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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though it doesn't answer, the wrap demon seems to consider what Helena says. "You enjoy your struggling, I enjoy my little game." the sphinx says, gently pushing Helena along the floor. "And the stone floor is rather uncomfortable, don't you think?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I'll make you a deal, you two can have your fun, I wont take that from you, but you come with me after, I'll treat you well, there's a rope demon there as well who's Never complained, well treated, and respected for what he is. I know you Demon, as you know me, you can feel my flame... A simple assent or denial, but angering me is not wise.* Helena continued, continuing to both bend the wrap demon to her will, and to convince her to simply allow her, she had what it wanted, more, better prey, and even protection in this form and freedom from this odd prison it had found itself in, and all it had to do was be itself.

Turning her attention to the Sphinx, noticing now that she was being moved, Helena squirmed a little more and looked at the sphinx. It Is. truly, but mind filling a girl in? Especially one who's not screaming, flailing, or setting things on fire?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The wrap demon answers via vibrating gently. "Enthusiastic, are you?" the sphinx asks as it pushes a paw under Helena, lifting her slightly up and bringing her under him. As the sphinx lowers itself on Helena, she feels a thick member slide between her thighs before the sphinx slowly pushes it in, filling Helena up.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, her hands hobbled up by her neck, and her legs bound tightly together, squirmed and moaned softly as she felt herself lifted, and that thick length pushed between her thighs, her slit wet long ago as soon as the wrap demon had started to play honestly, and as the Sphinx slowly filled her, she arched her back as much as she could, and moaned lewdly, her inner walls rippling around the thick length as she rolled her hips, taking a slight meal it seemed as she squirmed in pleasure.

Very... hah...Ah! Fuck you're big! Helena panted out, clamping down and rolling her hips gently, shifting him within her as she coo'ed with obvious lust. But... this curious creature has fangs Helena rasped out, suddenly pulling on the Sphinx's soul, feeding just a little, knowing it would only drive the Sphinx's lust higher, and empower her as well. She wouldn't devour him, no... she's just teach him a slight lesson...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Sphinx will save: fail

The sphinx growls, pulling away before slamming its member back in and starting to roughly pound Helena's wet hole, each thrust filling her with pleasure as the large creatures satisfies its need.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, squirming, moaning, and gasping with pleasure, was fucking back as hard as she could, the creature's thick rod pushing her quickly towards a climax as he gave her folds the rough fucking they'd wanted for a while, even as she continued to pull on his soul, refusing to let him free just yet, continuing to taste and feed on that bright, powerful soul... So much energy... so much power here to take...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Sphinx will save: 19+6=success

As more energy flows into Helena, the sphinx lets out a terrifying roar. Helena feels the creature shrugging of the artificial lust she had instilled in it, and it pulls out, swatting her across the room with a large paw.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Batted across the room, Helena actually squirmed to her feet after smacking into a wall rather painfully just as she came, her juices staining her thighs as she looked at the sphinx.

Now now now, You didn't want to play nice... or fair. I was even going to scratch that spot on your back you can't quite reach, but I answered your riddle, Don't blame a girl for pushing back. You're powerful, even regal in your own way, and I'll even LET you knock me back over, and fuck me stupid, I enjoy it, but don't think for a minute you're going to get your rocks off without my say so. Helena said quietly, her mind brushing the wrap demons, telling it to let her go, it could finish her off itself when they were safe... Or if the sphinx simply agreed to have it's fun, and let her go...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena will save: 4+4=Fail. Helena is now frightened.

"You answered my riddle and I let you into the temple unharmed. That was the deal. Letting you take the turban without paying wasn't part of it." the sphinx growls angrily, letting out a fearsome roar that promises death to all who defy the monstrous creature. The turban responds to Helena's mental command and lets her go, swiftly forming a turban again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, shaking with fear at the roar, immediately began to cast Vanish, she was getting the fuck out of here, and she was taking the turban. Whether the spell immediately worked or not, Helena bolted for the door, wings exploding from her back as she yanked her pants up and destroyed yet another fucking shirt, running as she leapt into the air.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sphinx doesn't move to stop Helena as she flees with the turban, quickly putting distance between herself and the temple, the fear only receding when she's hundreds of feet from the temple and the angry sphinx.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't stop, not until she's far away from both the temple, and the sphinx, panting softly as she just kept on moving, flying high enough to be confused with buzzards easily enough as she headed back towards the caravan, her prize now carried under her arm to avoid losing it. When the caravan came back into sight, Helena would vanish once more, only to divebomb towards the earth like a cannonball, landing silently INSIDE a wagon like some kind of winged missile, dropping her weight to almost nothing as she snapped her wings out and came to a screeching, mildly painful halt.

Panting, Helena looked around, having no rightful idea where she'd chosen to land wagon wise, and hoping she hadn't nearly killed someone by intruding like she had as she quickly shifted back to normal, and rested against the far wall, gently stroking the wrap demon in disguise. *And like that, You're free from the sphinx at least. We'll have plenty of fun later, promise* Helena said to the wrap demon, hoping it wouldn't really hold her to her promise of making good as soon as she was safe, because then people were going to get a show...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)


Helena's flight turns out to be uneventful, but her body is aching by the time she lands, still weak from the disease earlier. The wagon she's inside seems unfamiliar, but it's empty. The turban seems to shrug in response, going back to indifference.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just takes a moment to recover, prodding at the Turban for being lazy, she had promised it some fun... Catfacing, Helena cast her mind around for Willow, who would still be nearby barring disaster. *Lover~ Come look what I found! Promise you'll enjoy it.... * Helena said, though she couldn't hide her mishief or her lust over the link as she chuckled and waited.

As she waited, she poked around for Jasmine as well, wondering if her sister had stopped listening to long winded preachers.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The witch responds with amusement and wariness: *Wouldn't it be better to do that in our wagon?* but Helena can feel her coming closer. It seems that Jasmine has returned to the wagons as well, and the older succubus pokes her sister back, mentally.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ooo Jasmine! Come look! I brought home another pet!* Helena answers to the poke as she waits for Willow to come in. Seeing her lover, Helena stood up and drew her into the back of the wagon, kissing her deeply.

Prodding at the rope demon, Helena chuckled Get her, go slow though, and be gentle.

Now Willow, just remember, it's friendly... Helena said, pulling back and catfacing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*You really seem to attract those,* Jasmine comments as Willow steps into the wagon, only to be greeted with a passionate kiss and a gift wrapping that makes her squirm playfully. "H-hey! What is this thing?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watched the demon turban rape hat take advantage of it's new target quickly, leaving Willow bound up rather nicely and squirming playfully as Helena pulled her farther into the shadows of the wagon. it's called a wrap demon, it's like the rope demon, only made of cloth, and smarter, snarkier to, but fun... Hrm... Should I let him have you while I watch~ Or enjoy you myself, I do love unwrapping presents~ Helena said into her ear, laying her down in her lap and stroking the wrapping, willing the demon to tease her, to have it's fun.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

At Helena's encouragement, the wrap demon starts vibrating gently, causing Willow to blush. Just then Jasmine peeks into the wagon with a playful glint in her eyes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena ushers Jasmine inside as she enjoys Willow's blushing, running her hands along her body slowly and teasingly. Hello Sis~ Look what I found! Even convinced it to stick around, and listen, I'm rather proud of myself, and I only had to take half a dicking from a sphinx to get it! What do you think? Should we let the rope demon join as well? Just let the pair enjoy my Little Willow here? I bet she'd enjoy it, wouldn't you Love~ Helena teased, groping her chest playfully as she looked up at Jasmine grinning.