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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

At the aid station, a fairly young dryad seemed to be attending to people, garbed in a flowing white dress and wearing upon her head a small cap with a red cross upon it that sat slightly askew, as if she weren't used to concepts such as hats. She was finishing up with tying a bandage around someone else when Keti arrived and looked at him puzzled for a moment before reading the slate and frowning. "I'm... not really sure how I could..." she admitted in a timid, soft voice.

She made her way to the edge of the dancing crowd and cleared her throat. "Um... excuse me..." she said feebly, unsurprisingly it got no response from the dancers...


Meanwhile, the group trying to make their way through, despite their best efforts, attracted attention and invitations.

Somehow, Violet's projection of a bad mood only seemed to get her attention, it seemed every other male she passed wanted to try and cheer her up and naturally, they felt that dancing with them was the best way to go about this. As she rejected them out of hand, even a few girls tried their hand, figuring perhaps they were more to Violet's taste. Progress was slow and hands were quick to rub up against her, in the press of the crowd it was difficult for her to tell who was pawing at her but there was clearly more responsible party. It was due to her turning to try and knock such touches away as well as finding the source, that she managed to walk straight into someone soft.

"Oh, hello there~" came a friendly and slightly suggestive voice. As Violet's attention was redirected forwards, she realised she had walked into what could only be a nymph. She had moderately short hair, falling down to about her neck in what could best be described as an autumn colour, finding itself somewhere between gold, red and even with a slight hunt of a light purple. Her skin had a similar, golden shine to it and was certainly plentiful for the nymph's garb covered little more than what was considered indecent to reveal, overlapping black strips of cloth covering her bust while a matching short skirt covered her hips. The cloth itself felt soft and flexible, definitely quality material and Violet knew this because one of her hands had ended up pressing into the nymph's bust as she had tried to shove her way through the crowd.

As she pieced together what had happened, a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, or rather, they wrapped past her; curling around the nymph before her as she felt a body press up against her. "Mm, have you found something you like, sister?" came a male voice, a quick glance backwards revealed what could only be another nymph, the similar in their features was obvious, although his hair was both longer and appeared to have been dyed a bright blue colour; even at a glance she could tell it was a dye, it lacked the natural shading of a real colour. The male nymph was also naked to the waist, although his legs were covered by a pair of long pants.

Before she'd quite worked out what had happened, the pair were slowly dancing, with Violet sandwiched between them. And no doubt this was attracting a deal of envy at that, given the pair she was between.


Not far from this, Atair and Drago were having their own difficulties. At the very least, between his injury and sour expression, Drago was experiencing none of the problems Violet was; getting people to shift out of that way was a difficult process, but at least those who finally did notice him weren't to keen to bother him.

Atair was having much less luck. The feline youth was just too noticeable in a crowd, and this sort of festival wasn't the sort to draw in much of his race making him stand out all the more-so.

"Hey there kitty, wanna play?" came the playful voice of a blonde elf, swaying with the music beside him. Even as he glanced at her he saw she stood out amongst elves, garbed in an enticing outfit of blue, made up to resemble leaves she was a thing of beauty that sorely tempted the nekomata; if he didn't already have something important to do...

As he attempted to pass her by, another voice called out to him, a more serious voice, although no less seductive "Perhaps I'm more to your tastes?" He found himself doing a double take for as he look forwards... it took him a moment to piece together it must be a sister, for the brown-haired elf before him was nearly identical, other than her darker shade of hair, slightly different in style too as bangs framed her face, although both were elves had wore it in a ponytail. Her outfit was green, although it appeared to be identical in design, enough so that Atair guessed they might even share the same measurements or near enough to.

As he once again tried to move on, a third voice added to the mix, playful and innocent sounding, "Aww, he wants to play with me~". Atair could barely believe it when slightly before him stood a third matching elf, this one with short dark hair and a red outfit, bouncing slightly on her heels.

What were the odds? Honestly...
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

A low growl of lust rumbled in the Vampyre's throat, her hips moving faster with the Elf beneath her. Her spine arched, her hands pulling the blood doll's lips to her breasts, her hair spilling down her back, flattened against her skin by the coating of red from the pool.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Oh, lovelies," he literally purred out, "you've caught me at the wrong time." There's just enough pout and apology in the tone to be sincere, because, well, they had and he was, even adding a faint downturn to his lips, borderline a pout. "My lad here took a tumble and needs some healing. Can't let him get jostled around now or that'll just make him grumpier." His nose wrinkles up at that thought.

Given that there were three of them, though, he might be able to use that to his advantage. "Though you know, if I had some help getting him through the crowd, I could leave Sir Grump here at the aide station and wouldn't have to divide my attention so much." His brows flick and a suggestive little smirk plays across his lips this time.

Granted, it was a gamble and it was doubtful that they'd want to leave the dance to help, but using the dancers to move through the dance might get them across quicker, not to mention left alone if they had partners already.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Try as they might, Violet managed to shake off all of her prospective partners without too much hassle, pushing off the men and the women much the same. Still, a slight blush began to come over Violet's face at the repeated grabs and gropes as tried to push through the crowd of dancers, and she was largely kept busy trying to push the groping hands away. She wasn't looking where she was going, unfortunately, and as such she ended up walking right into someone, and reflexively raised her hands to keep her head from smacking into someone. As she looked at the person to apologize, however, Violet looked slightly mortified as she realized where her hands were on the nymphs body, and that kept her from doing much besides stutterering and blushing with shame.

A quick once over of the nymphs gorgeous (and barely covered) form only caused Violet to blush more deeply, and her face turned a full deep scarlet as arms closed around her body from behind, forcing her to pull her wings all the tighter against her own body. With someone pressed against her on both sides, Violet couldn't do anything besides sway in time with them or risk pressing even harder against either of her forced dance partners. "Ummm... Excuse me..... Uhhh...." Still blushing, Violet curled inwards in an attempt to pull away, holding her arms and wings closely against herself in order to touch the two nymphs as little as possible. "What.... What are you doing?" She managed to say as the two twirled around her, the siren's eyes flitting between the two as they danced around her.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti's face fell when he saw the delicate dryad manning the station. Peeking past her at the tent, he only saw the man she'd been helping. He wasn't sure if he would be any help... and he seemed like he was already ready to scamper away. The meek dryad woman wouldn't be able to help Drago get through any better, either... The Siren gave her a pat on the shoulder and a reassuring smile.

Keti took a moment to get a feel for the music. When he felt he had it, he pulled out his flute and took to the air again, flapping over and doing a few circles around Drago. He started to play, keeping pace with the minstrel's energetic tune. He started adding a few embellishments to the music, harmonizing with the other players - and then slowly drew the crowd away from his little group and the aid station. Hopefully, the crowd would thin enough between them and the tent, and Drago could get his wing some attention.

Hurr, I wish to use Performance, and use some Fate to call on the mighty powers of my Flower-lovin' Hippy Sirenhood, specifically my freaky inherent ability to accidentally music people towards them.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Smiling despite himself Ar took Saphael's hand and moved slowly throughout compound, heading deep into the sub-levels and looking for the head of his order to have some questions answered...
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Soren's eyes narrowed. "Something is not right here," he mumbled to himself. He pulled out his journal and wrote the experience down. Lorelia would tell him it was due to stress, he was sure. But at this point he knew that couldn't be it. Stress makes you sick, not hallucinatory. He shoved the journal back in his belt and the sense of wrongness only grew stronger.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

The elf was pulled up slightly and quickly went to work, his tongue flicking and circling against Meaghan's nipple as he buried his face in her bust. His hands tightly squeeze against her rear, pulling her in close to him as he rocked his hips powerfully, his breath short and quick and it tickled across her bare skin.


"Soren, you better be calculating something helpful!" Lorelia shouted at him from atop the machine. It seems she had already bulled her way through the group who might have attempted to keep her clear and was quickly examining things while the device smoked and rattled about, clearly not stable.

"Damnit, we overtaxed the cooling system and now the aetal stabilisers have blown," she shouted over her shoulder. "Unless we can bring this back under control, it's going to destabilise further until it reaches critical."

Fancy terms for an imminent explosion.

"Soren, you've worked with this type of energy the most, how can we bring it back under control?!"


The pair of them began to make their way through the sandy stone halls of Sanctuary, which was in full daily swing by now. As had always been normal, light filled the corridors as groups of people made their way around, dressed in a mixture of white robes and simple tunics and breeches; the concealing robes was only ever mandatory when someone descended from Sanctuary to the world below. Songs and laughter filled the halls of the city on the mountain and many greeted the pair with smiles and waves.

All of this was left behind as they descended into the sub-levels, where darkness reigned, held back by the occasional alchemical lantern placed upon the wall, but these walls were more familiar to Ar than the ones above. At last, he came to the place he sought and knocked upon the door. "Enter, Ar," came an old and weary voice from within and one that he knew well.

The room within was almost bare, save for a desk at which an elderly oracle in black robes stood. The first of the Malakim, who forsakes name to hold the title Father until his eternal retirement.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Soren could not remember working with something like that before. He taxed his brain trying to come up with something and when he failed he gave Lorelia a sharp look and shook his head. "Get everyone out of here! I don't need any help and I screw up and this blows sky high I don't want anyone else hurt." he raised his voice a bit, "EVERYONE! OUT!"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The three elven beauties frowned and looked at one another for a moment as they considered his proposal. "I... suppose we could share..." the blonde began almost hesitantly. "Mm... as long as he makes it worth our while..." added the brunette with a mischievous smirk to match Atair's. "Well there's no way I'm getting left out!" added the dark haired elf with another bounce and a broad grin, before turning and beginning to shout for people to make room. The other girls followed suit and progress forwards became a little easier, although the nekomata noticed each had a different method for getting people to shift. While the dark haired girl enthusiastically asked people to make room, usually bouncing as she did so, her mousey haired sister pressed up against dancers, whispering something to them as one of her hands slowly slid down their arm or side, sometimes chest. The blonde sister simply stepped into the dance with someone and lured them out of the path before moving on to the next person. Different methods all, but it was tough to tell who was having the most effect.


As she asked her question, the pair moved in close, both pressing their bodies against her, the nymphette's face almost so close that they were practically touching. "Why, we're dancing of course~" she replied softly, barely audible over the music and crowd. "Aren't you enjoying it?"

Her soft breath brushes against Violet's face, warm and vaguely fruity in scent as those soft feminine curves pressed up against her from in front. Meanwhile, another breath just as warm tickled across her neck and ear. "Would you prefer to face me instead? It'd leave my dear sister crushed, but she's good enough to place your comfort above her own wants," came the smooth and soft male voice.


At first, the minstrels greeted the addition of a new player with enthusiasm, as Keti began to dance through the air around the injured harpy, playing out a fast pitched melody along with their jig. As he began to add embellishments and begin to lure people around however, the group began to show irritation, responding by an increase in volume, intensity and speed; they clearly weren't about to let themselves get upstaged by some hotshot newcomer.

Still Keti managed to keep up, adjusting to every change the musicians could make, even the rather sudden and unexpected key change which forced him to build a line that skilfully shifted from out of tune back into it in a clever way that made it seem musical*. All the while, he shifted and lured people around, making the trek through the crowd much simpler.

((*Yes, this is possible))
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Ar kept his eyes low, uncomfortable at the attention as he moved through Sanctuary. It must have been because of his new position or the presence of Saphael. Entering the sublevels of Sanctuary and the darkness, Ar's mood improved considerably, here things would make sense, there would be no ceremony or red tape. No... The Malakim didn't bother with such things, it was there right to ignore and some times cut it away to force progress, such was the way of the Malakim as it always had been.

As he was admitted entrance he gave Saphael a quick kiss before walking into the threadbare room and dipping a low bow. "Hello Father. I have questions that need answering." It didn't surprise him that Father had known it was him coming, it was expected. Standing upright again and looking Father square in the eye Ar waited for a slight nod. "Who was my replacement, who oversaw his training, and what happened to me..... How did I end up wearing ceremonial armor during Consul meetings of all things. What is going on!"

Ar was having some trouble keeping his emotions in check, the most recent events still had him a little shaken and the feeling that something was very wrong still lingered. Here he would have his answers......
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

As she asked her question, the pair moved in close, both pressing their bodies against her, the nymphette's face almost so close that they were practically touching. "Why, we're dancing of course~" she replied softly, barely audible over the music and crowd. "Aren't you enjoying it?"

Her soft breath brushes against Violet's face, warm and vaguely fruity in scent as those soft feminine curves pressed up against her from in front. Meanwhile, another breath just as warm tickled across her neck and ear. "Would you prefer to face me instead? It'd leave my dear sister crushed, but she's good enough to place your comfort above her own wants," came the smooth and soft male voice.

Violet's blush somehow managed to grow even further, spreading down her neck as the two closed in and pressed their bodies against hers. Even as unpleasant a day as she might have had so far, Violet found herself finding at least a tiny bit of enjoyment from the beautiful duo's attentions. Would it really be so bad to dance a little? It had been so long..... And the female nymph's voice combined with the honeyed scent of her breath, issued from those luscious lips that were already so close to her own, was awakening desires that Violet hadn't fulfilled in even loner.

Drago. Had to help Drago get through the crowd, and then.... What were they supposed to be doing again? Oh right, they were going to investigate the strange elven woman in red, the one that had been causing all this trouble, and poisoning people with... With... Lust.

Violet tried to speak, to respond to the nymph in front of her before those lips got any closer (or more tempting,) but her brother whispering into the siren's ear turned the words into a low, wordless murmur. Despite their somewhatThe way that her bottom was pressed into the man's lap while her chest was flattened against the other woman's was giving Violet more than a few ideas of what the two might be happy to do to her, but the siren finally managed to reassert a degree of control of herself a moment later. Had that been some aftereffects of whatever that elven woman had pumped into the room around them, or had it really been that long for her?

Sincerely hoping that it was the former and not the latter, Violet said; "M... My friend is hurt.... I was... Trying to help him get.... Get through the crowd without upsetting... His injury." Even though she was largely calm now, Violet's voice still trembled slightly, and she had to pause intermittently. Surely the two nymphs would understand that she had pressing business.

Wait..... They were nymphs! That meant that they could use magic.... Life magic! Violet's eyes widened slightly at the realization, and her voice was a good bit steadier as she said; "Believe me, I would love nothing more than to dance with the two of you all day, and maybe all night too...." She smiled at the woman in front of her, letting a hint of suggestion drop into her voice towards the end, "But I have to take care of my friend first. Could you possibly help me with that? I would be in your debt.... And I always pay me debts." Another hint of suggestion, and Violet hoped that the two kept closely enough to the image that she had of their race that they would understand her need, and perhaps even be willing to help her. If they could heal Drago's wing, maybe they could get to work quickly, and then Violet could come back and..... Indulge. Heavens, it had been that long!
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The three elven beauties frowned and looked at one another for a moment as they considered his proposal. "I... suppose we could share..." the blonde began almost hesitantly. "Mm... as long as he makes it worth our while..." added the brunette with a mischievous smirk to match Atair's. "Well there's no way I'm getting left out!" added the dark haired elf with another bounce and a broad grin, before turning and beginning to shout for people to make room. The other girls followed suit and progress forwards became a little easier, although the nekomata noticed each had a different method for getting people to shift. While the dark haired girl enthusiastically asked people to make room, usually bouncing as she did so, her mousey haired sister pressed up against dancers, whispering something to them as one of her hands slowly slid down their arm or side, sometimes chest. The blonde sister simply stepped into the dance with someone and lured them out of the path before moving on to the next person. Different methods all, but it was tough to tell who was having the most effect.

A playful, almost suggestive, grin twitches Atair's lips upward as the blonde elf mentions sharing, a hint that wasn't something he would have a problem with. "Only one way to tell, lovely," he teases the brunette with an even more playful smirk. As the trio of girls helps to clear the path, he does glance up once, hearing Keti's music as it starts, smiling a genuine smile at that, especially if it's helping get them where they need to go. His attention falls again to the elven women, though, watching their techniques with interest, his tails flicking as his gaze will follow them through the crowd for a moment before his attention goes back to escorting Drago in the direction of the aide station. Distractions were fine for a moment or two, but he wasn't about to abandon the other man.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Meaghan wrapped her fingers around the Elf's neck, and pushed him back suddenly, groaning as she choked him. Her hips continued to move as she held him just above the rippling surface of the pool, her free hand now caressing her own breasts, fingers circling where his tongue had just seconds before.
Re: OOC Thread

Apologies for the continued delays in updating, just haven't been feeling great lately.
Re: OOC Thread

No worries, man. It happens.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Gotta give them credit. They know their stuff." Drago says as he craddles his arm tenderly and follows in Atair's wake, still keeping up the broody look on his face. "Soon as my wing is fixed I'm not setting foot on ground for a week." he mumbles to himself as he walks, shaking his head a few times to settle the feathers on his crest. He was angry, but he was also thankful that someone was helping him. Even if they were ground-walkers.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Ooh, they were playing faster! Keti was enjoying himself - he usually let his drew his notes out, letting them stretch on when he played by himself. When the mood took him, he'd played a quick tune like this one - but even then, he didn't do those nearly as much. And it was so much different, with other people playing! Not to mention all the dancers. It was almost like another instrument - their laughing and shouting, and the clack of their feet on the square!

There were so many people dancing here, he wasn't sure if he could get them spread out much more for Drago. He kept on playing - though now, he was trying more to maintain them grouped away from the harpy and the cat than to call more of them to him.

He should go meet the musicians once this was all through. They seemed like great fun.

No fate point spending this time, but Performan is still a go
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

The elf gave a startled groan as the vampyre atop of him grabbed at his throat and forced him down, his thrusts into her slowing to a firm grind as she cut off his airflow. Despite the situation, he didn't seem to be particularly worried, more taken by surprise but then, many in the room would die before they showed any concern for their own well-being, such was the nature of their role.

"I hope you don't intend to do any lasting harm, I'm rather fond of that one," came a female voice from behind Meaghan. Should she turn, she would see the source of the voice, a woman who was undoubtedly of vampyre nobility by her garments; the simple fact that she stood in the shallow pool garbed in finery was a big message in and of itself. She wore a gown of a dark purple cloth that clung to her figure above her hips before trailing off into loose and flowing tails and folds, all of which seemed to sit atop the pool perfectly dry as if it was a solid surface, ignoring that her legs themselves sunk into the waters. In one hand, she clutched a jewelled goblet daintily, the other held a long pipe casually. There was no doubt about it, this woman was the baroness herself, wife and consort of the host of this party.


Lorelia gave a worried look, but began to usher out the all but happy to comply lamia engineers. A series of pressure gauges and a complex system of levels and valves confronted him and he found himself coming up blank for how to deal with this. Every time he tried to think, his head ached and no helpful information was forthcoming. That said, he could tell that whatever this was, it was unstable and he would likely have to carefully juggle things in order to shut it down without a disaster.

"What's wrong, Soren?" came a soft, worried voice, it seems Lorelia had returned to his side after clearing the room. "Can... can you do it?"


Father lowered his head and took a deep breath. "Even I don't know the full details of what happened to you, Ar. But you sustained some sort of powerful mental attack and it left you scarred. But you should know by now that I cannot tell you who your replacement was, nor who trained him. Just know that we are ever vigilant; you are not the only one mistrustful of this "great peace", but we too are coming to accept it. We will remain ready, the blade in the darkness, should something threaten it but for now, we stay our hand and watch."

"As for the ceremonial armour, I believe you yourself suggested it. It keeps you close by Saphael, which we all agree is good for you; as well as hiding you in plain sight. No one takes your duties particularly seriously and should the consul and this Great Peace come undone, she would likely be a prime target. Not only can you keep her safe, but it puts you in the best position to react. I know you've always preferred to walk in the shadows, but you should be able to see the value of hiding as a cripple in the light. I just wish it did not have to be so... and perhaps in time it shall not."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

"If you truly ever believed I would recover, you would never have replaced me" Ar said softly, his eyes down cast. "Still, I listen and obey as always Father" Ar dipped another bow before turning smartly and leaving the room. "It seems... I don't know what it seems like Saphael, lets go..." Taking her in arm in his they headed back to the room where the Assassin turned bodyguard grudgingly put on his armour and readied himself for a Consul meeting. The only thing that made any of this bearable whatsoever was Saphael and without her he would surely have fled Sanctuary without hesitation. As things stood he would play his part and play it well, it seemed Father wanted the Consul closely, he hadn't said as much, but he didn't have to. If Father valued his position as his eyes and ears within the Consul, then he had reason to suspect treachery... "What has become of me Saphael..." He said, turning to look at his chosen, his eyes filled with a mixture of grief and resignation...