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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa took a moment to check for people who might be listening in, without really bothering to hide that fact, looking around conspiratorially. Once satisfied she wouldn’t be overheard, the bulkier human placed both hands on Lumi’s shoulders and looked the magic fox in the eye, a good deal of force to her expression. “I need you to invisible me, and don’t ask why.” While the kitsumage’s general paranoia gave her human companion the impression that she was someone who probably often found themselves on the wrong side of the law, Melissa wasn’t quite trusting enough of that fact to assume that Lumi would help her cheat in the competition. Better to at least try to get her help without her knowledge of Melissa’s intentions, first.

“Alright, look… you’re not a chivalrous person like those two, are you?” the question was a poorly worded one, easily giving away which answer the human was looking for. Should Lumi answer negatively, Melissa obviously quietened down and refused to tell the other rogue her plans, unintentionally revealing her general non-chivalrous intent. If Lumi answered in the affirmative, however, Melissa laid bare the criminal plan.

“Okay… I was thinking of giving us a bit of an advantage. One of the other teams is right there, if we just dosed them with a bit of something foul – nothing deadly – it certainly couldn’t hurt our chances. Problem is, I don’t have anything to do it with, so I’d need to pull off two tricks in a row – acquiresome poison from the store, and then slip it to them. Now, I can’t see a way to do it by myself – at least, not if they can see me. And so… I need you to make me invisible.”

Lumi may note that the plan was a little bare. Even assuming Melissa could tell which potions were which at a glance, the human didn’t seem to have any thought on how to administer it. If there was nobody in the other group eating or drinking, actually poisoning themwould be probably near impossible. Even while invisible, she couldn’t exactly pry their mouth open and pour the poison down without them noticing. There were, of course, other methods of varying risk that could be used to have them consume the poison, or even hamper the opposing group in some other way. The question was whether or not Lumi wanted to help…
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The pale kitsune tenses as the half-daemon lays her hands on her shoulders, and her expression darkens considerably at the refusal of explanation. "Why?"

Melissa's question causes Lumi to raise an eyebrow as her tail swishes back and forth, as she answers quietly: "No, I'm not. What did you have in mind?"

As Melissa explains her plan, Lumi's frown deepens and questions fly through her mind. "What poison are you going to use? Where is the shopkeeper keeping it? How are you going to slip it to the others? And are you certain you can't get caught?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"It is true. But the faeries are a broad subject, I'm afraid I might not be able to cover everything of interest without more specific questions, Master Kherem." Oormi took another sip of her drink before continuing. "Broadly, they take on the duties of wardens of the natural world -- although I believe that satyrs and nymphs prefer to think of themselves more as wardens of a good time -- and they were, and still are, an extended family to me. It is hard to compare their culture to others, as it was the only one that I knew before arriving in Acheron."

The blind kitsune sipped from her mug again, determined to temper her response and not ramble on about the subject as she had done to Melissa. "Most are kind and welcoming, at least the group I lived with. Many a weary traveler has been saved by the appearance and generosity of a faerie... though the satyrs and nymphs do not always have the noblest of intentions when helping somebody..." The foxgirl's tone had drifted into that of a teacher admonishing a schoolchild as she added that. "But most any traveler who does not stand against the natural world and can earn their keep is welcomed by the fae."

After a pause, during which the short swordsman had forgotten her concerns enough to take an actual drink from the mug, she added to that statement. "There are some who do not and may never accept outsiders. Even in the relatively small sanctuary in which I came from, there were some who never accepted the presence of my family. They still bear grudges against the demons and other races who committed crimes against them in the past. Should you ever meet a faerie, please don't hold it against them if they are not the warm and welcoming kind of my tale."

"As for me, there is not much to tell. My parents are accomplished adventurers and I hope to follow in their footsteps and make my own name doing much the same. It is how I came to be in Acheron." She frowned for but a second, realizing that her attempt to avoid rambling on about the subjects had not yielded much success. The kitsune decided that the polite course of action was to stop herself there and, since she was curious anyway, inquire a bit into the taller fighter's origin and interest in the fae. "If you don't mind me asking, what has you interested in the faeries? And, if it's not probing too deeply, who trained you? Dual wielding weapons isn't a style I often saw in my home, to meet someone who is a practitioner feels almost like finding a rare gemstone."

The blind girl, for her part, would take the opportunity afforded by Kherem's reply to begin eating her sandwich and taking generous drinks of the milk in-between bites. She quickly forgot her worry that the furred warrior might have tampered with the meal.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The human’s initial reaction to Lumi’s questions wasn’t promising, not given the way she got a look of surprise, as if it was Melissa’s first time thinking of the problem. She was able to answer the last question without hesitation, however, and started from there. “If I can’t be seen, I can get it and get it to them, you can be sure of that. The shop had some poisons on the counter when I took a look from where we were before, even without seeing a label I recognised one non-fatal one that I already know the dosage for without thinking, serpent’s tongue. As for administering it… ah, I guess if they’re eating I can slip it to them… and there are a couple of poisons I know of that can be administered through the skin… if they’re in stock… and I recognise the label…” with each passingellipse, the roguish woman’s eyes grew further away from Lumi’s face. “Look, I had some ideas for getting it to them if they’re not eating already, but they weren’t things I could do. They likely wouldn’t accept food from someone they know to be a competitor, so I can’t just offer it to them. …maybe if I hire someone else to act like a fan and give them food, then poison it… ah, but I don’t have any money…”
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As Oormi excused herself in regards to her ability to satisfy Kherems curiosity about the fey, he simply nodded, and his ears perked up in full attention as the female Kitsune then began to explain her view and knowledge of the feyfolk. Kherem would not interrupt Oormi, not even during the brief pauses she offered from time to time. Although he still continued to enjoy the bowl of stew he had bought, if at a slower pace to hopefully not seem unappreciative towards Oormi's willingness to indulge his curiosity. Hopefully.

As Oormi finished talking about the fey, Kherem put aside his bowl to take a generous sip of his milk, ears twitching in attention as the female shared what she was willing to about herself. As Oormi inquired about him, he was quiet for a short time, as if letting it all sink in. "It must've been quite an experience growing up among the fey. I must admit I am feeling a tad jealous of such a chance, but I imagine it was not without hardship either. As for me...", Kherem paused, a hand rising to scratch under his chin as a ponderous 'hrm' rose within his throat. "My reasons to seek out the fey might sound barbaric, but I seek their blood.", Kherem moved his scritching hand out, as if to 'halt' Oormi from stopping his monologue. "I do not wish them harm, for they have done no ill to me or my kin, and I am willing to let my blood spill if it is required to obtain theirs. Mercenary work is what I am hoping to bargain with, as I have little else to offer in exchange.", Kherem lowered his hand, taking a deep breath, followed by a long-drawn sigh.

"While I hope you will not hold ill will towards me for such intentions, I understand if you do. And while I was hoping that you might be able to lead me to fey which I can bargain with, I do not expect you to, knowing what I need from them. Again, I assure you, my intentions are not to harm them, I am hoping to earn their blood, rather than spilling it with my blades.", again Kherem rose his hand to scratch under his chin and to 'hrm' before continuing. "As for my swordsplay... My Uncle taught me some basics, as he had served in the town militia for a fair amount of years. That, coupled with him and my mother being blacksmiths, likely lead to me finding my calling. That of a Swordsmith. As for my particular style, that of wielding two blades instead of one, that...", Kherem hang his head slightly in embarassment. "... Is not something I've been taught, per se, just me following my instincts. I seek to learn all I can about my swords, and as foolish and naive as it may sound... I thought wielding two at the same time would hasten such endeavors twofold.", Kherems voice was the same as his composure, embarassed and a little awkward at letting such a 'secret' be known, especially to one who had been taught proper swordsplay. He even made it sound as if such a crude method was, in hindsight, insulting to true swordsmen, or swordswomen as was the case with the current company.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The short swordsman shared her taller counterpart's patience when it came time for his reply. She allowed him to finish in full before framing her own response, taking his pauses as opportunities to slowly finish her sandwich. Her appetite only lasted until the other kitsune made his desire for fey blood known. Oormi's expression darkened, though she still did not interrupt, and her food and drink went untouched from then until the end of his explanation.

She was left trying to quantify the information imparted on her when he finished speaking. Having been too preoccupied with her own opponent in the arena to truly witness his style in action, she could only guess at what the revelation meant. The idea of picking up two swords in the hopes of learning about swords faster seemed almost immature to her. But, despite her doubts, she decided against reevaluating her trust in Kherem until after she could witness him in combat. He had slain a demonic knight, after all, and her mother had always been fond of the maxim that if something looks and sounds crazy but works then it isn't crazy at all.

"It is not unheard of," she finally responded after a pause spanning at least a minute. "The granting of boons by the faeries, that is. You might be offered a means of advancing the interests of the fey that would gain you such a favor." Oormi considered warning the tall kitsune against attempting to take any faerie blood by force, as she would do her best to defend the fae, but decided that he didn't seem like the type of person who would require such. She also contemplated attempting to deftly dodge the subject of leading him to some of the fae folk, but ended up choosing blunt honesty. "I might aid you in finding the fae when our time in Acheron's arena is at its end. I apologize and mean no offense to you, Master Kherem, but, while you feel like a kind soul, we have just met and doing so would not be an easy choice for me."

Her first thought upon moving onto the second subject was to lay a hand on the tall foxman's in order to comfort him. She decided against that too, instead resting her hands in her lap as she softened up and continued. "And do not feel foolish. Swordsmanship is a form of art, to develop your own style and make your own path is a beautiful thing. It's nothing to feel embarrassed about as long as your heart is dedicated." On an impulse, she added; "I have my own secret... I, um, I'm a pacifist of sorts. I don't believe in shedding blood. I took an oath never to kill unless it was in the defense of another. It probably sounds silly coming from somebody who wants to be an adventurer, but it's true." The short kitsune hung her head slightly in a recreation of what Kherem had done, a small blush rising in her cheeks. She wasn't really sure why she had shared that, since it felt childish to say it aloud, but, whatever the reason, it was out and in the open and hanging awkwardly in the air as she awaited Kherem's reply.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi looks Melissa from head to toes and back while she considers the woman's words. "That's a lot of ifs for such a simple plan."

Closing her eyes, the white-haired kitsune goes over the plan in her mind. "I'm not sure it's worth the risk. The invisibility spell isn't perfect and the shop might have wards of some sort. And slipping the poison to them might go wrong or they could realize they've been poisoned."

Finally Lumi shakes her head. "On top of everything else, we don't even know if we need the advantage. We did win last time after all, and we'll be better prepared for the next battle. I don't think it's worth the risk. I'm here for the money, and if we lose, we'll get at least some, but if we cheat and get caught, we probably won't get any."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 50/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 47/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

Melissa and Lumi had their quiet conversation while Kherem and Oormi ate, the food and drink both filling and tasty, and other than a slight tingling warmth that spread throughout them after taking a drink from the milk and an odd feeling when Kherem had finished his stew, they both felt quite good after finishing their respective meals. Melissa would note that a number of poisons were on display, though nothing special (effectively anything available in the character creation thread but nothing else) was in stock. She would also note that there didn't seem to be any particularly powerful magics around the shop, something that Lumi would recognize as well, though whether the numerous auras could be accounted for by the magical gear on sale or not was impossible for either of them to tell. In addition, Melissa spotted a sign hanging next to the stall that had the Acheron Arena's only permanent rule written on it; "Don't do anything that risks harming the crowd."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem had cringed slightly as he saw Oormi's features darkened as he revealed what he sought to obtain, and his ears hang low as the food he had offered went untouched for some time. Whatever sensation could be felt from the food, he paid it little mind, figuring it was just the warmth of the stew. Once his turn talking was over with, he'd do nothing to break the minute long silence, giving Oormi all the time she needed to make up her mind. When the swordswoman finally spoke up, Kherems ears twitched up in attention.

He nodded slowly as Oormi elaborated that there was a chance that he might earn what he desired rather than taking it by force, and the swordswoman calling him a kind soul lifted his spirits, and brought a sheepish smile to his lips. Still he nodded understandingly at the last part. "I understand, Lady Oormi, I will not force your hand, in one way or another.", his voice was a little uplifted, relieved even, but he'd fall silent once more to let Oormi continue speaking.

His ears once more twitched in attention as Oormi brought up the subject of swordsmanship. Again, her words made him smile, and even more broadly and goofishly then before at how she worded her opinion of him seeking to find his own path. Her little revelation made him blink confusedly though, but he would listen and take it all in, a ponderous 'hrm' rising in his throat for a little while before he finally responded. "I thank you for your words, it feels good, great even, to hear that from someone that is a more, ah... what is the word?... orthodox?... practitioner of swordsmanship?", he 'hrm'd again, but didn't slow down much in his speech. "Silly or not, I respect you for the oath you have taken, it is a very admirable decision you have made for yourself, on the path you have chosen for yourself.", Kherem smiled warmly, but it didn't last long, as the smile turned into a heavy sigh as he once more hang his head low, and a hand moving ontop of his head in a regretful way. "I... I really did something awful in our last match didn't I...?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The short foxgirl's cup went untouched after feeling the spreading warmth. She wasn't convinced that Kherem had drugged her drink, but she was suspicious enough to avoid ingesting anymore.

"Sad," she quickly corrected Kherem, wearing a carefully crafted expression of neutrality. "The rules of the arena are clear and the knight knew the risks." Despite her words, Oormi couldn't repress a sigh before she continued. "We are all slated to meet the ferry-woman." She narrowly avoided vocally using 'but', not wanting to sound as if she was judging the other kitsune, though the word was there in spirit. "It is still hard to simply let a death go. Many among the faeries have killed, some in the hundreds. They've done so for many reasons, hunting, self defense, vengeance, perceived threats. Even my mother was among them, to hear the tales that some of the fey would tell me. It always scared me to watch her sleep easily at night despite having the blood of so many on her hands," the swordsman admitted rather guiltily. "I don't think a person should ever let killing become too easy for themselves. Anytime something ends in a death, I think it's something to be reflected on."

"I don't think you're the type to become that sort of person, though," she said. It was more a statement of hope than certainty, she hadn't known the tall swordsman long enough to make any such judgment--though she shouldn't have had such an investment in him either, to be honest. Knowing that he had decapitated someone should have made her even less able to speak those words, but hope was a powerful thing. "And I don't think you need to continue addressing me as 'Lady', just Oormi is fine."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

“Ahh~aa… alright, I guess we’ll have to do this the shmuck way .”Melissa replied, clearly none too happy with the outcome. The sign’s subtlety was beyond her appreciation; the human continued to assume that there would be a punishment for fighting outside of the designated matches, though perhaps the kitsune would have a more active mind.

When Lumi failed her spot check in sequence with the human, Melissa returned, most likely alongside the kitsune, to their current arena team. Peering around the wall that gave their space it’s privacy, she found the pair she left was now in some form of sombre mood, which only served to turn the vulgar woman’s disappointment into something considerably more sour. People only got that kind of look when they’d made themselves sad by over-thinking things – a stupid action, in the rogue’s mind, one that she had never understood everyone’s tendency towards. Still, getting mad probably wouldn’t make them any less of a downer.

“AHA!” Melissa cried, pointing toward the pair of kitsune she had left, though it trailed off into another “ah~aa..” as they proved to be doing nothing interesting. Granted, she already knew that, but the declaration ought to have startled them out of their misery. “I leave you alone, and you don’t even bother to do anything incriminating.” She snatched her milk, dropped into her seat (directly beside Kherem), chugged the contents of the cup in probably no more than a second, placed the empty container in a chair next to her and finally leant back, resting one of her legs sideways against the other leg’s knee (in what was a very un-ladylike manner). As if only now tasting the drink she had veritably inhaled, the human licked off a milkstache with a mildly confused , then surprised expression. “Ohho. Kherem, you dog~!” she remarked, smirking, and thumped him lightly on the arm. Well, to Melissa’s idea of ‘lightly’, at any rate… which was not exactly light, though the impressive warrior kitsune likely still wouldn’t have been harmed by it.

If she had so far managed to go without being barked at once more by the self-righteous foxboy, the wicked woman leaned slightly towards him to ask the pair, “So! How have things been in the realm of all that is canine?”
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As Melissa gives up trying to persuade her, Lumi shrugs and takes a bite of the sandwich before turning to follow Melissa. The white-furred kitsune moves as quietly as ever and takes a seat next to Oormi, keeping her face expressionless as she senses that the mood has changed. Then Melissa's tasteless comments come in, causing Lumi's eyes to narrow dangerously, but she still refrains from commenting, devouring the rather tasty sandwich with a speed surprising to anyone who hasn't been near starvation before, followed by downing the remaining full glass of milk in one go.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherems ears twitched a little as he was corrected, and he showed little intent to arguement against it, again settling for listening to Oormi without interrupting her, only nodding every now and then. He smiled ever so faintly at the near-end, as Oormi had showed some amount of hope in him not turning into a bloodcrazed murderer, or however one was to interpret her words. It seemed to be good enough for him. He didn't have much of a response to her though, looking a little list in thought as he leant back in his chair. And then Melissa returned.

Kherems ears twitched again as he turned his head, giving Melissa a confused, questioning look at her sudden entrance, and choice of words. Of all possible ways to react to such a brash, out of the blue accusation, Kherem chuckled amusedly. There was appreciation glinting in his eyes, as if thankful for the humans attempt to banish the somber mood, wether or not that had been her intent. He didn't object as she sat down next to him, smiled up slightly as she so heartily accepted the food and drink she had been offered, and let out a small wince as he was thumped on the arm, mostly for show rather than discomfort.

A sly grin crosses his lips as Melissa leans towards him, and he slips an arm behind her, pulling and keeping her close for a half-hug, dragging her chair and all closer if necessary, as if to show his gratefulness of her pressence. He didn't do much more then that, but who knows how the human would react to such a friendly gesture? "Good to see you two back whole and without trouble trailing you. Or so I hope at least."
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa’s countenance turned again to surprise at Kherem’s sudden action, prompting yet another flinch from the human – though unlike most who flinch defensively away, Kherem could feel the rogue flinch instinctively toward him; and this time she followed through, a hand shooting to under his arm at the base, her other to his ribs at the side, putting herself in a position that could feasibly be used to either hurt him or slip from his grasp. Rather than attack him, though, her face was taken by a growing shark grin, overwriting her instinctive response. “…Oh..Mh, you never do what I expect you to do.”The look on her face ought to have made Kherem at least a little nervous, given that it was the exact same expression of gleeful anticipation the human had gotten last time she had caused trouble... yet, as one of her arms reciprocated the embrace, roaming softly over his chest, there was clearly more than simply mischief; joy and lust were both evident, should the kitsune hold Melissa’s gaze. “I promise, no trouble found us. Just had a deal for Lumi, but she wasn’t interested.”
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The abrupt return of the seemingly human woman and the other kitsune almost visibly startled Oormi, especially when combined with Melissa's proclamation, as her mind hadn't been focused enough to read their approach. The shortest foxgirl hadn't realized how dour her expression had become until after her surprise had passed. Hoping not to give away the sense of doom and gloom that had befallen her, and not realizing that both Kherem and she already had, she forced herself to adopt an expression of careful neutrality.

Retaining her impassive look was a task that was made more difficult in the face of Melissa's comments. She chose to let it all pass for the time being out of equal parts confusion, a loss for a response, uncertainty, and that Kherem managed a much more polite and measured reply. Her silence wasn't a sign that she was completely unaffected by the words by any means, but in that case the effect was more a result of her own phobias rather than any intended teasing.

The way the crossbow-wielder flitted from subject to subject with an indeterminable amount of seriousness was increasingly leaving the blind girl realizing just how woefully inadequate her preparation to survive in a city like Acheron was--not that she had intentionally ended up there. Even the faeries seemed straightforward in comparison to the apparent human. Kherem, on the other hand, was just as difficult to read but for entirely different reasons. Of the other three, Lumi was perhaps the least confusing and to that point it was only because she hadn't talked much. Maybe the short kitsune truly belonged back at the sanctuary rather than in the demonic city? That was a disappointing thought. Oormi forgot herself for a moment, propping an elbow on the table and resting her cheek in her hand, remaining silent as things progressed. It was difficult to feel incapable again so soon after finding an escape from the terror of being blind.

Thankfully, she wasn't left dwelling on it for long before the unexpected display of affection between Kherem and Melissa, which she only narrowly avoided becoming unfocused enough not to miss in her 'waves'. Very carefully, she avoided instinctively orienting her head toward the two, only letting a small smile show that she had noticed at all. In the same vein, she avoided saying anything to ruin whatever end the moment might come to.

The two might not have truly been lovers, or Melissa might have simply been misleading her earlier, but the moment was nice to witness all the same. It was revitalizing. Maybe a few more hours, days, or weeks of feeling unprepared wouldn't be so bad a price to pay if she could enjoy more such times with the other three.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As she finishes her meal, Lumi instinctively slinks into an unthreatening pose: half turning to better view the door as she wasn't facing it already, with her head turned down yet allowing her to eye the environment, hands on her lap and ears twitching ever so slightly. Yet despite the blind girls non-threatening manner - or perhaps because of her nonchalance combined with the prowess she showed earlier - Lumi's eyes spend more time on the shortest kitsune than anything else. For a moment she finds herself wondering what it would be like, to feel so safe anywhere, especially amongst strangers - for although no-one could name any of her acquaintances among the most trustworthy people, it would not occur for the white kitsune that people could indeed be truly trustworthy, and not only as far as it befits them.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 50/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 47/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

The group's rest was interrupted by a roar from the crowd in the stands outside, and a moment later the announcer's voice rang out;

"Oh! And he's down after a goooood fight! Hear that crowd roar! We'll have to clean him up with a spatula folks, but we have a winner! Lets give a cheer for the Vengeful Virgins and their leader, Coriclys the Brave!"

There was a loud roar, and a moment later several alraune came in bearing a quartet of people on stretchers, all of them badly wounded. A moment later, the minor announcer called out; "The, errr.... Foxy Fighters! And.... Uhhhh.... The... The Prancing.... Paingivers....." The quartet that had been in the other booth rose at the second name and strode over to the arena entranceway, the fiery-haired orc woman leading while the tiny girl in full plate bounced around her. The demoness and the girl in the black dress strode side by side a few paces behind them. They cleared the gate within minutes, leaving Kherem, Oormi, Lumi, and Melissa to catch up to the other team.

Once they were all lined up and ready, the goblin at the gate said; "Take your first right, and then your second left. You'll be going through the side entranceway. Go get 'em!" The path indicated took them through a long, narrow, curving hallway that went around the arena's sides, and they passed an emergency infirmary just before turning left and heading down a shorter corridor that brought them back out into the arena. The roar of the crowd and the sight of blood on the ground were there to greet them, but they were both somehow louder and more vibrant than they'd been in their first match.

"And we're back with two victorious teams, in the second bout of the seminfinals of today's melee! In the East corner, we've got... The Foxy Fighters! And in the West, we've got... The Prancing Paingivers!"

Both recitations were greeted by a roaring cheer from the demons out in the stands, ever hungry for blood as they were, and the real announcer didn't stumble over the opposing team's somewhat awkward name. The four across from them stood at the ready, the short girl carving ruts into the ground with her feet, as if she were about to charge them even. Her comrades were more composed, with the orc scowling across at them as they strode into the arena and the girl in black smiling serenely. The demoness was hopping up and down excitedly and pointing at them, however, and her voice carried enough for the four of them to hear what she was saying; "Look! Look! Look at the fluffy tails!!!!!!! THEY'RE SO CUTE OH MY GOD IWANNACUDDLETHEMALLRIGHTNOW!!!!" Thankfully, she was cut off by the announcer;

"We're not gettin any younger here, so... LET. THE. BATTLE. BEGIN!!!!"

There was a loud horn call, and the crowd went wild as the match began.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The short swordsman, despite being lost in thought enough not to notice Lumi's eyes on her, perked up immediately when the call to the arena was sounded again. With utter stoicism, Oormi stood up and pulled her blindfold free of her scabbard before retying it around her head. She would, however, allow the others to exit first and follow them to the arena proper.

Barring any interruptions, requests, or otherwise from the others, the blind kitsune herself would cause no great delay in arriving in the arena for the second time, except for her efforts to cast the boon that she had earlier offered to Melissa. Upon entering the battlefield, she chose to stand serenely in the team's starting corner, resting her left hand on her scabbard and leaving her right hand to hang freely. Outwardly, her head was oriented across the field and toward their opponents but at no one fighter in particular and merely an expression of seriousness rather than anger or excitement. Once again, her actual focus went toward reading her waves, which had the unintended benefit of helping her to block out the roaring crowd.

She could spot all four without issue, but had a difficult time ascertaining what tactics they might use. The armor on the shortest of their opponents was easy enough to make out, at least, and all but pegged that combatant as a melee fighter, but that didn't help her with the other three. If she were to guess, she would set the tallest of their opponents as a fighter as well--but it would be just that, a guess. The two beyond that... While it wouldn't have made her mentors very happy for her to simply assume such a thing, the common knowledge was that mages and spirit wielders preferred light clothing, so she had to expect such powers from the dress-wearing woman. All that left was the winged woman as an unknown, and she doubted it would remain as such for long.

Going by her training and education -- specifically, to target casters first in a melee -- that left one obvious course of action, the woman wearing the black dress needed to be disabled. She put her faith in the rest of her party to enact their own plans; when the horn blew she made her own move immediately. In a single fluid motion, Oormi unsheathed her sword and brought it between her eyes, using its presence as a focus with which to manipulate her waves and grant herself temporary invisibility. With her shroud in place, she began to rush forward, moving directly toward the dress-wearing humanoid.

Cast Invisibility! Move toward yon dress wearer.

Base Casting: 19.
Required Casting Check: 20.
Gives +20 invisibility, requires 4 EP to cast, requires 1 EP upkeep.

If she isn't spotted, go ahead and move toward dat dress wearer some more (23 speed, sprint if necessary to get into range).

If she still isn't spotted after that or gets into range in the next move, go ahead and smack dat dress wearer with the side of her sword (no killing her, preferably!) using battle dance, defensive fighting 6:6, and lightning strikes.
(Attack) +50 = 56 [Base] + 12 [Battle Dance] - 12 [Lightning Strikes] - 6 [Defensive Fighting]
(Damage, three attacks) 2d6 + 27 = 33 [Base] - 6 [Lightning Strikes]
Dodge would be 73 on this round.

Also, if time is available, cast a resistance buff on Melissa before entering the arena. (Arcane Armor, level 2, +Resistance, I calculated this at +12 resistance, 19 base casting, 10 DC, 2 EP, and no upkeep earlier. Should still be the same.)

Probably Applicable Stats (with invisibility): 55 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 23 Speed, 27 Resistance, 35 Stealth, 15 Perception

Cheat Sheet

When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance against their effects.

Oormi takes +4 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people unless specifically noted as she doesn't yet realize she can.

She has fertile and becomes pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

What had been a sly smile on his lips slowly took a face heel turn as he noticed Melissa's reaction to him pulling her in against him. As Melissa flinched towards him, his ears slowly flattened back against his head. As she put her arms around him in a way that was potentially capable of paining him, his lips formed into an uncertain smile. And as a growing, toothy smile crossed Melissa's lips his face showed creeping nervosity, even a little regret, as it began to dawn upon him that just maybe, possibly, it hadn't been a great plan to pull the human in like that against him.

Melissa had Kherems full attention, and her continued actions upon him made him tense and relax slightly and alternatingly, as if uncertain of which of the two to go through with. Thankfully, he didn't have to make up his mind, hearing the announcers voices. Kherem looked relieved as their group was called to enter the fray, slowly rising from his chair while trying to gentle ease Melissa off of him. If she proved persistent on keeping her hold of him though, he'd quickly give in and walk alongside her, an arm still around her, as the group made their way towards the arena.

During the trip towards the arena grounds however, Kherems attention would turn to Lumi. "Lady Lumi? If possible, I'd appreciate a bit of magical assistance. Like we discussed earlier, something to make me more durable.", wether or not he recieved such a boon, Kherem would begin to focus before stepping into the arena grounds. If Melissa were still holding onto him, he'd make another attempt of plying her off of him, and speaking up. "Melissa, please get off of me, I need to focus and prepare for the battle", and then he pulled out one of his Javelins to keep it at the ready.

As Kherem slowly stepped into the arena, darkness flooded from his own shadow, covering his body and hardening into a solid, carapace-like shell. He was pouring his all into it this time, as much as was safe for him to do. Now protected, and javelin at the ready, he would have a battleready but not overly aggressive stance as his and the enemy team got announced. And right as the horn called, he set into motion, raising his javelin and chucking it off towards his foe, followed by charging into battle.

Pre-Combat: Ready Javelin, Cast Dark Armor using 10EP, resulting in 8EP Upkeep, +30 Armor/Melee Damage/Grapple & +10 Stealth.

First Round: Throw Javelin at Orc
Second Round: Draw Swords, Move towards Orc/LittlePlateGirl(Whichever is looking to engage him)
Third Round: Continues movement towards enemy(as above), Activate Whirling Death, Sudden Strike*2 VS Engaged Enemy(Orc or LittlePlateGirl), Or Sudden Strike*1 against each if engaging both

Above is action chain if things go smooth(very likely to happen, rite?). If things not end up going smooth, turn-by-turn or new action chain will follow.

Steel Scimitar*2: 2d6+58DMG(w/ DA Bonus), +65 Hit
Javelins: 4d6+13DMG, +53 Hit, 25ft Range, 4/4 Ammo, Inflicts -4 Speed to struck victims

Whirling Death: +8 Attack Roll/Melee Damage/Armor & -4HP/Turn

Speed: 22(Base)
Dodge: 45(Base), -10(Sudden Strike)
Armor: 30+8(Dark Armor+Whirling Death), +0(Kensai Battlerobe, still Broken, +7 if magically not)
Resistance: 25(Base), +10 VS Mental/Domination Effects
Perception: 20(Base)
Stealth: 29+10(Base+Dark Armor), -5(Sudden Strike)
Grapple: 50+30(Base+Dark Armor)
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As the announcement of their upcoming arena fight comes, Lumi is upright in the blink of an eye. The white kitsune trails after the others, her mind already focused on the battle ahead and on her spells, though like always, part of her is keeping an eye on her surroundings. She needs no prompting from Kherem as words of the spell come from her lips quietly. Her ears press down as the air above her hands start to shimmer. Touching first Kherem, then Melissa, she releases the spell, covering both of them in warm carapace that feels quite solid, but is near-invisible save for a faint shimmering that now seems to surround them.

As they arrive to the arena and the fight begins, the paranoid kitsune immediately makes herself invisible and taking a few steps away from the others before turning to watch the battle unfold, ready to do her part.

Before battle, casting Force Armor x2(unless melissa stops her) for +28 armor((50*3)/6+3=25+3=28, including focus and healer), costing 4 EP. Once the combat starts, casting invisibility for another 4 and 1 upkeep.

Dodge: 45

If everything goes according to the plan, cast Implosion on the demon with Silent spell(+50 attack if stealth fails, +35 basecasting, 2*6*(2d4+8+2)=12(2d4)+120) for 6 EP, trying not to kill her and dealing minimum damage.
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