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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina would try to catch the words of other kindred who were interested in her particularly, but who didn't seem to be disparaging her with unkind words. She would satisfy the curiosity of those who seemed willing to reserve judgement, and introduce herself in the same manner as she had done with Ulric. She would not bid the Malkavian away, but instead trust that he would make himself scarce were she about to approach someone with a dim view of him.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza remained silent for a long moment, contemplating Genevieve's words. She hmmmed distractedly before glancing back in Genevieve's direction with a smile. She looked a smidge arrogant but it was difficult for her to smile without looking pretentious after all. "Genevieve, darling, I'm glad we can be friends. Would you be a dear and show me where I might find a proper subject to sink my teeth into around here?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Returning actually... he was there when I was embraced," Anabelle said with a gentle shrug, and looked back out the doorway into the room where all the other kindred stood or sat, and conversed amongst each other.

Carefully she set her untouched chalice aside, the tiniest droplet of crimson dripping over the side. She did not feel like she belonged here, and would be happy to depart from this place.

"Youth are always useful to those with power. Without them, who else would wield the spear?" Anabelle said quietly.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn listens intently to Rodger, eyes perhaps just a bit wide. "I may like to look around the library, but not at the moment. I think I'd like to decide exactly what I'm looking for, before I go looking for it. Do you have any tomes translated from Chinese, maybe? They're good with puzzles..." She said, drifting off a bit before shaking her head and standing. "But yes, later perhaps. Thank you for your hospitality, M'Lord." She told him, bowing again and wandering off, if the conversation was done. She walked straight to where she had noticed Aubrey, and peeked through the bookshelf at him, making nodding motions like they should go and talk elsewhere, and looking excited.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

A few of the more well dressed and stylish of the kindred in the room can be heard saying a poor remark or two about Vezina's dress. Though a simply dressed, elderly looking Cainite sitting alone to one side of the room seems to be remarking to someone unseen about potential allies and rivals amongst the new arrivals.

She looks up politely though she shows no smile as Vezina introduces herself before nodding her head in greeting. Ulric has stayed by the table of refreshments and the woman's conversation has ended by the time Vezina has made her way over.

"Greetings Vezina. I am Sister Pallas of Westminster. Despite your rather dreadful looking dress and your choice of companions you have the bearing of the first cursed. Pray tell which clan do you call your own?"

Genevieve smiles but shakes her head sadly as she answers.

"I'm afraid there isn't really anybody suitable around here. Rodger does have a few servants amongst the living but they would doubtlessly not meet your standards. Not to mention it would be rather poor of the guest to snack on the host's servants. Perhaps once you finish with your introductions to Rodger we can head for a more suitable place to feed."

She finishes speaking just as Jourdain quickly makes his way into the room. He seems to ignore the others for the most part and heads straight for where Eliza and Genevieve are sitting. Smiling he offers his hand as he says.

"Pardon us Genevieve but Eliza and I have matters to discuss with Rodger. I'm sure you can find something suitable to keep yourself busy while we're gone."

"Well if you don't feel the need to feed perhaps you would care for another duel with Guy while I finish my cup. You don't seem to fit in all that well at Elysium though I'm sure it won't be long until you can leave with Rodger's acceptance. Until then feel free to direct the conversation as you feel comfortable doing."

Donegal says in response to Anabelle's setting her glass down and her laconic speech.

Rodger thinks for a moment about Jocelyn's response before answering as he writes something down on the parchment before him.

"I think I might have something from the fabled lands of Cathay in my collection. Though I might have returned that to the Salubri I had borrowed it from. If I am able to find such a book I will be sure to get word to you. You may go now if you wish."

Aubrey nods his head from the other side and begins walking back towards the door Jocelyn had entered and meeting her there he nods to the woman who had brought her upstairs before leading her out to the quiet hallways of the manor.

Chinese huh. I guess it's possible you might have at least heard of it in myths and such. At least you didn't ask for something from the new world:D
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza sighs hearing Genevieve's answer, but she'd expected as much. Before she could reply, Jourdain appeared. She smiles and takes his hand. "Ah, there you are Jourdain. I was beginning to wonder if you'd slunk off into the night."

Before walking off she tilted her head toward Genevieve with a smile. "Do keep in touch my dear." With a toss of her hair, she walked off with Jourdain, arm in arm. She largely ignored the others but smiled a bit to herself if any of them were watching. Her mind was already going into overdrive, thinking of how she might make the best of this meeting.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Sister Pallas, I am descended from The Eldest who is Mekhet, progenitor of the noble Clan Tzimisce. I must apologize for my appearance - unfortunate circumstance has brought me here, looking the worse for wear."

Vezina bowed her head to Pallas, paying respect to the elder.

"I cannot yet comment as to the company I keep - I am still new to the city. Any company I have held has been temporary. Have you any advice then for the newly arrived?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

It's after the time of marco polo, right? I dunno, I just went 'who's good with puzzles, this age in history? hmm...' and went with the first thing that popped into my head. She did spend considerable time with the only people with true education at the time, nevermind the whole malkavian thing, i figure that's decent enough. I'll change it if you want, not sure if Chinese is even the right name for them that far back XD

Jocelyn waits till her and Aubrey were out in the empty hallway before grinning. "I found one." She told him, looking the happiest she's been in a while.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jourdain leads Eliza back through the quiet hallways of the ancient mansion and up the stairs but before they get to the library he says.

"Do you just have a more refined palette or can you only feed from a certain class of people? If it's the latter, we may have to make some rather hasty arrangements for the night."

He leads the way past the red headed kindred into the library, Eliza can feel the woman looking her over carefully and she continues to watch the rest of the proceedings from her position by the entrance.

Rodger is still sitting amongst his dusty parchments and books smiling benignly as Jourdain nods his head. He then introduces Eliza to the rather deathly looking Cainite before them who waves his hand towards the empty seats beside him.

Pallas shows little emotion as she offers for Vezina to take a seat nor does she show any emotion s she responds.

"Yes, we all have our accidents from time to time and I suppose one can hardly blame a newcomer for not knowing who they should speak with. The Malkavians have fallen far since the times of the ancients especially Ulric. Though like any other kindred he makes a capable pawn from time to time. What brings one of the Tzimisce to such a distant shore as England?"

Aubrey seems to be very happy that Jocelyn has found her way to the mansion, mentioning that he had planned to bring her the next night. They are in the middle of a quiet hallway by the time Jocelyn excitedly explains that she's found one.

"Well that's good you seem so much happier than you have been, my dear. But what is it exactly that you have found and how did you find your way here. I heard it's been a rather dangerous night for our kind to be out."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle chewed on her lip slightly as she thought for a moment.

"So long as I'm here, I suppose I should make an attempt at keeping alive and making friends. Is there any demand for those with my...demeanor?" she asked the two kindred before her.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"There's always need for apolitical allies, in fact it's probably why Jourdain befriended you. It's far easier to trust another Cainite when they aren't going to stab you in the back." Guy says in response to Anabelle's query.

"And if you're looking for other allies like yourself, you could always try Aethulwulf once he recovers. He may be fairly important as far as Mithras' schemes go but he's fairly apolitical like the rest of his clan." Donegal adds as an afterthought.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn looks down both sides of the hallway before replying, her voice dropping so aubrey could barely hear her. "An angel." She told him, nearly giddy with excitement.

"I came with a small group of other petitioners. I had decided to wander tonight, but there were hellhounds about. I found them all, and we hid in a guardhouse that had runes of safety etched in it. And then they took me to meet with Jourdain, and he led us here." She explained, answering his second question.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina took the seat offered her, looking Pallas over as she did so. Candor was a good policy, but what indeed should she let on about Gyulu and his motives. Did she dare represent her Sire, and by default, herself, as refugees from the Ventrue-controlled Magyar invasion? No, she did not think so. Nor could she suggest that lack of support from the Voivodes had lea to Gyulu's flight. She must make this seem as though it had been part of a plan - and it had, albeit a desperate one.

"I was bid by my Sire to come to London and represent my clan to the best of my abilities. The oldest of our bloodline cling to the strongholds amongst the beautiful Carpathians, but there are some of us with the vision to seek out distant shores, even though it take us from our homeland. There is a certain danger in striking out so far, but there is also a degree of freedom that comes with it."

Vezina felt that that was a good enough reasoning and kept her Sire and herself looking well.

"Might I ask what clan you call your own, Sister Pallas?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza stops with Jourdain, eying him curiously as he stops before the library to inquire about her tastes in blood.

"You mean the Ventrue trait? No, thank God. I merely prefer a finer cut of steak to sink my teeth into. Soft, decadent, and delicious. Is that so awful, brother?"

The younger lasombra allows her brother and mentor to lead her into Rodger's abode, walking gracefully at his side. Unperturbed by the appraising gaze of the redhead at the door, Eliza heads straight for the offered chair. She offers a slight courtesy before sitting, a respectful expression on her face. "My lord." She said before taking her seat and waiting silently for Rodger to make the first move.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Are you sure it was an angel? Demons can be very tricky at times." Aubrey asks with a look of concern.

He looks up and down the hallway just as Jocelyn had, neither of them seeming to hear or see anything out of the ordinary. He gets a beaming smile on his face almost as if Jocelyn's exuberance is contagious as he adds.

"It's good that you were able to find protection from the hell-hounds. I overheard the sheriff saying that the lupines were unusually active in the city tonight. You're safe now though, which is all that really matters."

Pallas seems to accept Vezina's reasoning for being so far from the Tzimisce homelands. Her normally stoic face shows the smallest hint of pride as she answers.

"Ventrue, the clan of Kings, though I may not have the regal appearance of many of my clan as I prefer to use the church as a means to power. I assume you have heard of the troubles accosting my lords court at the moment. Perhaps you might have an idea as to who is making such brazen attempts against my clan? Oftentimes an outsider can see through the political haze that blinds those of us more used to such things."

"Of course not, we all have our preferences when it comes to such things. I just wish I would have known so I could have better welcomed you." Jourdain answers before seating himself opposite Eliza and Rodger.

Rodger smiles as he nods his head in greeting to Eliza before looking over a parchment before him as he says.

"Welcome to the court of Mithras, Milady. As you come from such a well-known lineage I assume you understand the traditions of our kind, so I need not insult you by wasting time on such things. Instead I merely seek to make you as welcome as possible and to offer my usual services: advice and the use of my library should you ever have need, a small boon is usually all I ask in return.

I have no doubts Valerius will say the same upon his return, whenever that may be. As sure as I am that most of the necessary arrangements have been handled by Jourdain. Is there any pressing matter that you would like me to look into or perhaps some important question you have?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Aethulwulf, he is Gangrel?" Anabelle asked with some curiosity. She looked back into the main room, noting that Eliza was no longer within. Hopefully she would be soon. She missed the outdoors, and the smells of the forest.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Ah yes, the Ventrue. A clan of high nobility, honor, the right of rule. We Tzimisce have always respected your clan, despite the occasional border dispute. There is much I would desire to learn from one such as you."

Perhaps if this Pallas could be made to sense an opportunity in molding Vezina into an ally of her clan, or merely herself, Vezina could cultivate some good will with the rulers of London. It was as good a way as any to secure domain and insight into the way the Lords conducted themselves on the path of Kings. Vezina would just need to be careful how she allowed herself to be used.

"As for the afflictions of the court, it is certainly too soon for a newcomer to be making accusations. The poisoning of Aethulwulf suggests the use of bloodroot, or a similarly rare item to find in this part of the world, so it suggests that the guilty party is a Cainite of means. I imagine putting something like that past the keen and often rightfully paranoid senses of a Warmaster would take either the greatest of subterfuges and misplaced trust, or the subtlest uses of obfuscation. I have learned that your Sheriff is a Nosferatu. I'm sure he might be able to speak to the short list of Cainites with the latter capability. The disappearance of the Seneschel on the other hand has too much mystery cast over it. All we know is that Valerius is nowhere to be seen. Was he removed? Or does he have a reason to make himself scarce? If he was taken against his will, you would have to consider the amount of force it would take to subdue him. How many Cainites have the resources and the motivation? There are too many variables, Sister Pallas, so all we can do is speculate and investigate. But tell me more about the Seneschel... he has a ghoul follower who is an innkeeper by the town gate, does he not?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza offered a smile to the Chamberlain. "I'm very grateful for your hospitality my lord. I must say I was quite impressed by your abode here."

The lasombra woman paused in thought for a moment, considering Rodger's offer, wondering what to say and what to keep to herself. Politics was like walking a tightrope, but she enjoyed the challenge.

"Nothing urgent, no, but I was curious if you could help me with a certain matter. On my way to port, I was ambushed by two thugs armed with stakes, and when I finally made it to port, there were... very aggressive lupine. Coincidental maybe, but I wondered if you might have heard anything about it afterward? Perhaps with your great knowledge of the kindred in London, you might be able to identify anyone in the city that might have a grudge against myself or my clan?" Choosing her words carefully, Eliza tried to appear as friendly as possible, waiting for the Chamberlain's response.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn nodded vigorously. "I think so." She said, still whispering conspiratorially. "She's hiding amongst the petitioners, but I think I saw a devil as well. I don't know exactly what's going on, But i'm gonna help the angel as best I can." She explained, before continuing the lupine conversation.

"I heard howls from almost all around. I'm kind of glad i found the place with the wards, i don't think I'd have been safe in the inn."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Yes, one of the few Gangrel to ever come through London. They mostly tend to stick to the far flung parts of the island like Alba, Powys, and my homeland Man. He tends to avoid most of the smaller politics of the court which makes me think that his poisoning has more to do with outside forces." Donegal says in response to Anabelle's curiosity.

"Yes, from what I have heard of my eastern brethren under Hardestadt, the Tzimisce are certainly worthy of the respect given them. You do control the largest empire of any of the clans save the Lasombra to the south. They are often too petty for my tastes however."

Pallas says as she seems to warm to the conversation provided by Vezina. She still shows little emotion as she continues.

"You also speak wisely for someone who has only recently left her sire's side. I would have doubted your words more had you put forth an idea as to who has done these things. Perhaps we may even be able to do some favors for each other at some point. As to Valerius I'm unsure of how many ghouls he has, though it is well known that he owns the Inn of the Gilded Merchant near the gate. I have no doubts he would have at least one ghoul to see over that investment."

"Ah yes, the lupines, they have been more active than usual on this evening. As I told Jourdain, Richard had to run for his very unlife form one of the beasts."

Rodger says as he looks up from his papers and folds his hands once more.

"As to the unfortunate attack on your person I could think of a few candidates who dislike your clan. Though the most obvious candidate is currently missing. Perhaps someone who still holds a grudge against your sire from her time in this city. Though that is a bit before my time here and Jourdain would likely know more than I in that case. Still I would gladly look into such a matter for a small boon."

"Well please be careful of them. I don't know what I would possibly do without you to keep me from losing my focus. Perhaps you should stay close to them when you can. I'll usually be here if you need me, Rodger seems to enjoy my insights and so do some of the others."

Aubrey says just as exuberantly, before adding.

"I read that the wards were put in place by order of the Prince to keep lupines out of his city. He's apparently very powerful and when he first came here he fought them often. There's all kinds of lore in the library there though there's also a lot of dust. I can't stay and look for long or I start to draw the circles. Are you hungry? Rodger always serves refreshments in the main hall and it would keep you from having to do, well you know what I mean."
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