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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow seems to be hovering on the very edge of consciousness, but Jasmine continues fucking her until she orgasms again and passes out. The tentacle retreats and Jasmine lifts Willow onto the bed, pulling the wand out of her and handing it to Helena. "She has pretty good stamina."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena bucked and clenched her way to one last climax, whimpering as her body tensed and her back arched, sweating and writhing until Jasmine finished and the unconscious Willow rolled onto the bed, Jasmine handing the wand to Helena.

"Ya she does" Helena said panting as she rolled over and recovered, grinning widely. "Too bad she passed out, she won me and Cindy for the entire day, note the collar Cindy has to wear" Helena said chuckling softly as she looked around the room for the smaller spiders that had to be somewhere. "We thought about waiting for you, but had no idea how long you'd be gone"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Glad you had fun," Jasmine says and leans to hug Helena. "What was the bet?"

Helena can see a few spiders on the walls and the ceiling, but most of them seem to be gone.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena rose unsteadily to scoop up one of the infant spiders, stroking its back with one finger as she looked at it, smiling. "Who could make the best illusion" Helena said, looking at the small spider and playing with it a little bit before moving to the window to open it and set them all free, setting the one she had snagged on the sill.

"We made it winner take all, Willow got both of us. So how was your information hunt? Fruitful I hope?" Helena asked turing to face Jasmine properly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The spider wriggles in Helena's hand, but calms when she sets it down and scuttles outside.

"Unfortunately not. There doesn't seem to be any Vistani nearby at the moment."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well that's nice and annoying" Helena said pouting a bit, watching the spider leave with a smile poking Strike randomly with her mind and only smiling bigger. "They're so Cute~!" She said to the Jasmine as she let her happiness flood over the link between her and Strike about the little spider before calming down and turning to look at Jasmine, lounging by the window. "So we have until after the full moon before leaving for the Wastes, Willow owns me and Cindy for the rest of the day, and we have Vistani to track down. I think we can fill the time" Helena said to her big sister smiling.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Strike seems to be in a rather good mood, eating something.

Jasmine smiles back at Helena. "The caravan's move around a lot, apparently. There's a good chance that one will pass nearby in the next few days. And the first night of full moon is tomorrow, I think."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sighed and played with the leash still hooked to her collar, patting Fenrir on the head and scritching his ears. "Greaaaat" Helena said a little sarcastically before pacing a bit and finally sitting down. "Well, were the only conscious ones" Helena said after a moment, twirling the leash. "Ideas?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fenrir murrs softly and pushes his wet and cold nose against Helena's leg. "It could be worse. We have a few days, we could try to earn a little money, I guess."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena tenses a bit at the cold feeling of the wolf's nose, scratching him behind the ears. "You can never have enough gold~!" Helena said cheerfully. "Standard way? Or something else?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We could try to run some con games. Or rob a bank." Jasmine says not-too-seriously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm up for bank robbery" Helena said cheerfully, cracking a smile, before finally starting to laugh. "Prostitution it is! But we need costumers..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well, let's go find a suitable tavern, then." Jasmine's features change, and after a moment she looks like an elf. The redhead pulls her clothes back on, and quickly cleans them with a spell.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods, taking a very similar appearance to Jasmine, before saying fuck it, and copying Jasmine exactly in every way. "Twins!" She says happily, before getting dressed, laughing the whole while. "What do you think identical twins are worth here?" She said between choked laughter as she pulled on the furs and leathers, one of her nicest outfits, adding the curling gold ring to the outfit and stretching, looking herself over.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Probably a good bit. Let's go." Jasmine heads out and Helena can feel her focusing her mental senses in an effort to find a suitable place.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckled and followed Jasmine, extending her own mind, and focusing in on greed rather then lust, and then on both, trying to find a place where both met. She was more curious then anything, and would follow Jasmine's lead based on her experience alone. Whenever they reached what Jasmine was looking for, Helena would carefully check the emotions of the place, and memorise them for later use. *This seems to be a little more complicated then simply hunting for a large meal Jasmine* Helena sent over. *What exactly are we looking for?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There don't seem to be any large concentrations of lust, and Jasmine is frowning by the time they arrive at an upper class tavern, feeling of pride and relaxation with a touch of drunkenness. There don't seem to be many customers, but Jasmine seems unconcerned as she walks to the bar and orders a bottle of good wine before going to take a seat in a table near the middle.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena notes the emotions of the place curiously, deciding to match Jasmine's confidence with a timidness that seemed the exact opposite of her older sister, which conveniently fit given the hard to miss collar. This was all about attracting costumers right? May as well widen the net, and men loved having their egos stroked by feeling more powerful...

Sitting with Jasmine, Helena waited for her to pour the wine, seeming a little nervous and shy, not meeting peoples gazes directly for long as she felt out everyone in the room carefully even as she made a very subtle show of her form, managing to look delectable and reluctant at the same time.

*This should be interesting...*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine makes a show of filling the two cups before sitting down and taking a sip from her own while covertly looking around.

There is only about half a dozen customers, all of them elves and most looking fairly wealthy. Only one of them seems to have more than passing interest for the two women, and his interest doesn't seem to have much to do with lust. The dark haired elf looks at the pair with a casual glance before returning to his own drink. *What should we do with that cutpurse?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Lure him out and rob him blind after he's taken every coin he can from everyone else* Helena said after thinking for a moment. *Either way, we make a show of a little coin, he'll try and take us for everything we have. If we do it in a secluded area, it shouldn't be hard to put him to sleep and leave him penniless... Or I can suck him near dry and dominate him, easy picking then as well... I say we rob the thief...*