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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Olivia gets up from her cum soaked seat on the ground, her own juices run down her butt and the back of her legs, adding a glossy look to already slick and polished skin.

She walks towards the middle of the room, nearby girls take notice and look toward her as she raises her head and closes her eyes, sending a mental command to the meatwall around her.

in an instant, all of the women are released from their bondage, many of them look around for a way to escape while they rubs their sore wrists and ankles.

"Come to me, my slaves"

Women around the room shake their heads and blink as their minds are temporarily affixed to Olivia in the middle of the room, their own minds yielding control as their bodies obey the command of the powerful being before them.

all of the women in the lair, save for unconscious Samantha walk closer to Olivia, they gather around in a circle and stand there, many of them struggling visibly with their bodies as they try their best to gain control once again and sprint towards possible freedom.


all of the women obey in short order, crouching downward and sitting, some of the women kneel down, trying their best to defy the order given to them as their muscles twitch and their bodies shake, others relinquish control entirely, sitting down and spreading their legs open in acceptance of their fate.

"You are all mine now, your bodies are mine to use as i see fit, in time, you will all be fucked, your power drained and used by me to empower myself, some of you will be lucky enough to become impregnated and grow my forces, they too will fuck you for their own reasons, most of which for power as well"

Olivia walks in front of each woman, carefully inspecting them, crouching down and sticking her fingers between the legs of the open ones to taste them.

"If you obey me willingly, your experience will be as pleasurable as i can make it, i promise you this, you will feel little other than sure ecstasy for the rest of your lives, some of you may even become fulfilled by your efforts here, as our children are birthed from you, you may begin to feel a motherly love for them"

Olivia runs her lubricated fingers along the cheek of a struggling woman before her, who instantly becomes more relaxed and shifts into the spread position as her body forfeits completely due to the powerful touch of her master.

"You will be fed, anything you can imagine will be tasted by you. do you want love? i love you as children. do you want pleasure? my tendrils will create unparalleled stimulation. Do you want purpose? birthing my spawn will have a greater impact on the world than anything else you could have done in your free lives."

Olivia crouches down next to another woman and whispers in her ear, the woman instantly closes her eyes and begins playing with herself, as a large smile replaces her frown.

"I am your master now and you are my slaves, there is no escape from my grasp, do not defy me, or all of that pleasure that i promise you can easily become endless pain and torment"

Olivia moves over to another girl, who still stuggles despite her warnings, Olivia places her hand on the womans forehead and the woman recoils in pain, grabbing her head as she experiences a powerful headache, Olivia grabs her by the back of the head and pulls her in and presses her up against her pussy, where the woman finally gives in and begins to stick her tongue inside of Olivia as quickly as she can, the pain subsides and is quickly replaced by tranquility and pleasure.

"I am a monster, a twisted being created by my own master, i used to be human like you, i know your fears, your ambitions, your hopes. none of that means anything anymore, your new lives start today"

Olivia releases the girl, who sits back and opens her legs in front of Olivia of her own free will, completely unbound by Olivia's magic, Olivia walks back to the middle of the room, his glistening ass reflecting the ambient light produced by the meatwall around her.

"My Master used to bind slaves against this meatwall you see around you, to keep them from escaping, but i will allow you to move freely around the lair, communicate with one another, make friends, play games, enjoy yourselves"

Olivia plays with his breasts, squeezing them as a bit of slime escapes her nipple and squirts onto her hand.

"Now, who wants to be fed?"

All of the women get up from the ground and crowd Olivia, reaching for her hand and trying to wrap their mouths around her breasts.

"Sit my slaves, you will all be fed in time."

the slaves sit where they are, their eyes affixed to her breasts or her hand containing the delicious slime, even the ones who havent eaten it yet find it irresistable, its aroma can be smelled across the room, and even the most timid girl was drawn to it like a hungry dog.

"you there"

Olivia walks up to a girl who sits patiently before her.

"do you wish to feed?"

the girl nods excitedly as she licks her lips, Olivia lowers her hand to the girl, who grabs onto it and starts licking up the pasty slime, when there is none left, she continues to lick, hoping her had missed a bit of it somewhere on her hand.

"do you want more?"

The girl nods energetically.

"you will be my water girl, go fetch a handful of water from the stream and bring it back to me"

without hesitation, the girl gets up and runs over to the nearby stream located inside of the lair.

"You there, she points a a girl at her side"


"yes, you girl, what is your name?"

"My name is beatrice...........my master"

"Already learning your formalities, im impressed beatrice"

Beatrice looks up at her shyly and shoots her a small smile.

"Stand beatrice" Olivia motions her fingers in an upward manner

Beatrice stands as quickly as she can, the other girl returns with her cupped hands full of water, Olivia looks at her and commands her quickly.

"let the others drink, do not stop until they are all sated"

the girl nods as she walks to the closest girl, positioning her hands in front of her for her to drink from.

"come to me beatrice"

beatrice walks up to olivia and stands just inches away from her.

"Beatrice knows her place here, she has learned quickly and has called me master, for that she earns my reward"

Olivia reaches out and grabs beatrice from the back and pulls her close. the girl is shorter than olivia and perfect height to look at eye level with Olivia's plump and inviting breasts.


beatrice wastes no time, planting her mouth to olivia's breasts, she begins to suck on them as the slimy fluid is drawn into her mouth.

"the rest of you are free to roam and mingle, find me later to be fed, dont start any trouble or try to escape, if you try ill stop you, and you'll miss your dinner."

Olivia feeds beatrice as the girls disperse and find each other, they start to talk and discuss their situation with each other, as the hours go on, the mood lightens and soon enough, laughter can be heard amongst them, nobody tried to escape or cause trouble, by the end of the night, all of them had been fed, the girls all curled up with one another to rest against the warm meatwall, their minds still buzzing from the effects of the slime they had consumed.


The next day, samantha woke up and approuched, she had been asleep for quite some time, but liked lively and rest today.


"Yes Samantha?"

"i just wanted to thank you, yesterday i....i never felt so happy in my life"

"the pleasure was all............"

Olivia feels a pain below, like something is pushing through, perhaps her body is ready to give birth to Laura? or maybe not.... Olivia really doesnt have any idea what her body is trying to tell her...... is it too early?

What do you do?

A. Give Birth to Laura.

B. Suppress the feelings of pain, Laura needs more time inside of you....you think.

C. Ask Samantha to help you.

D. Ignore the pain, but have a casual discussion with Samantha to see if it goes away.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

not sure. call it a grab bag.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

E. All of the above, but just in reverse order.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

C Get the poor woman out.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Intermission 16: Grorz

soft flesh....smooth skin....wetness below..warmth.

the hunger...power.....flesh....

she screams....i dont care...grab her body....dont let her run...

she struggles....bringing her legs together to protect herself....it is futile...

i grab her legs....pull them open....juicy hole beckons...

she cries out for mercy.....i cannot grant mercy....i must have her.

i insert myself into her...she screams again....i feel the warmth of her insides..

she struggles to free herself...i keep her from escaping....so warm....

the warmth surrounds me....i feel happy.....she screams and struggles...

my power grows.....she stops struggling.....i feel her power as i drain it....

i taste her power...it tastes good....my tentacles fuck her relentlessly...

...she stops fighting...her power is mine...i feel the climax building....

..i fire into her.....a mess is created....she is soaked in my fluid....

she stops moving....asleep........tired............i feel invigorated........

i drop her............release her.........i feel sated.........

i must find another meal...........im still hungry...............another woman spotted.

her breasts jiggle as she runs.......soft flesh..................i can smell her...

smooth skin..............wetness...................the hunger....power......flesh.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

What's a better reason to "un-lurk" myself than to post on an awesome CYOA? >:D

Whew, just read the thing, all in one sitting. Awesome, just awesome. And btw, we're still rolling, aren't we?

Anyway, I vote B. Let her breed nice and powerful.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Sorry for the delay, ive got a couple things im working on right now like diablo 3 and HoN so ive been busy. i tried writing a couple of updates but halfway through they i didn't the way they were going at all.

ill have a post here at some point when it is worthy of posting.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


"Samantha i think that Laura is coming" Olivia says as she puts her hand on her stomach, arching over in a bit of pain.

Samantha moves closer, looking concerned "is there anything i can do?"

"help me give birth to her" Olivia says to samantha, who looks confused.

after a short pause, Samantha sheepishly crouches down in front of Olivia as she spreads her legs open and leans back against the meatwall behind her.

The view of Olivia from his position is unique, her slimy muscular legs reflect the ambient light from the cave, small droplets of ooze ride down her legs like they were sweat. Olivia's vagina is tight and blue like the rest of her body is, but it excretes generous amounts of fluid which constantly dampens the floor before her.

Samantha is immediately drawn to her, the heavy smell of Olivia's pussy reaches her nose and her mind is filled with lust as her own parts begin to dampen, the smell is like a exotic plant, drawing in its prey, Samantha tries her best to maintain her composure and not become the fly.

Her eyelids grow heavy and she quickly shakes her head to fight off the intoxicating allure.

"What should i do?"

"help her out"

Olivia takes a deep breath and pushes her back pressed firmly against the meatwall behind her as she labors to push Laura from her womb.

Suddenly a tentacle can be seen escaping from Olivia's vagina, it reaches out parting her as it reaches out and clutches the meaty earth on the ground before it.

Samantha confused as ever, reaches down and tries to grab the tentacle, but as soon as she gets close enough, the tentacle loops around her arm and grabs her instead.

In a panic, Samantha steps backwards trying to free herself from its grasp, but it uses her as leverage to pull itself further out.

another tentacle emerges from Olivia's womb and fires out, grabbing Samantha's ankle with its superior strength, Samantha drops to the ground and leans against it, using all of her strength to fight back away so that she doesnt get pulled inside with the creature.

finally, a foot appears as it wiggles around feeling the air, it is shortly followed by another, two blue feet which test the air around them, as samantha is pulled slowly toward them, screaming in horror as she is placed between the maw which is Laura's two blue feet.

With one huge push and a loud scream, Olivia pushes Laura out completely, a gushing wave of light ooze splatters against the floor as the corrupted laura is squirted onto the ground before her.

Laura uncrosses her hands against her chest, blue tentacles from behind her back fire outward and test their strength in the world for the first time, she opens her eyes and samantha before her takes in the awe as her eyes appear to be glowing with blue power.

Laura helps herself off of the ground, her hands and tentacles alike plant themselves in the ground which is covered in her own birthing fluid.

Laura appears before them all, her skin is slick and muscular like Olivia's her breasts well formed and compact, the numerous tentacles which come from her back are just like the ones tentacle creatures have.

"Laura is that you?" Samantha says with a bit of fear in her eyes as she notices the way laura looks at her as if she were a snack.

Without saying a word, Laura fires out more tentacles and grabs onto Samantha's lower legs and ankles, she screams as she is pulled up into the air and drawn toward Laura.

Olivia still exhausted from the birth leans her head against the way and speaks "Go easy on her Laura, she is mine."

Laura stops for a moment, perhaps acknowledging her matriarch as she pulls the helpless Samantha toward her, he back facing Laura.

"Laura?" Samantha says, the fear clear in her voice.

"I need to feed Samantha, i am sorry" her voice reverberates with power as Samantha's behind reaches her face.

Laura reaches her arms around samantha's legs as the tentacles above them hold Samantha up, the choice of her ass and her vagina before her is a difficult one to make as she sticks her tongue out which is as long as a tentacle and hovers over her privates with it.

Laura tongue plunges downward into Samantha's ass and effortlessly pierces her anal sphincter as it quickly descends into her body and begins licking her insides.

Samantha screams as the violation occurs, the pain of her asshole being penetrated is a shock to her but she knows better than to struggle.

A tentacle from behind Laura's back positions itself directly above Samantha's pussy and like a viper striking, it fires downward and penetrates her clearly, Samantha screams again as the unexpected strike hits her.

Being both fucked her Laura's tongue and her new tentacles, Samantha is losing her power quickly, her vision becomes cloudy and the room starts to dim.

The tentacles inside of Samantha ejaculates spontaneously and the cum explodes from inside of her and squirts out, washing down her body covering her breasts, around her pierced asshole down her backside.

Laura retracts her tongue and places Samantha down on the ground gently, weakened but not unconscious from the amount of energy drained from her body by laura's fucking.

"Delicious" Laura says as her tongue goes back into her mouth, the tentacles release Samantha entirely and settle in the air above her like snakes ready to strike.

"Why didnt you finish her?" Olivia asks as Samantha rolls over to face the two women, cum covering her breasts and backside.

"I didnt want to hurt her." Laura says as the tentacles that fucked samantha is lowered down to her mouth so she can lick it clean.

"You cant kill them, they will only pass out and rest, to be used for another day."

"im sorry." Laura says

"ill show you how its done" Olivia gets up and walks towards Samantha, who like a wounded animal is trembling as her body is traumatized by the void of power.

"take her life this, so her power can flow into you evenly" Olivia grabs under Samantha's armpits and raises her into the air, a tear forms in Samantha's eye as she is prepared to be fucked again ruthlessly.

"Allow the phallus time to find her power source, you will feel it when she is helpless like this, playing with her can help" Olivia's clitoris forms into a large penis once again, and Olivia rub's Samantha's pussy along it.

"you can fuck her in the ass or in the cunt or both if you want to be quick, i unusually prefer the cunt through" Samantha is positioned directly above Olivia's erect cock.

"Why?" laura asks, like a good student.

"The girls tend to like it better, especially since your girth should be able to hit their G-spot, but if you like anal, you can penetrate them however you want, its not like they are in any position to complain." Olivia lowers Samantha down on her cock, slowly penetrating her as Samantha's eyes roll back into her head.

"it looks like you did get most of her energy" Olivia says to laura.

Olivia slowly fucks Samantha to get the last bit of her energy from her.

"you can ejaculate inside of her or outside of her if you want, just make sure she has semen inside of her somewhere, you can feed a bit to her if you want"

"Why does that matter?" Laura asks

"They will recover more quickly and be ready to fuck again sooner, it is a matter of good management"

Samantha is almost entirely drained of her power as Olivia ejaculates into her, the force sprays outside of her, splattering the ground and mixing with some of Laura semen below.

Olivia scoops up a bit of the semen on the ground a combination of Olivia's and Lauras and places it at the entrance of Samantha's mouth

"open up little one" Samantha opens her mouth lazily as the cum is placed inside her mouth.

Samantha passes out completely as Olivia lifts her up and carries her over to a an empty corner.

"So who can i fuck here"

"Anyone you want, but i need them too, so dont get greedy"

"And Samantha?"

"What about her?" Olivia says

"Can i have her for myself?"

"Why do you want her?"

"she is a sweet girl......and she tastes fantastic"

Olivia laughs. "they all taste fantastic"

"I would make her my apprentice and eventually transform her"

"Isn't it a little early for that, you've only just been reborn after all"

"it is up to you, i'll treat her well" Laura says

What do you do?

A. Give Samantha to Laura, she will become her personal slave and you wont be able to fuck her anymore.

B. No, you are the Matriarch and you get what you want, Samantha is yours.

C. Agree to give Samantha over to Laura, if she (Laura) agrees to be fucked by you.

D. Put her in her place, show her your power now and make her understand that there is only room for one Alpha here. Rape Laura and assert dominance over her now before she grows stronger.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I vote C...

D Is interesting but I find it kinda out of character. Nevertheless, Laura *was* kinda speedy with her "gimme her" though...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Olivia isn't good, nor is she evil. Laura has been her friend for a while now, but has always had dominance over her.

You can tell how she treats Samantha who is probably her most trusted slave how she feels about them, calling them a resource and treating her like an object to be used while she is weakened before her.

Olivia knows she has to repopulate the blue tentacle race and it is a big responsibility, if she wants to put Laura in her place now and remind her that she is still the most important person in this brood, now would be the time to do so, especially if Laura somehow creates a divide between the rest of the group.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

D sound like the best way to avoid future problems
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Intermission 17: Samantha

Laura had left her in a heap on the floor, her face pressed against the meaty floor which was covered with traces of cum which had been ejaculated into her and run down her body just moments ago.

she had a headache, her vision was blurred and her body felt as through she had not slept in a week, she wanted nothing more than to sleep, but she was not tired, just weak.

Laura had drained her of an enormous amount of energy, but had tried to leave some behind so that she would be able to still remain conscious, an innocent mistake, one that Samantha wished she had not made as she couldn't even muster the strength to lift her face from the small puddle of semen she now languished in.

Olivia started to talk behind her, the words she heard pierced her emotionally.

All this time she had been attracted to her Olivia and perhaps even loved her, she had hoped that Olivia would find her to be a special person who she would share her love with, as Olivia instructed Laura on the proper way to drain the energy from a woman as she laid there helpless, she couldn't help but shed a tear as her heart broke within her.

Olivia picked her up and positioned her, once again instructing laura on the proper way to harvest women like her. Samantha was disgusted by Olivia, looking at her she filled with hatred, but was too weak to exert any kind of struggle.

Olivia plunged her downward onto her cock and she felt the piercing of the enormous member beneath her, immediately what remained of her power started to become siphoned away.

When Olivia was finished, she discarded her back onto the floor and placed a bit of her semen into her mouth, Samantha welcomed it willingly so that she could regain her strength, but when she regained her strength, she would do her best to escape from this place and get away from this nightmare.

Samantha slipped into a deep sleep once again, dreaming about a world without tentacles, where all women were free and gave their bodies to who they wanted willingly, as she slept a smile formed on her face.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Olivia isn't good, nor is she evil. Laura has been her friend for a while now, but has always had dominance over her.

You can tell how she treats Samantha who is probably her most trusted slave how she feels about them, calling them a resource and treating her like an object to be used while she is weakened before her.

Olivia knows she has to repopulate the blue tentacle race and it is a big responsibility, if she wants to put Laura in her place now and remind her that she is still the most important person in this brood, now would be the time to do so, especially if Laura somehow creates a divide between the rest of the group.

Considering this, I think choosing C will still get us most. We don't need Sam per se and giving her away will reinforce our subordinate. While we could put Laura in place by raping her, this would only demonstrate our strength (and while ruling by fear and strength is definitely an option, somehow I think Laura isn't the most fearful hum-... ten-... whatever she is now.)

Now on the other hand, when she voluntary gives her body to us to be fucked it's another matter. Think about it as a homage of some sort.

Taking all into consideration I still vote C, with a note we should dominate her as hard as possible (without being simply sadistic of course).


Oh, wait. I think I might have misunderstood.
With option C, who we are to fuck, Sam or Laura? >:|
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Ive created a new thread Here which should get people caught up on all of the lore from the first CYOA and this one.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

With option C, who we are to fuck, Sam or Laura? >:|

Laura will be fucked in exchange for Samantha, if she agrees to it.