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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

Climb that fucker, swordmine a hole in it's exoskeleton and discharge a spell through our sword! Get Shadow of the Colossus on this motherfucker.

It might even work! Maybe.

Also can uh can you start including what gear, spells, and other swag we have with each update? I kinda can't remember, since, you know, ancient CYOA and stuff.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Climb that fucker, mine a hole in it's exoskeleton with your sword, and discharge a spell inside it (also through our sword)! It might even work! Maybe. Get Shadow of the Colossus on this motherfucker.

Also can uh can you start including what gear, spells, and other swag we have with each update? I kinda can't remember, since, you know, ancient CYOA and stuff.

Do we have blindy magic? That might be helpful.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

Option A it is, you weirdly unanimous lot. ;) If you're struggling to picture the mantidfly, a) I'm not doing my job, and b) google 'scorpionfly' and 'mantidfly', and try to mentally combine the two into a single creature. It looks kinda like that.


From her position several meters away, Eve sees the Mantidfly looming over Formora, pincers clicking menacingly. Wasting no time, Eve lets loose with spells, drawing on her dwindling supplies of magic.

"Nángoröth gülia!" she cries. Thick, black webbing flies from the her outstretched right palm, striking the beast just at the base of the scorpion tail. It shudders, and rotates to face Eve, screeching like a thousand nails being dragged down a blackboard.

The right arm... claw... pincer... thing whips out, aiming straight at Eve's torso. She rolls to the side, clattering down painfully on the layer of bones, and the Mantidfly presses the advantage, mandibles clicking. Only to scream in agony - Formora stands behind it, sword lodged deep inside the base of its tail. She flashes a quick smile at Eve - then goes tumbling, as the Mantidfly turns with remarkable speed, yanking the sword out of her hand, before batting her contemptuously aside with a strike from the outer edge of its pincer.
The Mantidly bears down on the prone Formora, and this time its aim is true - a flash from its tail, and a second later Formora screams - she's been stung just below her right shoulder.

But Eve has not been standing idle. Darting forwards, she slices diagonally with her unsheathed sword - and severs one of the Mantidfly's back legs! For just a second it collapses to the ground in shock, and this time it's Eve's turn to attack unrelentingly - drawing Formora's sword from its tail with her left hand, she slides into position. With a swing of her right hand, she drives her sword at the Mantidfly's head, and Formora's piercing sword at its thorax.

It retracts its head out of the way just in time - the steel misses an eye by an inch - but it's too slow to avoid the second blow - with a sickening crunch, Formora's sword passes through its exoskeleton and slides into the organs inside.

For a final time, it screeches, this time in unconcealed pain and fury, before its huge wings whir into action. The sudden blast of air takes Eve by surprise, and she staggers back, drawing the sword out of its body. The Mantidfly takes off shakily, bobbing awkwardly from side to side. Looking up, Eve sees green blood dripping the holes in its chest and tail - and then it's off, buzzing meanderingly off into the distance.

"We did it!" Eve calls to Formora - only to see her lying on the floor, panting heavily. A thick sheen of sweat covers her forehead. It's not hard to see why - a red, coin sized hole has been punched through her clothes, skin and flesh, just below her shoulder.
"Yeah... great..." Formora groans, struggling to get the words out.
"I think... it's probably... poisoned me, though."



Option A) Leave Formora. There's nothing we can do for her now.
Option A1) Once she passes, take her stuff. She'd want us to have it.
Option A2) Once she passes, leave her stuff. It's more respectful.

Option B) Try and save Formora!
Option B1) Use Heal Pulse Level I.
Option B2) Use Heal Pulse Level II.
Option B3) Use Heal Pulse Level III.

Option C) Other.

Pulse Level I is 5 MP, Pulse Level 2 is 10 MP, Pulse Level III is 20 MP. And you're getting seriously low on MP. Whilst the higher level the spell you use, the better the chance you have of saving Formora, bear in mind she's been poisoned, and even a Level III heal pulse might not save her.

(No, I will not tell you the % chance of each one working. Well, they're all between 1% and 99%. Go with your gut.)

HP: 45/50
MP: 35/110
Corruption: 58/1??

- Enchanted Breastplate (equipped)
- Steel broadsword (equipped)
Rucksack contains:
- Book of Elemental Magic (the book is magic, it teleported in there).
- 30m of quality rope.
- A piece of glass
- Sturdy metal spade.
- Rubber ball small enough to hold in one's hand.
- Strange cylindrical device with that lights up green at one end when you press the button.

Night Elf has a lethal-looking white Bow, and a variety of arrows (piercing and barbed) to go with it.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

C. Eve tries to suck the venom out of the sting. Then B3.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

At the risk of getting screwed in a not-so-good way...B3
Re: Lost in the Jungle


Oh alright, B2 twice (two rolls of the die is better than one?)
Re: Lost in the Jungle

B3! Wants more sexy times with this cute dark elf!
Re: Lost in the Jungle

B3 At this point Formora is only alive to sex us I rather not have to find another host bod... err sex friend
Re: Lost in the Jungle

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Re: Lost in the Jungle

Shit ... I really liked this elven chick.

Anyway : we fuck her a last time and then A2.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

C. Eve tries to suck the venom out of the sting. Then B3.

Sorry, I'm a biologist at heart, and no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

I know those links are talking about snake bites, and this is a fictional giant insect, but the point remains the same - venom spreads way to quickly through blood vessels for you to suck out a significant amount; if you do swallow some you can be poisoned yourself if you have mouth ulcers or other internal wounds, and even if that doesn't happen, you're still depositing a crapload of bacteria from your mouth into this new wound on the other person.

Vote B3, by all means, but there's no sense in even attempting to suck the venom out.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I knew someone would say that :) . It's clearly useless and dangerous irl because you have not the healing spell but that is not the case here.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

B3, mana regenerates, not so much with characters.
Re: Lost in the Jungle


Show Fomora our swag - she might know what some of it does.

Also, I vote fleeing the bonelands for now and coming back when we've got an army and supply chain and whatnot. That sounds fun.
Re: Lost in the Jungle


Show Fomora our swag - she might know what some of it does.

Also, I vote fleeing the bonelands for now and coming back when we've got an army and supply chain and whatnot. That sounds fun.

As much as I agree with how fun an army sounds, I highly doubt we'll be able to get that many people to come with us. Besides, then we'd have to share the loot.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Niet. We dominate the army in true evil overlord fashion, and then clog the inevitable traps with our minions.

Then they'll be dead, and we'll have our swag!

I mean, how are we going to rule the universe with this weird macguffin thing if we don't even have an army when we get there?