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Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 13 vs 1
M 5 vs 20 counter!
P 22 vs 21

Shirako 3/6 MP 0/3, -4 to attacks Mary 1/5, -4 to attacks(-2 to escapes)
Spider 1/10
Shirako's blast hits the spider which indeed looks weaker, but it brushes Mary's attempt at striking it aside, sending her sword flying and it's webs catch Shirako's feet, making her almost stumble.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako maintains her balance on the stairs though as she is caught on her feet. She tries to move still as she blasts another magic blast at the spider with difficulty. "GHNNN!"
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 10 vs 1
The blast causes the spider to burst into flames briefly, leaving only a charred corpse. Meanwhile, Mary struggles to free herself from the webs and does so eventually, though she looks even more tired than Shirako feels. After that, grabs her sword and cuts Shirako loose, as well, though both of them have still pieces of the webs stuck in their clothes.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako looks to Mary. "Hmm..... Since the spider is gone, should we head back to the springs, but take a nap next to the waters? Or should we continue onward? We did only just wash..."
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

"Let's see what's at the bottom, first." Mary says confidently and starts to walk down again. At the bottom there's a large chamber, the walls lined with wooden coffins and a small statue in the middle.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako looks around this cellar. "Hmm.... sheesh, this place seems scary. I don't s-sit well with this. It's unfortunately my born fear..." She looks to the statue, examining it.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Mary takes a look around and sighs. "You'd think there would be more treasure in a kings tomb, wouldn't you? Maybe we should have opened the sarcophagus, after all."

The statue seems to be weird, perhaps related to magic and as Shirako gets closer, it starts glowing softly. There's a single rune carved to the space of the statue, and it seems to be slightly elevated, as if it's meant to be pushed.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako's curiosity peaks at the rune. "I am sure there is more to this room. I wonder what this will do to it." She presses on it like a button, looking around for any changes.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako 6/6 MP 3/3 Mary 5/5
Zombies: 12/12
As the button is pushed, the statue starts to glow brighter and some sounds come from the coffins. As Mary instinctively reaches for her sword, several of the coffins burst open, revealing mostly intact but extremely dead corpses that slowly get up and start moving towards Shirako and Mary.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako panics for a few seconds, losing her normally cool and scientific mind. "ZOMBIES!? There... there are zombies in here?" She backs up a little bit, then charges up a magic attack, firing at one zombie while unwittingly, her back apporaches another one.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 9 vs 6
M 7 vs 7
ZS 18 vs 21 ZM 15 vs 3

Shirako 6/6 MP 3/3 Mary 4/5
Zombies: 10/12
As the first four zombies reach Shirako and Mary, Shirako's magic and Mary's sword prove effective, felling two of them. Pure instinct allows Shirako to avoid the one reaching her back, but Mary isn't so lucky, getting a blow to her side. More coffins are already opening and two more zombies are reaching for the pair already.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako yelps as she feels the zombie behind her ready to reach out. She glares and uses another magic attack. "Get 'em away!" Her mind is racing as her eyes quiver.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 11 vs 7
M 7 vs 16
ZS 6 vs 2 ZM 7 vs 15 | 15 vs 8

Shirako 5/6 MP 3/3 Mary 3/5
Zombies: 9/12
Shirako's attack destroys the zombie, but another charges her, giving her hip a bruise. Mary is now under attack from two zombie and fails to kill either one, receiving another blow from her efforts. Two more are closing in.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako yelps as she falls down, panting as she gets up slowly, holding her hip. She glares at the two zombies attacking Mary and unleashes another magical attack at one of them.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

S 17 vs 14
M 13 vs 3
ZS 2 vs 21 counter! | 3 vs 12 ZM 2 vs 5

Shirako 5/6 MP 3/3 Mary 3/5
Zombies: 6/12
Shirako manages to kill one of the zombies attacking Mary as she finishes another, as well as kicking the zombie that hit her last round, causing it to collapse, while rest of the zombies flails aimlessly, but more are coming.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako shivers a bit."They just keep coming, Mary...." She decides to approach one, now hesitant on her attack, shivering until she decides she can't focus her magic at all. She gasps as she looks at one of them.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

M 21 vs 18
ZS 8 vs 10 | 20 vs 2 ZM 13 vs 17

Shirako 3/6 MP 3/3 Mary 3/5
Zombies: 5/12
As Shirako hesitates, she receives a hard blow on her head while Mary kills another zombie. There are now five zombies left, three surrounding Shirako and two around Mary.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako yelps as she is hit in the head in the middle of three zombies. Her eyes widen as she completely loses focus, vulnerable to any advances the zombies may want to make. She pants heavily as her heart races, looking up at them.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

M 4 vs 11
ZS 5 vs 14 | 2 vs 18 | 20 vs 19 ZM 18 vs 3 critical | 14 vs 5

Shirako 2/6 MP 3/3 Mary 0/5
Zombies: 5/12
"Dammit, do something!" Mary yells just before receiving two blows that drops her to the ground. Shirako manages avoid most blows despite her confusion, but one of them glances her and sends her staggering away.
Re: Who is the real monster here?(Shirako/Lila M-3210)

Shirako trembles. "I-I am trying! It seems that I can't th-think. I-it requires my mind to use magic and it's tainted with fear!" She pants heavily, her magic flickering, trying to focus on it. She tries to launch one sucessfully at one of the zombies that looks like it'd attack her.