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Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Yes, commander," the half-vampire would respectfully reply before excusing herself from the tent. Although the self-proclaimed noblewoman didn't let it show, the manner in which her advice was received left her in a good humor and generally happy. Her mood might prove to be a fortunate point for the two gemini that she had captured, as checking on them would be a part of her first stop along with preparing her personal gear and supplies for travel--or more specifically, waking her new slaves up and teaching them how to properly do so in her stead. Assuming nothing prevented her from traveling between her commander's tent and her own, she would eventually find her way back and enter.

"Good morning!" She would brightly proclaim once she entered the tent, regardless of whether the two were awake or not. If they weren't awake, she would repeat her words a little more insistently, and barring the success of that she would wake them up with a few nudges from her foot. "You're in the army now. You've no time to laze about all day," she mockingly admonished the two before releasing their bindings so that they could move freely again. "And I hope you're ready to earn your keep, because it's time for you to do some manual labor." As kind as she was being, or pretending to be, however, the half-vampire was watching them carefully with every bit as much cruelty in her golden eyes as she usually carried when dealing with the turned catmen. Her latest interaction with them, like all the others, was both a test and a lesson, and she was eager to see how they would respond after the last so many lessons.

If the rest of the posts progress along enough that it becomes necessary to speed Aurelia's stuff up, all she's going to do is basically teach CATMEN how2squire in her next post and in doing so get everything ready to travel and then she's ready to move on.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine

Mason: HP = 80. 80 Body, 8 AV, Natural Attack


"Yes ma'am! We must be assured that your magnificent tits are adequately protected!" Raginhard would reply with boisterous stoicism, declaring it in an entirely military fashion. After that, she would receive a salute to her orders, and in short order the two kobolds would be off to begin carving up the dead alien vessel while another accompanied her down into the depths of Verja's tower.

The old cat had been good at his word.... Sort of.The place was big enough for her to squeeze her way through, more or less, but it did necessitate some creative use of her ability to walk on the walls and ceiling, and it certainly wasn't easy going for the massive spider. The kobold had to carry the egg baskets more than once, and it proved to be a tiring journey before they were as deep and as far from the ways up to the surface as Verja and Solidyn had agreed they ought to be.

The return trip made some time later with the numerous chunks of carved, rotting grey-meat was only more unpleasant, particularly for the kobolds who had to do the brunt of the carrying thanks to the tight quarters. The eggs thankfully hadn't yet hatched by that point, but it looked as if they were getting close enough that being nearby might make them fair game for breakfast for the newly hatched arachne, so it was likely time to vamoose back to the surface.

Finding one of her three mages was an easy enough task, the one who had gone with her to the top of the tower but had never been enjoyed by her directly being the one whom she located. It didn't take much arguing with her to earn a water-based wash from the magician once Solidyn and her gunner cohorts got within about thirty feet of her, but the affair was conducted a good ways away from the rest of the camp. For health reasons.

After that though, Solidyn was gloriously free of the responsibilities necessary for seeing to her offspring and all that that entailed, and could now turn to do whatever she liked.... Which may have including helping out with the packing, as the faeries seemed to be breaking camp at a semi-leisurely pace at that point, though for what reason was uncertain unless she asked. If she did, she would find out that Ur-Wind had ordered them to be ready to move soon, possibly with the end of the day if not earlier, but that he had not told anyone where they might be going save perhaps for Aurelia.


Aurelia would arrive to find the two alien cat-men squirming feebly in their bonds, looks of misery on their faces that only grew more intense before being hidden behind blank masks upon the half-vampire's entrance. A look of relief came over them as she released them from their makeshift bindings, and both rose to attention with nervous looks after that and awaited her orders. They would follow them, albeit somewhat lazily and without much skill or drive to impress, at least until she started to admonish them and tell them how to do the tasks that she set them to properly. Their haste should she grow more threatening would cause its own mistakes, but whether or not she reached such a point in her good humour would be a matter that only Aurelia could decide.


"Oooohhh a long day, hrm? I think you do want to punish me~" the nymph cooed casually, the rise and fall of her hips on his length slowly building up again. She just rode him for a few moments, casually keeping him from going soft as his refractory period came to an end and the sensitivity began to abate, before continuing; "I think, with a stallion with such an attitude at my mercy, I'll just have to go ahead and break you!"

The faerie paused only long enough to plant her feet on the ground, allowing her to rise and fall much more quickly and with much greater power, his still-sensitive length able to feel every shift of her inner muscles as they glided over his shaft. Soon enough every bounce ended with a wet clap as their hips slammed together, the discomfort rapidly giving way to more pleasure. The nymph gradually leaned in as her pace increased, however, and soon enough her throat was in reach of Kor's mouth if he wanted to try and lunge for that tempting prize.

Of course, the moment that he even tried to lunge for her throat Emi would simply pull away, leaving his teeth to gnash against empty air. She would pull back and giggle at his expense before riding him until one or both of them had cum, never giving him another opportunity like that. She would do the latter anyway even if he did hold himself back, but how she reacted after that would depend entirely on what Kor had chosen to do with the situation.


Verja was quick to begin hastily gobbling up the remainder of his breakfast, and once he was done the old cat would yawn and stretch for a moment before blearily gazing at the gemini and ex-slave and saying; "Soooo..... What's up cat and... Vaguely humanoid thing?" It wouldn't take more than a look of annoyance to trigger the old man's memory, however, and he would slap himself on the head before rising to his feet and adding; "Oh! Right! Your check up! Come on then!"

Spinning on his heal, Verja gleefully skipped his way up to the strange machine that Huldah had entered the day before, and this time needed no help from Zahra to operate it in the more simplistic procedure of checking things out. Once it was done, assuming that there were no complaints made on his method, Zahra would see him frown at the machine's display, which showed an incomprehensible mixture of symbols and numbers, and after a moment he would mumble; "Well.... Well well well... That's interesting..."

And then, just like that, he would pop the machine's door open and loudly proclaim; "Welp, seems to have worked! You're as good ad free!" A momentary pause and he would more quietly add; "Probably! Most likely! Well... Maybe. I'd give it about a 50-50 shot of having worked. Possibly."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra watched the old cat hastily gulp down the rest of his food still with some measure of envy, and then yawn and stretch. Had he really…? The question made her glare at him somewhat; he had entirely forgotten about telling them to meet him this morning. His godsdamn dog had a better memory than him. At the very least he remembered quickly as a result of her gaze, and she and Huldah got up to follow him as he led them back to the bizarre machinery that the Gemini had been put into the night before for her checkup. The catgirl had no objections to having her friend enter it again, and apparently this time the process was simple enough that Verja didn’t need her help with running it. It didn’t take too long for the machine to do its diagnostic or whatever it was it was doing, and at the end of it a series of numbers and symbols that would surely have been incomprehensible to the archer even if she were capable of reading popped up on the display. The old cat frowned at it and mumbled something, after a moment opening up the machine to let Huldah out and telling them that it had worked… probably, maybe. "Wottya mean poss’bly?" Zahra asked, "ya don’ ev’n know if it worked?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Solidyn's post-washy activities most DEFINITELY did not include helping that lot haul a buncha shit around. Like half the company rode on her whenever they moved out - which it looked like they were prepping to do; weren't they gonna hold this place? - so they could pack that shit themselves - unless it had something to do with her armor, or she saw the little two-leggers struggling to move something. She didn't want them screwing up her plate mail, and she'd start to get annoyed if she watched them struggle for too long.

Before long, curiosity got the better of her, and she asked someone why there were packin' it up. What she heard was NOT to her liking. There'd been a meeting and he'd not only called that newblood in to counsel, but left her out?! What the hell was THAT about!?

Fine. Whatever! Whatever, Ur-Wind could do whatever he liked. Annoyed and totally NOT JEALOUS at all, the overgrown spider would scuttle up the shaded side of the tower, and started weaving her silk into a sheet. She usually used the stuff in big, thick cables, so she wasn't sure she could make it thin and delicate as she was going to want it, but she was planning on making herself a little tabard, to keep the Anudorian sun off at least part of her. Maybe a veil... turban... thing, too.

She was a pretty hardy spider, and took a lot of pride in the fact that she could go hard for ages in her armor. Usually, she didn't mind the heat and exertion that came with her armor... but that had been up North, where there were things like trees and shade. Maybe those concepts hadn't been invented yet when the powers that be threw this sandy shithole together? Not that it mattered. If she could keep some of the sun off her metal carapace, maybe it'd be more bearable? She was still hauling several tons of metal around in this treacherous desert footing, so she didn't feel too bad about conceding this little bit of comfort.

They could emblazon the company's coat of arms on it, too, or something. The coat of arms that they'd made before Aurelia joined.

Hmmm... maybe one of the faeries could magic her armor to be cooler inside, or something? That would be neat. They usually didn't do cold, though, so...

If her weaving ended up too thick, though, it wouldn't bother her too much - they could always use the stuff like canvas and use it for a tent. Maybe Ur-Wind would even use it for his personal tent! Ooh~ That was a nice thought.

That that dog-helmeted bloodsucker had been in there to discuss plans with Ur-Wind immediately tainted her nice thought. Grr. Stupid Aurelia.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Stepping out of the cramped pod when it was all said and done, Huldah gave a frown. "I don't feel any different, really..." She said slowly. The pod hadn't even hurt this time...

Shrugging, she continued. "It doesn't matter, I'm sure it will be fine. So, uh, what now?" She asked, looking between the two felines.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor groaned as Emi continued to treat him as a toy, and to be honest, it was starting to bother him less, his protests being drowned out in the pleasure of the moment. But when she said she would break him, he had to fight the urge to get angry and remember that this was supposed to be fun, to be enjoyable, his ego had no place here.

Smiling at Emi at the thought, Kor chuckled, the first real laugh from him since this had started and when she leaned in, his heavy breathing and soft groans of bliss surely amusing to his tormentor, he didn't bite. He moved slowly, very slowly, and left a soft kiss on her flesh, or tried to...

"I surrender, you win this round. Though I do prom... Guuhhh that feels good... Promise that there will be a return on your fun. After that well... O shit, shit! Right there! Fuuuuck Yes..." Kor groaned and gasped out, before his thought was interrupted by a soft twist of Emi's inner walls wringing pleasure from his aching shaft...

As his eyes rolled up in bliss, Kor took a moment to remarshal himself, and continued. "We'll have to find a way to decide who's on top" He finished, shutting up after saying that much, and bucking up into the sadistic fairy enthusiastically, his peak fast approaching
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine
Mason: HP = 80. 80 Body, 8 AV, Natural Attack


Oooooh, surrender? Good boy~” Emi groaned as her hips bounced up and down, his words prompting her to pump herself up and down on his abused shaft. “Nnnnn…. You like that?” she purred, shifting to do what had prompted his groan continuously as her rhythm upped its pace, her hips slapping wetly against his as his balls were coated in the mixture of their fluids. “Decide? Ahhh…. I think we… Already determined who’s on top~” Emi replied to his final statement before Kor gave in to her lewd efforts, and for the next few moments the cruel faerie simply bounced up and down on his cock with rabid enthusiasm, her own moans rising rapidly.

All too soon Kor would feel his body reaching that next peak once again, his partner not teasing him against the edge this time as she sought and found her own satisfaction. The feel of her pussy quivering around him in orgasm would be all that the half-vampire required to push him over the edge, and Emi’s pleasured moan adopted a satisfied note as his balls once again pulsed as his sack contracted, his length throbbing as his seed was milked from him in that most pleasurable of ways. Once she had come down from her own orgasm moments after Kor’s length had run dry, Emi sighed happily and started grinding on him, ensuring that he knew that his torture was far from over.

Let’s see how long you last before you break!” she declared with a malicious smile, “if you cum seven times before you go soft you’ll beat my last record.” As her hips continued to grind back and forth on his abused shaft without any signs of showing mercy, a voice would suddenly call out from the tent’s entrance; “Normally I’d let you have at it as long as you want, but I’m afraid I’ll have to break up the party.” Emi didn’t stop her grinding, but she did glance over her shoulder and lean back, allowing Kor to see another one of the nymphs that Solidyn had summoned the day before past her. Emi, grinning, said; “Oh, hey! You want a turn on him? He’s still nice and hard, and he’s just the right size~” Her inner walls gave a particularly strong squeeze that felt altogether wonderful despite the fatigue that his shaft was suffering from, and perhaps to his horror the faerie looked like she was considering taking Emi up on that offer.

Ehhhh…. Maybe next time, for now I’ll have to pass. Ur-Wind wants everyone up and about to help getting ready to move out,” the other faerie said, and Emi would give a disappointed sigh and shift off of his cock, releasing it from the pleasure hell of her pussy. Turning back to him, Emi would lean in to look him in the eye and say; “It looks like the general has pardoned you~ We’ll continue your interrogation and rehabilitation later, private!” She gave him a peck on the forehead, and then slid down until her mouth was level with his length and licked it clean a sliver at a time, the other faerie having already departed back to whatever other duties she might have. Emi, despite their need to be off, didn’t stop licking until his shaft glistened only with her saliva, and then casually moved down to his balls and sucked them clean. A kiss against the tip, a few quick bobs down the shaft to remind him of how her mouth felt, and Emi pulled away and dismissed her summoned vines, allowing Kor to move again.

Not even saying a word, she grabbed her dress and walked out of his tent, still naked and with copious quantities of his semen leaking down her legs. He didn’t even have a chance to offer reprisal beyond words unless he wanted to start launching magic at her back, and was left instead with the task of getting himself back together, getting dressed, and packing his things up.


Well… No, I don’t. It’s an experimental procedure, never been done before!” Verja replied evenly, flitting his fingers at the machine’s controls and then poking at a number of them. “It’s a problem that didn’t exist until two years ago, and a solution that had no test subjects to try it on,” he explained as the pod popped open to permit Huldah’s exit. After the Gemini was out of the pod and had proclaimed that she was alright, Verja clapped and rubbed his hands together before saying; “Now! Now…. You ought to be tested somehow, yes? Or maybe you ought to be examined for a while… I’m not sure. What do you think?” He glanced between Zahra and Huldah with an infectious smile, offering them a chance to speak.


Going off on her own to weave her tabard, Solidyn went unbothered by her comrades for a long while as they pulled together their supplies and made ready to move out. Her work went well, and though she couldn’t color her silk, the stuff could easily be colored in with dyes that she could acquire Bob, who would happily surrender them for her use if she asked since they didn’t get much use otherwise. Her silk used for weaving was thinner than the sticky gunk that she could use to trip people up or weave webs, and stuck to other silk for about half an hour after she released it before, though new pieces could be added on to the portions that were no longer sticky themselves just fine.

Eventually, Raginhard would approach in the midst of her task with a grin, and after being acknowledged he would say; “Howdy commander! The general has sent me to…. Ahh, fuck it, come on and look at something cool! We finally finished it!”
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra’s ears flattened against her skull, her eyes narrowing in a manner that suggested annoyance. She wasn’t terribly convinced that the old cat wasn’t just full of shit. In any case, Huldah at least seemed to be feeling alright still, so there was that. "Tes’? ‘ow?" she asked, eyes still narrowed. If she remembered what he had said the problem was earlier properly, any sort of “test” would probably be difficult to rig up, and dangerous besides… but she didn’t know what good examining her would do. The catgirl hadn’t noticed that there’d been a problem after all, and they’d been together for a good while now.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor was... Caught in that strange place between having a plan backfire, and not caring in the slightest because his dick was on fire, he was going to cum, and then.... Fuck it! He'd think after!

And then it came... And so did he! and then they were interrupted. Hissing violently at the intrusion, Kor raised his eyebrows a considerable distance as he received news of their imminent departure second hand. Though he visibly paled at the idea of having two fairies fuck him to death. This....but... REVENGE! HE WOULD HAVE HIS REVENGE~!

Shuddering as Emi was kind enough to lick him clean, and by kind he really meant vindictive bitch, Kor didn't say anything as they left, and proceeded to clean himself up quickly, stuff his things into his trunk, and start stripping down his tent... Though that was only after he could walk again, and had drained every drinkable thing within reach.

Kor was suspicious about this sudden move, and to be honest, had no interest in it, they had the tower, the tower held secrets... a madman, but secrets... and he wanted those secrets for himself... badly.

Sighing at lost opportunities, Kor made himself ready to leave as quickly as he could and proceeded to try and find their fearless leader by stomping around with a chest, a rolled up tent, and a lousy attitude.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Raginhard found Solidyn rubbing the newly-dry silk aaallllll over her face when he showed up to collect her. It was always soooo smooooooth. She remembered that one servant girl they'd seen some time ago back North - that had that noble called her, a 'maid'? Solidyn was pondering trying to weave a cute little headband like that girl'd had, along with maybe some frilly little socks and gloves, too, when she finally noticed the kobold waiting to bother her.

After an awkward cough, she came down and started to follow him to... whatever it was they wanted to show her. "'Cool', eh? Didja figure out how to make that ice cream stuff we had in Badaria one time?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"I, umm..." Huldah said slowly, glancing between the two felines. "Makes sense, I guess. Just, not those black things from below, please." She added quickly.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine
Mason: HP = 80. 80 Body, 8 AV, Natural Attack


"How? Well, first we'd.... Wait, what?" Verja began to reply to Zahra only for Huldah's statement to sink in, at which point he looked at the gemini incredulously. "The black things.... My defenses!? Of course not! What kind of test would that be!?" he demanded with even greater incredulity in his tone than was present in his expression, "don't be silly! It wouldn't prove a thing besides that you can bleed and hit things with a club! No, I meant the control! The field! The psychic elder lord control field that you were part of, and now aren't! That's what I wanted to test!" He reached out and poked Huldah lightly on the nose, and then did the same to Zahra before saying; "Now then! Your mercenary friends! They're packing up! Where are they going? And are you going with them?"


"Nah! The secret of ice cream still eludes me!" Raginhard lamented as he led the gigantic arachne around the side of the building and eventually back into the tower. A large, familiarly shaped object waited under a big black tarp, which also happened to be surrounded by the rest of her usual gun crew, and upon reaching it Raginhard spun on his heel and looked up at Solidyn with a wide, dopey grin. "So.... Ready for your surprise?"

If the arachne didn't tear the tarp away, the kobolds would do it for her after waiting for a few seconds, and Solidyn would be confronted with her pitted and battered suit of armor... Looking better than new. A whole lot better than new. She could practically *taste* the enchantments now present on the hardened bronze plating, which now looked not only thicker than ever but placed in scales that would be much harder for projectiles of any sort to pierce. Not only that, but the metal now showed off a sort of shimmery, crimson glow that probably didn't help with the issue of her ability to sneak around very much. It had all been repaired and polished, and looked a whole helluva lot tougher too, but that wasn't all.

The back had a number of chains attached to it, which could be hooked to belts so that she wouldn't have to waste so much of her silk tethering her gunners. In addition, two side guns were now mounted to small folding stocks, miniature turrets that her gunners could use to fend off anything that got too close. Those miniature bronze guns still paled in comparison to the monstrous bronze cannon that made up her primary gun, which had gotten similar treatment to her armor in that it had been repaired and polished, its moving parts all oiled as well. It looked to have gotten its own helping of the magic that had enhanced her armor, albeit not nearly as much. The shape of it had also been improved, including a slightly flatter surface for her gun crew to stand and maneuver on, numerous handholds for them to grab on to when she climbed up a wall, and more heavily armored storage for the shell carriers in case they needed to fire while away from the supply wagons.

"Well? Whatd'ya think boss?" Raginhard and the other kobolds gunners looked on excitedly, awaiting Solidyn's reaction to the sight of her new and improved suit of protective gear.

Solidyns New Stuff!
Her armor was originally this:
Plate Armor: AV = 20, EV = 10, TP = 60, DU = 5.

Got the following enchantments:
1 DU Enchantment, 100 dosh
+12 Grapple, 5 faerie horns aka 150 dosh
+4 AV for 2 demon bloods aka 100 dosh
+2 AV for 75 dosh
+6 Resistance for 2 faerie bloods aka 100 dosh
Grants immunity to Fire/Heat damage, gain 10 resistance to Cold damage, increase the armor's AV by 4, its DU by 1 and its TP by 10, but grant a -6 penalty to Stealth for one Fiery Mantle and paying 100 denarii, aka a total of 300 dosh
Gives no shits about AV ignore for 2 dragon scales and 2 monster horns, aka 300 dosh.
Total = 1125 doshnaries

Also has 2 guns mounted on it now.
Side Turrets (4d8 + 6 damage, 12 AV ignore, 25 ft range increment, 5 shots, 1 round reload, takes -20 penalty to attack if fired and not mounted)

Spidertank Armor: AV = 30, EV = 10, TP = 70, DU = 7. Grants +6 Resistance, +12 Grapple, -6 Stealth, immunity to Fire/Heat, 10 resist Cold, cannot have the AV that it grants ignored. Value = 1125 in enchantments.

Her cannon looked like this:
Mounted Cannon
Damage: 8d12+10, AV 20
Range: 60 ft/increments
shots: 1
Reload: 6t

+4 attack/damage for 125 dosh
+2 attack and ignores 4 more AV for 2 greyhearts aka 50 dosh
Total: 175 dosh

Ended up looking like this:
Mounted Cannon
Damage: 8d12+14, AV 24, +6 attack
Range: 60 ft/increments
shots: 1
Reload: 6t
Value = 175 in enchantments.

Solidyn's upgraded gear costs: 1300 dosh. Her weekly wage not including spoils: 20 dosh. Hue.


Kor's lousy attitude earned him a wide berth from his companions, but if he hung around sulking for long enough he would run into Ur-Wind coming out of his tent with his own modest set of personal effects in a small chest, a gruff carrying the chest containing the company's maps, ledgers, and other assorted strategic gear. How he wanted to approach the kobold while he oversaw the removal of the command tent was up to Kor.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra glared at the crazy old cat as he spoke to her friend as if she were stupid, narrowing her eyes as her tail bushed ever so slightly. Of course, she had known that the defenses wouldn’t be involved in any test herself, it wouldn’t have made sense, but she would never have put it in such a way herself. Huldah hadn’t been particularly brilliant before she had been turned by the aliens, but she had probably been smarter than the catgirl, and she had definitely lost quite a bit in the transition. The former human didn’t seem terribly disappointed about this or most of the things she had lost, but Zahra didn’t want her to have any reason to, didn’t want her to question. Over time she had become oddly protective of the woman.

In any case, she knew vaguely what these Elder Lord things were that Verja was speaking of, though she had thankfully never been close enough to one to really find out anything about them. They were spoken of by the militias and resistance groups she had been a part of as objects of fear; to see one of the floating aliens was an instant withdrawal order, the sign that your mission was unachievable. Supposedly they were invincible, or very close to it, and had enough magical ability to tear even the most hardened group of warriors to pieces in seconds. Zahra was starting to get a bit twitchy about this test of his. Even more twitchy when he tried to poke her on the nose, jumping back just enough to be out of reach, her hand moving ever so slightly towards her dagger, a sign of the deep-seated paranoia that had set in after all she had gone through. Still, she didn’t bat an eye when the old cat asked his questions about the mercenaries, replying "Dunno, jus’ got wit’em. Not sure I wanna follow. Your tes’ need time?" as if nothing had just happened. In truth she was sort of hoping for an excuse not to go with them, she had her doubts about the quality of their character and their intentions.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor honestly enjoyed the solitude he managed to maintain amongst his fellow mercenaries, perfectly happy to further enforce his rule of being left alone unless he reached out first. It was no secret what he was, or what his role in this group was, and much like Aurelia, he demanded a quiet respect. Though he was far less active then his fellow Undead in that regard, he had come to appreciate his life here for the time being.

Seeing his commander, Kor swallowed his injured pride for the time being. "Commander Ur-Wind." He started, bowing his head ever so slightly, he did indeed respect his leader... he had seen many, Ur-Wind deserved his place. "I'd like to know what exactly the plan is, and why we're abandoning this potentially incredibly useful, and overall defendable position. There are secrets to be had here that I am Loathe to abandon, but will if I'm ordered, I am long lived, I can always return for them later." he said, stretching his jaw for a moment before carrying on.

"Furthermore, what orders, if any, do you have for me at the present. If you have none, I shall simply continue along, and prepare to leave with the company." he finished, raising an eyebrow. Why they were leaving the Tower was beyond him... there was so much to gain here... At least for him anyway.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"I, uhh..." Huldah said, blinking a bit when the old cat tapped her on the nose. "How would you test something like that?" She asked, frowning.

Zahra said her piece on the rest of the group, and the large gemini added her own thoughts. "I don't know where they're going, Commander Ur-Wind probably decided. We're probably going with them, right Zahra? We move faster than the camp would, maybe if the test takes too long, we can just catch up?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Solidyn had continued working on her tabard as she climbed down and followed Raginhard, so she left it to him to unveil... whatever it was underneath the cloth. When she looked up, it took her a few moments to fully process what she was looking at.

"Wha-wha-what?! Oh, what?!", she shouted out once it hit her. "That's my armor!?" She rushed forward to snatch up her breastplate for her inspection, bringing it right up to her face. It smelled magic. "Where did ya get the denars ta do this?!"

She rubbed her face all over it like she'd just been doing with her silkcloth. It was a lot harder, and though the metal wasn't exactly silky and frictionless, it too was smooth. It was like new! She couldn't feel any of the pits, scratches, or dents that had been piling up in it in the years she'd been campaigning at all! "How'd you get the whole thing reworked like this? How'd you-"

She spotted her helmet, and noticed a decorative crest had been worked onto it's frontside 'forehead' area - A small horn-like stem that ended in a circle, inside of which there was what looked like a little metal cutout of a spider... wait, no, now there was another one?

She picked the helmet up, and poked the little design. One of them spun.

"Oohhh my god they spin! Oohhh my god I got spinners!"

Solidyn jumped back and turned around as if she were going to walk off in disbelief, only to turn back to her pile and scuttle up to it again. She grabbed up one of her big greaves - polished clean and shiny enough clean enough to eat off of, in spite of it usually being the dirtiest on account of being her leg armor, in the thick of kicked up dirt and dust clouds. She gave it a lick, wondering if she could taste the magic on it as well as smell it, feeling cold metal on her tongue...


...Wait. Cold metal? Even covered up, it'd been sitting out here in the desert sun long enough to heat up. Did that mean...

Bah, the fastest way to find out was to try it out.

"Get this glorious metal exoskeleton on me, right now!" Solidyn cried out. Which was a bit anti-climactic, as they had to go find her padded doublet that kept the joints and the chain undershirt from pinching her, and it all in all took an ungodly time as usual to sling all of it into place. But once she was armored up again, she just stood there for several minutes... the of which, she started noticeably trembling.

Suddenly, she threw her fists up and announced triumphantly, "Cool!! This armor stays cool!!"

"I dunno know what ya'll did but it's not gettin' any hotter n' here! Blowjobs! Blowjobs fer everyone!" She announced, snatching up the nearest kobold, unlatching the quick-release on the grille protecting her mouth that let her bite, and sucking in him until he came, being extra careful not to scrape him with her pointy teeth.

Once he was hard, it occurred to the big spider to get them to remove her breastplate. Even if they'd still neglected to get rid of the ridiculous titty-armor, everything else was too wonderful for her to really care. She did care about avoiding swallowing, though - that would still end up fertilizing her, and she didn't much care to have to worry about having more of those voracious little shits squirming around in her belly, especially if they were preparing to move out again. So, they could cum on her tits, or she'd spit it there instead, and she could clean up afterwards!

Also she could get more delicious little kobold cock, yum yum.

>Immune to fire/heat
>The sun is heat
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine
Mason: HP = 80. 80 Body, 8 AV, Natural Attack


"Ur-Wind commissioned that the work be done!" Raginhard reported when Solidyn asked about the price for her armor's recent upgrades, and then he and the rest of the gun crew looked in with wide grins as she examined (though fondled might have been a better word) her newly reworked armor. Her demand to get the armor onto her hide was met with more grins, and they quickly pulled out the padding and got to work, fastening the metal together over Solidyn's already hardened frame. Even once the first few pieces on she could feel the air shifting, not only keeping her body cool but leaving it at the proper moistness that it should have been at normally. Once she was fully armored, Solidyn felt as if she were in the jungles in which she'd been born, allowing her to breath easily for the first time in months since she no longer had to contend with the dry, sandy air of the desert without some proper filtering. All in all, it was incredibly comfortable.

Of course, her surprising announcement quickly delighted her gun-crew, and the first she snatched up soon had his cock nice and hard for her to suck on while the others formed a line and waited their turns. Keeping her fangs out of the way while she sucked the kobold off wasn't particularly difficult, but he gave very little announcement before bursting into her mouth, and despite her desires to give her chest a coating to avoid having any more spiderlings the arachne couldn't stop herself from swallowing the first spurt before taking the rest on her face and chest. Thankfully she managed to squeeze down on her body's natural response to take the potent substance down to her eggs sacks to fertlize her, and once she actually told the kobolds her intentions none of the rest of them made the same mistake. After about twenty minutes Solidyn had a chest coated in her gun crew's sperm, all of whom were now lying about in their corner of the inside of the tower with sated looks.


"Because we were contracted to take it, not to hold it, and the Su-Ku-Ta Resistance Army is moving in behind us to secure it against being recaptured while we press on to our next target," Ur-Wind replied simply to the half-vampire's somewhat impertinently delivered query, his tone patient. "Besides," he would continue after ensuring that his limited personal effects were all packed away safely, "any secrets here aren't free for the taking. The tower is occupied, and I suspect that Mister Wizard wouldn't like it much if you went poking around his things without his permission. If you intend to stay, then you'll need to get his go-ahead first, and I don't see that happening. Besides, like you said, it's not like the tower's likely to go anywhere... Most likely. Just come back when the aliens are annihilated or your contract's up."

Turning to face Kor squarely, the kobolds looked up at the much taller half-vampire and continued; "I have no special orders for you at the moment. Make ready to depart and move within the hour. We depart for our next destination as soon as we are capable of moving."


Whether Verja recognized the violence inherent in Zahra's reaction to his attempted poke or not wasn't clear, he merely looked at her oddly for a moment before continuing on as if nothing had happened. The cat-girl would notice something else almost immediately, however, as Sacrimony took extreme interest in her very suddenly after that. The robotic canine had been lying on the floor with its head resting on its paws for the majority of their conversation, but now it raised its head and fixed its inhuman but frighteningly intelligent stare upon her. That was. No threatening moves, no sounds of warning, it simply began to stare at her watchfully, and Zahra would feel the weight of that notice for the rest of her time spent speaking to Verja.

"Of course! Tests always need time!" the old cat replied jubilantly to Zahra's question, but then quickly rounded towards Huldah again to answer her with something a bit more useful; "It's simple really! We just need to stick you within range of an elder lord's control field and see if it can take control of you again! If it can't, it means that the control removal procedure worked! If you end up trying to kill us we'll know that it didn't work!" A bright grin split across the old su-ku-ta's face, as if he hadn't just proclaimed the Huldah might attempt to kill both of them if his machine had failed to break the hold that the already incredibly dangerous alien lords held over the former human.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

This time, Huldah's response seemed a lot less uncertain. "I don't like that idea. I don't think we should try." She answered quickly, shirinking away from the catman a little.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Although Verja didn’t seem to notice just how annoyed his attempted poke had made Zahra, his dog did… Out of the corner of her eye the archer saw the mechanical creature perk up, raising its head and staring at her. She shivered ever so slightly, not because this was abnormal behavior, but because in that moment it seemed like more than a mere dog. She couldn’t quite put her finger on why, but it made her feel uncomfortable, and it didn’t stop watching her. For his part the old cat seemed to have worked out the single least sophisticated test possible, and perhaps the most dangerous. "Stupid" the catgirl said flatly, "can’t get near dem tings anyways, ‘ey’ll kill us. An’ if Aulda goes ‘ginst us we’d ‘ave worse trouble. ‘ow big’s’is field anyways?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"As you Command Sir." Kor said after the slightest hesitation, nodding and turning around. He apparently had to pack. They were leaving.

Scratching his head in frustration as he walked away from Ur-Wind, Kor sighed and did as he was told, setting about getting ready to depart, and with all haste, annoyed beyond measure by the secrets he would be leaving behind.