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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

B: I wanna know whats making the bubbles...
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A! Run for your life! Don't really want to find out what unpleasant gasses are in these bubbles, and casting anything that might cause ignition (fire, thunder) would be a bad idea in the middle of a cloud of possibly flammable gas.

Edit: Given that the gas isn't flammable, i like xgkf's A
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

How wooded is the area on the opposite side of the river?

Oh, you're good.
The bank on the other side of the river is essentially just another wet sandy beach. This runs for a few metres, before becoming soily sand. From this point onwards, trees emerge - they're sparse at first, but before long start to grow more densely.
So yeah, it is feasible to get into enough cover, in time, to avoid the worst of the flying reptiles. Perhaps. ;)

This is similar to what I was picturing:

At the moment, while options are being considered, let's imagine that the raft has caught on a very convenient rock to keep it in position. It wouldn't be difficult at all to push away from, though.

Also, the raft isn't particularly solid - if it is a struck directly from below by a bubble of gas (unlikely, but not impossible) it will rupture against the wood and we'll be exposed to the effects.

Full update to come in a few hours time.

EDIT: Also, it's no spoiler at this point to say that the Djinn and the bubbles are completely unconnected. He just happened to appear at the time when they'd stopped - the thing/s that produce the bubbles release them in cycles.
Also, the gas is toxic* - I'm sure you've all worked that out by now - but not flammable. Feel free to suggest magic to fire at the pterosaurs, if that's your vote. :)

*Although I'm not saying how toxic.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

Oh, you're good.
Hehe. :D

Not quite as wooded as I would have hoped, but I dislike the idea of waiting on the water for the bubbles (or whats causing them) to do us in. I vote A0.5, Head to shore and flee into the woods, fighting back with magic only if we see them attacking us. With any luck the gas cloud overhead is spread out enough to cover the bank a little and give us some additional time to get into the trees (assuming that's what's keeping them at bay).
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'll second that, make a break for it and fight in self-defense.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A) wins.


Seizing the initiative, Eve pushes her makeshift raft away from the rock it had been caught on. With several quick, powerful strokes, she's already halfway across the river.
It's a risky game, however; the pterosaurs, perhaps sensing their prey is about to escape, grow increasingly bold, swooping low and screeching.
Of course, the pterosaurs aren't the only thing to be worried about, as is demonstrated rather brutally when one, braver or crazier than the others, comes right to Eve's height above the river - and promptly flies straight into a bubble. The effect is dramatic - it squawks, once, then tumbles out of the air and lands on the surface of the river. One second, two... then a plop as it is pulled under by some unseen force.

Must paddle faster; stroke, stroke, stroke...
Just a couple of metres away now...

The pterosaurs aren't going to be that compliant, however. Again, some fly lower than others, perhaps intending to scare Eve away from the safety of her raft. One spirals lower, aiming for Eve's back - only to catch a bubble with the tip of its wing. The gas escapes, and the foolish reptile tumbles into the river (before vanishing quickly below the surface). However, the gas is just a bit too close for comfort. Eve inhales, and is quickly hit again by the stench, although it isn't similar to any scent she knows.
Eve begins to cough; dry, rasping coughs that shake her entire body. She doubles over, momentarily blind to the swarm of pterosaurs above her. It's really unpleasant... and so hard to her limbs... wouldn't it be better just to sleep?

No! Not going to die! With a herculean effort of will, Eve plunges the paddle back into the water, and pushes it through. One stroke, two...
With a start, Eve realises her raft has collided with the sandy beach of the opposite bank. Phew... Eve sighs in relief, only to immediately start coughing again. Her arms and legs are shaking, and she'd like nothing more than to lie down and sleep...
The ball of fire flies from her palm and strikes a few unfortunate pterosaurs in the middle of the swarm - shocked, they fall out of the air, and are quickly drawn under the surface of the river. The rest sure seem pissed, though - they start to dive-bomb Eve, forcing her to bat them away with the raft's paddle. Beating a retreat, Eve heads under the cover of the trees - at least they can't really attack directly from above here.
They're still coming from the front, though, the spare trees don't offer enough protection...
There are the caves, though! They're not far away at all.
What can be done?

Option A) Stagger into the caves.
Option B) Fight off the pterosaurs, with magic and sword, first.
Option C) Lie down and sleep. So tired...


HP: 42/50
MP: 50/100
Corruption: 17/?
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

Welp. Looks like Eve dies here, and we get to be a pterodactyl. Sexy.

The unknown terrifies the FUCK out of me. There's probably something in there that will murder us immediately, isn't there? But uh fuck we probably can't fight off the rest of the dactyls...

...Shit, I dunno, A.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A - when in doubt, keep running. Where to is unimportant, given that it can't be worse than where we are now xP
Re: Lost in the Jungle


We were headed for the caves anyway, so if they'll offer us sanctuary from the pteros then it's better than fighting them off (and possibly getting injured) and then going in. Besides, if we're so close to the caves, anything dangerous in there could just as easily come out and get us while we're fighting as we could run into it while hiding.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Welp. Looks like Eve dies here, and we get to be a pterodactyl. Sexy.

To be honest, crossing that river was incredibly dangerous, and we're really lucky to not be possessing... the things at the bottom of the river producing the bubbles right now. Objectively, the pterodactyls, whilst still vicious, are slightly less of a threat. Besides, I don't really want to write a couple of paragraphs from a pterodactyl's POV, it wouldn't be as fun, lol.
But yeah, pick the wrong option/s here and I'll have no choice. ;)
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Fighting a swarm of tiny things requires wide area of effect attack, like a continuous flamethrower effect or toxic gas. What we have is Firebolt, which is better than an arrow, but is only going to hit one creature per shot. It's a swarm, which means dozens, if not more...

A Into the cave. They may be afraid of the dark.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Option A) - Into the caves!


"I don't know what's in that gas..." Eve gasps "But it's pretty potent stuff."
The pterosaurs, blue scales well camouflaged against the blue sky, are still trying to swarm around her; the constant flapping and squawking provides a near deafening riot of noise. Eve unsheathes her sword, and turns her back to the caves, ready to make fend off any that get too close. At the same time she begins to step backwards, heading for the comparative safety of the dark tunnels - no matter what lurks in them, it can't be any worse than this.

There! One pterosaur comes within striking distance, and Eve takes a clumsy slash at it. With arms as weak as this, it probably wouldn't have put a scratch on most creatures, but in a stroke of luck the edge of the sword cleaves the beast's wing, causing into to tumble into the ground.
The squaking grows ever louder, and more and more start to dive-bomb Eve. She fends of the worst of the assault, but occasionally one sneaks through; a scratch on one shoulder, a bite on the left arm.
God, surely the cave can't be far away...
Oh, right. With just one more step backwards, Eve finds the a protective rock layer above her head - she's made it. The entrance is only slightly larger than her - an archway cut into the rock - so the pterosaurs are going to be severely limited for room even if they do try to fly in.

Not that they bother. From the tone and volume of the screeching, Eve guesses that they're furious that their prey has escaped. Furious, that is, until a peculiar bellow comes from just outside the cave. A brief pause in the squawking, then it swiftly resumes - accompanied by the sounds of ripping, tearing, and the squeals of whatever unfortunate creature they've just found. Ouch.

Sheathing her sword again, Eve turns and faces into the darkness of the cave (it's pretty obvious the pterosaurs aren't going to try and follow her in now). With a cry of "Brisingr!" she sets fire to the paddle ("wait, that's been in my hand all the way here?"). The fire is the only source of light; it'd be pitch black in here without it.


Plip. Plop. Eve's been walking through the cave for about half an hour, and the constant sound of dripping water has been her only companion. The cave itself basically seems to consist of one long, rocky corridor, although at points she's spotted holes near the ceiling, or near the ground - God knows what's living down those things. A couple of forks are also present - Eve just picked left every time on a whim - and sometimes the tunnel widens or narrows... but it's essentially the same tunnel.

"Eugh!" cries Eve - something wet and slimy splashed onto her head. She looks up, spies a hole in the ceiling above her - then catches a face-full of the slime.
Revolted, Eve tries to scrape the slime off - only for it to slide down her front and settle around her breasts!
"Oh no you don't!" Bending forwards, Eve tries to scrape the worst of it out (horrible stuff, apple green and really thick) - only for another clump to fall from above onto her back. With wasting any time, it slides under the hem of her skirt, and...
"Hey!" Something hard just poked her in the ass. But slime's not hard...
"Oh for fuck's sake."
Eve can feel the slime on her torso pushing against the tight confines of her top - thinking quickly, she whips the garment off before it rips, although she's not in time to save her bra. Even as the jelly begins to slide rythmically up and down over her boobs, she slides her skirt off her legs - again, not in time to save her underwear.
The slime investigating her ass sends a tendril - more of a thick tentacle, really - up to the other half, and the two join. There must be more of the stuff than first imagined.
Regardless, the softness of the slime is quite a pleasant feeling against bare skin, Eve finds. It's sort of sloshing, quite calmly, back and forth over her ass, and against her breasts, although it does seem to get a little more adventurous each time...
Until thick, wavy tentacle start to emerge from the patch on her front. Before Eve can react, one rises in front of her, waggling and snake-like - before striking straight into her mouth! Eve's first reaction is to bite down on it, but the stuff's got a really tough outer layer. Plus, it seems to be producing some sweet liquid... that tastes really nice...
Almost immediately, Eve feels herself getting horny. She starts to suck on the intruder in her mouth, caressing it gently, running her tongue along the underside. It squirms, and Eve sneaks a hand down to her pussy...

Only for more tentacles to emerge, from both patches, and pin her arms to her sides. Almost immediately, though, there's another, gently running its tip up and down against her sex... as though it were curious. Before long, it plunges in, well lubricated by its natural slippiness and the juices now starting to run down Eve's upper thigh.
Moaning into the tendril in her mouth, Eve squirms... before spreading her legs wider, giving the thing easy access. It starts to thrust in and out, its fluids mixing with Eve's. Thrusting back, Eve stumbles, and falls to the ground - the tentacles around her arms cushion her from the impact. Even that doesn't stop them - one wriggling, writhing inside her mouth, dancing with her tongue, while the other slides in and out of her lower region. With each thrust in, it seems to expand, filling Eve so completely... the sensation's just delightful. It contracts as it pulls out, then inflates again once it's re-entered - a cycle of pleasure for both involved.
The one in her mouth gives a particularly violent squirm, just as Eve runs her tongue up to the very tip... then spasms, ejaculating yet more slime into her mouth. Eve swallows eagerly - it tastes wonderful, a combination of honey and something she can't quite place - but even as it lazily retreats from her mouth, another slips straight into her unaware ass! Eve's eyes go wide, and she immediately contracts her sphincter out of instinct; bit late, though. Being taken from both orifices at once, Eve is left squirming helplessly around on the rocky floor of the cave. The tentacles don't relent in their thrusts, and eventually Eve relaxes her ass; perhaps sensing this, the tendril occupied their picks up the pace.
Inside, Eve can feel herself rising to orgasm. Bucking her hips wildly, she grinds against the green tentacle in her pussy, wringing every last scrap of pleasure from it...
With a undignified grunt, Eve climaxes; the sensation is tangible splendor, and a rush of juice runs down, out of her wet pussy. One more thrust, two - then both tentacles cum, showering her insides with dripping, running slime.
As they both ease themselves out of her holes, Eve sighs - one massive, unbroken sigh of pleasure and satisfaction - and immediately falls asleep on the spot.

Several hours later, Eve comes around. She feels fully, perfectly refreshed - every last trace of that gas must've been cleansed from her system. Standing up, she stretches, arms reaching out in front of her. She's a little disappointed there's no sign of her slimy friend - it might be nice to carry him around somehow, prevent the worst of the loneliness. Alas, he's nowhere to be seen.
Oh. That's a bit worrying. In the distance, Eve hears the sound of scuttling - the sound of far too many legs running as fast as they can along the rocky floor. Then an unholy screech - ugh, it goes right to the bone - and Eve feels every last bit of satisfaction from the previous night vanish in an instant. The sound of scuttling is growing louder...

Option A) Run. Holy shit, run.
Option A1) Light the paddle first - it's mostly burnt down, but we'll get some light out of it. As long as the valuable seconds don't turn out to cost us dearly...

Option B) Stand and fight! Running is for cowards!

Option C) Run, but find a small tunnel near the floor or ceiling and hide in it. If this thing, whatever it is, is running down the main 'corridor', it should miss us!

HP: 50/50
MP: 110/110 (Wow, must've been something in that slime).
Corruption: 22/?

Corruption passed a unit of 10! Eve's skin turns even paler, providing a sharp contrast with her black hair and black irises. Also, the tinniest of black flames starts to run over her right wrist - almost like a little black... moving... bracelet.

Option to learn 1 of the following spells:
Option X) Arouse I. Makes enemies (well, most) more aroused, leaving them quite distracted.
Option Y) Confusion I. Rather self explanatory I feel, although be aware that the confusion induced isn't particularly great. As you'd expect from a level I spell.
Option Z) Flexible Shadow I. Your shadow becomes completely malleable and moveable; your can make it vanish to a point, your can drape it over yourself, to disguise you further if you're hiding in a dark place, or your can make it run somewhere else to distract enemies that focus on movement. I dunno, you can probably think of more uses for it than me. In addition, this spell only uses up 5 MP, instead of the usual 10.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

C Hide. Almost every form of combat has nearly killed us. Let's stick to evading and preying on the week!

Z Make use better at hiding! We're we going to do just that? Might as well be great at it!
Re: Lost in the Jungle

C + Z

(Brave Sir Robin!)
Run, hide and use this conviniently learnt new spell to help with said concealment.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Agreed. C, Z.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Option C - Run, but try and hide!


"C'mon, c'mon..." Eve pants. She's been running along the main cave tunnel - no exit in sight - and the horrible scuttling is only getting louder. Ugh, it's a disgusting noise - even with her body in 'flight or fight' mode, it's enough to make her skin crawl. And those shrieks it makes... ugh. Her paddle was dropped a long way back, by the sounds of it it'd be no use for fighting this thing off anyway.

But sprinting along the tunnel, her heart pounding, the rocky floor flying past... Eve finds that there's nowhere to hide! No side tunnels, no alocoves- fuckfuckfuck -
Ah! One, low, next to the ground. It seems just wide enough for Eve to squeeze into - there's no way the monstrosity chasing her could follow her into this.

Getting down on her hands and knees, Eve slides into the hole, feet first (if it doesn't open out, going in feet first will make it easier to escape). The gap's pretty narrow, but Eve shuffles in determinedly - the rocks catching on her legs are only a mild pain, easily ignored. One more squirm... there! Inside.

And not a moment too soon. The thing chasing her goes racing past - Eve catches a glimpse of a huge, hairy body, and far too many legs - then it's gone. Eve heaves a sigh of relief - god, that was a close one - and attempts to shuffle forward back out of her crevice.

Except she can't. Her legs seem to be totally stuck in position... and then they're yanked back!
"Hey!" Eve cries, but to no effect - and in this position she's powerless to defend herself! There's another tug on her legs, and Eve slides back even further. The rocky tunnel seems to have vanished beneath her legs; it feels like they're hanging out over an abyss. Except, of course, it can't be an abyss - the numerous clicking noises, the sound of shells tapping against rock - are more than enough proof of that.
Eve steels herself, preparing for the worst... but for a long time nothing happens. More clicking, tapping, but nothing tangible. The hole's so tight she can't turn round, and she certainly can't go forwards - her legs are being held firmly in the grip of some unknown creature.
The waiting, the tension, the noise... it's enough to make Eve feel sick to her stomach.

Then, with no warning, Eve feels her skirt get flipped up. She considers calling out, but decides it'd be pointless, even as the things holding her legs (claws? They feel smooth) begin to prise them apart. Eve tenses her thighs, but it's helpless - the thing's just too strong. With her legs stretched a good 45 degrees apart, Eve feels the slight air currents in the cave run across her exposed ass and pussy. It even tickles a bit...

"Ah!" Something - thick, slimy, wriggling - thrusts itself into her exposed hole. It squirms, writhing around spasmodically, and Eve can't help but twitch in response - the thing's so smooth and wet, it doesn't even need any lubrication from her.
The member seems to calm a little, and adopts a more normal thrusting pattern; in, out, in, out... Eve can't deny, it feels a little bit good. It's so long, it feels like it reaches all the way up to her womb, before racing back, almost to the point of pulling out - then diving straight back in. The pace is frantic, and before long, Eve's resigned to it. She bucks her hips as much as she can - her legs are still held securely - and starts to enjoy the sensation. The invader's so smooth and wet, there's no pain; it just keeps thrusting, and thrusting, teasing her inner walls, tantalizing them. Eve starts to feel giddy - it's writhing around again, tickling every spot it can reach. Suddenly, it freezes... then goes rock solid, and delivers an almighty thrust that goes all the way up to her womb. There, it jerks, and something splashes out of it - Eve can't tell what it is, but it's certainly wet and slimy.
"Ahhhh!" Eve cums not a second later, her juices running out, around the member still lodged in her, and splattering on the ground.

With a wet 'shlick', the cock pulls out of her, and a torrent of love-juice splashes onto the cave floor below. The pressure around her legs releases, and through her low groaning, Eve hears the sound of her assailant clicking. Then steps, like shell clacking against rock, growing quieter... quieter... gone.

Sighing, Eve drags herself out of the tunnel, and back into the main body of the cave. Her original persuer seems long gone. Tired, but satisfied with all the 'attention' recieved thus far in the cave, Eve staggers off.

A further half an hour of walking, and Eve hears a faint rustling coming from just ahead of her. It's really dark at this point in the cave... and the sound of her own breathing seems strangely magnified. The shuffling sound seems to be coming... from below her? Impossible, Eve decides - must just be an acoustic trick.
On the brightside, there, ahead of her, is just the faintest pin-prick of light! It must be a way out of the caves!

Option A) Can't hang around here all day, go to that light.
Option B) Something is definitely not right here. That rustling is very odd... we should turn around and try and find a different way out of the cave. Let's just hope there is one...
Option C) We could send a fireball out in front of us - the light would give us a brief look at what's going on here, but if there is something amiss... we'd attract attention.

HP: 49/50
MP: 110/100
Corruption: 27/?

Spell list is now:
Heal I
Fire Bolt I
Fire Bolt II
Thunder Bolt I
Ice Bolt I

- Bad Luck I
- Flexible Shadow I
Re: Lost in the Jungle


Head towards the light...cautiously.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A - and be ready to run, and fireball, and run if anything untoward starts to happen :p