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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

C Y we could find something
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Also, Y, keep the bondage gear.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

i change my vote I've read "Tentacle lair escape" and i found out that blue was an ally and there is nothing good at the end of a tight tunnel
so my vote is C and yes keep the gear maybe you can change it to something else like in the first "Tentacle lair escape"
if not maybe we can use it to tie something up or someone :D
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

A). Just a gut feeling, but there's never normally anything nice waiting at the end of a small, cramped tunnel.

Also, N. No point lugging all that gear around for no reason.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Everyone loves the blue tentacles!
I mean...no sound, should be safe...:cool:
Might be able to at least use the leather for something else, if not turn into some crotch protecting armor :p
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

C Y Take the hidden passage and keep the bondage gear.

Akahana quickly reached behind here head and undid the buckle holding the gag in her mouth. She flexed her jaw as the gag fell out, working the soreness out. She could tell something was coming, though what it was, she didn't know. She decided to be safe rather than sorry. As she quickly ducked into the thin opening between the walls and shuffled her way in, she used her teeth to undo the buckles holding her hands together. Her hands free, she reached over her shoulders again and pull the last strap off. She pocketed the bondage gear in jacket, planning to use them in an 'experiment' of her own if she ever ran into the loony professor again.

As she made her way through the thin tunnel, she looked back to the cavern she just left and saw it fill with a warm orange glow. Then she saw tentacles writhing all over the floor and walls. Soon the hole she came through was covered up with the things, and their glow became muted. She paused for a moment considering to go back and investigate, but changed her mind when the things began to slither into her small tunnel! She kept going, hoping to reach the other end and find enough room to sprint away, but coming up to a corner, she discovered that the other end was also teaming with orange tentacles filling the hole as well.

It didn't matter what she did at that point. The thin tunnel was filled with orange tentacles, and Akahana was overwhelmed. The things slithered and writhed over her, roughly shoving her about as they tried to get around her. Some found their way into the sleeves of her jacket and inadvertently pinned her to the wall. They wrapped around her legs, arms and body, holding her there and roughly handling her. Akahana was panicking, thinking the things were going to violently crush in that little tunnel when the suddenly pulled her towards the direction she was heading in before.

After another bend, she was pulled out into another cave. Still wrapped in tentacles, she was lifted up into the air, and given a full view of what was going on. In the centre of the chamber was a massive tentacle with many lumps along one side. Is was rooted form the floor to the ceiling, with many smaller tentacles writhing about before anchoring it in place. The whole room was alive with activity, the creatures writhing about and worming their way across the walls, ceiling and floor.

Then the room became calm, before the tentacles holding her in the air moved her closer to the central mass. As she was brought closer, it's surface morphed, quickly becoming a mass of smaller tendrils that reached our and wrapped around her hips thighs and midsection. She yelped as they wiggled about, tickling her in ways he older sister did when she was younger. "Haaa! Stop that!" she screamed at the thing. The things were warm and everywhere, and she could feel them getting under her shirt. Suddenly, she felt the pressure of her belt and pants give, and she realized they had undressesed her bottom. "Wha-!" she began, startled and confused at what they had done, before she felt the tendrils slide in under her panties. She shrieked as the warm things wormed their way around. She didn't know what they were doing, but it felt strangely wonderful and completely wrong at the same time.

"What are you doing?" she yelled before shrieking again. One of the things had wormed its way around the petals of her flower. Others quickly joined it, and began to teased her. She had no idea what they were doing, but she suddenly felt very embarrassed and hot. "No~!" she mewled, unfamiliar with the feelings. "No-no-no!" The things continued to tease her, and her breath started becoming more and more ragged as they teased her. Their ministrations quickly made her flustered, and she could feel a sort of dampness occurring down there. Then she felt a larger tendril slide her panties aside. It was larger, firmer and warmer than the others, and it teased her flower by rubbing along it completely, displacing the smaller ones as it went.

Akahana yelped a few more times as it prodded her, before shrieking much more loudly than ever. It had penetrated her, spreader her flower open and plunging deep inside. She could feel it throbbing inside her, and her insides became very warm. There was some sort of pressure in her now, though she had no idea what it was doing. Then, the large tentacle pulled out of her, and she was pulled off the central mass. Looking down, she could see a line of a strange slime coming our of her flower and sticking to the big tentacle that had penetrated her.

The orange tentacles lost interest in her, and unceremoniously dropped her to the now orange ground. "Ouch!" Akahana yelped, as she landed on her newly exposed tush. Her flower was leaking some sort of pale orange fluid, and her breathing was heavy and hot. She was confused, before she realized that this thing, these things just violated her!

  1. Overwhelmed with shame, Akahan will sit there and cry for a bit, then run off. The largest tunnel is dark, but the orange tentacles aren't going in there. She can see a blue glow at the end of it.
  2. There's another tunnel that's dark and without orange tentacles in it. Akahana can see a green glow far at the end of it.
  3. Akahana should go back the way she came. These tentacles have no interest in her now. Maybe she can observe them for a bit? (Automatic 1 vote)
  4. Why leave this cave to do that? There's orange tentacles right here she can observe. (Automatic 1 vote)
  5. These things just took Akahana's virginity! Time to get mad and hit them feebly!
  6. Akahana is still flustered and slightly aroused. She needs to relieve some stress...
  7. Her honour has been soiled, having been violated by an inhuman creature. She should commit suicide...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

4, with a splash of 5.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

hybrid 3/4 vote. GTFO of this fucked up place ASAP! (if even possible at all)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

1. But hopefully cautiously enough not to stumble into the blue tentacles.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

hybrid 3/4 vote. GTFO of this fucked up place ASAP! (if even possible at all)

You do realized that a vote of 3 or 4 means that Akahana doesn't leave and instead stays and studies these creatures, right?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Lets mix it up then: Combo of 6&1. Was tempted to vote 7 just for trollolols, but ultimately decided against. :V
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Study these Orange Tentacle Creatures

Akahana sat there confused for a moment, a thick ornage slime oozing out off her flower, as she tried to figure why what just happened did. The things were obviously not dangerous or very teritorial, considering that they were now ignoring her, but just a moment agon were furiously assaulting her. Sexually! It was if they had confused her for a potential mate, then realized they made a mistake and dropped her.

Yes, that must be it, she concluded. I just didn't produce the right pheromones. She looked down at her flower, and noted the amount of orange slime slowly leaking from herself. That's just some lubricant. Sure is a lot of it. She took a moment to scoop a bunch of it out, then wiped the stickyness from her hand on the ground. She pulled her panties and pants back on, then stood and looked around. "Well, it's not the end of the world," she said to no one in particular. "I'm fine, so let's find a way ou-hey! What's that?"

Her curiosity was tickled when she noticed a large bloated tentacle pop out of the cieling, it was partially tranluscent, and she could clearly see a collection of tiny round objects inside. It lowered down to the floor, then its front end expanded, letting the small round objects out. In an instant all the tentacles in the room mad a mad rush to the pile of colourless orbs, and Akahana was nearly tripped by a swarm rushing around her feet. The pile of orbs continued to grow as the bloated tentacle dropped them. Akahana could aslo see the smaller tentacles eating the orbs in earnest, their ends opening up to inhale one just like the bloated tentacle.

"Fascinating. What is that stuff? Food?"

  • Probably food. Give it a taste. (Automatic 1 Vote)
  • Just keep observing for now.
  • Why are we still here? Head down to the blue glow.
  • Back the way we came?
  • There's another passage over this way. There's green glow coming from the end of it. Maybe there's something different?
  • Raid the tentacles for food! Grab as much as she can carry and eat!
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Well since option E takes you to green area(instead of orange) i say A then B stay there and observe some more (if B is not Possible then only A). Also is it possible that after we eat we can still go to green?
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

A, with a dash of B beforehand. (but just A if combo-votes aren't allowed)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

I made an error. The alternate tunnel leads to a Green area, not another Orange. There's three tunnels leading out of this cavern. One goes to more orange which Akahana just came from. Another goes to a blue cavern, and this one has a tunnel to green. Pole updated with corrections. Sorry everyone. I'm not reading my map right.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

C. Food for tentacles is not necessarily food for humans. Assuming it's actually "food", and not "eggs fresh for implanting".
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape 2

Going to have to agree with DeMatt on this one, C.