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Shrike7 Test Thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Ona
Class: Warrior
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Female

Body: 10 (Racial) + 40 (Points) = 50
Mind: 4 (Racial) + 6 (Points) = 10
Spirit: 10 (Racial) + 12 (Points) = 22

Hit Points (HP): 50 + (10/2) + (22/2) = 66
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): (50/2) + 10 + (22/2) = 46
Spirit Energy (EP): (50/2) + (10/2) + 22 + 20 = 72

Speed: 22 (14 in armor)
Dodge: 29 - 10 = 19
Armor: 4 (20 in armor)
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22 - 8 = 14 (-2 in armor)
Grapple: 50

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

*Pain Resistant (+4 AV)
Greater Energy Pool (+20 EP)
Unarmed Fighter (better unarmed damage, gain +10 bonus to dodge when fighting without a weapon)
Skill with Unarmed (+12 to attack rolls with unarmed strikes)
Skill with One Handed Swords (+12 to attack rolls with swords)
Two Weapon Fighter (Can dual wield, -4 penalty to attack and damage on all attacks while doing so)
Heavy Hitter (+8 to melee damage rolls)
Natural Spirit (Dragonfire Adept)
Exceptional (+8 Stat points)

*Easy to Hit (-10 Dodge)
*Open Soul (+4 to EP damage)
*Obvious (-8 Stealth)
*Mutated (gain 3 mutations. Tight, Natural Attack, Soft Skin)
Sensitive (+4 to PP damage)

Natural Attack (2d12 +Body/3 for unarmed strikes, 2d12 + Body/2 with Unarmed Fighter)
Tight (+2 pleasure dealt to her partner when having sex)
Soft Skin (+2 pleasure dealt during non-oral foreplay)

Skills: 50/10 + 1 = 6 skills
Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round. This damage ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and damage. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Scissor Defense (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge for the round. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Berserker (+4 to attack and damage rolls)
Rage (Activated) – The character gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV, but all attacks made against them automatically hit. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses. Requires Berserker.
Bladesinger: Your character can use their Body stat to determine their attack rolls instead of their Spirit stat when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

Spirit Ceiling: 14 (6 in armor)
Black Dragon
Draconic Transformation

Splint Mail: AV = 16, EV = 8, TP = 50, DU = 6.
Short Katana: [+62, +66 when not dual wielding] (2d6 + 25 - 4 + 8 + 4 = 2d6 + 33 (37 when not dual wielding.) )
Unarmed: [+62, +66 when not dual wielding] (2d12 + 25 + 8 + 4 - 4 = 2d12 + 33 (37 when not dual wielding.) )
50 denarii

Ona was raised by two mortal parents when her mother left her in their care. She had grown up beside two boys that were older than she, and had always been an energetic and aggressive girl, often roughhousing with (and usually winning against) her older, bigger brothers. Always small but always unusually strong, Ona helped her adoptive family work on the farm that they owned, tending to the animals and the fields diligently. Despite her half supernatural origins, she never showed any signs of her draconic blood save for the unnatural strength in her arms, and in how stubborn she was whenever she got into a fight. Which was far more often than her parents might have liked.

In her sparse free time, Ona often went to visit the village blacksmith, an old man from the Amazon named Marl who had moved in only a year or so before she had come to the village. He often taught her things about his craft, and even let her try her hand at the swords he kept on the wall from time to time, though he always watched her carefully as she handled them. Eventually, he even taught her rudimentary swordsmanship, though he made sure that she never told her parents about it.

Her time growing up was easy, for a young woman in Badaria at least, but it was not to last. Like so many others, Ona's life was changed drastically after the invasion. Her village was too small to warrant a full assault, but a singly elder lord with a small group of hunters was more than enough to overwhelm the handful of men able to fight. Her elder brother, Gavin, was killed that day, and the younger, Arnold, was scarred across his face. Seeing the reptilian creatures attacking her family as she came back from a visit to Marl, something snapped within Ona. With her bare hands, she tore into the trio of reptilian aliens that had killed her brother, but at no point did she lose control of herself. Every punch was laid by her own will, and landed with strength and skill that she had never known she possessed.

Marl's real training became evident that day, and though it had been a tragic day, the village had been spared annihilation. But not by her hand. Her family had looked upon her with horror, and she knew not why, so she had fled back to town. She had heard sounds of battle, and had never been one to allow others to suffer if there was a thing she could do about it, so she had ran with all the speed that she could.

She found Marl standing over the decapitated body of the Elder Lord that had led the attack on her home village, as well as the bodies of a dozen hunters, all cleanly decapitated. There was not a scratch or a single drop of blood on the old man's body. "Come. I must speak to your parents." He had said, all too calmly despite the eyes of everyone in the village resting on him.

That had been the day that Ona had found out that her family wasn't really her family, and that Marl had known this from the moment he had laid eyes on her. He had been training her in the art of battle, so secretly that even she hadn't known it until there came time to spill blood, since her days of wrestling with her brothers were long over by then. At the time, she hadn't known what to think about either fact. She still loved her family, even if they were adoptive, and she still loved Marl, even though the old man had lied to her as well. What she did know, however, was that she wanted to find out why her real parents had abandoned her, and why the invaders had attacked.

There was not time, however. Not yet. She was needed sorely in the village, both to defend it and to help it rebuild, and Marl had much more to teach her. Another two years later, and Ona knew that her time in her home had passed. Her parents, her brother, and her teacher all knew it too. On the day that Ona left, tears were shed, but only a few. Some of hers were among them, but she had not looked back. Dressed in armor made for her by her mentor and carrying one of the swords she had learned to fight with, the half-dragon who did not know what she was left her home and went in search of her past amidst a world that was falling apart.

The only thing that her adopted family knew of her mother was that she had come from Artmirst, and well before the demonic invasion to boot. The trail was long cold, but lacking any other leads she headed in that direction anyway. It had been Acheron for a time already, and the 20 year old girl hadn't ever seen a demon, since the aliens seemed to be something else entirely, but the place was allegedly open to travelers, and that would be enough for her. She was confident enough in her abilities to defend herself if she had to, after all.

The OOC section:
Goin to Acheron. Lookin for stuff. Gotta get me some whores and ale and shit.
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Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

Ona sighed as she crested a hill, finally spotting the walls of Acheron in the distance. Her week-long trip had not been particularly dangerous, just merely strenuous. The only real road between the two was a muddy and pitted affair, unfit for any wagon to travel along, hence the relatively small trade between her hometown and their demonic neighbors. That made travelling difficult and wearying, even on foot.

Fortunately, the only things she had managed to stumble across was a small pack of wolves that watched her travel from the trees for a day and a night before leaving her be, and a wild horse that she saw from a good distance off, and spooked well before she was able to reach it.

Striding down the hill, she could see forms moving at the walls and at a gate she could see just down the wall from where she was, looking to be a small line to enter the city at this time, mostly consisting of a small caravan that seemed to have come from another trail, further south from the one she had appeared from.

By the time she walked up to the gates, the caravan seemed to be making it's way through, the guards at the gate keeping an eye on them as they passed, one of them breaking off to walk up to her. "Welcome to the City of Acheron!" He said jovially. "May I inquire as to your business here?"
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

Ona had made good time since leaving her village. The trip had been strenuous, but so had work on the farm back home, and her training with Marl had been harsher than anything than the few days travel that had taken her from here. It had mostly been uneventful so far, save for the day and night that she had been followed by the wolves. Though she knew all too well how dangerous the beasts were, she had been very careful, sleeping in a tree rather than on the ground. The danger had passed, and she had gone on her way unmolested.

When she saw the wild horse, Ona paused and watched it for a while, staying still and quiet as she beheld the mighty creature. They had had a draft horse on her farm, but the wild horse was far more impressive in her eyes. When she tried to approach it, the beast bolted, and Ona didn't try to follow. Even out of her armor, she knew that she would never be able to keep up with it.

Ona paused at the top of the hill to look out over Acheron, marveling at the size of the city, which stretched farther than her eyes could see. Her pause only lasted a moment, however, before she started down to join the caravan entering the city. At the approach of the guard, Ona paused warily, but the dark garbed soldier was nothing but polite, nice even, as her asked her what she was doing here. Smiling politely, she bowed slightly to the man, and said; "Thank you, sir. I am.... Looking for someone. Or, looking for information about someone, rather."
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

The guard chuckled and smiled. "Depending on the person, such information could be hard to come by indeed. If you plan on staying long, I suggest you rent a room, or find some other accommodations, before beginning your search in earnest." He replied, before standing aside and pointing her towards the main gates with a flourish. "Again, be welcome, and enjoy your stay!" He says grandly. The caravan had made it through already, the other guards back at their posts.

Perception: 12+22=34, Success!

"Kiss-ass..." One of the other guards mumbled under his breath, this only with a pair of small horns under his helmet and a long demonic tail. This earned him a cuff across the back of the head by the guard beside him, a taller one with bits of fur sticking out of the joints of his armour.

Continuing inside the gates, Ona came face to face with a small crowd of people, all of which seemed intent to speak to her.
"Hey, need a guide?" An excitable goblin asked, being the first to reach her.
"I wouldn't trust him..." A tall and lithe demonic-looking woman informed him. "Most of his charges seem to disappear mysteriously..."
"Don't listen to her!" The goblin cried. "I see the people she leads in the brothels, collars around their necks!"
Most of the rest of the crowd seemed rather similar, quickly devolving into squabbles between them, a heavily mutated elf with a second goblin, a satyr yelling at a seemingly normal human, and several others were paired off, almost ignoring her altogether now.

A lack of frantic motion drew her eye, and she spotted a tall man leaning against a lamppost just on the edge of the crowd that gathered. He appeared to be an elf, but with skin such a deep blue that it nearly appeared black. Their gazes met, and he tilted his head a bit, motioning silently for her to come over.
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

"Thank you sir." Ona replied, and bowed her head to him as she passed. Making her way into the city, the young woman smiled wryly at the other guard's display of camaraderie.

When she entered the gates and was immediately beset by a small army of people looking to guide her, however, Ona was at a total loss. All of them had descended to arguing before she could ask them anything, or even speak a word in edgewise, and she could barely hear herself think amidst the tumult. It was a little intimidating, though she would never have admitted that, but then she spotted the man who had stayed away.

He was leaning calmly against a lamp post, and when he spotted her, he quickly gestured with his head. Without even thinking too much about it, she walked through the crowd over to him, and stopped in front of him with a respectful bow. "Hello...." She said cautiously, and then waited for him to reply.
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

HP:66 PP:46 EP:72 Status:Fine

The crowd around her all stop suddenly as she begins moving, looking hopeful, and then crestfallen as she makes her way past them, over to the elven man. They quickly cheer up when they spot the next person walk in through the gates, reapeating the entire process anew, seemingly forgetting that she existed at all.

"Well well, good things do come to those that wait." The man comments to himself as she strides up to him. He seems lean and athletic, and wears a set of dark leather armour underneath a simple cloak, a depiction of an eagle embroidered into one shoulder. He doesn't seem to be carrying a weapon, which doesn't seem to match with the rest of his attire. His face has the delicate features of an elf, with a knowing smile and a piercing, though not frightening, gaze.

"I apologize for the poor examples of Acheron you've just had to deal with." He says slowly, his voice deep and rich, lifting himself from the lamppost and offering a small bow. "I am known as Kor, and for a modest fee, I could lead you anywhere in the city you wish to go."
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

As she sizes the elven man up, reminded of the tales she had heard of the night elves of the jungle from her master, her eyes lingered on the emblem of the eagle that rested on one of his shoulders. She had heard his comment as she approached over the din of the sharks trying to filch the next person out of their coin, but thought nothing more of it than that he would like to attempt the same with her.

"It is alright, they did not seem to have ill intent." Ona replied with a smile, though her expression faltered afterwards. "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Kor. My name is Ona. But.... I don't exactly know what or who I'm looking for. I am here seeking information about a woman who lived in this city.... Twenty years ago. I... Don't know if there's anything left in this city to find, but it was the only lead that I have. Do you know of anywhere I might be able to find that out? And... How much would it cost me?"
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

HP:66 PP:46 EP:72

"Ill intent, maybe a few. There are always some that wish to circumvent the laws. Mostly though, they're just fools. Nearly all of those pairs you saw are simply acting. The first pair to do so wound up getting most of the newcomers' business, so now they all do that. However, I was referring to the lack of class they were displaying, more than anything else." He explained with a smirk, leaning back against the post as he considered the other half of her speech.

"That is a rather difficult goal, I would think. Artmirst was quite a large city, Acheron even more so now. Was there anything well-known about this woman? Held an office, famous for anything? Do you know her name?" Kor asked after a moment.

"Now, as for my fee..." He says slowly, looking Ona up and down. "Hmm... For now, I believe a kiss will do fine, yes."

If he spotted any surprise or such on her face he would quickly add, "Don't look so shocked. First lesson here, trade in Acheron is undertaken with much more than just coin. I have enough denarii to keep me well for the time being, so I simply went for something that interested me. Depending on how long you require my services, I may ask for more, but we can negotiate any other fees when it's needed."
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Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

"Hrm... Well it can't be working too well now that all of them are doing it. I just walked past all of them because they all seemed so confused." Ona replied thoughtfully, tilting her head.

At the question of specifics, Ona looked slightly downcast and replied; "Well, I don't know much about her... Except for her name. Karyn. I... She never said if she was important, or what she did, at least not that anyone knew of. She..." Ona paused, and then went quiet, not wanting to give too much about herself away to a stranger. Her mentor had warned her to trust carefully, and not at all among demons, and she had decided to stick to that advice long before she had arrived here.

Then, when the man told her his price, the young warrior turned from pale to scarlet in about a second, and began to stammer nonsense and shift from foot to foot nervously. It was quite plain to see that she was quite flustered by the price for the man's aid, and she considered declining his request for a moment. Did she really want her first kiss to be part of a price? She'd never had the time or the interest to pursue romance back home, and she'd always been enough of a tomboy that there had been few among her own generation that were interested in her in return.

It took her a moment or two to regain some degree of her composure, but she had decided that she wanted to know if this man could actually be of help to her before she agreed, but also that she would keep an open mind. "Can it... Not be out here? If I agree, I mean." She said shyly, her blush quickly heading back toward bright red as she stared up at him.
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

HP:66 PP:46 EP:72 Status: Curious as to how often you check this... :p

Kor chuckled. "They're doing horribly. It's a vicous cycle, they do badly enough, and start to feel desperate. They're performances suffer, and they get even less than before."

He nodded at the information she gave him, appearing to mull it over while she considered his offer of a fee. When she had recovered somwhat, he replied, looking incredibly amused with the entire situation. "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have a few ideas that may help, but all of them require other contacts or businesses. You'll have to barter with them as well, but coin should do fine, don't worry."
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

"Alright Kor, I will trust to your judgement. Hopefully, I won't run out of money before I've found what I need... I don't really know how I'd be able to get any more." She replied, still quite plainly nervous about the agreed upon price for his services. 'It's a small price to pay for what I need... I'd be wandering around getting nowhere on my own.' She rationalized, and then waited for him to lead on.

Despite claiming that she trusted him, Ona kept a careful eye on her surroundings, and listened intently. There were far too many in this place who seemed likely to try and take advantage of her, and while Kor had treated fairly with her so far, she had only just met the night elven man.

(I check the status bars from time to time!)
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

HP:66 PP:46 EP:72 Status: Damn!

Kor nodded slowly standing up straight once again. "It's a deal then. We'll stick to the main roads, most of the alleys are too dangerous for any time we may save trying to take them. It's not beyond manageable, in the worst cases, but it's simply better to stay in the public eye, less hassle that way." He explained. "Still, stick close. I'd suggest holding hands, but I have the feeling you'd find that disconcerting, so I won't."

Regardless, the night elf began to lead her through the streets walking at a brisk but manageable pace. "We'll head to the old records office first. Most of the paperwork from Artmirst still exists there, as far as I know. And if I know my governments, they'll have tax records of surprising accuracy. We should at least be able to come up with an old address to start with, who knows what else." He said as they walked.

The streets they were taking seemed to have a brothel about every other corner, with the rest filled in with what looked like residences, and the occasional shop. There didn't seem to be much rhyme or reason behind it, like the new residents had simply taken whatever building they felt they wanted and did whatever they wanted with it, nevermind what their neighbor was doing.

Eventually, they turned a corner and came nearly face-to-face with what appeared to be a bar brawl that had spilled out onto the streets. Kor wasted no time, holding out a hand to stop her and backing up around the corner again, waiting against the wall as guards started collecting from various side streets to quell the ruckus. "So, any questions so far?" He asked mildly, peeking around the corner again briefly.
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

( :3 )

Ona listened attentively to everything that Kor said as he led her down the roads of Acheron. She had glanced his way when he had spoken of holding hands, her lips pursed, but said nothing to indicate her feelings on the subject, so she remained a pace or two behind him. "Alright, that sounds like a good plan." Ona said, but her eyes were watching her surroundings, and the young girl found herself trying to turn her head in every direction at once.

She wanted to see everything, as something interesting seemed to be everywhere she turned. How had they crammed so many different types of buildings together like that? How could they live so close together? Where had they got all of the wood and stone to build all this? And the glass! Her family had never been able to afford glass for their windows, but it seemed to be everywhere here.

They rounded a corner and came upon a brawl, but Ona was only just barely paying attention to where she was walking, so she just barely stopped herself from walking into Kor's back. She stared in confusion at the scene, her body reflexively tensing in preparation for violence at the sight, but Kor led her back around the corner as the city guards descended on the scene. Following his question, she focused on him once more. "Does this sort of thing happen often?" She said, glancing with him around the corner at the battling figures. "Or is today a celebration of some sort?"

She had many many other questions, but a quick reflection on each caused her to discard them, either because it was mostly trivial information, because asking them would make her look a little more naive than she wanted to appear, or because they felt a little too personal for her to ask without feeling like she was prying. There was still a great deal of curiosity in her, however, and she said; "Do you know who's fighting in that mess?"
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

HP:66 PP:46 EP:72

"Oh, every day's a celebration here..." Kor answers with a touch of chagrin to his voice, and answers her other question. "I don't know them specifically, but I can make out a few members of a particularly troublesome goblin clan there, chances are they started it. Brawls like this have a tendency to pull others into it, it's best to wait it out out of sight." He explains carefully. "Unless you'd rather hurry? I can find us another way around, if you like, but this is the straightest path that doesn't detour through any alleys."
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

"Oh." Ona glanced around the corner, at the still violent brawl, and sighed. "Well, I don't think waiting could hurt. It's not like the trail can get any colder, right? And I'd rather not risk going a different way if you don't think that it's safe."
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

HP:66 PP:46 EP:72 Status: Fine

Kor shrugged and settled against the wall, watching the guards pass by. It took nearly ten minutes of waiting before the guards calmed the riot down and separated the troublemakers. Kor looked slightly surprised at the time it took, chuckling a little as the last of the group was bound and taken away by the guards. "Wow, that was a good one. They can usually quiet a street down in half that time." He told her, motioning that they should start moving again.

The last two or three blocks went by without incident, ending with the pair standing in front of a nondescript blocklike building. It appeared to be some of the original construction of Artmirst, though it didn't completely survive. One whole corner fo the building seems to have been blasted apart, and filled back in with some other construction material, probably clay bricks, it was hard to tell. "Alright, this is it here. I'll come with, but it's your hunt, you can do the talking." He says, extending a hand towards the front doors.
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

One glances back and forth between Kor and the relatively simple building that he had led her to, and then nodded and said; "Thank you, Kor." One then walked through the front doors and glanced around, trying to figure out who to talk to about what she needed.
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

"I do try to earn my fee." Kor replies with a wink, following her in.

The door opened into a rather small reception area, a half dozen doors labelled 'Reading Room' off to the sides, with a few chairs along one wall and a desk on the other. A large pair of doors behind the desk lead further into the building.

Behind the desk sat an apparently normal elven woman, her fine features accented by a pair of reading glasses as she thumbed through a book. "Ah, welcome!" She said pleasantly, every inch the picture perfect secretary. "Ah, Kor, this is a pleasant surprise. Who's the friend? What can I help you two with?"

"Just a guide today, 'Cilla. Keep your Glasses on, you'll need them." Kor says with a smirk.

"Oh?" She says, intrigued as she turns to look at Ona.
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

Ona immediately blushed brightly again as Kor brought up the price for his services, but she managed to keep herself from becoming outwardly flustered. The pink gradually left her cheeks as she examined the woman behind the desk. There seemed to be a great many elves in Acheron, which came as something of a surprise to Ona, but the woman's pleasant greeting turned her away from her thoughts.

Smiling pleasantly in turn, Ona bowed slightly and said; "Hello.... 'Cilla was it? Yes, I'm looking for a woman. I wondered if you could help me." Not only did Ona obviously not realize that 'Cilla was a shortened version of her name, but she left her last sentence completely ambiguous as to what she actually meant.
Re: Shrike7 Test Thread

"Aescilla, Dear." She corrected with a smile, pushing her glasses up her face a tad. "Yes, I most certainly can try. Do you have a name for the woman you're looking for? When do you expect they would be in our records?"