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Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Malvaero'gol: HP = 60/64, PP = 83, EP = 15/61, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 2

Resistance: Mal wins again! You indicated the male, who is goblin 3.

Attack (Goblins 3, 4 and 6) : Both hit!
Damage (Goblin 6) : 2 + 3 + 19 - 9 = 15 damage on Goblin 2!
Damage (Goblin 4) : 3 + 2 + 17 - 9 = 13 damage on Goblin 2!
Damage (Goblin 3) : 4 + 2 + 19 - 9 = 16 damage on goblin 2! And it's down!

Goblin 5 tries to back out of the alley on full defense, getting +30 Dodge.

The male goblin who had just swung at the traitor male suddenly shook his head in confusion, and then turned on the female who had just stabbed the female and shouted; "This is for stickin yer balls in my mouth, ya sloppy cunt!" The two remaining non-controlled goblins looked incredibly confused at that, but Mal's three goblins quickly descended onto the female. After two club wounds to the head and a rather nasty slash across her abdomen, the female goblin went down and joined its former leader on the express route to death.

The last of the goblins not controlled by Mal saw the odds against her, glanced at Mal, who had not run up until this point and was at that moment grinning and giggling like a schoolgirl, and decided that her best course of action would be to make a tactical retreat. She immediately began to backpedal away, moving as quickly as she could without turning away from the three other armed goblins. It was quite evident that, unless stopped, she would turn and run for it, but her compatriots could easily keep pace with her if Mal wanted them to. Of course, his control over them would only last for so long, and the repeated use of his powers had left him drained and in need of energy. The goblins, or at least the female ones, would be suitable means for him to "recharge" if he wanted to not go into a den of succubi while low on energy, but he only had one under his control, one was lying at his feet bleeding out, and the last was about to run away.

Just a record for me:
Goblin 1: dead
Goblin 2: dead
Goblin 3: derpin at Mal, wondering what do!
Goblin 4: Mind controlled by Mal, taken 29 damage
Goblin 5: panicking, probably fucked
Goblin 6: flailing for Mal's cause now! Taken 14 damage
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

"BWAHAHAHAHAhahaha!" It felt good, really good, to let loose with an over-the-top laugh like that. Brightened his whole damn day, in fact. Fuck it, Mal thought to himself happily as the female goblin turned and scrambled desperately away from him. He'd considered sending his remaining goblins after the runner to kill her before she could escape, but he just felt so damn good. Blood pumping, adrenaline flowing, minions awaiting his command.... Well, goblins awaiting his command. Hmm, he certainly didn't want to be a known associate of goblins.

What to do, what to do. He could easily dispose of them. A simple "stab yourself in the heart" and they'd be gone, to "trouble" him no more. Honestly, though, did it really make a difference to go from two dead goblins to five? Mal was pretty sure the math made it a wash. Besides, he was still having fun, and dead goblins were much less entertaining than live ones.

Give me all your valuables, as well as the valuables those two were carrying. Clothing, too. No, don't strip them, just yourselves. Mal kept the coins and other random baubles that passed for "valuables" among goblins (recalling, of course, the stories of goblins mistaking priceless artifacts for mere jewelry; of course, there were also stories of goblins mistaking worthless rocks for jewelry, too...) leaving their clothes and weapons in a pile. Walk to the piers. Malvaero followed a few blocks behind and to the side of them, close enough to remain well within the range of his domination, but far enough away that no one either of them passed would suspect he was acquainted with them.

Once the nude goblins had arrived somewhere more populated and...respectable, (though Mal was near-certain that word was as out-of-place in this city as his human form) the incubus ordered a general halt as he formulated a suitable reward for the creatures' minutes of loyal service. As the idea took shape in his mind, the former slave's mouth twisted into a beaming smile. Okay, run around screaming "It's naked-goblin leg-humping day!". And ACT LIKE IT IS. Mal would continue to dominate them to do this until either they were captured (or killed, whichever), or doing so would cause him to be late for Kira's sister's bachelorette party.
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Malvaero'gol: HP = 60/64, PP = 83, EP = 15/61, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 2

(Mal gains 3 monster's fangs, 1 faerie horn, a darkheart, 3 sets of leather armor, 3 clubs, 2 knives and 60 denarii. He also gains 8 experience. He doesn't have to take the armor and weapons, or any of it for that matter, but he can sell it if he wants to.)

The three goblins that Mal commanded did exactly as instructed, handing over a handful of random baubles that the goblins had possessed, as well as a few small sacs filled with coins. Leaving their clothing and weapons in a pile at Mal's feet, which he could take or leave on a whim, the goblins then proceeded through the streets. While it was illegal for people to be naked in the streets in Acheron, it was a crime that was very rarely really punished by the guards unless the perpetrators were disturbing the peace. As such, whenever the naked trio of goblins passed by a group of guards, they only received glares and grumbles rather than being outright stopped. He could detect this through their eyes, since he was a couple of blocks away.

Of course, that all changed following his second command, as those on the docks did not take being randomly glomped and humped by goblins very well. The guards got there in time to keep them from being killed, but they had been quite soundly and quite quickly beaten into unconsciousness by the ones they had started humping. Of course, that did ruin some of Mal's fun, but it was starting to get late in the day as the three were rounded up. He could head to the party early, or perhaps try and get something to eat and drink first, or maybe even indulge in further mischief.
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

((Let's see, selling the armor, clubs, knives, fangs, and heart should net me 317.5 denarii (316? 318?) for a total of 327.5 denarii and a Faerie Horn. Will wait for confirmation before doing anything with it (I'm assuming I can freely upgrade my stuff). Also, updated sheet to 3.5. Additionally, apologies for short post, but didn't think I'd need to RP out selling things, upgrading things, and picking up a snack; come to think of it, though, I did want to ask the Merchant if he'd give me a discount or something for becoming his follower.... Disregard the "short post" remark.))

Noticing that the armor and weapons were of markedly higher quality than he suspected goblins capable of using, Mal decided he'd take those with him after all. Respect your betters was the last order Mal thought at the goblins, though it was doubtful they'd be able to follow it due to being unconscious at the time. Business with the goblins concluded, Mal realized just how taxing the encounter had been. His head hurt a little, and he was famished. Dragging his newly-acquired goods with him, he spent a little time searching around for a diner of some sort; once he'd bought a light snack and finished it, he set off back towards the Wild Apprentice.

I'm tired of dragging this shit with me, is there a shop somewhere?

"What're ya sellin'?"

The voice had come from an alley off the road. Mal cautiously indicated the stuff he'd been dragging around. Some coins flew at him from the alley, and his stuff disappeared.


Mal was certain the presence he could still feel in the alley was The Merchant, the God of Commerce and Wealth.

"Could I get a discount for becoming your follower?"


Once his business with The Merchant was concluded, Mal would continue on to the Wild Apprentice. He would have liked to have found a suitable source of energy before getting there, but after all that he wouldn't have had time to enjoy it properly.

Sorry for using your character without permission, is this okay? I can rewrite if not.
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Malvaero'gol: HP = 60/64, PP = 83, EP = 15/61, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 2

Mal managed to find a reasonably cheap place at which he could eat, that being a small grill stand sitting beside the river and run by the fattest goblin that Mal had ever seen. It wasn't the best meal, and he felt fatter just from eating the greasy mess that they little demon called a sandwich, but it was still food. Of course, when he was pulled into the alley by a dark cloaked man offering to buy whatever he was selling, that largely took his mind from the crappy food. The strange merchant offered no reply to Mal's request to become his disciple, simply staring at the karkastan blankly with those empty yellowish eyes until he went away once their business was complete.

The bar he was set to "perform" at was much the same as it had been when he had last seen it, except that the goblin bouncers had been replaced. By ogres. Two ogres, easily twelve feet tall and with chests broad enough that Mal probably couldn't get his arms halfway around one of them, were now guarding the door, and a single demon in the uniform of an Acheron guard stood outside. The woman looked more bored than threatening despite her uniform, but the two massive demons standing behind her more than made up for it. Of course, he'd still have to get in somehow, and he had been invited after all. Mal would just have to play it cool....

You can freely upgrade your stuff and I don't mind you using the character in such a limited capacity, but I'm not sure you did your selling quite right. Copy and pasted from the item shop section:

The merchant sells all weapons for 50 denarii each.
Armor other than basic clothes are 100 denarii.
Shields are 40 denarii.
Clothes are 5 denarii.

The merchant buys any of the above items for half price. In addition, if the item in question is enchanted, the price increases by an amount equal to the enchantment cost. If items have been used to enhance a weapon, shield or piece of armor, then 1/2 the price of the item is added to the selling value of the item.

Each weapon should net you 25 denarii, and each set of armor should net you 50 denarii. 125 + 150 = 275
Then 3 monster's fangs, a faerie horn and a darkheart,
60 + 30 + 25 = 115 more.

I have no idea where you got the .5 from, but according to my estimates it should total to 380 denarii. His dinner costs him 2 denarii though.
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Ahh, I halved the cost of the fangs, horn and heart as well, which is how I got the .5. Also, should I alter my sheet again to reflect the change to Succubus regarding Spunky? Anyway, on to upgrades.

250 to upgrade Battlemage's Robes to DU = 3
100 (40 + 50 + 10) to upgrade Robes to TP = 41 (+10 since I forgot the additional 50% for applying the same upgrade multiple times when I created the character)
30 to upgrade Robes to AV = 8

275 + 115 + 10 - 250 - 100 - 30 - 2 leaves me with 18 denarii and a Faerie Horn.

The half-demon was slightly taken aback at The Merchant's silence following his offer of servitude. What sort of deity didn't want followers? Then again, silence wasn't a "no".... Without stopping to think about it (after all, when had thinking things through ever led to anything good?) Mal prostrated himself on the ground, bowing to the god in supplication. "Oh great Merchant, Sultan of Swag, Lord of the Pitch, He Who Doth Buyeth Thine Shit, I beseech thee, gaze upon me with thy favor, and I shall spread thy name wherever I travel. Aid me in my quest for duckets, and I shall be forever indebted to thee."


"I curse thee, Ro'khan," Mal muttered under his breath. "I curse thee - er, you - from the darkest pits of my heart." Malvaero was half-hiding behind a building a ways away from the club, glaring at the almost-certainly-attractive (hard to tell at this distance) guard standing in the doorway. Incidentally, ogres, though they were far less interesting. What interest did an Acheron guard have in the club? Well, standing here glaring at her wouldn't reveal an answer, so Mal started walking towards the club. He'd try behaving as though he weren't an escaped slave, and walk right by the guards into the building.
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Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Malvaero'gol: HP = 64, PP = 83, EP = 15/61, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 2

Yes, you should change Spunky to something else. And stuff.

It almost seemed like everything was going to go alright. Mal broke from cover, still in human form, and walked over to the entrance of the corner club that Kira had told him to report to. He even got past the woman at the entrance, who proved to be just as pretty as he'd expected, though perhaps not in a conventional manner. Short dark hair, pale skin, and rings set into piercings on her lips, both sides of her nose, and at her temples all gleamed in the light cast by the glowing sign above. "Excuse me sir," the guardswoman suddenly said in a firm authoritative voice, and placed a steady hand on Mal's shoulder if he didn't stop. "Were you invited? There's a private party going on in there currently, and as far as I know all of the expected guests have already arrived."
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Mal was confused by the Merchant's lack of enthusiasm to his offer of worship. And he'd even used Old Speech. Everyone knows gods love Old Speech. On the other hand, Mal thought smoothly to himself as he turned in the direction of the club, he didn't say 'no'....


It did, in fact, take a firm hand upon his shoulder to prevent his entry to the party. What is this I don't even.... Why would there be a guard here, and why would she be stopping people from going in? Unless the trap will cause problems should random people wander into the club? Hmm, that must mean Kira is the key; I should avoid mentioning her name.

Mal's left eye was starting to throb a bit from how exhausted he was; the *ahem* "fight" with the goblins wore him out far more than it should have. Still, cocky though he may be ("may be"? Hah!) he wasn't terribly stupid, and attempting to wander into what was probably a trap in his current state without at least knowing something about what he was getting into seemed terribly stupid. First, I need to verify that this is even a trap. I may just be being paranoid. The guard was glaring at him expectantly - clearly, he'd taken far too much of her time for her liking - so Mal glared back at her, sizing her up. Far too much metal on her face to be beautiful, but...yeah. She'll do. His course decided, he set out upon it, slightly brushing her mind with his. Not trying to establish dominance over her, unlike with the goblins, he took his time, delicately, pains-takingly slowly, trying his hardest to prevent alerting the guard that he was reading her mind.

"Oh yes, I was most definitely invited, if you check the guest list you'll find my name there, or you could even ask the host to step outside, she'll recognize me." Mal was stalling with his words, as he doubted there even was a guest list, or that the "host" would show himself.

Guess I'll spend 3 EP and use Mind Worm, searching for her memories concerning why she was assigned to guard here and by whom. Wait, shit, that doesn't work. What would it take to scan her mind for the information I seek without her knowledge? If I can do that, assume I did that. If I can't...well, fuck it, just Dominate her ass, I guess. In fact, if she starts to react like she realizes what I'm doing, Dominate as well.
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Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Malvaero'gol: HP = 64, PP = 83, EP = 7/61, Status = Low on Energy, Psychic Shield X = 2

The version of Mind Worm that costs 3 EP is used for planting information, not retrieving it. The retrieve one costs 8 EP, so I figured I would just go with Dominate.

Resistance: Mal wins.

The guardswoman scowled suddenly following Mal's words, and in a panic he made to dominate her fully. Thus, he could peruse her memories in full if he so desired, and in doing so he found that she'd been told to tell the "entertainment" to go in via the back entrance. Accompanying the title was the name he'd given Kira earlier, but there were no indications that this was any sort of trap. The people renting out simply hadn't wanted any random visitors in their private party, as far as the hired guard knew. The two ogres hadn't noticed the blank expression that suddenly came over the woman, and with her fully under his control he could get her to say whatever he wanted. Of course, exerting himself like that had spent the last of his reserves, and Mal felt the hunger pressing insistently against his will now.

Of course, he also had a completely willing subject right in front of him now, but finding a place to feed off of the guardswoman was another matter. He could try finding a place inside the club, either through the front door sitting right in front of him or via the back like the woman had suggested, but if it was a trap that risked setting it off while he had nothing left to defend himself with. He could try to find someplace else to feed off of her, but even an ogre might get suspicious if the woman suddenly left her post to wander off with some random man who'd just walked up.
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

So, guess I'm being a bit paranoid. Oh well, better safe than sorry, the half-demon thought to himself contentedly. He doubted Ro'Khan wouldn't tell a guard on his payroll of a trap being set for a certain handsome, escaped slave; since the guard was unaware of any such trap, that most likely meant that his former master wasn't here. Then again...this could still be a trap, just of someone else's design.

Of course, the gnawing hunger in his soul made even thinking difficult, which meant it took him a bit longer than it would have otherwise to decide what to do with the guard. Oh, he was going to sate his appetite on her, there was no doubt of that. The question was, how. Rather than wait for a fully cooked plot, Mal decided to go with a half-baked one and wing it instead.

Say: 'Name?'

"Malfred. Kira told me to be here." Mal had to make sure to pause between ordering her to speak and speaking himself, which, with his hunger insisting he take the guard immediately, was proving something of a challenge.

Say: "Oh, you're the entertainment. Go around through the back." Malvaero cringed a bit at the monotone the guardswoman adopted. Hopefully, the ogres hadn't noticed....

"What, through the alley? With who-knows how many goblins waiting to ambush me? Wouldn't your employers be upset with you were something to happen to me?"

Say: 'Ugh, I take it you want an escort? Fine.' Order the ogres to stay here and not let anyone through. Sound irritated when you speak.

Mal started off down the alley, taking a few steps before realizing the guard was still standing in place. Cursing his...everything, he sent her a quick command to move down the alley, and to mutter "Idiot" under her breath while still in hearing of the ogres; hopefully, the dim-witted-but-terribly-strong brutes wouldn't be able to discern the true reason behind her decision. Assuming everything was going to plan, Mal would follow behind the demoness until they reached the end of the alley, then turn and make sure the ogres weren't watching. If they were, he'd order his escort into the building first, then follow and hope he could feed on her in secret inside. If they weren't, he'd order her behind the adjacent building, and look for the nearest secluded spot to take advantage of her generosity.
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Malvaero'gol: HP = 64, PP = 83, EP = 7/61, Status = Low on Energy, Psychic Shield X = 2, Dominating

The woman, fully under Mal's control, did exactly as she was ordered through his mental commands, demanding his name in a monotone and then giving him directions in the same voice. The ogres, dim and slow witted as their kind always were, didn't seem to notice, and nodded their great heads at the woman's orders to remain behind while she escorted Mal around back. They went around the building together, out of the sight of the ogre guardsmen, and then went in search of a secluded place in which he could feed on her. The building beside the brothel was a seemingly empty warehouse, the setting sun leaving the surrounding area in shadows. They were alone for the moment, but entering the warehouse might provide more security.
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

The Hunger (tm) was upon him now, a fierce beast braying into his mind, gnawing at his sanity, demanding he do things. Into the building. The guard turned and opened the door, then started to walk into the warehouse. Mal decided he could wait no longer and bodily pushed her along as he followed. Not bothering to shut the door, or even make sure the warehouse was as abandoned as it first appeared, he immediately thrust a hand down the front of the guard's pants, and was rewarded instantly when his practiced fingers found their mark. A flood of energy rushed into him, followed not long after by a flood of juices from the guardswoman as he traced the outline of her slit through her panties.

"More," his soul demanded, so he pulled the guard's panties aside and gently slid a finger into her sex, while he pushed her shirt up and over her breasts with his other hand, then doing the same to her bra. He teased one of her nipples while continuing to slowly pump a finger into the woman, though the angle and her pants made maneuvering difficult; still, it was the barest of moments before she was shuddering in orgasm. Mal relished the taste of her, drinking in as much as he could until The Hunger (tm) abated and he could think clearly once more.

The woman sagged weakly against him, panting heavily. She still had some energy left, and he wasn't quite full, so he held his finger inside her hot folds, wiggling it back and forth as he pinched her breast between thumb and forefinger, draining her until either she was almost empty or he was completely full, whichever came first. He continued his ministrations without draining her further until her body spasmed once more, her juices soaking her pants.

Mal waited for the woman to come down completely before withdrawing his hands from her pants and breasts, wrapping them around her stomach to support her. He then violated her mind once more, this time to erase any memories she might have of being mind-controlled; her memory would probably go from being in front of the club, questioning some human, to being inside a warehouse, being fingered to two orgasms by aforementioned human, feeling her soul being ripped from her body. It wasn't ideal, but Malvaero could work with it.

He obtained the guard's name from her thoughts before withdrawing his domination of her; upon doing so, he noticed she was still mostly under his sway. "Ah, right, that," Mal mused to himself. He'd noticed this effect on many of his opponents in the pits, but he'd never had cause to dominate any of them. Affecting his best "I'm concerned for your well-being" expression, he lowered the woman to the ground. "You alright, Rune?"


Once he'd finished with the guard and sent her back to her post, Malvaero'gol would head next door to the club. He was probably a little late by this point, but he was certain he'd make it up to his host.

Poorly written smut, ahoy! Decided to save you the effort of coming up with a name for the guard, so Veruna seems a good name. Assuming it's alright with you, of course. My apologies for taking so long to write this, and also that it's so damn long. Hopefully I'll be able to maintain my enthusiasm for writing into the future. Thanks for your patience, and as always, let me know if I screwed something up somewhere.
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Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Malvaero'gol: HP = 64, PP = 83, EP = 28/61, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 2

The mind controlled guardswoman went stiff when the hand was thrust down her panties, and while she wasn't wet when things began, Mal's skilled efforts soon made it so. Her natural reactions came forth under his ministrations, her body writhing and soft moans escaping her lips as his hands did their work. He found that the piercings on her face weren't the only ones, as a small stud extruded from her clitoral hood and her breasts had dumbells passing through their tips. She wasn't possessed of a particularly strong soul, barely enough to get him past half strength without passing out, but it was a good bit better than he'd had before he'd taken the woman into the abandoned warehouse and fingered her to climax. By then she didn't have much left to give, but he kept on going anyway, and by the time he'd gotten her off again she could barely stand.

Erasing a portion of her memories cost him a good bit of the energy he'd acquired from her, but he still had great deal more magic to work with than he'd had before he'd mind controlled and molested the guardswoman. Plucking her name from among her memories wasn't a particularly difficult task, and when he lowered her to the ground and released his mental hold over her Veruna gave a few confused blinks before looking back at Mal. "Yes... I'm, uhhh... A little tired, but I think I'm alright.... How are you?"


Once the guardswoman was back at her post, Mal was allowed in through the front entrance, passing by the mildly confused ogres and the woman who now possessed a somewhat dream-like expression and entering what he soon found to be a den of utter debauchery. There were barely dressed women everywhere, and they all gave him the hungry looks he'd come to expect from succubi, but they let him pass by without incident. He was directed to the private party room, and there he was reunited with Kira.... And met her friends and her sister. No less than a dozen naked women, each and every one of them at least one man's definition of physical perfection, stared up at Mal as he entered, ceasing whatever game they'd been playing. Sitting next to Kira was a woman who looked very similar to her in form, but had a little bit more muscle beneath her curves and a more serious look about her, the firm amazon to Kira's giggly pixy.

"I told you that your present would be coming soon sis~" Kira said, rising from her position across the room and strutting over to Mal with everything on display in a very direct fashion. The eyes of every one of the outstandingly gorgeous nude women were on him as well, but Kira's slow stroll toward him seemed to literally demand his attention, as his eyes didn't seem to want to leave the curvy demon's rippling form as she strode up and gently pressed her weight against his chest and looked him in the eyes. "I hope you've brought your A game, stud, because we'll all want a taste before Angel gets to take you into a private room~" she cooed softly, her body rubbing against his in an entirely too enticing manner as her statement drew a series of agreeing noises from the other women in the room. Perhaps oddly, the woman whom he'd been contracted to "entertain" seemed to be the least excited by his presence, as the look she gave him was more appraising than lustful.

It's not that big a post, trust me. Also, you can take Infertile even with Discordant Fertility, though I'm not sure why you'd care beyond not taking to that particular fetish. Also, you shouldn't name NPCs normally but in this case that name is fine.

Enthrall Roll: Mal wins. He also wins the Mind Worm Resistance check automatically.
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Yeah, my posts always look longer in the post window than they actually are. Also, regarding Infertile, yes that's it exactly. And again, apologies for naming the guard, but I didn't want to bother you for a name...despite all the time I had to do so; I am an idiot.

The incubus smiled toothily at the guard; hey, his teeth were perfect, and he'd be damned before he missed an opportunity to display them. "Hehehe, good, I'm doing good." Mal wasn't actually sure what sort of control he had over the woman. He'd tried experimenting on his fellow slaves to determine what exactly he was doing to them, and he'd been able to guess that it made his victims view him as trustworthy, but the slaves always ended up being sold within a day or two. At any rate, that was good enough for him then, and it was still good enough for him now.

"Here, let me help you up," Mal offered, pulling the guard to her feet and slipping an arm around her waist to steady her. "Thanks again for letting me feed from you, Veruna," he grinned and stated amicably. He felt it important to establish that her feeling weak and disoriented was her own fault.


Mal broke into his trademark big stupid grin at the sight of Kira, resplendent in her...erm, finery? Not that he didn't appreciate the view (he totally, totally did) but...where was the mystique? The intrigue? At least he could be reasonably sure she wasn't carrying any weapons...oh wait, she was talking. He probably could've figured out the woman sitting next to Kira was her sister just from appearance, but confirmation was good, too; knowing her name was Angel would probably be helpful, also.

Mal placed his hands on Kira's hips as she leaned into him, slightly awed by how good she could look just by walking. "Just to be clear, you are talking about sex, right?" He leaned down and whispered the question into her ear, then pulled back to look quizzically at her, then at the women arrayed on the couch behind her. He really, really hoped the answer was "yes".
Re: Escape from Hell (TheAlpacalypse)

Malvaero'gol: HP = 64, PP = 83, EP = 28/61, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 2

(Lol, no worries dude.)

"Uhhh... You're welcome," the dazed woman said, clearly still extremely out of it. Given how drained she was, it was entirely possible that she wouldn't even remember Mal all that well.


"Of course~" Kira whispered back, leaning up to give Mal's ear a light nibble, after which she breathlessly whispered; "You've got a long night ahead of you sweetheart.... I hope you're up to it~" Leaning her head away again, Kira lightly pressed herself against him as her tail lightly curled around one of his wrists, guiding his hand down to her soft rear. "Angel gets to gobble you all up, but we've promised everybody a sample before she takes you off to a private room. Don't worry, we've got potions on hand to keep you standing in case someone gets a little overzealous. But now, look at you~" The succubus lightly stepped away from him, half turning and trailing a hand over his hip and down, so that her index finger was pointed at his crotch. "You've come so overdressed! We have a strict dress code here mister~"

The room full of succubi were all watching Mal with hungry eyes, though the levels varied greatly between them. Angel seemed the most stoic of the lot, though even she wasn't completely immune to the lewd atmosphere and her own nature as a succubus.