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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Of course, milady." The trader says with a bow, and leads Helena and her companions inside. The man seems prideful, but not dishonest. There are several horses of each of the four breeds, and all seem to be healthy and of good breed, if not on level with the best ones.

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena walks along the stables, looking at every animal closely, seeing similarities between these breeds and those of her home. Seeking out Jasmine and Cindy's minds, Helena posed a rather important question. *How experienced are you two with riding, or handling an upset animal, because an angry horse is dangerous...*

As she spoke, she reached her hand out to a dark blue roan with a white crest and a streak of the same color through her mane. If she could, she would gently stroke its nose and neck, whispering soft words of encouragement.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I've ridden a few times, but that's all.* *I used to have lots of experience, but I'm more than a little rusty.*

The horse shies away from Helena's touch, neighing and shaking its head.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena reaches out to the mares mind, cooing softly, trying to coax it back into her touch. *It sounds like we need some more even tempered mounts for you 2 then.* If the mare still refused to come close, Helena wouldn't push her luck, instead having her eyes drawn to the smaller breed in the stables. If the horse proved more receptive this time, Helena would stroke her gently and then move to inspect the smaller breed.

"Tell me my good man, What are the smaller breed there, they seem docile, and would you be against me inspecting the animals myself?" She didn't want to overstep any bounds, but smaller breeds were notorious for having leg and hip problems.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The horse calms enough to let Helena touch it, though it remains skittish.

"Not at all, milady. They're called Gedfode. I'm surprised you're not more interested in the Red-bellies, here. Most of the nobles are more interested in those."

Helena can see that there are only two horses of the smallest breed, and neither seem to have any health problems.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gently strokes and coos for the dark blue mare. She was a sweetheart, but seemed temperamental. Still, Helena kept her eye on her for herself, she really was beautiful. Wandering over and inspecting what she now knew to be Gedfode. Closer inspection told her they were quick and agile, and willing to be led, a good horse to both learn with and to give to the more experienced. "Cindy, Jasmine, come here and look at these two while I have a word with our friend here. Speak quietly and move slowly." She said as she moved towards the stable master. "What is that Roan there, she's beautiful." Helena said quietly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy nervously moves closer to one of the two horses and moves to touch its head. It doesn't seem to mind being touched, and lets Cindy pet it. Jasmine moves closer to the other, humming calmingly as she examines it.

The stablemaster obliges Helena and shows her the roan-colored horse. "It's a vaam-gaaerde. Very good if you wish to go outside the core, for they tolerate heat and cold very well. It's not as fast as the other breeds, of course."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena motions for Aqua to come over to the Roan. "Go ahead and stroke it gently Aqua, Ill give it a quick look over" She said as she smiled and gently went over the horses legs and flanks, feeling for old scars or twists in the bone while continuing to speak to the stable master. "Tell me about the fastest of your breeds then"

It seemed Helena may have managed to find mounts for everyone, but she personally loved to feel the wind in her hair and move quickly. It was better to find a horse that matched your mood, then to buy one as a tool. They would do their work just fine, but were easier to train and control if they were like yourself.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"The black and blue Vindhåre are the fastest ones." The trader leads helena to look at a particularly magnificent animal, half a hand taller than most and with bluish black hair. "He is the fastest animal I have."

Jasmine doesn't seem satisfied with the small horse, and comes to examine the Vindhåres with Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Hahaha, I see you were thinking the same way I was~* Helena sent over teasingly as she carefully inspected the animal shown to her, making sure it was as sound and healthy as magnificent. If it reacted poorly, she would refuse to back off. She wouldn't scare it, but she was in charge here. Running her hands down the animal gently, she checked its back and hips carefully.

"That's a good boy, hold still. You don't deserve to be in a stable, you deserve to run and feel the wind. Come with me and you will." She spoke softly, calmly, refusing to be afraid or act aggressively. "He's a beautiful animal" Helena said beaming.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine quickly selects another animal, a promising looking colt. "You have excellent taste, ladies. The four horses, including their gear, and 390 bridles."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Done and Done!" Helena said cheerfully. "You should be proud of your stock sir, they are all well cared for, and beautiful animals, They are lucky to have you watching over them" Helena said still smiling, stroking the stallions nose before grudgingly stepping away. "Please have them ready for us in the morning."

Grinning from ear to ear and in a fantastic mood, Helena promised to teach Cindy and Aqua how to care for their mounts, knowing Jasmine would quickly pick up her old skills quickly. "What else do we need? We have maps, packs and the likes?" Helena asked Cindy curiously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You're very kind, milady" the trader says with a bow and a smile. "It shall be as you wish."

"I got us a tent, a good map, bedrolls and food. I haven't been in wilderness much, so I hope we're not forgetting anything important."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"As much as I love orienteering, I would prefer a compass" Helena said grinning. "ONWARDS! We search the magnetic needle of truth!" Helena said happily. "probably the same man you bought the map from will have one."

After Helena had procured a Compass, she would announce them ready to depart at a moments notice! and head back to the Inn.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The mapmaker sells Helena a compass for a few silver, and soon the four of them are back in the inn. Aqua soon discards her no doubt uncomfortable clothing, and they all gather around
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looked over the map, putting her finger on Kantora. "So we need somewhere where magical is Legal, preferably away from this miserable church. Cindy, they tell stories here, what place is Famous for its magic..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy looks over the map and points at several places. "I'd suggest Hazlan, but the Lawgiver rules there as well. Darkon is another possibility, as well as being tolerant towards other races, but the people there are... weird. There are also lots of undead there, or so I've heard. Barovia isn't a friendly place either, but I don't think magic is illegal there. It's also the best route to the west."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena listened carefully. "Why does it sound like the friendliest place here is weird Darkon? I'd suggest there just because the asshat priest said I was from there, and was a dick about it. Still ultimately it's up to you Jasmine, we need power and a way home." Helena said still thinking and setting the compass down next to the map, making sure they were looking at it the right way.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Darkon does sound promising. How hard are the mountains to pass?" Jasmine asks Cindy.

The girl hesitates. "I don't know. There's trade, so it can't be too hard, but that also means bandits, usually."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Lions and Tigers and Bears! O My!" Helena said snickering. "Bandits can be more fun then trouble, regardless, we shouldn't go flashing our wealth around while we travel. I vote the fat purse stays with Jasmine because she's scary"

Still chuckling, Helena shook her head slowly. "So, to Darkon it is, lets get to planning a route" She said leaning over the map and trying to find a decent route that was well travelled.