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Re: Wolfenstahl

As far as I know, the blog works fine.
Sometimes you'll need to refresh the page, if it doesn't load.
(try this several times if it doesn't work right away)
But it should work then.

Phew, all that's left to do today is adding one more CG, doing some balancing and adding some more background details.
(our artist is doing some more today, so I couldn't implement those earlier)
I somehow feel the urge to add text to the CG's...
But I know that I won't have time to do that today.
(at least I guess that I won't have time for that)
Re: Wolfenstahl

First Screenshots for Paperheads

Demo will be aviable soon...

Re: Wolfenstahl

Damn, now I am definitely looking forward to the demo release.

Heh, still can't get over the title of the game though.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Dangit, I hope he's able to release it this evening, I gotta work tomorrow and waiting till evening to check the game out is just too cruel. :D
Re: Wolfenstahl

It looks amazing! The author said it'll be released tomorrow, I hope it was today thou :p Can't wait to see the grapple system and see a glimpse of what we can expect in the full version. First time I'm this hyped about an H-Game actually :) and I'm pretty sure it'll live up to it. Long live european software!
Re: Wolfenstahl

First Screenshots for Paperheads

Demo will be aviable soon...

Well, there are a lot more screens at the tutorial section of the blog.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Woah what the fuck, I didn't know this was a planned expansive side scrolling RoR!

.... *checks every page immediately*
Re: Wolfenstahl

DAMN, nice.... :eek: cant wait to play this.... even if only a demo version.... :rolleyes:

Realy starting to get interested in this project....
Re: Wolfenstahl

I just wanted to let all of you know, that the beta-demo is out now.
It doesn't have that much content yet, but it's playable, stable, and it pretty much makes clear what we want to do with future releases.

(that means, the direction the game should take)

Have fun testing the game ^^

Oh yes... and please look into the controls in the tutorial section "on the blog" first.
Or... at least you should do that, if you're confused by what you "can" do in several situations.
(it's not hard to understand, it's just confusing if you never knew how it works)
Last edited:
Re: Wolfenstahl

Goddamn it, i just wanted to go to bed now...

Oh well, here I go again, tired to work but satisfied.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Hmmm the escape system is frustrating as hell.....

I might have done things wrong... but seriously, when you get caught, the arrow thing, I got out of it once, second time, no such luck....

Also, I got a key, but I couldnt get anywhere, cause I had to keep fighting for some reason....

The picture for the game over was quite nice, and all in all the system is also pretty cool.....

Just dont get how you use those X, V, C things to escape them, or how to get out of the ropes properly...... :rolleyes:
Re: Wolfenstahl

Mashing x during the assault damages the grabber at the cost of your stamina. C, when used when the triangle with the ! in it pops up, stops forward progress of the rape scene. V, while being raped, reduces the Pleasure bar and increases your current health.

During the Trapped scenes, if you hit the arrows in sequence as they light up, you reduce the pink bar, which frees you once it empties, admittedly at the cost of Stamina.

Hope that helped! :D
Re: Wolfenstahl

This is actually very, very good. I was a little reluctant to get my hopes up, despite some very promising indications from the devs, but this demo has erased my skepticism.
Re: Wolfenstahl

This has got to be the single most promising H-Game demo I've seen in a long time.

The grapple system is unique and functional.
The fighting system is admittedly a bit sluggish, but still solid.
Movement could be a little better (running costs stamina?), but is otherwise fine. I had no issues with the ledges, at least not any that really affect the gameplay, so all clear there.
The rapes themselves looks great, as do the CGs, which look even better.

I like the "second chance" system, but I think the ropes are a bit overly difficult to break sometimes (once I was playing on normal difficulty, woke up as soon as I could, used both hands to mash all four arrow keys and still didn't escape in time), but the CGs you get for failing make it tolerable.

I like the tentacle rapes (obviously, being a tentacle fan), and I like the Paperhead rapes but I wish they could group up. It just seems odd that if there are two of them there and one is raping Verdani, the other should want to join in, especially if they're from this "perverted sex-trade organization". Maybe make that one of the "blockable" stages of the grab? When the guy who starts the grapple reaches his final pose, and you fail to interrupt/block, then another joins in for a new set of poses together?

The combat itself is nice, but very spammy. I found myself sitting in place and spamming the kick attacks until they dropped, or if there were multiple, kicking then running away, then kicking and running... you get the idea. The main reason I did this was because even when I was attacking them with the fast slashes, they still managed to grab/punch me, so I tried to keep my distance. I think this detracted from the gameplay because all you can do in a fight is hit-and-run; not exactly a "skillfull" play style, nor a very satisfying one.

The grab system was genius however, and I found it very easy to pick up and master. The arrow keys were a bit annoying but the X C V commands worked perfectly, aside from one thing; the amount of stamina used per hit compared to the amount of damage dealt. I would mash X and damage him untill I had absolutely no stamina left, but would only take out a third, maybe half of their health bar. Maybe increase stamina regeneration rate so you can attack more, or increase the damage dealt by each tap of the button so that it isn't as painstaking?

But overall I loved this. It's very well done, with excellent sprites and cgs, good, solid mechanics, a bit sluggish gameplay overall, and an impressive variety considering there were only 2 different enemy types available in the demo.

I am very much looking forward to more, and hope you enjoy making it as much as I enjoyed playing it!
Re: Wolfenstahl

Ohh man..
It fucking blew up my laptop!
Aside from that I got this error..

:( :( :(
Re: Wolfenstahl

Animations and CG are pretty great, I wish all games had that quality. The sidescroll fighting bits are alright, but like you said the grappling seems to be the main event.

Sometimes it seems near impossible to damage Paperbag's but it seems to get easier if I correctly block an attack or two from them, I assume intentional?
Re: Wolfenstahl

Mashing x during the assault damages the grabber at the cost of your stamina. C, when used when the triangle with the ! in it pops up, stops forward progress of the rape scene. V, while being raped, reduces the Pleasure bar and increases your current health.

During the Trapped scenes, if you hit the arrows in sequence as they light up, you reduce the pink bar, which frees you once it empties, admittedly at the cost of Stamina.

Hope that helped! :D

Aha, wel thanks for the explanation of the X, V, C buttons, those arent realy the issue though, the arrow buttons just flash to fast, and I cant realy follow the pattern, so I just mash all the buttons as fast as I can, but then still sometimes it takes to long to escape and you get raped/game over....

wich is a bit silly, also dont know how to get any futher, I got the key... but then I had to keep fighting these guys, due to them coming back all the time... or me not killing them fast enough..... so was stuck there.....

Also, I never saw a tentacle or anything like that.... maybe I missed something.... read the other replies.... and wel I dont recall any tentacles...:(
Re: Wolfenstahl

The sequence is Left Right Up Down. It's the same every time. And the tentacle enemies are through the locked gate near the save point.
Re: Wolfenstahl

The sequence is Left Right Up Down. It's the same every time. And the tentacle enemies are through the locked gate near the save point.

Save point, what save point??

Also, I did see a gate, but how do I get through that gate, I got a key, but it wont open..... :confused:
Re: Wolfenstahl

Very nice game. Greatly enjoyable. Enemies are manageable but not so easy that there isn't a thrill and not so hard as to induce tears of rage. I LOVE your grab system. Very fun, timed well, makes getting caught quite delicious. You leave the progression control in our hands. Well done, well made. Sexy animations (I like sprite sex, and the multiple positions make this extra enjoyable), sexy CGs, and even acceptable backgrounds. You've made a solid winner.

Perhaps slow down the arrows a little, but maybe not. The tentacle one is harder, but also much more forgiving. Nice balance there. You placed the save in the demo perfectly, keep that up. Nothing worse than a long, hard area without save points that you have to grind through. Maybe add a third fingering animation for the paperheads if you feel inclined.

Demo: 7/10... for a completed game (two enemies, short stages). You're not even done yet. Make the rest of the game as smooth, fun, and sexy as this for a 10/10.