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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"You know," Celeste would hear dimly, though the sound of a human voice so near while she slept might well rouse the mage with a start, "on finding you lying on top of your bed completely naked and obviously having passed out, I confess myself a bit surprised that Daniel and Robert aren't cuddled up here with you. Did Bobby chicken out on you and drag Daniel along with him?" Shiva's amused voice came from just beside the bed, and Celeste would find her standing over her, the door out into the hall wide open... And the skimpy night gown she had modeled the night before still bunched up around her shoulders and covering absolutely nothing. The ache of her sex had been fully nullified, both in the needy and in the well-used sense, but Celeste would find the Amazonian psionicist standing over her and examining her nudity with a casual interest for a moment before she added; "Breakfast is ready, if you're hungry. It has been for a while, actually, but everybody was busy getting ready to try and enact your plans for keeping us afloat out here."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

It had been a long day. A long day full of experiences Celeste would never be able to forget. Even in her sleep, the young woman found herself going over everything that had happened, though there was one crucial difference. In her dreams, Celeste gave in completely to her lustful urges, indulging in every lascivious act she could without hesitation or restraint. As her dreams continued, the events of the day began to roll together, until it was all one long orgy involving everyone she had met that day. And at the center was Celeste, basking in their adoration, their desire to please her, their mistress, their queen... And she loved it... Until a familiar voice broke through the pleasant haze.

Shiva's amused tone rocketed the young mage into wakefulness, immediately aware of the state she had allowed herself to fall asleep in. Aware, and completely stricken with embarrassment. For a few moments, Celeste could only stare at Shiva, mortified into paralysis, as she struggled to find some way to respond to the humiliation of being ogled in such a state. "Ah, ah, R-Robert was just being a p-proper gentleman," she managed to squeak out before finally finding a way to make her other muscles work again. She sat bolt upright on the bed, her hands flying up to cover her nude form so fast she even prevented the nearly transparent nightgown from falling down over her. "W-we were all very tired from all the w-work we did up here... We all needed our rest!"

Thankful for Shiva changing the conversation, Celeste smiled at the mention of a meal. "Oh, b-breakfast sounds lovely!" she stuttered before hopping out of bed, and heading for the door. "I hope I haven't kept everyone waiting!" It wasn't until she stepped into the hallway and took a few steps that she realized she was still not quite dressed properly for a morning meal. Quickly running back into her room, she laughed nervously at Shiva while pulling the nightie down over her body. "I suppose it would be prudent to get dressed before sitting at the table, yes?" Celeste asked as she walked over towards the armoire, hoping to conceal her embarrassment with humor. The robe she had been wearing yesterday would still be quite damp, and though she could dry it out with her magic, Celeste was suddenly struck with the desire to wear something a little less frumpy and uncomfortable. She swung the door to the cabinet open while searching desperately for something appealing but suitable for a meal. "We found all kinds of nice clothing in here last night," Celeste said to Shiva as she looked, seemingly too caught up in finding something to wear to mind the amazon remaining in the room. "Robert and Daniel thought the clothes in here would fit me, so I tried this on," she continued, gently lifting the hem of the nightgown for a second, "and they both agreed this looked good, so maybe I can find something else!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Perception: Success

Celeste's mortified look only seemed to amuse Shiva as she looked down on the magus with her hands placed upon her own hips, and after Celeste's squeaked out her assurance regarding Robert she chuckled. "Ahhhh, so he was too chicken to take what you offered and spoke up before Daniel did. Gotcha," she said as Celeste shot up to a sitting position, and then she stepped back a pace to allow the blond mage to climb out of bed without bumping into her.

Following the mention of breakfast, Celeste's excitement only prompted Shiva to quirk an eyebrow, allowing the mage to walk out not only clad in the skimpy nightgown, but with it pulled up so that it was pooled above her breasts such that everything was on display. Celeste realized her error after only a few steps out of her bedroom door, but not quickly enough to get back inside without being spotted she would realize. Spotting movement out of the corner of her eye just as she realized her error, Celeste would find Andrew, the dark haired young man who had been the most encouraging of the people whom she had come to lead yesterday, standing less than ten feet away and staring at her with his mouth agape. There was no missing the way his eyes were roaming up and down, nor the blush on his cheeks, nor especially the bulge developing in his pants, but it seemed that as alluring as he found the sight of her naked it was something that he was reacting to as it caught him completely by surprise, as he quickly spun about once she started looking back and stuttered; "Uhhhh... S... Sorry! I was just... Uhhhh... You... Uhm... Looking around! And, uhhh.... Cl... Cleaning up... The other rooms!"

Running back into her room, Celeste found Shiva grinning from ear to ear and giggling to herself, and Celeste would get the distinct impression that the psychic had know that there was someone else out there before Celeste had strolled out of the room essentially naked. "Just maybe~" she would snicker following Celeste's suggestion, and then stood back and watched while the blond went over to the dresser and started searching for something more appropriate to wear in public. The clothing collection had a number of options on that front, all of which looked as if they would fit her just fine, but some of them were at least mildly... Fetishistic. Mixed among the nine outfits were a black catsuit that looked to be made of a shiny, stretchy material that would undoubtedly fit her like a glove - and also included a pair of long dark gloves - as well as a maid's outfit that looked like it might cover about a third of her thighs if she put on the skirt portion, with a fairly large window for her cleave in the front. The rest of the garments were fairly normal, thankfully, with a simplistic robe much like the one she had just chosen to discard and a number of dresses, plus a pair of pants and a blouse that looked like they might be designed for riding on horseback.

"Oh really? Lucky!" Shiva said following Celeste's explanation, leaving in unclear as to whom or what she was referring to specifically. After a brief pause in which she obviously watched the blond pick out her outfit, she would add; "They were definitely right! Looks like you hit the jackpot, eh? I wish I'd have found some fun bedroomwear that'd fit me in this musty old house! All that was in my room were things that looked as if they belonged to a teenage boy."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Running into the hall, Celeste momentarily wondered why she felt a little colder than normal. Until she stopped and looked down at herself of course. She gasped and jumped, though thankfully managed to keep her hands covering her bountiful assets as well as she could. The sight of Andrew staring and stammering in surprise brought another gasp from her, and she quickly began shivering in embarrassment once again. "Ah, Andrew? T-this isn't... I normally wear more..." she stammered as his eyes swept over her naked but barely covered form. When he turned around and began apologizing, she had almost the opposite reaction. Taking a small step toward him, she quickly began trying to apologize herself. "N-no, it was my fault!" she said frantically, trying to defuse the situation but failing miserably. "I'm the one who should apologize! I-it's okay for you to look... I mean... I'm sorry I made you... Ahhh!" Finally realizing the futility of the act, she rushed back to her room and to the dresser.

As she searched through the selection, Celeste was amazed by what she saw. It was all of rather high quality, even the naughtier bits. She blushed as she looked at the more prominent pieces of sexy clothing. The catsuit looked far too suggestive for her, though she blushed as she thought about sashaying down to the dinner table in that, her body nearly bursting from it's tight confines. The maid outfit, though, was rather cute, despite it's revealing cut. She reached out to touch it softly, briefly wishing she had found this before cleaning up last night. Her face turned bright red as her imagination dabbled on the outcome of such an event, and she quickly went back to looking through the dresser.

After everything that had happened yesterday, and the dreams she'd had last night, Celeste was wary of wearing any of the more sexually inclined clothing. She was glad there were more regular clothes in the dresser, though she still found herself dismissing those that were, in her opinion, a bit too prudish. Finally, she settled on a soft blue sundress, a sleeveless number with thin straps that went over the shoulders. The neckline went low, leaving much of her cleavage visible, while the hemline hung just above her knees. To Celeste, the dress was a cross between modest and sexy, and after all she had been feeling lately, it seemed right. She gracefully removed the lingerie and hung it back in the dresser before putting on the dress. She ran her hands over the material to smooth it out before turning around and blushing as she realized Shiva had been watching her the whole time. She giggled softly at the amazonian's joke.

"Well, I'm sure we could find something that would look wonderful on you," Celeste replied, looking over Shiva's body for a second before growing self conscious. Clearing her throat, Celeste stepped towards the psychic and asked, "So you said everyone is getting ready? H-How so?" As she spoke she moved towards the door, though she waited for Shiva to speak before walking out. Shiva liked gossip, and so did Celeste, so if there was anything the psychic didn't want to say out in the hallway, Celeste wanted to give her a chance to say it.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh really? I'm a good bit stringier than you are, I doubt anything in there would fit me~" Shiva replied jovially at the offer to find some decent clothing for her, though it was clear enough that she was pleased at Celeste's sentiment. "And it's not like we've got the money to spend on clothes shopping~" she would add as Celeste swept over her, and the amazonian girl's body would indeed be built along thinner lines than her own, lithe and toned where she was stocky and curvy, but it wouldn't be hard to pick out garments that would accentuate the modest curves that she did have if she could find someplace with garments that might fit her. The looted ones in her closet were all sized along her own lines, however, and even a glance would reveal that nothing there would fit her perhaps save for the skimpy maid's outfit.

Getting on to a more serious subject, it was clear that Celeste had just hit the jackpot where gossip was concerned, as the psychic took in a breath and then began to speak; "Well, when I was downstairs, Annita and Serena had their heads together over breakfast and were buzzing about setting up an alchemy business. Annita wanted to apprentice to an established alchemist while Serena wanted to go and set up their own shop downstairs, but they were being pretty good natured about it. I'd guess that they get along mostly because Serena never tried to get into Daniel's pants while he and Annita were together~

"Speaking of Danny boy, he and Delvin were arguing about how best to set up their enchanting stuff under the same circumstances, while Robert sulked in the background. I'm guessing he's regretting being such a "gentleman" with you after Daniel snuck Katy into his room and the two of them spent the night keeping the rest of us up. Katy and Gravus were busy boring everyone else back to the sleep we didn't get by going over finances and budgets, but then he and Serena went into his office to discuss something just as Andrew and I went upstairs, me to get you out of bed and him to start cleaning out those two spare rooms we've got in case we need to move people and storage to make room for our prospects."

The psychic had babbled the whole of that off before Celeste stepped out, but if the blond mage opted to go downstairs the other woman would follow on after her without complaint. The kitchen and dining room would prove empty, and her breakfast would be waiting for her in the former.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Suddenly realizing just how silly her suggestion had been, Celeste's face flushed bright red as she self-consciously brought her hands up to her chest. "Oh, you're right, Shiva! How could I have been so stupid?" she asked, a rueful look on her face as she considered her absentminded appraisal. Looking back at the cabinet, Celeste noticed that the naughty maid outfit might fit Shiva after all, but as she turned back to deliver the good news, she stopped. Despite choosing not to wear the sexy fetish wear today, a part of her was still eager to do so at some point, and she found she couldn't bear to simply offer it up to the amazonian. Instead, a nervous smile sprung up as she proposed, "Well, I'm sure once we get this money situation sorted out, we can go clothes shopping! I'm sure Acheron has lot's of clothing shops with all kinds of fun clothes for us to try on. We could take all the girls with us!"

As Shiva ran down the list of what their fellow mages had been up to so far today, Celeste listened raptly, pleased that they had so quickly taken to her suggestions. The comment about Daniel and Katy brought a quick furrow to the naive mage's brow, a quick pang of regret that she had apparently let the handsome man down after promising to help keep his urges in check. Similarly, the idea of Robert being dispirited left her feeling guilty. Celeste briefly considered doing something to cheer the young man up, though she was at a loss how, as she had only just met him yesterday. Oh well, she was sure the opportunity would come up at some point, she thought good-naturedly as she returned to considering Shiva's information. With Annita and Serena as well as Daniel and Delvin already working out how to put their talents to use, the team's financial concerns might be solved even sooner than she had hoped.

"I'm so happy to hear everyone is so eager to get our expedition back on track!" Celeste said happily as the amazon finished her report. "I wonder what Gravus and Serena had to talk about?" she asked, obviously puzzled, despite what Shiva had told her yesterday. Not wanting to waste anymore time she walked out into the hall towards the stairs, only pausing briefly to look in on Andrew and give him a small wave and smile before heading down to breakfast. "What about you, Shiva?" Celeste asked the amazon as they descended, "Have you come up with any ideas for helping out with the money problem so far?" As she reached the ground floor, Celeste was slightly dismayed to see that no one else was around, but the idea that they were all hard at work already managed to offset such feelings. As she fixed herself some breakfast, Celeste began to wonder how she might help out, just as she had suggested the others.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh! Uhhh, don't worry about it, really!" Shiva said, evidently surprised that Celeste was so taken aback by her dry comment about the clothes more likely fitting the bustier blond than her. She was quick to recover her wit, however, and gave a subtle roll of her eyes at Celeste's suggestion that they go clothes shopping with the other women in the group while replying, "well that definitely sounds like fun! Though I suspect that Acheron clothing stores probably won't have much in the way of conservative dress, if that's what you're looking for~"

On their way back downstairs, Celeste would find Andrew sitting on his bed, reading a book with his other hand in his lap. He would look up in evident surprise upon sighting her, a slight but hard to see blush creeping onto his face, but he would quickly wave back and then Celeste would be on her way. "I'm sure you'll find out eventually," Shiva remarked regarding the conversation between Serena and Gravus, "why don't you go and ask them after breakfast? You're supposed to be the big cheese around here now, so you've got the right to ask." There was a hint of amusement in her tone, but that vanished when Celeste asked how she might help with the money situation.

"Uhhh.... Eheh.... Well," she stuttered nervously, "I'm not really in school for the... Sedentary markets, if you know what I mean. I suppose I could go and try making a bit of money as an investigator, but that'd be pretty exceptionally dangerous here. I might just end up lending a hand with the alchemy."

Once Celeste was finished with her breakfast, Shiva would rise and say, "well, I'm gonna go and try and figure out something to do. You've probably got a lot to do yourself, so I guess I'll see you around. Come and get me if you need me for anything!" And with that, Shiva would wave goodbye to Celeste and head off, leaving the young woman with yet another reason to ponder the very question she'd been thinking on. Gravus and presumably Serena were in the office, but there was no telling where anyone else might be besides those she'd seen already, so she would have to come up with what she wanted to do for the rest of her day mostly on her own.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Well, conservative dresses never really suited me," Celeste replied with a slight giggle, completely oblivious to Shiva's eye rolling. "If it hadn't been for this cabinet full of clothes, I would have had to make a tough decision between wearing another of those frumpy heavy robes the Academy loves so much or that barely legal thing I showed up in." As she thought of the modified dress that had been the source of so much embarrassment in such a short amount of time, though, Celeste realized it wouldn't have been tough to decide after all. The embarrassment she had suffered paled in comparison to how exhilarated she had felt every time she realized she was being watched while wearing it. But was the excitement her own, or something brought on by the changes she was experiencing since taking in the strange succubus' essence?

Ignoring her own questions, Celeste hurried down to breakfast. It was a simple affair, one which she managed to only shudder once at the thought of. Still, she was hungry enough to finish the plebeian meal quickly, and it was slightly better than the travel rations the pampered mage had been forced to endure since leaving Crolia. In between labored bites, Celeste was happy to have Shiva's company, even though the amazon didn't seem interested in eating. "Oh, an investigator?" she asked, looking thoughtful as she paused her meal, "Actually, before I showed up here, I helped a guardswoman catch a criminal. She offered to let me help out more if I needed money." She took another bite as she considered the option. "It was a little scary, but it might not be that bad of an idea, and I'm sure if I introduced you, Kiva would welcome your help too!" Celeste laughed and then continued, "Commander Danikles was nice too, maybe he would have some ideas on how we could make money as well!" After a moment, the young mage smiled sweetly and added, "Still, it was kinda dangerous. I wouldn't blame you if you weren't interested."

Celeste smiled and waved as Shiva excused herself. "I will, thanks Shiva!" she called happily as the amazon left. Done with breakfast she left her dish in the kitchen and went to go find Gravus and Serena. Despite being a powerful mage, Celeste was having trouble thinking up ways a hydromancer such as herself could earn money in the city. She briefly considered some kind of clothes laundering service, before realizing that she had never washed someone else's clothes and wasn't too keen on the idea. Maybe the city needed some kind of help with the water supply? Perhaps the next most senior mage would have some ideas. As she walked though, she realized that perhaps Katy may have seen some help wanted signs during her shopping trip last night. While it wouldn't exactly be a long term solution like the others were working, Celeste wouldn't mind working in a tavern or a shop to make some money. It might help her learn more about the demons in Acheron as well. Gravus' office was nearby though, so if she couldn't find the mousy girl somewhere on the first floor, she would just head there. With her mind so deep in thought, Celeste wouldn't think anything of just stepping right into the room without announcing herself first.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Eheh... Barely legal back home maybe, but it fits in perfectly around here," Shiva remarked playfully on the topic of dresses, though then she would let the matter drop.

When they were downstairs and Celeste offered such an enthusiastic response to her nervous revelation of her skills, Shiva actually looked slightly relieved. "Well, uhhh, yeah!" she replied, "I can deal with dangerous. There's an opportunity there, so if you've got the contacts maybe I can contract with the city guard. That'd probably make for some quick money!"

Once the Amazonian psychic was on her way back upstairs, Celeste was left with the choice of what to do with herself. Eventually she opted to look around for Katy, but either she wasn't in or wasn't on the ground floor, as Annita was manning the front desk, reading through a book. She waved at Celeste, but then the blond was free to go and talk to Gravus in his office.

The door was open a crack, allowing her to simply push it open and stride right in, but when she did Gravus wouldn't seem to notice her initially. Were she more perceptive, she might have spotted the pair of shoes and the edge of a skirt visible under the barrier of his desk, indicating that someone was on their knees under the desk, but noticing that might take Celeste a few moments. The look on Gravus' face was about midway between dumbfounded and ecstatic, his jaw slack and his eyes wide, and one of his hands was clenching the arm of his chair tightly while the other was under the desk in his lap. There was definite motion going on down there, and the soft slurping sounds and Gravus' heavy breathing would certainly suggest that something was happening down there. A soft moan, decidedly feminine and slightly muffled, would come a couple of seconds after Celeste's entrance, followed shortly by an audible pop that produced a low grunt from Gravus.

"Are you gonna cum for me? I can feel it throbbing~" Serena's voice said from beneath the table, and was followed by a soft slurping noise and another low groan from Gravus. "Mmmmm, do it! Cum~" the other woman's voice said insistently, but even as he nodded and groaned again Gravus finally noticed that Celeste had walked into the room. He instantly turned bright red, "oh, uhhh.... Celeste! Heh... Hello! Can I, uhhhh, help you with... Something?" He straightened and brought his hands up to fold them in front of his face, trying for a serious look but merely managing to look a little bit less embarrassed. The noises from below the table would stop, and the figure beneath could be heard shifting around beneath the desk and slowly zipping up Gravus' pants, obviously trying to keep as quiet as possible but not doing a very good job of it.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Eheh... Barely legal back home maybe, but it fits in perfectly around here," Shiva remarked playfully on the topic of dresses, though then she would let the matter drop.

When they were downstairs and Celeste offered such an enthusiastic response to her nervous revelation of her skills, Shiva actually looked slightly relieved. "Well, uhhh, yeah!" she replied, "I can deal with dangerous. There's an opportunity there, so if you've got the contacts maybe I can contract with the city guard. That'd probably make for some quick money!"

Once the Amazonian psychic was on her way back upstairs, Celeste was left with the choice of what to do with herself. Eventually she opted to look around for Katy, but either she wasn't in or wasn't on the ground floor, as Annita was manning the front desk, reading through a book. She waved at Celeste, but then the blond was free to go and talk to Gravus in his office.

The door was open a crack, allowing her to simply push it open and stride right in, but when she did Gravus wouldn't seem to notice her initially. Were she more perceptive, she might have spotted the pair of shoes and the edge of a skirt visible under the barrier of his desk, indicating that someone was on their knees under the desk, but noticing that might take Celeste a few moments. The look on Gravus' face was about midway between dumbfounded and ecstatic, his jaw slack and his eyes wide, and one of his hands was clenching the arm of his chair tightly while the other was under the desk in his lap. There was definite motion going on down there, and the soft slurping sounds and Gravus' heavy breathing would certainly suggest that something was happening down there. A soft moan, decidedly feminine and slightly muffled, would come a couple of seconds after Celeste's entrance, followed shortly by an audible pop that produced a low grunt from Gravus.

"Are you gonna cum for me? I can feel it throbbing~" Serena's voice said from beneath the table, and was followed by a soft slurping noise and another low groan from Gravus. "Mmmmm, do it! Cum~" the other woman's voice said insistently, but even as he nodded and groaned again Gravus finally noticed that Celeste had walked into the room. He instantly turned bright red, "oh, uhhh.... Celeste! Heh... Hello! Can I, uhhhh, help you with... Something?" He straightened and brought his hands up to fold them in front of his face, trying for a serious look but merely managing to look a little bit less embarrassed. The noises from below the table would stop, and the figure beneath could be heard shifting around beneath the desk and slowly zipping up Gravus' pants, obviously trying to keep as quiet as possible but not doing a very good job of it.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Okay then!" Celeste replied happily to Shiva's change of heart to working with the city guard, "I'll go see Kiva and let her know that you and I would be willing to lend a hand!" As she passed Annita, the blonde mage smiled and returned the wave with a quick, "Hiii~!" As she moved towards Gravus' office, Celeste bit her lip and reminded herself that still had a few people here that she hadn't talked to much. Plenty of time to remedy that later, though.

Lost in thought about what she would be doing today, Celeste pushed the door to Gravus' office open gently but without pause. As she walked in, the oblivious girl didn't even notice the look on the man's face or any motions he might be making, though the strange sounds did shift her normally blissfully unaware face a bit towards suspicion. Still, she moved to stand in front of Gravus' desk, giving the man a small wave that he no doubt missed in his current state. Before she could greet him, however, Serena's voice came from somewhere nearby. "Huh? Serena?" she asked, looking around the room from the front of Gravus' desk. From where she was though, the horned girl was completely hidden.

Gravus' surprised reaction to her voice made Celeste jump before replying, "Huh-Hi Gravus!" The young woman smiled nervously, then explained, "I was just coming to talk to you and then I thought I heard Serena's voice. This place must have thin walls, it sounded like she was right here with us." She laughed a bit, then looked up thoughtfully, "Sounded weird too, like she was out of breath and just had something in her mouth." Slowly sitting down in the chair, Celeste's expression changed to one of wistful remembrance, "Kinda reminds me of the sour stick candies they used to sell at the Academy festivals. Y'know, those things that taste all lemony and make you feel like your mouth is going to cramp up? My friends and I would try to see who could keep the whole thing in their mouth the longest!" She giggled, then continued, "They would always start to melt before long though, so we'd have juices dripping down our chins, and it would get all sticky!" She laughed some more, then fell silent before softly wondering, "Why does that make me think of Daniel?" The thought was pervasive, and as her mind ran over what the connection was, she slowly turned her gaze down. Were those shoes under the desk?

"Wha-?" Celeste asked softly before kneeling down to look under the desk at the shoes. When she noticed that there was a person attached to the shoes, her naivete seemed to break for a moment. She gasped as she looked at Serena under the desk, realization slowly spreading across her face. Jumping up, Celeste stared in shock at Gravus, her face slowly shifting to a bright red. "Uh-Se-Gra-I" she stammered, her hands shaking as she tried desperately to figure out what to say. "I'm so sorry I interrupted her-you! I didn't realize Serena was... I mean..." With a halting step backward, Celeste quickly began to spout out, "I-I, just came to ask you about where I can give a blowjo- I MEAN FIND A JOB!" She started laughing hysterically then said, "Uh, I'll just start lick-LOOKING for one myself!" Backing towards the door, Celeste reach back for the knob, and said, "S-so if you need me for suc-SOMEthing, I'll be in the market, or at the guardhouse!" Unless someone stopped her, Celeste would be bolting out the door and towards the nearby market, doing her best not to look anyone in the eye.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Uhhh, well, yes I actually.... Though, I never did, uhm.... Who usually won?" Gravus replied, slightly lost as Celeste went over her memories of enjoying the decidedly phallic candy present at the fairs back in Crolia. He adopted a forced quizzical look at her mention of Daniel, and opened his mouth to speak before Celeste noticing the damning shoes present beneath the desk. Bending down to get a better look, she would be able to see a good bit of Serena's shapely legs beneath the desk, as well as the extremely small black underwear sitting around her knees and the trail of liquid slowly trailing down her thighs, all plainly visible beneath the short pleated skirt she wore.

Gravus didn't seemingly have any response to Celeste's somewhat suggestive and extremely abashed comments besides looking extremely flabbergasted, and she couldn't see enough of Serena to see her reaction before the blond magus turned and fled from the room. Exiting the building somewhat hastily, earning her a confused look from Annita, and headed off towards Acheron's more central districts where there were markets she could go to in order to look for a job. The streets were desert initially, but when she hit the area around the main road the crowds appeared practically out of thin air.

The market lacked the eccentric collection of characters acting as guides who had been at the gate, leaving Celeste to walk into the crowded marketplace unmolested. All kinds of small shops set up in stalls of varying quality of construction, selling cheap food and potions and small charms, were dotted throughout the place, with demons of all shapes and sizes and all types of folk otherwise wandering among them. Orcs, humans, elves, and stranger folk were all around her, even a dazzlingly handsome man with pure white white feathered wings who was almost certainly an angel was seen at one point, looking among the food stalls for something to eat. The buildings were all similarly occupied by various stores, some service places like barbers, salons, physicians, and even a daycare among the shops selling more esoteric objects, food in bulk, or alcohol.

As for job prospects, none of the small stalls seemed to be hiring at a glance, all of them mostly one-person operated affairs being run by their owners. She might try the shops, like a grocer, a junk shop, or one of the taverns since none of those likely needed many skills. There was, however, a board posted in a gap between stalls being viewed by a few people with a sign that read "Help Wanted" hanging over it. If Celeste opted to approach it, she might find a few things that could potentially appeal to her at a quick glance.

Working girl needed for the Wet Witch Tavern and Bath House.
Must be attractive, energetic, enthusiastic, and with a strong customer service background.
Comfortable with private nudity with customers is a large plus but not necessary, sex is not required or encouraged as part of the job.
Hourly wage of 3 denarii paid at the end of every week, plus tips. Time sheets are kept meticulously and are approved by a city finance official daily to ensure no falsified or incorrect information is taken into account.
Ask a bartender for an application at 76 Altruria St, located off of Main St about halfway between the square and the East gate.

Relatively uncorrupted human woman required for assistance at a charity event.
Must be comfortable with themselves, willing to please, and willing to get a little messy on the job.
Payment issued the day of depending on services rendered and quality of performance, specifically number of customers serviced during the event, but is expected to be fairly high.
Ask the receptionist at Coraline's Den if interested, 2311 Main Street.

Applicants requested for assistant milking positions on Roy's Shorn Farm, female preferred but not required.
Must be patient, enthusiastic, and able to work for long periods with your hand. Care is required to maintain quality product.
Payment in the form of a weekly salary of 30 denarii for 3 to 5 hours of work per day, with penalties applied for damaged or wasted product and bonuses granted for increased production.
Located outside of town, just North of the East Gate.

Healthy, attractive individuals required for work in a start-up company in the entertainment and pleasure industry.
Female applicants only, birth control and appropriate attire provided. Job entails dancing, serving, and sex.
Payment is by commission and tips, 35% going to the house. Applicants will be put through a trial period under working conditions with a supervisor overseeing their work.
Interested applicants should see Premier's Pleasure Center at 77 21st Street.

Cleaners wanted for public service to restore old buildings.
Pay is 2 denarii per hour, job involves danger and getting dirty.
See the Public Works office near the Fountain Plaza.

Attractive male and female applicants for performance work requested. Acting skills preferred, willingness to put in great effort and appear naked in front of others a must.
Payment is by commission but extremely lucrative and open for negotiation.
Contact John at John's Sensational Features, 2991 Main Street.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Well, I don't want to toot my own horn, but I was the undefe-", Celeste started, only for her self-praise to fall off as she noticed Serena under the desk. Her first thought was that the panties bunched around her ankles looked rather fetching, and maybe she should look for a similar pair to replace the one she lost to the goblins. After that, her thoughts became a jumbled mess of flustered apologies and arousing fantasies. It wasn't until she ran out into the market that she began to calm down.

Much like her previous trips through the streets of Acheron, Celeste was amazed by the diversity of the city's residents. Although she had seen elves and orcs in Crolia, to see so many different peoples all in one place was amazing to the sheltered young woman. She gawked at the white winged man as he passed by in the crowd, blushing and waving in embarrassment when he noticed her staring. The stalls were less impressive, though no less numerous. Most of the nearby stores set up in the partially repaired buildings didn't seem to require any workers, bringing a rare frown to the blonde's face. The sad expression faded quickly when noticed the "Help Wanted" board though.

Skipping over to the board happily, Celeste quickly ran over the available prospects. Though she had a history of being absentminded, her recent run in with Gravus and Serena, as well as some of her experiences in the city so far left the bouncy blonde slightly suspicious of some of the vague wordings on the listings. "Hmmm, a charity event?" she murmured softly to herself, "As much as I love giving to charity, we need money and I doubt collecting donations pays well." She thought for a moment, then added happily, "Though maybe I can just volunteer for that after I've made some money somewhere else!" Of course, she wasn't patient enough to actually read beyond the first line of each entry. Going down the list, Celeste's misgivings about the other jobs held similar misunderstandings. "Working at a farm? Well, it might be a good idea to see Acheron's agricultural base under it's new demon populace. But, I really don't want to get my new dress dirty. Entertainment? I've never been much of a singer. Cleaning musty old houses? Booooring!"

Instead of any of the "normal" jobs, Celeste found herself interested in two other listings, though for different reasons. "Working girl at a tavern? Well, waiting tables and cleaning up isn't so bad, and I'd get to meet some more of Acheron's residents. On the other hand, the performance job... I've always wanted to be an actress!" She thought about it for a few moments, before finally deciding. "Well, the pay for the performance job isn't really listed, but the tavern job has tips! Maybe if I put in enough extra effort, I can take care of our finances so the others have time to get their own ventures started!" With the question of employment decided, Celeste happily walked through the market crowd, humming to herself while doing her best to show off her new sundress.

As she walked, Celeste remembered that she had told Shiva she would talk to the guards for her. Well, it wasn't out of the way for her to stop off at the guardhouse and speak to Kiva before heading out to the Wet Witch. There might have been a few embarrassing moments earlier today, but Celeste was sure she had everything figured out now. Her happy walk turned into a skip for a few steps as her smile brightened.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Heading for the guardhouse where she had been taken by Kiva after they had finished their first case and met Danikles first, Celeste would thankfully manage to find her way there without getting lost. The first room, the entrance chamber of the moderately sized structure that the Acheron guard had taken as an outpost, was occupied by two people, one whom she had never met as far as she knew and the other whom she had last seen only through a crack in the door, specifically before she had listened to her having sex with one of her colleagues. The other demon, male but very thin and slightly androgynous, was sitting across from the woman that Celeste slightly recognized, and both looked up from the game of cards they'd been playing as the mage entered.

"Hello," the woman said while setting down her cards, showing a brilliant smile and bright demeanor, "are you looking to report something?" She didn't seem to recognize Celeste, perhaps not surprising considering that they'd never really met face to face.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

With a skip in her step and a bright smile on her face, Celeste happily entered the guardhouse and walked over to the two guards present. When the female guard spoke, Celeste instantly recognized her voice, though the spacey blonde just couldn't remember at what point in her prior visit to the station they had met. Instead, she beamed at the two as she gleefully explained herself. "Hi there!" she said with a small wave, "I'm not here to report anything, I'm actually here to offer my services!" As she finished, she struck a slightly dramatic pose, sweeping one arm out wide and planting her feet firmly apart. Of course, her sunny disposition and light sundress might make the pose less impressive than the young woman thought it looked.

"I came by to see about finding some work," Celeste continued happily, switching from her theatrical pose to instead lean forward on the desk, the low cut dress revealing her impressive cleavage without her even realizing it. "I was here last night after a rather thrilling encounter, and was told that if I ever needed to make some money, I would be welcome here!" She bounced happily for a second before finally asking, "Is Commander Kiva here? I worked with her yesterday. We had such an interesting time together!" She thought for a moment, then remembered the friendly male demon as well, "Oh, Commander Danikles might remember me too! He was so nice, I think he might have something for me!" Her face scrunched up for a second before she leaned in further towards the female demon and asked, "You sound familiar too. Are you the goblin that 'fixed' my dress?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The two demons quickly exchanged a strange glance as Celeste made her dramatic gesture and proclamation, but then looked confused. Recognition dawned on the woman when Celeste mentioned her adventure with Kiva from the previous day, however, and she quickly nodded, "oh! You're the one Kiva went out with! Yeah, yeah! Kiva isn't in, but Danikles is! They didn't say to expect you, but I can take you up to him."

She would rise up, waving reassuringly to her androgynous companion, but before she was able to lead Celeste up to the commander the blond mage offered her strange question. "Uhhhh.... No? I.... Well, I'm not a goblin, for one. And I don't know how to sew. I have heard of you, but I don't think we've ever met face to face!"

Unless she opted to make an issue out of it, Celeste would then be led upstairs by the black armored guard, to a room she hadn't been to before, where Danikles was sitting behind a desk, reading a book by morning light. "Oh! Hello!" he said brightly, putting aside his book and smiling brightly at Celeste, "it's nice to see you again, Miss Seheraszad! Are we still on for tonight, or would you rather do lunch instead? Ooor, is this business?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste giggled at the demoness' confused reaction. "Of course I know you're not a goblin, you silly goose!" she proclaimed, smiling and waving her index finger back and forth a few times, before adding "You're much too tall and not nearly green enough!" She laughed lightly, then explained, "It was just a joke! I'm actually trying to learn as much about demons as I can, and I've already spent a bit of time with a number of goblins. They are quite friendly!" She blushed as she remembered her time with the smaller demons, then followed the woman through the station. As they walked, her mind drifted to the last time she had been at the station, wandering through it naked alongside Danikles, and she once again was struck by the idea that she knew the woman she was following. "Are you sure we haven't met? Miss-" she asked, only stopping when her gaze drifted down to the demoness' rear. It was then, right as the door to the commander's office opened that Celeste realized who she was talking to.

With a fresh blush and a stilt in her movements, Celeste entered Danikles' office. She waved nervously to the demoness leaving, then jumped at the commander's greeting. "H-Hello, Commander," she replied nervously, before stepping into the room, a hand unconsciously running over her dress as more memories of her last visit came unbidden to her mind. "It's nice to see you again, as well," she responded politely, calming down a bit, though not entirely as comfortable as she was when she entered the station. "T-tonight? Oh yes!" she exclaimed, bouncing slightly as she recalled Danikles' offer, "So much has happened since we last spoke that it slipped my mind." A quick bout of nervous laughter punctuated her statement as she brought a hand up to mime slapping herself on the head.

Rather than answer the commander's question about their plans, Celeste instead stood a little straighter and spoke more calmly, "Actually, there was some business I wanted to speak to you about." She smiled softly, then added, "Well, you or Kiva." Puffing up her chest proudly, she informed him, "When I left the station yesterday, Kiva said I was a big help and offered to let me help again." She then leaned forward and brought a hand to shield the side of her mouth, as if she were whispering, but spoke plainly, "Paid help, of course." Leaning back again, the busty mage smiled sweetly, then continued, "As it so happens, I have a friend who could also offer her expertise. She has some rather impressive assets, like me!" She bounced a few times as she spoke proudly of Shiva, then added, "She's quite good at getting to know people." For now, she chose not to tell Danikles that Shiva was a psychic, not sure how the demons took to that particular skill, as many humans were known to be off-put by it. "So, if you or Kiva are looking for a hand with anything, we would be glad to do whatever we can for you!"

"If you don't need anything right now though, I was actually just on my way to look for a job," Celeste said proudly. "I saw a bulletin board in the market with a number of listings for young women. I was headed to a tavern called the Wet Witch, when I decided to come talk to you!" She smiled nervously, her gaze drifting to the side as she confessed, "I figured I would work a full shift today if I could, then either see about one of the other offers, or maybe go see about meeting the Queen of Acheron." She brought her hands together in a pleading motion as she looked back at Danikles, "Sorry about that, I think I might have my hands full all day. Maybe we should try another night?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The demon she had called a goblin looked unsure of how she ought to respond to Celeste's flamboyant clarification, and so she simply offered a smile and a light titter after a few seconds' pause. "Eheh.... Well, I'm certain you'd have that effect on just about anyone!" the demoness replied brightly as Celeste's energetic motions provided for quite a bit of jiggle, "especially goblins! They, ahhhhh, tend to respond quite well to people like you!"

Danikles, when Celeste seemed jumpy and nervous at first, would appear confused, almost as if he thought he might have done something wrong, but when she brightened again he seemed assuaged. Her comment that she had forgotten their date seemed to sting the handsome demon slightly, however, and though he didn't let the sour expression linger for long, there was a bit of bitterness in his voice hidden beneath the jovial tone that he adopted while replying, "oh, well, that's quite alright! Nothing wrong with being busy, even if I am a little hurt at being so easily forgotten~"

His expression went blank when she straightened and said that she had business to attend to, however, and he nodded along with her request and the accompanying gestures. "Well," he said as he brought up a hand and rested his chin on the palm, "if she has you, ahhhh, assets... I'm sure she'll be a boon to the department! Can you tell me more precisely where her talents lie, by any chance? I have to justify it to my superiors if I take on extra paid help, you see."

He smirked slightly at her announcement that she was heading to ask after a job at the Wet Witch, and opened his mouth to speak only for his saddened look to return when she suggested that they cancel their date for the night. He didn't give any audible sign of his distress still, however, and instead maintained his bright attitude to cover for his disappointment, "ahhhh, well that's alright I suppose. I don't know how successful you'll be at meeting with the Queen, she doesn't exactly talk to just anyone.... But I suppose it won't hurt you to try, will it? Her maids tend to be very strict with letting visitors get to her these days though, especially after the last lot tried to kill her. My recommendation, or Kiva's, wouldn't really be of any help with that... So, all I can do is wish you good luck! Let me know how it goes tomorrow, and send your... Friend? Associate? Send them to us tomorrow morning, so that we can evaluate them and see whether or not we can use them."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Danikle's quick interest in Shiva brought a wide smile to Celeste's face, the blonde mage happy she had managed to persuade the demon so easily. Unfortunately, he wasn't quite sold on the amazon yet, and his request for more information had the young woman biting her lip nervously. "W-well, she's very good at... " Celeste explained haltingly, until finally exclaiming, "interrogations!" Once again, her bubbly nature shown through as she bounced happily at her quick thinking. "She knows how to get people to tell her all the naughty things they've done!" It was difficult for her to think of ways to explain Shiva's abilities without making it explicit, but Celeste was proud of her ambiguities. "Don't worry, I'll come with her and we'll show you just how good we are at making people talk! "

With her earlier attempted humor apparently not registering with the demoness, Celeste gave her own soft laugh to the woman's rejoinder, but was unable to save the conversation. Things didn't improve for the young mage when she realized just how insensitive she was being to Commander Danikles. First she implied his unimportance to her, and then blew off the doubtlessly thoughtful activity he had arranged for her. Taking in his hurt expression, Celeste's eyes grew wide and watery for a moment before she offered, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! This is all because I'm bad at keeping track of things!" Moving forward, the busty blonde leaned over his desk, continuing her sorrowful plea, "I swear I'll make it up to you! Anything you want! Just tell me!" Despite her apparent desperation to appease the demon, Celeste was almost ready to run out of the station in embarrassment at her faux pas, barely managing to keep herself parked in front of his desk by bouncing on her heels, causing her whole body to shake. "M-maybe we'd still have time tonight if I hurry with my other plans!
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Interrogations?" Danikles asked, sounding out the word after Celeste had said it as if he didn't understand what she meant. "What is an... Interrogation?" he would ask, and if the mage offered any explanation at all he would seem to understand instantly, "oh, you mean torture! Well, sure, we've got people for that, but I suppose it could be interesting to acquire some mortal talent for it!"

Once that mess was cleared up, it was the demon commander's turn to appear taken aback as Celeste reacted quite energetically to his apparent unhappiness, and he hurriedly removed the offending expression as she leaned over, taking a discreet peak down her blouse in the process of course. "Oh, no, it's alright! I understand! Nothing to be sorry about!" he said hurriedly, and then smiled charmingly at her while she bounced on her heels in front of his desk, "really, it's okay! I mean, I do get off duty in only about an hour, and it wouldn't be any trouble for me to wait for you to get out of work. I was only planning on taking you out to dinner, maybe to show you around a bit if you were interested, since you're new to the city and all."

His eyes had unashamedly tracked her jiggling assets while he spoke, though it would be an incredibly easy mistake to make to believe that he was following her face instead. "Maybe we can, but I'll come visit the Wet Witch in a couple hours regardless. You'll most likely be put through a, ahhh, trial period, of sorts, though I'm certain you'll get the job!" he continued reassuringly, still grinning. "You'd better hurry though! Not that I'm in any hurry to get rid of you, of course, but you don't want someone to take it before you even get there!"