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Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf, and Shrike7)

Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin gave a twisted grin as her ploy worked better then she had hoped, a green skinned orc coming to check right into the blade of her axe. As the blood fountained from the vicious wound in his throat and he fell back, another came tearing through only to trip on the barrel. Motioning at Ananha and Karen to finish him quickly and quietly, moving to assist, the blade of her axe flashing down at the vulnerable opponent as she thought about the ultimatum. She figured silence was best for now, let him think himself into a frenzy at the unseen murderer behind the curtain...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen jumped slightly and recoiled as Corin’s axe connected with the orc’s throat as he stepped through the door, stopping just short of decapitating him entirely before she yanked it away again, letting his now lifeless corpse fall backwards into the other room. She stood there for a moment, stunned and frightened by the sudden display of bloodshed. Before she could react, sounds from the other room signified at least some of the other orcs rushing over to see what had happened, with one recklessly flying through the doorway. In his haste, his foot slammed into a barrel and sent him crashing to the floor in the room with the three women, left vulnerable there until he could right himself again.

The orc’s sudden appearance caused Karen to recoil again in fear, unsure of what she should do, when suddenly the apparent leader of the orcs in the other room spoke up. He offered to let them join them...to forgive the abrupt death of their comrade and join in peacefully on the lustful experience that she’d heard the unknown woman being subjected to only moments earlier... Almost by reflex, Karen took a single meek step forward, the blush on her face making her growing, unwanted arousal apparent to anyone in the room.

As the lead orc continued speaking, however, delivering his ultimatum of what would happen if they didn’t surrender, the blonde-woman’s mind began racing with images of everything the orcs had done to her until now... The countless beatings, the brutal rapes and almost daily fucking, the endless forms of degradation... With each passing thought, Karen felt a fiery heat beginning to build up in the pit of her stomach, different from the pleasant warmth of arousal that already existed there... It was more intense, and growing stronger by the moment...

Before either of the other women could intervene, Karen’s fists clenched and she lunged forward towards the still prone orc, jumping on top of him before slamming her fist down into his skull with an enraged cry...a sound that continued unabated as she withdrew her fist only to slam the other one down not a second later, repeating the process again...and then again...and again...

- Activate Flurry of Blows, delivering 5 (original + max of 4 additional) strikes to the prone orc.

Note that Karen is not attempting to grapple the orc in any way. I just wrote her jumping on top of him as flavor/fluff.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha took a step around the boxes to try and finish off the orc that had fallen, but was beaten to it by Karen, the woman jumping on top of the fallen orc and proceeding to mash his face in. Figuring she had better help anyways, and spurred on by the sounds emitted from the poor woman in the next room, she went around the mounted Karen and aimed a vicious stomp at the orc's midsection.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36]
Corin: HP = 38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Perception: 10 (Ananha), 2 (Corin), 10 (Karen)

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 13 - 5 = 8. He ded.

Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 29 - 25 = 4, 33 - 25 = 8, 33 - 25 = 8, 30 - 25 = 5, and 33 - 25 = 8 for a total of 32 damage.

The orc's fate could have almost been described as tragic, had he not been a member of a crowd cheering the rape of an innocent not mere moments before. The enraged slave jumped on him and slammed her fists into his face in a flurry of blows. None of them were particularly damaging alone, with the haste at which she flailed at his skull, but taken together they were enough to make the beastman's face look akin to the pulp of an orange that had been run through a laundry ringer. He twitched and cried out in pain beneath her, unable to wrestle the berserk slave off of him. His hand managed to gain some purchase on her robes, but before he could yank her off the faerie kicked him, causing him to lose his grip.

Eventually, the orc's pained gurgles gave way to silence and both of the arms that he was so desperately trying to push the slave off of him with fell limply to the ground as he gave into the pain and blacked out. "Now, see, it sounds like you're choosing the hard way. Everybody is choosing the hard way today. But it won't make me any difference," the announcement was the only indication that the apparent leader had any idea what had happened to his former underling. There were some whispers from the other side of the curtain, but none of the three women could make out what was said. When the muttering had died down, silence reigned except for the soft, continued sobbing of the woman in the other room. It was hard to say what was happening without one of the three checking, but it was almost certain that the unseen orcs were up to something that would be bad for the trio.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen briefly huffed for breath as the orc beneath her finally went still, her own weakened pummeling of his face proving just enough to put him down for good with the help of Ananha’s added blow. She moved off of him a moment later, leaving a trace of her lingering arousal on his chest where she had been straddling him, before taking a place near Corin again as her mind and her sudden burst of rage settled.

The blonde woman was still afraid...afraid of what would happen if they were captured again, but she couldn’t think about that now. She had to try and help Corin and Ananha...she had to help them fight. She couldn’t remember how, but her body knew how to fight. Karen knew how to fight. She had to trust that now...she had to trust whatever was left of the woman she used to be...of the woman she wanted to be again.

Activate “Full Defense” for +30 Dodge.
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Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Watching Karen settle into combat a little more comfortably put a grin on Corin's face, but the lack of activity behind the veil didn't. Reaching up, Corin yanked the blade out of the sheet and let it fall, twisting her grip on the dagger and throwing it at the first orc that came into view, now wanting to give them time to prepare anything unsightly...

Only pertaining talent I can think of is Sniper*2 for +16 damage on a hit
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha moved to the other side of the door, peeking through right after Corin threw her blade into the room. Unlike her partner, however, her first search order was to catch a glimpse of the woman inside, to see where she was and what could be done to help her.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36]
Corin: HP = 24/38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Perception: 6 (A), 10 (C), 6 (K).

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 26 - 5 = 21 damage.

Orc #1 returns fire.
Attack: Hit. Despite a massive cover bonus, surprisingly.
Damage: 14.

Two orcs (#1 and #2, for the purposes of this) move toward the door, but don't quite move in, yet, but are easily in range to do so next round.

Corin found, as the sheet which had obscured everyone's view came down, that there were only two orcs in the room. The room, they discovered, was a dining hall. A long table stretched across the spacious floor, with enough room and seating for twenty or more orcs. It had a hearth of its own, near the head of the table. Food and cutlery laid across the table, but the keen huntress noticed that only six plates had any food on them. Of the two orcs present, both were muscular, both wore leathers and wielded longswords; they stood not more than twenty feet away from the door.

Ananha, in the meantime, noticed that the woman she sought was hiding in a corner, sobbing. Her simple servant's dress was in tatters. She was clearly too terrified to move from her spot, with what she had been put through and the sudden skirmish that had broken out.

The huntress acted immediately, throwing the cheap dagger that she had grabbed off of the earlier thugs at the first beastman she saw. It struck him in the side, piercing through leather despite its inadequacies, and drawing blood. But, he was a different breed from the wastrel orcs they had defeated earlier, he not only stood, he returned the favor by flinging a chef's knife at Corin in return. She ducked behind the wall as quickly as she could for cover from the return, but the knife still grazed her forearm before smacking into the wall well behind the trio and falling to the ground.

Karen was left to her attempt to prepare herself for the coming conflict, as the next few seconds passed uneventfully. The two approached the door, but didn't enter yet. They pressed themselves against the walls in order to avoid anymore thrown objects. Something was clearly wrong. The question was: how would the women handle it?
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin cursed under her breath as the chef's knife came her way, but seeing the girl in the corner, she knew she couldn't run now, just like she had been unable to turn away from the fleeing women when she had been caught. "Fuck it, Get Em!"

Without another thought, Corin ducked as low as she could before pulling the last dagger she had left from the straps under the fur, and with Ax in one hand and dagger in the other, the Huntress stepped in low and hard, snapping her arm out to the left and swinging her ax at the first orc she saw, trusting the other two women to back her up as best they could. It was all or nothing now.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen recoiled slightly as the large chef knife flew in through the door and nicked Corin, her body reflexively trying to avoid getting hit by it as well. As the dark-haired woman recovered and began to make her move, Karen did her best to steel herself as well, swallowing hard before following her collar-mate into the other room.

Thinking back on what had happened out in the alley, the blonde woman did her best to reenact the moves that she remembered performing on the lesser-orcs earlier, letting her body take over as she entered the room and dropping into action as soon as she located one of her orc masters.

Activate “Defensive Fighting”, trading 10 to-hit for 10 Resistance.
- Activate “Trip”, targeting the nearest orc that Corin is not attacking.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha was last into the room, following the two chained together women. They went straight for the two orcs remaining, so she stepped to place herself between the other slave and the two orcs, putting herself in the way if the pair felt like trying to take any last swipes at the poor woman. She held her dagger at the ready, but stayed out of the melee for now, ready to step in if the other two looked like they needed the help.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36]
Corin: HP = 4/38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Heavily Injured, Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Attack: Success.
Resistance: Success. Orc is prone.

Attack: Miss.

Orc attacks
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 24 - 4 = 20.

Corin came in with her axe ready and quickly discovered an orc with his own sword ready. She snapped her axe toward him only for the beastman to catch it with practiced skill, rotate his sword and send it to the side in the same fierce motion, and smash her in the face with the pommel of his sword, nearly causing her to drop unconscious.

The blonde woman did a little bit better. She rushed in to cover Corin's flank, ducked an overhead swipe from the orc pushed against the wall opposite of the one that the huntress was having little success against, and then kicked him in the knee, causing him to collapse to the ground with a grunt. Ananha came in behind that and took a position in front of the serving girl who was still sobbing and shaking in the corner.

It was at this time that the intent of the missing orcs was discovered. Two burst through the door that had led to the entrance room of the building and into room that the trio had just evacuated. "Surprise, bitches!" The leader announced with a roar, only to discover that nobody was there. As slimy as the beastman sounded, he looked worse. He was short and a bit pudgy, wearing shabby clothing and no weapon. "Oh, come on, all that sneaking for nothing?" He lamented as he regarded the new situation. "Guess we'll just have to do things the direct way."

The new arrivals strode toward the door of the dining hall, but the girls would have some time to maneuver themselves to deal with the newest threat before more orcs were upon them.

Darn, thought I'd get you with the flank. >.>

1 Boss Orc
3 Other Orcs
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin grunted in pain as the orc struck her with a blow that almost knocked her out cold, really starting to miss her personal weapons. Recovering as quickly as she could, she lashed out again with her axe, looking to return the blow. She was useless in a melee, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. What really annoyed her, was that she couldn't go on the offensive, focused far more on dodging then striking a blow...

Attack, defensive fighting 20
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Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

((Did they climb out through the hearth? I see no mention of any other way out of the dining room. Still, better situation than I had expected, sorta. XD ))

Ananha was first to react to the orcs that had go.teÑ around them They were outnumbered, and with the nasty shot corin had just taken, they couldn't stand up to being surrounded. Regretfully leaving the girl, she moved to stand in the way of the orcs that had tried to flank them, placing herself at the door they had just barged through. Hopefully, the other two could deal with the pair already in the room while she bought them some time. She stood in place defiantly, staring at the boss orc and his compatriot. "I won't let you hurt her any more." She told them evenly, hoping to get them to waste time talking, but ready if they did not.

(Full defense, so +30 to dodge, right?)
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

With her body and the remnants of her mind now focused in a way that it hadn’t been in over a year, Karen noticed little outside of the orc with which she was currently engaged, having ducked and rolled underneath his attack before lashing out with her leg and delivering a solid kick to slaver’s knee in the same fluid motion, causing his leg to buckle from the sudden rush of pain and causing him to – momentarily – collapse onto the floor.

Looking to take advantage of the now prone orc while he was temporarily vulnerable, Karen quickly recovered and delivered two hard kicks at the orc’s skull, her pair of attacks coming with much more control and focus this time than her enraged flurry of strikes had earlier.

Maintain “Defensive Fighting”, trading 10 to-hit for 10 Dodge this turn.
- Activate “Flurry of Blows”, delivering 2 (original + 1 additional) strikes to the orc Karen knocked prone last turn.
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Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36], Grappled, Submission Hold, About to be Flung.
Corin: HP = 4/38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Heavily Injured, Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Attack: 9. Miss.

Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 2 + 26 - 5 - 5 = 18 and 8 + 26 - 5 - 5 = 24 damage. He dies.

Ananha uses Full Defense!

An orc attacks Corin
Attack: Miss.

An orc attacks Ananha.
Attack: Miss.

The boss attacks Ananha with sudden strike.
Stealth: He wins.
Attack: Automatic success. Ananha is grappled.
Grapple: He wins, Ananha is put into a submission hold.

(Although it wasn't mentioned, there is, in fact, another door to ye dining hall.)

The broken blonde set about her task much more efficiently than she had mere moments earlier. The prone orc raised his arm to try to stop her first kick, but she was fast enough that it still caught him in the head, dazing him. Her second kick was hardly impeded at all, and its momentum upon the strike was enough to elicit a loud crack from the orc's neck, and bent his neck at an unnatural angle.

Ananha blocked the entrance of the two beastmen who had sought to flank the trio, buying precious time for the other two to defeat their divided opponents. One of the orcs took a few swings at her, but couldn't touch the graceful faerie, and couldn't try to shove his way through without risk of being stabbed. Corin, being a skilled huntress, not a talented swordsman, could only try to keep herself from being taken down. She shifted out of the way of a thrust and counterattacked, but her opponent shifted out of her attack's reach as easily as she had his. Still, her collar-mate was free to help her now.

"I'm getting real tired of you all choosing the hard way," the leader replied to the fey mage's proclamation. He pushed the orc warrior, who was even then trying to dislodge Ananha from her position, out of the way with such force that it caused him to trip over one of the barrels and crash into the cobble. His hands snapped out at the faerie so suddenly that, even with her agility, she couldn't shift away from them. Within moments, he he had grabbed the woman was lifting the her into the air, over his head. Without help, Ananha was going to go flying back into the dining hall that the other two were fighting in.

1 Boss Orc
2 Other Orcs
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Stepping out of the way of the orc's strike, Corin noticed that although Karen was fairing well, Ananha was in trouble. Abandoning her current target, probably to her detriment, she quickly drew the last dagger and whipped it at the orc in charge, seeking to get her free or get the bosses attention focused on her. She was on her last legs anyway, and Karen was the most capable in a melee by far.

Attack boss orc. Throwing the last dagger, Quickdraw and Sniperx2 are the only relevant bonuses I can think of.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha's face was set in focus as she sidestepped the pair of blows, using her knife to ward it back again. The one in charge didn't seem to like that, and shoved it's compatriot out of the way to get at her. She readied herself to hold him back, but he had hands on her before she could even react. By the time the realization of that sunk in, he was hoisting her bodily above his head, looking like he was about to throw her across the room. "Noo!" She screamed, writhing and flailing in his grip, trying to knee or kick him in her awkward position to work her way free again...

I feel like i'm playing with a single hand against a full deck here...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

With the first orc quickly dispatched, his body had barely hit the ground before Karen had turned and focused her gaze on the one that Corin was fighting. Without hesitation, the blonde woman sprang over to her collar-mate’s aid as quickly as she could, aiming a vicious attack directly at his diaphragm with her elbow. She then clenched her fists together and brought them down hard in an attempt to drive them into the base of his skull, hoping to end his existence just as quickly as she had his companion.

Maintain “Defensive Fighting”, trading 10 to-hit for 10 Dodge.
- Activate “Flurry of Blows”, delivering 2 (original + 1 additional) strikes to the orc that was fighting with Corin.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 18/47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36], Injured
Corin: HP = 4/38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Heavily Injured, Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 20/43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 30 - 5 = 25.

Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 2 + 26 - 5 - 5 = 18 and 8 + 26 - 5 - 5 = 24 damage. Same rolls as last time, apparently. Regardless, he ded.

Grapple: Boss wins.
Damage: 29.
Resistance: Ananha wins.

The other orc takes a swing at Karen.
Attack: Nat 20. He hits.
Damage: 20.

Karen rushed in to take Corin's place against the orc. Whatever memories the slave was channeling, they were potent ones. Her elbow smashed into the beastman before he could react, striking with enough force to nearly make him double over in pain. When her interlocked fists smashed him in the back of the head, he fell to the ground. She wasn't sure if he was dead or not, but he definitely wasn't getting back up anytime soon.

The raven-haired huntress used her new freedom to launch a knife at the main orc. It flew swiftly and true, causing her target to look like he had sprouted a dagger from his ribcage. "Seriously?" He asked incredulously as he looked down at his new perforation. "Seriously!?" He echoed, staring at the huntress, increasingly enraged. His fury was taken out on the faerie in his grasp, who, despite all her agility, couldn't worm free of him. He flung her into the room, sending her crashing into and sliding across one of the dining tables, knocking plates, glasses, food, and eating utensils off during her trip. Ananha managed to recover with a roll that brought her back to her feat, but it had still hurt. The orc boss, in the meantime, made his new target known by beginning to approach Corin.

The last remaining grunt used the clearance his boss had provided to rush into melee with Karen. She noticed her new opponent a little too late and took a shallow cut for her troubles. All three of the women had been injured, but it was three against two now, and the most threatening opponent had a dagger sticking out of his ribcage like some grisly lever.

1 Orc Boss.
1 Orc Grunt