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Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

An hour passes and there's no sign of mine. Another passes, and even going slowly after the fight, it's starting to look like the instructions weren't too accurate, or she's lost. Finally, she arrives to the other side of the mountain. She can see another road - presumably the one that split to the east - but unfortunately it's on the other side of a valley. There's a rope bridge connecting the two roads, but it seems rickety and she might slip. Below the bridge it seems that there is growing a number of vines from the mountain side. From here, she can either cross the bridge, climb down to the valley and then back up, continue on this road or turn back.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Like calls to like with magic....why not put magic into the crystal and try to feel resonance...that might give her a clue as to which way to go, after all. If it seems to her like the mine is with the other road, she'll try crossing the bridge, otherwise continue. She isn't one to give up so early, after all.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

11 Success.

Arrenhan can't quite sense the presence of other crystals, but her eyes tell her that there are no signs of a mine along this road for at least another mile so she decides to cross the bridge. It proves rickety, but it's wide enough for her to cross without problems, even if she almost slips in a couple places. From the other side, she can see the mine entrance to the south, with a few cottages nearby and a few men sitting around a fire, apparently taking a break, though it's hard to tell from the distance.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Well, so far the people in the village, as well as the Professor and his servants, have all been nice to her. She doesn't think about stealth as she makes her way towards the mine entrance. "Finally. I should be back well before dinner at this rate!"
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

One of the men spots Arrenhar and they all stand up. "Hello there. Keep your hands where we can see them and come closer. And no sudden movements." The men seem to be merely careful, not afraid of her.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The foxgirl blinks, but does so, hands kept out where they can be seen and she comes closer to the men. "Hello? What's going on here? I'm not one of those demons that attacks people..."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"We're just being careful, miss. There's always some bandits that think a mine like this is easily sacked, for some reason. Mind telling us why you're here? If that crystal is flawed, it's yer own fault for not checking. So no refunds."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Professor Johnson wanted another crystal is all. He had me bring this one so I'd know what I was looking for." Statements that had the benefit of being absolutely true. "Do you have a problem with bandits? I could help out with them..."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Oh, you work for the professor? We won't take payment from you, then." The gentleman taking care of speaking takes a closer at the crystal and picks up an oil lamp and a pick. "Hmm. I don't think we have one of ready, but it won't take long to get one. Follow me." He then turns and goes to the mine.

Inside the mine he leads Arrenhar down a curvy tunnel, taking turns that each lead to a slightly smaller tunnel. Finally he stops and gestures Arrenhar closer. "Take a look at these. I think there might be a few that'll be like the one yer holding, so I'll just take them all and if you need more, you can just come and pick one up without having to come down here again."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She tries to make note of the sequence of turns (and which tunnels they were, so she doesn't get lost). "That's very kind of you. Let me take a look at them so I know which one to bring back to the professor." She looks at each one in turn, sending small tendrils of magic to them, to see which one is soundest, clearest, fittest for holding magic.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Almost all of the crystals in this tunnel seem flawless, though most either resonate at different frequency, or are too large or too small. Four, however, seem nearly identical to the crystal she is holding.

C 12 vs A 19
C 17 vs M 11

Arranhen HP 5/5 MP 2/2 AP 0/10 Miner HP 4/4 AP 2/10
Crystal 10/10

Suddenly one of the largest crystals, perhaps in response to the probing magic, sends a wave of arousing emotions and thoughts towards Arranhen. She manages to block the effects, but the miner isn't so lucky and becomes clearly bewildered.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Mental defenses are something any mage trains with. When she sees the miner, she calls out, "Get back...get to the surface. I'll follow as soon as I can with the crystals. Please!" Since she felt the arousal surge around her and fade, she guesses what he's feeling. "I'll give you a treat when I come out..." She pushes him towards the way back.

(No actions against the crystal at this point, but trying to get the guy out of range of the crystal.)
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The miner follows her somewhat reluctantly, and the images fade away almost as soon as the crystal is out of sight. "Well, what now, miss? We could go looking for other good crystals, but it might take a while to find even one that'll suit you. The best ones are in that tunnel."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"I'll chance getting them. Run in and get one, then get back out. I know the ones I'm going for...I bring them out here, then once I get them, we go back...." She licks her lips, tail flicking behind her, then smiles. "Would be a bad idea if we went in together, I think...it'd make us, um..."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The miner refrains from commenting and instead hands his pick to her. "If that's how you want to do it, miss. You need to swing that mighty hard and hit past the base, otherwise they might shatter. Good luck"

OOC: It'll take two turns per crystal if you go as fast as you can, but you might shatter some of them. If you want to avoid that, you need to take three turns.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She nods and takes the pick. "Thanks. I'll be back as soon as I can." On impulse, she stands on tiptoe to kiss his cheek before going back into the tunnel, willing to take a bit longer to make sure she doesn't damage the crystals.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

First crystal:
C 7 vs 15 | 18 vs 13 | 19 vs 13

Arrenhen: AP 4/10

A well aimed swing tears the first crystal free from the cave wall and Arrenher takes it back behind the wall successfully.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She feels flushed, but triumphant as she brings out the first crystal and waits a bit for the arousal to go down. It....it was a lot different, a lot stronger in here than anything she'd felt before...It'd distract her if she weren't careful...She looks at the miner and smiles, "Here's one. I...it's really nice in there...too nice...Need...wish there were some cold water to get drenched. Still...I'll go for the next one."
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Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Second crystal:
15 vs 13 | 17 vs 19 | 18 vs 15
AP: 5/10

This time the first blow is too weak, but she manages to pull the crystal off after that. By now there's a wet spot in her underwear.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She groans and heads back with the second crystal, definitely looking flushed. "H-here....." She goes back for the third, tail lifting as she walks away from the miner, mind a little hazy.