze to Lumi, eyeing the shorter Kitsune a bit curiously. "Found something interesting yet? I can wait if you haven't, my next stop will be finding something for Oormi, but after that I think I'm done here for today. Unless you have other sections to pursue before we leave?" Whether Lumi was ready or he would have to wait didn't matter much to him; either way he'd sooner or later head over to the section of the library containing books in braile where he would try and find something... Though unless the books had pictures on the cover, something he figured was unlikely, he'd just grab one at random. And unless Lumi had other books she wanted to look for he'd head off to check out the books he had picked up.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Lumi's tail twitches nervously as she gets to the alchemy section. Not paying much attention to Kherem, the kitsune wonders how she's supposed to know which books are good and which aren't and what would she even be looking for. Let's see... I suppose there's books on how to make drugs here somewhere. Or maybe those would be in restricted area. And it would look suspicious if I picked up something like that the first time, and I'm looking like myself, too. Maybe I should come pick them later while looking different? But I don't even know if I'll be able to understand them if I do pick them up. Alchemists probably have something like flash lingo, eventhough they also have books. So maybe I can learn their lingo from their books. But which ones? And they probably don't want to make it too easy for others to learn alchemy; that's how I'd do it. Maybe I'll just pick one, I can always come back for more.

Defeated in the intellectual battle by the sheer multitude of books and prodded to action by Kherem's comment, Lumi resorts to randomly picking one that looks somewhat comprehensible before nodding to Kherem, still eyeing the books warily and clutching the one she picked tightly against her chest. As they come back to the front desk, Lumi sheepishly asks for a library card, accidentally using her real name while filling it, still nervous from all the books.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

At some other point during the wait, Oormi's thoughts turned elsewhere. No matter how much thought she gave to the subject, an idea for some grander quest or goal to pursue simply wasn't coming to her. After enough frustration over that, she had instead allowed her mind to wander and when it wandered she couldn't help but repeat the arena battles in her head over and over. She was proud of what she had accomplished, but the more the kitsune thought about it the more mistakes and failings she picked out. She supposed her continued training was another thing she hadn't given enough thought to before she had left. Still, at least in the end she had already come up with some ideas in that vein and found that others flowed easily as she considered the fighting styles of both her allies and her enemies in those fights, as opposed to the current zero tally on how she might make a difference on her journey.

By the time Lumi and Kherem emerged from the library to check out their books, however, Oormi's thoughts had grown scattered into even more directions as she mentally drew up list after list of things that she ought to think about and consider and should do and could do now that she was on her own. During that time, she had begun to absentmindedly doodle simplified, miniaturized drawings of her parents and her various sisters on a nearby surface using nothing but her finger and a bit of magic. It took her a few moments to realize that the two figures in her unique vision were her teammates, but when she did the blind foxgirl wiped away her drawings by dispelling the magic responsible for their existence and stood up as she waited for the two to conclude their business that they might regroup and leave for the inn.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 75/90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 34/59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 46/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)



~~~~Fluffy Tails Reunited~~~~​

Lumi, when asking for one, would shake the receptionist from the stupor she'd fallen into while watching Oormi drawing on the wall with magic, and would get her her library card and hand it over, making no apparent note of her choice of book or that she'd used her real name. Kherem, in the meantime, would be able to pick out a book geared towards the basics of weapon enchanting, and then grabbed a braille book at random for Oormi. When he handed it over, Oormi would find that it was apparently a romance novel titled The Golden Fields of Sustrain about a pair of women who illicitly fell in love in a Southern province of Badaria.

After checking out with their various findings, they would be able to depart to the Wet Witch, and when they were at the tavern would be able to get their rooms.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Once the group's business was handled and they were all reunited and Kherem passed Oormi the book he had picked, Oormi would reply with a simple but cheery; "Thanks!" After reading the title and opening the book open in order to flip through the first few pages and get an idea of what it was about, however, her demeanor changed noticeably as a blush began to grow across her cheeks. Just what kind of book had Kherem picked out for her? She opened it to a random page to further investigate and just as suddenly rapidly snapped it shut....

Oh, it was that kind of book.

By that point her face had turned red enough to double as a distress beacon. The blind kitsune's tail swished anxiously through the air behind her as she clutched the book closely to her. Her ears twitched to and fro conspiratorially and she behaved more like a woman in possession of illegal contraband than one holding a smutty romance book. Oormi simply couldn't shake the feeling that her parents might pop up behind her at any moment or someone might chastise her for holding such a naughty novel or the people around her might simply know and judge her accordingly—not that she was doing herself any favors in remaining inconspicuous about it. At the same time though, it was sort of thrilling. There she was in Acheron, entirely in charge of herself for the first time in her life, and she could read whatever she liked, even smut.

Oormi quickly stuffed the book into the bundle of clothes she had received earlier, and then physically grabbed her own tail, which had begun wagging happily after that last realization, in order to stop it. Now she just needed to play it off to her two comrades as if nothing odd had happened, it wasn't like they could read braille, right? "Y-you've made a really good choice! I can't wait to read it. Ahaha... I-I don't know about you two but I'm definitely ready for that bath and bed now though! Why don't we get going! The day isn't getting any younger, after all!" Real smooth.

Later on, regardless of how that exchange had gone, once they arrived at the inn, Oormi would attempt to work out a deal with the innkeeper to trade one of the potions the faeries had given her for a small room for the night—preferably one with a lock, though if it came down to it she would settle for one without rather than offering up her second potion. When she had secured her lodgings, the kitsune would excuse herself to stash everything but the clothes on her back and her signet ring in her room, and then make her way down to the baths. At least assuming that nothing happened which would require her to change any part of those plans.

Sorry to threadmates if I've made any undue assumptions. I just wanted to get my post out asap so that I didn't potentially leave the thread waiting again. Will edit if necessary.

Also, trading 1 of Oormi's EP potions for a night at the inn.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

As they meet up with Oormi and Kherem hands her the book, Oormi's reaction causes Lumi to raise an eyebrow. "Sounds like Kherem made a good choice, then." the white-haired kitsune comments dryly.

As the trio arrives at the inn, Lumi tugs Oormi's sleeve. "Would you mind sharing a room? There's little reason to pay for more rooms than we need, after all." Lumi asks the short kitsune, carefully keeping her voice casual, though she's more nervous than she'd care to admit.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"Not at all! It seems like we're all interested in sticking around for the tournament, after all," the blind kitsune answered, and left it at that. She couldn't think of any reason why it would hurt to share a room, and if anything having a comrade nearby would make the stay safer given her vulnerability before she weaved her magic in the morning. The idea of a private bedroom all to herself seemed almost odd and overly rich in comparison to sleeping arrangements among the faeries, anyway.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Melissa checked the inn over for a noticeboard of some description for a few seconds before stopping and slapping herself. The new merc system was just one of many things she was still trying to commit to memory. At least choosing from one of the groups wouldn't be too hard; while she had little personal experience with any of them, the warrior had heard enough for her gut to form it's own conclusions. Pafeld and Dondo both felt like worse choices than Ranthis, and both for the same reason - being too likely to take the coin Melissa needed for her own ends. Still briming with the urge to compete, the human made the short treck to the Ranthis Circle's doorstep, looking for someone she could question about their current requests.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 75/90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 34/59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 46/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)


Journeying from the Wet Witch to the headquarters of the Ranthis Circle, Melissa found herself entering a relatively small building that had obviously once been someone's home, now re-purposed as the headquarters of the small mercenary organization. A fairly new company, they hadn't expanded much and the staff seemed to comprise mostly of demons, at least as far as the folk present in the entrance chamber were concerned. Two figures were sitting on padded chairs sitting against the walls, and a third was lying on a couch, but the main focus of the room was the person sitting behind the desk immediately opposite the entrance. All four were demons of varying appearance, though all had horns jutting from their temples and spaded tails wound around their waists. The only woman in the room was the one behind the desk, however, and she looked up with her blood red eyes upon the half-daemon's entrance and smiled in welcome while the three men, the one on the couch sleeping and the two sitting in chairs on the right side of the room both apparently reading silently, all ignored her.

"Hello.... Can I help you with something?" she said brightly, her pale, unnaturally beautiful face turned up into a friendly smile that perfectly matched her sugary tone. Clad in crisply pressed blue robes that were far less revealing than one would normally expect from a demoness, the conservative dress a statement demanding respect rather than lust.

~~~~Fluffy Tails Reunited~~~~​

When she offered the innkeeper a potion rather than coin, Oormi wouldn't see the frown that crossed the demon's face as he glanced at the bottle she offered. "You get that from a reputable potion maker then?" he asked suspiciously, but once she told him that it was from the arena and allowed him to examine it, he judged it sufficient payment enough and handed her a key. Initially, he told her the room number, but then said he'd send a serving wench to show her where her room was, though he'd add that keeping her from her duties for too long would cost extra. After that, she would be released on her own recognizance.

Lumi, in the meantime, would get out of paying for a room by getting Oormi to share hers, causing the innkeeper to roll his eyes and mutter something about planning before walking off to deal with another customer. They wouldn't get a second key, it seemed, and Oormi had been given a key for room 207, letting them do as they liked with the rest of their night. Melissa wasn't present, and Kherem was still waiting to flag down the barman to get his own room.

An important out of character note:
At this point I'm guessing that Smokefish has dropped out of DG entirely, as he hasn't posted for several months. I am willing to continue this thread with as many or as few of you as want to continue, but given that Kherem was the party glue and that I have no desire to run another thread where a male character who was formerly a PC is now an NPC, I'll have to write him out of the thread somehow and figure out other things for people to do that will result in this not being so many completely separate games run in one thread. Get back to me with opinions or suggestions. Not doing so in a relatively timely manner (I'll give you two weeks) means I assume that you're dropping out too.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"It's faerie-made," the blind foxgirl explained to the man. "You can inspect it if you'd like," she continued before handing the potion over for the man to scrutinize. After their transaction was completed she was happy enough to take her key and let his apparently irritable mood go without comment. Following that, she awaited the serving woman designated to guide the other foxgirl and her to their shared room, and upon arrival and after ensuring that her key worked properly and inquiring about the baths, mainly the availability of something to wear in them and whether her inn fee had covered her usage of them, she thanked the tavern maid for her time and allowed her to get back to her work.

Once at her room, the kitsune scanned her lodgings for the night in her own altered way. It was odd to say the least. She was used to sleeping on beds of flowers underneath the stars, even if they were invisible to her wavesight, with those accommodations usually shared by some number of sisters or brother or faeries or otherwise. No matter how grand the room might've been, and undoubtedly at the minimal price she had paid for it there was very little grandness to be had, it would've seemed small in comparison to the beds she was used to. Yet, there was still something to be said for the fact that it was a bed that she had chosen and even paid for.

She deposited her bundle of clothes in a corner, as well as her book and her other gear. I'm going to need a satchel for my things and a canteen, she realized as the combined total of her equipment took up an impressive square of space on the floor. That would wait until the next day though, when she might earn more coin from a bit of work and shop for one that suited her. For the time being, however, she had a different goal in mind. "I'm going to make use of the baths that Kherem spoke about," she would remark, assuming Lumi had followed her into the room. "Would you like to join in?"

Of course if the other kitsune hadn't followed her for whatever reason, the blind girl would avoid talking to herself or any figments of her imagination and instead make her way down to the baths, locking the door behind her as she went.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Having found at least one book to his tastes Kherem was pleased with the trip to the library. Oormi's reaction of mixed anxious embarassment and budding excitement made him curious about the book he had gotten his companion though. Just what kind of book was it? As Oormi commented on him having made a decent choice, and the quick change of topic, he only looked on her with curiosity in his eyes. And a small, wry, smile on his lips as he replied jestingly. "Good to hear, perhaps you could read some of it for us later on?" He didn't need an answer to that, though if it made her squirm or fluster a bit he'd feel a bit guilty about it.

As far as sleeping arrangements were concerned, Kherem was fine with letting the two female Kitsunes work it out between eachother. And while the thought of sharing bed with one or both of them crossed his sometimes unfocused min, it certainly wasn't a prospect he'd put into words. He wouldn't say much during the trip to the Wet Witch, as he occupied himself with reading snippes from the book he had picked out from the library. That he wasn't asked about his thoughts regarding the groups lodgings was just as well as far as he was concerned.

Once at the inn itself Kherem would slow to a halt, letting Oormi and Lumi take their time arranging their lodgings, while he continued idly reading the book he had procured. Being attentive to his surrounding weren't one of his strongest points. Suffice to say that ,unless he had been called by Oormi or Lumi, by the time the tall swordsman managed to put the book down his two companions would be nowhere in his sight. It didn't concern him an awful lot though; they'd surely bump into eachother again soon enough.

With his mind at ease Kherem would wait for an opportune time to approach the barkeep, when the Demon weren't occupied with other costumers or otherwise looking troubled, and offered the man a polite smile. "Greetings, I'd like to rent a room for the night. And if you happen to know anything about...", Kherr quickly reached into one of his pockets, pulling out both his coinpurse and the personal envelope he had recieved, retrieving the letter from the latter to find the name written there before continuing, "A person by the name 'Angela Ansazria', I'd appreciate any information you could share about her."
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Lumi happily follows Oormi into their room, not even thinking to ask for a second key. Once in the room, she looks around, making a note to check the room more thoroughly before going to sleep and dropping her new clothes and the book on a chair. "A bath sounds lovely. I feel dirty in more ways than one." the white-haired and -tailed kitsune replies in her usual quiet voice, taking the green outfit and following Oormi to inquire after the baths.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 75/90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 34/59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 46/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)



~~~~Fluffy Tails Reunited~~~~​

Speaking to the maid who saw her to her room, Oormi would be told that the baths were included as part of the room, that she would be given a towel and that she could wear very little as it wasn't a laundry service, and that she could leave her things in her room if she liked. The room she'd rented was reasonably well furnished, having all the basics including a bed large enough for her and Lumi to share comfortably. Both would be able to leave their things in their room and go down to the baths, which were for men and women and fairly large, though also occupied. Everyone else would be naked, and other than a brief glance would ignore the two kitsunes when they came in. There were lockers along the room, some of them taken and others not, and they would be able to stow their towels, the key, and any of their garments that they had left on while moving through the tavern.

Kherem, in the meantime, would end up talking to the male barkeep. "Yes, it's 3 denarii for a night in a small room and the baths or 8 for the suite and a private bath," he would say regarding the room, and then snorted derisively at his question. "What do you think this is, an information booth?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"Ahaha.... M-maybe tomorrow!" Oormi's blushing returned as she replied to Kherem's request that she read his chosen novel aloud for the group. Or maybe never.


The foxgirl very quickly began to regret not budgeting some swimwear after being informed about the nature of the baths. Open, nude baths had been commonplace among the faeries — in truth, open, nude everything, including sparring, sports, and eating, had been commonplace enough among the fey — but it had never quite stopped Oormi from being shy about her own body. Her last match in the arena hadn't exactly been a confidence booster either. At the same time, she had all but demanded of herself that she wouldn't let that fallen angel's actions take anything more from her than they already had. And while she wasn't exactly sure that any degree of public nudity was the cure to anything, she did really want to relax in the baths for a while.

So, she would grab her towel, remove her dress and blindfold, fold them, and leave them in the room with the rest of her belongings, and then once Lumi was adequately prepared in her own way the blind foxgirl would lock the door behind them and head for the baths. Oormi was confident enough that her underwear choice of black camisole and boy shorts were modest enough to walk to the baths without being overly defensive with her towel. She proved a little less quick to strip down, however, and purposely found a locker that would put her as out of view as possible before taking off her remaining underwear before stowing her goods in that locker.

Once she was fully nude, all that was left was to take the plunge and enter the bath. Yet, that proved to be the easiest part, and she did so without incident. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting in truth, but the strangers sharing the public baths seemed no more lascivious than the faeries she used to bathe with. The more that became apparent to her, the more the foxgirl relaxed, allowing herself to melt into the feeling of the water as it helped to relieve the soreness still present in her muscles. And that was what she intended on doing with the majority of her time in the public baths, unless something interrupted her or otherwise required her attention.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

As telling as the demoness receptionists' attire was, Melissa's was all the more so. Most of blackwing had been washed away by Lumi earlier, but there was enough of her blood - and countless months of other's - in the humans leathers that marking her as anything other than a fighter would be impossible. Moreover, it showed its wearer's general lack of reservation towards getting dirty, towards getting her possessions warn ragged - and, it could be assumed, putting herself in danger.

"Hopefully you can. I'm looking for mercenary work, anything that'll pay well." she replied, resting her arms on the desk with brash familiarity. The Ranthis Circle's abode certainly seemed to be living up to their reputation as small, at any rate... successful was something the half-daemon had yet to see with her own eyes, but she was trusting of word of mouth (perhaps too much so), and so was happy enough believing it to be true.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Following Oormi's example, Lumi heads to the baths in her admittedly worn underwear and carrying a towel which she then discards into an empty locker with a slight blush. She could remember all too well having to wash with cold rain water with other thieves leering at her and making suggestions. At least this time no-one was staring at her. Staying close to Oormi, the first thing Lumi does is sink all the way to her ears into the warm water, emerging moments later to breathe while keeping her eyes closed.